Elena's swept across the u.k. Forecasters say gusts of winds reached 100 miles per hour and 2 people suffered minor injuries caused by falling trees huge waves in Portree thing corn will have washed away a 40 foot section of the harbor wall the environment agency is warning flooding risks could remain in place for coastal areas for several days and is urging people to stay aware a homeless man who was hailed a hero for helping people in the moments after the Manchester Arena bombing has admitted stealing a pass on the mobile phone from victims Chris pocket used a bank card he took at a McDonald's just hours later class fallen reports I interviewed him on the night of the explosion he described to me how he dashed into the foyer by the explosion happened to try to help some of the most seriously injured but today it caught he pleaded guilty to stealing from some of the victims he took a mobile phone to a 14 year old girl he was seriously injured and he also took a pass from a woman his granddaughter was one of the 22 who were killed a 31 year old man's been remanded in custody charged with the murder of a woman in North London over Christmas because in Lewis from Frye and bonnet is accused of killing you Leon a to dos who was found dead in Finsbury Park last week 6 people have been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offenses including being members of the band far right group National Action the 5 men and one woman who are aged between 21 and 37 were detained during raids in Cambridge Bunbury will the hunts and Stockport and Leicester. The Highland wildlife park in Scotland has welcomed the 1st polar bad to be born in the u.k. For 25 years the royals are logical Society of Scotland says noises have been heard from inside the cupping box indicating the presence of a cub but it's unlikely to be seen until at least April and look at the weather winds turning lighter for most places tonight but they will still feel fresh in the south west driver many with frost and fog patches under any clear spells in the north of England however there will be rain across southern England and Wales by the morning and overnight low of around 6 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 7. Spanswick. But it kind of his Anyway it's me Johnny I answered hello back again and I hope you all well here we 3 minutes past 7. We think it is Wednesday possibly is it can I get confirmations Wednesday. Comes up from the Jews a Becky. Slowly coming around to the idea of 2018 Well hello here we are there I hope you safe and well and dry and everything is together after the storm I Leno last night I woke up to some random things been blown around the garden including furniture under the brick which we've no idea where this came from at all we cannot fathom where this random brick has been blown from from our house but from next door is ours. To send it up in the garden so the Lord only knows where that came from and then have spent the day today the wedding planning. To stay strong Johnny . Stay strong 6 months account thanks for asking on the program tonight with me Johnny I understand you're covering for Georgie this week who's back on Monday. We prove it's never too late to change career we need a 76 year old retired binman general who's found a brand new career as a mature model and also hear from the couple that gave up the rat race in London to follow their dream. And now open up a brewery for she's doing very very well by all accounts incidentally armature model generals got a new gig by responding to an ad in a newspaper a few years ago so I think that's going to be one of the topics of the show also really excited to talk to Chelsea more later on comparisons to the likes of Frederick Forsyth and Joe McCurry I will be with us to talk about his 30 full book down serious business music from Paul Young the cause of Fleetwood Mac. How we talk crane spotting crane spotting it's an actual thing that from a she was she the thing. If you still have a present for the loved one if you're still looking for just minutes past 7. And I hope everything's Ok with you after that awful storm last night I mean better perhaps than it was really really bad so hopefully everything's where it should be at least now anyway on the program tonight we love you to get intelligence you always do and you're great for that and I say this all the time in a sound like a broken record but I don't care because I believe in credit where it's too whenever I fill in for Georgie and babysit this and do just try and do just a 10th of the work that Georgie does because he works so hard on this and the rest of the team of course to you always reward me with very very very funny very witty very interesting slightly bonkers texts and calls and tweets and all that kind of stuff and I love that so thank you very much and keep them coming the numbers stay the same of course it's 034531858 you can text as it's 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word Georgie that's George with the y on the end and you can find his on all the various bits of social media Facebook and Twitter just search b.b.c. Georgia tonight you can find me on there as well Johnny I understand should you see fit there's no point in me doing this program without least getting a few extra Twitter followers is there on the show tonight we would love you to get in touch with those about if you've ever responded to an adverts in a newspaper maybe on a pin boards maybe have phone box who knows we'd love to hear your tales of when you've done that because we're going to meet Gerald from Wakefield in a moment's time who's retired been money 76 years old he saw an advert in news paper remember them keep them go in and it was for mature models and you had responded and is now flourished in his brand new career as a new model so if you have ever responding to an ad in a newspaper whether it's buying stuff whether it's rendering services whether it's actually getting it. Job whatever is we'd love to hear from on the program tonight one triple 3 star that takes with Georgie why on the end of 34530858 is sadly a dying art now isn't it because there are