In the water not one upon and I don't recall that with a bump from Bob. And figures from the consumer group Which suggests deprived areas are the most likely to lose free to use cash points it says $600.00 machines are closing every month here's our personal finance correspondent Simon compacts the background is that many people are turning to contactless cards and digital payments but which And Natalie Seanie who compiled an independent report on access to cash a calling on the Chancellor to guarantee people can get hold of cash if they need it they say an official body should be given the task of preventing the emergence of cash deserts 5 Live news Shabnam has the sports disappointing start for Liverpool and Chelsea in the Champions League as they both lost their opening Group matches Napoli beat the defending champions to nail in Italy one of the goals a penalty given away by Andy Robertson while Chelsea went down one nil at home to Valencia with Ross Barkley wasting the chance to equalise through a da r. Awarded penalty late on is efforts hit the crossbar and went over later as Manchester City's 1st group stage match against Shakhtar Donetsk and they have to cope with another defensive setback Johnstone's will be out for around $4.00 to $5.00 weeks after picking up a muscle injury you can listen to commentary of that match after Tottenham's game at Olympiacos on 5 Live tonight from a well school I have Stephen Jones on his way to fill the gap left by assistant coach Rob Howley has been sent home from the Rugby World Cup to be investigated for allegedly breaching betting rules and cricket County Championship will go down to the last match of the season when Somerset will face Essex in the title decider next week this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker come on. The weather in many areas will be joined Clayton night that northern Scotland will be cloudy and patchy rain into Wednesday much of the u.k. Will be joyous some sunshine especially in the south column will be rather cloudy with further rain across from me although this really is later on why. Of 18 degrees in Belfast and 19 degrees in cotton. Just download the free b.b.c. Sounds out and discover the best of 5 life podcasts including a unique weekly he's always testing guys to see how they react to situations favor students anyone really going to fast enough out games and he is on fire he likes football daily he's a huge talent fishy chiefs working as hard as he does every day 20 years just as one of the best midfielders in the download to free b.b.c. Sounds out the music radio and podcasts. Good morning on Am and f.m. Around the u.k. On digital and online I'm Roger Sharpe. It was in August that the British government announced that freedom of movement between the e.u. Countries and the u.k. Will end immediately on October the start if trashed in the event of a new deal Breck's home secretary pretty but tell subsequently wrote back on the us saying that migrants from the e.u. Who have not previously gained permanent residence will be given 3 years temporary leave to remain in Britain the fate of non citizens on both sides of the possibly reinstated bar the restrictions continue to depress puzzled and in some cases they are being driven to take drastic measures. And that is where we start with measures being taken by some British expatriates in the Netherlands where importantly it's not possible to hold your nationality at least for many people I've been speaking to our correspondent in The Hague. Anna Holligan and she's been telling me just how easy it is for a Briton living in the Netherlands to take Dutch nationality Well that depends on who you are basically So there are more than 40000 British nationals living in the Netherlands and some of them meet this really tight cry seriously they've lived in the Netherlands for more than 15 years they're married to citizen and that kind of thing but if you don't tick the boxes then you have to pass an integration exam and that doesn't mean learning how to cycle with a dog and a baby on your bike it means in the language learning about the culture and all that kind of thing but thousands of people are doing it because exactly as you say they're trying to take a kind of preemptive protective measure that they think will basically allow them to continue living their lives they're living here in the Netherlands even if the u.k. Leaves the e.u. Without Cydia on the 31st of October or whenever they just want their lives to continue the way they are today and in order to do that they are having to sacrifice their British nationality which is obviously a huge deal giving up your British passport because the Dutch themselves alive or they don't allow you to have Joe nationality. For most people. And so you're forced to choose and it's a huge issue for Brits here in the Netherlands who are facing this kind of conundrum and so I asked a group on Facebook you know how do you deal with this and the wrist so many responses so we decided to go and meet some of these Brits in the Netherlands who are grappling with this breaks it Deila the 1st one is an award she's a mom of 2 and an astrophysicist originally from Leeds now living in tract which is in the heart of the Netherlands and she told me about her family situation price and I had such castle and only a Dutch passport when I relinquished my British citizenship I had to send my possible off and it doesn't come back the girls have to have Dutch passports every dish passport as well because they're under 18 they're not able to relinquish separatist citizenship and so the Dutch government doesn't ask it and Jason still has her purse possibles it felt a