Some of the victims say they still don't know the truth about the pub bombings at a hearing in Woking yesterday sorry police admitted 5 boxes of documents about the bombings were destroyed in error by a contractor 2 years ago a city banker who used a ceramic pestle to bludgeon a young woman to death in Crawley will be sentenced for her murder today 48 year olds and hedonism who's from killed Christina on her 29th birthday a man. A homophobic letter sent to the star of a pun sewing cruelly is being investigated by police as a hate crime Jason Gardiner a judge. Received it last week the whole theatre it says being gay is a sin and that he'll go to hell Jason's called it despicable what was most sinister about this was the printed pamphlet that accompanied it it's caricature of different celebrities that have died it says you know celebrity intelligence test Who are these people question mark what do they have in common and then there's one square with sort of a silhouette outline of a head and it says your picture here for people suspected of robbing cash machines have been arrested in raids on several addresses in west Syria north east Hampshire Police say recent A.T.M. Theft supposed to severe risk and danger to the public and have a big impact on rural communities who rely on them the U.S. Defense secretary Jim says resigned a day off to President Trump said he was withdrawing America's remaining troops from Syria he's the 6th senior official to leave the administration in recent weeks and the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew have discovered more than $100.00 new species of plants and fungal I this year scientists say these could lead to new types of medicines and crops our correspondent Helen break sounds more despite a long history of searching for plants in remote areas of the world botanists a still finding new species often in the most unlikely of places an aquatic herd was discovered clinging to rocks near a waterfall in Sierra Leone and a huge rain forest tree was found by the side of eroding Guinea other discoveries this year include a new type of yam and exotic spice tree several showy all kids and a climbing plant that devours insects son to say discovering in describing new species is a final endeavor as the play. May hold promise as future foods all medicines B.B.C. Sorry News It's 4 minutes past 8 and now with the weather. Channel to the weather everyone right the weather for you today could be the cloud around this morning some bright spells However later on top temperatures today 13 and 55 some clear spells through this evening and tonight a lot of cloud around as well 10 and 50 the overnight low Saturday dry through the day sunny period chance of some rain Saturday night rain expected on Sunday however possibility of some heavy and persistent downpours and it looks like Christmas Eve is going to be rainy as well through the day is going to clear slowly but to see a full 14 day forecast it's online at B.B.C. . Forward slash B.B.C. Sorry travel you try. If you're taking with travel as we do every 15 minutes our phone number is 805871046 that you've been hearing get which runway has reopened to a limited number of aircraft mostly departures at the moment do you check with your airline before you head out because there are still some that are canceled and some that are delayed and it doesn't seem to matter whether it's in a little south terminal long or short term you could equally be affected if you're heading out on the road of the morning goes to the 83 northbound into Guilford from go to Minkoff America delays there this morning the 831 coming a close 2nd about 50 minutes accuse coming off the hoax back the rest of the route says actually taking it fairly well even the M 25 enter the 3 little bit heavy through the roadworks is a broken family car adding to the queues public transport only trains if you're heading up to Victoria just be aware once you get there the circle and District line heading eastbound they're not stopping because of a water leak jump on the westbound go one stop and come back again I'm cheating efforts. B.B.C. So remarkably well we live with James and Leslie. Many more e-mail. And text coming through in tweets B.B.C. Sorry want to get in touch with this on the subject of that we care for lots of people like that week's story I was meant to be flying to Denver this is from yesterday getting contact with this said man to be trying to spend Christmas with my partner's family my partner had to leave early to a relative's illness we've been apart for almost a month I spent 11 hours at Gatwick today almost too long you know why Why do airlines today not allow the agents in the terminals to rebut the flights the only options given it to me were Christmas Day or to be diverted to a different destination of course extra costs on May as well as the bus to and from the airport the food the drinks for the whole day I understand the situation is not the airline's fault but it's not mine either so why is it 100 percent cost to passengers as in my phone to contact us you can do on e-mail sorry breakfast that B.B.C. Talk. You can also give us a call cool B.B.C. Sorry 080587 want to enforce a. Good news this morning as gallants week runway reopened just off to 6 AM yesterday was pandemonium today is a lot calmer and I can come for a flight from Shanghai has just landed in the passengers will be coming out of the arrivals area shortly in the last hour the. Way is currently available and that's a limited number of planes for departure and arrival but advice for passengers traveling remains the same passions need to do is check with a rail lines and not to come to the airport unless they know that they are being advised to do so by their airlines well all flights were cancelled yesterday as a drone was spotted over the airfield throughout the day there were further sightings overnight the none in the last few hours as many as 120000 people have been affected since it all started on Wednesday evening travel plans and holidays ruined our reporter Greg McKenzie