The weather now in a largely dry started to the day with sunny spells but one of its along the North Sea cost cloud across northern island and western Scotland will bring some light rain I don't move so for a given the day into something that Scotland and Northern England to bring in a risk of showers B.C. 5 lines James and John Robbins are best mates for someplace that you'll roll in all of the recent hours of. Their sick is the. Choices don't take you live event get angry nothing ever comes between them all might kill your sorry ass over you know to have an imagination. Listens at least James and John moving in perfect harmony he would eat a little. Bit more Friday from one B.B.C. Radio 5 life terms the best chance for. Good morning on an F.M. Or in the U.K. On digital and online chart were up all night in the shire once more. Thanks have changed if you're just waking up as things changed in a big way in the House of Lords agreement has been reached to process the. Bill that will encourage. The House of Commons. And time before Prohibition. A bit better in just a moment we'll also be talking about a statement from China and Washington the U.S. And China have agreed to resume trade talks. However Alaska the explanation and indeed the news which we broke here on a poll night earlier tonight members of the House of Lords had been faced with a least one all nighter not several debating around 90 individual amendments to Hillary bans bill to block a no deal Breck's and that's the ban bill one Peter plan that Jethro Tull party in his office that was Lord would tween votes while others brought duties but past one this morning the government abandoned its plan to filibuster the bill passed by the Commons yesterday Lord cares like as a former cabinet secretary he spoke to me from the upper chamber minutes after the larger turned so I've been talking to or in my pajamas but in fact a deal has been done between the parties Chalo that has followed has adjourned shut up shop for the night and it will come back again tomorrow morning and then there'll be another procedural motion that's what we've been debating all day that will allow for the bill to go through the House of Lords by 5 pm on Friday and then be finished in the Commons on Monday morning and the crucial point is that all of this will happen before Parliament shuts up shop itself Treasury case as it's described so this delicious you shift we are not going to have to rush through the night and the question you might be asking is what spittle for the rich Well let me tell me how do you get from a you know stance opposition in the government benches detachment to hold this up to where you are. The question I asked what's been traded in the answer is nothing I'm sure you know it is a complete climb down by the government and the reason they fly down is partly because it was frankly embarrassing. In the Lord said I they were losing consistently by a margin of 3 to one. Never mind the one of the party going to high school getting increasingly frustrated by the. Nature of the Senate the strange delaying tactics being used. As the opposition parties who are thinking seriously of values in might because they were thinking of using a completely novel procedures to bring the freshest to a head and people were worried about. The precedent that would create in the end those things combined are saying to lead to the government to say OK we're going to have to give in on this point or that means that the veil should be 10 act next week before Parliament current case which is what the hold of a is really. I'm going to have to ask you to repeat because it is. Just so really. The deal has been done you know back in the in the largest tomorrow morning yeah 11 o'clock and you move it through how quickly should 2 days which was well the motion that we spent the whole. Of the evening fighting about centuries ago conceded the process that will do the same thing in. Basis and then complete comes on. It's what the opposition parties last benches has been seeking and become having 44 hours literally from. Talking about. 330 through to one evening every section of the time. But extraordinary writer credit remarkable turnaround how much of this direction was coming from Number 10 and how much of it was being done by the leadership in the law it's a good question I think number change bigger prints were all over this process I think the lawyers again showed itself capable of in the most difficult circumstances acting to gather a result relation I bet in the end I suspect the government side needed to get approval from the return in order. So the matter as they have done I don't think this would have happened simply through the launch and the piers there let me ask you now with them as a former head of the civil service do you see a way through this for the negotiating team David Frost and the rest of them in Brussels and away to a deal. Well I don't think there's a quick way to a deal and I have to say I never have done in part that's because I don't think. The government most focused on the new government focus on. Astro only very recently that anything could be told you go she ations have started and so I think the chances of achieving a jail by the 31st where very very slim anyway and threatening to go ahead with that city all was not going to make those chances a lot greater I think that's the conclusion and my personal view backed up by a lot of former cabinet ministers to be said was that to go out without a deal would be a disaster for the country for a whole raft of reasons that have been well explored so I think I don't honestly believe it changes the chances of getting a deal because I think there were very very low anyway and I don't see this threat was ever a real threat in any sense