little way into the I thought it would hit the button to say yes I want to relinquish my system ship I didn't think it would affect me so all because I was so fed up with the whole thing it was in part just an emotional response to the referendum that I feel 100 percent European and it was really if this is what Britain wants then I am not I'm not British anymore because I've got you know it's all over in Europe I worked all over in Europe and this is where I belong I also thought it was a practical thing you know this is where our jobs are you know much our children were born here this is where they've lived all their lives and I wanted to protect their rights and my rights to be here as well so it's a combination of both the passport was never what define me as a British person I'm always going to you know I'm always going to take milk you might say yeah I still have some of the integration to do but it's so wonderful welcoming country and you know is that it's a positive decision because I'm very touched by what she says about pushing that button but I think that would be incredibly difficult for most people you know given that we've got people expatriates living in all parts of the world listening to us right now and if they think about it it would be really hard for them to I would imagine. You know I think it's so you actually think about your attachment to this simple Burgundy maroon document you never really actually confront that kind of emotional attachment that it holds and you know the thing that you're coming through is you poured a flight but actually it goes right to the hearts and I'm speaking as a Brit in the Netherlands of who you are and the idea of giving up your decision this is really difficult even if you feel as though that's what you need to do to be in the same place as your family or keep the job that you have but most people who I've spoken to are torn a really torn about this because they don't want to stop a British they just want to keep living in the Netherlands So anyway I met someone called Jack who works for a very well known Anglo Dutch Corporation and he is one of the Northern. And China think there's there's the cheese firm there's the yes yes there are you anyway so he were up for this Agadez firm and. He has this kind of emotional barrier that he's really struggling to get over so for me changing my passport is a last resort on the one hand a passport is just a document which entitle you to live and work and travel in certain places but on the other hand there's a big emotional connection giving up my passport on my British citizenship is a significant sacrifice my family has been Britishers long as. As long as you feel able to trace back I'm very proud Brit my home my my friends are here now and I have a great job and I don't want to be in a position where my employer can say Ok thank you for your service and now please get out of the country I am feeling quite anxious you don't want to be emotionally do this. But if things get too difficult then. That's the choice really so has decided to tough it so does that what he's saying. He ses going to wait and see he's going to give it a little bit longer and actually the Dutch government has been very clear sending out Lasser's I have so far applied for a right to stay documents in fact I have a right to stay Carcer for blitheness card stay in card. And so he's going to waste and see what happens at the end of October on Halloween or before and then make a decision based on what he thinks his chances of staying here without a Dutch passport or be in terms of of paperwork or bureaucracy is a such a thing as permanent residency whether I would take ing citizenship there is and one of the differences between taking a permanent residence in applying for citizenship is that the Dutch citizenship was guarantee you the freedom of movement across the e.u. Porters because you would keep your European passport so you wouldn't need to show a document every time you would need to as you may do as people fear have to show or a visa if you're travelling on a British passport in Europe in future so it's really about having the freedom of movement to cross borders to work in Spain or Portugal or the Netherlands that people don't want to let go of and they fear they may be forced to if a person leaves but there's a deal that you people who've done it who've who've taken this plunge those seem to have any regrets month or has just gone dark she split up with her husband and that had a big impact on her decision day I got my Dutch passport and I became Dutch I was so so happy the anguish was over but it is sad that I've had to lose my British nationality I would have loved to have had both because I'm still British in my heart I do see the Dutch passport really as a to to be the same as my children I did not want to run the rest of her. To go back to the u.k. And even my children behind hair when I'm on my own then I then then the tails come and then I get emotional I can't take in I thought be out the girl they can take the girl out of Darby. Orgy where you can totally understand her point of view can't you she's got no choice really the children for the children see she has to do this I mean does she though that's the thing that there's no certainty so it's really all about removing the On Star certainty and the state of limbo that so many Brits feel as though they're in it may be that the u.k. Leaves and that nothing changes the tool they just don't know and so it's in order to have some kind of peace of mind as she sat there and she was sitting staring her well known British t.v. Brand. Here a lot of support because so many Brits you know