It's been in the news because the police want to introduce it. There are all sorts of citizens' rights issues around what is facial recognition of as well as it were so facial recognition we've had to cameras for a long time you know C.C.T.V. But the cameras have been dumb in that they've needed human beings that go into making the use of the recordings or life fades with facial recognition technology that means that a computer effectively watching the feed from these cameras can work out who it's looking at and sometimes what they're doing as well that sort of goes beyond facial recognition but that can be done as well and it does that by trying to match the patterns that it sees in people's faces to a database of faces that it's already compiled so he tries to match against those and obviously that raises a number of. Concerns for society about whether we should be walking around the streets being recognized by computers and and matched against databases you know this seems to be being done without any real public discussion or public understanding of what the ramifications of that could be welcome think of the ramifications certainly if you are to time your partner but if you've got nothing to hide you know what I mean if you've got nothing to hide if you're. Yeah if you're true to your commitments this is it we're in relationships and among other things then what you've got to work I think that's that's less of a problem unless anyone from selling the information to a partner but look the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee should group of M.P.'s actually sat and looked at this issue and looked at it last year as well said that there should be no more trials of this technology until the relevant regulations were in place so what's happened is technology has made something possible for the 1st time and there's no framework within which it. Be regulated to stop these very powerful technologies being abused on purpose or inadvertently for example and it gives an example where they warned that police forces were failing to edit the database of custody images so when someone gets arrested the images taken is loaded into the database now when someone becomes unconvicted you know either because the not guilty or no charges are brought their image is meant to be removed from that they took place that's not being done in the way that it is the not the issue of D.N.A. Is that that's the main complaint about D.N.A. When you're arrested the police can take it lawfully take some D.N.A. Samples off you from your hair or your saliva or whatever it might be right and then if it's still on the days of various when you have been convicted you've been released here as an issue but Akon you force that 3 same thing when you talk about the facial recognition cameras we already have C.C.T.V. Cameras and arguably arguably when the police use C.C.T.V. Cameras to try and detect a crime and your face is on there they should delete the footage afterwards they can keep their records in any case what they use an inappropriate time to sort of say oh well yeah that was all being kept they're being kept in a way that they shouldn't be and so what effect can that have so an innocent person whose face is on the database keeps getting matched as they go about their lawful business and potentially keeps getting harassed Also it depends a bit technical but it depends on how the AI system is trained it's trained by giving images and if those images are not balanced in the right way then the AI system may become more more men than women or more black people white people you know it's possible for our own biases to be programmed into these machines and then be carried out with with machine efficiency as it were so you invented that then so you continue complain isn't it with us where they are generally in all sorts of respects. Even when it comes to. Doing it. Would you record it the over the would you call it when they toss out all the sorts of you know when you go to your bank would it give you a loan or not then it goes through this procedure now when I call or visit you generally then yeah I know you're going to sell all your aggregates or whatever it might there's a bill like you mean like you do it does your credit history and works out whether your credit worthy Yeah it does it through an algorithm algorithms OK algorithm it's still a relatively new word for us old timers we're 5 minutes in and we've got the word algorithm Oh yeah it's going to go well tonight of course is going to go well oh $808590.69 you've got a question of any techie nature for a then D. Gives a call and I know you've got some other things you want to talk about them over on to as well she talk about some issues that you might have seen this is got sent to your website as well one of our listeners once she to recommend any reputable places to register a domain name I see there are quite a few. This is from Richard and he has good he's quite right there's a lot of people who sell domain names and some of them cheaper than others but they all work out about the same at the end of the Day Well yes so there are differences and yeah I did see this I saw this on my Twitter feed earlier earlier this even this question it's a good question and I'll take a moment afterwards perhaps just explain why it was interested in buying a domain name but but in terms of choosing A demain name So 1st explain what the main name is that's something dot com or something dot co dot U.K. So you might have gotten out a bio dot com You can buy that or at least you can rent it for multiples of one or more years and that means that you can have a website that also had to buy dot com Or you could have an email address based upon that to buying one. So that's why you might want one you buy a year it's a time typically when you buy it the 1st year tends to be cheap that give it to for like a pound or something and then they'll charge you depending on which variant it is and how unusual it is you pay about you know $1010.00 pounds or more per year thereafter so there's Think few things to consider one is the initial cost $1.00 is young Another is the ongoing cost. But you also have to look at for example do they include in that price the ability to have you know a basic email based around that the main name or do you have to buy an email inbox separately because that can double or more the price the