Series stories in signed today historian Dr David Hume navigates all stories eastern coastline uncovering the history of our illegal trade rates reefs and wrecks and smugglers coaxed. Filthy hate in a fever to see again all right if a good a good a good thing is a day in the boat of the border no problem but a nice there and I have started to settle down in good good. And the 18th and 19th centuries smuggling was rife across the British Isles on the coast of Andriy mundane were regular routes for a contraband tree and tales of smugglers still carry a sense of adventure and intrigue in modern times but what was life like on our coast in generations past what was smuggled and why. It's a fantastic view from Port market I only gave it to the millions and beyond toward Scotland where the rocks are treacherous and where many smuggler ships are believed to fly under I'm lying on the sea floor. I'm Peter still on North iced over we regularly davil the shore and some of the ship wrecks there especially some of the old smuggling cars that are old off and we hadn't seen. One night there and there's no any amount to because as you can imagine and those days that wouldn't have put names on and I think they were smuggling but one of them was an old smuggling corridor supposed to have been less than 16 gone and I was lying at the meetings there and one of the rocks Thank you Piers by 71 and there's a lot of old At some places in Artifacts land say they're there. To make a see if land for the skipper of a smuggling ship had to bring his vessel with inside of the shore to take schedule he needed to bring the vessel to see if he needed a small army of labor or still load the cargo on straight all of this he had to via the revenue man who were intent on his capture. If you will get to midnight and hear all horses' feet don't go back the blind are looking in a straight them without asking no questions isn't told a lie watch the wall my darling why the jam. Oh man go buy 5 and 20 ponies 3 had dark brandy for the parson and baccy for the Clark the race is far away and a letters far a spy watch the wall my darling while the gentle man go by smuggling has been romanticized by writers such as radio kept going on Daphne du Maurier But on the A team century it was Wade spread on dangerous the ships were often pinned to block with dark sails a sportsman would sure late on a clear night a spark from a tender box would be enough to alert the man on the beach and let them know the coast was clear whether to profit from Bromday Rome tobacco salt wood or take their ality was that drove many to risk their lives. Dr Timothy walked. And she was too cold in here all smuggling 3 main reasons why that was a sudden increase there was an increased demand from people who had money to spend people who wanted to drink fine brandy smuggle them from France smoke tobacco and consume sugar which was smuggled from the West Indies and also famously from the east tea but in top of that you have a government who wants to maximize its income so much so that in the 18th century the Judi's paid only luxury items $1.00 to $2.00 but half the income that the Irish government could secure you create the environment where smugglers could operate quite easily get large profits small being also went on ticket items of Arlen's in particular were the world acts prevented the seal of. All Great Britain after 77 to do that they had to smuggle it I took in the 18th century we see the emergence of a small plane in the Isle of Man so good for PM brought legally to the from around the world smaller vessels then would come from not just our own but also from from Kryten as well their pay for these goods then take them. To their home ports Carlingford to kill kill and the like and the ships which is like the Cole we hookers and wearies they could also speed the revenue bar just. This is an activity that could be done in broad daylight 3 ports where they were right in the face of revenue officers who may be intimidated maybe part of the guy you can also take place in the night. As a child on summer holiday and I am Mickey I was fascinated by the smuggling stories of the infamous local farmer businessman and United Irishman William McClelland a man who knew the caves of Port mark like the back of his house. But 1st things 1st that everybody went up with like that. Could be you know the guys in there. That's all. I'm fake Christian Dave or Cher I've been diving 30 plus years I'm Picric I've been diving back 2527 years exploring the wrecks and caves enough of hostility to be a good day for a sort of you know it's great OK guys outsells for a nearly ready to go start the engine from had it run by remote island and he of all the places where all a smuggler has the hide all the stuff I think. No way and all the way back to him. We think of the term the tourist to describe smugglers so you'd assume there was a record of convictions but that was not the case including for William McClelland he was never arrested in the 1720s there were only 170 revenue officers and also to cover the miles of coastline so most cases went on the tank that evidence was hard to find smugglers went ones to leave anything behind. The multitude of creeks and bays with which this Kingdom is and dammed it from Jerry westward Aranda Wexford render the protection of the revenue utterly unfeasible by Qatar's only and the smugglers being too strong for the revenue officers and generally supported by the lower orders of the people on this vast extent of coast a different mode seems absolutely necessary to be adopted. With revenue men short of numbers a schema suggested that soldiers would be distributed along the coast and the parties of 20 man with a revenue officer to each party desperate measures perhaps but how did they attempt to detail the smugglers. If a vessel was captured the 1st thing is get the slumbers to court that wasn't an easy option to them because a lot of the smugglers operated a riot escape in which case Crips and smugglers would going together they would either claim back good sort of being confiscated ordered these prisoners who had been taken but if the revenue officer did manage to get a smoker to court and they were