when you leave the u.k. You do have this kind of attachment that you don't even necessarily have when you live there you almost become even more British You want your home comforts and I think that's another reason why it makes this decision so difficult. Well as cheer ourselves up now and in a minute we'll tell you why these people are playing. Right and they've got to celebrate out. Budget a. Budget. Yes It's absolutely bizarre to foreign eyes the celebration I witnessed on Tuesday was remarkable you know. There was a public holiday 1st of all savants the schools were people in the streets with flags wearing orange how we exit and face paint all the children on their parents' shoulders so much celebration for the annual budget it's. Just so odds with what we would normally associate with our. Sense of the budget being released in the kind of. Tight and all that kind of thing but here in the Netherlands they have reason to celebrate because that that should Khana me is in such an enviable position so that kind of headline figures ever in the in the in the Netherlands will be better off next year the government coalition government expects that 2020 will be the 7th year in a row of growth although it could be slightly limited by things like breaks it with the Netherlands being so close to the u.k. Politically and economically but it was just absolutely fascinating watching how people came out lined the streets to to watch the king and queen travel through towards parliaments in their golden carriage and the highlights from the budget for people who are interested in the Dutch economy is thriving at 3000000000 euros allocated to increased spending power especially among the middle income lower income groups in society more measures to help 1st time buyers health insurance will go up slightly after years of cuts more money for defense and the kind of the big $1.00 is that multinationals like shadow and fill the will have to pay corporation taxes from 2021 and in the past the Netherlands has been seen as a kind of tax haven where they can get away with not declaring their their taxes or paying tax because they can offset it with with losses Alf's where so it looks like that will stop after a loss of pressure from opposition parties then people actually in society say well we don't enjoy these benefits so why should they the big picture is that the economy is a robust and to try to understand the figure. Alyssa morrow I cycled down to the statistics bureau to meet the boss his name is Peter Heine Milliken and he sat to me seems pleased I think we've been in pretty good shape for the past few years there are some of obviously some points where we could do better especially if you look at wages income of households but overall I think many Euro countries would be quite jealous to have our figures. But on the other hand there are some clouds on the horizon of course but also to cooling of the German economy the world by trade dispute with between the u.s. And China so there are some jettison challenges ahead and while we were at a small open economy so we are a bit hesitant where that might mean for our economy for costs have been a bit less positive for the next few years still some economic growth but while quite lower than the past few years have seen Well from the Netherlands to election results are still expected but the exit polls seem to spell bad news for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not going to get enough seats it would seem fingers crossed the pharma government figures trust us because we really don't know yet. Of course the results will show and these are or Les exit polls but the same poll suggests that the centrist alliance of former General Benny Gantz is slightly ahead or Mr Netanyahu is like could and neither party will when off to form a government on their own addressing his supporters Mr Netanyahu stressed that the final results are yet to be and I'm Steve didn't respond to Mr Gazza scoll to farm a government of national unity but he did say that talks to form a government will begin in the next few days in the next few days. Group and to negotiations in order to build a strong Zionist government and to prevent. An understanding through his government this is what we need to do now. Government that unites many in the streets the country and do not discriminate anybody who believes in Israel as the national state of the Jewish people well there's Mr Netanyahu saying that he will be looking for a government to prevent sun and t. Zionist group from taking power we're joined by Dr Mark Baker from the Australian Center for Jewish civilization and moan at university center not looking great for Mr Netanyahu from what we can understand. So good morning or good morning it's state time here in Australia and the thing about Israeli elections is that the results keep shifting the polls closed in Israel at 10 pm and I was up all night listening to Israeli t.v. And over the course of that period the numbers keep shifting So firstly it's not just based on exit polls now about 85 percent of the real vote has been counted and it keeps shifting in the last hour it's actually shifted in favor of Netanyahu so as it stands there are 2 major blocs So there is the Netanyahu only could block which is made up of the Likud Party and 2 religious parties and so he could has 32 states. Religious parties have 17 and a very right wing path he has 7 and more extreme right wing party didn't pass the electoral threshold so that gives that bloc 56 Israeli Knesset parliament and has 120 members which means you need 61 it won't seem order to actually form a government so Netanyahu has a natural bloc of 56 the