In the Bolton bring incident in South Africa have been told they were not. Windy cold today with long spells of writing feeling cold as well beaten sorry for minutes call to. Travel you trust. Well still to. Ride westbound the road is closed because of a fuel spillage. Down and somehow the spilled over the road there is a clean up team on route at the moment at the stretch of the road which is completely closed. Also in South as well the A 26 in both directions very sluggish in the roadworks area. So. It made things slow down a little the M 25. The ordinary for the path. To junction 6. Of the moments in South Goldstone as well be a $22.00 with both directions queuing as well as. That because of the road works going on in Reigate the 817 heading into town is looking slow in the senses before. And we just have an update to the trains as well services to stand on something between husbands and. Sylvain sorry. I. Was. With you. John Ross and Chain Reaction This is MORNING. That well we've been talking about your local paper in the 1st of the program today one of my early jobs was actually working on our local papers in west London. To work on the ad features department side sell the spice and then the writing team would write something about a local business I don't know where they still do those on pipe as it was quite a hard sell at the time. Quite a long time ago so I'm not sure if they still do that. And it was fun I love I love working those great job loved it but answering crawly about how local paper and Vanessa set up in my local papers many times I've helped me to change many local problems between me. He and a local reporter we saved a lot of people's lives by informing them to change their dangerous gas heating systems they also help me to get a new bus for Crawley patients travelling to east sorry hospital who will care if and when local papers go search for Nessa. And this message from Kingfisher drew on Twitter says up in buying the Brighton Argus almost every weekday since 1983 when I started my 1st job it was something to reach you in the lunch break but if they were to stop printing it tomorrow I wouldn't miss it there are plenty of ways these days to get local news for local people says Kingfisher so interested to hear from you on this 11333 Start your tech for the word radio also give me a call if you've watched or caught up with the latest episode of Survivor that bruised new B.B.C. One Show Dynasty's and Sunday's episode features the story of Emperor penguins living in bitterly cold conditions of minus 76 degrees Celsius I've not seen myself yet but it has provoked some controversy after the film crew dark and escape ramp to help a group of birds and the young who become trapped in a deadly blizzard if they hadn't done anything it would have meant certain death but should they have intervened that's when the talking points from the program here's well Lawson who is part of the crew in Antarctica and he takes up the story we've given it a lot of thought and we've decided that we are different in a bigger shell around that they will hopefully use. It for Libya for the film crew to intervene but they realize that they may be able to save at least some of these birds simply by digging a few steps in the ice. Will look. Like. We were literally just about to leave the 1st birds and definitely making their way out as it is really so people just make their way back to the colony and them and their chicks still have a much better chance of survival because it's no chance they're going to survive down there and. I want to be in bits when I watch this later on so I might Gunton the show's executive producer says every situation is different on this occasion it was the logical and humane thing to do the reason why you in 99.9 times. 100 you wouldn't intervene it's because usually there's absolutely no choice there's nothing you can do but with the pain with it was so so totally different because there was no dynamic there that was going on you know there's no animal is going to suffer by intervening is dangerous you are touching animals and it was just. By doing this you're actually allowing the opportunity because I say the animals might have just said well you take these steps we're still going to stay here but they had the opportunity to not have to keep stripping down the slope and they could survive and that means another 50 penguin surviving to the next generation and you know these animals are the ones that we you know we need to conserve them from the perspective David switch as the weather yesterday and he said he was on the same 2 so I think I think it's pretty unanimous from our perspective if it's OK with Dave he's surely OK with the rest of us anyway Earlier I spoke to Rod Downie who's the chief polar advisor at the World Wildlife Fund in wild Kings How did he see the program and what did he think had any yes I did see it in days and it was absolutely astonishing and really beautiful photography and wonderfully narrated by W. Yes. SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH So if those haven't seen it yet what's what we see in the program what we learn from this episode. Well this is about the the life history of Emperor penguins and just how they survive in one of the most remote and harsh and inhospitable places on our planet but also about the threats that they could be facing in