convicted then the chances. That there were quite a large find if they were convicted for a 2nd time there. Was much harsher those cases than a smoker would probably end up being transported to the West Indies for 7 years if they came back early. So they would feel the group. Where you McLellan the scheme the revenue officers clutches but they were on a ski S. Building ecologist directly beside his farm 200 years on the farmstead are still there no home are in Crawford. Who are her and those to me nice to meet you David it's fantastic sport here it is indeed a very lucky person to live here you say you're able to have a overlooking the bay and yes that's the root cause just to be yeah. But I always say that only probably the next ice but they were there to try to stop smoking OK just right in the corner literally in the farmyard the farmer. Going on over between the farm of the coastguards been here and his name was William McClelland you call a famous member of the family because he was also united as well. Through what size of a farm was a. Prosperous farm 120 acres but not all the money was made on the farm member possibly the smuggling might have been helpful as well that's when my father in law part of his estate for 938 when he bought the farm. If you can see the Coast Guard College is pretty well this beautiful in the middle around other things to be new about a price on his head off 50 guineas this is a copy a long time there's a piece in this paper of oh yeah well you know during the defeat of the rebels on them I could no longer expose himself and was forced to hating as a force or something current 1st to try and capture him some of his friends have heard of me too small almost an excess of OK given the cuffs of Port OK I was a French ship happened to be passing the time through to make to it and request of the captain to take him to. As for safety so the Coast Guards come here really to keep things they know lots of cares. And there's just one the back of a farmer he also builds appear in the town all the smuggling and coming to an end yes because fishing was a way of life here in L.A. And also the fact lie. As limestone and he started a business to export Lang to Scotland comfortably off. Yes I suppose there are only what is that some of the house come through the illegal means sideline he also owned a farm over a thunderous and quickness to brains Bay which is where the last sort of figure out of the smugglers really took place and they had seen thirty's from the revenue men find them in front off the tobacco Bales it's interesting about Strikeforce them a common property is what it is he was a head man he was a dangerous business apart from anything else so brittle type but I quite like them to Tory isness off but I always feel that's not uncommon with leaders so I'm not surprised that they ended up a respectable gentleman but I'm sick and I know me to be down there on the farm going to find their way casks something I write and also turned up. One of William McClellan's daughters a laser one of the Coast Guards Thomas Davis that must of been an interesting conversation at the dinner table. Running round the would jump if you chance to find little Barros rope done tard all full of Brandywine don't you shy to come in Luke nor you for your play put to Brushwood back again and they'll be gone next day . In the corner here you told the 7 Sisters. The spectacular views you are saying that I have always been in the 7th heaven or. These kids are very close to go in for a rock start for this very thing. and find a plame dinah explain median her cup a modern gulp and spread just come on night a that's their air and idea to of smugglers clear hall pier and an sonne they give so smugglers have i'm it wasn't for the revenue manned ababa of this part of the coast line as the famous goban is cloth paf were smugglers we once navigate it on their journey to pos goods as varied as horses so firearms books on even bodhi smuggled for to section and of of eva 3 you have to but your hard hot off yes this is hard hot set a from here on i'm afraid of health and see if thing so when we go rain here we're going to be going to in the seder the fest sin there's a few stories of its mcgriff from that's part of the worth for there's no just stories about a smugglers we have a k. Of here which cannot be seen from the say but we find out in that's been left ovary had i wouldn't think so but you never know the so might turn up my name is david mirth and i'm mature a gate at the goblins flick an often the tourists i was they come 3 ways as i am go along far from katie have a dozen souce common 3 ways is ace just watch your head there are because it's great to hear they're all hom carved 1000 know to you it was open the path innes's you underway zay so this is the start of the goal been trailing ok and this what of it a vague at wardy him attraction bowl out of a day days as and faces people were a come here and it was a quite spectacular in the bridges and stuff were feat of engineering in their time for bite when we're where thing on of a time when certain people than want him out of people come rain here well lisa stone steps you've come to in here divot their quake state on these are called the devil steps the idea of calling something the deaf of steps could be having to tara rick people come in right into it would certainly keep people away you can see we have handrails hear the whole way round what when you come dine here in the hundreds of been removed dots a very different and my mbo thought on dion part of a my agent bring and bar olds of contraband say all the hall or to bite or somethin up base dad of nate and dark No lights at all a quite an arduous task Oh yeah absolutely just follow me around. Or. They will come across a bridge here a small glitch here you'll notice here they will send the tide comes through a small rowboat command if you can imagine I don't see there your 3 masted schooner and I are in a small rowboat bring in a contest on them here. So we said that when people were taken into the Navy some of the smugglers or cotton were given the choice of going into the Navy and the reason for that was their ability to sail and particularly