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She's electric on b.b.c. Somerset thank you very much to Roger was talking about snails we're going to be finding out the health benefits of them they've arrived at the port live snails are not eating a live snail so I'll be able to enjoy the beauty of life within the snails and not the smell of garlic butter in fact we want even mention the garlic butter for fear of scaring the snails. Thank you Roger says a friend of mine at 12 snails a day for a month and it killed him doctor said he died of shell shock. That this clown whatever the new system is. And it gave you the option you can make your own emote that looks like you so instead of using the standard ones which are in a sort of one of the yellow faces in the tears coming out their eyes or whatever you can make ones that specifically look like you build them to look like you and I actually amazingly it was my mother who did this 1st at the. Family Group incredibly I mean this is this is. Big step forwards from she is been the 1st when she beat her to. A young youngish children. In their twenty's who they were we they we mean my sister were behind my. Sex The generic and mother in getting this set up so what and mom but the the actual thing is great so instead of sending these images I'm sending pictures of me and my tweet this what do I will tweet a emoji called Mean me mo G.'s got me in see what they did that I'm going to tweet a picture that if you want to see what it looked like you can I might use it instead of normal pictures of me just any picture of me that's taken to shove this over the top of it there's ones with like tears coming out your eyes crying laughing. Those ones looking shocked thumbs up thumbs down. Making a sure. Thing with the finger of your mouth like that to them I would tweet a picture you can send me your thoughts on whether it looks like me or ever this is what I think everyone's done my mom looks about 40 years younger in her eyes I think you will also what do you make yours look younger or better or more handsome more beautiful than you actually are so. My hair is a bit neater and less straggly on me mochi. Maybe I've got a bit of a tan on as well this is this is like the idea of me that I have rather than actual me so I will put that up there actually tell a 4th want have a look if you've got yours as well if you've been making them I would love to see us we can just correspond with those now so. What's that group now as when they're all going to bed which is I see before me as I am quite like. So can my sister also and picture of her sleeping as one would like coming out of that so she was an addict that means that she's going to bed mom will respond with her waving we don't speak anymore just send pictures of each cartoons of each other on to. The group and my dad was left out his phones too old to update so I had to make him the memo cheesey sent me a very heartfelt message of thanks to Dexie felt very left out and I was able to save all of those into his phone so he's got it is well with they just there are no words no way to send each other these pictures of ourselves in cartoon form I'll put a picture up online on Twitter you can have a look for yourself if you've got those I would love to see yours as well we can get little family photo going or or listener photo together where we just get everybody's Mimo G.'s together you can tweet me at Charlie Taylor for gone through that I'm also on Instagram I don't know how you do on Instagram other than just post the picture of it do that yeah please feel free of that you can send me direct messages on Instagram why do you do that because I think instead allows you to do it to just send me a direct message on Instagram actually Tayla for if you're on there with your me mo G.'s and we can have little me conversations see this is how we're bringing the show dragging it into the 21st century here with cartoon pictures of ourselves it sounds trivial it has transformed the way I communicate with my family b.b.c. Somerset's connects it with Charlie to b.b.c. That's a decision because I misspoke a step in my house. And you know that. Blew and all Ronnie's on b.b.c. Some say good evening it is snail time I'm fairy play so I live in a safe from Sunset s. Kaka. Good evening Lynn. Thanks for coming in you've got a small box with you as well a time when box and some lives nails in fact they are forcing their way out Oh my goodness. The massive Some of them are the beautiful things actually in a way. Not in every way I suggest everyone would find beautiful but actually they are I think quite majestic creatures yeah I'll keep an eye on them. Well if you go back to say you can only find 3 people find one in this studio tomorrow morning during a break for show and we'll give her a fright I guess I'm not too worried if you're. Ok Well 1st of all before we get chatting with Lynn I want to bring you this because actually Somerset and snails go back a long way it's not just as cargo which is a new company which is doing this this is something which goes a long way back as this news reel from British path they will and will show it is a