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In Newcastle the past understood to travel to Britain from China recently and to fall ill while staying in New York Sunday to my school reports professor as he says the identities of the 2 patients and further details of their cases will not be revealed to the public in an interview with the b.b.c. He described the n.h.s. As being extremely well prepared and well used to managing infections adding that robust infection control measures are now in place he said Public Health England was in the process of identifying any contacts the patients had had with other people to stop the virus spreading Professor witty added that very early assessment suggested that the death rate from the new coronavirus was low at around 2 percent . He added that the impact of the symptoms on patients was dependent on their overall state of health a plane carrying more than 80 British people evacuated from one hand the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak has landed back in the u.k. The passengers then left r.a.f. Brize Norton Oxfordshire by cage bound for accommodation at an n.h.s. Ice in will where they will be quarantined for 14 days the public health minister j. Churchill was asked whether staff at the hospital would be safe everybody has been working very very hard to make sure the both the facility is ready to welcome them but also that the right actions have been taken by clinicians to ensure that all staff are safe yes it's about the safety of those who are coming over from within but it's actually much broader than that it's about the safety of the staff here at Arrow Park but also the broader safety of each and every one of us the number of students from Bath University have been told they won't make the start of the new term after they were able to return from China they are believed to be locked inside their homes because of the threat posed by the corona virus they travel back to the country for the Chinese New Year. Is the coordinator of the Chinese undergraduate program at the university and then with your bought there are some. Beauty. Propped locked in the center of the deadly cauldron of hydrants which started last month ministers have persons departure from the e.u. By holding a special cabinet meeting in Sunderland the 1st city to declare a full back seat in the 26 day referendum the will formally leave the block at 11 o'clock tonight moving into a transition period during which hypes to negotiate a trade deal with the e.u. By the end of the Yam political correspondent Jonathan Blake the prime minister has said tonight marks not an end but a beginning a moment of national renewal and change the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn. Said the country had to move on but also maintain good relations with the e.u. Official events to mark the moment will be limited a clock projected on to Downing Street counting down to 11 o'clock and government buildings lit in red white and blue supporters of the e.u. Will hold a procession through Whitehall on Parliament Square they'll be celebrations European leaders have described Britain's official departure from the e.u. As a day of reflection a mixed emotions adding they would do everything in their power to make the new relationship a success Scotland's 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that Bracks it was a pivotal moment for those in favor of another Scottish independence referendum the Church of England has apologized for saying sex is for only for such as sexual married couples the Archbishop of Canterbury and York said they recognize the division and her statement course last week the organization said Christians could only have sex if their marriage which it called the lifelong union between a man and a woman the actress who voiced the children's t.v. Program Peppa Pig a stepping down from the role after more than a decade 80 bird who's now 18 and in her final year of a levels when a Bafta for her role in 2011 she'll be replaced by 9 year old Amelia Bay Smith Holly spoke about how she got the role can really remember a lot because I was I was tiny you know and I went to law addition and they listened to my voice and I sound like a 4 year old pig so I got I got the job and I call them by going to the 1st time I couldn't read at all. News it's almost 5 past 5 Imagine being told You sound like a 4 year old pig I mean the nicest compliment stay I thought I wanted to be fair I've been called were. Actually on the other hand always sounds wonderful I just follow my own thank you good evening 837 serve a daughter still still giving him a turn bring lights just around the door just the road turn off heading to war still for a $37.00 run for. Draw skis cueing just need to the Cross Keys in again to embrace the blame and the a 36 it will stretch between Barrington and blagged remains close and looking slow but our burst water main I'll bring you more about 10 minutes in the meantime though if you can update us on the spot or something we haven't please do call us if you can say from legal it's always 106781566. Somerset's whatever. Is in Ferguson hello there well it's been a mostly mild day once again across the county up to about 12 degrees in places the showery rain that we had earlier has tended to drift away towards the east and southeast of us albeit remaining fairly breezy if not rather windy it's looking a mostly dry picture now as we close out the day