To apply 1st drop the employment rate in Northern Ireland rose to a record high of over 70 percent at the end of last year it measures the percentage of adults who are in work with the details are economics and business editor John Campbell look all jobs market has performed strongly over the last year and showed no sign of running out of staying in December the record employment rate means an estimated 853000 people were in work that's an increase of $23000.00 over the year so that's the good news the bad news is we still live the rest of the U.K. Even though our employment rate is at a record high it's still a lowest of any U.K. Region the former Health Minister Edwin Pitt says he would support a public inquiry into the alleged abuse of patients at Markham or Abbey hospital the chief executive of the Belfast Health Trust Barton Dillon has told the B.B.C. He accepts responsibility lies with him for the failings in patient care at Markham or but says he won't be resigning. The shadow chancellor John McDonald says the Labor party leadership needs to engage in a massive listening exercise following the defection of 7 M.P.'s yesterday the Labor M.P. For Dudley north in Austin says others may be tempted to join the independent group unless Jeremy Corben deals with the party's anti semitism problem and that was a new side of the sport here's part Coyle Thanks Yvonne Manchester United will face Wolves in the quarterfinals of the F.A. Cup after beating holders Chelsea to nil it's time for bridge the other ties are Swansea Manchester City Millwall Brighton and Watford versus Crystal Palace there was a late late comeback at The Oval last night as Glen Ivan player manager Gary how Multan came off the bench to grab the equaliser against Glentoran in the 81st minute 2 minutes later Conor McCluskey drove in the winner for the Lurgan side just take a gamble and 5 leg up were told to it got us back in the game Athol when every scored out of so we dominated again thankfully for a 311 where goalkeeper you know I thought he finished a tremendously. All stars in hand are seen as appearing by video link before a disciplinary hearing in Edinburgh today after being cited following last Friday's pro 14 when bridge and teenager roll man into Michael started fly half one of 4 changes by France for Saturday's 6 Nations match with Scotland who will name their team on Thursday flyhalf and Russell is a dart with concussion Thanks Parekh and with the weather here's Jeff NASCAR rain moves in from the west through the 1st part of today spreading to all parts of what is going to be a really wet and windy after name temperatures eventually reaching highs of $7.00 to $9.00 degrees but it is going to be windy with gusts of 35 miles an hour some places could see an inch of rain through today and that rain is going to continue through this evening and on into the 1st part of tonight so. B.B.C. Radio Ulster travel. We're getting reports of a couple of springer spaniel is running around on the ball and a hench road and carried off close to the several Johnston showroom so please keep an eye out if you're heading this way I don't know my it's day today of the restrictions only a 5 degree rose the restrictions are in place between the Dublin Road and the bike more road traffic is slow again in both directions especially heading towards Bali Gauley if you're getting a bus today just be aware that any star service marked in the timetable with SE is for scale it won't be operating trancelike says today is considered an official school holiday buses will be back to normal tomorrow and one flight to mention a George Best Belfast City Airport this afternoon's British Airways flight from Heathrow choose to arrive at 215 has been delayed by an hour and Sutherland reporting. On B.B.C. Radio. B.B.C. Radio. With Sean. Calling. Glenn . Hoddle. The long pole. Along. The long and. Long. Long road means you going to show low to. The long and. The solo. On. The lower. Leg. In a long. Leg. The and A. Long. Long way. For you time Yes Julian Turner you. Don't you don't take what people say don't take it to heart but all the people say if I may well thank you very much this is from the netminder and Greencastle playing the woman singing the chirpy song which goes. On to get this right here in a new. One I gonna get along without you know. It's. Going to get along without you know I've got it. At the netminder what. Viola we're going to get along with Aren't you know. Good morning to you thank you for that information I'm on a day like a robbery Thank you Bobby. McCabe and rings you were talking about nicknames Yes Well I think it was the cleaners had nicknames Yes darling portal there was a gentleman here and he had. A very graceful way by Tim the way he walked on the even in the bar he was such a lovely guy and his nickname was stately it stands and he said I think I think I'd like stately I like to talk to stately shoes for interest and fun enjoy it very much says Shaun McCabe an arm I knew called Spring Macand the meter of. Sort is known as yes did you know of jello Yes Sprint Macand the meter sprint Macand he had a fondness for gas meters especially other people's meter gender stuff so that's what it is nor the spec make the meter. I also I also knew a man called lovely lovely lovely. Lovely lovely but of a character as well too lovely I don't know what the proper name was or is. It just know it was lovely lovely lovely. When he said saw them was your own sense on was good nice or whatever but it's always lovely lovely lovely lovely Yes Lovely lovely and that's what he was known as lovely I know there's no other man called ructions happy birthday to my husband Ken balm the hands could you please play Tom T. Hall singing Old Dogs and children watermelon wine this comes with lots of love from his