hard us areas on one roll you couldn't exactly call the Coast Guard not really because they're the people that you're trying to avoid of course they had Watchmen when I watched all along the cliffs here the high titers say were to come in our brief was to try and stop the smugglers interesting as you say but this gave as a can't be seen from the sea yes that goes back quite a bit in the soles to a dry floor there's records of some of the caves hobbling wooden floors and camels and the walls and stuff like that on this particular occasion just looking behind me here the cliffs are quite high are they 200 feet high to 20 member here so the only way to get something on here you've got to go by the devil steps to get it by going to give a shit to get by boat so I'm sure some things could have been hauled up by rope. It doesn't seem to appear to have been 2 mounted people manning the gate and back the 1st one like well no the churches I'm led to believe that he. Received his share of illicit contraband and I'm also led to believe that painters were great churchgoers they may have been given some of the contraband from time to time so this may have led to a blind eye be unfair and of course. Of course maybe that's not true for all their moving on to something about all. The ordnance survey memore of the IT team 40 clearly states that access officers had rated A And again I'm fine tobacco concealed under the seats of the local Presbyterian Meeting where. There are many characters and local smuggling full Jenny Watts from buying or smuggled from the Isle of Man was considered a little heroin a she shared her proceeds among the poor daft at a of strength for the law was a simple odd for me he hadn't shadowed the merry hearts of day a band of local smugglers Eddie turned out to be not so daft after all as he survived when others did not there was also James Jones to put his life on the line when confronted by smugglers Dr Timothy was. A man called teams Johnson he was a kid here and rough ride them and he sees between 20 or 30 horse loads of smuggled goods in Slieve Nepali which is her vagina between 2 more because so well and he was finally assaulted according to the Revenue Commissioners established shoulder he was couple beaten by smugglers and as a result he lost a lot of the brandy and tobacco that he had ceased from smugglers but in the scuffle he and sister were obliged to fire and killed one of the rescuers from a cold Edward Elam James Jones who was the son of John Johnson he was infamously known as Johnson of the fuse the fuses are so I thought. They were annoying for their violence they meted out to people while they were forcing all. So much so that folklore tells us that children and so I thought Ma used to recite the prayer Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews save us from Johnson King of the feasts and I know in this case DMCE Johnson was honorably acquitted of the murder Edward Cullen but there's no dight in my mind anyway that there were sort of difficult relationships between some of the revenue officers and smokers on the set called knickers. I am in the early part of the team century smugglers tended to cajole and brave rather than attack but I was a century world more and more soldiers were involved to confront smugglers and in some cases revenue officers killed law enforcers relied on former she were prepared to sell information but the smugglers didn't take too kindly to them it was quite commonplace in the 760 S. For them to cut off an ear and I are caught off the tongue of an informer they were allowed to live as a warning to others they also took advantage of superstition defacing stories I got of the ghost tour on the cumbered ever in an attempt to frighten local people and also a formidable giant piercing the shores of strength for the law which was in fact the pipe smoking mountain stilts. Of Source ready to go with a man I know they're going to have a look close to the hero they're going to have a look. Run by as best as modelers and also something here. So there's a few smugglers tracks and US coast probably quite a lot we don't actually know what some of them are don't remember if you can dine to look at one of them. On a couple for auction and I you've got to remember the check with some of the all small amounts up and down up a couple 100 here what you're going to find as necessarily call up. You find artifacts you see some places. With the legislation. Touch take photos but you might find the ship stone. Looks as if somebody. OK it's probably more likely to be part of the thing and then you're going to find some what you'll see is green. Pens but it may be all that you want to say to the wood part of the way it's going to open up and it also has you know. When you're. On the seabed. You think it's a stone but you left that's a different way. Because it's like a private members club here let me see I'm. Going to go. There. All along the coastline including islands like the creek it was very tempting to be involved with many Leving in poverty on these were normal consumable goods in many cases like tea and sugar so it's not difficult to see why they would agree for high taxation. The most famous route in kindy today is the appropriately named through the more mines. Sort of a. Local store in the grid. Here and people stories from recording the history. Play were just here. This is a course that would have been very familiar. This is probably the best snow on. The rocks here along the coast have a little shingle Fayez a small boat a rope to come to the shore from the. Chips on my side a balls full leg number of them Adams a smuggler's key of them used to light a fire to guard the ships and it was out of sight of the castle in the time of the castle at the time as they had quarters of a revenue Customs Service Richard honestly he became the 2nd Earl he actually was in charge of the revenue service of all of our own so he was a bit embarrassed by the fact that as stretch of territory was one of them am areas for some of them so he came on ice to bring the revenue officers and it was all us probably local people hey they come to bomb the the short distance from the ships and the men been all been