Nothing is. A deal. You see news at 10 o'clock Good evening Mrs Clive Satchell it's been another day of massive disruption and frustration as the big freeze times its creep on Yorkshire in Lincolnshire many people couldn't even get into work while others had to stay at home as the snow closed around 1500 schools have been huge delays on the m 62 eastbound at the Manchester border because of a fire house car fire and West Yorkshire Police have just told us that junctions 21 to 24 in the m 62 are closed in both directions because of 3 lorries overturning Also today the being cancellations on the buses and trains on the East Coast main line between Yorkshire London because of overhead line problems on the roads Russell Martins in charge of the greeting crews in Leeds and says it's a challenge over the last few days we've had a real real difficult time where there's been really bad losses no common end showers on and off guys have been working around the clock trying to get the roads clear the main roads have been our focus at this time and we'll continue to do that a 7 year old girl has died after a car hit a house in Cornwall as blizzard conditions began battering the south east of England and South Wales in Lincolnshire the military had to be drafted in to help take n.h.s. Staff to work for the airport is shut until tomorrow morning while only a couple of flights managed to land at Doncaster Sheffield and Scarborough Coast Guard says it had to rescue a number of people from their vehicles on Marine Drive this afternoon he says the sea was tossing the cars around like match boxes now while the weather can be challenging for some of it isn't the case one York man yesterday Stuart priest was spotted skiing into work and he's been telling his what reaction he's been receiving a few waves a few hugs fair hones some pasta by a sail that's a good idea just slide along happily and anything that would be slippery underfoot normally on skis it's actually fine turning to other news now on the. Independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has demanded the government pay compensation to the surviving people who were forcibly sent abroad after the 2nd World War when there were children around 4000 were sent to places such as Australia New Zealand and Canada and some were sexually and physically abused to Humberside Police officers are being cleared of gross misconduct for spying on a woman whose brother died in custody 18 years ago Jenna told her was followed during an inquest which ruled her brother Christopher's death in holy 9098 was only lawful the officers maintained they were following orders and the tribunal decided they had no case to answer the u.s. Defense Department says he's not surprised by President Putin's claims that Russia has developed a new generation of nuclear weapons capable of evading missile defense systems Mr Putin's announcement comes 2 and a half weeks before Russia's presidential elections which he's expected to win and Pancho fans are being queuing through the night for tickets for this year's production York Theatre Royal This year they spent the night in the De Grey rooms because of the weather despite it being the 1st of March tickets went on sale at 9 this morning the weather a bitterly cold night again with a lot of dry weather but still a risk of some snow showers especially in the north temp should well below freezing and tomorrow very cold and fairly cloudy but at least temperatures getting up to one Celsius 34 Fahrenheit the a.b.c. News is 3 minutes past 10 Thank you. tell you about. This is. All day and even to this time as well we cue in traffic 62 westbound closed due to snow and accidents are so close from 24 to 20 want to go now eastbound 62 if you're approaching these areas 819 is closed it's open then from 19 to 20 and it closed again from 20 to 22 because of snow and result in accidents. The westbound side is closed 24 to 21 that's for the Highways Agency of course who are there attending the scene keeping an eye on conditions. Thinking I'm making that journey maybe you should possibly rethink the whole possible if you're in those queues then I genuinely feel for you any more information as soon as I get it I will pass it on to use as soon as I see it on t.v. But at the moment that's all the information I have in a comes from the Highways Agency Clive mentioned in the news I thought reiterated they have another appalling night due to the cold around the place so yes do be aware if you're making any trips tonight it's not the best night to be traveling by far more details as I get it. So today it's been another day of this so you know on Woods battling against the snow however a sore sign on the way into work today I saw something that made me proud to be British. Proud to be British. Is in my humble town of all 6 where I live. Girl of you. To be pleased to know I did salute them as they went by. So pavements absolutely caked in the snow absolutely caked in compacted now and turning to ice Yes and lots of fun ahead for his old. 2 fellas I can see him in the end of the street there walking up towards them pulling something behind them and I think. The 2nd one and kiddies out for going on the sled to get one of the kiddies out on the little bright pink sledge it was small notice when they go by me. They were pulling 24 can pack of booze. Nestled on top of that was a pack a sausage rolls and they had a scotch egg each. To be British in a side light that's how you cope with it isn't it. A salute to the Scotch Egg Prada plates. From the sites you see the end of end of sunshine that was some you know film that boils Pontins as it was the 1973 s. And you get down Stephen Lewis and this is Jack and Stan. Woods pulling back I mean it's not a phrase I would you know