the future due to climate change and I'm gathering that I'm guessing here that actually the group mentality they survive as a group rather than individuals whereas in the previous week's ones with the chimpanzees day who appeared to be in charge of the chimpanzee family was quite a solitary figure at times is that correct observational Yeah that's correct there they are perfectly adapted to survive in this really harsh conditions and one of their survival strategies is to huddle so they all come together as a group to keep warm in these incredible storms that whip up off the Antarctic continent and lie for them how how tough is it then to survive in those conditions well life is tough but as I say they are perfectly adapted to survive here so I mean they routinely they're facing temperatures of minus 50 degrees Centigrade 200 kilometer an hour winds but they have 2 layers of feathers they have a good layer of fat that keeps them warm and they also have proportionally small beaks and flippers. And in fact even there they have feathers down their legs even to keep their ankles warm so they're perfectly adapted for these conditions whereas we are not and I assume in your role as chief polar off buys into the W W F You've been in those conditions What's it like for a human. Yeah that's right Danny I've been very lucky to have had 15 field seasons down in the Antarctic of spent about 2 and a half years down there but of course you always have the right gear you know you've always got the correct clothing lots of layers. But yes it is a remarkable experience to spend time down there it's one of our most beautiful wilderness regions on earth is it kind of bleakness in the kind of never ending list of the harsh cold what is it the kind of the impression you leave it with I guess more than anything it's the other worldliness of Antarctica that really really hits you it's just an astonishingly beautiful wilderness and virtually untouched but but facing some real real challenges and real threats in the future including climate change right so same planet different world I get what you're saying right so what are the threats to that region and those penguins you know with the the greatest threat is as I say is climate change so we're seeing increasingly warming ocean temperatures and emperor penguins depend upon sea ice they've they've evolved over thousands of years to live on and around and under new sea ice but as the temperatures warm it's predicted that more and more Antarctic sea ice will be lost and the Emperor's need that sea ice to breed on they use as a platform to breed from and as it decreases would I suppose their space to live in gets squeezed What about the change in temperature for them does that matter to them. Yeah absolutely and it's more it's more about the loss of sea ice that's that's the greatest risk to them we are seeing some emperor penguin colonies that are not naturally adapting to climate change and actually moving up on to ice shelves rather than sea ice which is slightly more robust to climate change but nevertheless you know this really emphasizes the need to tackle climate change global it because these are problems that are not created in Antartica these are problems that are created right across the world so that's why we need to act now to tackle climate change so how do you feel when you hear people talking about climate change being some fictional imagination or perhaps even a natural cycle of the planet you probably see more evidence there do you do you believe it yeah I think it's absolutely unequivocal and it's you know the vast majority of scientists will tell you that climate change is real it's rapid and it's happening now and perhaps nowhere is that more clearly seen than in our polar regions so you know for example in April 28th seen levels of carbon dioxide reached the highest that we've seen in at least 800000 years and we know this with absolute certainty because of ice cores that we retrieve from Antarctica writes They're telling us a picture of what's going on in the past I suppose turning it around is a huge challenge any thoughts on how we do that. Yes we have a roadmap ahead of us with the Paris agreement so the there are many. Many ways that we need to react to climate change and to respond to climate change so as individuals we know we need to acknowledge the impact of our choices and we need to use our voices as citizens and as consumers to demand that business and political leaders take action to protect our environment do you think it will be that push would be push from the bottom upwards from us may calling for the changes rather than at the top saying well this is a very good idea for us as a country and as a planet this is what we're going to do I think it needs to come from both sides and so for governments Well it W W F We're calling on governments to commit to a new global deal for nature and people and also to ensure that they're backing that with real targets and plans of action at home so you know the U.K. Can be a real global force for change here but to do that we need to absolute sure that we have strong laws to protect nature here at home and also as far away as it is as the Antarctic and we're also working with the U.K. Government and the science community to develop large networks of marine protected areas surrounding the Antarctic continent back