Were found at a house in Helmsley earlier this week it's for the body of 49 year old Rena. Was discovered by builders working on the property embalmed the gates detectives are now appealing for information to help establish a timeline where Chris Paul can runs a B. And B. In the same straits and says Reno's family has always kept itself to itself they don't go out a lot when they go out they go out. The younger members of the family do. Their time together speaking to each other sort of thing which they get training putting shopping in a basket I don't think anybody really knows anything about the matter the U.S. Senate judiciary committee has agreed to vote this afternoon on whether to approve the nomination of Donald Trump's candidate for the Supremes call Brett Kavanaugh it follows dramatic testimony by Mr Calvert and Christine Blasi forward whose accusing him of sexual assault he strongly denies the accusation press on Jay says it's deeply sorry for the death of an allergy sufferer who had a reaction to have the Get should bought from them Natasha Peru's died in hospital after collapsing on a plane to nice families calling for the law on labeling to change in Holly Shaw a nurse with allergy U.K. Agrees regulations are an attic where large retail outlets. Do you need the market do you need right adequate knowledge in labeling or customers to be out making choices former member of staff or Kensington and Chelsea Council has been jailed for taking money from a fund for Graham fulltimer survivors Jemima donor who's $39.00 use the 10s of thousands of pounds she fraudulently claimed to fund a lavish lifestyle which included holidays in Paris Reykjavik and Dubai businesses that depend only a $64.00 east of York say they're worried about trade after 3 road closures have been announced the happening. Next month and the November highways England says the closures are needed because they're digging a metre beneath the road surface while David Young runs a gift shop in Scarborough I think we're going to see after done at some stage during the proceedings but the 1st weekend of chosen them for the major closes between 1000 from the 22nd crashes with the 10 K. Run. Plus a fun run we expect in excess of $5000.00 competitors and also families also it's the 1st weekend of the half term holidays which is obviously a major trading period Tesla shares have dropped 10 percent in value after U.S. Regulators announced that they're taking legal action against the law must for alleged fraud the billionaire boss of the electric car maker says the move is unjustified and today is B.B.C. Music Day with people up and down the country celebrating the power of music to change lives there's plenty going on on radio T.V. And online and choirs and groups are singing at railway stations all over Britain including lease children from some to all reds primary in New York. The B.B.C. News it's 3 minutes past for. B.B.C. Radio. With. A dry and fine end to the afternoon plenty of sunshine and long clear spell through the sea evening and night a cool night with a touch of frost perhaps the odd isolated Mr Falk perched 2 and temperatures in low single figures 3 or 4 degree so a fine cool starts to the weekend a good deal of sunshine high pressure dominates so dry and bright with good spells of sunshine throughout Saturday the temperature is only getting it to around 15 or 16 degrees. To sell this things that you think you should just loving. You. B.B.C. Radio. Yes about it together it's Friday. You . Choose news today. And. That's. Where. You. Can. See. And. This. You know one of my care. I need you tonight in excess it's B.B.C. Radio 7 it's past for you doing at this after there in the justified you well enjoying B.B.C. Music day I was down at the station in York today the railway station joining us in tailored scryer and belting out few numbers be hearing from them a little later on. What we will be certainly hearing about says well after the Labor Party conference it's the conservatives turn to stage their party conference and undoubtedly BRACKS It will take center stage in a moment we're going to be hearing one of the phrases that's being bandied around at the moment and certainly will be all next week the Canada deal or super Canada and what on earth us the Canada deal or more super can of there when it's so Johnson's been mentioning it also Well it's a it's a rival if you like to the checkers agreements so checkers versus Canada discuss what we will try and explain what it's all about in around 5 minutes time we'll also be looking at the unexplained death in Helmsley police have confirmed the identity of the body found at the property in Bungay there pealing for people who knew the deceased to come forward it will be an Helmsley to. Check what the latest state of play is there on that report commissioned by charity Breast cancer now in collaboration with York Health Economics consortium suggest the number of breast cancer deaths could increase by 2022 sure that's the wrong way it's been they've been decreasing over the last few years or since the eighty's in fact so why this increase all of a sudden and unlikely is a surgeon been saying 2 of them though it's been an interesting week in the world of aviation isn't it with the not least with culminating in that sort of Boeing 737 overshooting the runway yesterday and then the up in the lagoon Fortunately no one was hurt but. A few up strange occurrences going on in the world of aviation unlikely news after $530.00 and there's this cell of these guys were still Judy Murray is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to stage with their crew their group of the wants Well yes there we heard from down the handyman Our Daryn who thought it might be dependence. In Norton's or maybe parents' lives