Amy Jones top score for them with $53.00 in response Pakistani made a decent stop at the number of wicket sort of fall in particular 2 and the previous over will be a kind of $51.00 for Pakistan chasing 155 let's get the rest of the morning sport now his shop ammunition evidence and all reportedly trying to persuade former Chelsea and Napoli boss Carlo Ancelotti to become the new manager but they've revealed no offer has been made to anyone yet the club say they've had meetings with several candidates and are keen to appoint someone to replace Marcus Silva but Duncan Ferguson will remain in can take a chance for Wednesday's e.f.l. Cup quarter final against Leicester while an official talks are continuing between Austin ill and Manchester City coach make it such as is currently the prime candidate to replace it not Emery at the Emirates Crystal Palace not to point late on against rivals Brighton to draw one all and go above Arsenal into 9th place in the Premier League Neil more paper the visit is ahead in the 2nd half to bring the game to life but Wilfried Zaha equalized to give boss Roy Hodgson something to celebrate from his 100th game in charge of palace and Ireland forward at Tyburn is a major injury concern for the 6 nations of the months to confirm to need surgery on a broken ankle he suffered on Saturday in the Champions Cup this space b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small speak of. The weather really rains expected for Sylvan in eastern England but it should slow the trail slowly spells further to the north and west with Cheryl as a north west and it's a lovely cold on Holly's today of 3 in Belfast and for financing and it is James heat wave that has the potential to break records have been coping down there with today when you're in the hottest summer in the whole country is just about to get hotter and hotter and hotter test that's the correct grammatical conjugation would have the week's news in a moment from the region we used to call Asia Minor and Mr Howard Zinn's ancient history to us so Turkey and Iraq in that general region. Not sure if anybody saw causation monitor sounds Saudi disparaging even back in those winter of our discontent days back in the seventy's women's houses about her become a father the 1st time when he lost a causeway she called a child if it's a boy who shouted out rock without missing a beat Let's go to laces doos them from Turkey and the surrounding region with Laura Wells I asked her why protesters in Iraq a chanting for a homeland when they have won Well technically they do but they don't feel that the government serves them they believe strikes they say Tarion and they also believe that they serve the interests of outside countries such as Iran which wields immense power and Iraq as well as United States into much lesser degree countries like Turkey so you know when you see in the sectarian strife. Most recently there was a mass grave outside of Saluja 643 members of a Sunni tribe found. That were believed to be massacred by a Shiite military group backed by Iran that was welcomed by the former prime minister that just stepped down the beginning of November it is an ongoing problem has been for over a decade and continues to be a problem there is very high unemployment there is very poor infrastructure again attributed to the politicians corruption and really. They believe they that the politicians don't represent them and have no interest in helping them really that the protesters believe they have nothing to lose having said that they have felt this way for some time certainly since the fall of Saddam Hussein there arguably long before that as well what's different now what why have these protests have been going on for some time now what was triggered this latest wave of discontent. Well there were also non in 2018 and restarted in October and with the last national elections they did see a shake up of the government they thought that perhaps the new politicians would be would be accountable and deliver on some promises given and it just didn't happen. Sensibly this could continue to happen even though the prime minister has stepped down the parliament is not even able to come up with a new president and of the 6 candidates that are being proposed right now but with no way of parliament actually again appoint them because there's no consensus. In Tahrir Square in Baghdad where it's been a real hub of the protests they have pictures and names of these candidates with big X.'s next to their names so the protesters do not believe that anything that the government has come up with as of right now is suitable and the situation is it never seems to improve now there are still small groups of ISIS and even recently there were about 5. Military officials that were killed by ISIS You know they said well after we defeat ISIS things will be better when we have a new election things will be better and it doesn't seem to come in they're having problems now even before these protests are started with electricity with clean water in again not to mention the very high unemployment and now we've seen that 511 protesters have been killed 21000 injured and at least 48 of those protesters have gone missing believed to have been taken in by Iraqi officials including some activists so they really are fearless at this point in time because they really truly feel they have nothing to lose and the Iraqis want Iraq for themselves once more there is such a shocking level of casualties it's unimaginable unfit for any country. Any country not in a a war situation how very proud says he's demonstrations turn so deadly. Well there have been multiple multiple reports also some videos posted 1st hand accounts of survivors of either snipers gunmen or even a mass men wielding machetes. Most people believe the Iraqi government has been allowing this to happen and that there are Iran's back forces behind these snipers nother types of gunmen no one has been held accountable there's than lip service by the politicians that they would come to the bottom of whoever was opening fire on the protesters but it hasn't come to pass and this is again part of the grievances