Goes. Online to 2 to 95 fans and 1341 media teams b.b.c. Radio one still. Believes it here Clark I'm Anne Marie foster a 23 year old Lurgan man has appeared in court in Craigavon accused of causing unnecessary suffering to animals none of the details of the key is were red light but a police constable said she could connect. To the charge he was remanded into custody the judge in a rape trial involving 2 star rugby players has told the jury to ignore fireside lawyers expressing opinions on the case on the Internet Marvin Jess is not Belfast crime court this morning Judge Patricia Smith spoke to the jury in the rape trial of rugby stars party Jackson and Stewart olding warning them to ignore completely enter net media reporting of the case she told them she could not overestimate the importance of what she was saying to them she told the jurors not to research the case on the Internet by themselves and she warned them about those she referred to as far side lawyers members of the public happy to express Ellen formed opinions on the trial the judge told the jury these are limited under misinformed opinions were of no use to the jury whatsoever she said I repeat my warning about Internet and media reporting ignore it completely the secretary of state Karen Bradley has said that the talks to restore devolution at Stormont are sensitive and tense and details she's been up with dating M.P.'s during Northern Ireland questions at Westminster where she said she remains hopeful that a deal can be reached the talks of regimes they are detail by are intense the parties are engaged and no point in late into the night tremendous nights to reach a resolution I don't think the politicians in Northern Ireland understand the frustration of the p. . Northern Ireland they want to deliver for them but there are differences those differences need to be overcome sport and in rugby there are 2 changes on the Arlen team to play Italy in the women's 6 Nations on Sunday Paula Fitzpatrick who started on the bench in Saturday's away defeat by France comes into the 2nd row for the game in Donnybrook Katie Fitzhenry is at center having been involved with the Sevens team last weekend to uncap player is it Del McMahon and Michelle Claffey aren't named among the replacements astray as cricketers have beaten England by 5 wickets in their t 20 international in Hobart and in ice hockey the Belfast Giants could move a step closer to ending 3 seasons without a trophy tonight they start $51.00 up but the s.s.e. Arena against nothing on punters in the 2nd leg of their Challenge Cup semifinal there be live audio commentary on the b.b.c. Sport website from 7 o'clock the weather night with Cecilia Daly cold and cloudy this afternoon with outbreaks of rain sleet and snow most of the snow on the hills temperatures will creep up to about 4 or 5 degrees it will graduate and milder the seeding and tonight it will continue mostly cloudy with a lot of mist and hill fog developing and some rain and drizzle although by morning it will turn a little bit clearer in the west tomorrow won't be as cold as it will start in the east but should brighten up from the West b.b.c. News so to b.b.c. Radio Ulster travel news. In east Belfast might Marion avenues closed from today for resurfacing from its resent a park not great a road junction to the create a road running to bite that steering off peak hours until the 20th of February as a result Metro bus services 29 c 30 and 30 day are diverted to city barring to from Comrie road as our school bus services between 130 and 430 weekdays also bus service. 163 a is Council today at a town past 5 Jordan's time to Queens and a tan to 6 queens to Jordan's tieing and from 11 pm The m 22 will be close North behind from Junction to Bonnie Green Bay to the money Neck Road until 6 am in the morning just McDevitt reporting. Troubling news on b.b.c. Radio all star. Bureau drama on b.b.c. 2 of the 9 am why would anyone kill a pizza delivery man and then fall apart from the International claimed playwright David Gyngell blackmail us by withholding information to enroll starring Carey Mulligan John Sam and Billy Piper businesses in the real world because the sound of China that's why. Deceit and the real cost of. Labor is ruinous money isn't trying to stand collateral it comes down to people to trust the Monday night at 9 on b.b.c. To Northern Ireland. Online on digital and on f.m. And media. I know you're there every day Hugo Duncan a bit I don't. See the radio. You're very welcome by the going to want to get through some of the the watchdogs because really they hide Laurie coming I'm saying is going to mirror to the news I had the blood donation sessions today or the headquarters there at the Belfast City Hospital Complex another today on to get a truck Shanklin Road up there the bloke movie was up shackled road today and it's there from 430 on till it o'clock and over at the cathedral