has been speaking to passengers this morning. Well I arrive to about one India afternoon yesterday so create a long and you're still here yes I mean what do you make of it all I mean it's really annoying you know my island they didn't communicated say anything until 9 in Didn't India evening and then they just said the flight is canceled and I didn't get any e-mails and information about refunds or replacement flights you flying with the way flying to I'm flying to Prague with smart wings would you want to say to the airline. Just let us know what's happening that's all we want to you know know then weekend decide what to do next what is the next step will be slept. Right here on the floor it's not very comfortable it's really cold they give any valid Chiz to through didn't drink no there were people from the airport who were handing water bottles which was great but that was all we got well in true British spirit many passengers kept calm and carried on singing Christmas carols. And makes me feel strangely proud to somehow or that I know but as for the rogue drone itself and its operator police say they're still trying to identify the culprits Steve Barry is the assistant chief constable of Sussex Police the last confirmed sighting was just before 10 o'clock last night and we've made a lot of progress overnight she working with our partners and other forces and. We're now in a much better position today so we have made a lot of progress you're sounding more confident is that because you've managed to get to the drone or arrest anybody now can I can say that we have we've got a number of lines of inquiry and we're quite positive in terms of the way we're progressing the investigation but the key is that we have got some options now around the airport from the police perspective I like puts us in a much better position to respond to trying sightings or that we're dealing with is has been on precedented So in terms of getting the the level of options available to respond to it to mitigate it to detect it and to respond to it that has taken us some time but I'm really confident now that we've got everything that we could possibly have here we got word of the stories I read on social media last night were heart breaking and a whole way to goes out to the passengers here I mean what I would say to them is that safety has to come 1st that's a clear partnership approach between us and the airport as a safe really positive today the runway is open and hopefully together we can get people. The transport secretary and M.P. For Epsom and you'll is Chris Grayling that thoughts to be a small number of drones in the plural there were more than 40 sightings over the period the airport was closed so we can't be exactly certain whether it was one or more it certainly wasn't a lot it was the same a small number of drone seen many times but again that will become clear once the inquiries are completed what's happening on the ground is a mix of measures taken to give confidence that aircraft can be safe I'm not going to talk in detail about all of those. Some of those are military capabilities assume be aware the military have been there and involved in trying to sort this out but clearly there are a range of measures which are there today which should give passengers confidence that they are safe to fly so that's Chris Grayling transport secretary Chris Woodruff who's the chief operating officer at Gatwick has said this morning that the last 36 hours has demonstrated an awful lot more work needs to be done to address the risk of drones and there's no commercial solution to the issue of drones currently available to airports however let's flip the coin here for some people who live in the gap we carry a Yesterday they were to silence for the 1st time in years Jane Wagner is. Resident lives there Linfield morning to you good morning what was it like yesterday how it was bliss could I start by saying how very sorry we are all those caught up in this must be absolutely dreadful but it was bliss and how it used to be before concentrated flight path of the many many more aircraft there's actually a bigger security issue here the more aircraft that there are the further out from the airport that they have to be lined up and spaced to get through put maximized the knock on effect of that is that the aircraft become sitting ducks. Always on the same line growth at any cost puts lives at risk those in the air as well as those on the ground there needs to be a better balance and I hope Mr Grayling I'm the D.F.T. Will listen and act on if it's OK to we're going to bring in somebody who's very familiar with driving absolutely to Morales or is a drone pilots for sorry search and rescue sorry police so see him what on earth do you make of this. It's quite crazy or is this going to happen obviously you know for the whole drones are used for good and it takes a very small element to make such an impact so it's a pretty shocking this is happens place and Sophocles now working hard strong resolve this and you are somebody who operates drawings so how do you make sure that something like this doesn't happen. Well I mean from our point of view from you know sorry search and rescue if we need to fly near an airport will always be in contact with the airport control tower so you know we always keep up comms will make sure they're happy with us you know they might give us speaker restrictions that will always adhere to. You know same as the police are the things that you know we have said exemptions compared to the members of public that we can use but we really try not to do that so we were still in a safe manner. But once again unfortunate you end up with some people who choose to do this and I mean anything in life there's there's with us more elements you can do bad and do you think that what you're perhaps been too slow keeping on top of the advancement of this kind of technology because if its defenses are being so easily and repeatedly breached if you feel that they're behind the technology of the drawings. It's a really tough