It's also for the Northwest though that some purchase typically about 14 to 17 degrees Rainsford southward for Friday but it's looking more promising for the weekend Salmon thank you very soon. And we believe 5 Live a multitude of b.b.c. Radio us through is half past 6 on Thursday the 29th of June this is good morning Auster with nor Thompson and Karen Patterson Good morning our top story the day u.p.i. And Shin Fein have 9 and a half hours to strike a deal on the restoration of the power sharing executive we've been out gauging opinion on local politics and politicians the big their own production goes on cooperate over and basically don't write on pleasant voice will be looking at what happens next of a deal can't be done and listen up all budding Ronaldo Zor Massey's We're live at a large school which is offering a soccer course with a qualification at the end of a newsreader this morning and Mary good morning it's expected that the retired appeals court judge Sir Martin Mubarak will be appointed later today to lead the public inquiry into the ground full tar disaster so Martin's career in the last bands nearly 5 decades before he retired last December police investigating the blaze have said they know I believe 80 people died in the far but they've warned they may not be able to confirm an exact figure until the end of the year out the earliest Australia's top Roman Catholic official has been charged with historical sex offenses Cardinal George Pell the Vatican's Treasurer is accused of multiple offenses dating back to the 1970 s. Which he denies time is running out for the storeman parties to agree a deal to restore power sharing talks involving the 2 governments and all parties continued late last night they have until 4 o'clock to elect a 1st and Deputy 1st Minister after that the secretary of state James Brokenshire can a life for more time to negotiate or give Westminster agr. These are say in making decisions here he also has the option of calling another assembly election the. Bike the government in the heist of Commons to help defeat a Labor amendment to the Queen's Speech The amendment would have ended the public sector pick up if it had been passed the government won the 1st vote in its new legislative program 532323098 majority of 14 the s. And I is to review how it deals with receipt crime and train officers to better recognize that there were 606 cases reported in Northern Ireland last year making up 2 percent of all crimes logged superintendent Emma Bond says heat crime has a serious effect that isn't whenever you look at it in percentage terms of very high level however I think that you need to realize the impact that it crime actually house on the victims and that's what makes it so important we have reviewed our policy and become much more victim focused to ensure that the needs of victims are paramount whilst running alongside the investigation that's the summary news info at 7 so it is here good morning a very good morning today not a bad start to the morning but I'm afraid it is literally the calm before the storm we're expecting really and it's a move in from the east this morning which will affect the eastern counties through the rush hour the wind will pick up later today which will make up for quite a coup for the time of year and temperatures will struggle to get much higher than 15 degrees which isn't great for the end of June better the weather in the West though here the rain won't arrive until fairly late on today so not so nice in the north and east it's going to end up wet and windy you did warn us thank you says it is sun rose above us today at 450 atlas out again at 3 minutes past 10 low tide is 848 and high tide 1520 and the traffic and travel with us this morning good morning . No reports of any problems on the road so far this morning just a reminder that some roadworks art. Still in place in Europe that's the darn sure Road which is closed heading into the city from tamale roundabout to new record highs therefore heavier traffic can be expected on the are mad and Dublin roads heading into the city and just one flight delay at the George Best City Airport this morning's fly b flight from Edinburgh which was due at 20 past 9 is now expected at 1045 thank you so let's take a look then at the morning papers beginning with about fast Telegraph parties and late bed to break storm and deadlock brain here reporting that efforts to find a compromise among the Irish language act went on late and last night as the parties face a 4 pm deadline today to form a new storm and executive with the d.p. And Sion Fein deadlocked over the language issue the secretary of state warned of for find and serious implications of today's deadline is not met a line stated Naomi Long said hopes of forming a new executive today are receding at a unionist source added at the moment it looks like no deal but never say never newsletter Irish language has all the protection it needs to former leaders of the p say the Irish language does not need any more legal protection despite today's deadline