It's a while to resolve some of the more complex issues but she does want this resolved as quickly as possible a new pantomime with a new director and possibly a new cast will be created for York his role in 2020 a round broke out last week of the state of the set in costumes last year Barry Caylus stepped down as Dame after 40 years and has written and directed this year's Sleeping Beauty executive director of the Theater Tom Burt says the proud of this year's production but things have to change because of falling audiences what we're not going to do is kind of automatically offer roles to the current regulars in not because we have to create a new fabulous spectacular Panama I'm you know within our own tradition and we have to give the creatives who who are doing that free reign to to make something wonderful and I know we can do that Boris Johnson has praised all sides in Northern Ireland for coming together to restore devolved governments after a 3 year political impasse part of the deal to bring back power sharing was the promise of significant extra funding but the prime minister didn't give more details to everyone hope nor the people of Northern Ireland Great to see leaders here taking their 4 teams and preparing to take the all down for the government u.k. Its absolute commitment to. Giving whatever help we can to ensuring that success when it's there we have a place to ration books and go out with our friends 5 N.P.'s have each secured enough nominations to reach the next round of the Labor leadership contest they are shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry cicadas Starmer lease the Nandy Rebecca long Bailey and Jess Phillips The winner will be announced in April York's Central Labor m.p. Rachel Masco has been speaking to Julia in the last hour I do think we have to look at the way we do our politics and what we're doing and not just who and I'm more interested in ensuring that we are bringing gauging the public the people of the country not just party members but go beyond that in the next chapter of the Labor Party because we came from the communities and we've got to overturn their plans to close a busy. Road defense would have carried out of being changed the environment agency so they'd have to close Terry Avenue between scaled Gate Bridge and jukes Wolf in New York for 18 months but that's now been reduced by 6 months a spokesperson for the agency says the g. To significant public safety concerns it won't be possible to keep parts of it open whilst flood defense what takes place it will now have to be closed for a year scientists and residents of raise concerns about the original length of closure and a man who's walking more than 6000 miles around the coast of Britain has been a sculptor today Quentin Lake is a fine arts and architectural photographer and it's part of an ambitious photographic project called the perimeter which is taking 5 years to complete we spoke to Molly was that a messy sleep in a tent so I said I wake up and cook myself breakfast a source of water is always a problem and I normally photograph about 3 hours of each day and the rest is walking so I average about 25 kilometers a day on it when it's flat maybe 40 about war continues to be blustery over the next week good luck to him that's the b.b.c. News 3 and a half minutes past 6 is Jim with the sports headlines are good Charlotte being rewarded with a home time the 3rd round of the f.a. Trophy following their way away at Darlington this weekend they'll face fellow National League soccer on Saturday the 8th of February on the crickets and fast bowler John Froch sure it's a largely to be fit to face South Africa 1st day the same a bold for a spell in practice but it's still not 100 percent fit while fellow paceman Mark world is also enterprise to prove his fitness for the 3rd Test importer Lizabeth snooker and Steve Maguire fought back from 51 behind to beat Neil Roberts and 65 in the opening round of the Masters at the Alexandra Palace in London Australian Robertson a former Masters winner made breaks of 761-3671 I'm 45 almost wired to what looked like a little late but a break of 62 the final frame seal it for Maguire thank you very much Jim thank you Wally. B.b.c. Radio York where with have seen. Very. Little. But if you. And feeling tedious if it is decided is Curry item like you can tell from looking at it's really what I think is a vegetable curry but basically that's our conclusion that we've come to some form of vegetable curry took into it shortly and try to confirm order although with Mike I'm not very good cook marketing it could be anything really but there's also vegetables and also that's healthy so that's all good isn't it thank you very much for your continued thoughts and comments particularly on the all theatre all Panto story this is you know you'll see it all Panto been going for 40 years Beric famously retired last year and still read the pounds I didn't take part in this year and now the announcements been made that it's going to be a printer next year but not necessarily with the same people in it so thank you very much for your thoughts Kenzie want to one on Twitter says maybe if ticket prices had not gone beyond many budgets more would have sold you don't have to be in the club to enjoy the pound so if you've seen the you or if you have seen and want to be in the club you might want to go back starting from scratch loses the loyalty that has been for 2 years in the making Thank you very much for your thoughts Mike on Twitter says Personally I think they want to go to the typical way of a young t.v. Celebrity spoils it for me listen to your show as well as usual the interview came coming across thank you very much Mike for your thoughts Ben has just emailed in I have a feeling the Theatre Royal has poached ground Oprah House pumps I also Grand Opera House panto. Didn't so I didn't say whether they'd be returning next year just a feeling I could be wrong they troll crew may have been treated appallingly there have been treated appallingly things ban loss of different thoughts coming in today so you had would you want celebrities. Because a lot of places go that way then they get you know just sort of celebrities and I mean the commercial wasn't she was. At the Grand Opera House this year so maybe we could go down the route you think it's going to be something completely different and very much wanting just spend some involved very talented young man said Charles but yeah you. Can Text 813 double 3 Start a message with the word you on Twitter at b.b.c. York and you can always call us 800 tribal 14849. 