That it was a white when to him Fleet Foxes play that was for Jim in East Sussex it's one minute after 11 o'clock music still to come from the likes of Matt Monroe Lana Richie Sal solo Gracie feels a funny one by Gracie Dr Hook jump all young 8th wonder of a villain is well we've got it all all coming your way in the next hour but time for this month's classic country where we play a couple of country songs for you tonight let's hear Charlie Rich and the most beautiful girl in the world. And this. Was the. Last. Case. If you want to see the Most News. That walked off on the. Turlough from Seoul. Her sleep oh want you. To. See a bowl. Walk. The a yeah sounds like a banjo playing on that as riverboat Faran young and before that we had Charlie Rich and the most beautiful girl in the world that was our classic country for this month this time next week have a couple of fantastic 950 songs for you in the fabulous fifty's talking about a good programs may or may David Miller back on the air tomorrow from 5 o'clock and what he's looking for songs about time so maybe you could do time in a bottle something like that or how about term time indeed to take a ticket to time so get on those phones tell David Miller or email him or whatever you do get in contact with him give him some ideas about songs about time Ok it is 7 minutes after 11 o'clock I don't forget if you ever miss your request or maybe you get a bit sleepy and think are really want to go to bed I can stay up any longer but I wonder whether we played my song well you can always go to my b.b.c. Show page and you can take a look at all the track listings that we play on the program every single week and all in order in the order that I play them as well so you can take a look down and find out roughly where your song was played and then you can go to the b.b.c. I player that's available for 30 days and you can then listen back and hear your requests just in case you ever feel like you can't really stay up any later the maybe I should have 10 11 o'clock because we go all the way through until 1 o'clock this night if you can stay with us all the way through and it's nice to hear your request live I know but if you ever wondering whether or not I did play it then that well that's one thing you can do go to my show page Take a look at the track listings and then go to the b.b.c. I Player and well you've got 30 days to listen back to each program now then what we've got legs. It had been a madman row on his mind Matt Munro we all I met Monroe Derek Ingle Sportscene does once Matt Munro my love and devotion dedicated to Valerie. Fantastic Memon wrote my love and devotion for Derek in gospel dedicated to Valerie hi to Lucy in South Sea says Hello David welcome back we missed you hate us and will thank you please could you play liner Richie and destiny for me and my wonderful husband of 42 years as we celebrated our wedding anniversary on the 5th of March and able to go out on the day but we will celebrate on Sam Patrick's Day next Saturday it's going to be a bit of a triple celebration as his name is Patrick and his birthday is on the same day as our wedding anniversary so we're glad to have you back I keep up the good work thank you so much from Lucy in sounds a. Luke's . Long. Long you'll get along and. Let. Me. Julia. Beulah. Look at you. With long as. Long as. You a. Clueless . Loop the. Blue Tongue as. Long. As you look. You'll get. Clueless. Looks. Young Richie by destiny for Lucy in sounds he also announcement as well Patrick because they celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary they going to do a big celebration on St Patrick's Day as he's called Patrick has also happens to be his birthday on the same day as the run of verses which is a good way of never forgetting your wedding anniversary so well congratulations to Lucy and Patrick 42 years together and you have a great time on St Patrick's Day Hi To what way indeed all Shot send me another lovely card of a fast moving river one of these kind of it's a fairy sort of photograph so that you can almost see the the water moving through of timelapse very very well done this hello day. So look forward to Saturday nights that you and at the big happy family please could you play sell soda and try to cool San Damiano hot and sell haven't had this one in absolutely is. When his right have a dad that warning absolute ages that is that cell solo wrote the song as well and that was called San Demi are no heart and soul play that one for Wendy in all the shot high to tame in Shepherd's Bush who tells me that the lotto jackpot of 7.9000001 winner one lucky winner scooped 7500000 pounds at Wednesday's jackpot is down to 1800000 and the Thunderball jackpot was not won this week and goes on to say please could you play Incidentally I did hope you have a good time I do enjoy your trip around the USA with music Well thank you Tim One way you could play Gracie Fields luckily were well past the watershed for this one and what can you give the new dist on his birthday. And I am where I. Am not the end of it I am what it is my brother I don't know what. Can I ask you one question. That I want you. And then don't want to make about it wrong with the young lady. Didn't tell him at the Domino News Why can't you buy a dude in town and then they'd met with some of them they said they can you buy a cool leg was it a number. They would say at the end of the going. To give a do this is a man and the man who's living in the u.s. To my aunt with a new cool I'd send a check but just because it is I think. Can you give a date with the bank and the reason why don't you give a nudist venues once again one of the best a pregnant cat nearby cool bought the cattle to slacken his talk with the wife about it listen to this knowledge the. Diminutive immigrant and the cuckoo to show him a hand with the omnium and it got the kind of battle it made another advice