what do you think that the best possibility I don't mean bastard you know the question I think what is. I think everybody wants to end this device If period in this country's history the most divisive in my lifetime and I think what they want is to see whether there's I don't agree to a price is now what does that mean I think negotiations are going to continue but over a longer time scale on the 31st of October Personally I think if there isn't a prospect of a better deal then we should be putting back to the country basically a decision by the parliament can make you smile and so we should really ask. People in this country do you want to take the best year on offer and wish them a mystery to make you still. Or do you want to stand in you know I think and says we've run out of options I suspect an election is inevitable really if you don't issue that will result we could end up with a hung parliament again and that would just prolong the agony we've had. For sorry go on there are just going to say can you see the Labor Party saying to the country can you accept the best deal it's available that happens to be Tories amazed deal I think I could see the Labor Party being willing to put the choices to the country. And I can't say I know whether they would if they could get the deal with they was the right one they might say that's what should be their position but I think at the moment it's more like. Tourism a option which they did NOT TO course to the country and we backed I can't speak on their behalf of but that would be my guess as to where my. Balance of this is quite a night that they said extraordinary No absolutely extraordinary an extraordinary day each day you think the drama can get bigger but it does. Even further. South. I know it now I know that you spent a bit of the night sitting next to a lot of hassle to know what was he making of all this here is a. Person having normal aberration for he has done more I think this country than many valuable additions. And I think he was in genuine disbelief Actually I showed him what I think was probably the treat of the night from David Gul who was informing us City of Sin tell us that he would no longer be a member of the Conservative Party not just lose the way. And I think he was just. Astonished and hopefully quietly he didn't say this but in a certain leverage despair actually still waiting to be reached for a man who spends much of his life trying to bring things together make things happen he must be a very difficult time lord Karslake father had all the civil service talk to us a little bit there earlier in this program now let's go to Flushing Meadows where Russell poor as watching. Hello Russell. This been very entertaining so far because of Diego Schwartzman who at 5 foot 7 inches tall would become the shortest male Grand Slam semifinals since the French Open in 1980 he says it's no big deal to him being small and even though it is not the biggest serve he hits the ball very very hard very very effectively from the baseline but you just say that he thinks he instinctively gets the support from neutrals of the crowd because everybody likes the underdog and quite often maybe not against Rafael Nadal tonight because of the dollars but quite often they support the small guy on the court and he pushed the doll very close in the 1st set came back from Fall of down to level up for all had to further break points but adults save them and won the set $64.00 and the DA now does have the break in the 2nd set as well leading by 3 games to one both players dripping with sweat it's one of those broiling nights with very high levels of humidity. A fair. Different way I mean given. Yeah I'm not sure the age is so much a factor other than the Darley is one of the sweatiest human beings I've ever encountered we sometimes complain about the use of the towel the over use of the towel at times on a very cool day players it's a habit after every single point they go to the back of the court and they ask the ball boy a ball girl for the towel on the poor boy oh boy oh boy or girl has to hang over this soppy sweaty mess and it's unnecessary at times because it's just not hot enough but on a day like today I don't think you'd be able to hold the racket there just be puddles of sweat at his feet as he was preparing to serve if he didn't reach for the towel after every point it is just absolutely dripping off him. With us so in. The scheme of the moment. Cruising your estimation Well yes he's had a few difficulties along the way but a set and a break up of the hold here lead 6441 the best of 5 sets but I. Heavy favorite in this match he's in his 40th grand slam quarter final Diego Schwartzman of Argentina is in his 3rd Bartz the dolls' won all 7 meetings and if he does win this match will play Mathieu a better team Italy very much an outsider he's into the semifinals after beating in 5 sets and parity is emerging plays only 23 years of age but that's all with all his experience if he wins this will be a heavy favorite to reach the final because Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer are out he is very much the favorite to win a 19th Grand Slam singles title. Russell revealed to enjoy her 2nd very much. Boris Johnson has failed to get enough M.P.'s the backers call for us topple action on the 15th of October but are there any other routes he can pursue to dissolve parliament Rafael Hogarth associate Institute for government think tank and the leader writer at the types in the vote on a general election the opposition abstained say the government in a sense won that vote but it just didn't win it by enough under the fixed term parliament sacked the government needs a full 2 thirds of the entire House of Commons to vote for a general election and it didn't get anywhere