I'm sorry. Tom measures put in place over the past few decades are sufficient news crosstie you pay double in words over Irish as deadline to say storm approaches party accuses southern government of meddling by backing calls for stand alone Irish language act with negotiations down to the wire head of today's deadline the Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed separate protection for Irish rather than legislation encompassing Scots where it's consistent position and fame called in the British and Irish governments to intervene to help break the deadlock and the negotiations so I fell fast emulate Christopher style for it said the party would seek amazing with foreign affairs minister Simon Cove me to voice concerns about the Irish government's stance the Guardian 20. Years on 6 face trial over who was brood 6 people true former senior police officers were charged with criminal offenses just really over the $96.00 deaths in the Hillsborough disaster and the alleged police cover up that followed that story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph to caption the beginning of the and the some $96.00 deaths to inquest 0 charges until 928 years and as an image. Devastated Liverpool fan at the scene of the disaster and 1989 the own son says the Daily Mail a Belgian a hit cleric said to have radicalized battle plan killer and wanted by European please is arrested in Birmingham after waltzing in and out of u.k. For 2 years and yet says the headline he's using human rights to try to stay here another just a story on the front page of The Irish news today it says that doctors are being offered up to a 1000 pounds a day to work over the 12 holiday tree to chronic g.p. Shortages at the Bank Holiday hourly rate has been increased to 126 pounds $94.00 as an enticement to fill Rosie's between July 11th and 13 it's the highest ever pay rate offer to doctors and effectively means they will be earning double time. Delay mirror 95 man and small her charges the figures 9 and 5 filled in with the faces of the people who died and Hillsborough at last it says top cop on trial in 1009 deaths All right let's turn it over to the back pages Grant Cameron's reality Good morning and my goodness what a match a dream debut for Jordan Stewart at Linfield Yes jaw breaker as the headline in the Lynnfield beating the San Marino side laugh. Last night at Windsor Park edging closer to the 2nd row and a game potential game against Celtic Jordan Stewart hailed by his manager David Healy for his performance. Off the bench scored a goal of vital goal for Linford to take to the 2nd leg at a cliffhanger the way the 9th minute yes and then a filibuster penalty there are in Burns had to have a penalty saved earlier in the game that looked as though it was drifting to a known l. But the Blues deserving of their victory and Jordan popping up with what was a pretty spectacular goal by all the kinds cross from young Cameron Stewart So David Healy of course a man who knows all about scoring goals and quality goals he was raving and we'll hear about him raving about young Jordan's Gerrard whose comeback he used to play for Glentoran remember went to Swindon time couldn't really settle there and back he has come to they are asleep and what a great way to start praise the your devoted your word on any team of furniture publishers Well there were. You remember this from yesterday don't you know. As I said yesterday life said there are not there are fewer I know ballers are not so goal of a 1000000 is the headline The Belfast Telegraph of course that sort of the throwing the spotlight on to the potential game against Celtic but they've got to come through the away game which is next Tuesday instead of l.a. And San Marino now I don't know sex is going to start in the next All Blacks test Yes on Saturday gats gamble is they the theme and a lot of the paper O'Mahony axed Sexton gets lines cause they aren't independent Jonny Sexton will started out half for the Lions he's joining Owen final in a 1012 axis as one Gatland goes for broke in search of a series when of course their starting one done after last Saturday's defeat Sexton back in the saddle for Lyons as the headline in The Irish Times and that's the theme count 2 halves make a whole expresses take on that lions are gambling on foul unsexed in the cup. Through the keyways gold fund changing is putting to make yes this is the daily telegraph poles are steps up open quest by turning to the putting dark side of the putting stroke that one year of the Ryder Cup is alas no more says James a Corrigan the Gulf correspondent after more than 30 years of employing the conventional grip in Porter has taken a significant step toward some professionals call the dark side in his attempt to qualify for the Open championship in 3 weeks time he's competing at the French Open and not only has he changed his putting technique but it looks as though according to the paper that he's changed just about all those clubs Ellie's even using a smaller ball which he says it should be harder to shank bodies