other thing I think increasingly we need to think about is if you want using it to run an email address where is that information stored are you dealing with a British company which thought stores in Britain by the way or British companies do store data in Britain or is the data your email dates and other data being stored outside the U.K. And in particular outside the E.U. If it's stored outside the E.U. Then then that data could be accessed in ways that might not be legal in this country but are legal say in the United States or some people who want email accounts on not. Activated and actioned outside the European Union so that the another thing to consider I mean there are various companies Go Daddy is a is a large American company they do a lot of business some people hate them are I've used them they get the job done there's another company in the U.K. Called 123 read their fine one and one is also OK I mean there are there are lots of them but I also suggest you know shopping around for deals each year or year or 2 when you come to be near it because sometimes there are deals to be had elsewhere . This is for MATURE he says firstly with Microsoft ending update some patches for Windows 7 on the. Yes or generally 2020 is it safe to use Windows 7 after the state or should I say to Windows 10 Manton Oh yeah so it's a good question it will become unsafe after the date when they stop patching and the reason for that and this is what happened with Windows X.P. People were using Windows X.P. 13 years after it was launched and Microsoft had to you know leave them off expe with a crowbar by stopping the support for it and now after many years Windows 7 is going the same way and people stick to it because it's a good operating system they like it and a lot people still love with Windows 10 I personally see Windows 10 as little more than a piece of spyware Unfortunately it's an excellent operating system but it's been designed in a way that is really designed to glean as much information about you and your usage online as possible in the way that Google might have done and it's a shame to see Microsoft going going down that same path it becomes Windows 7 becomes unsafe because as vulnerabilities in the software detected after that date that's to say bugs in the software that allow people to take advantage of those bugs in order to hurt your computer take control steal your data steal your money those those bugs will not be fixed and as they as your operating system has more vulnerabilities in it which are not fixed that means that it's a dangerous thing to do so no you can't really use Windows 7 safely after after that date unfortunately unless Mark so you know give it a stay of execution support it for a bit longer but once the support is ended that's it after that you've got a difficult choice do you go to Windows 10 if you want to stay within you know Windows then you don't have much choice but Windows 10 as I say is by default set up to gather as much information about you as you as you can and if you've got the ability. In an hour or so you can change all the settings to to the limit but not eradicate the amount of data it takes from you but sometimes you change things in months of changes them back again which is. Despicable in my view so that's something to consider other people will go back at this point some people will be the thing that pushes them into into the sort of the mac O.S. Operating system and down that route others will go toward something called limits which is an open source operating system which is really. Brilliant operating system but doesn't have the same support or something like Windows the same range of apps the same ease of use and so forth so you know we're all going to have a difficult decision when when works or pulls the support why don't they understand that a lot of us are conservative in our use of technology that you know well well once you sort of accustomed to using a certain interface for example you don't want to see change you don't want to see the color change you don't want to see anything about it change because you haven't got time to go read and learn about you have been the only actually uses it cetera why don't they just leave things the way he says it because of money but it is because Microsoft's business model was based upon selling Windows operating system it would sell it to manufacturers and it would sell it to individuals as updates now you can't sell someone a new operating system if it's not different because by definition it's not new and you know they try to improve the product and with those improvements come again by definition you know changes but the difficulty of Microsoft is it sort of woke up in a world where it was very different because you know if you think about Apple computers Well you know the operating system comes with it you pay for it separately and they got to charge you for updates if you think about you know i Pads and i Phones and i Wes is free. If you think about Android smartphones and tablets and Android is free will that you pay for it with the data but in terms of money it's free so suddenly Microsoft became the only $1.00 that was making had to make its money by charging for the operating system and that's not really going to fly anymore people are unwilling to pay for these things with cash and the effect is Windows 10 you get an operating system where. Banks or tries to make money out of learning as much about you as you can spying on us the term I would use and then monetizing that information just the way that Google to it and Facebook do it so Mike so friggin is would poke fun and criticize Google for the White did its business and now is having to do the same thing. Well same other feature hoser that would be very interesting is you know the battle of the tech companies continues a pace to see which ones have got the right model to see them through into the future yeah yes indeed OK this is well is from one of our listeners he has emailed to say amongst other things called long the marriage really. That. This is. Cause a loss in the yeah it's about the lunar landings well qualified more about that online you know NASA website is a good places to go Yeah yeah I mean there's a lot I mean you've got to be careful what you read about little landings before you start getting people telling you didn't happen. Which is kind of bizarre in itself