of the protestors that there's no accountability by the politicians whatsoever and a general disregard for human life I'm sorry is Iran going to do this. Well Iran since. The invasion of Iraq has really tried and succeeded in getting a foothold in Iraq both in its. Political circles as well as these paramilitary groups on the ground some are called hush it or popular mobilization units many of them were instrumental in fighting ISIS and the former prime minister who just stepped down had even invited them to be part of the Iraqi army and said that they could be the future of Iraq but you know even Ocilla money that he was he is still. At the head of the great revolutionary guards in Iran I mean he lived for years in Iraq most of the time so it's not a secret that Iran. Has been such a part of Iraq for years now and at this point would probably be the number one outside interest group willing power there now what do you make of the cool by the British ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hague to the army the cool to me i.e. Bypassing the government and making a call to the army to protect these protesters is what you make of value unusual for in a diplomat to talk directly to the Sovereign States Army in this way. Well again. The utter lack of accountability of the politicians that they really don't remember there is no prime minister right now that they aren't necessarily in charge the Army at least parts the army as I said the hushed and or popular mobilization units generally Shiite paramilitary groups that have had some level of autonomy again for years whether it's part of the army or in a army controlled area or not and directly also asked Iran not to interfere in Iraq ie affairs and he called for early elections and and and maybe that that does need to happen although we have seen a succession of national elections and hope with each and everyone calling upon you know that the voters have voted for different kinds of politicians from different groups different ethnic groups certainly different parties and there are many in Iraq and yet none of the governments have seemed to be able to come together or no figure has actually been able to deliver general goods and services Gen a strong legal system human rights in Iraq and all of them seem to have been greatly influenced by outside forces including Iran Ok no prime minister bit Iraq still has President which. Denotes it is some kind of functioning state nevertheless and the president had until the end of yesterday Monday to propose a new prime minister was that deadline met and what the consequence not know they hasn't been able to come up with a consensus of who actually these are blocs So these are different political parties that come together as a bloc and they have not been able to coalesce to form a majority which would be the one to propose a candidate it so it's I yes Iraq certainly how. As a governmental system but I would consider it a fragile state as would most analysts just because it has a system doesn't mean it's a functional system. It will return to this story obviously so once a keep an eye on moving forward let's concentrate for a moment on Cherokee where there are new conservative policies. That's right and this is a huge development since the formation of the pro Kurdish h d p party which really called upon former Kurdish parties to come together and which it did successfully the really hasn't been a formation of new parties in years and certainly not of conservative parties and what's interesting is as you know the ruling opportunity led by President everyone has been a juggernaut since 2002 it has dominated the political scene since then but there has been some former top party leaders members and even co-founders who have been very critical of President as one of the government in the past few years and now they decided to create their own new parties just on December 12th we saw the formation of the future or in Turkish again that Jack party that location was given to the Interior Ministry this has been founded by the former prime minister I met who also served as the foreign minister and is a professor holding a Ph d. He's age 60 he's very conservative he was accused of trying to create a neo Ottoman Empire of Turkey and coined the term 0 problems with neighbors which certainly didn't work out while she was. In office and then we have a he gave a speech then on the 13th and she was very critical of the government he said repressive and illegal measures are closing down the capacity of the Turkish mind those that have no sense of justice have nothing to say for our nation's future he was forced to resign by President are going back and 2016 when she was pushing to change Turkey from a parliamentary system to an executive presidential system which it is now in which President has. Almost unending powers individually so yes place to give me anything. Because I was always led to believe that president maybe I made this. Conclusion but just by the actions of the president Mr Hu on rather than that of his policy but I was always led to sort of conclude that the Aga party was a conservative party nevertheless because you know the president does seem to be rather autocratic to save at least I'm I'm mistaken if if Turkey has such a. A mega Conservative Party over ready why would then why would there be an interest in new conservative parties is a space for for more mini forms of the Ark party. Well that's a good question and I think we'll find out fairly soon. That these are as I said splinter groups of the original op party and not every party member has been pleased with the progress and development of the party since 2002 for instance I meant to build a little oh yeah he said that the other party has lost its way and that he wanted to bring back the principles of which a party ran on initially including diminishing corruption securing human rights supporting the rights of minorities and the like so. If you were to look at those promises made by a party initially certainly they are not upholding them under the tutelage of President hard one who is it is almost a one man party at this point whereas