and finger has gone down the shaft It's all very text of. The way he's going to find using a smaller ball to have to use the same bonus everyone else or less what I thought but maybe he's giving something away that he shouldn't be Murray is a fitness do it for well there's a growing concerns about his fitness to defend his Wimbledon title that's a story in the The Daily Mail this morning and it's just about it really nicely wrapped up thank you Elaine Scott the farming is Good morning to you morning the Department of Agriculture have released an update on Bracks That's the statement from the head of the Bracks it division kind of I'd lines and what's been going on mostly behind the scenes to prepare for the impact back that will have on our agriculture fisheries and environments actors Graeme Wilkinson is the department head on Bracks and he told me what are agri feed industry want from the backseat negotiations their number right comes out and history harbor down to hide 1st and foremost the industry want to see a car free I agree free trade agreement with the West minimal chemistry and a point on which we be. As you may be aware the power often touted on Tower fires count be hugely disruptive for industry so therefore we don't want to see any disruption to our current trade also and relation to trade with the rest of the u.k. By far the t.v. Market is our biggest customer with almost 40 percent of all of our i.v. Food sales going into that market so it's imperative that we have void and a friction with our r.g.b. Market and thirdly in relation to international trade standards we want to see those standards return and as we do want to see any non-power barriers been established so those are the sorts of issues that have been identified by all of the various sectors and we're very clear about the icons that we want to see as part of the president Koshi actions that the update also stresses to me in principal of the Department of Agriculture's approach which is that Northern Ireland is a unique p.s. When it comes to practice that when Wilkinson explains why we are very dependent on and exports for for our growth and I was a point to come across very clearly when we did engage with industry almost 20 percent of our goods are export it whenever you consider that you're talking about an industry of $4600000000.00 Pine's per annum that's a very material figure on something that we are very conscious of so we we do have very unique circumstances here are interested on our industry and are something that we have been working tirelessly to ensure that that message is got across very clearly and I think that that message has been heard and we are in a good position in which to begin the negotiations so we're one year on from the referendum articles this has been triggered the negotiations in Brussels between the u.k. And Europe have started but in raised her arms we don't know huge amount more about the end Pak Bracks it stands to have on our farms and Fisheries Graham a consensus though that carroty on payments is welcome Well in terms of funding. There is clarity not I I run future funding projects for agriculture and that we have certainty in relation to this is a scheme site $2.00 to 2020 we also have a commitment for funding to the end of the current parliament so it's hard to to 202020 so it has been more certain day or I and funding for agriculture are not something that I think it was really important and certainly as part of over the last 12 months as being a key concern for farmers how to not certainty Graeme Wilkinson there head of the Bracks a division out there looking at the prices one Ballymena sold from 392446 pence per kilo and Hampton he had had a rundown of the race and prices at Market Hill Mart. Very sexual of 131-2131 the 100 nearly called Paper courage 130 faded one any paper on the killers up to 14 and for a name for the killers presentation 130-4830 caters to and he had me and the man from 11521267 quality from 80 to one and save the pair station 708520 cows bulls face have taken over 44 Sharlee Bowls have surged to 400 for Charlotte however good quality lots showed generally from play on the decrease in the 200 the parties to work out a bit bread half hours shoulder to 42 for face 70 cases of 13 made up to 15 on the 1st 7 on the killers 2 for dating forward store have Person 2 on the crew for day. Care as a 1260 pay that we had from 2 tended 244452111 right to 6 days before they give us a 2nd quality average from 180 to one maybe they have stairs into all the details $41.00 prepay 60 kilos a 30 day bed which to $30.00 to $40.00 kids at 12 planned that praises $150.00 to $1.00 lady sex for sex there is a 12 step on the can have the willingness. To try the details heavily favored to 98 Kayla's be acquired a good quality have risen to tally to do 67 produced 7725 a sub grades that slowly getting past the 15 secs the 1412 that a surprise is that market Hell Mark and then hank you for that taking the time to exactly quarter to 7 listen to good morning also with no account the news headlines