near that it would need the support of the main opposition the Labor Party in order to secure that general election. What was your understanding from labor I mean why did they decide to stay in after driving carbon said they were ready to fight an election but they wanted to make sure that the Benbow actually passed yes it's this difficult interaction between the process of bringing about an election and the process of passing this bill which is intended to prevent a new deal brick set on the 31st of October because the argument of the labor front bench is that if they vote for a general election now before that bill has passed through all stages of the parliamentary process and got locked down onto the statute then there might be ways for the government and for Boris Johnson to play some tricks and end up scuppering the bill dissolving parliament and taking the U.K. Out of the you know deal on the 31st of October in any event and it's certainly true that once parliament votes for a general election in a sense the ball is in the government's court in that the government elects a date the government appoints a date for that election I think the real question now is what exactly is the Labor Party's condition. For supporting that general election motion Will it support the motion once the Ben bill has become law Will it support general election once the prime minister has sought an extension under the Ben bill will only support an election off to October 31st when all aspects of that bill have come to pass and the prime minister has missed his deadline I think tonight those questions are still quite life for the prime minister the desire to get a snap election on October the 15th is still very much alive as you say but what can he do about it can can he work out some other way of making that happen. I suppose the prime minister has got 3 options in principle one option is to have another go at securing a 2 thirds majority in the House of Commons for a motion to have a general election and he could try to make some political promises to the opposition around that about when the election would be and what progress he allow in the Ben bill in order to try to secure their support for that it's worth noting that they picked because the question has already been on asked in this session of whether there's going to be an early general election. The prime minister might need to persuade the speaker that it's legitimate to ask that question again but that's that's one of a little rate the 2nd available rate is that the prime minister could try to sort of navigate his way around the fixed term parliaments Act which is the legislation that these days normally governs the calling of early general elections and just try to pass a new piece of legislation which covers the conditions of the next general election and I suppose the advantage of that as far as the opposition is concerned is that it can put down conditions in that legislation about what that date might be or things like that that would then be legally binding on the prime minister the 3rd potential option or the 3rd route to a general election would be in a sense the most politically paradoxical of all would be would be for Boris Johnson to call a vote of no confidence in his own government because under the fixed Tempah limits act one reach to a general election is if the House of Commons votes no confidence in the government and then doesn't vote confidence in any government within 2 weeks so if the prime minister still wants a general election those are his 3 technical roots but I think the real question is what Carrot he can offer to the opposition to persuade them. That there they're going to get in a sense a general election of a kind that they're satisfied with the prime minister proposing a vote of no confidence in his own government would invite Mr carbon to do some very fancy footwork wouldn't it if he if he didn't want to vote no confidence in Mr Johnson it would I mean that's why it would be such a political paradox it would obviously be unprecedented to have a situation in which the government was arguing for no confidence and the opposition was trying to argue that it did have confidence in the government I think to be honest everybody's going to want to avoid that quite unseemly spectacle and go about this another way but the question remains how they can get there given the current political stalemate over what needs to happen before that general election is agreed we all understand that there is a deadline of Monday before the fraud or a geisha of Parliament takes place now that's received the Royal Assent Is there any possible way that the prime minister could send his Privy Councillors back to the Queen and tell him tell him tell her majesty that he's changed his mind and he doesn't want to provoke parliament because he discovered he's still got Always business and needs to get done. We're in quite unusual constitutional territory here but in principle I don't see any reason why the Prime Minister wouldn't be able to do that I mean in a sense if if he can avoid the Queen he can advise the Queen to you recall and indeed he can advice the queen that he's changed his mind about parading in the 1st instance at the moment we haven't heard much about that but of course if the opposition does drag its heels on agreeing to a general election and the prime minister finds himself in a position where he has to choose between sticking to his purgation and getting his general election then those kinds of many of his might come into play the other sort of law Eve development on the probation of course is that this week a slew of court cases is being heard across the U.K. On whether that purgation is in fact Norful the 1st of those was heard in Scotland and it went down