opposition is 61 doesn't have a little easier former seats so the. Opposition He's the major bloc is led by blue and white it's 3 army generals and one other personality and dances a major later he speech when he spoke contrasted with the one that you just played by Netanyahu way he called for for reconciliation for unity for healing many of the words that some would say being cold by Netanyahu was very desperate. Attempt to hold on to governments and using tactics of incitement particularly against and the Arab has and so there they have at am at the moment the same number of the blue eyed Patty of the same number of seats as Likud then natural bloc is made up of the the 3rd largest party which is the Arab Patty the joint list that's made up of 4 different and Arab fashions with very different ideologies and Israeli Arabs all Palestinian Israelis and make up 20 percent of the population and they received 12 men say according to the current polling the current count of 85 percent of votes and it can still change and the Labor Party which ruled and built Israel until 977 has been reduced this made it a 6 seats and a Democratic camp and has 5 seats so what's shifted in the last hour is that the Russian bloc led by Netanyahu has 56 and the list center left bloc has and 55 seats and it's now the task of the president of Israel Riven red Rivlin to test someone on the shoulder and to give them the 1st chance at forming a coalition that is the kingmaker in all of this is the in a way the joker in the pack is they leader of the. Of the party that's out of office a Russian immigrant Patty. The Labor man he was once an ally of Nisson the hour and one of the reasons Israel has gone to a 2nd election in. In the space of one year is that Lehmann is refusing to see if we will not sit with the ultra orthodox and once to introduce a bill that will force them to be conscripted along with other Israeli citizens into the army so nearly withdrew its support and 2 from from The Who earlier are to me their early on forcing the election. Yeah and it's a I mean it and you know played a very for him an even more desperate campaign than ever and the reason is that he is. Currently being indicted on 4 different charges that opin doing hearings at the beginning of October and if he were formed and he's hope was that he would have formed a natural right wing bloc of $61.00 Sates he would've been able to extract an immunity below that is laid out he can't be. Chapter lived with a chimp a criminal charges so. It's unlikely Well it's unknown exactly what the outcome would be now and most people are predicting that unless the votes shift in favor of Netanyahu and it's still possible because there are still 15 percent of the votes to be counted it's very possible I think most pundits are saying that there will be a national unity government but there are many contradictions in have that will be formed because and all the different demands that will be made by the blue and white Patti and by the court led by Mitt and the other and can you just to finish the arithmetic off can you tell us how many seats door leave them about the moment yes sorry Lieberman has 9 seats so given that both sitting at the moment so just change them if you would have watched the news I'm an hour ago or 2 hours ago 3 hours ago there was a feeling that they that blue and white were ahead and therefore that and guns would be asked to form to be given the opportunity to form a government but we don't know where that will where that will go and so both Patty is on their own. Tried of course and lead them and that Lieberman was going to a Kathy. Netanyahu allegedly that will include the ultra-Orthodox given and that was he's precondition for joining and the question is whether or not Netanyahu can gain the immunity and he sakes and Israel has a tradition of. Actually to its credit of imprisoning and laid as who am being. And being charged with corruption and Netanyahu is trying to use his power in order to create a new legislation that would grant him immunity and Power explains he's desperation and the way the campaign was conducted which really. Threw the duration of the day Netanyahu as main way of communicating is through an facebook and yet some Facebook that at one point Facebook banned because of some of the content and weather and the legality of using of Election Day and that he was using it in order to paint the blue and white party as a leftist Patty that will require the support of Arabs and therefore what he calls an anti zionist the blue eyed Paddy is anything about left it's a very centrist party in fact. It's possible that our own policies military policies towards Gaza that it would take a had a line that Netanyahu who is being accused of shying away from full scale war could sway. Just coming back to the incredibly important role are being offered by promise a Lieberman would he give his party support to look cooed in the event that could chose another leader. Made based on that. So that's one of the other scenarios that people were predicting that it would be possible that there would be a national unity government and the blue and white Patty Murray has an internal If Has NATO a rotation system for prime for bait for prime ministership between dance and yeah and. The problem is if it's a unity government there is a limit to how many prime prime ministers can be rotated so. When we might have assumed that blue and white would have used that strength had it performed better as well as it was as well as a conformed to courting to the earlier exit polls and insisted that they would do a national unity only to Likud replaces Netanyahu and that Netanyahu ease