when it started it was certainly there were many leaders and brains behind it so this is this is born of discontent these are fellow conservatives that shared a vision with President Aragon before she took over the party. Is the president concerned about these parents rivals or not I'm sure he is he has spoken critically of those who have criticized him so we have here the former prime minister Ahmed of which Alou we have former president ghoul she is going to be an advisor to another rival maybe conservative slash centrist party that the former finance minister he was also the former foreign minister in deputy prime minister and a co-founding a party member John and he was a very successful finance minister and also didn't is religiously conservative didn't speak really of religion at all so he's going to set up a rival parties announced back in November either the end of this year or the beginning of next year and he says his will be mainstream and he also said that Turkey is in a dark tunnel and one of the dangers of why me and rule so there certainly are conservatives who don't agree with President had one I do think there is a place for them but will they be allowed to grow their parties out we've seen many opposition politicians go to jail even the co-heads of the pro Kurdish h.t.t.p. Party have now been in jail for years. And if they are allowed to go ahead Will they have the charisma of the cult of personality of president or will they be able to use the party dominated media to get their points across Can they lure voters away that's a good question and we can't tell as of now on a different something inside the business dating in Turkey. I could name you shame dismay and berries I could name you a single Turkish entertainer. Of any period I mean to my shame args said that but perhaps things are about to change because it's his actor who has had some international recognition. That's right he was born in Turkey but he spent a good deal of time in the u.k. And he was even trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Now those in Great Britain might remember him in the 1st few years of East Enders He played a character in The men met all smiles Oh yes oh yeah oh yeah cool Yes Yes Ooh cool . As it can be was me was Dr released and his own one. Exactly and a cafe owner says that yeah. Yes it is he here is the real name there was think you know bad movie any place Listen to this probably couldn't name a single sickish actor Gregg is really a. Billionaire and he is a realtor he was born and bred in Turkey born in is near 954 but he did spend a good deal of time in the u.k. So he is actually known to many Brits who watch television especially the early few years of East Enders and later he set up a theater in Turkey became a really well respected stage actor has started many t.v. Shows and movies and tricking a bride even the remake of Ben Hur but most recently. Billionaire won the International Emmy Award for his best performance by an actor for a streaming Turkish show called Shas yet or personality and he plays the main character so widower and former judicial clerk who's diagnosed with Alzheimer's he decides to deal with his diagnosis by becoming a serial killer dressed in a cat costume and murdering all his former enemies because he says he will never remember the guilt he sell to killing another human being and the courts will never find him accountable if he is caught. And it has been streamed by a streaming news streaming network in Turkey with English subtitles but right now only available in Turkey so it's pretty ripe for international distribution and certainly it has had great reviews internationally and I know he is listing it as one of the top serials of all time so what's really interesting about just yet a personality this t.v. Show a signal for the award was announced they've been more of a cult favorite not a mean stream head event in Turkey so what we're seeing is 65 years old how the billionaire is just finds himself at the top of his career with international accolades and it flooded the news flooded Turkish social media because so many charts were so proud and found it to be such great news finally coming out of Turkey and on the international scene that one of their own had actually been recognized at the top of his field and it was really happy moment for many Turks and now it's just yet is a well known show in Turkey and most likely we'll see it go around the world Laura wells they need stumble Australia meanwhile is bracing itself if that's the right word for heatwave that has the potential to break records already some areas have been seeing temperatures rise up to 20 degrees above the December average and South Australia's Riverland has a full cost of $40.00 degrees centigrade for Thursday $48.00 degrees Celsius. The wildfires continue to burn meanwhile and food Mercy's of water it's many knows is with me at the moment are you feeling the heat currently. No not at the moment Dalton It's 25 degrees here in the center of Sydney it won't be. Later in the week. That this massive hole that is making its way across the Australian continent from west to east will bring with it very scorching temperatures in South Australia a code red warning has been issued for vulnerable people and there is speculation that in southern parts of Australia the temperature could reach 50 degrees Celsius here in Sydney the warm days the likely to be day to day in the western suburbs of Sydney this is a very big city so the further west you go of course the further away from the ocean you are and in the far western suburbs of Sydney on Thursday and Saturday temperatures in the mid forty's. It is a very warm. And of course on top of that it will exacerbate an already very serious bushfire. Using screws in history. Probably 46 degree. Punishing it was almost too hot to do anything there was a sense of a climate that if you were in and they're conditioned. More in the car you would feel it even more acutely but if you spent some time out there was an opportunity to spend maybe Hoff an hour or an hour without feeling completely exhausted. And other people and other jobs. Jobs are