was given to this idea of a band aid when the bomb hit me at the. End of the didn't care and the guy paid 10 ignore. The ignore this. Ignore. It walk out that bad oh that's the spirit that is no on his look outside along the souls of the soul oh that's a good idea of the facilities all the smoke you do not do it so I think you know that if. Yeah not sure they really would appreciate a lump or so by the way that was crazy fails and what can you give a nudist on his birthday you say we play everything on his program and that was 14 in Shepherds Bush good to him Good ol Gracie fails it will cost made a home on the Isle of Capri many many years ago now we've got another track coming up very shortly from our featured album of the night which is so woman taking is that way or firm favorite on the program this is for Christine in post math and also we'll play it for Valen Bournemouth as well and this is Charlie Landsberg What color is the word Tell the is the way. Is it yellow red or blue. When he's playing with my hair. Do the same. And he. Says. Is it really. It's Or she. Just like his friend the see. When you. And the black bird starts to see you. Do the flowers hear him. Way oh oh Johnny Lansbury color is the way in and that was for a couple people who like Charlie one is it Christine imposed but for that one particular this evening and also Val in Bournemouth a big Charlie fan it's just after $1130.00 time for another track from our featured album of the night which is so Woman which includes music from the likes of well Nina Simone Aretha Franklin Dusty Springfield Shaka conscious Mary j. Blige meet the power Misha Paris Amy Winehouse and this lady. The great Mary Wells. And my God. My. My my. My. My. My. I. Was. Mary Wells. On a brand new compilation album is woman. Coming your way at about 12. For then at 12 o'clock we're going to go just midnight classic And also we'll take a look at the birthdays for Sunday as well and we've got music from the likes of John Paul Young 8th Wonder Vera Lynn but a John Barry Jeff Wayne war the world's Justin Heywood forever war Tim. Have also got some Elvis Presley's some Neil Diamond some platters or we'll try and squeeze as much as we can between now and 1 o'clock hi to Chris in Weymouth once Dr Hook and Sylvia's mother. Mother. Has been. Due. To come to the From. The mother said to me as trying to. Give you the wrong. Mother. She's glad. To. button for Christian way McDuck to. Sylvia's mother that was the that was the 1st big hit in the days when they were called Dr Hook and the medicine show and that was 46 years ago that was a hit 972 Hard to believe and it was actually based on a true story as well because it was written by a chap called Shel Silverstein and he basically had a bit of a failed relationship with a lady called Sylvia who would go and get engaged to another man and finish up being a museum create curator in Mexico City and he was desperate to rekindle the relationship so he called up her mother who was called Louisa but didn't get very far with Louise or I can tell you she still finished up in Mexico City with the other chap and we played that one for Chris in Weymouth where you didn't know that was it was if you didn't know that was based on a true story. Now the night to Patricia. Who would like to hear. That love is in the. Love is in. Love this is yes. And it's way. Way. Way. Back. Yet. John Paul Young was it Jimmy young son and love is in the air fantastic by that one for Patricia in Gosport and we got the 8th wonder now and I'm not scared hide to Pete in Datchet who says Good evening David and Rob is well yes well he's waving back to you what an apt and it's not I can make you feel good is what your show is all about David Well thank you we do our best good to have you back and enjoyed your shows while you were punching her holiday album called put is partying odd parting quite slowly and would like to head tonight a top 10 hit from. I'm not scared featuring Patsy Kensit vocals you know what Pate says it's a good. That Featuring Patsy Kensit on vocals and went on to style cause in Holby City and lots of other things as well started off as a young child in those piano virtue Emma that when the pod goes yeah a mother asked I was Patsy Kensit and we played that one for Pete in Datchet Thank you Peter you can words and you know you like that particular one which was well a hit in 1988. To Karen in Guilford says Hello David big welcome back hope you have a fun holiday year was know it was nice just of kicking back taking it nice and easy getting a some time that kind of stuff please do play out of Africa for my mom Diane and please wish you a Happy Mother's Day with loads of love from Karen in Guilford. I John Barry and the theme to out of Africa start metal straight course Bubba Redford as well. Play that one for counting Guilford want to that one for him I'm dyin to wish a Happy Mother's Day which course is going to be tomorrow washed 7 minutes off Mother's Day Hi to Elizabeth says Hello David Hope all is well with you please could you play Forever Autumn by Justin Haywood the one with Richard Burton speaking on it from the war the worlds album if you could play between 1112 that would be fantastic. 3 days I fought my way along roads packed with refugees only and with boxes and bundles containing. All that was of value to me was in London. By the time I reached a little red brick hoss carry on to Fontainebleau got. 'd some sun as fairly as the Hebrews told. And Dr. Drew he knew he. Will be much closer. No not. All watched the spy sub closely all its scattered. Them one by one it is such a haze. I was certain I miss my. Bed I. Know you. Did it. Like some trees easy to get you to love me a. Very easy to blame a a. Golden piece to keep coming. You. Just love you. Those. Stood the. Kids you're lucky if it. Was Young love a good skill some love gave. This is just. The. Good moments and.