but the NASA website is you know that was some great resources there some going to right resources they still to astounding educational work and help inspire people and you know these are the sort of things that just inspire whole new generations of of children and young adults to to to go down that path and you know explore the universe and you know that they're going to be all saviors in the end to the species who are going to have to get off this planet at some point OK this other similar kind of question Arraf says. Look. Can you see stream Netflix from an Amazon or Fire H.D. Tablet from your phone's internet I'm looking to get tablet just mainly for Netflix and I want to spend that much Yeah OK it's a good question so the reason why of his asking the question about the you know the Amazon Fire tablet is because those tablets are very cheap and that is partly because they're subsidized somewhat by Amazon because Amazon want you to have an Amazon. Fire tablet because then you can consume their e-books and their various services so all their services are available over you know over the into office in from tablets and therefore it's then courage and each have a mechanism to consume and buy more of their services so the tablets are good value for money but they don't run as you know a common operating system they run a variant of Android but no Android itself so you can't use the Google Play store so you get far fewer apps but one of the apps that you can get is Netflix. So I think what I refer is trying to do is use. One of these devices which won't have a SIM card in it so you have to use your own wife I say is wanting to create a wife I hotspot. With his mobile phone which most mobile phones are capable of some some companies that provide you with you know service are not keen on you doing it but but increasingly that allow it so your phone turns into a wife or hotspot the Amazon tablet looks up to the wife on the app runs and you you have your Netflix so yes it will work also works very well on you know another thing that you could look at if you don't need to be mobile with it is the Amazon Fire T.V. Which is a little streaming box or stick that you get em plug in to specify on your television set and that's with that's a really nice way to watch Netflix because then it's on a full size T.V. Not just one small tablet so if you don't actually need the mobile aspect of it then the 5 T.V. Is really cheap they were on when they had Amazon Prime day the other day they had to fork a steak for $25.00 pounds in the standard one for 20 you pay a bit more than that now but still you know cheaper than a tablet so if you don't actually need a tablet to do that than the than the stick is a better way to go. You know Maria says frenzy my computer today kept giving me some message about sticky keys and no matter what I do it keeps coming up Also when I click a file on desktop it's highlighting several files to open this isn't happening over time it's never done this before please oh yeah so the sticky keys is what's called an accessibility option so it's designed for people the accessibility options are designed for people with various sorts of disabilities and it's designed to make computers easier to use and what's happened to Maria is I think she's in the 1st of the put a particular computer into a sticky mode is to say a mode where it would be easier for other people to use with the with the disability and I think it can and will depends on the computer but normally it's one key has been hit 3 times in rapid succession and you can undo it by heating the same key so I can look up later on which which particular key is does it doesn't really say she's using Windows computer I wonder that myself I say she doesn't say we will look it up later but essentially she's hit one key 3 times in succession back to them it's put into that mode and that's why it's behaving in the way that she describes and it can be simply beyond them it's all about your questions for gadget detective so feel free to either text as a 95 or 58 or e-mail up for night at B.B.C. Don't go to E.J. Or speech him directly as he took up his reverse now 188599693 I'll say I get to study 885909693 I was sure dialing him up allowed me to ask one question and this is been driving me absolutely bananas I think come on the top of it but I know there are fools I was on top of it before and then I got sucked back into a. This flipping website is flipping search engine you might know which one I'm talking about to tell me. Being. Iggy Microsoft's Bing Bing keeps cropping up I mean I'm trying to use one search engine and then I get it gets hijacked so if I try and search something suddenly it reverts to this other search engine I haven't asked for I haven't downloaded maybe an adverse and there have but I certainly don't and I've tried so many Believe me I've looked to know the forums about how to get rid of the one who's who then worked for a few months and then it came back and then I can't use that style in what I do get rid of it forever so using Windows Yes you know that I'm a mac baby all right and still it's coming up still it's coming up OK So Bing is a Microsoft product of course. Is we don't on the it will be in your search engine or using Safari Yes Yeah so they'll be there will be a setting in there which says what is my default search engine I've gone through all of that by Gov and his 2 kids open up I go through the default search engine and you changed it and is it changing it back again or no that doesn't change it stays on the same ones and it'll come in and when you do a search so what happens if you just go to the Google website and type in there presumably you'll get your Google search at that point you know funny enough it's initially when I just open up Google then that comes up because I'll do that from the the bar at the bottom you know I'll just press kit and that comes out but then if I keep seeing something that I want to go to it suddenly just diverts to it is being business does me leafing and known as a can't tell you OK I mean the slight worry about this is you mean this is unusual mac so I suspect it's not the case but when you've got that sort of unusual behaviors Well it can sometimes indicate that there's some sort of malware on there or at least you haven't got any toolbars on your browser that should be that something 3rd party. Nd don't even know