the master strategist he's followers call him king of Israel and he has a way of manipulating political situations he's been in power for 10 years because of that mastery and one of one possible prediction is that he will ask is opposition to because every mostly would just now with the result as you have clearly said by no means clear thank you for your time thank you. Dr Mark Baker is with the Australian Center for Jewish civilization at more notion of our state and Melbourne and it's just after our past 4. On digital b.b.c. Sounds last week on the money Venus is b.b.c. Radio 5 live here with b.b.c. News Emily Morris Johnson suspension of Parliament case resumes in the Supreme Court yesterday a lawyer for the Government's at the prime minister was entitle to make the decision and it was not an issue for judges critics say the suspension was an attempt to silence M.P.'s on breaks it the sun is defending its decision to publish a story about Ben Stokes family the England cricket circle the article the lowest form of journalism the paper insists details of the tragedy were already on public record. The results of a 2nd general election in 5 months in Israel is said to be too close to call exit polls suggest neither of the 2 most popular parties have enough seats to form a majority government and its claim lower income areas are more likely to lead free to use cash machines the consumer group which says action is needed by government to make sure people who are lying on cash on tonight access 5 news shutdown has the sport and opening night to forget for Liverpool in the Champions League as the holders lost their 1st group much to nil to Napoli both goals came later on in the match and Italy Fernando Llorente capitalized on a mistake by Virgil van Dyke after on the robots and have fall to give away a penalty Well this is manager you can club's opinion on that decision I'm pretty sure there are different views on that situation but when the player chimes before there's contact and it cannot be a penalty we cannot change that anymore or that's how it is and now we carry on that club side of the 1st winners of the competition to lose the 1st game of the next campaign since AC Milan in 1994 form a livable defender Steven Warnock was watching the match for 5 life the be frustrated but the real not they've been on the football that they've been playing of late they're allowed an off night at Notts quite obvious we have to give credit to Napoli as well I thought not only were super been the way that they played the game when they were on the pressure from Liverpool they weathered the storm and then they have the quality to go forward so we can't take anything away from not play frustration of a Chelsea went down one nil time to Valencia they could have equalized when Ross Barkley stepped up to take a v.a. Are awarded penalty but unfortunately his f.a. Hit the crossbar and went over Frank Lampard also so young talent Mason mountain limp off early in the game is going ankle injury which we don't know how bad it is and what have to assess it at the next 24 hours to say there is Gallatin to say Get out how the injury so it's too soon to say. Base an ankle injury and obviously the Shang Because use by so well and start again well and we had to manage and more Champions League action tonight on 5 Live women just to city are aware Shakhtar Donetsk they've had another injury setback would defend the Johnstone's out for around $4.00 to $5.00 weeks with a muscle injury by bloodsport starts early a $530.00 with n.p.r. Cos against Tottenham kicking off 1st now Wales have to prepare for the opening Rugby World Cup match with Georgette without their assistant coach Rob Howley he's been sent home from Japan for allegedly breaching betting rules and is being replaced by former Scarlett's flyhalf Stephen Jones how he's a former Wales teammate Dafa James says Jones will be good for the team but this incident may affect their campaign negatively I mean their friends and all the opposition latch on to it to try and disrupt what wheels have and their armory I think it's at this stage in the competition or that they can enter a competition which is very detrimental to Wales and especially as you know everybody in Wales thinks this is probably our best opportunity to date to come away with William whether it's Cup cricket's County Championship will be decided by the final match of the season next week between Essex and Somerset with the leaders looking for their thirst title and Britain's p.s. Gill about has won gold while Dimitri could she took silver on the opening day of the wheelchair fencing World Championships in South Korea that's the latest from b.b.c. Sport this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker come on the wing high pressure in control across much of the British Isles for the rest of the week so most places are looking to draw it was starting the day today with over the phone just brushing the north of Scotland a lot of cloud across Scotland but it's really in the North to say most of and he outbreaks of rain will continue with outbreaks of rain here during the day worse elsewhere in Scotland although you keep hold of the good to the plot of the parts of eastern and southern Scotland that will gradually bright not turn the tide but all the almond a lot of clouds. But story here is. A lot of sunshine. Touches around. Northern England some of that will filter further south across northern England. We saw yesterday but still some sunny. I think across much of south. Plenty of sunshine for. And as for temperatures today will mostly in the range of $15.00 to $18.00 Celsius. Peaking around 18 to 20 degrees chilly