brilliant piece if you can find the footage on You Tube It's well worth looking at but here's the audio from that news. They eat them in front of the delicacy as they call them as cargo which makes them as acceptable as a delicious taste. Them in Somerset as a delicacy which makes 64 year old Mr Penny an important man in the field of gastronomical. This is the man that hill country where the soil is rich in limestone which turns these indigenous cargo into expansive unhandsome speciality is on the menu of a pub restaurant the Good Food Guide recognizes on their account. In winter they're hard to find in the summer just a penny can collect up to 8 pounds of them in a 3 hour trip which winds up here at the miners are high on the hills where the Romans had the lead mines it's an old in dedicated to all the traditions and hospitality of the West Country to international food and drink see the calorie count that goes into this strange dish. The chef secret is to come to a state of melting tenderness and some of them piping hot with garlic parsley and bubbling butter sauce and if you really can't stomach the snails themselves the dish is worth ordering for the sauce alone they've got all the escargot gadgetry that Paris has devised to overcome the customer's snails resistance with a ritual that makes each mouthful an occasion. And they go. See these lovely creatures of the countryside when you're out walking and you might well be blind to the fact that some people think they're in a central part of high living there you go amazing footage well worth seeing I know you've seen and yeah it's great really good and I love the local connection with the mend it will fish really I'd really love to reinstate that dish Ok well that's maybe cider Oh wow so the wolfish is a dish or type of snail dish I don't know who invented it but I think it might have been at Pub them on his arms and yet braced inside and then with her but I think it'd be great to do a partnership with a cider maker about him I want to shift people are going to go look really if you want to get in the business I know your new very new company and he said when you start literally in September and the last month Yeah I mean obviously we've been sort of preparing before that but I guess the launch was sort of September and what sort of influence that is that we were finalists in the launch some of that competition which is this some set and price centers did this competition and we got through to the final $402.00 which was amazing and so i k this is this is a great opportunity so literally launch so that's what we did and we'll start farming seriously next year we're really really in the throes of setting up an enclosure and all the hard physical labor that that entails especially in the October right when it's hard hard work at a snail's. Do you really do they come out in the rain they love it and I say Yeah I must say cycling home in the dark occasionally hear a crunch underneath my class which is sad I know but I can't see the message you know what they say their shells repair so pretty brilliant I'll tell myself that all of them survived. I tell myself that now Ok so it's a lot to get into here because I'm fascinated by it so 1st of all why well we moved house we lived in Wellington for about 9 years something like that but we moved house to west Buckland last year and we've got a bit of luck with the house so we knew that we wanted to do something agricultural growing something looking after animals something like that with this land and literally I was googling what to do and I came across this now farming on the someone in island called Eva and she's been doing over there for 7 years and she's created quite co-operative over there about 15 so farmers and we went to see her and it's quite a low set up business. But I also really liked that the as a food source it's really high in protein if we nutritious and it's got a low carbon footprint as well so it just ticked so many boxes and we decided to go for it right Ok So up until this point had snails played any part in your life and it's all how did Mitt know it's all yeah the plan a much bigger part of it yeah so you had no link to snails it was in that you'd been fascinated by China already looking Ok so. When you did your husband so when you when you thought this. Were there any doubt in your mind did you think snails a slimy and probably there isn't a huge market there probably is but maybe when you 1st think there is there are enough of a market absolutely Those were some the questions and yeah you wonder if Yeah he's going to eat them and but when you start to look into it it is quite big business. There are lots of snow farms in Europe Eastern Europe the Spanish the Italians the French the Greek they all eat snails they love snails and I don't really understand why it's died out over here and that's why I think there's a real opportunity for us to reinstate it and I've got this big dream that the Southwest will become the place that you come to be for amazing escargot like you think France for Iscar go you think of the Southwest in the future because you've got so many wonderful food the chefs and