affected clearly there is a health policy around extreme heat. In the south Australia is expected to have temperatures as we say between 49 and 50 degrees Celsius and if memory serves me correctly. I think Australia's record temperature was in South Australia back in 1960. Not 51 degrees Celsius and there is an expectation that temperature records across the Australian mainland could well for various records could tumble in the next few days you mention the official announcement or warning about do you get any sense in Sydney the people are preparing themselves for was to govern in which way would they do that. I think people are worried about the heat. From the bushfires that horrible toxic haze that just keeps coming back it goes and it comes back again and there is a real concern I wouldn't necessarily say it's a fear but it's a concern that this could well be the way of the future that Australia is experiencing. More severe. More smoky haze enveloping not just Sydney but parts of New South Wales. There was a press conference earlier today by some former emergency senior officials calling on the Australian Government to do more they believe that Scott Morrison the prime minister is the missing in action they believe that the government isn't taking climate change seriously isn't taking the link between global warming and the bushfires seriously enough and they are calling for a national summit to address Australia's preparedness or lack of preparedness for these type of events later in the week temperature is set to soar and the Bush danger in eastern parts of Australia is set to increase as well you know those Bush was just north of Sydney any change in the news with loads of them. We know here in New South Wales this is Australia's most populous state 115 continued to 59 have yet to be contained there is a mega fire burning about an hour's drive to the northwest of Sydney they're off. This mega fire that was the combination of of about 5 individual fires that came together a couple of weeks ago could threaten a coal mine and a major power station. Not too far from Sydney so that particular power station supplies 10 percent of the electricity. To New South Wales in the last 24 hours it has come under what is described here as an ember attack these are red hot embers that are blowed where the head of the main fire front they are responsible for extending the fire because if those embers dry fall on dry land they can ignite and spark further fires that power station and was rained upon by these red hot embers and the authorities have managed to extinguish all of those spot fires there amid a concern of course that the coal used in that power station could ignite So Australia's bushfire crisis is showing no signs of easing don feel Thanks very much for almost in Sydney catch up now with the latest 5 Live headlines as cover grow on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaking. Is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live Johnson's believed to tweet bricks it built illegally blog any more delays the prime minister once M.P.'s vote for it on Friday he's trying to stop the transition period being extended beyond beyond the end of next year production of Boeing 737 Max airline is being poor is next month the company's continued to make the planes following 2 crashes that killed hundreds of people the models being grounded since March with the rape convictions across England and Wales the wreck Orlando has claimed the justice system is close to breaking point because of CART's That's according to a major report from the Crown Prosecution Service inspectorate it found no fault with how lawyers are taking cases to court though and the delivery driver is seriously hurt after being hit spy's own van in Northumberland. Water Road yesterday afternoon another man climbed into the vehicle and run him over have been 2 arrests and survived live news cricket now and England's women are playing Pakistan the 1st of 3 t 20 internationals in Kuala Lumpur and Iran's their 1st. Pakistan at $97.00 for 6 in the 15th over chasing a target of $155.00 England's total helped in large part by Amy Jones's $53.00 This is a good test for England in this series that is a build up towards the t 20 World Cup in February they look to be on top but a big partnership towards the end could see Pakistan causing an upset $98.00 for 6 to score in the 15th of out one of 55 is the Pakistan target let's get the rest of the morning support now his shutdown Unishe to Everton are reportedly hoping for a face to face talks with the Italian Carlo on Chalabi as they continue to persuade him to replace Marco Silva and get us in Park the ball with Chelsea Real Madrid and AC Milan boss was recently set by Napoli after taking them into the Champions League last 16 of the reports of their McNulty said it's not true that he's been simmers he signed the talks pretty definitely is top of Everton's list I'm not quite sure it's gone as far as reports in Italy suggest the deal has been agreed in principle but certainly it's very clear now that is evident the 3rd candidate and if they could get him soon the old fart machinery would regard that as the source of the pollutants he wants to make to make a big statement after the troubles of the last couple of years when Everton have also released an update on their search for a new manager saying they've met with several candidates and none have chosen to withdraw from the process and the other big managerial story bubbling along asked Miller understood to be an officially in talks with Manchester City coach McCallum tetter about the former midfielder succeeding in I am really as manager Simon Stone's been following this one but we don't know is whether arsenal of offered are to the job whether our Tatars told munch city he definitely wants to leave and therefore we don't know how far down the track Arsenal are in terms of appointing a replacement for him I am Mary and also remembering of course that Freddie Ljungberg is doing the job or an interim basis Well for example rescued a point for Crystal Palace against Brighton with an equaliser this move them up into. 9th in the