one I mean this is such a you know easy technology to use nowadays and you know it's come on in leaps and bounds in the past few years and you know there is technology which is starting to come out to counter it but it's it's a really hard situation for anyone to manage and you know the same is likely it was used in terrorist acts you know everyday objects which normally used in a safe and considerate manner you know it's like that one of them and to to use it OK to tell us about the positive element when you use drugs for positive purposes tell us about that yeah I mean sorry search and rescue we started using drawings a few years ago we were the 1st such rescue teams in the country to get CIA credited pilots so we smell range of things from looking to looking for missing pay . People forget about the place. We use them in such situations. You know how monitor our teams to keep them safe so it's been a really positive impact for us to use and good talking to you Tim Tim rails all the drone pilot for sorry search and rescue and you say sorry police to get in contact with us so now 813 doubles free that's all text number need to start with the word radio then whatever else you want to say to let us know maybe how you were affected by Gatwick yesterday seems like some people well clearly somebody is in the right in this thing but some people have had some really good experiences. Yes . Absolutely you know some real kindness shown there which is good we want to hear those stories as well from you this morning to get in touch 60 Minutes past I saw headlines got threats reopened its runway and expects $700.00 departures today after putting in new measures to deal with drones is chief operating officer says police have not found the operator of the drone that's been seen around 50 times since yesterday police are investigating a letter and a pamphlet that was sent to a star of Crawley's pantomime as a hate crime Jason Gardiner who's a judge on Dancing on Ice was sent the missive last week the whole theater will hear more from him in the next few minutes and in sports the remaining 950 tickets for white Kings effort is like Willie Wonka and the white kings who F.A. 3rd round tie with Premier League what could go on sale today from 1 o'clock to holders so if you've got one of those vouchers or other priority groups who don't already have a ticket and today's weather after a drizzly start for some it's cloudy but that cloud will break to leave it bright with spells of sunshine fairly mild despite those brisk winds with a high today of 13 degree Celsius 55 degrees in Fahrenheit B.B.C. Sorry nice there is a full update at 830 a letter sent to one of Crowley's panto's stars is being investigated as a hate crime Dancing On Ice. Judge Jason Gardiner received this and inoffensive pamphlet last week now we're going to read it all but in short it says that being gay is a sin and that Jason will go to hell unless the letter says repents Sussex Police are investigating it as a hate incident I spoke to Jason about this do you know what when I 1st opened this letter I thought oh OK it's going to be just another you know fan letter asking for a signed photo perfectly normal as I started reading the handwriting which was very very difficult to read to begin with I suddenly realized that I was dealing with somebody who believed that well as he says Jason I know you are gay this is a sin in the eyes of God Once I read that I I went cold and I got this cold feeling because you know I was young and impressionable and growing up in Australia in the eighty's so it was a very volatile time for anybody that was gay or lesbian or transgender it particular off the back of you know the AIDS epidemic so there was a lot of scaremongering and there was a lot of what a stranger guy called at the time to bashings So this was something that you know I grew up with so it's very very difficult to hear this and hear that know that they deserve to die because they're sinning and this is God's will because they are you know they are sinning and so therefore this is why this Maurice has has been created anyway rubbish then when you get something like this like what 30 years later and you think My God there are still people in today's society that believe that my very existence because of who I choose to love is a sin in the eyes of some. Omnipotent going with his the reaction of the Rector The Holy Trinity Church in Guilford Reverend Canon Robert Kaufmann very disappointing the less right views are extreme sadly more common than I would like but it makes me cross it's it's disrespectful to Jason it's Judge Mental What does he actually know of Jason's life and it's really rather presumptuous the less Russia says you will ready go to hell actually only God knows so I'm pretty disappointed and cross about it there is a range of views in the church about homosexuality and my reading of the situation is the center of gravity is shifting many many evangelicals would now be embarrassed about these sorts of views on things are moving on many people throughout the country are fully supportive ready of those homosexuals beyond welcome they want to actually recognize the particular gifts they bring to the party Well let's now think the professor Jungleland he's had to say theology at the University of sorry Good morning to you John what do you make of this. When I think the police Sussex Police are right to investigate based as a hate incident you know I think Jason put it very well in his piece that you know when he was speaking about the the history we need to remember that you know if you if you're somebody who has strong religious beliefs in every think that you know being gay is a sane. You just need to be very careful about how you express these you know these C.D.'s because they can be for example in the form of a letter that you send to somebody very intimidating because you know that person might have a you know lifetime pass been bullied who are harassed or intimidated because they can and then you get a letter you know out of the blue in