talks of a passionate storm and will resume this morning the party time until 4 o'clock to form an executive or face the prospect of direct rule from London as understood retired appeals court judges to lead the public inquiry into the ground fall tower fire to Martin Beck's appointment is expected to be confounded by the government today and Australia's top Roman Catholic official Cardinal George Pell has been charged with historical sex offenses he denies the claims 9 and a quarter to the 2. Talks then line do you think they're gonna make sense know what you think this morning we've been talking a lot of part of course from what's been going on or not going on Texas had 17713 just a b b c g m you don't look like you and it doesn't look so bad here in Belfast but things going to change isn't it yes unfortunately it's done we're trend with the weather today Kyra a very good morning to you if you think you've had go to the weekend we are expecting things to warm up a little bit and although it will still be changeable there will certainly be some dry spells are raw and that kids can use into next week so recently we've had our weather a little bit topsy turvy am it's been coming in from the east and that will change and it will normal service will resume basically from tomorrow and it will start to come back in from the Atlantic today though the rain is coming in from the east it's currently just nudging the Howards peninsula and it will be moving quite slowly but we're expecting it to move into eastern counties before the rush hour is finished and so expect some ran there for this morning and then once it gets into the east is there I'm afraid for the rest of the day it may ease off briefly but it will be a fairly wet day and the rain will be heavy at times as well it will gradually move west words but it probably won't reach parts of for mana until well into the afternoon so this is where the best of the weather is going to be today eventually the wind will pick up as well from the north which will be really quite kui So a coup and eventually wet day every wire windy and places to it stays windy tonight the rain will become lighter more patchy but it'll still be there and tomorrow that ridge moves away so it's an improving picture for Friday down from Breezy to begin with but becoming dry and brighter with some sunshine as the afternoon goes on and the winds gradually easing Saturday lovely morning but there will be a little bit of random places during the afternoon and early evening Sunday bright with a few showers but also some sunshine and temperatures back up to 18 degrees. Thank you very much indeed it's 640 business desk and sleepy time is happy time for manufacture I know it's probably for many people waking up this morning it's quite good talking about monks is this time in the morning and some good news for the manufacturing sector. And I know certainly we're all fond of talking about it and will rest well manufacturing and Gannon is creating 20 new jobs in an investment worth more than 475000 pounds the business is based in cool island and as you're referring to that makes much of his headboards and bad for their wholesale and retail markets they've also purchased new equipment to try and ramp up their capacity and the company says that this expansion has come about as a result of an increase in demand for mattresses in both the Republican Guard and the u.k. Markets the 20 new jobs will be 15 production operatives to delivery drivers a production manager and a production supervisor and 13 of these schools are already in place invest and I has offered them more than 112000 pounds in support and says that the new posts will generate over 270 thaws in points a year in salaries which they describe as encouraging news for middle stor Next up businesses can't afford to adopt a wait and see approach when it comes to Bragg said that was one of the key messages from a business a bent in New Castle County da and one of the speakers who was over for the event was Mark Fahey from the London Stock Exchange and with only 3 publicly listed companies in Northern Ireland Mr Fogg he told me there are a lot of strong small businesses here that he would like to see scale up and more than one year on from the e.u. Referendum result business country forward to sit still and wait to see the outcome of the negotiations. Or you have to go. Along. I mean. Grown up. Around the world of work work around the world I mean. When corporate movement. Or law or. Whoever were on the go or move forward. On a good one most. People. Or the. Ball. Movement or people in them growing them when it was over. And some less positive use neither Ulster Bank is cutting 50 for jobs and it stands for in center insight Belfast the majority of the jobs $51.00 of them are being lost from the debt management operations team and a reorganization of a call center team rules will result in the remaining 3 The bank said it's aiming to cut the jobs 3 voluntary redundancy and expects to be able to offer redeployment opportunities also by and is