For the past few days aimed at reaching a deal the Taliban in Pakistan have confirmed the death of their deputy leader they say how lead Masood was killed in a u.s. Drone attack dog owners in Brighton a being advised to thoroughly wash their dogs pause after a muddy walks last month a dog in the city died after contracting Alabama rot the disease can lead to kidney failure symptoms include lesions on the body face tongue and mouth Emily Bridges is a vet from coast way and has dealt with a case recently she admits not much is known about the disease at the moment it's very difficult Ms got a disease that we know so little about and see everyone wants to ask us what they can do so we give as much advice as return and that is better to be on the safe side. And the b.b.c. Has confirmed that Alan Partridge is coming back with a new show The radio d.j. Is the comedy creation of Steve Coogan who lives in Brighton filming of the series called this time with Alan Partridge has already begun sport Manchester City a 16 points clear at the top of the Premier League after Man United were beaten by Newcastle today it puts Newcastle into 13th place with the Albion one point below them and 2 points clear of relegation zone tonight Chelsea can go back into the top 4 with a win over bottom side West Bromwich Albion the slopestyle snowboarding bronze medalist and the Rukh a.r.v. Says the conditions were too dangerous for their final at the Winter Olympics this morning and the event should have been postponed Team G.B.'s Amy Fuller says she was devastated after crashing and finishing 17th and the former Scotland international Scott Hastings says he expects the players to do better and be better rested than England's when they meet in 2 weeks time as for the weather cold crisp and sunny lots of sunny spells the possibility of some showers later and highs of 7 Celsius b.b.c. News it's 110 for. B.b.c. Sorry travel you trust. And Gill said the a 3 is very slow down from hogs back toward sorry invested our ports in accidents in the area and the Head Road is queuing northbound from the head golf club approaching chatting to the benches with delays building up on the southbound approach as well in her shim cleans where it is closed in both directions between may feel great and Ashley right that's because of an accident it's made the old house and the a 3 t.t. In fact shot to struggling southbound approaching the road and accident has been reported that as well in the heat Brighton Road is queuing northbound from Reigate right it's happening way because the lane is Claes while traffic lights are being repaid in Hastings old London road is closed in both directions between primary Reagan Ashburnham road a tree has fallen down just need the petrol station in touch and there's been a pause in the race and only a $27.00. So expect delays if you're heading that way and having a live in Chittister is really struggling on the 27th on the approaches to the top . 10 minutes and some cancellations at something but the point. I'm. Sorry so vain song. That. One. Thing. You. Bought. Me in. The book Steve you want to sponsor all b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry. Taught here through the afternoon. So that news certainly been hearing over the weekend about Oxfam and just a few members of staff in Haiti paying for sex while supposedly helping local people there as that dented your confidence in supporting a charity like that or others coming here from Rich in Brighton says I think charities should be more accountable I'm involved with a very well known one seems to pay huge wages to its full time staff but is not providing the frontline service that the public donate that money for and we're expected to do I'm very surprised that this is not happening says rich in Brighton also talking about that dear coal which is on the way in the Ashdown Forest and how you feel about that the idea is to try and reduce the number of deer related accidents on the road through Ashdown Forest and also improve the health of the forests itself earlier I was talking to Dr York in Langley from the Wildlife Research who's a wildlife research consultant and he's leading a project on deer and vehicle collisions looking for a simple answer. You've got to do lots of things you know the cull. Will be needed to stop numbers increasing you know if we don't call them did numbers will increase by about a quarter Yeah I guess it's a reaction to that from Wendy in Seaford 1st of all hi wendy Hi Dani I'm going back 30 plus years now I used to live in a village in some fishing where there was a lot of forest around and lots of deer and the ruling there was if you killed a dinghy on the road it was your responsibility to movie and well we would do although it's not make up on never killed one but the villages if they did they would just ring the local butcher and we knew a day had been killed because venison would be on the in his window the next week so. I know the law has changed now apparently but that's what we used today yeah I think some people would say wince at this the idea of eating roadkill but others you know yes they swear by a little bit line and also perhaps the traffic levels and this was less of a problem there back then 30 years ago what do you think about what we should do today well I don't like calling because I don't like killing any animals but I think something should be done obviously but I think the fence thing is probably the best idea because like you said earlier they were there before we were. So it's about protecting them from vehicles and if they're becoming overpopulated damaging the forest then perhaps it is that's a better reason to be carrying this out rather than you know protecting the front of our cars from getting damaged I guess that's a point I don't I don't know the answer really it's difficult it's reducing especially if we genuinely had 30 or 40 mile an hour