and similarly so that as we head overnight and into Saturday temperatures overnight about 810 degrees will find that the highest temperatures on Saturday are tending to be in the very 1st part of the day that 1st part of the day could be prone to some cherry outbreaks of rain or some individual showers or some of those will have developed into the early hours just skirting through some southern coastal counties of England and quite possibly through some parts of our county but it should be a temporary feature the rest of Saturday barring just the odd shower feeding in from say the Bristol Channel is looking like it will be dominated by a good deal of dry windy but fairly bright weather with sunny spells varying amounts cloud around and so will find towards the end of the day the winds drop out that bit further something of a lull before some rain spreads in overnight Saturday to Sunday some of that rain quite persistent quite heavy and it will clear through before daybreak on Sunday allowing a lot of cloud to still be around by Sunday morning but Sunday will tend to improve it will become windy or however but it will equally be one of hazy sunshine for a fair part of the afternoon accompanied by some very mild conditions of the highs on Sunday potentially up to about 13 to 14 degrees issue for us. Be Radley's and wake up the afternoon I'm out with you until 7 on Friday's drive here on b.b.c. Somerset coming up Bristol City manager Lee Johnson has been talking head off tomorrow's match against q.p.r. Are more about the music on the way from Celeste brilliant song coming up from a and erase your playing as well before half past 5 today and we were talking about deadlines and dates and all the different things happening transfer deadline day breaks and it's the h.m.o. C self assessment deadline as well today the day where you need to have your tax returns sent in if your self employed but Ha Ha Marci Here are a lot of excuses such as the dog ate my post or I was up a mountain in Wales and couldn't find a post box and also some questionable expense claims like a music subscription so the person could listen to music while they work the case on this is from h m r c it's very important that line so many returns need to be filed online and pay any taxes. Jane and people that are impacted by self assessment are the people who don't have tax automatically deducted from their income so if you are underpaid you are. Normally your taxes deducted so to example the self employed so traders business partners people who have income of more than 50000 and who we see child benefit or the common everything child benefit so a few examples there and I suppose I mean in the past I've had to do things like this and they are a bit of a pain but actually they can be as good for you is not because at the end of the day your telling h m r c event and also what your expenses have been and if you've paid out and stuff like that that's right so and the good news is if you're doing week then you'll get it really quickly you'll be able to have at the end of your doing the stuff of. A calculation and it would be you you know you're either overpaid or and paid hopefully overpaid and I need you get the payment into your bank really quickly I don't ever remember getting a refund. I never lied and I do know that not because I've tried this in the past but I do know that some people come up with some bizarre excuses as to as to why they've missed the deadline do they get away with them and secondly do you have any favorites that you want to tell us about no they don't get away with them as an example of the strange reasons why you know people that they can file a return and. So when we talk about it we like why those got rejected so my mother ignored that which put a curse. On the form what is that I wonder what it's like because my mother in laws which yes. So when somebody's been charged a penalty they're saying I can do it my mother knows about another one that would make me smile is my dog ate the post again. Only was it this year that the dog ate a post but they got me in craving. I love that I love that and they also come up with weird expenses now I I know the expenses are very strange and there are lots of different people in lots of different vacations and that's why you can claim lots of strange things but you can't claim everything can you you know that's right so things like you dole as a guard dog not quite sure about. I don't think anything for that. There is things like that and you know we've got the nation we've got the return there by you know when we're looking at the expenses that people are claiming when you can see work as a business and whether it looks to be you know tied in with expectancy he's though it then we make some. Questions about it that's what I think more about that god yeah I'm one of the I saw one about food and drink claiming 4 pounds 50 for sausage and chips for 250 days. And is that right. That's and a bit like. That is incredible I know that we're having a laugh but there is a serious side to this is I said it can be positive and negative Absolutely but it can know it can be positive for people if they feel easy right yes that's right so and everything right and on each day about what are reasonable excuses and just something that the pain is there on that list and the sort of things that we could say as being reasonable cause you know people's lives that things happen and there are