hall and 3 more kind to die and go there from now on till $415.00 on from $530.00 until it o'clock so that's a cathedral hall so more can get on and the building would be tits up the shot go there and they're up there and the shackle road today from 430 until it's on them at the headquarters you'll find there right through until it o'clock as well and quiz night and. Square one tomorrow that's on tonight and it's kicks off at $745.00 lots surprises there all the money goes towards air. And 5 thing federal and federal fives during Country Music Club monthly night tonight they're up there on the roundest and rebecome and the music tonight as a by m. And McQuaid as Mary's cousin Oh yeah yeah in a quiz are made to be Demi yet you never know our charity this year for 2000 and team is motor neuron disease Association so go along that c.m. In the night in town we sent you there too as well. If you hide in your hand all morning remember you have one shell and a 9 pounds right and then on the other hand you have to shell and and can pounce this is all old money so long John a 9 pounds and 2 shell and 110 pounds how much would you have in your hot. Tell me to much for you have 030-303-0555 extension 5 thought public I'm going say we're looking for you next week down the large and we have a few surprises here always surprise and as a lot of the worst dancer in the world he's turned on down there and the East Coast and said. Griselda an aggressor you know another funny thing Carter's new song Rosie Rosie or is that. Well taken a lazy afternoon there back to us and you could listen about her man you could not and jail photography there's an all there can regard as well and Karen can salad there there's about 14 other ones on that that will bunch as well so thank you very much Remember what do ya if you were to add 1. 1000 pounds to 2 shillings and 10 grams. I. Feel I can be found. That can and can can go to. That's multiplication there on the cd miles down the road to Marty dock you buy you don't say about congratulations he says to Jimmy doc and his wife Jackie there on the birth of their baby daughter I know on about how you. May. Be doc is a ground. You know you buy you a very of nastiest Congratulations to Jimmy doc and to Jackie and we. Know about. So Lutie all and we do we should have a party doc and Marty doc and all the docs Oh and his own salaries and thereby be a good track 030325555 we shall eat corn there all of a bass no the boys down there in the a 6 o'clock say they are flattered at the moment and a turkey there I'm going to plan no just for a big Richard Castle Derrick I haven't heard from big Richard no way and said no to I'm fair and as she's got married and sorry and as you get my dentist O'Keeffe down to keep good luck to you on firm and face something Lybia from lays on the v. You know and all the very best injured and. There's a good song for I want to paint for 2 people get married it's just on their own order so we're doing it here Denis and I got one called Give me 5 minutes more. Cracker and Jerry Grozier there and I hope John and Mary and Joseph and everyone else in the phone room there are keeping well I could you please said all the staff in the residence there at the lone feed house and you counsel counted on Kerry Crozier sizzle Oh and all the very best what would our Mary vice How does armor back next week. Going to take when we get a petition signed for right Happy 60th birthday to know Connelly in key day and he's a number one driver there and cloudy choir Corey serene and he's taken early retirement and Freddie is a face on the levee for him Ok until it's exam one for him give me 5 minutes more so that's for an old Conway taken early retirement. Freddie started on Ned green from revenue to low to you and Tom and Jerry Brown to Cairns until Inchy Bryan and the brown you'll and Museum Belfast parents Eddie and Glasgow all of our. Georgian carry you know and Belfast an even rose rang Grange my thoughts are both well and counting in Cancun Africa and Belfast where human Cookstown body in Belfast and city down there and. Turkey again Employers and there is very affectionate and he is just you know always official yes and they always are always well groomed and the whole lot of them is nice yes he's like of I'll do it again. Is the way. It's going on here a microphone starting to become a. Serial 303-035-2555 so when he said there I've got an e-mail here and my wife grew up in Dolly Claire and still has lots of family in Northern Ireland she married me and has been in Florida since 1986. Right when we're not trying to figure out your teasers and we were on a bed and breakfast called the Shamrock I'm crying. It was a chip. And today to have the t.v. Station to know I bought cost from there so they're not without Yes Brantley and we went over to lunch Well Bradley and over cash Hi Are you over cash oh if we go over there you get no cash. 