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7 from. The crusade is the street I follow more come to the best of b.c.f. Family on b.b.c. Ready Bristol and b.b.c. Somerset Harry as such George and I'm proud of how it wasn't where George is gone he's out where we don't with him well I just thought you know I've been here for 3 weeks so it's time for him to have a little rest did you have a meeting with him did you do or what you call it when you have to evaluate like an evaluation a staff whatever an appraisal yet if you do an appraisal with you I did. I screwed it was short lived. Anyway I'm back yeah well come now today show was dominated by p.c. F.m. I know you've done it now it's dominated by International Women's Day celebrations we have this is totally unrelated to my prize about a force that we have from Ivan Jackson the token man who was at the big breakfast last this day and spoke to a variety of the guests including on the left tenant peaches Golding and Sherry's reading poetry again alongside a local East and that just to explain how he hitchhiked from Tel Aviv to Palestine amazing and Wednesday preface co-host Scott brings us women of Bristol fest up his desk. Standing in a crowd. At your. Yes just plain was a home I had a home I have not had my hands full It sounded like she was saying hold my head all my hands know oh my head. Says Hold my hand on the computer so I'm going to go. Make a video it's wrong maybe Now on Thursday restaurant in Bristol hosted a big breakfast event in aid of International Women's Day attendees included have Majesties lot left tenant of the county and city of Bristol Mrs peaches Golding o.b.e. As well as a series of keynote speeches they included share Eugene Harvey's book caster and author. And I spoke to a founder of the business expo Charmaine Lawrence who's the founder of mogul minded create a 9 cosmetics Philip a constable a found a woman means business and look. Of Penny Brown u.k. His I have in Jackson with the 1st of his reports I'm here down at Babylon restaurant where there's going to be a fantastic breakfast I suppose because call it a convention really with well mostly women here this morning of course today marks the 8th is International Women's Day 28 saying and with me right at the moment is the woman who's organized the day Christina Urbino Good morning Christina good morning Ivan 1st of all let me ask you before it's about what's going to be happening today what International Women's Day means to you personally for me personally I connect with women that I know and women I don't know all across the world and it's incredible and this is always this starts about 3 weeks before through faced. Book through social media women start talking to each other getting Isn't it about International Women's Day But those women also become friends I've got friends now and be seeing Canada friends in Africa friends in India friends in Oceania Australia you know I made it through the vibration if you like in the collective grouping of International Women's Day So what it means for me is it means connection means collective and group thinking and group togetherness support but also I slightly take. I slightly take issue with the fact that it gives women a voice no we've got a voice but it does give us opportunity and he made a very good point there is not just about one day there isn't it goes on all year the big groups the big groups the International in stay together continue to continue So tell me a little bit about what's going to be going on this morning on why particular breakfast well because a lot of women have issues with getting out in the middle of the day they have to go to work they have to money they've got family they go but you know it's interesting that I discovered through my work at them as a director all that she is that actually can get a couple of people together for breakfast it energizes people they can get on with the rest of the day they feel that they've been part of something and often their families or their partners or their friends will child care for them so they can get out so that there's an element of this is my day so I'm going to do this and we're expecting what about 60 women from various very diverse stream of diverse you know our speakers. The audience is diverse I just put it out there who ever responded and of course we are celebrating honoring women across the world but in particular we're honoring 2 persone women who took a pioneering center 35 years ago across the world and that's Penny Brown u.k. Which was formerly accounts help center and we're going to on a penny impact today as well as well as honoring them you're also raising bit of money we're raising money for the charity Yeah 5 pounds for every ticket sold goes to Penny Brown and cost beyond that they will make use of that by then acquiring $60.00 women as their potential donors so surprising I mean when they go now I'm here with Laura Kirby from Penny Brown u.k. She is the charity's c.e.o. Good morning Laura good morning it's lovely to have you here It's International Women's Day of course but tell me a little bit about your charity it's a name that's well known across the u.k. And maybe across the rest of the world as well but for those who haven't heard a pretty broad tell me a little bit how you were founded. So how does actually how the charity was so it's absolutely on International Women's Day that we own a Penny Brown herself which I've seen with names Alpha and Penny wrong had a cancer diagnosis when she respects 2 years old she had a young family and what she was really interested in is how did she manage to find ways to support herself from a well being and lifestyle perspective so she went across Europe she went all over the place bringing back not stupid mistake and well being ways that she could help people with cancer and started teaching here in presto than in Clifton and started helping people with a diagnosis of cancer which is often devastating for people to help them get their mind stale to help them with the emotional aspects of it and how they work with their families to make sure that physically they have in good health 3 nutrition and exercise