speed limits that we're here to through the forest is a simple solution yes yes it is the only trouble is people don't abide by the rules we were coming home recently from Kent and my husband had. An app on his tone that tell you when the. Signs are coming up you know the cameras are coming up and when you have to go down to 30 miles an hour so all through the villages we were going 30 miles an hour and being overtaken by cars that did not abide by the rules and I think a lot of cars don't take any notice of the average spillage check that's the answer because that changes behavior doesn't it because people don't have points on their license that might be cancer does it really made a difference to us with that app on the phone Yeah Ok and 30 miles an hour is really slow you don't usually go at a go that slowly. It's a difficult speed to get to I think that you miles an hour and then of course in Brighton You got 20 in some areas we are mean I think sometimes I think people treat the 20 like well Ok I'll do 25. To 35 so you would use the risk of injury greatly by traveling at 25 rather than 35 you know technically you're still speeding bar. Less than 10 miles less than 35 isn't that that's a yes Ok I don't think we've solved it when the but thanks for flagging all that up for us Elizabeth nice born now hi Elizabeth. We will say this well 1st of all I have your program so. This I just listened to this last caller. Talk about spirit but I what I'm going to say is probably might already be mentioned I happen to be traveling through. The Forest yesterday and it was a beautiful day and I was traveling probably 35 purposely because I had just recently heard about the number of. Animals killed there and there was a 4 by 4 right behind me and he must have sped past me 60 miles an hour I should think and I just feel that if there were cameras. And I think this is certainly a very good money making camera in Holland I think it is yeah and I think it's probably the one that is the the greatest amount of revenue. For people speeding It's a 30 mile an hour limit there I think there should be 30 miles an hour it's not a long stretch to Forest I think it should be 30 miles an hour at the very beginning and at the end and I think it should be average right so when you're doing your 35 yesterday isn't a 40 or 50 or 60 that was 40 or 40 I think Ok so your future 50 there which I think is much too far right so if you're a few miles an hour below the speed limit then somebody is too impatient to drive behind you have to blast pos you cause a 4 by 4 of course I think the day will just bounce off and that nice I find that there impervious in a little safety cage that I also think that you know this is a lovely forest as lots of these natural places are and I think this is part of. The same very if you've come across a day a lovely and a life when I'm talking about yet one that's just been killed and I just. You that it wouldn't hurt anybody to travel be concerned I didn't Can somebody do the math for me and work out the distance that this would be say we make it 30 miles an hour and we have an average speed limit somebody work out the mass for me how much of the road would that be and how many minutes extra would add to your journey doing 30 through all of that with an average speed camera to make sure you do versus what it would take if it was 40 If it's probably going to be like a couple of minutes maximum So is that worth it to the maps for you now thanks. It is such a short distance and I just think it surely wouldn't hurt people just to spend a little bit more time traveling so what is a lovely part of it and for the sake of of the deer Yeah and also for humans because the accident really accidents collisions involved and agree that on the basis of saving. Car damage but poor Yes because the guy in these collisions and also sometimes humans die as well thank you very much Elizabeth any spawn there baby Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry 60 Minutes past listing is the summary summary. Moving on moving on another topic now and we're talking animation next animation from the earliest films British based animators have harness the power of pictures to tell stories sell products and share ideas for over a century animation has given us much more than just entertainments with films reflecting the political economic and social circumstances of their time so what's made British animation special the British Film Institute has put together a new history of British animation looking at those who've drawn sculpted Snit stamp posed clicked and scratched their art into cellular life to tell us more jazz Stewarts is the bare phys curator of animation joins us now hello j.s. Good morning Downey immediately got you to talk about that kind of animation I am thinking Tony art and more. Very much so certainly something that has a study in for me and you see pictures of the founders of the album studio day Sproxton and Peter Lord with a very humble set up with their lump of plasticine a kind of 60 millimeter camera and filming morph and they have turned into this extraordinary. Industry in Bristol I saw early man with my kids this weekend and loved it and to think about the kind of exponential growth between those 2 is quite extraordinary but also I think back to you know when I was very small in your Tom and Jerry and your top cats and cartoons like that I absolutely loved it very much so I mean this certainly started favorites for me which are a reference to the directly in this collection and I was a big fan of of him we in particular as a kid it watching that and realizing as I grew up that the guy behind Bob Godfrey and that the scriptwriter for that style hey were they collaborated together on some films which are very different I'm alarmed some interesting 6 comedies that came out in the sixty's and seventy's and some of those are gone on to play a