again. Northern Scotland but also some clear spells to be some punches missed developing in the. Low single figures. Of the way. Will see east across the u.k. . But . So many. Extra. Digits. This is. A World Cup. And 5 lives all over it so that's going to be a lot of fun. South Africa's president Cyril Ramaphosa has sent a team of emissaries to several countries across the continent following a wave of attacks on foreign owned businesses and homes President Obama poses says the envoys will reassure fellow African countries that South Africa's committed to Pan African Unity hundreds of Zimbabweans and Mozambicans fled to shelters to escape the violence and Nigeria has flown several 100 of its citizens back home also it's quite serious Let's join up all night say that Cornish who is currently away from South Africa Internet Hello Jacques. Good morning to you morning you know the Alps and the continent Nevertheless what 1st c.n.n. Your home. Well you know it what's been going on and it's been going on affectively all the time we had the peaks of it of course back in 2867 people died in incentives for big violence some African authorities are loath to use that word xenophobia it's something of deep deep shame to you can imagine these are the are the people that all these were the countries that supported us and sheltered s. At great cost and great risk during the fight against apartheid and now this citizens are being turned a part in South Africa to South Africa since that time where they had to put people in camps I can remember them along the side of the highway between Pretoria and jihadist. Camp these people just just take them it's not quite as bad as that again but that was in a 5 big ballance Keach breaking out that the government keeps referring to this criminality will run it is there is criminality involved when the attack on a business or a home happens then the use rushing and Zoot and and and and and I get involved in what is effectively a start up and down criminal action. But what happened in the latest case was actually drivers in Pretoria confronted the Nigerians who they believed was selling yelping which is a particularly virulent form of crack cocaine to the youths and they tried to stop them and the Nigerian killed a taxi driver the taxi drivers they took over the center of rhetorical and they followed xenophobic attacks and then other that spread around the country at $7.00 jihadist in a 5 because Texaco bust me in Johannesburg Pretoria and Cape Town. There were some back in April and a special committee then the foreign minister to do was to sue to soil African on voice and a special committee was said to have got a committee doesn't see it being able to do anything about this and the way this has manifested itself was sort of Ram opposer being booted Robert Mugabe's funeral and then he said I'm apologizing and have apologized on the hop the whole South Africans Zimbabweans are saying apologies not enough to most people have died in this latest outbreak of violence at 10 of us are being South African No Nigerians to Zimbabweans and Zimbabweans Of course you see what happens Robyn that's quite understandable is that South Africa is an economic bailout stuff and people come from all over the continent seeking refuge here you know I having to Toria people knocking on my door speaking French saying you are the French Street speaking person in this neighborhood can you help us people from Ruby from Rwanda and from Franco fine countries refute G.'s AFIC to be. This is except it's understandable that people come to South Africa but South Africa itself has grown up economic problems and such very easy for troublemakers to say well it's these foreigners I call them I quite equate it is for an issue of standing out jobs stealing our women and it's it's been folk and ideas that had acid on me on side or is it I mean that this this turning on the stranger this is such a phenomena in our world right now. And in any trouble part of the world you know if you're having a tough time and there's a foreigner. Who see you who you see is putting bread on the table for his family well I mean you know you you look to that and that and the temptation to blame that person becomes overwhelming it's an exceedingly difficult thing we just got a bit ministry the presidency going to see bottom of the Bihari. Nigeria to give him assurances Biharis was grateful for that but you know the at one point the much you are just saying we should move our own security authorities into South Africa to support our people that well that's never going to be allowed but and as I said this above is are saying look at a simple apology from Ramaphosa is not enough. But one of the bit tiring nice is that the real debate in South Africa of course does this shame about the Zeta phobia but the real debate in South Africa is about violence against women and children and Sitaram opposer when he spoke to the nation in the months that's when he began with we can act to change this completely they are going to have to toughen the laws no back. And life meaning life for prisoners who have been jailed for 2 islets against women the women themselves are taken the. Cold calling for a state of emergency calling for it could of the death penalty Well I mean that's never going to happen in South Africa the death penalty was used by the apartheid regime for political purposes so is the death penalty was removed by the a.n.c. And will never ever eat to but these women actually then approach the World Economic Forum meeting in Cape Town as part of a protest in the police had to turn water cannon and tear gas on the you know it's a very very charged situation to