in Rolling Stone thought well actually come on Liz you've got to come up with the answer you can just give us that well is it anything to do with listener ethnics it says whatever the Scots say for us it's a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage where they outgrew their. Not noise it benefits room shoes surrounding skis uniforms venues Nonny money opponents Bush and racquets comforts whom boots coach sponsor trousers club surroundings and parents is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to stage with their group there come a rocket up some of the answers here now but if you've been sitting on one side someone else will come with no baby items maybe it's up to you give us a call would love to hear from you as a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to stage with their grew their. Our 800 travel 14849 text To those of you who survived that little. Island somewhere where. The plane overshot the runway and landed in the lagoon a good landing spot Fabio shut the runway. Learned in the lagoon with no injuries but some of the amazing witness accounts of that coming up in unlikely. Time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to stage with. Us. You know if. She's texted in a 13 double 3 starting a message with the Oh she says there is the answer trainers jewels is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage with their grew they see one of these I'm afraid it's not the right answer thank you so 800 tribal 14849 text 813 double 3 Start your message with York know that we did a lot with the Labor Party conference because it was very much center stage there we should talk to. Secretary star also talked. About was pretty much the similar thing because they were having the vote pub landlord. Put it they were voting on whether to vote on a vote about a vote on whether it would vote or not something like that you made more sense of that but that was what they were votes ago but it ended up with the possibility of a 2nd referendum maybe down the line while the Tory party conference is just around the corner and once again the former foreign secretary boss Johnson has been setting out his own plan for BRICS it. Is saying Chuck check is the checkers agreement which is the prime minister's and he's talking about the Canada deal now you may have heard this he's calling it Super Canada so we thought well what what is the candidate what is the super Canada deal let's find out Dr Chris Kirkland is a politics lecturer from Yorks and John University and is Can least put his head above the power bit to try and explain exactly what's going on thanks for joining us Chris. We're just about getting our head around the checkers plan but that. Johnson has his way they'll get banged into the long grass for this thing called Super Canada so well what is the Canada deal I mean this is obviously something that the E.U. Have negotiated with Canada Yes Yes You know let me you negotiate County to 7 years . Negotiate that particular deal and it could be 7 years 7 years yeah. So we've got 7 years of this to go Oh well if the deals need to be agreed by November ledge just over 7 weeks left the time frame to agree that between the U.K. And the E.U. Member state OK so. It's right OK Well it's a promising start carry on. Yes well coming to the Canadian deal essentially a deal surrounding the trade of goods so it allows certain products to be traded without import tariffs from Canada to the however the difference between the Canadian deal and the model presumably we're looking for will presumably people within Britain are looking for is that it largely excludes and in particular to exclude financial services and that's something that we're pretty big on I think isn't it yes absolutely that one of our major exporters and obviously with the City of London and the banks and other financial institutions in the U.K. 8. Important that we maintain some sense of passports in rights rights we've got a moment under E.U. Legislation to export financial services into the member states something we've all got a stake in because then we all put chip in and bail out the banks back 10 years ago in the in the in financial crisis Yeah absolutely and major part of certainly the national economy but also more importantly when we look at the regional economies in the regional economy in London in particular it's incredibly important so does the Canada deal not I mean obviously Canada is not not necessarily known for being big on financial debt. So there's this there's I don't know how does it work for financial services that well willing to in terms of the proportion of trade exports the bow 10 percent of goods to the where is the U.K. The figure is just over 40 percent so that sort of discrepancy we're talking about here and you're absolutely right Candy and a lot of that trade is in terms of goods. And services and it's the opposite effect in the case of the U.K. So there's a Canada deal a viable option then the full Britain when it's negotiating with the E.U. Will lead to side with the 1st idea whether it's the best deal for the U.K. But the 2nd sign whether the E.U. Are prepared to accept such a deal and as I mentioned before it took 7 years to agree with Canada. You have made noises previously suggest that they wouldn't accept Canadian dealer or Canada plus plus deal on what account of the plus plus they'll have an impact on the hours border. The Canada obviously has a fixed border there is a border between Canada and the E.U. Where we're goods are processed and are checked and presumably if we had a Canadian arrangement we would have to have some sort of infrastructure in place so there would be no free movement across the border. Not under the coming to deal . Which suggests again that that could be another