collection but then also realizing that one of an Oscar 1st British animation to win an Oscar for a 30 minute animated musical biopic of isn't barking Broun l. And realizing the sort of wider scope of what animation could be because are just well as I've said top cat and Tom and Jerry they're American of course and British animation so they won't be in your exhibition So what are you trying to show us and to prove by putting all this on display. What we have is that we have this new sort of digitization and the realty to put material online has been fed through things like lottery schemes that enable us to sort of mash digitization projects to bring access to film heritage in a way that has never been before so we have something called unlocking fill heritage which digitized 10000 films 5000 from our own collection 5000 from from regional archives and commercial partners and we were able to put these material into the beer 5 player and also. Different programs if you look on there some of them are broken down just by region you can look on a map and type in where you were born and find out films that were made to their bikes in different areas others are about where you could start of filmmaking or particular way of filming the other sort of. Topics and in terms of sort of representation of black life in Britain over the years and this is one that is concentrated on on animations are so over 300 films that we've Who night into 8 little collections to help give unprecedented access to the history that is little known and well worth here rediscovering be a fighter all dot u.k. Is the Web site you can find them on their I mean it is these free to access force going to be equal just go and see these yet so the majority of these films are available for free and if you go to player dot b. If I do all the u.k. That will take you directly to be a 5 player and the huge number the big majority of films are available for free to the link at the top but we've also if you do have sort of friends and family are interested overseas there is a smaller collection available on You Tube an animation collection which are available to share worldwide these films are available only in the u.k. At the moment but that's yes that this huge numbers to explore Tell me about a couple of your favorites jazz and why they are favorites I think a definite favorite Going back to the Gulf in a sense is a film called United Kingdom which was something that was made for a project at the start of the. European community in 1902 and it could no Europeans with the idea was to get each country to make a 5 minute short that would introduce each other to the other partners and not many of the films were finished but one but governor made a film called United Kingdom which is sort of uses a musical soundtrack to distill the British line thing into 5 minutes and another favorite of mine is very different is something called jar the germ which was made in 1927 which was a film about sort of public health and safety but what's really nice about this film is really early use of something called rotoscoping which were you filmed. Live action footage and then traced and drawings and they used a kind of a dancer from the 1920 s. And traced directions on the little germs of these germ character these little flapper with kind of flapping arms and that's really quite extraordinary to watch Wow Couple incredible films thanks for telling us about them just that the b.f. Ice a curator of animation plaid dots be a fighter then the place to see those I was to it was to about the end there the film United Kingdom and also the 1927 gyro the jet speed she saw 6 n.b.c. Sorry. Hello. It's me. I. Didn't lie to me to go over. Everything. They say I'm supposed to. But. Can you hear me. And. Just to go back. Sorry if you're online today have a look at the b.b.c. Sorry Facebook page some body one video footage from police on there the moment showing police being attacked by a knife when in Farnborough they bring him down with a Taser says dramatic footage of that plus a conversation with the officers involved the man with a knife been jailed they got commendations for their bravery that video on the b.b.c. Sorry Facebook page now. To only the 14th is a very special day I know b.b.c. Radio Brighton it's when our love affair with the South began. To have any suggestions on what you'd like to hear 50 years ago b.b.c. Local radio came to Brighton bill in June with a coastal sound b.b.c. Radio Brighton and on our golden anniversary I'll be live from the streets of the city to visit the important places and landmarks of the last 50 years so I can see to my last. Will meet some of the local characters and revisit some special moment . Bracing 50 years of local radio in the south music choices this Wednesday from b.b.c. Sourly. I'm going. To. Be an. Ally Alan. The ball in the Beach I think. Driving through. Less than the speed limit you know that's probably. Comes across sometimes a herd of maybe 15 or 20 near the road. So he kind of. Didn't really mean you had you know driving to the conditions and if you could. There might be a deal that pops out in front of you you know driving a speed of which you can stop is probably quite sensible but he says considering the number of deer that are around the Ashdown far as he does agree with the idea of a cult Thanks for getting in touch that I own 34595757 is our number it's b.c. Sussex b.b.c. Sorry. And here's our weather then a bright and sunny day just the chance of the odd wintry shower highs of 7 degrees or does feel chilly out there today doesn't it tonight cold and clear at 1st with a fairly widespread frost then winds strengthening later in the night bringing with it a mix of rain sleet and snow in the far west before dawn tomorrow lows of one overnight then tomorrow a cold wet day with outbreaks of rain sleet and Hill snow that might fall as well tomorrow slowly clearing