still the various sites where you go and you pick up stuff for cheap but it's all online now isn't it I was in my local corner shop the other day a story called shops a big kind of brand but it's a shop. And its local convenience store and there are still a few people that have the cards the little adverts on the boards a back but I do think who uses them but they obviously somebody must do for various weird things like a pair of men shoes barely used 3 years old so 6 stuff like that there must be people that still use them and I would love to hear from you today I want triple for a stock that takes with the word Georgie or both 345303 double 3 double 3 and we speak to the brilliantly named Gerald gamble mature model on the program next. Because I'm breathless on Georgia tonight with me Johnny I understand 715 in our questions here this evening is have you ever responded to an ad in particular if it was say in a newspaper or something paper based but at least maybe if it's I don't know you were placing there's a pinboard that you've got in a communal area or of course will take online maybe something that you went for and changed your life forever maybe just like in a bargain from the local convenience store which still has in your little corner shop those cards back I was just talking about well things have certainly changed for our 1st guest this evening let me introduce you to Gerald Gamble who is retired Bittman and Wakefield until he took a gamble and responded to an advert on line high Gerald how you Oh Ok Well David lovely to have you here Gerald tell me about your new career what is your job now. Mature about oh and i. Think you are spot Well I'm looking for were different called Race cuts along very very commercial. And I think a lot of our. Very good want to. At least you're honest Gerald and I don't look to be on Bill good on your how did this all come about and what happened I was just wanted online and I saw this. Bottle not so my friend Peter I was going to ply for this and you saw their life without my car really so until days later I got an e-mail but well you know a lot of models. Read into the last 5 to go for the photo shoot good Anya excellent So what did you have to send a picture of yourself then. All Council pretty full to 6 models. And they defied back from it and they obviously lie when they saw. Did they tell you what they were looking for in particular Nova just only the show down in London and go to the still girls from 5 hour exchanges and photos of the bar was pictures taken Yeah now now when because the Internet can be weird and wonderful place Gerald and when you see an advert for mature models wanted Was there anything that made you slightly wary about it oh well certain. Of our very 1st thought was still a phone now the comb the scum call. Rioch a butt but you are now a mature model that. I went to and over 4 tours Hilton law is a lie. And this one turned out to be legitimate. May still an agency man chest. Very very nicely while the culled. From the very sorry yet not yet fantastic when I seen your video online and I would highly recommend everybody to do it because you do a fantastic impression of Claudia Schiffer on their strike down the can you strike down the war should be David Gandee that's a good looking fellow Yeah you do an excellent catwalk if you've been practicing you can walk that was a 1st out of a very full out what where they care for a month just your natural So what kind of stuff then have you been doing and what kind of stuff do you hope to do. Eyes of all there were just after all although I want to like catalog. They were like so I. Some of the shell was yeah yeah and obviously it pays to respond if you see adverts yet so was so what I mean one of your friends been saying the now that they know you are a natural model or are 11 it says just take like an a just fluff. You proved him wrong 11 year old him down and what you dream job and if you don't want to particularly like who I am for I just want to get plenty of work out of it and I live. Them all when I walk in. 4 times a day just between ourselves and love that are not taken him out while the good will keep it turned into an a Yep excellent Well Gerald thank you very much for being with us today on the program good luck in the future and we'll keep our eyes peeled for a new front cover of g Q Yes thank you sir nice talking to all right they can see light at night by good night now that Cheryl Campbell there which I've been in for Wakefield He's now a mature model. It goes to show what have you responded to and one trip that takes with the g.o.g. 003-453-1858 anywhere and everywhere and yeah but you've never responded to. The program. Get down on me. Now heading into work on a day when you feel you need to make you feel slightly better or even worse by all accounts there's research out there that shows that apparently but just how poorly would you need to be before you call into work sick Did I mention I'm feeling a little bit ropey at the moment you could probably tell from how gruff I am at the moment and yes I'm not doing my best Barry White impression this is a bit of a cold but I'm soldiering on like the trooper I am now Joe Hollis who's been out and about speaking to me been in Leicester to ask them how sick they need to be before they called in it's Tuesday when they actually like feel sick but I'd still go in the cold so you got a code of the man. And it's the food places and I see something contagious you sold your theory is that you can pass on the people I think just yank it out and get on it if you feel better if you do it anyway I'll just do a lot letting people know I didn't say anything you know. And then you're so full. Of you haven't done anything when you pull your voice down and go Really oh yeah. I was like this it was a guy I was a open. And I don't like a voice like I love being my. It's been times I really don't want to go. Because I've been reading the other day like it's the money any. Air plenty of mixed responses there what about the woman who works in a restaurant whose turn into work sick germy fingers all over you carbon r.