a post that tells you you were sane or knew you know he's distressing and alarming is the definition then of a hate crime. Well it's if you if you actually it's a victim let definition actually so if you. Feel you know as as somebody you know who's been very abused or harassed there that's been done to toss Felicity against for example sexual orientation you can report that to police you know to the police as a hate incident and then there was a record as such and investigated as such she was yes it's a very positive thing I think because if it is victim hood so you know if you feel you've been targeted because here you are I would encourage people to report it to the police and I will investigate it as I've been sitting with thank you ever so much for your take on that Professor John Garland head of sociology at the University of sorry. Sorry. State 22 is the time this Friday morning. You can update us on your journey right now 587. And if you're heading to get weak if your flight is actually running to check with the airline before you head out but if you are going that way watch out for a couple of incidents on the M 23 at the moment southbound there's a broken down little black hatchback recovery has arrived but it's blocking one lane northbound there seems to be the police and a small van in lane one call saying that blocking them one at the moment so that's the one to watch out for that's all between the M 25 and the Gatwick area stretch that's all on the road like stretch there on the M 2383 very very heavy going into Guildford this morning northbound we got queues around half an hour going up from GO TO MAKE A 31 also very busy on the Hawks back coming off 50 minutes of delays from Farnham into Guildford not too bad of the restaurants across the county there the M 235 freeway but it is running quite nicely as a say get weak airport they've run reopened the runway but to a limited number of aircraft so check with your airline before you leave home that's still the advice coming out from there and on the public transport side of things Victoria Station there's a bit of a water leak so certain District Line cheap stations going. Eastbound and not stopping I'm Julie Abbott's B.B.C. Sorry travel. Well updates 0805871 enforce a B.B.C. Sorry travel you trust now we do say get in touch with us a balance anything you've been doing just that ice morning the text number is 8133 Be sure to start us message with the word radio so that comes 3 to us this one here says hi everyone at B.B.C. Sorry please could you do me a favor I want to Paulson No I love to the to that received that despicable Heights note he sickens me to the people who send such hate to all this please pass this on just remember for one disgusting primitive There are thousands that support people in their lives and particularly. Ignore this minority Dickensian full and hugs and love and support from the majority will indeed pulse on those sentiments thank you for your message from pages assuming tell email how could they spec in the sky ruin Christmas 435-0000 they've managed to get a picture of the trial of a cat yes that the Sun headline is the drawing Wolf but the Daily Telegraph to see any type of the actually sort of skews sister who might be blamed for the whole thing and they put eco warriors blamed for drone attack that cripple Cat Week is the lead that's a lead from a front page on the which paper Telegraph telegraph they say environmental protesters were suspected of Oka strikes in the trying to time shutdown yesterday made questions about how they could have wreaked such chaos for 24 hours yes well did they tell you no council will be able to drive to the airport and that doesn't help the environment has it I must say driving to Crawley yesterday to do that interview with Jason Dalton it was very driving to it got tweaked are not saying any planes that he's trying to B.B.C. Sorry 25 minutes past that get ready for a carol doesn't mean Saturday morning. Money and the. The rewind. Danny join me for the rewind at 9 plus bring you all new celebrity interviews tomorrow morning from 9 on B.B.C. Sorry. Man on man was. Sorry 25 minutes past the a natural 26 minutes past 8 that will import many when you're running for a train. Anyway we'll catch up with Donny find out what's happening on his show after 9 o'clock however it's Carol time it is indeed without so many Christmas songs sent in to us from like schools choirs and organizations across sorry today is the town of Guilford locks there a community choir of all ages basting feds and here they all singing the holy and the I.V. The. The was. The the. The. The the. The. God. The. The. The the. Was the. The the. The. The the. The the. The. The the was. The. The. The good stuff well done to the Vox community choir their version of the holly in the Ivy and tomorrow New Guinea playing at the great primary in friendlies they're going to be singing midnight Dan He's got another one off the 10 as well he's here right now money down you betcha morning you too full of festive cheer this morning oh wart I'm full of something cold. That has thing however Yes I've got Christmas jumper on and it did you did I was sorry you drained during the old have been doing all morning I'm sorry Buck up a Christmas jumper on some ready to go down a very good J.C. In the mood oh yeah anyway. Ca Stop It Now listen when we keep you up to date with developments get we through the morning bring you any news on that search for whoever it was closed a busy airport for day and a half because you know it's terrible what's happened all the delays everything but it's really intriguing who has given every the right runaround in the last day and a half is worrying that somebody said on text earlier on is hereon Camberley saying that this person will not be able to keep their mouths shut because that we too proud of what they have done they will be caught it's not me one person is it is it . We don't know well hopefully at some stage we will find out and that the chief operating officer saying there's no commercial solution