wife Jennifer hello Jennifer can as has happened Yes happy birthday to you can here's the song you wanted to hear lovely lovely. Brian Drew mind me the old labs Many many thanks pot and. I would like to hear that song as well I shall ask John it nicely. If we can get that the bronze in the old lamplighters beautiful song indeed I'm talking of sunny caring fairies a part of the well is going to be brilliant at the weekend. Looking forward to that to get the bikini's out. Helen and buying your arraying shot if you come to our high as she can get all the new patterns that you want I still swap patterns with my friends you want to play status quo for me but you haven't played it yet so and the song will do says Alan and bang you're given up on don't give up on me Al and don't give up a mission or write a song about that. Francis and kill. David Robert it goes back to colonial times when the bigger the window the more tax you pay and you say the same thing thank you thank you to everyone for all that information I want to say good morning to you Eileen Conlon I learned that no address for you but you you say that you enjoyed the show every morning and I thank you for listening and Eileen thank you. a kind deed done to OK I'm sitting beside I heap of knitting patterns and I'm knitting a pair of socks for myself as we speak says Pat I do die Well good morning to you Pat in a bottle for that you need a bottle for that and socks are just too darn socks in a bottle for something I know you need a bottle and we discussed this before the program you need a bottle for either darning or for nothing but I don't obviously don't know Pablo Martin and bridge who lived in NO EVIL It's called Hilton outside Lisburn rings the gas her gas was called Freddie how to write he and he pushed a hand cart and he would pour the pennies into the cart and nobody came and nicked them and Maison the well done to all those people thank you Pamela Martin. Myrtle and killed a little Myrtle we are knitting strong here and killed the Potters are all right and I swap them with my friends. And Patterson you're going to say I'm looking through knitting patterns as we speak. I'm looking at some baby clothes for play to usually in Jarl in our mom could you please play dots and I don't mean by the mob or explain these James rings I was a bread man he says for 43 years in my early career I can says I can remember the police and he used to go on a bicycle collecting listing the tell each you ever hear this which was rates that's the rates from the farmers and James Can anyone remember that never heard of that they are not a leech you were charged Leach that's what James is saying no reason to doubt you James but I never heard of it before Edna and Hollywood rings to say her husband Jim was a gas meter man and every couple of hours and would come and meet him and then take the money away from him. So that's you know they didn't I've got Jimmy Buffet and the margarita plan ice free and I jotted want to if you can listen to the words of his beautiful saw my wife brought it to my attention she said to me darling she always calls me darling on it used to she says darling to play this song to secure program and song by Beth Midler in this life I'm going to play it now in a moment or change Iris and Claire rings she says Shon you were talking about things we miss Well I miss the lovely white did not peace. I think it. Alone of this one Iris I miss the line of pure white not bees on the line with a big stick holding up the lines and I miss the washed most bottles on the doorstep when because I too went in to because like to the factory Hooters going off they helped us tell the time the last evening call when your mothers were about to call you in and drizzle scarce they were below the knees cotton skirts with the last a kid waists I'm looking for old type and in patterns for HAVE TO scarves and gloves so if anyone can help me I'd be ever so grateful that's from Iris and Bonnie CLAIRE Yeah I remember being called into his well to member you was. And it was your mother knew all the time was that so does your father remember one year but your older brothers or sisters will come out and call. IT What is the call then but what they call tell every parent or. ERA Thomas you know what the show T. Tell you are bad notated to turn. To. John. And have been lose their head when they've been ruined and then you because you can hear them the house next door and you know what shut up on there but do you remember your Remember people calling dogs. Dogs used to be called on to as well and that was the wife said to the husband Paddy he didn't call our dairy on. All the tables nor during Easter light. Then he would go to the door. So you think up but it's called Darkie and then he had. What a beautiful song that's about to Midler in this life good morning Mr Crawley good morning hello how are you you know I do same a little die a neo really I'm not down at all this stuff that every day you read too much into my tone of no I know that OK All right well what. If you got a pain have you know I have no pain so you sure have no can I don't you also you know there's the 3 guarantor here have no paid no pain no pain. No I don't. All right so you're all right that OK now we're listening to better their better I was yes I love the serve as a lovely song yeah. Well OK that unusual song choice for you. When I don't know do you think so I thought so yeah I like I like nice romantic songs it was a bit romantic you know I like nice I know I'm not a big. Bet. But I think that's a beautiful song she sings it was picked up when you saw no my wife pointed it out to me she said to me said I have a nice song for you darling. Because radar later that you called me darlin every Tuesday. She says you should play that and I played