have opposers calling the parliament back from its break to discuss to have a debate on the violence against women that also bring in those in a far big point there but you know while the will point its figure at us was it a phobia South Africans themselves are saying we've got to change our approach on politic Edgewood we have to get much tougher society there has to be a societal change and I think the president Dr oppose about is exactly that and he has responded to that. Cornish and today is in the moment thank you thank you very much indeed. Indonesia is stepping up its response to thousands of forest fires that are sending thick smoke across Borneo and some are shot in particular President joke a widow to has ordered action against individuals and companies who start fires there daily 200 people have already been arrested and thousands of soldiers or thousands more have been deployed to tackle the places and many schools have been closed the b.b.c. And the knees and reporter Reve on the Washington who is in the Borneo the moment in the main problems of common time and in the main city of punk out I aware apparently we we hear riff on the the air quality is not too good right now. Yeah well actually the equity here in Poland good idea is that it's worst level possible if and 100 level so everyone is advised to wear their mask when they want to leave their houses although actually the government even advised them not to leave their houses unless they have to my gosh is it as bad as it was in 2015 well it's getting closer to that level of urgency but actually it's not that bad yet but we haven't we don't know what will happen next but what the government has done so far they're still trying to put out the fire that burning all the these lands the people and also the forest but they admit that it's a very hard thing to do to actually extinguish all the fires. Not the scale so what the locals are doing right now is basically they're praying for the rains are right because they believe that the ultimate are for the haze and also the fire that's happening right now how does anybody can be prophetic or on how many acres are burning. Well if earn 500 of thousands of a Chris actually it's pretty bad and here in Poland it's actually the 2nd largest. Area that is affected by the year and tens of thousands of people are also have been rushed to the hospital due to the illnesses that they suffer from breath being in the haze that is covering all the area. How are her children getting on well actually the most affected want to be in their I mean physically they are very weak so it's best for them not to leave their houses and even the government decided to. Stop the schools. To shut the schools for a week to see if the. Air quality is getting better in the next week and from what be seen from the. Weather forecast it says that on Friday it's going to be raining but yeah let's hope that it's true because I think that's the most possible way to put out all the fires and what about all these arrests of people who say. They mostly farmers were they doing it to to try to clear brush and scrub. Yeah well actually police officers have actually captured. Some like hundreds of individuals like farmers and also some of the companies but up until today it's still an investigation. But the previous companies who are actually have been. You know finding they haven't paid a penny but the government claims that they have received like hundreds of millions of proof but it has has not been proven so far. Other people any happier with the government of the way it's been responding. Well this is a very classic problem in this fire has been happening since 97 so it's been happening for the past 2 decades and it's getting worse in 2015 and now it's also worst than last year so. People Indonesian people are actually really begging the government to actually. You know do the law enforcement rightfully because lots of these companies who and also individuals who passed the land on fire and forest fire have not been punished properly. It does sound as has been incredibly difficult for the local government there too and is this new. Places where the fire is burning as it burnt burned there before or is a small just different parts of the forest where mostly it's the same spot as. Hot spots last year or in 2015 and that's what influx interesting a Greenpeace actually went to. To publish their research on it which spots that's burning this year and last year and what is that. You know burnt land last year has become a sort of that and yeah we're going to look on that. And is there anywhere that people can get oxygen or anything what are the what are the elderly doing what about people with Asperger. Well yeah actually the government in Poland had a local government they have decided to make all their. You know hospital hospitals cost free for those who are affected by the haze and they also set up some oxygen houses they call it for those who want to get some fresh air and pure oxygen from what they've been writhing in so far outside their houses it's not only the government some of the N.G.O.s also set up the same a few houses and it's working good so far but it's not enough I mean I mean comparing to the population of the city itself it's massive and I have far away from Palanker I would you have to go in order to find you know breathable air or not or air the where there wasn't haze anyway well some of what a few citizen and a few locals in blank I decided to flee to a safer city like Ben got a messy and it's like 3 out of 4 hours away driving from that I Yeah but some of them also glad to duck out of that so outside of Borneo to actually get