to the issues of drones at the moment so plenty discuss after 9 it has affected you call me on I weigh 105871046 if I just could take a moment because yesterday we heard so many stories of ruin journeys one that particularly her was the plane full of parents and their kids going off to Lapland for the day I mean that's a one off it's booked a year in advance so you got all that build up and then dashed at the last moment that's terrible isn't it but we were able to help one man who wasn't sure what to do about his flight yesterday possibly going to apply. For I can hear you going off to see an atom or Oh my daughter my grandchild mommy. Here so lovely time for me. That's less so what do I do I didn't know what to do I don't know what to advice to give somebody at that point before she one of our listeners came to the rescue Valerie and said that the rail company up to Scotland were offering to take stranded flyers so we passed that on to lead and James and Leslie are being warned about this. Government well because this is the last time I spoke to him How are you getting on I'm derned well. Actually Victoria. Crush Well I should catch the try. So the question is did he make the trade that they let him on with his airline ticket Oh place I mean this could be the most disappointing. Christmas for so many people down the pike and I feel I would feel so guilty because we intervened in his day I mean to go stateside stay put at home couldn't even get up later I mean he was he was so game for it when he says Well I'm 84 and travel my own but I do a lot so I was well up for it and the last we heard from using a London taxi going over to King's Cross and I honestly haven't got an update yet so we'll give him a call later and see where he is looking forward to that what I'm going to call him just after 9 just after 9 good stuff right. Down here just over half an hour's time when I take 32 good morning our top story got to make airport has reopened its runway and is planning to operate moshiach will flights today but he's warning of further delays and cancellations all flights were canceled yesterday after what the transport secretary Chris Grayling says a thought to be a small number of drones was spotted the sorry coroner will announce next month they fail uphold falling quests into the deaths of 5 young people in the bombing in Guilford in 1974 that's a hearing in waking yesterday sorry please admit it 5 boxes of documents about the bombings were destroyed in era a city banker he used a ceramic pestle to bludgeon a young woman to death in cruelly will be sentenced for her murder today 48 year olds and heat in a scene from Amish him killed Christina on her 29th birthday may. the u.s. Defense secretary jim myrtus is become the latest in a string of seanie a trump administration officials to result he's abrupt decision came the day off to the president announced he was withdrawing u.s. Troops from syria a homophobic letter sent to the star of the pant to mean cruelly is being investigated by police is a hate crawling jason gawd there were judge all dull single noyce received it last week the whole thing a it's a he says bang gays a sin and hill go to hell the full of a foreign secretary boris johnson is on just a to have been cleared to breaking conservative poti rules by suggesting that women wearing the burka looked like letterboxes oh bank robbers the daily telegraph says an independent panel has decided that he was in talk to to use suck toyia to make he's point and full people suspected of robbing cash machines have been arrested him rights old several addresses him west saryan northeast hump ship police a recent a.t.m. Thefts posed a severe risk in danger to the public and have a big impacts or reuel communities who rely on them if you have a story for b.b.c. Sorry then email sorry news it b.b. Say don't cry b.b.c. Sowry spose i'm date manchester united can't take a manager only going to sell shop says that he will get the play as in joint football again after the sacking of jazz a marine e n. You know at it appointed the pomus strike or is false until the end of the season on wednesday ahead of them match a way to wolf's tonight liverpool manager yes new club says a has no concerned i raise goalkeeper have a some following says mistaken the big tree i've a man united last weekend alison spilled a cross song which allowed jesse ling got to we closet on tilt but from says that simply a the lot have a goalkeeper and nothing more to worry about lee's kind of mistakes they always will happen fall goalkeepers in a world cups and all reason every i've yes no problem with dad and i have absolutely no problem with that well king's f.a. Match ok and f.a. Cup match at home to premier league walk foot expected to sell out the sampson in the caught $952.00 tickets are reading that go on Sale from one the softening that's in the legends bar it's to season ticket holders old his supporters with from last Saturday's game this weekend working travel to talk to rivals Bill or working in national South overshot town or at home to Wrexham will be the 1st team playing this time Gary what it currently has 11 feet see the players earn a quality time manager Gabrielle Kochie off a says that he'll find he'll find it difficult fighting off the bigger clubs one of his best players if they come calling in the January transfer window the Reds of the 3rd lowest attendance in the Football League and he knows that makes him vulnerable we have not yet richest club in the league so if someone comes to ask our players if he's in our league above us we are welcome to come I think more of our boys most of our boys one I happy to be here because of what we are creating. And the moment we are not reaping what we sow the Reds welcome Carlisle United tomorrow sorry school choice of signed a former N.B.A. 2nd round draft pick Ryan rich it's on a short term contract the G.B. Senior international represented the club over the festive period but we have a little for this weekend's B.B.L. Trophy time away to Division one side Worthing found