comfortable saying that but they did it on the buses you know such it's a different era we could look at it now with ironic distance. We mean bus drivers stand all those kind of lines we must drive was always packed Coombes in the t.v. . And everything in the seventy's and eighty's. Queenie Watson author of Staying at the holiday camp I remember I know every word of that script sounds quite nice. On the 24th. I'm off tomorrow that might be my new plan for Friday it's a go go borrow a sledge from so when I get that sorted tonight. Show actually I'll tell you all about it is plenty in a word Coming up we're going to a foreign Kline's with importantly where in the world is a roving travel reporter brackets at his own expense before you think so about half an hour got one clue I don't know where years he's got one clue which I'll share with you and then we'll try to narrow it down to the man himself about an hour from now but here's the thing so people in office it right it was it was the sledging the booze and the Scotch eggs and all this and I've seen some remarkable stories the sit sound tonight is about one of these remarkable snow stories extraordinary the lengths that people are going to we had the fellow in here in New York you know on the skis you know that he's you know I mean a great time chatting to people. This I'm a ticket to green hell. Green how this is true story from a friend of mine to 2 friends of mine. Kevin Christie here's the deal greenhouse beautiful part of the world stunning stunning just west of the hills from Paisley bridge and into Dale the Yorkshire Dales quintessential most beautiful spots in the country. Gets a big cold right I've been up there. About June and seen snow but imagine what it's been like this week so Kevin is taking a trip driven up to green our. Parks up on the sign next to a bridge where he can get up on the drive to parks in next the road on this thing is a drift the wind is who took all the snow I swear this is true. This morning he goes out to try and find. Can do where it's. Called the see it's not been nicked nobody could drive it away. Ventured he finds it right digging down with a spade. To the roof. At that moment he realizes he's standing on his. That's how deep the snow was. Total being. Shipped close your windows close you were demoted if that fills up that extraordinary sight to see. Your own car in the drifts might tell you the British spirit never ceases to amaze. Is coming after Benny King and. The. Just. 25 minutes for that one the situation soundtrack. Is a proper song. Of songs on a particular extraordinary where the behavior. Is a mystery or in the spotlight now because we've got. No early clues for the rewind tonight one. Begin at 1130 the 1st Derek. Final episode of The Week 10 minutes from now. Reading the 1000000 pound note by Mark Twain. Will be upon us before we know it now should we get to the situation soundtrack. Beautiful wintry scene as I'm soulful ones but beautiful wintry scene. Messages from Exley. To this picture this afternoon in my hometown of. The wickets in pickle I love so. Did you hear this story you may have good a bit of this with Nick who was. On a couple's dream white wedding went ahead yesterday. Despite the condition and this was all things to Facebook appeal to the local community. Rebecca Mackenzie and Daniel Hodgson they were Jew to be married in church in shortly bridging County. When the road to the church block due to heavy snow it seemed unlikely however through the power of social media an appeal was made dozens of helpless came forward drivers in full by folds a truck to with a plow and everybody got together they cleared the path the wedding went ahead. Then the heat is in the church broke it was a rather chilly 3 degrees inside the church and then as they left the helpers held the snow shovels above the you know God of all don't take my word forever list Kerry John you need it and know this one c. Hi and thank you. It is only see I am. Saying. Wow. Congratulations there was a wedding after all. So this is put is a mine of songs and autists for the snowy woods and weddings in general be as creative as you like about this pond to your heart's content for example well placed right Billy Idol why would this when you might go for a Crowded House and it's only natural. What a minus for the Beatles and take it to Brian. Bale of cotton Donna good news for the teenagers. Church of the poisoned bride. To form from Culture Club just my groom. Surfin USA best man's speech boy to me. I want smells fishy to me. Good though good effort. Are you by Bruno Mars or do you think I need to back. A one triple 3. A one triple 3 all you double their c. Fancy drop me a teletext when you don't show any songs on that theme for the weddings in the wintery wedding in particular. 3 full 5303. Well. You. Look. Like. For a Williams unhappy then here in Yorkshire Lincolnshire. On a Thursday night would be Russell 1st a Monch tonight songs for the Snowy wedding and a whole bunch of other things as well like the story which continues in a moment. Also the coals and Matthew Wilder to name but if you are to John in Skegness Good evening. I'm most the 1st places to feel the beast of the east. Thank you for the mention the other night very much appreciated Well that's fine when you want soup down there with the. You've bonafide the actual Sue Pod but she said when she was in the cheap what I'm unable to resist would sue. Hear your suggestions for tonight they'll get me to the church on time Andy Williams ice exactly what the story was that car a me a mine David Whitfield son of he's one of our so Car me a mine flower is the alibi Vera Lynn I'm a white by the Rolling Stones I can see clearly plow by Johnny Nash it's a good it's a good shout up there