stumbling block that well yes yes and one of the one of the problems here is there wasn't really any ownership of what breaks it meant 2 years ago different people had different viewpoints we're talking about the Norwegian model about no deal model and proposals such as Canada plus plus are largely theoretical the stage without being worked out in the detail that is needed for the question of the Irish Water So how likely are the Europeans to look at the calendar deal for Britain favorably doesn't sound like you're terribly optimistic. Well as a set of 7 years to negotiate with Canada and that was a far more simpler far more limited deal I think than what a lot of people in the U.K. Would be expecting from these British negotiations or from the conclusion all of what he's always means we have a lively debate I think in the Conservative Party Conference next week Yeah absolutely and obviously Theresa May has now to college to the mast in terms of the Checkers plan and would be very reluctant I'd imagine to see challenges to lat sustained so sheer will either have to go on the offensive and defend checkers or will try and do something to. Really reinforce her leadership next week. CHRIS Good talking to you thank you very much Chris Kirkland Dr Chris Kirkland politics lecturer from Yorkshire and John university I don't know if that's because that's a given you any ideas. Where we stand then we're guarding the. Canada deal it looks as though it might be quite a tricky one to square with the Europeans and 7 years it took Canada to negotiate the deal but we could argue that it works it's already there then kind of done all the hard work will just well just follow it be our own vote. They will find out more I'm sure as the party political conference season continues and finishes with the Conservative Party Conference next week B.B.C. Radio York at the weekend. Every week extracts from my diary My granny was this lovely lovely lady she was really short she was really round and she loved baking and. Everybody was welcoming home and she helped look after people who came to the village the things we're doing in the garden things we're doing in the kitchen right similar now. Some time in the garden some great food a puzzle the perfect Sunday morning Sunday morning from 9. Bella Bella these bars were at the wrapping version is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to stage with their grew their. Growth what that's what we're asking for. Blood blister. Is the word you use for us. But me right the mother said the other usefulness is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage with their group they're. The Kids For most of my producer today Jackie's just. Dads you got all this to look forward to. College. No it's not there I thank you very much. 4849 Texas I went through a double 3 study message with. How long how many been listening to. The perils of parents doing jack. I tell you what man right you learn to love the words yet only 40 quid what you made only for. 10 years. Down the charts isn't me. They have their children and their lifestyle is well. Very. Well already spent over the last few years but we love them to bits and don't tell me David you tell me anything differ on of course we need to want to live life going and. Bring your warm food. Down cool bank a solid at the moment road works really really slowing things down blossom streets busy through York up around the whole good road junction that's old and world works as well you'll find it busy through Scarborough and finally road around the Queen Margaret's road lights generally though it's not bad Friday afternoon I know it could all change very very quickly but at the moment I'm point please with the way things are going a 60 want to get to Mom's Will bridge still close for resurfacing work still don't know whether that's an all weekend job or whether it's going to be Didn't just that today someone will tell us if you do spot anything give us a ring and precisely yes 0800 trouble 14849 thank you very much it's B.B.C. Music Day Today I was at your railway station joining a choir symbol there will hear more from them and. In around 20 minutes tonight from. And some other 7. a challenge and heritage town have added Jack Emmet to the squad for tomorrow's match at Bar and what town trained at Tamworth on their way south today will manage a Simon Weaver says that and it will be the only change the squad that drew with Wrexham on Tuesday we have to be consistent with players and chop and change straight away from the 1.6 them I think plays maybe a little bit uncertain of my plane and obviously for such a great start I'm there for the patients in them and the Vern a few games some Collins will be trying to press his claims for the manager's job at York City tomorrow at home to guys like he's been in charge for nearly 6 weeks and next week is expected to be interviewed for the role on a permanent basis while city starts against guys late in the league position a 14th but will move into the top half of the National League table with victory what we're trying to do is create a momentum you know you can string a few wins together things can change pretty quickly in terms of where you actually are in the league and one of the things probably the most important thing that was stressed to the players is the performance us to be really high for performances high when games and this is what we hope and we get on side on to golf now and Dustin Johnson and Ricky Fowler won the U.S.A.'s 1st point of the 28 team right to cope with a foreign to win of a thought beyond Olsen and RORY McILROY is just. Playing his body part and he is asking for it to move it is not moving it is just being the story of the day we're about Cory he leads on his part that hasn't got anything