you know people who can create lovely recipes Why not if we can produce them here is quite rainy so. Yeah exactly so you know when we researched it that there is definitely a market but there is a part of what we do and he's educated in I guess the British public can get them enthused about his the problem I suppose this is the ignorance isn't it on my part on everyone's part is that snails are seen as pests and they're seen a slimy when I mean they're not just seen as like they are saying there's no doubting that so they don't lend themselves to being eaten straight or the French Europeans may think differently because you certainly are eating is children or whatever you want with it more how you could do that are going to change the perception Well I think over the past few years we've got used to eating so many different kinds of foods I mean like a king prawn For example when I was a child I'm not sure I ever had a king point you know shrimps we need little shrimps but not King Cole squid I remember the 1st time I went to Greece and had square only run out of the room I was just so freaked out Oct Perth you know any kind of mollusks they mussels. We call that sort of thing you know we eat lots of different foods. And as you were saying earlier snails are a mollusc and we do eat mollusks and most of all swill and enjoy them and it's just a case of getting past that barrier and I think that are probably the Full of those foods that I've just listed were. Muscles are they say and they're seen as you know quite crazy you know you have a lot of muscle actually that's probably quite price in also seen as very you know high in culture. I went to a mall Festival in France once and it was just plates of whites and it's a heaps of muscles everywhere so you can imagine that happening maybe you know a snail fest you could put on the West Butler Yeah well if there is a festival in Spain apparently where they have all sorts of different they would be a skull go in Spain is Carol call or something like that but they they have a festival where yes all kinds of different was a cat carrier call a I'm not sure. Yet probably the only way I said Ok I'm going to open it yeah. Ok so this is big in Europe take that So what does a snail farm look like yes the way that we have farming us now is free range so. Now herder. On one hand the needs probably so we'll start them off they will breed indoors just because at the beginning the year that it's kind of a combined method that we're used because of our weather here and our temperature here so let's start off indoors at the beginning the year of the March when they will start to lay their eggs and then the babies will judge and then around April May time when it gets a bit warmer those babies will start to be put aside so they they go into polytunnel to start with because it's sort of slightly warm in the pilot Ana and then finally they go out and they put into an enclosure and actually they do you need containing Well this is the thing I think just off the just thinking off the top my head they probably need more containing chicken chickens can't fly Rosales they can just keep going up there yet they can they can come so it's it's about keeping them in but it's also about keeping birds and predators them away from them as well so yeah it's quite construction it's got cargo you don't iron and netting and even little tiny electric fences. To stop them from crawling tear. Gas So there's a risk that you have to think carefully yes nails could just they are ultimately Ok part is because I can hang upside down whatever escape into the shelves or whatever they need Ok Are these any types of snails the one you've got a few you've got the box you got for would you mind just getting them out here so you know so you go to the top where box which seems cruel because I'll probably end up cooked in something. But there's a few here one on one of the looks absolutely those shale The shell is huge Yeah yeah so that I was assuming isn't a garden snail Well no it's different for I have a garden style so it's called Helix asperse the Maxima and the smaller ones helix. So they're kind of the same family but one slightly bigger than the other never will get turned into York at the. Snail York there's a. Smaller one is actually the garden snail So you know they can be for which that's the other thing I like about these I love forage food I love free for you so they can be foraged Why don't tell everyone I know you need they need to buy ours but ours are you know they looked after we know where they've been and what they've been eating and that sort of thing Ok so it's not all gardens those but there are some what you can yeah and how many different breeds will you have will have probably have both of these just yet the mark some are because the other products he's caviar now coming on the eggs you can actually. Wow Ok and the Maxima because the bigger they like a slightly bigger eggs and like so they produce the best caviar doesn't always work like that does it in nature because human exit tiny but we must begin for you so it just happens to be the bigger x. Y. Ok so that's incredible that you can