B.B.C. Sorry travel you try to not take every 15 minutes promised their B.B.C. Sorry give us a call on this number 805871046 if you've been hearing Gatwick Airport has reopened its runway to a limited number of flights this morning Do please check with your airline before you head out to the airport that some of them are still cancelled some of them until later check with your airline rather than heading straight to the airport now if you're heading out and about on the road C.M. 23 very busy trying to get to them from Gatwick to the M 25 there's a couple of broken down big coasters got a car on the southbound little black hatchback recovery of arrived northbound we've got a broken down van the police are on the scene at the moment so each of those blocking a lane causing about a 10 minute queue the rest of the road say this morning so quiet it so much blissful So do you take. Care though because it's very nasty 83 into Guilford that's eased away quite nicely already a 31 similarly so little bit we see through the red. Gate on the 217 going into town and on public transport generally the trains were running to time and chilly at that speed he sorry traffic. We're off to the B.B.C. Weather Center now though. Yes Thanks very much indeed and well you know what can I say incredibly mild feel to things across sorry although someone said it still but chilly but on the thermometer it's 12 degrees and breezy and that is well well above average for the time of year we are going to keep that mild air really through the next 24 to 36 hours and it only slowly Peters away as we head through the week a and and I have to tell you if you're hoping for some snow or a white Christmas you're going to be very disappointed by this forecast but today let's focus on the positives to get some cloud at the moment that cloud is going to thin and break we'll get some sunny spells later on top temperature of 14 degrees well above average for the time of year but it will be windy for those winds coming in from the southwest so it is a warm direction through this evening and overnight drying clear at 1st and then a bank of showers in the middle part of the night just crossed signals we should be clear of them by tomorrow though temperatures holding up in the high single figures tomorrow another mild start there and another mild day not quite as windiest today still breezy good sunny spells and a top temperature of 12 Celsius you could see a stray shower no more than that some rain for the middle part of Sunday the timing of which keeps changing so stay tuned to the forecast but I would say if you've got things to do this weekend tomorrow's a better day than Sunday largely we'll start with a bit of rain 1st thing on Monday but then it clears and then we're dry unsettled for Monday and Tuesday Christmas Eve and Christmas Day look largely dry and find there will be quite a bit of cloud around though it must be said and also on Tuesday morning the best chance of something white is just a touch of rural ground. You can get out about I think in the afternoon on Christmas Day at 10 degrees and play with any presents you got from Father Christmas more now website bbc to pity sorry. Sorry. You don't just want formal sleeps. This is. Mostly Christmas almost go to. I did that we. Have done that I did that once last year oh my word how. Comply It's funny isn't it that now it's. Sorry advent calendar no chocolate in this no Jane Sadly yesterday we spoke to Jamie and it's him warning him who illuminates his house to charity I had another look at the video of this is that his house I can only say I don't know whether Jane works on The X. Factor Yes I know the pyrotechnics it was just unbelievable today we should we go. To the western part of our area come on then let's head to fleet. Has been lighting up his home for years good morning to you Matthew morning morning tell us about your Illuminations how many you got what you got where all the way there on the front of the property of. An illumination. On a statutory plug sockets running all that and it takes me about 4 days to put all our. Food. Like. Fabulous I think everyone seems to think it looks great when the one that's on the front of the newspaper isn't it if it's near the mail that we've say Yeah yeah very nice so how long have you been doing the whole lot been doing it since. Before he even had children for nearly 30 years on and off well have done every year for 30 years basically the amazing thing is that particularly in the last oh I met 8 years 8 to 10 years Ellie days have really changed the whole scene haven't I but I have yeah and it makes life a lot easier when my children are very young they sit there for hours with me checking bulbs and then you would put them up and I would go outside without hard work out the window now which is nice and how long did I last sets of lights you know you buying stuff every year you find it so I thought I stuff every year because of these lights they're quite fragile and when you just drag them around and put them up they get stretched and damage so to every tool for they last a few years and they buy no set gauges Katie Price them every year really if you run for the bargain bucket after Christmas when they're selling everything on cheese then now the soap opera All My Christmas knowledge that there's not a lot to be had after Christmas for the companies are bottom up online they were sold out before Christmas police or not. So you're raising money for which charity this year there is a local hard charity. Haul volunteers and it's a one to one group where they help 11 to 11 to 25 year olds in canceling sessions and things like that rainy so it's just a local one it's one of my wife's a good friend of Ina She's been working there for about 2 years. So we help them out and it's the 1st time we've done it really cherry because obviously the laws have been very popular over the years the March door said last year I think it be a good idea to try to raise money for charity so we thought this year we would do it and we've just done this local