03030 any 5555 this teacher of yours Roy and Proscar would have another rap on them and they changed to another one the old one I remember going to give you a close there's a 12 pence and a shot. Yes it's not right yes so there's 12 kinds of shelling and one stage where you've got 2. Shillings and 10 pence. And 8 more to say so. And then on the other hand you've got one shell and 9 tenths. At the term beginner or 2 from on only in so 40th at when you add one and 9 pence to content and slightly forward money am I getting dirty looks I had given too many keys carry on very much connotation I requested she has yes no many back Mary Magdalene machina come back saying there's nobody given after this it's as good as currently has to go because they're afraid to live the day the day if I don't then they get off this. So they want to say hello to Ellen and Patty Martin as their 31st wedding anniversary and they all know and partly how you do and we do a show like Mary mac house we graze down Ray and all the family all go well said and give her go and get her going car make a tech top there for Tom and I really do want to say anything else or so I'm Ok he's here yeah I merely was in Bangor and enjoying the show that said Muriel Neary all the very best to you Jimmy and ballerina Cara Trumbo and travel with Muriel you know and say hello to Dr Denis and Mara hello to Shirley and honest and Billy and Belfast you go all the very best you and your wonderful team that you people your door. We can today catch old women best wishes to sit on our thoughts and prayers are with her every day thank you very much for so to my sister Lisa and uncle journey and Stephen as well all up in Bangor and please play something nice not from Steven. Gerrard only there and Norah how the wedding anniversary for this began then it says a low and now the and Yuri and the say hello to Elizabeth and Bangor salmon cals Mabel and this bird and thank my sister Doreen for all the help that she gives me is not nice and Sarah White had the rare sheep breeder done on her own and Patton Belfast a lot of the number one listener there Seamus and learning she was a great man she was a good money consigned to the Florida scene. Foster noun on my birthday on the 24th of March and I'm 2 days after him but not that I want anybody to know we've earthier like give a mansion there to my mother June Graham from a crate counted and she's recovering from the 3rd the moment and listen to your show Lorna her daughter wants to settle her give her a Christmas. And c.l.o. Happy birthday if I had to marry happy birthday she's up in cavern there and the powder ready and Carnarvon all the gang want to say I love. I got Ask any of all whenever a county and yet I was going to run some different i Chat Now I'm going to hear 3 shellings among County now no no no you see if you have to pardon 10 pence and you are not 2 but 2 shelves and 10 pounds and you had on one challenge and 9 pence so you must have you have to show. And 10 pounds he had on you must have over 3 shelves and 10 pounds but then you have 9 pence Actually there is well so what your group of them at the end as not 51 pennies No you're too short or I don't mean you're too short but you have got the right amount. More than 2 right so at 030-308-0555 extension 5 what do you get when you add one shell and 9 pounds to 2 shelves and 10 pounds I'll go there to Stephen and let's burn Stephen how you doing your best in the way by all the best him and Shannon Bertie Whitey on route to Belfast they're singing away in the van keep the winds on the van going round and. I give a show to Liam Conley's number one driver funny funny he didn't you buy it and he's on his way there to Dublin so funny keep her safe and sound and on the road could you hear could be here carry Ferran and on and then askin wants to know I'm going to play carrion I think it's next yes should not sing a song you're looking for but sing another one and can you give a shout out there to die oh who's talking away they're from c.n.n. And whole island and they're looking for Paul Kelly and can you play Joseph up for the Song of the 1st kid in Korean love the song and can even tell you a and the Via want to say hello heal the beggar known as hep Marty Robin song for bran and the morrow and give a shout out there to Mary and to Ron Lewis and Donna hench And Paul in Lurgan and the hello Titian need Flannigan a shiny and funny a Mr Banner you didn't not suffer her big sister shove on Sean Fine again and Jenny and I you know and and you all are you given and limitless they're open yet Nobby and the Christian way there and cruise no way there at the moment and Jaivin away as well say hello to Monica McSherry and sell written her birthday and listen to your show and. Every guest there you are how low there and a happy birthday to Joe Keenan from garden and from his brother Hugh and sister in law Mari or Marie and looking