what 2 bottles always a row of buttons appears on your browser that isn't there from the manufacturer but has come from the. I wouldn't do anything I know is quite common I mean specially one particular Windows machines had people at them some sort of ease of use purposes. I think we should give your computer a scam to be honest and safe if we find anything that's on there that shouldn't be there I have to scan there and I have yet scanned it with the old C. Cleaner and all of this stuff but it says it cleans it and then of just when you thought you got rid of it comes back again have you tried and I mean you should have a 2nd Browne's on any computer and you know I have I have and if you try different browser The funny thing way I used to use a different browser then that good thing on is of course I mean just go back to the default browser or the max is Safari I mean I would stick lives going that uses I would stick Firefox on that as well more so than crimes crimes Google when as has as privacy issues is the problem one as you mentioned no where which is a possibility is the problem then sitting on my computer or is it sitting on the net is it good if you're pulling a search term into a window you know like a search engine with and then it should come up. With the search engine that you know you selected all the default you know since you know where my one is set up is I get to choose I put in the search term and I have a dropdown menu and I choose which search engine I wanted to use but by default we use firefox of course but that's why I'm saying this was confusing because that is certainly you know the Google certainly my default engine is still my default engine Yeah but that's a setting that you have on your computer Yeah yeah that which the 4 engine you wanted to go to but then when I go under. Mine and I try and go to the D. 4 engine like I say it diverts into this other one if not immediately send it by the time I pull in a dive into the other one and you know if I go backwards as well in the search divers of the other one now I wonder where the the Mao ways should be set on my computer I mean I'm not saying is necessarily malware but whatever is doing that diverting is on your computer or my computer yet it's on your computer by the way have you tried a search engine called Duck Duck Go No it's a bizarre scene that one somewhere but no yobs I have seen a just the other photos a bizarre name of the way it is but it's X. Look as a search engine just you know as a search engine it's about 80 percent as good as Google in my experience but the difference of what I do is I use that 1st and then if I don't find what I want then I will consider using Google and the reason is that you know Google said Dougal is a very successful business and it makes its money by providing you with a range of services including the Chrome browser and the Google search engine and you Choop and all these you know great seductive free services but that uses them to collect information about Mr Bryson Yeah so the thing about Dr goes it doesn't do that doesn't collect any information that doesn't is affiliated launched you know well yeah but this is specifically set up with purpose in mind and yeah you know who might say it was not being run by the F.B.I. About I don't I don't I think they're legitimate I personally being using them and in any event I know that if I use Google I know my data is being captured Saddam probably in the US a crack. It walks like one but it doesn't quite work. For me where I was going Maria By the way or I want to see this before we go to the news Maria has texted back was my who had my problems on the ship ties so yeah sticky keys and so on she says the computer she thinks its Windows X.P. Yeah OK so what I think what's happened is called Sticky Keys feature and you switch it on or off by hitting the shift key 5 times in rapid succession I said 3 I mean sure said 5 and you get a little message that cystic eks lets you use shift control old and Windows logo keys by pressing one kid to time so you know that you you know on a computer where you have to press you know control their last certain key combinations but people with certain disabilities can't easily do that they can only hit one kid time you know depending on their disability and therefore what sticky he's allows you to do is he controlled fell for example in sequence instead of all at once that's why it's so sticky is if you when you press the control key it's in the stuck in the down position not literally put figuratively so it's designed for that sort of use of 5 taps of the of the shift key and should be certainly that's what I love that's a proper troubleshooting advice is not just half on the shift key a few times and then solve the problem rather than usually what you get is press out control delete X F Y F 123-4567 you might get there and by the way that's why it's giving Maria that strange behavior of highlighting a whole groups of things because when she clicks on something it's like she's control clicking on it and you know where you've used control click to select multiple items at once to do something and track them all together was coming out that really it was doing that I'd rather have your problem and you can have MIME thing 080-859-0969 extension 3 if you lied to pose a question about your techie issues to our gadget to take. But 1st of all let's go to the latest 5 loved ones as lives ready mom digital B.B.C. Sound small speaker. Is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live to a former Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gordon Brown a warning of what they see as the dangers of a no deal breaker on the last day of the conservative leadership race ballot papers from Tory Party members have to be submitted by 5 o'clock this evening are the boys Johnson or Jeremy Hunt will take office on Wednesday meanwhile to reason they will share a meeting of the government's emergency committee later to decide how to deal with the seizure of a British flag oil tanker by Iran it was boarded on Friday by the country's Revolutionary Guards more than 30 people have been injured in Hong Kong after a gang of masked men attacked anti-government protesters the more wearing white T. Shirts and they storm the train station in the center of the territory and well pool has begun a full recall of hundreds of thousands of tumble dryer as were