Premier League above the one all draw was Roy Hodgson's 100th game in charge of policy through an incredibly gutsy performance from the table thought it was full of courage to follow through to a relation you know there's no denying that when they took really we couldn't we couldn't in any way suggest that it was just to be played well enough to deserve that one new lead but for us to stay at it was an incredible effort in rugby union there are doubts over the fitness of Auden forward time for the 6 Nations after months to confirm to required surgery on a broken ankle on the file has left lens to fullback Rob Carney out of his squad for his 1st training session as the Irish head coach 2 time champion Gary Anderson coasted through to the 3rd round of the b.b.c. World Darts Championship after a 3 no win over Brendan Dolan at Alexandra Palace and the no we generate world chess champion Magnus Carlsen has moved top of the leaderboard in the Premier League's official fantasy football game which is played by more than 7000000 people that should atest from b.b.c. Sport this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small speak I. Had some pretty chilly weather in the last few hours across northern Scotland temperatures with down to minus 6 degrees there was a bit of snow but for many of us actually the outlook for the next few days is quite the opposite so I could be miles away in the windy but not in the short side in the short summer weather that she fairly quiet through the early hours those. Radio. The headline this morning is no extension Well Miles the night of the paper Fred student to tell me the way we're approaching story the prime minister this week to publish legislation that would legally prohibited him from extending the bricks. Period beyond next December so December 2020 and this is interesting for of brighter reasons one of the century creates if you like a hard one it creates Devaney a hard deadline and that shows that. It works both domestically in that it shows that you know he's fulfilling his pledge to deliver and that you know we leave the e.u. Officially at the end of January and wrap up the whole transition period by the end of the year and by which time he says there will be a deal that is is done and say he's delivering domestically saying you know he's a man of his is word that is going to do it but it's also a signal if you like to the e.u. $27.00 they're saying is very serious about this and therefore they will need to come to an agreement and deliver what Downing Street hopes would be a swift so-called Canada star free trade agreement that would really focused largely on goods and not Services which is of the huge chunk of the u.k. Economy. And also I mean the other side of it is essentially it creates if you like a new cliff edge at the end of next year's at the end of 2020 if there is no trade deal in place now this is had an effect on markets because u.k. Markets of Saud writ of roll out really since the election last week and stocks and shares going up a lot of sort of feeling that now uncertainty has been removed and remember business doesn't like uncertainty so whether they agree with it or not they feel at least there's a decision has been done and now people are reading into this that basically the prime minister is also trying to sort of caution any speculation that he will use his mandate his 80 strong majority now in the House of Commons to tack towards a softer Breck's it which is what I think it's fair to say some you know investors companies have been hoping. What happened that basically he could sidelined the hardline euro skeptic groups and do a sort of more softer deal with the e.u. Said sort of various things going on that he'd make his majority gives him a stronger and in the deliberations of the European Union as. Yes I mean that that that if you like on what has been read in various ways there are those people who say armed with a strong majority he's no longer beholden to any small you know to sort of factions within the Tory party because he can you know that as any leader can is if you've got a nice has come to a majority you can afford to disagree with a whole bunch of people not within your own party and just say look you know and I'm sorry off but I'm actually going to make a different decision and so there's been some speculation that perhaps Boris Johnson who in the past has cast himself as being more of a centrist more of a liberal conservative would seek a softer form of Brecht's it with the e.u. But as you say there's that bit of strengthening his hand but there's also just strengthening is hand in his negotiating with the e.u. In that they know very clearly the man has just won an election he's come back with a comfortable majority say he's got some don't find them and now doing this this whole thing of wanting to put into law. Blocking of the extension there is a mechanism whereby you know up until July the start of July few wanted to extend the transition period and both sides agreed you could do even recall that this whole process has been extended a few times and what is I want to just draw a line under that and say no you know I'm going to rule that out and we're going to come to some form of deal by the end of December Ideally it will be a mutually agreed free trade deal but the assumption is implicit in that is if they don't come to some agreement then we just you know crash out without a deal what's the flip. Frak out across the border this playing out the moment. A curious story to say Finland just appointed a new prime minister and a new government and she's a very young politician 34 years old son American and while a lot of people were rushing to applaud this move by the Finns one person in Estonia was across the as you said across the Baltic the interior minister post Go-Mart Helmer. And who heads up a small Nationalist Party has done some quite strong as well come out and sort of insulted her and said she's a cashier because she did actually at some point work in a bakery as a cashier before now becoming the world's youngest serving head of government and accuser wants to liquidate his words the Nordic state