John thank you give yourself a big pat on the back for that one. Excellent high to Pam in the left bunch Good evening to encroach hope you will coping with this dreadful weather will be blown away as well as frozen the wind has been biting I can't imagine getting married in the extreme cold or experiencing in the moment what. You would imagine maybe it's a bit cheaper than the church and you know the rates are a little lower if you fancy it you know the florist some particularly is busy. You might find a very bored cake maker out there could knock you up something really nice you know about 3 or 4 tears and all that kind of stuff for about half the cost anyway back to the topic you say what about snow bride by Black Sabbath Yes White at wedding by Billy Idol. The welly boot wedding March by Billy Connolly a lot of those things they were like that there was always a moment where my dad had the cassettes some of the early cassettes of Billy Connelly in his you know his live shows and if it wasn't for your wellies Where would you be all that kind of stuff that era and he had in like you know in a hidden away in like this this box that was like The Secret Policeman's Ball was in there as well the Amnesty International shows and he had all these these cassettes and I remember being probably about 780 and I knew who the new all these people were because he was massive cause he was massive superstar. To be in the age of finding these tapes and putting to me and it was a complete revelation it was like Billy Connelly recorded when he was already successful but he really had a massive amount of age to go it was almost like it was it was at a vent and you never know what he was going to do or what it was going to say and it was so filthy people these days I hear worse on the boss all the way in terms of language where Billy Connelly there are many blew my mind at the wedding Boo Boo wedding March is a good show so I'll take that one if you have. A flurry with a fringe on top from Oklahoma songs from the shows the Beach Boys wouldn't it be ice the snow must go on by Queen cold what in Blues by Muddy Waters don't snow breaking my heart Elton John and Kiki all of those are those are pretty good you know very very good indeed should be very pretty self high to run in Missouri where it's 57 Fahrenheit sunny and breezy. So I wanted to share a photo of me about 10 years ago or so I almost lost the car and there it is you could see the quintessential you see mine like an American street nice you know houses leading the way you know under there somewhere is a road and people's front gardens and drive the snow is pretty much up to the top of the bought from windows at the bottom and it's not a drift it's a solid floor of snow that is about 6 feet and it's everywhere that's what a shot that is I've never seen anything like that I want to know how to cope just like you know completely I go to bits I'd be the one panic buying and sort of resisted it so far. Ace a love that couple on the telly takes as well how to tell me Lincoln. That so-called is in ninety's rewind. Got me again where though you'll have to wait and see the Pats full of snow and you do a shout out to any place you have to the addresses. Tom says hi. Says a different girl every night told. A picture he was the David Niven of league. a quick call 03453033 double through this on Twitter where you can get me at de media. Calls On the way in Matthew Wilder Malveaux time for Story full final episode spends week reading the 1000000 pound note. This moment of tension where are 2 in tonight's ep where it's been incredibly tense so Henry who's our main character is in possession of his 1000000 pound right and is not managing to spend is running up debts strangely for saying it's minted running up these debts nobody will cash it and he's thinking well if he manages to not get arrested and put in prison in possession of this note gets a job at the end of a month. And these offsetting the wage he's going to earn or he could reasonably demand again some of the bills he's running up now while he's got this 1000000 quid . Very confusing and the nerves intention of buildings I think is about to go see these 2 brothers who actually 16 this challenge toying with their idle rich. His Georgie with a final effort the week play take it this language gave me the cult shut us it scared me brought awaken made me comprehend that I was standing on a half inch crust with a crater underneath I didn't know I had been dreaming that I hadn't been allowing myself to know it for a while back but now they're deep in debt not a cent in the world a lovely girls happiness all well in my hands and nothing in front of me but a salary which might never would never materialise oh oh oh I am ruined past hope nothing can save me. Consider drippings of your daily income would know my daily income here down with this hot Scotch and cheer up your soul Here's with you oh no you're hungry sit down and not a bite for me I'm past it I can't eat these days but I'll drink with you to large drop come back off a barrel I'm with you ready here we go now then Lloyd unreal your story while I brew unreal it's what again again what you mean by that why I mean do you want to hear it over again but I want to hear it over again this is a popular wait take any more of that liquid you don't need it. Look here Henry you are lost Didn't I tell you the whole story on the way here you yes I'll be hanged if I had a word of it Henry this is a serious thing it troubles me what did you take up yonder at the minister's. Listening to or tall. Bypassed everything that was just said. There was a real connection there as well that's a dreadful shame typical man. Bloke who's thinking about his 1000000 pound note. To the story concludes