-a Well joining us to discuss this is Dr Phillip monk from Public Health England who's a consultant in health protection Good evening Dr monk how are you. Doing well and good I are very close to work that's Ok fair few of the people there say they go to work when they're feeling fairly rough is soldiering on in the face of illness a stupid thing to do. And that's a strong word if you're sailing pretty rough with the violin types and there's very good research evidence we've now Sherry suggest resting giving your body time to recover taking it quietly plenty of fluids piracy Kemal if you need a all of a thing you will get back up much quicker than soldiering on said the evidence is that if we're failing pretty rough got a bit of a favor and all the rest of it we really should be getting to work right and it's not just ourselves that was I mean how much we put in other people or a school in which turn into offices was a conditioning all restaurants like we heard there was an illness Yeah you could go on the big long flying on an airplane and close yeah I'm not really really boils it for everybody quick it will come off a plane in 24 hours like that you're on holiday and you've got an awful respiratory infection or you don't very very masterful Byron said we shouldn't be going into public spaces we shouldn't be going into because only pass it on to other people the air we breathe and cull the viruses and other people can breathe we get the viruses on our hands when we need we touch but door handle we cut the light weight we cut the cattle when we're making a drain other people followers take out saying. I'm a cult because well for most people I just miserable and I kite now but the problem . For small number of people who are vulnerable who go on the lying. I might have asked that I might have very bad bronchitis or to get an insight thing like that if you're really serious thing for them on a not. Know if this isn't about me Dr monk or the fact that I'm the hero coming to work out the toll face of radio but I've been telling people because I am causing an spluttering and brush now that I'm not contagious anymore is that true or not subtle now is. Kl you almost in fact the cold is coming out and during the 1st 2448 hours and you are infectious at least for 5 days was coughing and the problem with coughing is that you are pushing the air out like a faster right. And the droplets that all mold droplets of the droplets contain viruses and the viruses spread and they spread in the air and make bread on people cut. Anybody who follows you into that wall and like to be that well you know what I did last night after the show I got a load of antibacterial wipes and a white everything down and I wiped the monitors in the microphone in the mouse and and all of that kind of stuff is that is there anything else that we can do to prevent people from getting our germs if we are insisting on turning to work while on the plane you forgot the coming event is why the door to door $101.00 I'm going to be honest difficult to door handle. But don't have those already a real culprit in all of this because that's such a commonly cut that unlikely and and I'm the kind of officer tackle that by common because if you've got an office cattle. For you right if you have to go to work and you're out. On doing that you really need to try and take away from people who say you need a minimum space for my free body else although at least to me. And if there are any common surfaces of the papal have to use then again you're quite right you need to wipe them we antibacterial wipes anything that's got a dozen alcohol wipe will kill the viruses and you have to remember they can live for up to Allan on surfaces so it is really important to give them a good life to somebody else if you've got a shad desk. Thank you for whatever. Might show you why so in your professional opinion do you think it's probably better that I go home now and watch a box of Diagnosis Murder I think that would be good I think you're. Out there. Just finally. Do you think do you think there is an increase or decrease in the amount of people that pull sickies I mean let's talk about Public Health England you think there's anybody there that put in a sticky during winter. Really no idea I really have and all I can say. From a professional perspective there are a lot of very cool and. A lot of people who are. Bored and sick with the rector of cigar Current be going around. In a lake if you want well there are lovely stuff start to fill it month from Public Health England thank you very much I'm keeping my one meter distance from us on the way now thanks Dr monk. Brillion the Traveling Wilburys and they go a lesson too is all the absolutely no point in going into work when you know this is going on before and from Dr won't because it serves nobody any good whatsoever so go home or don't even think about going in is the lesson to his old. Buckinghamshire on the m $25.00 the inside lane is close for repair works between junction at 163040154 the end for accidents from boxing day very busy around the Emirates Stadium in Holloway in London it's head of the Arsenal and Chelsea match 745. Down in Kent is busy at the m $25.00 junction for Junction he went down and police investigation and in Chariton bishop in Devon the 8 there she has the name shouts westbound between the junction and wind down to a breakdown if you spot any problems then call in on 3 I won t. 3 I won 8 ball that's the latest. Coming up next on the program the Rolling Stones at the flea market. a friend of mine in Norway saw an advertisement for a job working as a size for a seismic ox exploration company I can't even say it left the job he considered himself well qualified So Julie applied but he was told he was unsuitable He then found out it was his own job and that was the 1st inkling that he had that he was about to be fired from say thank you say I love this one. To me in North Shields in 1975 journey I answered an advert for the from the Evening Chronicle for a sales assistant in the local camping in caravan in shopping malls and it was my 1st job and I stayed there for 2 years it was fantastic Well