10 past 6 now let's catch it David. I'm 62 we're over the bridge close to how I sounded very close to 2 very strong winds between junctions 3637 How did you find it busy if you had a 3 or how to get a full slate had struck me due to road works around forest land and had to be stapled the site of a partial blockage on the I 6842 an accident around 3 in soft lead and everything else thankfully started to calm down a little public transport find more 25 past Thank you David now fancy walking around the whole of the coast of Great Britain yeah that the lovely one quite a trek has been catching up with a man who is doing just that and he. Radio your. Car next. To. Us. So. 20. Think your relationships are important when you learn a lot I was with my x. Factor enough years and I was quite a huge man in the wheelchair even in. The. Catch up with the best of b.b.c. Radio. On the b.b.c. Sound and that's just a little bit of what we did we spoke to you on Jonathan's program last week we spoke to 20 people in their twenty's start of 2020 and we talked about subjects that were important to them that was a little bit from the bit on Friday you know all these big she can hear on the b.b.c. Sounds up so if you download it onto a phone just b.b.c. Sounds out and then go to b.b.c. York and you can find all those bits there and also you can eat if you haven't got the b.b.c. Sound up on your phone why not because even I can use it that's how simple it is but just pop it on the computer just put if you just put b.b.c. Your Jonathan Karl it just comes up and you can hear all those bits from the program last week they were brilliant they were so only East they were really bright young things and they just gave you hope for the future they were bright young things and they were really honest and spoke about loads of different things very honestly so yes check out on the b.b.c. Sounds on now and the rest of Great Britain is known for its stunning shoreline's to remember that brilliant series on the telly coast a few years ago well b.b.c. Radio is car thought has been chatting to a man in Scarborough who see well quite a. Lots of our amazing coastline there is nothing like a bright thing to blow away there's cobwebs on a Monday is there and I'm hearing glorious Garber the pretty things carpet has to be said but I'm with a man he's on a walk not just any This is an extraordinary labor of love over a course to fall a few years and walking down the hill with my walking on ready to join you I love you I credit him like how you do it you're good Have a great day and how is glorious Now if you were oh it's good to day's it's bit windy but beautiful sunlight and it was a full moon in the morning so it's been brilliant Can you in a nutshell explain to us what you're doing because this is no ordinary war because you're on the coast of Britain to try and cover its mysteries over a 5 year period as a photographic project so you're a photographer this is your passion so you obviously love working and you're combining both I'm combining both yes lucky money to do what you love and call it work it's kind of suffering as well for full for the art but yes so what mile marker we are now because we're coming up to 5 years even at this you know about 6000 miles an hour. Of 6 and a half 1000 is that roughly back to London that's right yes here over 5 years what do you do every day. Sleep in a tent so I say I wake up and cook myself breakfast a source of water is always a problem and then I normally photograph about 3 hours of each day and the rest is walking so I average about 25 kilometers a day on it when it's flat maybe 40 and the difficult parts of Scotland may be at any minus 10 even moving all day from dawn to dusk all weathers in all weathers so so so because because I planted around my family every day that I plan to walk I walk so so literally every single day so gale force hail and snow I'm still going talking about your family you are husband you are died say you've got a little boy a little girl at home want to make a few work while my poor son's 1st word to me was goodbye. Which is pretty hard. It was hard right. It was heartbreaking but but I made a special efforts that he understands of talk to his his school about what I'm doing and they've all because of pride of my camping gear and what have you so I think he's proud of it now and now another bit older it's just just like as if I was working off shore road just go away a few weeks and I come home for a couple of months so you have any groupies are following your ride because we can fully daily on Twitter you've got great Facebook sites websites called the perimeter of course to follow your journey do people follow the meet up they do I mean the best thing about it is when local people follow me on on Twitter and tell me about anecdotes and I post a picture and they say something amazing messages I share a picture of where their grandfather made it got married or some interesting story so it's really a rich in for me so you know it's just Clinton like on Twitter and the North Yorkshire welcome you must figure thing here is that mage's smile and he's very