for Jimmy Dolly's Dixie road for her I haven't got that name but I'm going to plant a sweet drag as a sad. It's one from Carey. Told Dorms never nonsense and I scurry that's good and that's a nice retractor I'm sitting here with me grandad David think it says As says d e d e and Nanny Vaughn and remained and my sister Kirsty and myself Rachel the right here grandad and Ronnie flattered the moment on their keep you all right when I'd shown Laurie our own Mike from a.z. And flow and I think I've got children there that are only to see that further and a shudder there to Thomas and then Volkswagen van sander Thomas how you do and I want to wish you well the Martin's and hospital where one hospital and that's when we enter wish him all the very best so the mark in the very best to you boy that is no we are saying no to Michael Landon there Michael not on are you doing Michael and he says a lot to cap the mess and to get all the family Terence begin all the one mo under John O'Neill and all it's nip and snaps and Richard Sweeney and he's the porter for a optician and Conor McCarthy economy gratin David and Sammy on this and James care John Austin and all the coast guards up there Graham at Gaar and the dance and Coast Guard and Barry Armstrong and all the rest them and David Fitzsimmons and Karen Convery and the Jimmy and Tommy Fitzsimmons Michael says hello to you all and would you say hello from Peter down there in Iowa you want to say hello to try to make your own and the man who fixes the washing machines if you don't Saturday that's the moment ever since I was going. John you make your own as a man effects my daughter's washing machine yesterday a name brought a smile to your face trying to make you a little here and we wish you the very very best and he about us mail you may use every dollar change on this water George and carry Muriel in town at instructing Ford Sammy dollar since Georgetown Allan and Oma Jimmy and Belfast that is Noma and Rita and lesbian and a lot of Charlie my code of Charlie is over there and I Chandan London time and he says alone join the show and the Beth Wilson and Porter Dunn and I'm group one and park it and the Barry care one would you pay by we have played Barry for putting on a clueless and rigid war there are happy birth of her son Brandon all the family requests for my wonderful Mary from Tom and carried of her wonderful memories off you say so Tom's thinking about her Tom she's been off nearly 2 weeks and you haven't even that's a 1st request for lol As ever the my daughter Elaine Blake and my friend Rose in turn are from Anita now you are going to close a teaser one show in a 9 pence with 2 showings and 10 bands already go forward Shelton's and 7 pounds are 55 paid Ok tell me who. Sing in this song. For the music. I want the singer of the song. Let me know that you know that song plays. A blues rhythm choose. To Johnny Cash. Because there are a few people ringing the bell so there you are brings a smile to Holmes is about you want to fracture your machinery. So he's a boy I tell me here and tell me no more. We have a teacher and you know who the singer is the singer be hard on the song probably. No one else. You think there's anybody all this time. D.d.l. It I don't know I'm it's a kiss is right on I do said of us right oh Ok that was wrong but then you don't overread around no I don't I'm any you should you got the big better grab records to bet if I hooked into universe. Right this is a memorial dance and done Callen British Legion Tonight music by country hobnobbing after start of the competition there to. Visit by country harmony box car bride Bellamy file and and dusty diamond passed on from it until 11 Tampines every been asked for you never even ask you're going to have and there's also a dance tonight in Donetsk at St Patrick's sports as a social club that's dancing to country sensations I'm happy until 12 fairly good very good and we've got plenty of stuff going on here well let's review what I think I'll try to match a text and hear that. You hear it I'm a 33 year old man with a wife and 3 children and so lonely it's unbelievable but I listen to your show every day and you always put a big smile on my face and make me feel not so lonely so thanks for that would you please play Bellamy Farland too young for me many regards Well here we are we're not going to play boy we said we wouldn't be able easing up on we want to sing Memories of gold yes lots of people have asked today again so I'm especially the gentleman there is gone who's going through a difficult time but always remember you're going to us we're here and you've changed the wrong order today used to be changed to Spirit. This is for a word. And all the. Best you can hear I want to know who sang and are the name of the song. 030305555 in the center of the song in Belfast though if you're enjoying the show thank you very much and shared in Belfast and