and also to spiritually lift people to give them hope that even though they have cancer there is still a good prognosis and people can survive and that's what we do today sadly we lost penny 20 years ago I guess now but what an amazing legacy that she's left Yeah I mean she would be so proud and we're very lucky we still have her daughter Jess Brown who is very much part of the charity but you know today we look after thousands and thousands of people with cancer come to our amazing national center beautiful just impale outside breast or and within that we got $26.00 bedrooms people come for 3 or 4 days to really really learn about I can't say I'm ways in which they can help support themselves and live well with disease and of course all those International Women's Day Of course you treat men women and I guess children as well yes of course say you know I'm particularly with men and I would encourage men to make sure they get those checks and balances because they're often but I'd like to see you smiling there but of course you know men need support as well and sometimes men need different ways of being supporting the physical side the exercise side very interesting cooking and nutrition these days but they also need to talk about their emotions and also women a slightly better. Possibly but we offer all sorts of services to people to come down and talk to us about what they're going. And how we really try and how people as best we can we also worked with that Teenage Cancer Trust supposing families of youngsters because often the young people say look we're really well looked after our parents our loved ones there's no support for that and they can come to the center and really enjoyed ourselves as well obviously it's International Women's Day today and we're here raising money for your charity as well and hopefully will will raise a lot about if your charity what is in such a Women's Day mean to you personally say I as a female singing and having been in business and working in child sex the whole of my life I think it's so important that women do extraordinary things and I pay you think Penny Brown was an example of that I'm very humbled by some of the extraordinary things that women day and we need to inspire people women can really point it with purpose they're very good at collaborating they're very good at putting people behind causes and we can make a real difference and I think women need to think about the way that they can be strong how they can use their vulnerability how they can use their skills to really really help drive business forward and charities forward and make that difference that we can all make Well you mention your a woman see you've broken through the so called in the protocol Ms glass ceiling but it doesn't matter how much legislation there is about equal pay we still got that triple the pay gap probably I'm afraid we have and I think in terms of that there's a couple of things I would mention women need to ask women a very men are stronger at negotiating in my experience and I would really encourage women to make sure that they value themselves enough to ask for the money as well as making sure that legislation government actually go about making sure that that gap is addressed properly but women are for just as much if not more than men in certain areas and men offer great things take but really there should be no difference now between the value of men or women. Can man on the spot on location or even Jackson reporting on International Women's Day for the one love but for show it started with a kid. You Well that's what they call me anyway. But it's thought. With a kiss it is the best to be sure $50.00 b.b.c. Radio Bristol b.b.c. Service over myself part of me high up it's in now it's not uncommon for university graduates or younger people with a bit of cash on a gap yet to go travelling around the Middle East but just Telfer is no ordinary traveller of Jamaican and Irish descent Josh never went to university played football likely and he grew up in Easton in Bristol Ballout you say that just decided he wanted to visit Palestine and after flying from Legion to Tel Aviv he hitched the rest of the way that I spoke to him on the one of breakfast about this unlikely journey where you right now. Novelists in the block come in Ok Josh what you do in that why have you gone. To the block to come I'm painting at the moment. The kid. Yeah why when I went to the a friend rigidly they were learning Arabic. I always kind of wanted to go to Palestine but I've always. Never really been. Ah I've been basically. Are you Ok. Yet when I told you it was great you know it so I sit there where you live and listen don't worry I know that you you get nervous but the reason I really wanted to talk she was because many people would just see Palestine on the t.v. . Hear about stuff going on we've interviewed the eastern cowboys and eastern cowgirls who have been involved with projects in Palestine as well and it is kind of like everyone knows josh not about town loves to go crazy at parties. Or good football or once. And. Many joke and now now you are in Palestine tell us about the experience what was it like to get there and what we have 1st impressions. Put impressions. Of the people particularly friendly yet. You know we here we go way across. The line and what was just what was that like most people wouldn't even hitched their way from Bristol to London nowadays and you decided to go to the Middle East and he cheer way quite common. A lot of people. You know we know about wait longer than 5 to 10 minutes yet you know people always . Say you know we invited people but. They do it or they deny it well. Yeah people always welcome me. Now when people meet you and they ask you where you're from right so when they look at you where do they think you're from when they look at me. Or come out Ok and just for just the people that don't know you what is your heritage. To make an Irish experience Ok so. People think that you Moroccan. And you're saying people people have welcomed you. How much did you know about the whole political situation I'm not necessary Can I ask you to talk about politics but how much did