very warm welcoming Also just after the water's gone and just talking and meeting people every day I can have a good good blather and it's great whereas before it was weeks and without meeting a soul talking about souls how the face how the let's just hold it up of the 5 years my feet are fine but I mean I had a couple of injuries at a split tendon in my 1st and I had I had chin splints and each of those required sort of 6 weeks to recover but my my knees are a bit backs Baykeeper me your feet just kind of get used to it my feet are my least of my problems now so if you wanted to follow you look at the amazing photographer you're taking daily on this adventure where do we go Well I mean I'm most active on Twitter I post phone pitches on that which is my name for it Quentin like on Twitter and on my blog post the edited results which is the printed out u.k. Good luck thank you so much Quentin lake then we're going to look at some of those photos because I'm sure you know obviously the case is going to be the most beautiful photos but yeah yeah well I mean is he mad or is he just a fantastic challenge isn't it all going on because some of the photos Quintin lake that on Twitter will follow him and we'll hear from Spandau Ballet and. . To our thanks. To our. The an. Eye out. Thanks to our. Twitter. Followers you want to look at these pictures from all around the u.k. And all favorites obviously so far they thought very uncommon for this morning one of the must be taking about 7 o'clock this morning because. But still looking at the b.b.c. Radio. So there's that vote. There's some goal which is photos of the sky. I think one was taken Yeah just before dawn of the South Bay and he can see the tiles and just the lights in the waves and it just looks gorgeous and then as one looked at that was looking sort of gone out of the Paya And then there's one that's just looking from the beach over towards the lighthouse and just looks absolutely beautiful so yeah very very talented photographer Quentin like and he can follow him and see how he gets on with his adventures walking the full copes. Of Britain his Twitter feed he's at Quentin like. Line of Britain day that are charming someone called Quentin lake and ask him why he's not signed 1930 s. Detective as well as a fabulous photographer he should Iran name is it isn't in Lake new seconds on Quintin lake. The m 60 West Bank still fairly solid following an earlier exit after 2 should 27 Gill is not sure this was an accident or a broken down vehicle either way it's been shifted to the shoulder so no major headaches or hassles there how to get a road through repair the site of some temperance for water main work around with Cliff lead may slow you down m. 62 has now reopened to high scientifical over the bridge I think they'll be up and down like you don't know what the saving with closure is the high side is or the like as ghosts come and go but at the moment everything else thankfully seems to be fine just a way to get up there on the 684 then to be stable partially blocked due to an accident around 3 in tough lane and that's a lot Greg Scott more and how often are. Thank you David. 5 to 7 that's all remember that and listen I own a car we've been talking about the York. And chatting and giving various views all just reading out different views I on a cruise listening evening on a Can I see your eye on it for me of this parish. Coming which one is a would you let us know it well maybe if you try to profile I'm sure it says that starring impounds who at the moment and I celebs do sell and get bums on seats for pounds however is a team effort overall it has to be a good show and a company that is willing for Change We Can Michelle isn't just a celeb She's an actress and a good one at that companies have to give new faces a chance or many don't thank you so much for getting into the show nice to hear from you. Well it was clear a nice well known absolute rubbish of cooking so would my freezer emerged and I was Korean in the average in contrast to potato it was obviously just left out wherever it was in the in the vegetables or left I was very sick it was some full of boiled potatoes with the pate with the skin on what was I think and so that was in the Curry Yeah so anyways farm is that will hold good eating to Elizabeth we were just waiting with bated breath what was Elizabeth having for tea tonight Hi Julia Polak belly slices baked in the oven with who made barbecue sauce over new potatoes sliced onions and spinach followed by short but biscuits and mugs of tea you see so was pushed Elizabeth says next. If you see news at 630 Good evening I'm merely fear and she need to form a thought of Boudin Park Hospital in New York as. Being sold on a conditional basis to a company who wants to turn it into a retirement complex the building which has been empty for 5 years since the mental health facility closed would have a 125 homes are independent living the plans are being discussed tomorrow the queen has said the royal family had a very constructive discussions on the future of the inductions of Sussex during a meeting at Sandringham in a statement released by Buckingham Palace she says the transition period has been agreed for the couple in which they split their time between Canada and the u.k. You'll see it's a Royal Scots a new pantomime for 2022 to the full in audience numbers around broke out over the weekend after cast members claimed they'd been effectively sacked they divorced Tom Bird says things have to change in a new director will be brought in to try and attract new audiences and Boris Johnson has praised all sides in Northern Ireland the coming together to Restored of all government after a 3 year political impasse part of the deal is to bring back power sharing with the promise of significant extra funding. B.b.c. Radio your support for. Your city manager Steve