one which is my wife's good friend and it seems to be going very well of the stuff can we give your address out just the name of the road and people can get it right they can drop by and have a look don't be much appreciated Yeah come on then Wilson I. No everybody is. Lovely Jane we salute you for that happy Christmas to. America. On the front of that paper as well. Have a look at that if you're passing one of the carriages. And then also going up and down is right it's B.B.C. Sorry the time is a quarter to 9 headlines this morning got to make airport has reopened its runway and is planning to operate Moishe jewel flights today but he's warning of further delays and cancellations all flights were canceled yesterday after what the transport secretary Chris Grayling says a thought to be a small number of drones the sorry car no where else next month they feel hold full inquests into the deaths of 5 young people in an IRA bombing in Guilford in 1974 at a hearing in Wiking yesterday sorry place admitted 5 boxes of documents about the bombings were destroyed in an era in sports a weekend of Premier League action starts tonight with leaders Liverpool away to 7th place new boys. And today's weather a windy day cloudy with a risk of rain but that cloud will break up to leave some bright spells my old despite the brisk winds with a high of 13 degree Celsius 55 degrees in Fahrenheit B.B.C. Sorry news a full update. Christmas on the B.B.C. a volley full of man lol we face off the. Plane and while the bag. Is coaling in my hand to see. Me Series travel you try to be updated with travel every 15 minutes our numbers are like 105871 I was told 6 people are breaking down in droves this morning if you are heading out on the Rights Watch out for a broken down van on the northbound and 23 in one lane 3 red lights between get wake and the M 25 causing about 10 minute delay because one southbound only 3 as you go down from Junction 2 so one lane out there and then the into the 5 clockwise quite busy times junction 7 at the moment to suspect that maybe a broken down break a little further up towards Reigate as well might just be that is really what horrible on the road to Smalling city take it easy if you're heading up the A 3 you'll be a 30 wanting to kill for the best looking a lot lot better now still busy into Reigate though the Bell Street red lights causing a bit of a pinch found on the 817 and at Gatwick airport the runway is so open but still a limited number of aircraft taking off cities check with your airline before you head out time to the abbot's B.B.C. Sorry travel with your travel updates 080-587-1046 B.B.C. Sorry to trouble you trust him you know you have to crowbar me out of the studio the writings of everything that must be. Around this place David Brown as the Radio Times David hello there good morning your i Pad a topic you get to get for really nice and HAMP has sent me from Coronation Street and stuff like that. I mean I'm good like that the office is like filled with chocolates and mince pies and stuff but I don't eat any of it. I don't any of my diabetes I have to kind of. Just I just have apples. Gushy not saying that you know I was going to expand. Such a stringent Christmas but there. OK. Well on that note we'll be munching into that log. To the less. Than that kind of well one analysis. That's something we haven't explored yet. You know I know we just like to limit you know the listener involvement with us just staying in their villages and a part that I go around the world you know of any one time place you know in Paris or somewhere in Florida and also it's difficult to send perishables So I ring things like not think that bit more to rebel I want to say anything that's nice and you James K. . You never know what's going to be you know. What I say anyway look at the Radio Times this you'll find is this your last day in the office yeah I'll write you a little bit on Monday but does that mean we can get you want to Christmas Eve now . I know I'll be back when did I do that the 4th probably OK 1st proper week back. Or so let's let's there's so much television to occupy our minds how you're actually going to you know give us an idea we're going to go for something for the weekend to give you one for the week a choice Watership Down which is tomorrow night and on Sunday which is the new C.G.I. Or swish you know with the brilliant voice cast and what have you but of course everyone of our age will probably still be traumatized by the original cast and it's not as red in tooth and claw was not one that was rated that film should make this thing mention ever of being that one county where the 2 films that I watched as a child and shouldn't have done well Candy Man was right yeah i know i shouldn't but do you know what it was all appalled with. Yeah true this what is disturbing is that. But I wasn't mad on the C.G.I. I kind of felt it looked a little bit like a computer game rather than I saw a new Royal Marine and I wasn't that blown away but also you know what put me off that 1st film that blink in Watership Down so brighter Ah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah Franco Well that isn't in this new There's no bright eyes. But there are but there are dead rabbits so you know what can you do so many are so you got to making the kids cry over the yes yes we go from something the actual Christmas days then and go and all that there's a nice top bio pic on Christmas Day which is on I T V which is their story you know up to when they did the BLAIR Oh that's quite good i T.V. Antidote to the Christmas Day stand and that's it because I seen the trailers for that I thought that could go one of 2 ways pretty good. Yeah I quite liked it and because quite a lot of the Christmas T.V. Is quite gloomy So this is a bit of uplift because you know you're over over Christmas and New Year you've got lots of murder mysteries and people like murder mysteries because they offer and I solution at the end of it and you get answers but the I get the Christie A.B.C. Murders it's quite grim at times and