you know before you went I didn't know much to be honest being here for 2 weeks I've learnt a bit as there's so much to learn you know so many regulations come in differently each day. But yeah I've learnt a lot of them here sure Ok And when you came so where did you travel to initially before you got to Palestine what was your kind of. What was the journey like from u.k. Where did you go from and to in order to get to Palestine in the 1st place I went to Luton Yes. And then flew in to tell of the my friends in Tel Aviv went out for one night. Call in. To went straight to Jericho hitch to. Tell of me and I stayed in. The very night. The people were amazing and so funny and it's really really hard. Wow And we can look to the mount of temptation. Got stuck. Because we came up with the school down the same route but luckily we found. Guys who live in the village and he took a safe down went into his house he. Had. Opened up his house to us. You know he wanted to stay but we couldn't do of course you know. It's a bit of a joke I think. Most. Ok you wouldn't want to know that so what we see on t.v. Here the way that you know Palestine is portrayed this place is full of misery full of trouble no no smiling faces what was a checkpoint like when you moved through when you and you came into Palestine what was that experience like for you it wasn't true but before I know people. On. Every trip I've been. Through quite quickly Ok even at the airport. My problems at the airport coming in yet I never had a problem Ok Is that partly because you got British passport as well do you think and the fact that you you know you your u.k. Citizen maybe maybe people who push you for he's. Probably Probably I got a pretty much. Someone who only got. Well I'm not sure what. All right and so so you were involved in playing football and and when we spoke yesterday via whatsapp you said you've been used in a teepee and you've been working on a farm What was that like if you know. My friend who can I already know work with you. So I went on your. Plan and only 3 from building on a farm. Yeah living in a teepee right now. And right Josh listen I'm not I'm going to have no May I know you quite well and I got a lot of love for you but I cannot imagine you working on a farm you see this is me probably you know you well enough and sleep in it teepee . A very shy Josh tell for that talking with Pat on the one of breakfast which you can catch every weekday. Morning from 7 am on b.c. F.m. 93.2. And. Chris Montoya's them all I see is the best to be Seth em on b.b.c. B.b.c. Radio Bristol I'm really shocked and surprised a woman of your immense knowledge and age and I each You didn't even know that Chris Montrose did let's dance no I didn't and you didn't even know the song I had to get my little cereal were he's called to play it for you yeah yeah I don't know why didn't you know that song you must have been drinking too much one way or the party while it was playing now trying to return to the International Women's Day theme and join the white Yes Sherry's been at it again with their own power and performed live at the Big Breakfast at. The sounds bright it has their release schemes. The window to a history of survival of the brain as a lasting legacy. So. We all must listen to it and know the true strong will hold. Celtic. Will sometimes say face to face to wield it like a whirlwind. That ceases to still. So what we. Will Like how these souls jolly able to hide is that we are hands like steel Reed lived like some men we fight like some men do we work night work is going out of fashion and sometimes for no appreciation. We often decided to intelligent the told us we own mothers sisters and daughters teachers doctors and lawyers the barriers that came up to thwart us did not and. To us. So who. Are we. Always like that in a strength we hardly knew was there because it always was a journey through history the finance stolen from our African existence in generations of toolchain in their resistance and slaying shame black women we rise again. We are myriad is humor on the inside the outside cannot hide we are black we have all white we are Asian too we are all made of the infusion womanhood of inclusion under no illusion of our female struggle no confusion. Let not history make us cry today is another day let not top bosses make all shoulders drooped live to find another way. Little head that when we had let hope beauty stand. Let unsureness not infiltrate tell psyche no room for doubt. So we come to the final chapter and do all we now. Women. All of us take up. We've not changed we will always like this said vive as long as good as successful called us there until progression not to be judged by all he knew all the pound sign missed intercession that's a fact. So let us be judged by the color of character. The best step b.c.f. Family with a truck inside and. I don't know if. It was. A. Joining me now here I'm glad restaurant for International Women's Studies have Majesties tenant of the city and county of Bristol Mrs peaches Golding. You're looking at me of the Bible this is gold a voice that well I'm just impressed that you got all the words in the right order and I'm just so over the moon Thank you oh you. Should be good to get right should I really this job but it's a National Women's Day and you'll hear why do you think it's important but I guess you as the highest ranking woman in the city I guess what why do you think it's important you should be here today it's a good day for women and men to recognize all the things that have been contributed by women and that means in the home and the workplace and government and every way add that you find women we ought to be celebrating and listening to their stories how did you get to where you are how do you do those things how do you balance all of the things that you are juggling so it's just a perfect day to get together and recognize the achievements the aspirations the hopes sometimes the FIA's the opportunities you mention men and let me ask you this question what men do to be good allies to women to help women achieve equality and men just need to listen as well and guess what this has to be a dialogue