found to be starting fires the problem was 1st discovered 4 years ago a minister's intervenes to demand action let's go to sport now and the Catton Shane Lowry says it simply can't get any better after securing his 1st major championship victory at the open the Irishman finished 6 clear of 20 Fleetwood at Royal Portrush after a final round 72 so I'm close on 15 under par. 3 in the open and. I just can't believe it you know everything I've ever wanted in the game go in another direction I was so. Clear of Tommy flee or he's a good friend of Larry's the Englishman Fleetwood firing a 3 over par 74 as his challenge slipped away but he says he enjoyed being part of that final pairing you know lost their falls what it was kind of Shane's recession it although a bit more difficult but it was it was a special day special atmosphere I think it's great for the game and you know amazing amazing for Sharon and his family and it's a great place for them but yeah it was it was great and of course this is something that you know we'll look back on and say were pop up. And there's more reaction to that dramatic final day in the Kut podcast available via B.B.C. Sands now British Olympic champion Adam P.T. Has been breaking even more records in the pool 57 point what is the world record he taught you think. 56.880 record for P.T. It's the 5th time is lowered the world record in his career he allows himself a brief smile only point is true yeah Petey Imperius again he has a baby becoming the 1st person to ever go under 57 seconds in the $100.00 metres breaststroke is time coming in the semifinal of the World Championships in South Korea England and they never World Cup with bronze or thanks to a 6842 victory over South Africa or New Zealand other new world champions is outright sorting 5251 win over Australia in the final in Liverpool Australia have attained the women's ashes after their draw in the test to Taunton saw them establish an unassailable points lead in their multi format series Australia had a lead of 375 when the match was called a draw in them counts and had a nice about it afterwards the players have fallen short this series of course or anything could have played anywhere near the standards we expect of ourselves in very good credits and that we have been quite well one of 8. That we got to learn from it assess what and why it's gone wrong and there was a move on and say last instrument and hope it can kickstart a little bit of. A shift I ask is because they're ahead of us that moment when is catch up button Simon Yates claimed his 2nd tour de France stage when that is defending champion Garrett Thomas called back some time from leader. On stage 15 Thomas took 27 seconds back from the Frenchman in alleys by a minute and 35 seconds 3 seems on 16 points at the foot of the super league table is at the bottom side London the under-strength letus and Helen 3212 fellow strugglers Leeds lost 2624 and home to her left. Say elsewhere castles at the Warrington and sulphur Bay Catholic and British European champion teen Ashley Smith had to settle for 2nd in the women's 100 meters at the Anniversary Games as the Shelley and Fraser price down to make free at the London stadium. In Linz a world champion to keep. But now they face their oldest rivals looking to regain his. Great advances do it still wasn't good enough thanks to. The greatest rivalries in sports. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live available on the B.B.C. Sounds all right. He took up his Our gadget detective it's also the questions that you have of a techie nation rezzes by your computer on line phones gadgets in general give me a call 808-590-9693 we've got Jack with us good morning Jack Dotson good says yeah yeah yeah gets. Back on our poll now I was on the show so long all day and I don't get out much how you do yeah yeah very good yeah and you're in Brighton as usual yes yeah yeah. Sunshine I'm OK Yes I'm sure about it down there yeah yeah but. You know does the Internet very as well as it does in the big conurbations I'm not trying to be funny. It is and I have got the best inside you have you yeah you want those down so I think Broughton. Back in 98 is one of the such cases have cable cable network cable so you know next and all that sort of thing sorry I didn't get cable network and yeah your cable must be gay radio now being well if I'm just trying to find something that is not wonderful about living in Brighton and your she seems to know how me the writer . I love that I'm far from. It I would like to get my younger brother lives down to your neck of the woods just remind him if he bobs he does actually you know drawing doing oh yeah remind him if you bump into him that he comes from north London and can always come back home. Yeah yeah I would say when I say my. Posh frosting they say posh and I didn't know that I did not. Name it sounds like you know seen its best days rotting in. Yeah. One of the things you got so thing. Other things along the coast. Towns and yeah yeah right but not. OK. You know what kind of saying Tell him I'm still in the can say when you see. I'm sure you get the answer is in many I. Now been down there were. Younger brother out of there is my younger brother. Very tall very handsome very dog and. I mean sure sign him up and find out what's going on. I don't need to because you've. Got you know has nothing going on but the rent and all that cable network you go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you got a question for physio by the way sassy it's not my shows I don't see you take it away may never. Yeah go for it now I wanted to ask you what you saw about. The increasing security that's come in on bank accounts like mini I think in a few months maybe I think it might be September I think. I think people can ask the start using secondary devices to access their accounts and things like 2nd factor authentication I mean just some and I just it's amazing as I said the over the top because. Right now I can access my bank bank accounts on a nice security level you know without a 2nd day do I. And I can check my balance I can my time supply is there or the set top I can't cry any new quite new new new payments and you probably have to use a kill key device but do the all the things already set top I don't need that gives me the flexibility I can check anywhere with my boss but in my secure what's not say not as much