it failed That's right the challenges failed in Scotland that's being appealed and there is a further court case being heard before the high court tomorrow morning and it's difficult to say exactly what's going to happen with that so that's another moving part in terms of when parliament is going to end up sitting a lot of. Skeptical journalists and cynics in the world at large have said. Quite unfairly I suppose that the prime minister is making this all up as he goes along. Where is he getting his advice from any question that he's he's turning to different people or is he is he turning to the same very small group. I think at the end of the day the prime minister bears responsibility himself for the political strategy that his government is pursuing I mean there has been obviously a huge amount of speculation since he entered number 10 about the role of some of his advisers and in particular his chief of staff Dominic Cummings but ultimately whoever's advising the prime minister they're there at his pleasure and by virtue of his appointment and so the political strategy here water ever it is and obviously it's quite hard for all of us to divine has to be his responsibility. Raphael Hogarth from the Institute of Government know. Has been in Bristol last West Additionally a marginal constituency between the 2 main parties which currently has a Labor M.P. In the 2016 referendum 60 percent of voters in Bristol wanted to remain in the European Union while Rory asked people yesterday if a general election does happen who they would like to see leave the country on their own a chance hoping that it will how I'm tough to tell. Because something has gone way beyond. Distance about stopping. A dangerous bricks and a dangerous reckless prime instant recall to my side I think that cuts rally behind the opposition and the person who is most likely to. Be able to keep them honest on something about Jimmy hoping Mr perspex democracy and here follows him a consecration says he's going to take the poorest justice and if you know sing them to desist I'm sorry I think that that's you attempting Boris Johnson or Jeremy postings can you tell me why I remember. Kind of what he wants in the courtroom and I would also my children and vote for that. And what they wish. Is not a lot of choices that I think the mess that we're in a moment what will be needed is a decision to be made there's no right or wrong. It's just making that decision because the business can actually go. And know what they're dealing with in your heart of hearts if you had to if you yourself had the he would you vote for. I don't know it's certainly not halted. Possibly Mr don't think I'm not sure. I'm not sure he's he's posted about whether that positivity is misplaced. I don't know. Enough to go but. Tell me something about. What he said I. Don't know. These people are just playing. In terms of people's lives and businesses and budgets think. It's a political issue to them it's no real life to them. Probably much more to cool than that of those 2 Johnson who's wanted to be prime minister all his life and those failing out of him ocracy as it is known as spokesman and we'll just wait and see However the last 3 years have been a total nightmare and it continues and will probably continue and I'm for God knows how long so no I am not happy with and then leave then sort it out but it's just going on for Apple. Words of some people in Bristol Doris West that brings us to just before half past 4. On digital B.B.C. Science street and this is B.B.C. Radio 5 live with the news here's Carl Hartley Barra's Johnson's hopes of keeping a no deal break sits on the table a look to have been scuppered after the government said a bill that to prevent it will complete its passage through the House of Lords tomorrow he will be ready to become law on Monday he wasn't the only setback for the PM he failed it to get a Commons majority for his proposal to call an early general election next month Meanwhile Mr Johnson's decision to suspend parliament will be a challenge to the High Court in London later the latest legal action is being brought up by the businesswoman Gina Miller a similar challenge in Scotland failed yesterday and the number of people now known to be killed in the Bahamas that during Hurricane Dorian has risen to 20 groups from the U.K. And the U.S. Are helping with the rescue operation live now it Flushing Meadows for the latest from the US Open watching it for 5 Live is Russell fuller Rafael adult 2 points away from taking a 2 sets to love lead over Diego Schwartz one of Argentina he won the 1st 6 for he has $51.00 in his favor the 2nd set although he is now a break point down but he looks as if he's on the route to the semifinals where he'll play Italy's 23 year old Matthew abetter Teenie Bianca and rescue 19 years of age from China on her debut at the US Open it into the women semifinals after big leagues Merton's of Belgium in 3 sets and it's been a very good day for Jamie Murray and his respective partners here Neil scopes came into the men's doubles semifinals alongside Bethany Matic Sants he's into the mixed doubles final Here's Rob Schofield with more support Steve Smith again frustrated England on a rain and wind battered 1st day of the 4th Ashes Test at Old Trafford return. Then from concussion which kept him out of the 3rd Test Smith had a record extending 8 successive ashes half century he's 60 not out suit Broad had Australia $28.00 for too early on but Smith and monosyllabic Shane helped Australia to 170 for 3 at close of play lavish aim was bowled for 67 by Craig Overton He says the conditions didn't bother him too much was a tough one but that's why if I just want to buy that but I only saw situations and I didn't retain much interest in the wind it was a