reasons why you can't do something that you need to keep by a certain date so an example of the unexpected stay in hospital that prevented you from dealing with you touch which And so not that you knew 6 months ago you were going to be in hospital in January. That right but that. That it meant complete a software fail just before or while you would do in your line returned fire flood or death that prevented you and again you know it was recorded history to people it's from and how it happened. Every year there's a fire that makes them. But you know these are serious things and we do have you know we we take a reasonable view of our American garden. And the best thing is if you've got something that stuck in you can go to contact us now to say so the deadline is tonight make sure that you let us know if there's something that's coating you up we are joking about it but there's a serious business and what does happen if if people don't hit the deadline and they don't have the excuse that they can be fined coming yes that's what's there's an automatic penalty of 100 pounds if you're like gambling in return and then it goes on from there so again a word of advice to be equally if they should miss this deadline do as soon as you can because the longer you delay and this does happen people like on this deadline not quite well the longer you missed you know wait to send it in the more penalties you can be charged under us from h m r c. Hit Once again any busy. Picking up now as we head into all the Friday afternoon rush hour mad certainly be heading through rad start really 361 the Barclay road in bound looking slow slightly further south than 3 ship them out of the Whetstone road stretch of the a 37 securing and it's also looking slow just heading for the a 361 as well the sometimes we like to see you on the 37 when the carriage grave road just need to come to merge and they causing queues as well little bit slow through the center of wells glass debris slow just west of it on the a 39 m. 5 slot the slow narrow lanes north of Taunton at 25 killing. In the Bridgwater for the road the Western slow and the Broadway heavy going to heavy as ever through particularly for the way and the a 358 roadworks heading through your will slow both ways on the road and then the a 37 stretch just around the turn off the temper lights once again causing queues 368 remain shut for the best water main between Barrington and but if you spot something else we haven't mentioned call this place if you can say from legal It's 106-7815. First. Richard from childhood almost completed a 3000 mile road across the Atlantic. Just. One of those experiences a one off. Again. And it was a morning of the big question what is the. Fish and Chips. You know. Because it's wrong. To be. Monday from 6 am a brand new day and the fallout from the 6 Nations. I . Was. Born in the u.s. And raised in Brighton she won b.b.c. Music sound of 2020 which is given to artists who attempt for success in the coming year she's absolutely. Brilliant stop this flame. And it. Just. It is. Celeste and stop this flame it's b.b.c. Somerset Friday's drive and talk talk about football now Bristol City travel to Queens Park Rangers in the Championship summer and manager Lee Johnson has been talking about the arrivals and departures this transfer window with b.b.c. Somerset's Richard Hoskins starting with Nucky wells coming to the club yeah I'm delighted I think it brings us the movement if you like the raft and he brings us that form he's fit and flying at the moment and you keep your side that go in the ball and go and bowling good areas and he's a natural finisher say he's a player that Personally I've liked for a long time and never been out to get near to in terms of the type of signing that the clubs are quiet at the time like. They previously So yeah I'm very pleased to bring him through the door. And hopefully to Joe I know that he played with Johnny possum in k.c. Pramod before. Ready so call integration by football wise and personality wise and is a really good lad as well and he's been a prolific scorer now in the championship for a few years presumably you have to fossil have a club still and his signature Yeah I think that it was a difficult choice because there was a number of people that were off their Him and I think he set me for a poor Queens Park Rangers well but when you get the opportunity to speak to the player it's quite an easy sell I think in the universe of training ground on the way it's a fantastic city you know we get 222-3000 every week with 6 in the league 6 points off 2nd and hopefully somebody wants to buy into that and he certainly done that very very quickly and yet he seems like the type of character that completely suits us and what we need at this point in time how hard was it to let just Cranhill guy . Sell him a something from one ist and again it's a club decision rather of signed knocking can't just brown Oh of course I would but as it turns out I'm very very proud of Josh and I think signing Joe is a 1920 road after taking him on loan from bombs Lee for the fee that we did. Develop in him in every element of his life let alone his for Guy and see him in then flourishing to be so of one of the if not the best sort of attack in midfield is number 8 if you are in the Championship and Premier League interest is bound to come and this is very difficult because like I say the the personal feeling for me is being really really