out do the basic things that are already set top Yeah so I know that's going to China during a few months I think that's right so different banks will implement it slightly differently by the way but the thrust of it is that the banks are having to make accounts more secure and as we've said before in this program there's always a balance between convenience and security the more convenient is less secure is it would be really convenient don't have any parts was just bad to go into the website and then you go and that's fine but that that be just like the view from the store open so that that's not on the problem Jack is that so many people are having their money stolen out of their accounts that you know clearly something has to be done one of the ways in which to improving security is what's cool 2nd factor authentication so the 1st fact is typically a password but so that's something you know hopefully you know but the 2nd fact it could be something that you. Like your smartphone or it could be something that you have like your fingerprint. So the rover's way so doing this and the real if it's done correctly if they implement it correctly it shouldn't make it much more inconvenient it will be it will be less convenient but you know that they can minimize that and in return for that we have more security in that has to be a good thing in this in this day and age where. So many people are getting their money necked and their identity stolen you just can't have in secure systems and the shame of it is that even this won't be the ultimate solution because it's a leap frogging between the the good guys and the bad guys you know the we do this we make it harder for them they find a way to overcome the 2nd factor and then we have to do something else. But we have to do it you know but whether that's you know voice recognition fingerprint an additional device whether they're texting you a number you don't have your phone that you don't have to case then the person would have to have your phone as well as your password so you can see how that's more secure there are ways to also make this easier for yourself there are piece of software like last pass and one password that's number one for by the word password where they not only manage your passwords and create unguessable password switching unique for every site but once you're logged into the master. Database as it were as it were with the with the master password it can autofill away your passwords for you similarly on Apple devices you want some called key chain where you can use your fingerprint to to you know unlock a database and I had to surf the internet if I sit there say like it was 999 when you didn't have to worry about security so there are things that we can do in that they can do to make it less hard on us but but if I were the top. Of the basic level service where I live I can just check my balance and people are already set up saying that you can really see how you can steal money from that. I see what you're saying but the reality is that when someone is in the you know if you allow them partially into the basic functions it's easier from there to get all the way and so they don't they just need to make it safer and it's just. If you've ever if you've ever suffered money from being stolen I mean I spoke to a woman not long ago who had 2nd factor authentication they still go into a bank account and the way that they did it was it was frightening so she had 2nd with a factor authentication where in addition to a password they would text her number to her mobile phone and she was into the number into the website it would rain what they did was they managed to trick a mobile phone network into transferring her service from one mobile phone company to another and it's one that they basically they took control of her number they then got her password got the phone number so that they got the authentication code sent to them and then cracked a bank account and sold her life savings. You know and this is what's at stake and also don't forget what you know if you get into some systems you can get into additional ones as well so you get so rollercoaster of effect where people can steal your whole identity and then you can spend years of your life trying to undo that damage and you can never quite so Jack I know it's a pain but I sure on this occasion I I'm if they implement it properly the principle is good they need to tighten their security but I just really hope they do it in an intelligent way so it doesn't make it unnecessarily hard for us yeah OK sorry Jack I'm usually on the side of the banks on this one yeah. Jack thanks well for the call as well appreciate there. 80859096 point 3 if you'd like to continue the conversation as well maybe about an issue that you have wondered about as well but if you've got any techie gadgets at home that you want to ask about to so out or any advice on or thinking of buying. Gadget of some sort then he's probably the person speak to person foremost as to what the comparative studies with others are. Mission a couple of things very briefly sure Maria says by the way for. Thank you for trying to help the sticky problem I took my computer on and tried pressing the shift key 5 times but still have the problem of several files are cons highlighting when I click on one of the desktop I have a friend who might have a look at it for me OK if if if the stations all right with it you can give me my email address. I want to help 0 or centers to me whichever OK whichever works best just I'm just looking for Twitter feed and so that someone says possible issues moment I use it to fact authenticator for various services E.G. Last Boston team here it's actually hard in inconvenience at all with authenticate to Apple my phone so that's you know that's a good thing. Also question from Keith which if you don't mind or do this one because I think it's a good question here a lot of people have got aging laptop and desktop computers so this is from Keith and he says I just got fed up with my 5 year old medium tower P.C.'s a desktop P.C. He says got 4 gigabytes of RAM slowing down dreadfully The Monitor says that he's RAM usage is 90 percent is it worth buying a new 8 K. Graham which is which is the best replacement method so here that the RAM memory which is a memory inside a computer where the computer does its functioning so it's not where it stores