Luther of course is always nuts and that's back on New Year's Day that Luther is the one program that I get asked most about the school gates when is coming back so it's now coming back New Year's Day 9 o'clock pm C one I thought most of those schools had restrictions on you hanging around the school gates is the. Really yeah. I just want my knowledge they want to know about a dress OK. Fair enough all right so you want to give us one more do you want to go come it's your choice the one I think if you want here with a line please yes yeah OK Well families there's the midnight gang which is also Boxing Day which is the new David Walliams adaptation my kids read it like the David Williams book deals today yeah yeah so this is the latest. Seem to be want to hear you got that and if you got your tickets then Zogby on Christmas Day which is Judea Donaldson's all that's good there's always a good. Time to make sure it's a little something for kids of all ages OK I know that when I'm on a mummy Oh no on Christmas Eve which was why I was desperately just looking for a friend to come on and talk about television one of the shows we're going to be looking at the donor. Show which is on B.B.C. 2 I think on Boxing Day and the life of going to speak to the producer that he's absolutely fascinating they found material about him but do you want to know about one silly little fact you know his song Happiness or tears one of the other the biggest one. That was the 3rd best selling song of the sixty's. I know yeah and the money the man made was absolutely unbelievable but I actually find it so really incite speaking to his wife of course saying he got married a couple of days beforehand so that's one thing I'm going to recommend your way as well. It's called And I think. I thought you said that I thought you could help out there's going to be like a one of his concerts one of the shows he would have to be on but the whole day don't be like night hours didn't they also have a Ken Ken channel David we wish you every happiness over Christmas you turn the breakers well and I hope you enjoy all the presents and the love in the bosom of your family I will I'm sure and the same to you guys take the money you know it's David Brown at the Radio Times that's pretty much it for breakfast pretty much of it for you I mean how can a young got to know we're half you have you been the only one I've already seen somebody gives me a present it doesn't take the 2nd I want you know you said I've got a vote in this what is it. It's another blinking clock it's a Mickey Mouse. Somebody suggested you get one last time you got the telly wrong so I thought well that's what I shall do it's all one so it's nice and it's going to go on the wall here thank you very much you say I gave you in a long. That's it for breakfast I'll be back tomorrow morning at let's say Have a lovely Christmas dad is on the way. Good morning keeping you up to date with developments at Gatwick through the Smalling and bring you any news on the search for whoever it was to close a busy airport for a day and a half and they're out there somewhere but the drug. Got into place somehow who put them there where were they control from is there an audit trail some kind of digital link that we can track down to get these people anyway if you've been affected by the delays of he would like to talk to you today you can text me now 81333 Start your message with the word radio. Well we can expand the line and don't be a digital radio B.B.C. 7. 9 o'clock I'm Lesley McCain. Has reopened its runway this morning after drones caused it to shut down for nearly 36 hours 120000 passengers have had their journeys disrupted it officials say Place haven't yet found the operator of the drones but extra security measures from the government and military have given them confidence to reopen the assistant chief constable of Sussex Steve Barry wouldn't be drawn on what those measures were going to the details but there are a range of options some of them very sophisticated and some of them less sophisticated but it has a Cyprus in a much better position to respond to any of those trends oughtn't we're going on the lines of inquiry but at this stage there's nothing that I could say or confirm in terms of what is the reason that this very malicious and criminal behavior has been happening this woman who's traveling to Prague has been at Gatwick since yesterday afternoon she spent the night sleeping on the floor of the terminal it's really annoying my island they didn't communicate and say anything until 9 inten Indy evening and then they just said the. Flight is canceled and I didn't get any e-mails and information about refunds or replacement the transport secretary and Epsom M.P. Chris Grayling says the government will be looking at how travelers who had lost money on their trip abroad could be compensated this is something that should be covered under a travel insurance policies but we will talk to insurance industry today to make sure they treat claims reasonably this is not something certainly not linked to terrorism in the conventional sense this is something I would hope the insurance industry would take an enlightened view about a city banker will be sentenced this morning for the murder of a high class escorting crawly a juror Gerry took just 4 hours to reject a claim by 48 year old so he knows seem that he acted in self-defense he'd hit Christina Roberts 13 times on the back of her head with a large kitchen pestle at a flat in gossips green Christina's friend Laura spoke on behalf of her parents outside the court Kristina held many legitimate jobs in a state agency an event she is not here to defend herself in this case and the way she has been for the trades does not reflect and find our Christina what has been highlighted in this case does not change the fact that she was a loving caring and daughter sister niece and friend sorry Carino will announce that the end of January whether he's to hold falling quests into the deaths of 5 young people in an IRA bombing and kill $3974.00 for.