the the fellow Nordic states of Finland in this case and. This is the latest in a sort of series of gaffes if you like all of the outrages that Mr Hellman has committed but you know it's the question now he's been able to hold onto his job it's sort of part of a sort of coalition. Arrangement but it's been a move behind the scenes where where Stern is president has to telephone her finish counterpart and convey no and ask him so as to finish president convey apologies to the prime minister and the government is just quite sort of extraordinary in terms of levels of discourse and behavior which you don't normally experience at that levels as well as you've got comings from cashiers across Estonia's to how they're reacting to this apparent death of cashiers in general not yet not yet though it must be said Ms marrons that the Finnish prime minister she choose reserved directly responding on Twitter. She put out some remarks which you can read as you wish that this is extremely proud of Finland and here in Finland the child of a poor family can educate themselves highly and reach many goals in life a cashier can become prime minister for instance. And then says Finland would not survive without its workers they guess I think that's your answer now whether we'll wait to see whether other cash is former or. Also common I say the f t like series by visit covering the un Reza political unrest in India with regards to the citizenship bill that seems to have well several people died as a result of this now Yaz is the incident and rest of the governments are making and they seem to be unable to put the genie back in the bottle indeed and that what will take the covering and be done it via the picture on the front page is to look at the unrest that's growing in the demonstrations and you know as you've said that they're continuing to to sort of play out across India and most recently now after police stormed a university in Delhi on Sunday night where they arrested dozens of people and injured hundreds hundreds more and the interesting thing that we're also sort of referencing in the in this coverage is that there are protests on both sides now of the issue and there's people in the north east of the country expressed concern that this bill this very controversial bill is about granting citizenship to migrants from India's Muslim majority neighbors giving them fast track process to citizenship there's now people in the northeast of the country whether a Muslim population in India who are worried that this bill will allow Hindu migrants from neighboring Bangladesh to threaten their cultural identity say the governor of New render Moji really has stirred up something which as you said you know it's seems very difficult to contain Now it is the f.c.c. This is a problem. That the Indian government has brought in as of Partly but I think it's also has to be seen. Within you know there is evidently a you know there's a broader or there seems to be this is what many observers are saying a broader agenda of the government of Prime Minister Modi. To promote you know the India famously one wants to get on the track of not signaling any preference for any denomination you know as when we're going all the way back to. Independence from from the u.k. And then partition into India and Pakistan and Pakistan you know chose the route to be a Muslim. State nation and India inspired by Mama Gandhi's and he didn't want to sort of give preference to any one religion or nomination but now under Modi There is this sense that you know it is now going down a path being a more certainly Hindu. And indeed Hindu nationalist. Country and you know many people warning that that is not the you know the there are not so difficulties that lie along that path that I know that Mary's boy child does need no introduction here he doesn't need an introduction but as we prepare to celebrate his birthday we have to acknowledge that this is jocular time it is indeed and we've done a big feature and it's very classic sort of thing that sort of for the f.t. In a way to do which is one pick the the economics and the business realities or something like Christmas and as you said you know focusing on on chocolate in our Africa editor David pilling has been to Ghana which is one of the places where we're alongside neighboring Ivory Coast that produce roughly I think it's 2 thirds of the global supply of cocoa which is the main ingredient in for the for the global truck industry and in essence it's a business that's worth about its record $100.00. $1000000000.00 a year in sales but what the producers say of that is really a fraction probably just over 5 percent and it's a serious tell as it's being you know it's been there it's been a problem and a phenomenon of many decades in fact which is a basic value added as it's known in the business is is come it's it's elsewhere and David's gone out to the small holders in the far you know the farmers who are right at the bottom of that chain and really don't get to see much at all and now there's a move afoot to try and redress some of that and to establish things like putting a floor on or putting a premium if you like of the price that they can command. On the global markets and putting pressure also on the people who use the truck as he took in the big confectionery groups you know you have heard of some of the names you know nestlé Mars and so on but also big companies that buy in bulk the rule cocoa and then turn it into all the sort of ingredients that you need when you going to turn it into the truck that we will be enjoying over the festive season. And basic trying to sort of secure a better deal for the people right you know here right at the source of the whole of the whole business I don't require you to be an expert on this Fred but then if this was part of the article the question I always wonder about is why don't the producers release the nations where that is produced why though they added added value where they are so it is what I think there's been some attempts to do that but I think the sort of various factors in terms of the u.k. You can do that but there are issues around whether the