Betty Bailey Won't you come home Betty Billy she's up there in my life and join on Trump and the Ballymena boys far Monday and it's her big 50th birthday Ali-G. Important I was a low song about I mean I'm always and say hello here to my grandson Benjamin Graham aged 5 he's from the maze there and he had a few teeth today I know and his 90 a grand a gram want to stay low Benjamin how you don't go he will love you and Brandon Oh no Bernie Quentin Castle well and Bernie how you doing Elizabeth and Skerries and Roy and Bali golly Yvonne Hudson and class Helen let's burn Belle and Bali Killer Joe I know John Connor down there and Barry and Campbell and clutches there and say hello to Sharon imported Earnhardt of them in a scale museum Belfast event and then gallon poncy and west for mana and German Lisburn and Hubert and I'm Truman Frank in Lurgan and market in color Hina and American in Korean and Thomas in our mouth and the car not Lady says a low and a Jackie and Callie back in William and his brother and the john and port gallery say hello here please to good luck to p.j. And Monica from the new large there are get married and Saturday all in it say the very best to play something romantic Well I got I think sneezes this is a good one and just of luck sing in their Old Donegal and I must get jewels of luck and because I have a cd as does theirs and John are Alister for me and that's for Elizabeth and Brooke Lance Anderson their show here go and hold on to your hot Tiernan says and Mo Bal and Banbridge load you the secretary and Patrick a lot you and Richard May gave from Brian plenty more to get through a come of them is. In a moment but never going to do as we want I want to get to. Me . Is Going To Get You want some. Thank you again to May have far all down there I was good one of them are far as we can go is the weekend there and you know the cathedral and. Will thank you very very much that may have thanks a 1000000 and we've got plenty more to get through here at the moment. Claire Marian. On a non-bank Francis and cocaine Edith and Liz Barnes potty in hell trying Albert non-tribal city an egg in town and one human cooks time where God wants done and on Blair and I'm from is well on and on for a stereo Noma but got to me in Bali how bird a woman temple Patrick sander in the 4 winds and Winston and I'm from David and bass broke Jerry and Omar Derek and Bali Martin Maureen and Castle their Peter and I'm trying Kathleen and may dine and Mari our Mary and Porter dine David and best because well I and John in done gallon John as a boy and young on time now I want to be the sweeties or it's I'll give you a bit of a. List that time to come but every day God. The man is a regular contributor to the country when he said that I told him and contributor to the show banjo. I knew. He was and it was at that is that the counties to fight off and you never put on a new it did not sit with 303-030-5555 Stephen on the Burn it was a good lad special outdoors even I was on a show that there are 2 fer go Rogers and net and you know and Mike Mullen and Danny Gilmore and the bigs to convery and to say hello they're all up there important Farai and by golly Some each and they're all working flat out there and trying for done the country during the day by and all working very hard usage all of our broadcast opera and strike forward and then and the port of fire as well and the gunny Collins and Porter ferry all the rave as from Donnie and all the lads Boy See. Here to say Turkey as on t.v. That night but is actually. In the audience it might be on t.v. Ok is in the audience there was Stephen So keep an eye out for Turkey so there Steve if you see him grab him and take him up and sat down and I was like you know to clear when I had to you want to hang in there she's over in there Randall this coming started an hour tomorrow as well so I John Campbell and Mary and all the gang will jam out and she's done the Randy Oh this coming that Saturday night something looking for applejack there Ryan and let's burn wants to say hello as well as Turkey T.V.'s and I thought that myself when you said that you know and thank you very much bigger fan star every last Robert about fast really enjoyed it thank you very very much look at the time. Thank you all very very much for all the calls. Thanks very much for the request dedication to the attacks better thank you very much. I want to say a big faggot Amandi danger in and out there and the and the. Very much. For one young kid. Got a thumbs up there with the Bank of them. Is going to take the right thing chair your read through the afternoon. To keep you smiling thinking about lowering your face. Well be back tomorrow. I don't forget to get must again. That's about it for today. If ever think of the roads think of the cars in front. Of your never. On the road remember she had. Never wrong.

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