eat their eggs What does that look like there is it to early on in no time show not just look like tiny little pearls little. White shiny little make of white they are quite pretty and they look we did beautiful sprinkled on a plate sprinkled artistically by sheer rocks. To sort of aimlessly thrown out of your shoes Ok so this is so fascinating about so many questions still All right so what does. A snail I know I've had as cargo in France before and all I remember is smothered in garlic and they're about there some of that will fish yeah you think yeah cider is so you kind of taste that woman is there yet as a rule or not roll but it's snail without coverings actually taste like. I think don't think chicken no they don't like it I think to be fair snails take on the flavors that's one of the nice things about them they take on the flavors of whatever they're with so I think the main thing with them is the texture and you mention that and I think it's just we've got used to the texture of other kinds of foods it's getting used to the texture of snails so they don't have a huge amount flavor on their own they just go really well with a lot of different ingredients and that they so nutritious Ok I'm going to come on to the nutritious that is really important and also the carbon footprint side of things is really important when we get into those but Ok so flavor not huge but that's kind of a good think that means versatile What about the texture can you describe snail texture because I though I would've had about 1314 years ago so I can't really remember I remember a little bit so how would you describe probably similar to I don't know like a mixture of muscle and octopus squid if you've ever had so it's sort of kind of they are a little bit chewy but a lot of people have had tinned snails in snails which are not good because they have to be packed really high temperature to be tinned and as fresh as can be so they have a better texture than the tin so a lot of people have been put off by snails that have actually eaten in France you think maybe they would be fresh but a lot of the time it in Ok I don't know. And I was in a restaurant so yeah coming over to our part of the Russian Yeah Ok it seemed like a posh restaurant but then I was a teenager at the time and Donald seemed posh So all right more questions how many snails if you got. At the moment we've we have a small number it's about a couple of 1000 a moment which is actually quite a small number. By the end of next year we're probably more like it sort 2 or 223-000-0230 extension 0000 that's. Like a much bigger escape but they work together and it's no use all of you know how I yeah I don't think that local people would like you know my garden guard probably wouldn't notice yes I'm a good reason to keep them can take a child would love it Yeah exactly yeah right Ok so you could end up having hundreds of thousands of snails how much space with that need just to give us an idea of where do you think about half an acre at the moment I don't know what that is in metres No that's fine I guess is good Ok so good for me for getting one so half an acre to do a few 1000 yeah so what several acres to do several 100000 or can you just yeah I guess you just multiply up I haven't got that far with my mum. 100000 point 3000000 snakes are so huge snail farms that it's now farms in Eastern Europe for example which are like 600 acres they just I've been a lot a lot Carmen but now I'm not going to I don't think I've never much in so many ways now it's yeah well Ok yeah right I think we've got to the to the bottom of all that and then the farming themselves and what do they eat what you feed they eat vegetation and so will plant some vegetation for them to eat and they also have a powdered food which make sure that they get all the calcium and different nutrients that they need so that they can form the shell so become a nation of those 2 things and lots of water well these do look like beautiful shells and sometimes you see snails and they're not there a little bit yes. Maybe because they're living in an area that doesn't have all that nutrient deal with them whereas you're able to make sure they're getting all those you should say these are beautiful yes snails as far as males go Yeah exactly . So do you have some fun to see the little Always sticking out on the point see I do love snails this one's going for an adventure Yes look we're going out on the desk Yeah I mean Sandra was in here cleaning off the cars and he put his feet up on the desk so she was in the cleaning off but she left to come in again and. When I saw Yeah she's fine she called him him but. It's yes I guess even better Yeah so so they are what they have both male Yeah male Yeah they when they breed they can both make eggs Wow very credible they are yeah Ok so then so does that mean so they can't produce by reproduce by themselves. But they have you know they can do anything with anyone else here Yep it's me I can see why you like them so much they're incredibly versatile Ok so then. For any farmer I suppose is that taking them from being alive and then not being alive anymore do you mind if I ask