it today so they are very very good choice thank you approve OK night what have you got for us today well we will be talking more we were doing this yesterday as well actually about the P.S. And I and its role in our society today who should replace George Hamilton when he steps down the Chief Constable and the chimp fame president Mary Lou McDonald taking a bit of flack today for intervening in that question and suggesting that someone from outside the P.S. And I might be better placed to change the culture within it she's been talking about the culture of the P.S.N. I do think politicians should be intervening in these questions about police appointments an independent policing service or does she have a point if there is a culture that needs to be changed and could someone from outside be better placed to make those changes will also be talking about the fast fashion problems you know about AIDS have you heard of a fast fashion problem no wrong it means you're buying too many clothes and not recycling them not restrict too many clothes more clothes than you need yeah I think we're all guilty. Of an over thing not a Westminster group of them piece think they have a possible solution they want a new one percent tax on every item every item of clothing that might not change in our behavior. And it might also pay for recycling but isn't the nanny state trying to invade your wardrobe and then after one today Honda just the latest yank white long list now companies announcing in the past year or so that they're closing or relocating outside of the U.K. Is not just a coincidence or could it be part of the explanation for that long and lengthening lest. Yeah over $3000.00 jobs for the regular weather people it also supplying what could be absorbed and those people. Medicine but then there's other other dimensions to each one of those stories in the case of Honda people talk about some some people told that diesel more of this I think talking about electric and the impact of all of that and the business plan of a company and all of those things come into the mix as well how do you make sense but are you blaming brakes that we think you know it's a bit more complicated than All right well all that's in the 5 minutes time now tell me this before you had your say yes before you know asked that question of every Briggs it debate what would that last say. Which is I want to ask you this do you have a dog when you're a wee boy and he added Well what was what we should what was the dog's name you know I didn't have one particular dog too many give me a name can't remember. Well did your father when he was bad it really was no week because we live near a road and it was terrible just like you know we anyway. Yeah I know I hear what you're doing with cat dying of the hair you know but what I want to ask you is I was talking area you did your father call your dog in the night did he go to the front door and called your dog my father would you know called me in it. Same. As he's still here. No point pretending otherwise. Oh to decades of pretend for just going on with the bar of what would your moment of called you know when your ideal A would hold me and I would you called it was it would look of course what it would with him when. He knew my name. You must mean popular in your eyes your mother your father your. Mom would turn of the door and say as well leave their jobs they say there's nobody called Willie living there is no Willie up here shot no Will he any less you got the name right you with me that well fair play here fair play here well we had a we had a father that we called for and. We were knocked at the door and I would have called. The mother of the host me but the says is Charlie on and what did she say. Well I think she said to us there's nobody of that name living here yes there's no Charlie and here yes and then then she would call him about it she call Charlie. Now. All of our. Preferred Charlie days Connie called Charlie to this day it's very. Well I think that if you don't like the name you've been given I don't see why you see I have to stick with. All of our you know what. A run for the next 5060 years of your life with somebody else's name oh yes don't think if he doesn't mind all over again. Anyway I've got a song for you. Need a Diamond song song Blue is all right. OK It's all right it's lovely alone 110-3038 the 5555 this is songs. From Neil Diamond or as we know Him Peter. Paul and you have to. for his daughters Louise and Kathy and their important time if at all possible could I please play something by going they're going to play Jim Reeves now I saw a right for this year John ring from near drum Maurice's you're talking about dog's name on about a 100 years ago at a dog called after the battle in the bold war so when people asked What's the dog's name he would say. Hello to our father Don Gregory and the Royal Hospital are sending nude lots of love and hope you're feeling better soon and. This is from all the family I shock you to please their requests for. Me bridge and daddy Frankie the Frankie and Belfast it's their 53rd wedding anniversary have a lovely day this is from their daughters Paula and. Also could just be say a low to our good friends and dairy that's huge and to reason Canaday not a problem right I said I'm going to play Jim Reeves Here he is. the dinner was ready when our mother used to shouted Look what she shouted hook her book. It was she shouted when your neighbors would him and you would have fared of the Milo way of the show brings by globally members today thank you very much Jack and Barry's enjoy the show with Desi in Belfast says that Bette Midler song the learning in the song was absolutely beautiful. Jerry temp good morning in our streets and Craigan people. People used to call your all want that's