Watson has expressed his delight at the patience of the patients shown by his players during Saturday's 2 no victory over tough United have been present so it's initially struggled to break down to determine Telford side before grabbing 2 goals in the latter stages of the game from minute one really the last in everything don't try it. But we didn't get frustrated and the fans in your frustration like us really believe that we believed in the way that we play we will create chances and it worked out that way. How would it sound back up keeper Joe Cracknell was pleased to keep a clean sheet in a rest after Darlington in the f.a. Trophy on Saturday town one to nil and Cracknell was determined to show manager sign a waiver that he's a reliable deputy Yabsley nice to be involved around and then obviously got the opportunity to play just a common show Aachen though she welcomed the reliable when given a chance to play well. For herself privacy when I got the opportunity to come in to play as well as a comp and time to be given a home draw in the 3rd round of the trophy they'll play fellow mission National League star Eastley on Saturday the 8th of February. Down to cricket coach Paul Collingwood says James Anderson isn't thinking about retiring any time soon includes record Test wicket taker has been ruled out of the final 2 Tests in South Africa with a rubber injury and he was also out for 4 months with a calf injury before the tour even began nevertheless Collingwood says the 37 year old still has the infeed the enthusiasm to keep going to get about the age just look at what the what he's doing on the pitch or not is to me the most important thing in his skill level is accuracy but also as communication the experience that he gives on the pitch is centered on why would you even kind of contemplate thinking this is a time of fleas body it's just a couple of injuries that have been being freakish but you know certainly from our point of view we were desperate to get him back in the ranks leaves rhinos legend Rob says he's overwhelmed after he played in front of almost $20000.00 fans in the fundraising much against the brought for bulls bro was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in December to me out there with the amazing you know having you know they carried. Down their it's like. Snow can now and David Gilbert makes his must his debut tonight at London's Alexandra Palace 18 years after turning professional last year's World Champion semifinalist takes on former Masters champion Mark Olive is one these things are in a voice during his He's definitely a big player so this tone would suit him I mean just to compete I'm going to bring my a game if I can do you believe I can win if I die and it's going to be a long know if we finish with athletics the trial of former Chief Law mean Dayak has been delayed until June he faces corruption and money laundering charges linked to the Russian doping scandal. Thank you very much Jim with the sports let's get the weather now with pulled out a warning out right now we're going to warning out later tomorrow and potentially a warning for Thursday as well so strong winds there's a lot of rain around the good news is the weather's going to settle down next weekend so they'll be some fine sunshine but there will be a frost at night so they save name will turn. Creasing they want some wind of this some heavy rain to come in from the west that will sweep into the North Sea by the end of the evening the night time will be clear with a few showers in the West the wind will moderate a little we'll see temperatures down to 3 degrees for tomorrow a few showers for the oxtails Otherwise it's a fine morning with sunny spells the afternoon though quickly goes downhill it turns white and windy wants more from the southwest with gales redeveloping just in time for the commute tomorrow teatime it will be fairly mild there eventually Wilcannia highs around 12 Celsius that's 54 but of a rest by on Wednesday a few showers in the West Otherwise it's dry with some sunshine and then after a fine start on Thursday certainly by Thursday evening will be more wind and rain across North Yorkshire That's the forecast for b.b.c. Radio York so curiously it. Mike can report from the street where people find sewage regularly coming up through the pipes in the sinks bus and so it's just awful isn't it so fingers crossed Safeway raise the profile that might get source's Georgie's catching up with a man who we had from way Quintin like who is walking around the coastline of Britain with his huge wonderful projects with loads of glorious glorious watches and when his journey to where is the luckiest lady in broadcasting Juanita Mississippi is meeting a woman from easing world who's been collecting knitted items from across the north to be sent to Australia for animals rescued from the devastated Bush was with us with or with Georgie tomorrow morning from 6 tonight from 7 best McCarthy He was always a brilliant listen and hopefully she'll Poppins have us what's coming up on the programme but you do. Not to want to miss it and this is why did you see the tweet over the weekend from the University of York library they were searching for the person who may have lost a piece of their underwear in a lift in the building. It's been claimed this item of underwear and tonight's After Eights back is going to be talking to that person who claimed it a Scotch are they going to be anonymous are they going to Blacktown behind the you know the light of the week light behind them seek out the backlighting all that's who oh so exciting so exciting we want to know all the details don't we have what's gone on the don't miss Beth show Beth will be here from 7. rubbish you know what I wish someone could just. Upload. Upload is a brand new show coming to the radio if you were created if you. Were a few. Direct. Tell