conditions are right I mean it's sometimes a pause that's really basic things like the cost of electricity. In those countries . It's higher than in some bits of the developed world where people are producing so that's going to increase your production costs you've also got the fact that frankly a lot of people in those countries don't really you know they're not great consumers of chocolate themselves so that create you know he's you know creates a. They're not another factor is do you want to produce close to your markets or not I think it's been something that's often be muted but just never quite be developed for you know whole lot of some of those facts as I've named them probably are also other sort of structural factors within the business of the of having said that joke it does appealed said locals say Stephanie you know we talk of Belgian chocolate with German Shukla. British chops that yeah but never seems to be near the top of the job the rankings it does seem as if there is a geographical. Preference to chocolate Yeah I think you're right and I think that's you know I think to take it to engineer the type of change you're talking about might be a sort of a longer term. Process quite frankly because you you are going to be overturning a buy for a lot of sort of consumer habits but also just some of those sort of technical factors that are talked about earlier Fred should have been there the night it is heavy financial times now of course and there was a movie let me just play this he. One of the final trial is there for Star Wars as if you didn't know they rise to Skywalker one sound there should have chips you off to the fact that this was a Star Wars film. That's right that's the sound or the buzz if you like of a light saber and it's just one of the ways of the filmmakers tell you that you're in a galaxy far far far far far I'll fall far away and long long long long long time from now with practically hours to go before rise hits the cinema screens I'm joined by delta breeze Isaacs is the associate professor at the faculty of arts and social sciences at the University of Sydney a film historian and I don't doubt still tries eggs the Star Wars fan Yes that's right thanks doesn't and I'm a huge Star Wars fan let me take you back to 1977 when the 1st in the franchise came out we thought it was the only one of as I would say it was called a new house when it helps when it appeared as cinemas to what extent did it overt and. The kind of new cinema fly the directors like Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese had created and even George Lucas himself was part of that creation was doing. That's right and culturally he's a big transition in the history of Hollywood because. To consecrate it all was he wanted to be on have filmmaker and he decides to make Star Wars and Star Wars simply becomes a cultural phenomena not unlike possibly any any history it's a complete cultural phenomena and it takes more money than any soul but it also becomes a text that just goes through current global particularly American culture and it then identifies George Lucas rest of his career and identifies this new era of Hollywood that would change the sort cultural coordinates of movies this is the same but I did see American Graffiti of course is that when you say the and there are elements of American. Films I know very well that I can look at think oh yeah I see what you mean by You want to be an art house director there are elements of the 1st part of Star Wars at least 977 that you could define is art house about sort of maybe. Well I mean it's hard to say because prior to narrative Ruffini we made a film called t.h.x. Which is a complete dystopian truly and on health science fiction movie that's nearer to a sort of European science fan fiction speculative film and that really identifies George Lucas and then he makes an error graffiti which does well but it doesn't do well enough and Star Wars was a strategic move on his part to make something that could grab a big audience and he's spoken about this he's written about is that George Lucas is possibly unlike a number of his contemporaries even by not being able to make it successfully as you know his great friends like Martin Scorsese all even Steven Spielberg had been able to make it and Star Wars was an attempt to literally make it in the American studio system. Say the merger divisions are made they're much more the exasperate lonesome are when a source of road signs a loved release a message. From a movie. It made a lot of money but nothing in the order of of the way that cinema changed the church the films of Jaws 175 and then the new hope in 177 and people often use the name George Lucas but it's really this combination of choice Lucas and he's very close friend Steven Spielberg who will gradually start to redefine the kind of box office industry structure of Hollywood. There has got to be a formula is you know it's gone beyond the realm of you know Kollywood Samuel . Goldwyn and all the grades hardwood moguls is going beyond that has an end it's become kind of culturally. Umbilically linked to the human condition if you like I know some people would say any boy a slowdown you're losing us air as an energy education but for many of us as in what is that if you like food is about something so intrinsic within us that she doesn't need a formula. Well no it is a formula George Lucas's would say 80 Absolutely and Billy clear links to who we are as individuals it's universal he actually extracted a time mystique structure of Star Wars from Seamus work all the year over the South and faces by Joseph Campbell and some people will know Campbell's work because he was any court in the fall just to try to understand what are the myths that connect us all not most nationally or even regionally but what is universal about us and what is for all time what is a story called Joseph took that structure and source I'm going to write a space opera fantasy around this crime going to. I'm going to honor those the things like heroism and rites of passage all of these things are so familiar it's a Hollywood. World said to George Lucas he does it