to go John and Dustin Johnson will now be the stage in fact that has been conceded I think given it to the many Americans how the very point was a big beat the Europeans here was to win the pot 36 see what they could afford because it was in the was a joke that you played in the side with you about that well that was the start of a good morning for the USA but it's been a better afternoon for Europe they're going well in the fall since picking up another points and they're up in another 3 matches as well at the moment USA lead 32. The track rod really Yorkshire begins tonight with the historic Cook getting underway on the sea front in Finally Malta driver Steve Bannister is in his 3rd decade of competing and he says it's one of the best competitions in Britain very I hope with a lot of people because it's. A round of the storage championship around with BT Audi A championship so there's a lot of good cares there and. Attract that's why there's Like 130 doing it you know. Because no it is you don't get big entries like that when really because of the expense really is Dr Lewis Hamilton was fastest in 2nd practice ahead of this weekend's Russian Grand Prix his teammate Valtteri Bottas was 2nd fastest with title rivals the pass in Vettel faith in his Ferrari and Britain's Cameron Nori is through to the quarterfinals of the Shenzhen Open tennis after he beat will number 18 Bona courage Andy Murray is out after he lost against Fernando Verdasco and that's the spot for now it's more again at 5 o'clock so I was on the lower so that lurk here yesterday yes and it's it's an impressive set of really I mean not least the fact that there's a humongous great cinema a leisure complex with 3 swimming pools of think it is a gym and then they just drop in center and sundry restaurants here. It's going to be talking to They'll go over. For the night yeah the general manager. And . It's a moot point I think because I do remember. I remember. That was a in the center of town and yeah like both of them question it spitting distance from both and present correct correct Yeah and what's the bowling green wave where some flats are there. You could sort of if you're in town and you're having a bit of a drink and younger in those days. No no commitments and you think it's an after then I'm not doing that you walk to the ground and just pop in you know. That did count for an awful lot of the walk up thing that Roby heard of are you going to compete you know once you're out of town and they say we're free if we come up with for thank you like more shooting effectively Oh yeah and he's probably right out there but the do it the right way although they are engaging with the community the night certainly and thinking about the stadium as well I think Think what this new community stadium will be the shared venue obviously for the Knights and York City it's going to be very different to what Huntington stadium was to what Reidel stadium was when it was 1st 1st built it was all winter long it was soulless wasn't it certainly at 1st that you could get an atmosphere going in the main stand eventual obviously but but it could be quite solid with the running track and at the time that was built there was nothing else in that area if you member of Huntington and at the same time things change as well about City Center grounds I grew up near Clarence street was it was great if I couldn't my dad wouldn't take me to a game couldn't send me to a game or like I could go to the swing Park East one high you know if you'd see half a match it was it was it was a bit like that but there was so many more pubs in that area than as well when I would go and have a drink before a match things change communities change clothes so it will it be the same sort of wrenches as what leaving Clarence street was possibly people get into a routine and I've got to say it's been brilliant watching really get to the president for the reasons you've outlined like Blind back in the city center so it will be interesting but but certainly from a nice point of view let's just speak about the Knights for the time being the hitting at the right time there on the course of the way of just one promotion if they get a good going to the start of next season which will speed still it blew them cries and let's not forget that that crowd hopefully will then go in numbers with them and get into a new routine up at the new stadium. Because of course special and they were in there when it was a 1st much as played there thanks very much the ceiling and tonight will be dry with long spells chilly such a frost in places Loza 4 Celsius the morrow. Long spells of sunshine. Sunday will be. Mostly. No way. I. You and. It's a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage with. What's. Useful from. Wave. Uniforms from nail. Uniforms is a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage with their. Own it's not uniforms thank you very much for your call. Of the week and then go. Not a lot but I don't think so. And not having anything in the diary is good because it means you can be creative business well that. Day what you're learning. Enjoy yourself what directly answer is here then well. Level. Sounds fairly confident you are not prompted you know I want to words all the time not trouble but you go in with a level that will show yeah OK it's a big time commitment and it's a huge financial commitment particularly when your kids get to a stage with their grew their. Level is out everywhere. Give us a call 800. 