fresh air and feed themselves from the haze that's been surrounding them so far well I'm sure you must envy them sometimes refund thank you very much for your time. On some. Found when asked to know joined us there from Borneo. The Alder Creek which is an area of California southern Sierra Nevada has $570.00 acres of the most noble tree in the world the giant sequoias been described as an all plain landscape the psychiatrists or least 250 feet and their trunks on a massive 80 feet and today a conservation group has signed a deal to buy the whole group they said is possibly the most coveted conservation opportunity for a generation some harder is the c.e.o. Of the Save the redwoods Lee and he joins us now hello Sam. Good very good I hope will be able to hear you sound a little far away so if you wouldn't mind speaking up that would be fabulous you're in San Francisco where you are at least in the Bay Area where where you are. Your group is based can you tell us something about the older Creek psychiatrist because I know that not a kind of household name are they. That's right they're actually very very rare the giant sequoias grow only in as you described the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains here in California only about $48000.00 acres around the world and it's only grows here in California so every opportunity to protect giant sequoia is a critical one and. This 530 acre property that you describe the older Creek property isn't in holding it's virtually surrounded by the trying Sequoia National Monument and yet it still privately owned. Say the recklessly is a nonprofit here in California a nonprofit conservation organization we've been around for 101 years and we've just secured off an agreement to purchase the property and protect the giant sequoia and add the property eventually to the Sequoyah national monument. Well there's that's one of the international monument is that a national park in the in the u.s. National park system. Similar but slightly different rather than being owned by the National Park Service it's owned by a sister federal agencies u.s. Forest Service So while it's a separate designation but the intent is is is somewhat similar. So it's actually adjacent to Sequoia National Park which was. One of the probably I believe the 2nd National Park ever designated in the United States and just to the south of that national park park a Sequoia National Forest and Sequoia National Forest in this national monument actually contains fully half of the giant sequoia in the world. So it is a significant unit of. The United States federal government owning owning this land and this is a critical addition to it is really quite a spectacular landscape well enjoy Can you describe for people who haven't been in such a lot of the experience of walking in a in a circle your grew Oh it's quite it's quite remarkable and so the giant sequoia unlike the coast right you might have heard. They live 'd they thrive only in. A somewhat middle elevation zone from around 4500 feet up around $7000.00 seat and indeed this property is that in that range from. From 6000 to about 8000 seats so it's it's a high mountain area in the Sierra and. Some snows quite a bit there in the winter time and when the snow melts and pools up in the awkward for in this Alpine bowl you just get this remarkable verdant lush. Landscape and these trees many of them are thousands of years old that have this remarkable. Cinnamon bark that just is this bright brown red against the lush green of the grass with wildflowers across the pasture and. I think credibly beautiful blue Sierra sky just from an aesthetic standpoint it's quite beautiful and then when you think about the fact that these trees have been growing almost since the earliest human civilizations there's a giant sequoia tree that's over 3000 years old. Begin to get a completely different perspective of. Human life with human civilization would have trees been growing for that long. Is is there any idea of just how much. The giant sequoia actually covered a before you know the Europeans came to California. Before the Europeans came to California it was about the same age range. They've been depleted by about a 3rd in largely the same footprint unlike the coast redwood forest that grows only on the California coast that was the old growth giant sequoia was cut down by almost 95 percent so we didn't find the Sequoia and till frankly until about 30 or 40 years later and they didn't quite have the same. Ease of commercial harvest with the coast Reds what we would they would just get drawn right out to the ocean but in the mountains of the Sequoia they they lasted a little longer so many more of them were protected. By percentage. So I think it's a. Prehistoric time this. The Redlich Forest used to cover much of the northern hemisphere there's fossil records of the great wood in Europe and Asia throughout northern United States but over. Glacial time it's going to reduced to just these small patches just about 70 grow Giants here in the California mountains that's my seem trite but would you call them the dinosaurs of the tree world Oh absolutely they are the original face of nature. And wonderful thought I can just about smell them I mean there's nothing there's nothing like the smell is there of being there and in that form it is a truly magical place that encourage your listeners to come and visit. Well congratulations to thank you so much very good of you to talk to and to thank you. Simon Lauder c.e.o. Of the save the red with Julie who saw us from the San Francisco. Sun rises today in London. 640. Thank you

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