loaded on the ponies and then led up the bloody bridge valet ran the back a dollar then along the back accommodated just below the coffers of comma and on across to the hairs on I'm told that hell trying was one of the centers for distribution in the area to hundreds tell time had more pubs and houses for lotteries and right there well Billy Tranmere and I part of the try train up a step in a sweat OK let's go. Women. And single there was that day as on a smuggler's the pani or ponies stomp an LED jangle each of them. In the line for the schooner has jacked the Prevent of cutter she's landed her cargo at dead a night room let's follow what's bad there nor bought our bills in a cell for women's delight stow them away on the ponies box. But Hell's but mind them tracks the journeys Vonne at Childline slow today Kiev that only the smugglers know. So this is the path of some of the smugglers right run off most. Probably changed about over the years and then leg and a burden to be were to write their own. k. So somebody had to legate up to leg never going to the later a far the dead and the how to get under the key if what you have to crawl on to you on the stroller dump yeah me it was during the wars with from sin the government was trying to reassess money for filming the war so a lot of these a luxury goods you know to back away browned in so on her heavily tax from that reason we were more goods untold kim and or the smugglers on rule were so when to chatham up now you know on experience there's a gray of an more impressed or tarion church charge over revenue officer who was shot and 1793 i'm knowledge sounder meant doli age 26 show up and their execution of his tutor who were big pound lee's on they am so yeah who's a lot of stared i always on or make dual i think the story is that he was following a writ that alexander chose name the me in revenue officer it would have been on not night well title in would a taken to get up these mines a close to health and on the well depends i'm motivated your they were if if a go up they conquer bond a shore here soon as a ramp dark they'd want to be out there earlier sides you know before daylight so yeah but i'm told the here of up my leg neighbor of gum that they are revenue ma'am never really find up your tender i'm damn the smugglers but you know just like today with that feel smoking tobacco smokers have today but their couldn't operate of nest some news prepared to buy there were so the people to bald or just those involved you know of where there was a boot on the key if there was opportunity it was only one judy charges chines to the gould in the era of smuggling groggily campton and the and $765.00 there was the the out of my purchasing act which affect a fleet took the responsibility for the collection of chitty away from the chick of awful he owned the island and reeve to the crime which of effect if he put in the ham to dad of mine as us a center for smuggling high ever that wasn't the end of smoke going you hold so we see an increase again and smuggling tarek to For Smoking has never gone away and still exists today so becomes 1st say the smoking and that at some point what we can say is we can look at some certain commodities like tea for example and 780 S. There was a knock brought in which brought dying the level of duty that was paid on T.V. And then not saw a drop in the month of T.V. Being smuggled in out of the 790 S. We see a drop in the the amount of brandy been smuggled in the not as a direct result of locally purchased spirits being over is good not quality to replace Brandy So there are different factors. For. There the point of. It is look so lovely and green here on the back of the boat and avers are costly drifting by the water flow but if you were cold and they're. Going to look help it's like going to tropical forest it was right and I thought I a little bit later something like. Smuggling was not just a fraud on the crane it was part of a much larger social movement which saw the poor unemployed grasp. Whatever overtures they could find to avoid starvation but was not enough justification to break the law. In their minds they were involved in activities they've been doing for decades maybe their families have been to for centuries and the government coming along and source and we want to cut of this and from a moral point of view may well have been a smugglers worse and you have no right to do this you're taking away our livelihood without money who are them building these people or you're paying for the Army the reality in Ireland was that the vast majority of smugglers were very small scale quite per there were people who were rich or landowners and they were sort of medium and large sized merchants who were involved in smuggling as well but if a smuggling operation was closed done by revenue officers that would have a massive impact on the local community I would be wrong to think and sort of dismissed smokers are simply sort of crooks who write for what book. Classic books and films made for trade the smuggler as a Long John Silver type character a try hard hard wearing man with pistols and accomplice but the truth was very different smuggling here was big business and often it was the respect of men and women of their time who were breaking the law. Means motive and opportunity were welcome visitors on the smugglers coast. For a ship where the delay meant. All the southern So Mariners lordships one goal for the sailor man silver follow our hands was day planned day on the smugglers. Story's unsigned smuggler's coast was presented by David Hume and produced by Helen FERGUSON And there's another chance to hear this program on Thursday evening at half past 7 on the photographs from David's eventually on the coast line on the radio all star website backstreet in stories and signed the DO YOU reporter Chris pigeon examines high the daily was done with the Tories and what its implications may be and you can go online any time to listen or die note other great documentaries in the series Well now we offer a choice of listening on radio all star on F.M. Jam a comment presents the Sunday news while admitting we have it's time for coverage of the all in the mind of a champion.