proud of him bit frustrated because I wanted to continue the journey with him but at the same time and I look at him and I think he's a fantastic man as well for what he's turned into and more it's done and with all the speculation going on how well we perform they'll die off it that says a lot in the modern day you won't get too many footballers a premiership Premier League move 2 days around the corner put in tackles in and run in and stretching and everything that he done in that game against Reading so close up to around wish him all the best sorry to see him go but it's certainly a way to welcome back reverse around one for a cup of tea or Ashton Gate or to go Bristol City Manager at least Johnson talking to Richard Haas can you can he commentry of the q.p.r. City game amongst other things on Saturday sports more here on b.b.c. Somerset. Somerset with my full. And a little respect since b.b.c. Somerset events are planned across the u.k. To mark the moment at 11 o'clock tonight that we leave the European Union We'll have more on that from our reporter in the next 10 minutes or so also before 6 you'll hear about an award winning fish and chip shop in Melbourne Ports that's going to be difficult to listen to come to dinner yet to even somebody like me who doesn't kill or at least 8 o'clock and then off to 6 tonight I'll be talking about food and travel with blogger Millie Kenney including what she likes about her job I think it's sort of the draw actually actually that I enjoy the most you know because I do so many different things now I'm sort of one damn thing a feat stylist the next day I'm travelling to some interesting restaurant in another country and then you know I might be offering a slice to a company the next day about how they should run the social media so it's very exciting and as someone likes to be seeing keep things interesting it really works for me and also just being my own boss I mean I just don't think there's any comparison it's not something I ever intended to make a living from and I think that's sort of the beauty of it I think nowadays there are so many youngsters who go to university and sort of thing I want to be an influence. And that's all a nice which is sad because it not something I set out to do it sort of by accident I wanted to just enjoy writing about food and travel and taking photos up there and then you know after a lot of hard. A lot of just enjoy years and years and years it ended up becoming a career but it just wasn't the intention initially food and travel blogger Kenny Roy who you'll hear a lot more from after 6 tonight on Dr. 531 now time for the b.b.c. Somerset news headlines England's chief medical officer has confirmed that 2 people are being treated in the case for the new strain of Corona virus which killed more than 200 people in China Professor Chris Witty said the patients were now at a specialist unit in Newcastle a plane carrying more than 80 British people evacuated from one hand the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak has landed back in the u.k. The passengers then laughed r.a.f. Brize Norton in Oxfordshire by coach bound for accommodation at an n.h.s. Ice in will where they'll be quarantined for 14 days Meanwhile the number of students from Bath University have been told they won't make the start of the need term after they were able to return from China they're believed to be locked inside their homes because of the threat posed by the coronavirus ministers have marked Britain's departure from the e.u. By holding a special cabinet meeting in Sunderland's the 1st city to declare for bright state in the 2016 my friend the u.k. Will formally leave the block at 11 o'clock tonight moving into a transition period during which they types to negotiate a trade deal with the e.u. By the end of the year they were all European leaders have described Britain's official departure from the e.u. As a day of reflection and mixed emotions and they would do everything in their power to make the new relationship a success Scotland's 1st Minister Nicolas Sturgeon said that Britain breaks it was a pivotal moment for those in favor of another Scottish independence referendum the Church of England has apologized for saying so. I mean for heterosexual married couples they are specially come to pray and that they recognize the division and hurt the statement coolest and the actress he voiced the children's t.v. Program Peppa Pig is stepping down from the role after more than a decade Hollie but he is now 18 and in her final year of a levels when a Bafta for her role in 2011 she'll be replaced by 9 year old Amelia b. Smith b.b.c. Somerset knees it's $533.00. Julia Buckley said once again how's it looking at the moment enjoy it Cheers Matt thank you the a 368 the stretch between Blagden and Barrington remain shut for the burst water mains are causing delays at the moment on all approaching routes low now through wells we just heading through the strawberry way round about how it was just in drive on the glass and rewrote it looking slow because of the on going road works also slow a bit further south to coax the on the 839 as we heading for the 837 near the Cross Keys in lead for them false slow once again temper lights holding you up and the a 37 south of you over to just around the stove or turn off on the Dorchester road temper lights causing queues a 3 o 3 slightly slow both ways spark for the pod I'm all but it does he's off in