to the emperor penguins finally Rod tell us about the sequence where the crew intervene tell us what happened and whether you think that was OK or not I think that's been a bit controversial about this episode isn't it. Yes Well so what happened so. A number of the film crews chose to dig some small steps out of a ravine that the emperor penguins and their chicks were stuck in. So that was an indirect action but the truth is that ravines and gulleys they're not a major threats to emperor penguins of the population level you know what we know is that the real threat is climate change and warming oceans and the predicted loss of sea ice and so that's the real challenge that we need to overcome right so the fact that they intervened at that time to help that small group you know the next time that happens to a small group of Emperor penguins a film crew won't be there and so I guess the thought is that they would perish in that so but that's kind of nature is it that's the way it goes sometimes it's a harsh place to be and Antarctica is a very harsh place they did help those penguin chicks to survive but as you say the real challenge is that Emperor penguins are facing a climate change related so you sound like you're quite relaxed about the fact that they did do that thing at that time and intervened for that particular group but actually that's a kind of small action when they're facing much bigger threats Well generally the role of film crews is to observe and to film but as I say the real the real threat is not the order of 18 or the gully that are found in Antarctica is a perfectly natural phenomena are the real threat is climate change or what I do what I do. Suppose we could all ask ourselves that question being being a little bit removed from it I think you'd have to be pretty hard hearted to see an animal really struggling in a circumstance like that and think well perhaps I will help out and I know they're not supposed to probably but actually are there hard and fast rules you've got to deal with what's presented to you haven't you. Yeah I mean there are there are no hard and fast rules but as I say you know in terms of a population level for penguins you know the best thing that we can do is tackle climate change and there's many things that we need to do to achieve that as wrote down a chief advisor. In Woking speaking to me since that conversation might have my mind out of the something because I find that sounds like I didn't touch than it was just providing some steps and then it was up to the Penguins to go up it so I'm happy I would do that I What would you do did you see the show what are we learning from the series so far down the Champs scene the Penguins what you liking about it and he questions about the series to get in touch cool B.B.C. Separate. 58746. In my lunch hour reporter Simon Jenkins with some local penguins penguins are local to us not in the Antarctic. Simon is 2nd off the Carole King. As. It stick. so we've we've made we've we've we've we've you know v phone meet you are we just cancel job chip we use and the at our Carole King. Some local Penguins I mentioned before Simon Jenkins Where were you. You know how a journey through service this morning it's a bit of a grey old day it's not really the day for a dip world certainly not if you're a human if you're a penguin Well that's a different matter because they're around about 9 of the individual swimming around quite happily and in fact one of them who sort of taking the lead is called miracle he's a Humboldt penguin more about that in a minute to send zookeeper here responsible for him and the others he doesn't look at what he's suffering from right off righteous penguins get after ISIS Yeah they do he's got a little bit of a limb but he as you can see he's perfectly swimming around the pool and they really haven't stopped moving in the last few minutes I've been here they are slightly different it must be said from the emperor penguins they look like penguins they look a little bit like white as they've got a lovely beaks and the flippers but size difference a little smaller and yeah they're one of the smaller penguins species that there are and they're not going the smallest but yet as I said they are one of the smaller species but they are stop them know exactly and what would one of these 8 so you're on a daily basis I mean obviously if it's in the wild have to catch itself but I mean what would they on a daily basis what do you have to give them so here is the part we think them on sprouts which is a small fish part of the herring family family and they get 15 of these a day so they can eat up to 30 a day each feeding session and over a course of a year that's $11000.00 fish so you know we go through a little while and Danny I've got to tell you we're standing up on like a rock balcony and behind us a couple of just come out of their cave and they're wondering what are we doing Tell us about the environment they have here because we watch the emperor penguins and we think gosh that's a place to live I mean here so a bit like a penguin paradise isn't it yes they're going nice big pool for them to swim in and they've also got a beach and on that beach they've got 6 nest boxes which they can all enjoy some time away. And sleep and snuggle up with their partners and might for life yes they do they are very romantic so the names