you know quite. Rights that men have fashioned the society that we live in but there are many things that we can add to improve that and so it's only by having that dialogue and saying well you know if we organize things in this way we might be able to achieve different objectives if it is we do things in this particular way we can do things differently I notice that younger men for example understand a lot more about the homemaking aspects of life in the same way that younger women understand the aspects about the business world or the working world or the sports world or any other world that they happen to inhabit and we only get change by having dialogue we've got a very diverse crowd here today women from all different backgrounds and cities do you think it's important for women from all communities from all intersectionality to unite in order to achieve equality I think it's important for women to choose the voice that speaks their own truth we each are different you can't group us all together yes we come from many many backgrounds and it's lovely to see the people that are here different ethnicities different ages it's a real mix of people it's important to come together and express what it is that you feel but guess what we're all different lot attendant Mrs peaches Golding Opie thank you so much for talking to me today thank you for inviting me along it's a real pleasure I mean now with the Police and Crime Commission if I even and Somerset Police say man Stephens so lovely to see you again good morning it's actually been stale for Slate Your here at the The Big Breakfast this morning do you think it's important that women who are in your position you've got a very high powered job a scene of events like this I think absolutely But what's important is that today's a bit of fun as well I think feminists sometimes a seen as being terribly earnest and. A bit strident but today is all about let's celebrate we have we have a voice we have a a loud voice I believe we can have a louder voice too but today is just a time to celebrate we've come a long way we've still got an awful long way to go to get quality but today's let's enjoy ourselves to other big priorities for women right now oh equality I mean that's it's it's 1st and foremost at the top of women's agenda when we're not asking for priority we're asking for a quality for equal pay and for 2 to make sure that our voice is as recognized as anybody else but I do believe very much that there is there is this great need for equality and I believe that we are at that this is a real time for step change I think we have come a long way but I think with the Weinstein and the me too I think it's a good wake up call that actually we have not achieved equality for some of us yes we have but for many women even you got to listen to the stories from many women there is still the sense of men's in title meant to do what they want with women and that that we've always said is not acceptable by I do believe that there is this real step change of women standing up and say no more I mean from a legislative points of view the laws are there for equality because as you say there's this impasse isn't there what men got to do really because it's about hearts and minds though isn't it rather than about the law let's not all classify all men as massage honest All right many many many men absolutely believe in equality but there are still pockets and we've only got to seen the stories recently and I think looking at legislation today they were announcing about how to increase penalties for domestic abuse that cannot come quickly enough it's not acceptable for men to feel that because they hate that. They own their women that they can then continue to to beat them up so I believe very strongly that once we've got a quality in relationships we call equality and work that those abuse on assaults will actually decrease very interesting points like you so much for talking to me and I hope you continue to have a fun moment thank you very much. Reporting for International Women's Day. Reveals How Women of Bristol and a clip from her around the world in 60 minutes. You Checking on him every woman is the best of the c.f.m. With high impact with Eat it set b.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Finally today we selected a clip from a special one hour documentary made especially for International Women's Day 28 by one love breakfast present to you she's got she's one of the original from back in the day at the start of the one of preface to you as well how are you know in this section she outlined some Bristol women who've made her list. M l we continue to on the. More incredible women of Bristol. Little State Art is one of the most well known people in central Bristol. Her work in eastern includes setting up an old people's group evergreen will set up the group alongside of her husband in the 1980 s. She has since worked tirelessly on handling practical matters for the evergreens while also helping with fundraising for the new Eastern community center celebrating our 100th birthday in 2017 listed art has dedicated her life to making Easter a better place. Peaches Golding o.b.e. The daughter of American civil rights activist Dr Charles Brady Hauser peaches moved to Bristol in 1999 she is the principal consultant consulting limited and chairwoman of i.t.v. West countries view Advisory Council she's been awarded an o.b.e. For her commitment to minority ethnic people in 2010 pictures golden was made the 1st black high sheriff in England and was made the 1st black female lord lieutenant in 2017 Sherry usually in heart has been a British Sign Language interpreter and award winning broadcaster for more than 25 years presenting a wide range of programming in barrier areas and also being a legendary weather girl and anchor woman for the flagship news program h t v news show is now a host of Real women on b.b.c. F.m. Her speech breaking the chains was delivered to a crowd of 15000 people in Gambia and the concept became the feeling of abolition 200 adopted by the industrial museum. Alongside of her husband Hart Cherie is the co-author and presenter of the popular Asian cookery