some patches and 5 slightly slow north of $25.00 or Taunton because of the narrow lanes and the speed restrictions Silk Road west of Taunton heavy up towards Norton Fitzwarren and heavy Bridgewater heading down the Taunton road towards the Broadway which is snarled up in itself if you spot something else we haven't mentioned please call it if you can say for legal away 206781566. And his Ian Ferguson hello there well it's been a mild day once again across the county up to about 12 degrees in places showery rain that we had earlier has tended to drift away towards the east and southeast of us albeit remaining fairly breezy if not rather windy it's looking a mostly dry picture now as we close out the day and similarly say that as we head over and. Right into Saturday temperatures overnight about 810 degrees will find that the highest temperatures on Saturday attending to be in the very 1st part of the day that 1st part of the day could be prone to some cherry outbreaks of rain or some individual showers some of those will have developed into the early hours just skirting through some southern coastal counties of England and quite possibly through some parts of our county but it should be a temporary feature the rest of Saturday barring just the odd shower feeding in from say the Bristol Channel is looking like it will be dominated by a good deal of dry windy but fairly bright weather with sunny spells varying amounts cloud around and so will find towards the end of the day the winds drop out that bit further something of a lull before some rain spreads in overnight Saturday to Sunday some of that rain quite persistent quite heavy and it will clear through before daybreak on Sunday allowing a lot of cloud still be around by Sunday morning but some day will tend to improve it will become windy however but it will equally be one of hazy sunshine for a fair part of the afternoon accompanied by some very mild conditions so the highs on Sunday potentially up to about 13 to 14 degrees as you for. But don't judge me for saying it I'm Every Woman at the top of my voice so I. Just one of those things happens when you put a great song. Doesn't have to particularly be about me or right. It's Friday strive I am math just to clarify and I'll be with you until 7 latest travel in sport on the way here on b.b.c. Somerset and it's only a matter of hours now that Britain will leave the European Union so I guess let's find out what's going on in Brussels our political reporter Peter sole is in a pub of course he is in the e.u. Capital hype Aitchison I'm not yet raising my coat to you because of course it is still very much dry John Yuri and I put a long night ahead of me. What's the atmosphere like in here quite a few people that sounds very busy. Yes So this is Kitty O'Sheas It's just like the right from the European Commission building the building or as they call it in these parts and it's a very popular watering hole for diplomats from all over Europe they're actually calling the current time that we're not happy hour tonight is the general mood here in Brussels people pretty sad actually that. We're all we now just met just over 5 hours to go will be leaving the European Union as a country after waste 50 years of participation in this town some people wandering around wearing Union Jack with a suit memorability a low side next to cup. Of Americans actually who said what Rex is happening tonight I thought happened months ago so not everyone is entirely I connected to what is going on here a very international feel and here tonight that is for sure I think the general feeling among people who work in the European Union is that they think. It in some shape or form happened some time ago because our participation in these situations has been fairly limited ever since the referendum but nevertheless as an acknowledgement here that tonight is a historic moment and difficult day for the European Union and largely the pretty sad to see us go so close 11 o'clock am Brussels at midnight will anything actually happen at that time in Brussels we don't think it will actually at some point they're going to have to lower the Union flag outside the European Parliament but we're not entirely sure whether they're going to do that I mean you have to get away with doing up under the cover of darkness there not been loads of well events happening over the past couple days some advance happening the very squares around Brussels tonight but the biggest one I think was last night in the corner plus the famous square in the city center where they projected the red white and blue the hymn flags on all 4 corners of the square there was a novelty British red phone box there and to top it all it started chucking it down with rain so it's very very British indeed that but yeah I think that the of the general mood is quite somber one here in Brussels remember for quite a lot of Brits who are living out here brags it means losing their jobs not least the members of the European Parliament who have now all packed up their offices and largely gone home certainly the bricks and supporting Army pays out they're going to be started pricing back here in the u.k. And most people here tonight it's all about jotting this all right so after this deadline what actually happens that we have the next phase of negotiations that we want can we expect from the e.u. Yes it's not over yet I'm afraid an awful lot still to be resolved and here. Russell has a