shot of metro areas and go from there or form England captain Michael Vaughan says England approached the bowling all wrong and says a returning Mitchell Starc might show them how it's done for Australia your left arm it has got so much to prove it's his 1st game of the series we know we start that it takes the conditions out the equation it just balls rocket from the ball Yorkers and balances and with that left arm over option it's going to be a threat on this kind of wicket a full review of the day's play is on the T.M.S. Podcast available on B.B.C. Sounds now as where in cricket Essex are into the T 20 blast finals day Robbie but Barra hit 4 sixes off his last 6 balls to be launched by 6 wickets at Chessell a St The brother of the 1st Asian player to compete in the top 4 divisions of English football says racist incidents will hurt efforts to bring more players and coaches from ethnic minorities into the grassroots football riz Raymond the brother of Zeshan has been appointed chairman of the sorry F A's inclusion advisory group on another week of high profile incidents in his most recent call up Aston Villa's Tyrone Mings says the national team will set a positive example to those coming into the sport we have a very diverse squad here and I think we have players here that everybody in different walks of life can relate to so I do think that is important but at the moment there's a lot of things going on in terms of racism and discrimination in different forms. So to be able to look at the England squad and see such a diverse group can only be positive and here is Junior says he wants more than 15 minutes of fame ahead of his world heavyweight unification rematch with and Joshua in Saudi Arabia the 2 came head to head for the 1st time in the build up to their December 7th meeting in a press conference with Sunday's race at Monza just around the corner Formula One has announced the Italian Grand Prix will remain on the counter and least the end of 2024 latest from B.B.C. Sports this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound this small speaker on Good Morning to you yesterday low pressure brought widespread strong winds and heavy showers to wash also especially across the northern half of the country today shaping up to be a better day with less wind and showers thanks to high pressure which will build in from the West has to be quite breezy but not as windy as it was yesterday and with more sunshine around it'll feel a bit warmer to particular across the north of the U.K. So more detail then starting with England and Wales it will be a cool starts but mostly dry and bright sunshine through the morning however a weak one from Will edge into northern England and the north midlands into the afternoon this will bring a bit more cloud around also a few showers these might give rise to future options for the Test match cricket at Old Trafford However most places will remain dry with sunny spells and lights moderate Westnorthwest with temperatures reach highs of 60 to 90 Celsius Scotland and Northern Ireland will tend to start the day dry with some sunshine super quickly that warm from will push him from the west bringing about the cloud and cherry verse of rain to clear away quite quickly from eastern Scotland into the afternoon with sunshine returning for many it will introduce milder air too with highs of 15 to 18 Celsius Friday we see the arrival of another low pressure system to the north of the U.K. Which will bring strong westerly winds for all and a band of rain that will sweep southwards across the country followed by sunshine and blustery showers and again it will feel a touch cooler across the U.K. Into the weekend hype. bring a mostly dry such pain son david might wins sunny spells and often in from 15900 degrees across the country however with clear skies in my wins night school remain pretty chilly for most life whether stopped the from all this he's taking every week strike digits this is the front pages lane op on to definite sides of the newspaper racks s. Morning the guardian declares a trip all commons to feet far the prime minister of saying that apart from the the snap election call which were say turned our by a labour m.p.'s vote twice to scope of the deal of the threat of a new deal it's a double blow according to financial times and a time says johnson blot as m p's refuse hourly election call however on the other side of the the argument some where we 1st have the daily telegraph hypocrite to carbon reject selection to prate dead lark and then it gets even more a cute the daily mail says carbon chickens out of an election using word that prime minister use an the sun has a famous front page so harkens back to the turnip front page This one is no football manager though this is the leader of the opposition is this the most dangerous chicken and Britain on this a Photoshop job of Jeremy carbon as a chicken complete with a rooster's comb and that the strap at the top says carbon clocks up bricks it where the Daily Express says Barra surges people power to force election on the Daily Mirror on the other side of the argument says Britain's worst PM since the last one a large picture of Mr JOHNSON Well as we get back to the matter show enough of this as we turn to our McKinley Well it's a pretty of course and we go from the sort of the sunlight in the glory and having the time when the conditions Old Trafford so much in September in Manchester would have been would have got rain and wind but he did an excellent dampen the spirits Australia made 173 manly Aussie tempting Steve Smith 60 not out quite a picture of him on the back page. A beach ball on to the pitch and a great picture of statesman sweeping it. Even a brief volley of to the barren very. Becoming. The man who really has their wallets but will hoping simply another great day following on from the Headingley tricks they will. Have to play without bails on the way flying off. On the weekends. Never really materialized in the city much going out in the weather of a little bit later on today I. Feel his carry on and my 350. 