everything but it's working area if you like and 4 gigabytes of RAM these days is seen as not being very much but for a 5 year old computer is quite decent if you've got a 4 gigabyte computer Keith and it's 90 percent the memory is much 90 percent full the RAM is 90 percent utilized then what that tells me is Simi haven't got spyware I mean you could have viruses running in the background eating up memory so do a virus Jack but if it's not that then it could be that there is too much running on your computer at the same time that could be for example you know if you've got a browser and you've got 50 or 100 tabs open on your browser that that's one of most common ways in which RAM gets chewed up and then the performance the system was growing store. Holt lets you do it but if you know then you get this real real price the other thing is there may be too many programs starting up in the background with your computer dots and you mention C. Cleaner the other day which is available for both pc's and my platform if you install C. Cleaner and then it will let you look at what's application startup automatically every time you switch on Windows and it will just allow you to uncheck a box and make sure that they don't automatically stop that's not to say you uninstalling them you just stopping them from starting automatically at the beginning when you start your computer because a lot of the many factors love it they love it when their software is running that's a resident death threat but but actually for most of us when we really want the software to run you know when we need it the exception of that is the security software and so forth final tip is sometimes people inadvertently get more than one copy of an antivirus program running at the same time those that should never happen because they try and grab the same file to scan at the same time which just causes a computer to grow into a hold again so it could be for all sorts of reasons so before you go spending money Keith on new RAM just look at look at that because 4 gig or right it's not 8 but you know you can get good performance out of 4 gigabyte computer if you just do a little bit of spring cleaning to shutdown things that don't need to be running about your current member worked the 1st question the 2nd computer I have a boy if he if he include the Amstrad one as a real computer any point 2nd computer I ever bought which was an aftermath classy cost a 1000 pounds 999 pounds I got a pound change from a 1000 pounds I borrowed from the mad professor he was shocked when I gave him his 1000 pounds back by the way adults and any time you want to borrow money from me is cool the 1st include everybody in the studio cover C. Does pay me back the $999.00 pounds as a long time ago Long story. But guess what the Random Access Memories used to be called the ram was which was his or was it that format classic of. Early eighty's no early ninety's and early ninety's early ninety's OK so. Complex for. No 128 megabytes it was Ram was 4 megabytes for the you know nice ninety's the hard disk was 40 megabytes. Remember the classic was just a little more screen one might my 1st my 1st computer it was the moment to say it because I'm here it was a B.B.C. Micro Model B. And it had 32 megabytes of RAM but this was 980 to think something like that's going to go 32 megabytes of RAM used to store programs on to set tape and if you missed a bit when it was loading a program you to rewind and play to get the block of information back to script and if you were very poor she could get a floppy disk interface installed but you see I managed to publish a tabloid size magazine on that form I go by reading and generally this is she store you can also my business partner Steve would say whenever we saved we basically went for George in a bar dog track like an hour later and it was just saving for a saving to. The hard disk I'm preaching to the turtle and it will still take that long you know I don't know we had exhausted all disks in those days you know I did that you had a slot for an external disk yeah no we had floppies in those days yes while ago they were floppies anyway as another error and by the way youngsters are listening to the program rather than being in bed at this time the morning you might want to go look on google to see the computer we're talking about is completely different worlds from the world that you're living in at the moment I mean lots to get through they generally are lots and lots of checks and emails and let's not waste time without further ado let me throw a few more at she looking for the best value Go Pro camera further 19 year old daughter's birthday looking for Bluetooth connection and easy to use with a knife in cheers says joining clause good OK So we have to be careful when we say Go Pro camera Go Pro is a brand so I'm not sure whether you mean the Go Pro brand or whether you've used it in the way that people sometimes use words Hoover to mean vacuum cleaner so the Go Pro cameras all range of their own and you know that sort of. Quite expensive the top 10 but they could fatty for money very good build quality very good picture and sound if you can afford it go for one of those they have the benefit also as being the de facto standard which means that you can get lots of atoms for them like underwater casings and you know mountains and all sorts of things you can do all sorts of things like that so. That if you look things most serious work how come when. You want to hear it I know I stopped it I you know no one else can say Oh oh can I share something with you I went through on an assembly but just as an aside if you've got one of these. Amazon echo you know it's a response to L E X A asked to do an input impression for you could just ask it because and people can actually text you and tell you what it was says because it's what it does a remarkably good beekeeper won't. Know but yes but no but and it's the 1st time I see hear or say a rude word as well. Not very real Don't do it now was were in the United States just after that that ridge has shouted without a T. In the local it was stopped so. So I've quite forgotten what was. Just talking about Go Pro cameras yes sorry a big pardon just just went off intention so yeah so go pro are probably the best but not the cheapest there are other ones like Kit vision K.R.I.T. Vision which make Go Pro compatible cameras in that they