stories. Get yourself on the b.b.c. Go to b.b.c. . Forward slash upload today. Time for our Question of the day then if you were going to quit your family and leave the country. Over Scotland the little We're talking about all that is that I'm scared of is comes Great Britain so my youngest son is in Canada so probably college or all candidates a popular choice of the minor and British Columbia not too far but yes it's too cold to call minus 40 this year yes asleep because you've been a few times a little gorgeous the weather and it was really cheap when we went. So insane Suns I would say America what about one of the Beach New York I quite like New York Sordo that 1st of all hopefully taken me with him would you get to New York as well I think would possibly go to Florida for going to left but we do like New York a lot but I don't think it's some I could really live give it go. And get to live separately about a sawzall No No surely not I probably go holiday so we're going to do is a good story is all that far away is he dead which a fly and a fine lifestyle that quite some would say my family and may country plenty from I'm from Brazil over the from a oh well what's going live with you where would you go if you were going to leave Brazil and probably Canada or maybe Scotland everybody looks kind of do in Scotland What's it about Canada I guess it's the colds I don't really like the hot weather and it's a language I can't understand I can't speak it's not the United States too so it seems to be call more seems to become a thing just cross Holden question of the day than if you were going to quit your family and leave the country where would you go a 13 double 3 in style message with the word. The Bellamy Brothers and. So Beth McCarthy is here at 7 o'clock am well you know going to want to miss a always a brilliant listen you know what if I'm doing Joseph show on a drive and there's been many occasion where I'm just sitting in the car and I get to the drive and desperate to go in and say those when the adult books is too compelling and I just can't get out of the cars because of the jaw dropping moments that happened on best program so don't mix it's a nice this is going to be yeah you just want to hear this to you so this is all I know this is the background to this story a tweet over the weekend from the University of York library they're searching from a person who has lost a piece of underwear in a lift in the building Ok so that's happened so you just say right does anybody want to claim you just wouldn't would you well it has been claims this rights movement has been claimed Ok they've got no shame at all is being played they want to. You know I mean in some kind of condition tonight after 8 o'clock Bess is going to be talking to the person that claimed the. Would you would you if you did last that piece of underwear would you then go and claim it that's the question isn't it and how for you last this is akin to the whole fight in this is ending up have you ever lost an item of underwear and would you go back to claim it's this is the whole you know I can hear it all now you know this could be Jonathan's phone it's more money goods but they may see the revelations after it's own best bets will be here from 7 to tell us more about what's coming up in the show but yeah white for the this is a set your alarm moment isn't it you can't miss it yeah and if you're busy at that time go back on their own b.b.c. Sounds and listen to it later and so how many would bet McCall to hear from. If. You feel. Mr whistling this way Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera listen some are morning then Georgie is here from 6 o'clock tomorrow morning yes he's trying to get help for these people who are just going. Through their pipes since the sinks the bus the toilets might Kemp is going to be reporting from a street need. Help get that sorted out police chief is telling us there's an increase in post-traumatic stress among offices who've been threatened or attacked so we'll be talking about that Georgie is catching up with Ace wonderful man go and have a look is to tweet beautiful beautiful photos Quintin like you who is walking around the coastline of Britain for the incredible photography project and Joe We need to see in easy well tomorrow morning meeting the people who a knitting things that are going from all the way to Australia to how with the animals they have been rescued from the bush with Georgie Spanswick tomorrow morning from 6. Is 5 to 7 until Let's catch up with Greg. Traffic case a coping well overall now the safe thing no particular issues out on the I want them all the a 64 radios continued today in The New be area the I want someone to call the road sometimes the lights are in place at the her state road junction but he seems to have eased on the approach is now still looking a little bit busier than usual answer Grimston bar on Play yes sensors coming in towards York on the I want to or 6 but also the I 1079 and York in the city center traffic is on the move the I 59 remains a little bit heavy as well round the Poppleton area at the junction with the outer ring right with the answering right itself is so fine Really now and uptick problems and Target still very busy on Nascar right and skits and right now it's the Empress around the ground so if you cannot take this call then I return to travel 14849. Oh the wonderful. Rumson Beth McCarthy. Marks. a. 7 Good evening. Unseemly the queen is described talks about the future role of Prince Harry and his wife Meggan as very constructive in a statement issued after the meeting at Sandringham the queen said she and of the senior royals were very supportive of the couple's desire to create a new more independent life has statement sets out a period of transition for them under which they'll be allowed to spend more time in Canada and the.