352400 the chances of winning. A lot going to depend on the morning session and hopefully going to be left with. Hopefully you will will watch your back. Against that man speaks maybe if you picked up the back page of the motor and it said kick him out of Europe you might think you'd read the front page by mistake but. It's not break we're told. Is Polish former England Liverpool much as you know if they were racist the club should be thrown out of Europe or be hit with points deductions to stop the racist abuse of places. The latest was already had called for in Marcus rush the interesting article is being used on social media Romelu Lukaku formulated schooled in Yari. Used by the carry fans into signs that said this is a mark of respect getting stick in that way from opposition fans they need to play educated say what is and is not permissible football is based on the US A crackdown on clubs with racist slams and saying we've got a point that you can try and find a club but it's having absolutely no effect whatsoever. Until clubs take the matter seriously. And the only way they're going to take it seriously is part being threatened by some sort of sanction if their fans behave in it so it is amazing the fans would be so cliche as well of course he says something the sport and how it's an officer for us because it was a poison it was the last $100.00 for racism was $12000.00 euros which is. Elite clubs of course. We need to make it transparent conceal have to get your clubs out of your movement or your high point of things. And still on racism we're talking about some other places where this shows up absolutely as the movie gives while youngster will play and is in the squad for the on the 21 against the under 21. Tomorrow night. The headline keeps what are called monkey in the World Cup final racist abuse ever stop this is when he was playing in the under 107 saying we'll call crime against Spain he said one of the Spanish players called him a monkey if I said it was I was the last comments he said because the motivation was going to win back I'm sure because 5 minutes after that I went on to school because of course he went on to win 5 to. Nothing worse than when you get Rice's comments what you know what are the right like he said Romelu Lukaku is what it's all who is still going on when will it stop the crazy really serving to bring in more awareness of the problem and a great story here about a new pick for England and the way and the amazing journey that he's had to get there. Yeah absolutely Tyrone means is there a loose right poster boys to triumph over adversity does not come better than Tara wings we couldn't help ourselves we had to pull hard line means going to get better and better able to recruit amazing journey from homeless shelters to non-league football both before and now so a proud member of the 3 Lions. Is. Supplementary 40 far away wages a chip when you play the chip another 7 years ago as abominable as a movie is was made and make. And the battle before you through the through the levels with each woman now explain crust of the likely think international call of the 8020 cities very modest guy is talking about when he was called to tell me the England squad he says teleco is an amazing moment and one I will never forget my parents are the 1st people are called and they were a bit more surprised than I would have liked to play for England is that legal research on the ground. Some great stuff on the tellers writes about 200 it's if you cover his Christmas by responding to the homeless 34 fans live for them offer to buy a new shirt off to change the squad number. Or title always mom that. You have to record. Not wearing them quite vocal on Saturday when you can simply cyclical. A small violins plays for Manchester City it's been hit by some injury problems with. The city in the port of call of the from Squad is expected to be out until Christmas he had surgery. Damage cartilage the city of the only injury from it Lee was on is Also Sprach for a few weeks as well but just. One door just another one opens or closes a Johnstone's in the center aisle because he could be increased and Islam in much the city. And see Bruce is a Newcastle manager might be having to sit with a lot of lawyers and a lot of it players and players agents Yeah very much so is facing falling 3rd story face if it's what I do if it keeps the couple in the Premier League he can try to see similar staggering 27 players are some contract can leave him free transfers next summer is a whole list with a whole list of players and in the summer of the summer of 2021 we have a further 30 players are confirming the deals are lined up in the coming months or risk Starman. Campaign leaving France for value Jonjo Shelvey. Open for the talks but. There was never really an easy task in the new customers your religious people the. Roger Federer are not making any bones about it he was just defeated it wasn't a yes the boy from the losing in the US Open and he says that it wasn't it's nothing today we were able in the last 5 Saturday Grigor Dimitrov in the quarterfinals 38 of course back and neck injuries but he lost to the ball carrier for the 1st time in his career exhaustible promised. Defeat by cetera in the summer Wimbledon some is it really says people read into it think The Last Of Us Not last I was really sick I'll try my best wasn't great I was able to cope with our for what I had to use for a very merry little spokespeople course by Richmond double