use some of the same size and mountings and so forth so you can interchange some of the accessories but if you can if you can avoid afford to go pro then that's a good way to go sun You also do good ones it really depends what you want to use it for as well as something traditionally these cameras are used for you know outdoor types of cycling surfing's. Mountaineering we strap it to the helmet and all that sort of stuff but there are other cameras or some of the used by bloggers you know video logos who who want to camera that's going to far up instantly and allow them to shoot themselves up. That you know stream live and things like that so it depends on the features that you want but the copra range itself is a good one it made me feel bad that in the eighty's you had a B.B.C. Computer with 32 megabytes of RAM words in the 90 minute 32 K. Of where because this much is going. To do said I say make a buy Yeah because so many people of takes it in and said no. So look just think about this 32 K. Is one millionth of 32 gigabytes now a very high end P.C. Today can have 32 gigabytes of RAM that is to say the top end P.C. Today I mean in terms of a 1000000 times more memory in memory member RAM memory and similarly for the for the not not that they will have hard drives but more than that in terms of storage as well yeah I'm sorry I realize I said megabytes I mean just because killer bytes just seems like. It's nothing here at all to even say it is nothing is new so that means that makes sense to me that my form of RAM was actually. Safe after the investment to really get out now I understand and that's why so much as a thanks to James in Leeds things to. What I said later by yeah they all knew it and thanks to others who takes it in without their names here as well OK my 1st computer is brought in Chipping Norton was a VIC 20 Commodore VIC 20 Yeah basic available memory was around $3.00 K. No fluffy and I only say to tape Well you're missing the Sinclairs that X. 80 that came with standard one K. Of RAM and you could buy either a ready made or in kit form and people used to talk it over Yeah I think it was like 69 pounds 99 in kit form or something but but that's when 69 pounds 99 was actually a lot of money still not made still yes but it was a good deal more then so 32 gave the B.B.C. Thing was the B.B.C. Micro was stunning 32 K. Colors you could plug it into a problem monitor or T.V. It was it was a standing and I still got it it's the works you know you know you say that no question is. What was your 1st thing is a stupid question that says things only it's going to dance oh yeah well I don't know if Steve Lanza we have not any Tonight stupid dogs as good or bad ones and not as the right. K.B.'s anyway Sal in West Sussex says My question is a bit low key and have no hi tech gadgets my T.V. Just will not show any B.B.C. Programmes I've tried to reach but still is the same I live in West Sussex and just have Freeview as an older person I met. Loss as to why it's happened at as all stations are OK before as a B.B.C. Change signal Many thanks so there have been some recent changes where we've been required to rescan not so much for the B.B.C. But some of the other other stations have moved or ceased so you know responding from time to time is a good idea if that's not the problem and if we assume that there's no there hasn't suddenly developed a hardware fault sounds unlikely if it's only B.B.C. Stations are affected then it sounds like. One of a couple of things either the transmitter set up in business area has has changed and now they're having to rely upon a transmitter which is he the further away or somehow delivering a week a signal if it's coming from a different direction now for example when there's a hill or a building in the white and that can make things worse or it could be that you know the antenna could could could stand some improvement again if there's been a change in which transmitter is serving your area. So these things can happen it's worth just trying it on different T.V. Sets as well if you can access to a lot of T.V. Or neighbors to be safe they have a similar problem if it's not big T.V. Tromp are guilty due to their real difference between to do a little bit of testing but I'm likely to be a hardware fault the other way forward is you know increasingly we can watch television over the Internet as well so that's something to do. With your question. Thank you appreciate that 859. 3 The gadget detective any questions or a techie nation. This is C.B.C. Radio. Good morning this is. Conservative Party members have until 5 o'clock today to choose the next prime minister. And an incredible scenes that will. This is B.B.C. Is the B.B.C. News. Good morning the ballast to the next Conservative leader a clue says that 5 o'clock this evening on Tuesday will find out the fact is in any of those cases we do apologize to our customers to those who may have been confused and it is an opportunity to say we're sorry but it's also an opportunity to say. We want to do more the Unite all employers to help people with gambling problems it says there's policies in place to help with drink and drug issues some wants to extend that to cover gambling crime England is from the charity recovery for world gambling in the shade and if people have the ability to talk about their issues that were around problem gambling then H.R. Departments and line managers can make referrals to organizations such as I asked Well the government says it's committed to protecting people from the risks of gambling and 3 new pictures of Prince George have been released to mark his 6th birthday in 2 of the images he's wearing a white England shirt in the garden of Kensington Palace that's the news Nick has been here with the sports the new Open champion Shane Larry says that all equally bad is one of those and they give him a call 808-590-9693 who are with us and Andrew. Thanks for having me while fans are under game for wait patiently as well yeah pretty sure that you're through to fans you go. We need computers and stuff like. That a few more minutes and I'll be talking about. More than Leo's and up to You Tube. I'm sure how I feel like a pure novice or employable student asking this question. Talking about is a please don't be embarrassed because believe me every time you ask a question there's a basic question that means it's more interesting to more.