why would you stay there I got 10 percent off all tense about a small town was working and used to go camping with my girlfriend now my wife told me from North Shields cheap tents and wives for life and sassy this is what happens when you respond to. It's what if you responded to an out of one triple 3 star that sex with her Georgie or 034531858 because we are talking well prompted by Joe the bin man who's completely changed his life but he's not the only one on the program tonight has done that I want to you to meet my next guests who are doing something a little bit different. And Sarah Sally left their lives and their jobs in London behind in 2 of the 16 the packed everything up and got in the car and they moved to wash dishes where they probably set up a brewery why not tonight you can see them on a Channel 5 documentary about starting a new life away from the city but in places say that Sarah from Unity brewhouse joins us 1st on the program Hi Sarah how you Hi there I'm good thank you well well done to you because there are so many people who say you know what I'm going to give all up and move to the country but you did it what do you think was the deciding factor for you. Guys I don't know I'm not sure what it was you want loads of people said to us when we were told what we're going to be doing and it struck me that almost everyone got dream of what they want to give up their kind of everyday life or going to and I think I mean I just got to the point where life wasn't how we wanted it to be down in London he was working really long hours and he never saw the children and it was all about leading 2 separate lives in the same house I was working part time and bringing up the kids. And we decided we wanted to do something together and we wanted to spend more time together. And we had to decide what we were going to do we want to start business so we had to find what we having a common interest in and that we cannot with beer. It's the thing that binds us all . So did you buy the farm knowing you were going to start a brewery or did you think right brewery we need we need a venue we need a location can I what was what was the order of things well we we decided we did look at a few brewery sale but none of them were quite what we would how we would want them to be really and we decided it you know what it's probably better to start from scratch and and build our own and. Moved up here to watch the show because the area or they still grow hops air so we could use local hops and also there's a higher percentage of free houses around here so there's more of a market for the beer than in London most of the pubs are owned by big breweries or whatever and than most and have choice of what they have a stock so we pick the area and then moved up here and I started buying hops from the Hope Farm just 2 miles down the road and to kind of change our recipes to use local hops and then got talking to the hope farmer and they offered a space in one of their buildings for us to rent where to set a properly fantastic and had you been doing a lot of home brewing before this well once we decided that's what we're going to do and I quickly started here you know how did being home brew before deciding you want to do it and no wow good all are consuming parallelled Yeah and we know we knew what we liked in terms of taste of beer and things so yeah want we decided we wanted to do then go to home brew kit I did a few courses I went up to some Dylan to do a course there and started brewing and you know developing my mess base and then we got to a point where it's all right I think we're ready to go for this and heavy handed is noted animal house on the market and at that point all our friends and family went Oh you really are going to take it very well but they all come knocking when it's time for a party to be you know they don't they you know what is amazing how quickly you make friends yeah area when you tell them you're opening a brewery there is a very we have made so many friends it's such a welcoming community that we moved into it's absolutely lovely here and what's the reality being there sir because it's obviously sounds great and you're doing really well but I imagine making that leap and going into the unknown is pretty scary and long difficult hours it was very yes that it was a massive leap of faith but we have got faith it will work out well and it is we thought we were king hard before but it was nothing compared to what we're doing now we really are working all our. And and specially to young children as well. It kind of adds a whole new dimension but you're working more hours but I know I'm enjoying it more than we are yeah definitely and Hannah and I get into it to work together on something which we're really enjoying and a lot of people sort of say oh I can my my husband actually it's working really well we complement each other very well so yeah we all were enjoying it was really well and tonight of course you enjoy each other's company because you're tasting there from 9 o'clock in the morning when the strain how could you not. Take us through the really doesn't know how much damage tasting do you get to do. Well. Yeah quite a lot because obviously you've got to kind of keep up and taste other people's beers to see what the competition's light is your job oughtn't you've got to do everything and in terms of all the yeah yeah there is quality control that needs to be done but that's not really for enjoying it's here and I'm going to use that whenever I'm in the pub next it's just quality control the quality control you want to control the only thing I would think that does it ruin your experience is when you go into another pub and drink someone else's beer are you constantly assessing it until I would have gone with a stop sort of gone with the new cop in this one instead. You know not all I mean I do always say if I if I take the beer I really like and leave it in my mind is thinking or did they used to make mistakes you know comics something similar but I still enjoy the way it's not in a critical way I really enjoy taking other people good on ya to your fantastic for doing