eastward then some light brightness based on Choose day possibly in the west of our area the winds easing as well ice of 6 Degrees b.b.c. Sorry travel you trust. Say 3 ferries like north bound train Putnam and sorry sports part because of an accident right is partially blocked and lots of our time traffic causing long delays on letterhead road on both approaches to Chessington lot of the benches with keys on it had golf club in hash and greens rate remains closed in both directions between right and Ashley right because of an accident meeting Mayfield house in white leave. Just the right words at Station right and the a 382 in back to struggling south down between who grade school and me raised because of an accident the road is partially blocked as well in Hastings old London road is closed in both directions between por you're right and Ashburnham right as a tree has fallen down to the Paschal station and in church there is struggling still only a 27 on the upright with the top right round about which it lays on the approaches to the bottom right round about as well on the train 7 have to live up to 10 minutes at Sutton But the point. Services are starting to attend to normal day I'm Katie signed at the b.b.c. Travel Center cool with your travel up to. 37 for the 11 of the 6 That's madness House of Fun Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry in the news today the body of a man has been found on ash that common in Sari is thought to be that of 70 year old James Middleton who was seen for the last time in July of last year there's been many days of searches in the area and our reporter Peter Stuart has been there this morning Danny's a glorious morning here on ash day to Coleman and we've got quite a heavy frost we've got some puddles here which I'm standing right beside which if frozen over but somewhere out over the course of yesterday a body was found and police do say that they do believe that to be of the missing man Jim Middleton Now let me give you a little bit of background as to Jim's disappearance his real name but very well known as in the local area and he went missing back in July last year left his home address in Epsom which he's contiguous to to ash date and was last seen travelling towards the ash stage common area on light blue t.g. a Breeze for mobility scooter and you know what that space. The thing which is really kind of caught the the public's kind of imagination and concern a lot of news stories approach known by one kind of small nugget of information and the fairy fact that there was a man missing on a mobility scooter which was a particularly of interest and help kind of get that publicized which of course the police and Jim's family and friends so desperately wanted and indeed a lot of people came out from the local community over the course of the summer and into the winter as well searching for Jim but without any success the search continued over the course of a couple of weeks ago back on the 22nd of January the police and other specially strained search units sorry in Sussex search and rescue volunteers and so on came out again going through the undergrowth and the reason they came out and what you might think would be the the dead of winter was because well because of those seasonal changes a lot of the undergrowth had been have been. Kind of deaden down and it was much easier for people to actually see any clues in the in the undergrowth able to see further and so on without the vegetation without the leaves on the trees and so on and the Bushies to see further and to see any potential clues and indeed it was yesterday that the body believed to be that of Jim Middleton was found police aren't saying exactly where but it was known around about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon by members of the Sussex community search team police just saying at the moment in the vicinity of Ashdod common and that blue mobility scooter was found in the area as well as common is huge it is sprawling So we're not entirely sure ourselves where the body and that mobility scooter were found. But I guess that's immaterial the fact is that it does seem as though Jim Middleton has been found Detective Chief Inspector Preston issuing. I do believe the body to be. Treating the death as on explained issue some more information course and his family has been informed. So with them at this difficult time. I feel sorry for. Some. It wasn't bad of course dedicated to the cool. Side it was all right. We'll be relieved he and I are in a confined space in the over the man. That's very good was it tough you wouldn't believe he wouldn't believe it my wife said my God you're boring when you're ill. And when you know. Even more so I think probably more interesting when you have very ill with flu than when I haven't got it. Under this program with women's football club. Journalist who's written for Red magazine and The Telegraph and we've got Bill Murray offering some films on advice from Strictly. And wait she's coming out on the show later on and. She will put in an appearance as well well that's a huge range of guests. Real sort of eclectic mix musical stuff in between all of that as well will probably play at least a song where we have to play at least we got the bit in the middle so you got to play at least one would have a. Very good scene if you missed. My . Eye out. On. The out. Frank says with James and Leslie. $89000.00 streetlights could be replaced with. The cabinet will. Fold and look at the options that are available now. And Leslie make a. Call I made. An opportunity but it worked out the public opinion of weekday mornings from 6 on b.b.c. Sound. Was. Up. To. Was. Was. Snow Patrol and chasing cars it's b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry standby for Joe Torre but with the hits and headlines after the news. On. The digital radio.

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