next week. I do hope the challenge is successful but as a nice job at the end of it you know what I mean about being nice guy happy and Storyville with Georgie Spencer by Mark Twain. But the plus one at $1230.00 Don't forget your calls. So b.b.c. Look look look. Look. news headlines coming up 11 o'clock update on the weather I'll take you through that as well and lots of songs for the Snowy weighting of yesterday this was Janet and Joe I do I do I do by I have a good shot there I knew the bride when she used to rock n roll Dave Edmunds groom in on a Sunday afternoon. Good. Wedding bells by Coldplay as well thank you Joe Thank you Janet Hi Sally I will be there for you a I s me there for you go to the clapping friend style. The Rembrandts sorry I mean Susan I didn't hear the beginning of the Opus Oh you've missed if you want to just judge 48 minutes of filth that's what you've missed filth. Did you get home Ok yesterday or even camping at work made it home every day this week absolutely find. It was it was quite interesting trip Don't get me wrong there was usually like a work trip to go from door to door this was sort of door general facility of the town then a stroll through that somebody was it was nice enough it was it would mean a couple of foxes and that was pretty much all it was on the roads it was but it was a white Oh a lot of places last night but made it home as anyone seen the mysterious tumbleweed snowballs intriguing was mesmerized this afternoon snow balls of various sizes wiggling their way across the paddock calm way to ask young Mr Hudson about the phenomenon musta been a special kind of snow maybe once maybe it was lots of creatures maybe this is the only weather which we can see the aliens. All theories well. To Mr Hudson I bet it's aliens that's it I'll send it to him on Twitter Jim's on the m one hopefully driving steady Jim Snow he me in matrimony by Queen Gore that's good I'll give you up I'll give you a point for that they go you can have a point that was pretty good. Over on Twitter not Twitter this is the texts that the white groom by as opposed to room by Rick Springfield Ring Them Bells Bob Dylan Kay call me. Whiter Shade of veil Perkel harm lovely stuff Gary in Shi'a green theme tune from Russia With Love From a shirt by the singing bus driver that's pretty good that David endure the snow must go on. Queen thought in my side there's a song for wedding says Pete in Duffield Deborah and see Craft 2 kisses on the bottom and I stay for a while waiting lovely to hear you on the wireless keeping you and your 2 cats company which is nice it's a listening it's good cats are an appreciative audience I find they like playing along with the half hour. Kathy any and home in ponsi caravan in this post until next we go I think that's the right decision I do I do I do buy or you stay warm in that caravan. Wedding bells Godling cream says Tom freezy lover shouts of Skip the freezing. Jet in Sheffield I know him snow well by Elaine Page boy keep the page boys and he will be a flower girl there as well and I for the in little by The Clash skip. America's Holzschuh with no names as Margaret Castleford in with a slave bride Leroy Anderson Tony of York Saturday night at the church by the snowdrift is. Last fall by 4 to Clarksville. Theme change from the High Plains Drifter Tony of Yoko's a brilliant thank you I'll be there Jackson 5 Margaret good shout simply the best man. David has field. Remember this weather for this when we clocked off today the chap in front of me open the door and the wind ripped clean off and into the car park says Brian in Mansfield the door went flying ice terrifying man in it died. Just. Going goes claim that the insurance to tell us again what happened. Skip woman gets married the 1st 3 things she sees stick with her for the length of the marriage she sees the aisle and sees the altar and then she sees you I'll tell you who skipped. I would never know i'm not been married I've never been blessed in that way one day I will you know I'll get married by as the the old phrase because what I want to do is get married by really fat Elvis impersonator in Vegas and that desire still stands. Anyway way too much time for. 10 minutes I do apologize for. Now all of the numbers for the sit sounds a given at several times also valid for this our roving trouble reporter is back on the road now in March he is somewhere in the world. Now I can narrow it down because it is one no one after the 11 o'clock news and the money for the full travelogue. Just say I've no idea. This week I'm in a country that lies directly. To latitude of exactly 0 degrees. It is famously known as one of the world's major coffee produces but despite this most of the people here drink only tea. Country. Famous One of the world's major coffee produces despite this most of the people here only drink tea 81 triple 3. S. If you think any of those clues ring true for a coffee producer it's only equate to a one triple 3 all you. 303. Brian suggesting it shoveled have been me. These are songs for the sit sounds on this year's by forest as Martin Marion Sheffield Hiero So if you have a nice hot drink with me tonight my song you will already thing by Snow Patrol I got me love to keep me warm by Billie Holiday I think so the church in brokering what's up terrible look isn't it thank you Mary Chauvelin marriage says. Tim Frank Sinatra. I want to be ols and like they would any crime in the best we can come up with New York. Where the world is sunning himself somewhere exotic while we freeze I expect. That's all we need to know. Tina. Just said the interview on radio Suffolk with the vicar of community coming together. One of the good bits of news this week. More those coming up in the next 2 and then it will be rewind time.