sorry calls us about beating Jack Sock and Jackson with drug free sex McKinley. More than 20 people lost their lives in an explosion at a factory in northern India I asked Paul a stronghold what made there he made firecrackers rod and we're coming up to that time of year in India now with lots of festivals coming up you know divinely the festival of lights in the next few months the factory he was in good Das put in but in job in the northern part I mean do you actually may we're preparing for the festival to commemorate the birth of one of the main see good is good to Nona which would take place you know in a few days' time and and so what we know now is that more than 23 people have been killed but there are huge rescue operations and taking place the factory has been totally destroyed many nearby buildings have been badly damaged some of their roofs were blown off such was the ferocity of the explosions that were taking place inside and I when they said that they could hear the explosions you know many many kilometers away what is very sad here is that this was an illegal factory that was making these fireworks and it wasn't the 1st time that they were actually had a death around it and many of the people who live near it said they'd been complaining for a long time about having such a factory so close to them but unfortunately as we often see in India the health and safety regulations not what they should be those complaints were ignored and now as we speak there's a rescue operation still continuing to see if they can pull out more bodies from inside the factory and other firework factories have fallen foul of this kind of thing in the past yeah there was a very big incident a few years ago in Tamil Nadu where a similar situation developed more than 40 people died again and then in a fire crackers factory which was very close to where people lived and since then there was supposed to be laws that have been put in place to ensure that these factories are not close to built up areas but as we can see from. Incident today those of not being enforced enough I'm sure they'll be fed the coals once again but unfortunately for those who've lost their lives in this particular incident that's going to come far too late. Now the prime minister Mr Modi has gone to Russia. Indian Prime Ministers do go to Russia from time to time do it. Thank you and I think this is an extremely important visit not because of the trade deals and a number of them have been signed into law to go stock between Mr Putin and Mr Modi but I think much more importantly here there have been a little tension in the relationship particularly around the issue of push me what we have seen recently was that when Pakistan pushed for the you know for the issue to be discussed in the United Nations something that India has always been against the Indians would have hoped that Russia may well have vetoed that particular call from the Pakistanis who didn't happen there's been a rather large arms deal that's been signed between both countries so I think it's no surprise to see Mr Modi in Russia talking to President Putin about many issues but I think one of the reasons he's there is to that Russian veto when it comes to be sure what's happening inside Indian administered Kashmir and in an interesting statement being issued by both of them today where they basically said that they see no reason for other countries to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries I think a reinforcement of India's position here that there is an internal matter for them and there's no need for anybody else to get involved and I think that will be important to the Indians to get that reassurance from President Putin because there's no doubt that the Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan's attempts to internationalize what's happening inside Indian administered Kashmir have to have had some success I think I mean people within Delhi would say that certainly there would be concerned about his ability to get the world to look at what's taking place inside the Indian administered Kashmir the Indians say there's no need for the world to look at what's taking place others may disagree there's been absolutely no wavering on the Russian position hostler on India's decision and a special status you know Mr Modi's closing off of Kashmir in this very draconian way. I think what we've seen and it's been an interesting reaction globally it was been taking place inside Indian administered Kashmir has been the world treading quite carefully around what is taking place inside that region at the moment I think we've not seen many countries come out and explicitly criticize India for changing the status of the autonomy that that particular region had before under the Indian Constitution and I don't think we'll see a change in the Russian position now I think what we'll have to see here Rod is this is a story that is not going to go away remember there are still very severe restrictions that are in place inside Indian administered Kashmir many would say that we still really haven't heard the voice of the question many people almost a month now since this new change in legislation was put in place by the Indian government so this story has a long way to run and it's going to be interesting to see what global reaction will there will be if the lockdown continues for even you know another couple of months here but I think for the Indians important to have their traditional ally on side as this is a this is an issue which I think the world will continue to look at mainly because we're talking about an area that is disputed by 2 nuclear powers. India is introducing some new traffic laws very hopeful. You would think in their leagues if you traffic was indeed has a lot of traffic