will pick a pebble from the beach and he will take it to that female and if she likes it they will be as such if not he will they try again Oh he will offer it to another penguin come on your want to meet up and I did this couple him. Gustus picks up all the leaves and how to present them to Slate and they will be filled in the nest boxes of leaves and. Well I must admit I didn't imagine that romance in the penguin Well Danny I have to say is cold out here today in Sussex but it's it's really heating up in the poll Drusilla's some pictures out of these lovely old birds as well and they're so I'm looking at me thinking who is that idea . What they really thing is has he got any fish for us come on hand it on I have a son alright we'll look for those pictures on the Twitter with so much bad news around that's a nice thing to hear Andy the truck a Hello Andy Oh I don't say hi there have you watched the dentist is on Penguin jet now you know yeah I like my my. You know it was the 1st one last well. And yeah I'm looking forward ready to say and especially. And on the thought of whether the crew should intervene in cut those steps into the ice the escape ramp should they have done that or not what what do you think. Of I would have done exactly the saying oh good enough wouldn't hesitate to think. What would we find penguin so charming do you think. I think it's a little it's a little one. Of many things plates of. The thing and I was already tearing with my wife but. I looked ruining the reputation of tough truckers across the country right now I'm not a more I think that's all right I was I was I was nearly a white Joe in that clip I was talking about Blimey. I mean on the side of any animal. I wouldn't hesitate to stop and help an injured animal on the road and I would do it many a times been a trucker I think it's I think with the kind of making the wildlife films if you kind of intervene and stopping one animal having another animal for it's dinner that would be different wouldn't it because that's that's how they get their dinner . Right I mean when you say they the Lions chasing down try on one hand I want the pride again why but on the other on a line Predikant. You know it's it's about balance OK Andy thanks yeah have a good day enjoy the show tonight and he's a trucker there right so Dave that IMBRA the self and the whole siding on the it's OK to help the Penguins build their little ramp Let's see won't listen Shoreham says Hello Liz. Yeah catch the OK. I think it was outside I have what it was absolutely beautiful and when you actually saw the guys who did they were about to be and then you saw the Penguins getting up around. And they had teased in their eyes it was trying to tell us it was just no stay read enough today and how could you possibly criticised in the spring to the Ninja saving the lives of all those magnificent babies. Yeah I kind of feel that way as well and I know there's probably an echo issue here but you know frankly I don't care I think if you're there if you're there on the ground and listen you don't go to those places where it's minus 60 minus 70 degrees for a laugh you're there because you're trying to do something pretty serious to enlighten us about the world where you and I will never go live right not you know me and he they might I may say we're not going down there so they're not mucking about so every decision you take down there when you're in that extreme environment is a serious one so they didn't do it flippantly by the sound of it so it was totally the right decision and it was it was actually on the other side if they had not say those pay cleans I think on my AT then really upset it would ruin my night what should not it was just so great to see it happen right now to watch it because when you see the most scrambling up. Yes it's a little it's a little moment is it arc a good day I suppose you know listen the next day another group of paying Gwyn's might fallen down that ravine and either died you know that's that's the harsh reality of where they live well the skies were meant to be there yet. What about that they had to take and then the 1st place they fall in with a blown in and I think I can remember and they just suddenly came on that part when they were all trapped you know only you know and they were babies and one mother went up she say to self and her little baby tried to follow and fell back in and die and one mother out she managed to climb up she was growing on the wrist and will just tell them the you know really you know I have to be in the right frame of mind to see this I can't you know I have to prepare myself for this list thank you very much. She is very cold Take care thanks Allison Shoreham there 1333 my text number start your message with the radio or give me a call 8058 says. Than 1046 The judges have met the judging experience as a humbling one decisions have been made I think as we felt they were just incredibly proud and we're revealing the finalists in our community Heroes awards it was a bit of a shock to hear the stories and meet the finalists the person rewards of the work that we are the kind of thing that get you out of bed in the morning 2018 community Heroes awards I'm so grateful to B.B.C. That they have acknowledge the work that I do very honored the best of what you're given and just the best in life do I really deserve this all this week on B.B.C. Salary. 