absolutely transparently is this subtlety in Star Wars and I don't mean that in a critical way it's just not a subtle soul it's trying to tell you this is what I believe in and you will know that they will sort of. Arguments about its religious realm residence not surprise that's one of the things that religion does appeal to something this universal you know that everybody can understand. Absolutely and I think. For all that Star Wars I saw said it a galaxy far far away shell resonances with certainly Western religious structures even Western secular politics. It continues the mystic tradition that I think spoke to an American culture that was coming out of Vietnam for example you know the original Star Wars and the hope is very much a kind of restore assist film when you kind of back in the possibilities of the world I think Lucas is a very clever filmmaker a lot of people are not giving him credit for being quite clever. And he also got lucky as well within a couple of years just Star Wars was making probably as much money of merchandising as it was in research related trickle run and that was unique in American cinema those are already knows It's our get lucky mine and never knows it it sounds like you very much agree sorry zigs of the University of Sydney thanks very much and thanks Scott as ever hear an awful night offensiveness now I'm back with you tomorrow from 1. 100 dog this is morning reports from 5 lines I'm Catholic girl our top story this morning we're still in some will trying to block any more bricks it delays by making it illegal the prime minister wants to make a change to his with drool bill which should mean the deadline clone be extended beyond the end of next year even if he hasn't agreed to trade deal with the you more on this now from our political correspondent at the moment he breaks that legislation would allow if. Break that world a trade talks get into trouble with a load the implementation periods the government calls it the transition period as many people call it to be extended beyond the end of next year in other words you could request longer to try to hammer out a trade deal with the e.u. And what Boris Johnson is going to do on Friday is actually take that out of the legislation and insert something which would rule out any extension to the transition period beyond basically 12 months from no but of course critics will say if there isn't a quick deal when this would be about the quickest deal in history with a major trading partner then that is the risk of no deal there are no words commute on the road Trade Organization rules which we are facing before he struck his deal with the e.u. In the 1st place Labor says the moves reckless and irresponsible and shows Boris Johnson is prepared to put people's jobs at risk by leaving the without a trade deal the government says at last the new parliament's vote in the withdrawal agreement on Friday. Boeing says it will pause production of its 737 Max airliner next month the models being grounded since March following 2 crashes that killed hundreds of people the firms continued to make them until a business correspondent Samir his same this is an unprecedented move this is one of the biggest industrial companies in America and to see that it is now whole thing supply on its biggest most profitable plane is massive remember Boeing had been saying for many months that it expected It's 737 Max fleet to start flying again by the end of 2019 but just the last few weeks it has been made very clear by u.s. Regulators to Boeing that they would not be able to follow that timetable now Boeing has said that there's not going to be any layoffs as a result of this that said the impact will certainly be felt right across the u.s. Economy it will also impact airlines and suppliers right around the world and we hold bells the travel industry analyst. It is really going to create some chaos or the airlines that are involved in this as well as the $600.00 or so companies that are part of the $737.00 American supply chain and Boeing itself it's going to have substantial impact on the u.s. Economy and as it already has I think it will affect our trade deficit I think it potentially could exacerbate that in the short term as the number of rate prosecutions and convictions across England and Wales falls a major review says the criminal justice system so under resort is close to breaking point it's been carried out by the Crown Prosecution Service inspectors in the year end the year to the end of March there were record 58000 allegations of rape but if you're the next to thalers and success will prove a prosecutions the lowest number since figures with 1st compiled back in 2008 but the reports found no evidence c.p.s. Lawyers were only taking cases to court what convictions were easy to achieve or in this nation from home affairs correspondent Danny sure this report says the decline is partly because fewer rape cases being referred to the Crown Prosecution Service for charging decision and also because police taking longer to gather evidence now Kevin McGinty who's the chief inspector who led the review appeared to blame a shortage of resources for this he said the number of rape allegations last in the investigative process was damning but he dismisses in the report claims made by campaigners that the c.p.s. Is being more selective about the rate cases it prosecute to try to bolster success rates in court because in a sample of $250.00 cases they looked at there were only 5 decisions to charge will release a suspect that were found to be wholly unreasonable campaign is say they're disappointed by the review which they claims fails to uncover the real reasons for what they call woeful conviction rates and spend it is they're accusing the London fire brigade of being wasteful and slow to make the changes needed. The Grenfell Taylor disaster the fire rescue services watchdog been looking into hell things are being run across England Tom Simons as a Home Affairs Correspondent every fire service in England has now been inspected by the fire service watchdog of the last 15 to go through the.

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