how how that happens yes because you can't just take into an avatar you know no no no it's that we hibernate them so basically they're put in a fridge just capture this one here. Put into for age and they going to really deep sleep so they were trapped right back into the shells and yet they're in this deep sleep as you can get and then straight from there they put we insist they put straight into blue water so they go immediately right whilst asleep and then they they've taken out their their shells. Yes I think that's the kindest way of doing it it's tough isn't it because actually there are ways of doing things with cattle or sheep where were you doing but it's such a different creature again with actually that you have to come up Ok sounds like a humane way of doing it yes well let's talk about the other side of things now so the carbon footprint I've seen a lot of reports saying the. In the future insects I don't know snails qualifies insects but that sort of thing will become definitely a food group because we will need them to big fat low carbon footprint so how is it just because they're small but they've got a locum for it because they're local How does I think it's a combination of these small and how that the nutrient content as well so they're really high in protein so. They take up $45.00 times less to produce the same amount of protein per kilo as alarm for how it will become much less do so $4545.00 times less a lot as a year and I think it's because yeah they can take they take they take up a lot less space and they kind of don't mind being crowded in as well so you can get a lot of snails on a piece of land as we've already mentioned Yeah Ok so that's why it's better if the environment this stuff that your feeding the monks this is one of the criticisms of . Say pigs or something fact smallholder we hear from a to talk about this the fact that actually with your feeding pigs on soybean the pigs you can say their locally rate if you like that is coming from Amazon or wherever the other side here is that similar are you able to have more likely source that's something that we really want to look at so there's a couple of other people who have set up now farms in the u.k. So there's only a handful of us and at the moment we're getting our food from from France or Italy but ideally we'd like to find a way of making that food here in this country. And eventually I'd really love to do a study that looks at the carbon footprint overall with all of those things taken into account absolutely a regular existing Yeah I know you're in very early days and I'm asking yeah Russians here but at least it's interesting that you has crossed my mind as well we I would really like to contain that definitely And what about the nutrition as we talked a bit about the protein how you has to land usage between land and snails What is the nutritional information if you like for a snail or say they're really high I'm pretty. They're low in carbs and I mean far out and quite low in calories per snail as well so I think you know a lot of us moving towards high protein low carb foods so I think that's sort of the main benefits I've got a little list here I can this will all depend on what I mean when into it well that will have a life it goes out the window doesn't it but yes yes completely we had to go I am be 12 magnesium selenium Amiga 3 as well so you know all sorts of. Different nutrient nutrients in them and they've got things like some of their make up helps with things like arthritis as well apparently many sick and something I'd like to contain but they're all medicines that you can get and this line is used for Rinku treatment this snow yes slime I know is used. So you can actually have snails bars in Thailand so maybe we'll start doing that. But when I did you could end up you know the festival you're going to put on this little side room yeah with the treatments collector How would you collect snail slime out of interest yeah again something we need to look at Yeah there are price this is of doing it while you know we haven't got that far yet that's just a bit interesting well I think it's absolutely fascinating got a few more of the questions or scientific questions about snails just because you are the most knowledgeable person I think I've ever met about snails you are what was the word. Michael all of yours I am not I am actually culturist which is a snuff film Oh All right Lisa See culturist Oh fantastic it's nice to have cultures on the show I've always said we I'm going to Felicie cultural programs now heard is a little easier to say. So but you said they were hermaphrodites if if it's not too gory how how how does a snail it's sort of egg laying and then yes how does a snail mail. Yeah I come to the exact details but I know it's something to do with a love dart a love yeah yeah so many jokes I know I can't make them I don't know somehow they do you know with the love darts and yeah make a. Incredible stuff incredible stuff the sort sentences you never thought you would hear on b.b.c. Sort of said well I love them I think they're great here this one's having a look around and he's got 2 eyes on the