this and what I mean what is your advice find for people who are listening who think you know I would love to go and do this I've got this dream of doing that but I'm just too scared to make the leap of too many responsibilities Yeah I mean I think I think it's. I think if we'd thought about every tiny little aspect of the business and what it would involve I don't think we would ever have done it but I think you know we did we did have a business plan and we did think slowly through everything and we got to the point where we thought you know what we just got to go through this and I think I think that if you could have believed that what your planning is going to work going to succeed then I think some of the point way to go to do it but I wouldn't if you had 2 children. I want you to look at holder who did it though you did it yes yes yes did it good on you thanks so much for talking to us good luck in the future thank you very much and yet may be a very prosperous and belated 28000 for you never try and I were dry on radio how definitely not know that song I think you can think of. Sarah thank you so much I think I saw you and I thought about now by that Sarah solid partner honey gave up everything in London the star the row brewery but they haven't brewed beer before and I love that I love the adventure of that I want to report for a start the text with the word Georgie or 34530858 of course you can tell us as well about when you've completely changed your life and done something totally different and as well stick with the theme of responding to our votes because we had some caucus coming through. The sorry. evening you're responding to. Not anybody those who responded to a lonely hearts column another anybody does anybody still do that or are they still lonely hearts columns out there or is the likes of tinder and Internet dating taken over I don't know has it apparently so well banks at banks it's like oh yes it definitely is yeah absolutely every week. Thanks for 2 seconds as an insight into our life yeah yeah yeah I'll give you the number if you wanted a phone it through not. A one triple threat he started sex with the word Georgie or 034530850 ever responded to an advert buying things finding people getting jobs getting dogs as we've had on the show tonight as well what have you got for us and in a metal detector a follow up email. Johnny because we were talking metal detectors last night the chap that found the bishop's ring that was worth 10000 pounds that you know it may have Beverly in the Northeast journey I was interested to hear that fellow on your program with the metal detecting finds sounds like a lovely only time it was you would probably be surprised to learn what beauties are on Earth. I'm quite a regular basis now this is a super hobby I've been doing for 37 years I'm still not fed up with it probably the main attraction for most detectorists might be you never know what the next signal might produce I can't I but it must be to rethink the exciting when the book goes off. Best wishes and happy New Year to you and all your listeners not forgetting Georgie of course she is Dave thank you very much Dave yet you know Dave I can imagine it is fantastically exciting when you think you've found something and if you have as well and then it's worth 10000 pounds yes please thank you very much any metal detecting stories welcome but will try and keep focus tonight please on responding to our verse now it's time for the 2nd b.b.c. Introducing track of the week from our artist of the week is the Lancashire lads high wire w y r e made up of David and Alex and Chris supposedly lots by our colleagues at b.b.c. Manchester introducing show they're going to be here live tomorrow so we get a live session of them is always one of my favorite bits of the week when I get to fill in for Julia and do this is the live x. The gist of such a great standard So this is high wire and this is their new track this is a track called sorry and appropriately enough for this time of the year is well it's new leaves. I just find. You assume. That's great and they are great I really like them and I'm really looking forward to meet the lads from high wire tomorrow on the program David Chris and Alex Cohen across the sea is from Lancashire and I think you could pick up those influences that they talk about there of the likes of and not in 75 certainly Bloc Party loads of other kind of really contemporary pop sounding optimistic pop sounding records in. La even in session tomorrow with his on Georgie tonight's And thank you to all our introducing colleagues that always pass on and introducing our we have a different one every single week from all around the region 5 tracks from across each show each night and I think again and I gonna talk about this a lot as I'm boring but I make no apologies for it I think. It just really showcases the amount of fantastic incredible talent there is out there we're so proud to be able to bring you just a little snapshot of just a little snapshot here on our show but always wherever you are in a country make sure you get the opportunity to give you b.b.c. Introducing shows at least on a weekend because it's just fantastic really really impressive next on the show your music from the likes of dire straits and George Michael the Stylistics on the way and I'd like more of your tales of she responded to plays in particular newspapers in the olden days but will take pin boards random notes off license is convenient shops and of course the Internet as well one triple 3 start out text with the word Georgie 034530858 you can find it on social media very modern b.b.c. Georgia tonight on Twitter and Facebook. With. The Spring. And spring. Budget. Cuts. And don't seem so. Weak. And. Runs off my shoulder. And one. Was. Such a. Creature. Touching me. Sad. To. See. Such a. Good. Little time and Sweet Caroline Which reminds me I shall you can hear my interview with one of the best Neil Diamond impersonators around the new name Brooklyn creed on the show later on this week and Sweet Caroline all day on the way. To same summations so. Long I don't see a digital radio East.