3 taxed us any time on H one travel 3 starting your message with right here text such charge to your standard message rate see our privacy notice at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. Slash local radio producer. Here's our weather then today you windy lots of clouds and showers continuing to move in from the east they could be heavy with some hail possible feeling cold in brisk easterly winds highs of just 5 say mostly cloudy tonight with further showers or perhaps longer spells of rain these 3 heavy and maybe wintry especially on the high grounds down to freezing overnight then tomorrow early showers clearing and mainly dry day to follow with some sunny spells on Wednesday a less windy day but continuing to feel chilly highs of just 8 and a 3 day outlook Thursday mostly dry but quite a lot of cloud around dry on Friday with clouds and a few sunny spells Saturday mostly dry but again quite cloudy B.B.C. Series travel you trust. Leanna back here with the latest and securing traffic on the A $22.00 at Southport So what's happening yes it's looking particularly busy at both directions on the Station Road I believe is in the roadworks area so they got temporary lights in operation at like a road and of course that has seemed to slow things down a little along Guilford as well the Millbrook and Shalford road heading into. Town is looking just before that one why 6 steps unfortunately in pole gate the road westbound is still closed because of this fuel spillage that happened when the vehicle broke down and the stretch of the road that is closest is from Station Road to call Paul roundabout in Chichester the. Both directions is looking slow with patches from the Fishbone roundabout to the poor old roundabout and in Worthing as well the 27 eastbound also looking a little sluggish at the moment the for the off into the corner and. Around about all the trains a couple. Of the services is still suspended on something between husband and because of damage to the track and we're seeing delays of up to 15 minutes on something like Express and Thameslink between Victoria and Gatwick. Badly at the B.B.C. . With your travel updates 080-5871 arm forsakes. Travel do you trust the head of our community Heroes awards which are coming up next Monday night's meeting some of the finalists this year this is quite an accolade to hold isn't it and hasn't been gifted this title he's done loads of great things to get it Ken Griffey will hear from a couple of minutes he's known as Mr. Who wouldn't like that title was. A couple of seconds 1st of all his Duran Duran. Yet we're about paying tribute to the people in our towns and villages that. Like Griffiths who give so much of his time to the haze from a community organizer is an annual event. And she has the organization at the Hague festival when the time. Lost its main post office can manage to raise 15000 pounds to fund a not for profit facility Simon Ferber caught up with Mr Hazel me at the town's museum. Museum a very humble guy you believe and now actually hear them on the raw face and here we are in the grounds of museum and we're actually restoring them to what they once were no George and I. Well for my sins I seem to volunteer for one or 2 projects that take place and. You know it's like you put your hand up once and they come back again find it difficult to say the word know somehow and so they keep coming back and say look this is a good idea should we do this OK I think yes we ought to explore that opportunity and we actually carry them out and here in Hasan we're very fortunate because a lot of organizations a lot of individuals a lot of groups do an awful lot of things and we rely entirely on volunteers I am just one of many. Perhaps the main thing we've done this year because it's a send tenor of the end of the Great War So commemorative that we've got a cascade of poppies and the $12000.00 copies made by local schoolchildren cascading down the towers and Christmas church one of our local churches but on top of that church and it was 100 years old was an old flagpole which had become completely rotten and had to be taken down so a part of the commemorating onward and hopefully this will last another 100 years we replace the old flagpole with a new one now this is quite a feat it's a $35.00 foot tall wooden flagpole 14 inches square the base and it looks spectacular and on top of that we've restored an arts and crafts crafts now stands proudly over high using it because you can see that iconic sort of a flagpole for most prices and I was in it so that's what the latest thing we've actually been doing. It is inspiring to all of this show the why and then involved Will Cain I think for me is on. His and others and he's always the up front he's the devil for gauging people and job to say no to him he was instrumental in arranging going to post office when the my post office was being closed this. Is an extremely hard work on these projects at the music. Shows it's really the way to go I've known care I've been working in museum now as a volunteer for the last 4 or 5 years and since Ken joined us couple of years ago I was I'm so much more inspiration to all of us his driving motivation is quite incredible and without him I don't think we would have done in the near as much as we have done it's a community spirit it's the people it's how