book and t.v. Series and they recently launched an appeal to help Dominic which was subjected to a direct hit by arcade. In 2017. Sherry Sheehan heart supports many charitable and community groups in various well as picture and until then has won multiple awards for broadcast in and has received a Lord Mayor's medal for her work in the community. Sandra Borden. Co-founder of the all female organization rise in 2013 Rice recognizing individual successes and efforts promote businesses and entrepreneurship for pm in communities in Bristol they have supported communities to deliver countless personal and professional goals and run workshops to help people to develop new business skills rise specializes in empowerment and business workshops for women within the southwest. Sunderland have put on a range of successful events such as empowerment workshops and music shows the successes of rice and Bristol communities are celebrated with an annual awards ceremony and dance Sandra Goard and Elin Marino also use their rise program on the radio as another platform to showcase business and entrepreneurs from within the b.m.a. Community. Primrose Granville is an award winning broadcaster who can regularly be heard on b.b.c. Southwest and. She is passionate and dedicated to using her talents skills and platforms as a. Public speaker and community activist to raise awareness educate and champion progress in the areas of equality and diversity among others our local Jamaican high commission representative Tim Rose is also the driving force behind the successful African Caribbean Expo the 1st event was held in February of 2017 and was the 1st event of its kind in play. Organized entirely by African Caribbean nationals living here. The event offers exposure and networking to businesses that are under represented and exposed with locally and nationally the 2nd sold out of their takes place in March of 2018 Primrose grandeur is an inspiration and example to many women and men alike. Dian Bunyan was the 1st female leader of Bristol City Council she worked as a consultant on equality and diversity and is an expert on gender equality and human rights for the Council of Europe and the un Bunyan was instrumental in getting Bristol to sign the European Charter for quality of men and women in local life Bristol is the only u.k. City to have signed this Christina Rabinowitz helped to raise over 3500000 pounds for good causes she has been helping people in communities all over Bristol for more than 35 years she is co-founder of a chargeable trust and Kristina Rypien know has raised awareness and supported projects for many causes including mental health addiction homelessness domestic abuse a women sex workers. Group Peter is their qualities manager at. A charity that provides support to the Bristol voluntary sector She manages Bristol v.m.e. Voice which supports the Bristol commission for race equality is also an active founding member of breathing fire which launched in 2006 and is the only black women's theatre company in the world Nora Lewis Paul is the founder and creative director of sun. First all female you record label know as vision helps young women to access the music industry and further progress on Rec ords science 16 to 24 year old women the label runs creative apprenticeships and school programs which offer music production deejaying and mc. To secondary school aged girls Laura Lewis Paul is director of breast the women in news ik which promotes inclusion and recognition works to raise awareness of the roles issues and successes of women in the music industry. Is a spoken word artist her work featuring strong themes of friendship and womanhood she has won numerous Slam titles including the poetry slam Award in 2014. Has been invited to support a number of artists including To me crazy Johnson Tempest Israeli and David j. On tour. She has published 2 poetry collections and taking over for mouse chambers this may in Essex soon they will be pushed towards new city poets producing a series of poems about the city over the next 2 years. Farmer Mohammad just 14 years old that a campaign to end f g m m playfully spoke out about violence against girls the thick of f.g. And in Britain later she fronted a national campaign to stop the abuse and also launched a petition and wrote a letter to the then Education Secretary Michael Gove asking them to protect every girl from f g m. The campaign resulted in compulsory training for public sector workers to help teachers doctors and social workers identify and assist girls at risk Pharma has won several acolytes for her work at 19 years old farmer Mohammad became one of the youngest doctor at holders in the u.k. Being awarded the honorary title by the University of Bristol before moving to London to study for a degree in medical science it is easy to find many many women who have or are putting great positivity into their communities and the world so it's challenging to choose who to highlight when so many women are deserving of honor for their contribution. With that in mind and in true radio fashion I would like to shout out some local Bristol people who didn't make the list Sarah Guppy Julie. Kitchen Dolores Campbell bettering d.j. Flora Celestin Casino Royale Jackie Wilson Sankey to do one scene Mt Stephens. Craig Clear Lake mama clear. Marianne camp. Winfield desire not. To entice So why Davis missed by Larry Melton Michelle Curtis and Harriet Robinson and the women of time Teddy. You can mention and I are a nice about it you know that was an excerpt from around the world in 60 minutes a special documentary from our Asia Scott ad last week in the final hour of the one of Bret Fisher thank you to all of our contributors to from today of in Jackson Sherry Gene Hart just tell the Scots and everybody else you can listen back to more from b.c. F.m. At b.c. F.m. Radio dot com we have you enjoyed International Women's Day special that next week well George Yeah you know you such scenics we thank you and thank you thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank. You thank. You. Yes. Thank you and. To our . 11. Live. Live. Live. Live.

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