right your a want to it's your a why. Do one when you want to get your a one on the message would be sent all the way around the street and then you had your ritual people run up and say you're a want and there's another one you're a want and you better get on the horse you know want. That's right I forgot all about that one Jerry and Mary and don't marry a ring she remembers when your I play and some would call your your your want it that's right you're a want Could you please play a legend in my own time please by dong GIBSON Well but I've seen. I couldn't get it's your birthday tomorrow and I'm ringing your far request could you please do. Patterson There ain't no ugly people after 2 am I don't want those solder soppy song you generate jobs Xan keep up the good work Hazel and there's more hope I remembered tomorrow Patterson Red I'll do my best to have that song tomorrow on the show for you Hazel when I'm in Helensburgh remembers his mother cutting the top off the sock when the foot was to an awkward limb come on by and under this way Jim come on with him then you took the sock the top of the saw over here granny and she put a new foot on the sock it was called turning the 18 this was way back in the 1950 she shared about all unravel because it was another suck shirted once you caught it about all on Robben you couldn't fight with him. No I can't I just I'm sorry would oblige I just I just can't buy and in that. Turning the hair. A singer. Roger winner and leave in honor of time Stephen and part of I am Stephen Castle hardware and part of iron rings any chance you can play a mole band and a far as please. O'Donnell Good morning to send me an email you say thanks for mentioning my happy birthday requests yesterday for my sister in law Julie and carried off you promised that you would play George Jones for later on in the program but as usual you didn't OK I'm not surprised by that but no she is today could you please play George Jones and He Stopped Loving Her Today no mass and as a 2nd chance for you to do it this is from leave I want to tell you something I am this is genuinely in my left of George Jones CD I got very manner. And that's right they are George Jones and I just looked at the see the ended up saying in that particular song all that so would would Julie carried off settle for this. Going to sense George Jones and just a girl I used to know the programs over this is right ring she says I had 9 children Ghassan there and you know all about that and when dinner till I came how to send it to all corners of the area to get 19 then for dinner. There was always a striker who came in late because they didn't get the message and they were told if you're not and you don't when. And so they all have to share their dinner with the straggler I think that's rather sad Mrs You know Mrs Right you didn't do that. You see I would always be the straggler I know that. Because once I heard of fired my mother called the dinner's ready I would wait for it to cold for ever going to cause it always been too hot I should have been and I should be the nursery rhyme it should be on the 3 bears. Yeah that's amazing over time for me to lift the ball and take the team off the pitch thank you very much for your come back again tomorrow at the same time 1030 see you then by. 995. 13. East B.B.C. Radio one. Day A GOOD. Newcastle man has pleaded guilty to a number of child sexual offenses including rape indecent assault and distributing indecent images his wife has pleaded not guilty to charges including aiding and abetting rape indecent assault and taking a making indecent photos of a child are so if they strip order Cormac Kumble wasn't done Patrick court 59 year old Gary Talbot to give his address as my cabaret he pleaded guilty to 15 of the 16 charges part of the guilty pleas related to offenses between 20012003 his wife 50 year old Heather Talbot appeared in the dock beside him she gave her address as high bank words the couple didn't look at each other or interact throughout the short hearing when each of the $22.00 charges were she said not guilty as both defendants answered each charge there were gasps and the public gallery. Jerry Kelly says he believes there are officers in the P.S. And I. Who could be considered for the role of chief constable yesterday his party leader Mary Lou McDonald and the kid she didn't think the role could be taken by anyone in the P.S. And I after the current Chief Constable George Hamilton stands Dein Gerry Kelly who sits on the Policing Board was speaking on the Nolan show there are clearly people are capable of Pearson are under threat to apply 1st drop the employment rate in Northern Ireland rose to a record high of over 70 percent at the end of last year it measures the percentage of adults who are in work with the details are economics and business editor John Campbell the local jobs market has performed strongly over the last year and showed no sign of running out of steam in December the record employment rate means an estimated $853000.00 people were in work that's an increase of 23000 over the year so that's the good news the bad news is we still live the rest of the U.K. Even though our employment rate is at a record high it's still lowest of any U.K. Region the business secretary credit Greg Clarke says he set up a task force to help thousands of people affected by hundreds decision to close its car plant in Swindon the Japanese manufacturers said its decision had nothing to do with Greg said but wider changes in the global motor industry chiefly switching to more electric cars and that is the news here with the weather it's Jeff Maskell rain moves in from the west through the 1st part of today spreading to all parts of what is going to be a really wet.

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