the town is a wonderful town I've been here about 38 years so I've only got another couple years before I'm accepted as a as a resident but now it's a wonderful town and we all pull together and we want to support the town we want to support the people who live in the town and the surrounding villages I mean that's important. Can Griffis their shortlisted in the volunteer Ward category along with Christine moon from seafood and the Purple People kitchen in Brighton all are winners announced at a ceremony next Monday night and will meet another of our community heroes from the 999 award category just after 1230 this lunchtime when Captain Frank says we change scan and unless we make a what is the noise that gets on your absolute could be. The crunch of an apple this is the thing that upsets some people there's a great article fascinating on the B.B.C. News website the sound I can't bear says by people making a hard crease in a sheet of paper with their fingernails. That is part of the sound effects of the. B.B.C. Summary. I don't like to sway and. So stop. Spreading the word as. They ago that. You play games. I've got to look out for me. Years and years if you're over me and if you need a little pick up on this Tuesday morning check out Twitter feed at B.B.C. Sussex Simon Jenkins with picture of the penguins from Drusilla's we were talking about a little bit earlier and this is quite Halling I suppose as well the story is a D.J. If you heard the story at the J. Who's shed based radio station as only you have been heard by his wife is getting a new audience after 44 years this guy Dick Duncan started playing pop records from his back garden in Stephen age in 1970 S. But with no license the station Carney beamed through a speaker in his living room to his wife to raise or now his story was originally featured on the B.B.C.'s nationwide remember that program it was like the one show from the seventy's Here's a clip from back in 19 so. And see for Have a listen to this this is Duncan Gun Bill Crystal Steve is doing her housework to the music of her favorite radio station like no she's too new to her favorite D.J. Into trying to integrate them around your children especially Hello how are you going on right now to mysteries of Duncan 57 going to present Steven it's going to leave feeling like I think it's 940 on the 77th place of the old. I'm going to the shops try to take. Radio 77 it's rating it's no good being for a bad more stations entire audience has decided to go down the shops. Well the interest in radio came from the pirates radio Cal and London and when that was brutally taken from us I start to do something because the government didn't replace it in the right way for me so I replaced it for myself with this my ultimate understand would be to broadcast this to the rest statement just a couple notes about that 1st of all it was her housework Did you notice that she was doing and you know the presenter of that piece just joining in the fun wasn't he was loving it voiceover on that but now the Duncan is finally fulfilling his lifelong dream he's been given his own one hour show on his local B.B.C. Station deep found out the good news live on there were presenter Justin Dealey I've been to the bosses here maybe 6 for a cancer radio and I made a proposal to them and they have accepted Listen to this his Laura most of the station editor at 3 counties radio and we've been following your story with great interest here and I notice that you said in the original film that went out on nationwide that your dream with to have your very own show and broadcast to the whole of Stephen H. We think we can go one better than that and not only will be likely to broadcast to Steven age how does the whole of big Tarzan park sound on. And to walk the you a one hour special over Christmas on 3 counties radio Happy Christmas Day Take well after 44 years your dream is going to be a reality. You've been passed the tissues. How does it feel free it was really no use your own I'm actually on 1st time in my life from speechless. Wow I say we get over that in time for Christmas that's big Duncan So he's got a one hour special on 3 counties radio over Christmas broadcasting to Stephen age and beyond I guess you'll be out here as well on the B.B.C. Sounds up the whole reason they invented that new app for all our radio and podcasts and music just so you can hear Deek over Christmas they've got a nice story isn't it. With it. Hi that brilliant as the fantastic as a couple of things 1st of all believed by writein citing the Penguins because the penguins the predicament they are in a co-sponsor and man can help them because of the particular belief coursed them to be in then all good the other thing is you W W S man said that 50 Penguins was an insignificant number and you know that I just happen to fall in with things anyone thought of sort of on the back of a fact check a calculation and I have one cheek a year giving 50 percent attrition about poor quality is that 50 could multiply up to a 1000 will penguins. So yeah OK So over the of the course of time you know be quiet. Be great attrition. Even allowing attrition you know having the chicks. That shift you could turn into a pail so saving them was OK on that occasion and I mean and he was more worried about the kind of erosion of and Antarctica where the reduction in the ice there yes but