as well but they're very very rarely I mean if you know the number of people who die on India's road it extraordinary More than 150000 every year I mean that's the number that just shouldn't be taking taking place even in a country which has a population of 1300000000 people so you know some of the laws that are coming in place I think I just a reinforcement of behavior that happens in other parts of the world you know to make sure that your vehicle is roadworthy try not to drive down one way streets in the wrong direction make sure that passenger is a wearing seat belts and they've come in with a great fanfare and it does seem to be the 1st time in my recollection you know after living to for quite a number of years now that the issue of road safety is being taken seriously that you're having discussions about it before it was all part of that sort of rather lax today cicle Indian attitude to the law which was there are laws in place but it doesn't necessarily mean you have to follow them and what are people going to be given by way of discouragement you know what the how are they going to be whipped into shape here will I mean we have seen some rather large fines that if already been put into place where we're seeing some of the fines almost reaching the you know the levels of the vehicles the cost of the vehicles that are being driven at the time you know we've had tracked is where we've had fines of coming up to 700 pounds motor motorcycles where people are being fined up to 350 to 400 pounds I think what we need to do here on is to look at how this happened or whether these laws they were enforced and strictly in a few months time because the traditional problem has been in India when it comes to dealing with road traffic violations. Is that the policeman comes to the person who's broken the law the person who's broken the law doesn't actually play the pay the fine but he may slip the policeman a little bit of money to make sure that he goes away so I think the key here will be if that system breaks down then who knows even people like you may think of going to India and hiring a car and driving around at the moment I would strongly advise you against it rotunda tributes are being paid to the U.S. Songwriter Marshawn Daniels has died at age 41 if you don't know that name you will recognize at least one of the subjects. That was. Just a handful of the song. Called travelers. Who work with. Us here for. She told me about his. I don't think that you could actually have a real conversation about R. And B. Over the last 2 decades and not mention the name he was inspirational he worked with the greats you mention Whitney Houston Michael Jackson Jennifer Lopez Brandy I mean that list goes on and on but what really stood out about him I had the pleasure before interviewing him you know meeting him with a songwriter that I represented that he worked with that had so much admiration for him but I don't think that you will meet a person in the end history in the music industry that did not have and respect for this for this man not only his talent but just his personality he really was just an all around great guy. Did he work with with one producer I mean was he like you know the sort of the Scandinavian hit factory you know they're very much unit where was he associated with any one producer or do the that the rover are well you know everyone or you know is that he had a great chemistry with Rodney Jerkins they have some huge hits together I believe you played one Toni Braxton record and he and Ronnie worked really well with brandy and just made some timeless hits but all in all he really you know his talent would go anywhere but he had the most recent hits with Mark Braxton in 2016 and was really a part of her her debut with her big hit in 2012 Love and War and that was his his you know his collaboration with another producer so he really had the I mean he was just a talented person and again I mean he he was on television a few times with vents in their family and just a person that people really really enjoyed he actually had started over the last few years talking about marriage so it's like the love songs that he wrote his life exemplify them because one of his his passions was sharing the joy of having a healthy relationship and trying to get other people to realize that there was there was peace and value and having a solid family foundation and so he and his wife counseled other couples in the business and their church and I can just an exemplary man with God given talent. Crystal Jordan on the life of law Shawn Daniels who has tragically died in a car crash the age of 41 now we're looking at the story of Hurrican Dorian Unfortunately the latest from the Hurricane Center as hurrican durian has strengthened to cats 3 which means that it has sustained winds of 115 miles an hour it's also moving north at 7 miles an hour which is not exactly a track for a hurrican but it's a good deal faster than it was moving and worse luck for the people of South Carolina because it's heading closer to shore in the vicinity of Charleston rather charming city in South Carolina so we'll be keeping an eye on that on 5 live in these next few days Also tonight and we'll be reflecting this I'm sure on wake up to money past 5 there's been a breakthrough in the China trade negotiations with the United States of all things both. Washington and Beijing now saying that there will be talks at ministerial level in Washington in the coming weeks Good to have an effect on the stock market has already had an effect on the pushing up by about 2 cents against the U.S. Dollar was not pretty mediocre condition the sun rises this morning in London I'm going to say try to past 6 and talk to next week.

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