fair amount of skepticism about whether there's enough time to get it all done I'll cut and of course out sooner I can get a trade deal done by the end 2020 lot of people I'm talking to you. Think there may well be a need for some form of an extension without just cause this certain sexes will have to wait and see I said a news conference earlier on with the European Commission president of the council presence on the parliament president as well as are 3 of the most powerful figures in the e.u. And they're all expressing their sorrow really about this day quite a difficult day for the European Union but I think they can move forward they can put on a you know icy front Show me show the council priced and said the more that the u.k. Moves away from e.u. Rules and regulations the less access they will have to e.u. Markets that is been repeated refrain from e.u. Officials in recent weeks and hints at some of the potential bumps that will hit along the roads you need to phase 2 of the negotiations remembered by what we've learned from phase one and that is when the e.u. Sometime say says no account the tension you need may be and so I think there is grounds for optimism moving forward not least also because both sides are determined to get a deal done to avoid what they call the cliff edge at the end of 22 and say thank you Peter enjoy the rest of your night and also enjoy Fabbri when it sounds like you can have a drink again if you want to a pizza sole reporting of reporting from a very busy pub in Brussels. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset Julian Buckley has the latest on the rights now Jules. Thank you Barrington to blanket and the a 368 remain shut and looking around the closure points was a burst water main is attended to slow through Coakley for the 839 slow then for the Glastonbury road through wells just away from the strong the way round about up to just when dry this road works the blame little bit slow at the moment still heading through it for them falls for the a 37 just leave the Cross Keys in this and to. Traffic lights causing queues particularly on the northbound side of the 37 much for the South on the 37 indeed south of Yeovil on the Dorchester road just by the stove are turned off again tempering lights a causing delays a trio very slightly slow spark for a pod or more but it's starting to improve m 5 slow in the narrow lanes on the speed restriction just north of junction $25.00 for Taunton Taunton heavy and brown for the term way slightly further west the silk Mills Road outbound is a building still and heading through the center of Bridgewater the Broadway is looking slow at the moment in both directions as ever though if you can update us and you spotted something we haven't mentioned and please to call this if you can say for legal weight 106781566. Onto the sport then Donald say with all the details and can we start with the latest on transfer deadline day please. Yes I could offer them at some movement involving a local club so not so much in the last hour or so though Bristol Rovers have signed defend Keane from a Swans a for an undisclosed fee he won't receive an international clearance in time though for tomorrow's game against Coventry as far as Johnson Clarke Harris is concerned bang gone a told us today that he trains this morning as usual and things as things stand there's been no official bids the transfer window of course closes at 11 o'clock this evening one player has left Rovers today for Tom Nichols as joint chant on loan for the rest of the season striker to me Abraham who arrived from follow on loan yesterday could make his debut against Coventry tomorrow gonna concede supplier has been a long term Club Target series actually been a deal that was in place before I I joined the club so it's taken a little while to get it finalized but the club are very keen to push that one through the office differentiates to what we've got here I think it's an opportunity for to me to experience League football and the environment and the physicality of the league and also for us to look and see where he impacts our team you know whether he can get ahead of the front lines that we've got here in a quite a day at Ashton Gate though no real news from Bristol City they're big news here. And in the last 24 hours of course the rival strike and lucky Wales are the parts of just Brian Hill to Burnley some news today in the shape of the fenders and Vine are being recalled from his loan spell at Aberdeen your full time manager Darren Sol told us yesterday that he'd be working right up the 11 o'clock deadline in case any opportunities arise involving Premier League clubs or the National League clubs do not have the same transfer restrictions will host the bottom side surely in the National League to morrow midfielder Charlie set for a 503 parents as a professional footballer he says there have been some great memories along the way you never be the days we get promoted the games that you go up there very special and I'll never forget any of them yeah and hopefully then you will have some more of those with you over the season that's the aim of the. We don't really work sit in the new set of players and but we want to get the club back to where it belongs by Threepio Charlie Olsen some on the Hill were both starting when 6 Nations opener in France on Sunday clip makes Jonathan Joseph and will Stewart and named on the bench Stewart in line to make his debut