he did say they were starting to adapt to the our show itself and I can I mean I'm not sure how they get up or not on you know up and down or much but you know if I can move onto the our shelf you know I should think they would be OK So that's all right so that so far I've not heard anybody say to me that they shouldn't have built the ramp for the penguins to escape from that ravine and I think I mean come on that's fair enough when they're living in minus 76 Celsius or whatever it was just brutal. I just want to do that to repeat it thanks a lot nicer speeches a pizza any spawn there so thoughts come 1333 in the text start your message with the word Radio 4 to get involved on that little bit later on the program today with me talking about. Whether you can see the sea from where you live and I want to hear from you if that's you so whether you've got a glimpse of the sea from your house or flat or whether your just across the road from the sea or if your back door opens up on to the beach I really want to hear from you today 81333 Start your message with the word radio or give me a call because essentially. It was a lovely place to live in the summer if you had a sea view from your house what a place what a view of the summer you had so later on I'll be talking to Michelle actually present a fantasy homes by the sea which has just started a new series on the really channel on telly from that for the T.V. Channel anyway it's called really and it's called fancy homes by the siege and of course the series they'll be in Hastings pixel centers New Haven little hands on a more and elsewhere on the coast but I do have a question about do we really is this a good thing to do just say to the whole country hey by the way the place to go and live is by the seaside because I suppose the upshot of that is you might have people coming from far and wide to live by the state seaside changing the nature of our seaside towns but isn't that the way it's always been anyway and you can't stop people from the country isn't it anyway will talk to me show up at that point well a bit later on but if you live near the sea Tell me what it's like for you. With music information for sailing on F.M. Online and on the A.B.C. Digital radio B.B.C. Sun. It's 11 o'clock kind J recolors good morning the D U P has made clear it intends to defeat the Prime Minister's proposals for Bracks it spokesman Sammy Wilson says all his party's efforts will be directed at forcing a rethink treasonist chairing her 1st cabinet session since 2 senior ministers resigned over Breck's it to Tory BRACKS It is opposed to her deal are also meeting this morning but our assistant political editor Norman Smith says their plans to force a no confidence vote seem to be slipping the Great Revolt simply as it happened it seems to have sort of fizzled out in a mixture of disarray and division amongst the breaks the tears and you know begins to look as if Mrs May is gathering a bit of momentum again we know she's off to Brussels tomorrow to. Ryan signed off the 2nd part of the agreement which Nixon offered to sort of political and trade ties with the so-called younger social hope that in place meantime the bricks it is a looking a little bit on the back foot a man with disabilities has described how he was left on the floor for an hour at Heathrow after he collapsed when his booked wheelchair failed to turn up Antony Taylor had flown into the airport on a British Airways jet from Spain on Sunday the airline and Heathrow say they're investigating and they've apologized Easyjet has posted pretax profits for the year to the end of September a 578000000 that's up from 408000000 for the 12 months before you know him Lundgren the airlines chief executive said it had benefited from the collapse of other carriers such as mana is definitely in a year where we had some one of the benefits because of the problems that other airlines have seen both in U.K. And also across Europe but I think it's fair to say that we have a complete and very successfully you know with those companies for for quite some time a man got a cut to his neck and his dog was stabbed to death after a fight broke out near a car parking Croly it happening at a leisure Park on Saturday evening Police say several people came to help the man who was incredibly distressed about his dog they want witnesses to get in touch especially if they saw people running from the leisure park area at the time a convicted murderer hoops counted from forward open prison has been arrested 56 year old Jeremy broad broke was arrested in Hampshire yesterday after Sussex Police released C.C.T. Of C.C.T.V. Of him in a church and haven't. A survey for B.B.C. Radio found that nearly half of all adults believe sex lessons at school were not good enough to prepare them for real life piano trot reports the research carried out by Congress suggests that 47 percent of adults feel their school education did not prepare them and 43 percent believe children should be taught about L G B T Q Relationships to the poll also suggests that in Bret's IT person 59 percent say they would sleep with someone with different political views The survey also exposed different gender attitudes towards cheating 3 quarters of women believe paying for an online experience or kissing someone else is being unfaithful but only half of men say the same in cricket they'll be.