3 Start your message with your David I would do is busy on the A 59 heading west ham radio around Menwith Hill 5 big collected partially blocking the carriage with thanks to Richard pointed out one through just awaiting further information about that one as the A 59. Part of 5 vehicles involved. Men with Hill going to slow down west of America thankfully itself airing quite nicely how to get an edge but not a bad usual slug on the if they don't I'm afraid you'll find a little bit busier than it was on the air 19 other side to York and again we could to drop out towards the ring road travel through Scarborough busy but on the move on the trains more if I changed thank you very much chills the shouts out please for Macmillan coffee morning tomorrow between 10 and James the deacon church hall in New York organized by Wendy and her family and friends Wendy was diagnosed with cancer in July and is well known for raising funds. For Community Champion for task were grateful for your support. I think when this sister shouts out then for the coffee morning church or James as he can church. In New York that's between 10 and B.B.C. Radio. It's B.B.C. Music day after your railway station where we are today sent word Squire. 1st . Maybe I should maybe I'm blind. And see what's behind. So maybe I'm lying. But. After all. After all what you claim are. What you claim are. Looking. To see if you see. The sea. In the. Summer. After all he told me. After all don't play. Soccer. Mom obsess on my. Soul I Am but I am. Talking. Come. To me again you cry. After the ball. After. so. I'm only human after all I'm only human after. A moment. I'm just a man. You Momi. Me . Human B.B.C. Radio York at 30 minutes to 5 it's the 4th annual B.B.C. Music Day a day we celebrate our love of music with our fans we do that here on the program every day but it's it certainly has the power to change lives there are lots of events all over the U.K. And on the B.B.C. And many of you would have seen in the well if you've taken the train anywhere in the country certainly the main railway stations. Have been regaled by people singing music across the country performed by local and international artists even Kylie Minogue has been joining in 101 year old Dame Vera Lynn is an ambassador for the day and says it's vital we never forget how important music is so powerful and has the ability to come. Raise their spirit is you know I. Live by being any. In Stone Vera Lynn the number of the day while singing is a theme for this year's B.B.C. Music have been 40 quads performing on railway station platforms around the country as I say that was certainly the case railway station earlier today. Where we are slowly that's the choir from St who are entertaining folk down here your railway station just at the moment. Teacher Miss fair that feeling I think but she does have a 1st name because unbelievably teachers who have 1st names who thought it Debbie How's it going it's going really well I'm so proud of them they sang all the way here on the number 11 and entertained all the people there they were often didn't passages have to pay extra for that. We didn't charge you we couldn't. Show so how long in here for. We just here for about 4. The minutes because we need to get back to school got to the choir practice later and we're singing a few songs that we some of them already knew and I've got about half the choir in new members so we had to try out a few things see what it could do for today OK well let's just go to some of the choir members though and what's what's going on that's if you join around to go I said just tell us just tell us who you are and math OK And what's all songs you sing in the mouth and we are seeing and waiting the last. Castle in the clouds don't seem as. I want to sing OK And and I want tell me what today's all about each about like you in B.B. Here. And it's about singing about singing which is obviously we all enjoy in the singing then yeah after you all the people around they're all enjoying the so you really join the singing. You see adults can do that as well as power off. So what songs I mean are you enjoying the songs within the alter is a song you know I don't know some of them but absolutely none I can do them. And instruments we play musical instruments actually the piano new excellence ukulele OK keep a keyboard and what sort of stuff do we like doing on the cable. With the do it right once no way before you'll tell. Me What You play Henry what what you play and keyboard and I made. A Mickey. Composer in your own right a fantastic or other well I think you've got to sing a song so TELL YOU TELL YOU positions team that way you go. Well this is the most weight in the water while I love wade in the water. OK in your lives guys in the way you take it away. Hey ma. With that weighed in the war Saturday Breakfast generally needs him a sissy one when Evans we were in San Juan I saw no cause just a fantasy but I'm actually quite scruffs this. I'm wearing a T. Shirt which is a face of peculiar as if on the front I mean I thought that looks nice now I wear 44 not sure that's the inside line of the land yet but very very slowly north thankfully not back. Which is good news 15 minutes 59 west of how to get around Menwith Hill partially blocked by an accident involving 5 because that's the one that Richard told about 64 heading to the. Reports of an accident they're not sure which direction it is but it is affecting traffic on the westbound it would appear on the $64.00. Bridge Bridge Road rather a. Very busy traffic if you travel through. Around the lights trying to find back with more in 15 minutes. A police investigation is continuing. To the body of the woman was found in the house. After the. a house in Helmsley earlier this week his fault the body of 49 year old Rena Yes Who Tuckey was discovered by builders doing work on a property case detectives and I'm appealing for information to help establish a timeline Well Chris parking runs a B. And B. It's in the same story says.

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