and the Phantoms George Firbank starts at full back to make his debut with Anthony Watson of Bath injured Tom Curry moves the number 8 and the absence of believe in a polar coach Eddie Jones thinks Stuart is a good fit for the international stage world tided probably got one job yeah that's the scrum is a big lump of a lady's $131.00 K.'s well put together he's learning how strong he still young got a willingness to carry and heat around the fringes of Iraq so there's a lot to like about him part of the job is to make sure the squad keeps growing keeps getting better and I think tight is no different from any other position and we finish with tennis Tomic team will face Novak Djokovic in Sunday's men's final the Australian Open maybe Alexandra 0 of in 4 sets in the semifinals today that's all the sport for my butt is more on the b.b.c. Sport website. On the. B.b.c. Some of. Those which didn't respond b.b.c. Some of the. The moment sense to list and I'm calling colleagues at this week's nominated sensible radio stations to teach. College those are loose ends a becomes clearly asked some Friday as it is a cover. To play by our simple need for group to last with Richard Lewis somebody absolutely no he doesn't say on here find someone who can't be doesn't say that now you can say. Sunday morning from to call them in the know are you sure you read the right focus on do the sums. It would. Be. Close. To. The polls play a bad. Mood . Cara whenever wherever. The playing say Craig David as well in the next quarter and I'll be Somerset Friday's drive off to 6 we talk about travel and food we're going to talk about food now. When to find Friday is particularly difficult because as you probably know I don't end up eating until about 8 o'clock after I finish the program and then been able to sort out my dinner so right now Mattel may start to run because we're going to hear about a somerset fish and chip shop this one a national award as Dan is reports. From just center in the something else fish fish and chip shop in Melbourne Ports and they have just won a National Award and the man behind that is Martin else he's the owner here. Is fantastic news we've won the u.k. Best seasonal award so basically for use in seasonal products we've got some fantastic fish coming off our local coastlines today for instance we've got fresh taps on the menu just coming into season now we've had sprouts on the menu you name it if it's coming into season them we want to get our hands on cooking it for our customers but this is just one side of the business isn't it we're in the takeaway while you've got a restaurant as well we've got a restaurant up stairs we've got just short of 40 covers very very busy little restaurant which is great for us I think we have about 12 members a stone so it keeps us busy everything's homemade here we pride ourselves on all of our Does a sup in the restaurant are all gluten free and yeah we're a very family orientated business one of our daughter helps out which is great the other one is in training so hopefully she'll be here in a few years time that must make you feel really proud that this great team has then been rewarded with this award is fantastic I mean we've had still so much publicity locally we've had so many people well wishers asked just open into the take way to say congratulations and it's just great you know it's is testament to last staff I mean everybody works so hard. Here during the. Campaign we have. And I have too many things one regular car town one regular chips not the most important question I'm going to ask you today Martin it's what is the most acceptable source to have with your fish and chips well for me it has to be tomato sauce I think so I'm sure many would disagree with me definitely tomato ketchup for sure I'm the same Yeah I know how it has to be doesn't we always have this conversation as well and cause people are coming in same what we put on 1st you put the saw on all the vinegar on 1st you know so there's lots of interesting discussions to have about fish and chip I think that's one of the reasons why I'm so passionate and we're all passion about fish and chips because the moment you mention fish and chips there's always a story somebody has got to tell you about fish and chips when they were younger and when they went here from when they went there and it's great it just creates a conversation starter and it's Tina being very kind of going to let me judge the fish and chips so I've gone for plain and simple just call the chips chips and is that the most popular order for sure code is our most popular order we do offer lots of different species of fish here we always have cold place and have it on the menu. I think you have a some Us woman looks incredible I can't wait to try this 1st ship about talking. Chips are so good. Covered in catch up lots of vinegar lots of so. Now how do you feel because I'm hungry now I'm actually salivating girl so you had Martin else from something else. Speaking to our reporter down as he. I didn't bring any. Good in the. Given. Name and no. You have to be in me. Don't. Own Me. I'm the. Only home. On my own. But on the phone. Call Here I'm just waiting for the key to finally get to see these words face to face. A song. Called will just. She was standing. Near me. To be. Told a. Whole. Battle. Is better. The battle. The battle for a. Better off of me it's 6 o'clock.

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