top the big long ones than 2 and 10 or well you know what I mean I think I just feel is only I think we feel good about and I know that they don't have years I don't have it and I got one foot Yeah exactly yeah what an incredible thing I wish you all the best of luck with it if in the future you do come up with a somerset wolfish recipe Yeah I definitely bring some cooked ones let us know what I would love to I would love to do that or perhaps we can come and visit you yes or tell you what we do meet the farmer feature why don't I come to why it will be a bit time yeah I've seen you here but if we come have a look at it and see what we do and maybe we can try some. Come and see our love for a. Snails for the snails. Right. For the people who want to find out more about your snail farm. Or come visit you why do they need to go west Buckland So yeah in the village of West Butler and we'll have some signs up eventually and yeah maybe we'll have a night day next year think because lots of people are very curious about what we're doing and I think I was the offer to come see your snails love roomies to get to refuse absolutely I will be there thank you real pleasure to meet you and your snails Another one is crawling out onto the deck fantastic thank you very much a welcome thank you. To. Conquer. You. Know. You. See. Friends. You. Lenny Kravitz I going to go my way 5 to 9 that was fascinating I absolutely love finding out more about snails that you enjoyed as well. To try to shine now and I will I will try some will let me back up with when I don't see the farm and give it a few months down the line once they've had a chance to get some more snacks we can have a look around because I'm fascinated by this I would love them to come up with the Somerset wolfishly the one I played you about earlier on the clip from the 1960 s. Of the dish which was a delicacy on the Mendips if they can recreate that I am well in for it so all they got to do is just give me a bell I will be there to try some something that will fish if you want to see pictures are about to put some up keep an eye. On my Twitter for thanks she's on my me Moji as well. With Charley Tyler. Frank says absolutely perfect obviously a family. Thanks for. Coming up towards not a quote now Miley Cyrus like Mr Wells the pub quiz on the news. But it's. Got some. . B.b.c. News at 9 I'm more on this and the owners of Hayes travel say they want to save as many jobs as possible with the takeover of Thomas Cook's high street shops they've bought all 555 following the travel company's collapse last month as many as 2 and a half 1000 jobs could be saved owner John Hay says he's feeling confident about the future our annual turnover before this deal is about 1200000000 so we do have the management and the capacity to do this and it's been endorsed by the Civil Aviation Authority it's going to be a tough task but it's very doable the family of a teenager killed in a crash involving a u.s. Diplomats wife say they feel let down by both the u.k. And American governments and us are clueless left the country despite telling Northamptonshire police in August that she wouldn't Speaking after a meeting with the Foreign Secretary Kerry Dunn's parents say they feel it was a publicist a stunt Rod Steiger is the family spokesman just. To say that we're disappointed that. Arouse broken out on social media between the wives of former England players Wayne Rooney and Jamie Vadi Coleen Rooney has accused Rebecca Vadi of leaking information from her Instagram account and giving it to a tabloid newspaper Mrs Vadi has denied the allegation M.P.'s are to be called for a special Saturday sitting in 10 days time in what could be a decisive day for brakes it it'll come just after the end of the e.u. Summit if a deal is agreed M.P.'s will be asked to approve it but if not a range of options are likely to be debated the government's issued local authorities with advice on how to deal with protests outside schools against the teaching of l g b t relationships the $21.00 page document lays out how they should support teachers to minimize disruption it comes after continued protests coast. A primary school in Birmingham the B.B.C.'s Simak attach a has more this documents says if people's a being withdrawn from their school on one or more occasions because their parents don't agree with what's being taught the local authority may want to consider taking him Foresman action for an authorised absence it suggests that if protests are taking place outside the school gates the head teacher should consider liaising with the police in case they're breaking the law the singer in n.h. What Ken's who was in steps is to become the 1st celebrity to make up half of a same sex couple on i.t.v. Is Dancing On Ice former creative director at the Royal Opera House Lady Ball says the it a done has done similar things before but t.v. Shows like Dancing On Ice have greater impact seize up both shows that have celebrated perpetrated the conventions of male and female dancing in this type duets at the really interesting question is the cultural one and I was. Was.

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