part of the r.b.s. Crepe which has been continually shedding jobs in recent years to try and cut costs it still 73 percent owned by the government after a 45000000000 point below it in 2008 earlier this month r.b.s. Said it was cutting more than $400.00 u.k. Jobs that deal with business loans and shifting many of those rules to India the bank's Northern Ireland operations made a profit of $58000000.00 pounds last year and that the markets then if it see close done $47.00 points yesterday so it will open this morning at $7388.00 points a point is worth $1.30 and $1.00 euro 14 which makes a euro worth 88 pence thank you Kirt or no place in Australia have charge of the country's most senior vote cast like official with a stark. Sex Abuse Cardinal George Pell who is responsible for the Vatican's finances denies any wrongdoing from Sydney Film are sort of courts police in the Australian state of Victoria say Cardinal George Pell has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse detectives also say the case involves several complainants It's believed the allegations date back to the 1970 s. Cardinal Pell was interviewed by Australian detectives in Rome last October and has strenuously denied any wrongdoing he'll be required to appear before magistrates in Melbourne on the 18th of July. The National Crime is increasingly concerned about the influence criminals from the Balkans particularly violent gangs from our been there over the u.k. Drug market and its annual assessment on organized crime the n.c.a.a. Says corrupt workers at ports and airports make it easier for gangs to smuggle drugs because he's done he sure has more details this is comes from the National Crime agency's angle assessment of the threat from serious organized crime and in terms of the drugs trade they have flagged concerns about Albanian gangs that are taking a significant hold over organized crime and in particular trafficking of cocaine and indeed other drugs what I think really concerns them is the propensity of these Albanian gangs to use violence you know not as a last resort but almost as a 1st resort if there's a dispute well with other drug gangs or with people who are involved in the business who get in their way and they're raising this is a concern that when you have gangs who prepared to use guns or prepared to use knives in order to assert they grip over market it's not just other rivals that could get involved it's also members of the public as well who could be at risk and I think that's what the particular concern is the n.c.a.a. Has provided an estimate of those who are making an impact on the u.k. And they've got just under 6000 active criminal groups and 39000 individuals I mean these are ballpark figures but it enables them to sort of map them over time and see whether the number of groups of individuals who are taking part is growing or is actually diminishing and they're having some success then they still reporting $654.00 Reason may faces a further test of her authority today after now only surviving a vote on public sector pay tonight's vote on the Queen's speech will be another big test of the deal. The day you paid to support the Conservative minority government the prime minister avoided defeat and her 1st parliamentary test since failing to when I tried majority at the general election last night M.P.'s rejected calls by the Labor Party for the government to lift its public sector pay cap currently limiters at one percent annual increase the result of the vote announced by the Speaker John Bercow showed the attempt was rejected by 14 votes the prize to the right 300 No I the news to the left 323 so the no use having the Marys have it all 10 do you pm pays voted with the conservatives the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt says the government is listening to the concerns about public sector pay what I can say is that we will not make all decision on public sector pay until the Pay Review Body has reported and we will listen to what they say and we will listen to what people in this House has said before making a final decision Labor's shadow health secretary John Ashworth says the result of the vote means workers will continue to suffer it's very disappointing we've lost the we've lost it because the Conservative Party relied on the votes of the d.p. From Northern Ireland and what it means is that public sector workers many nurses police officers teachers men and women will not get a pay rise number of conservatives made clear their concerns about public sector pay and rumors and told the Commons it was time to relax the austerity programme when you have to support your families and when you have to pay the mortgage and deal with every single thing that bears down on people in their working lives it is pretty rotten when you see salaries increasing rightly in the general economy except in the public service and that crucial vote on the Queen's speech in the Commons is expected late this afternoon 656 a retired appeals court judge is expected to be appointed to lead the public and. Into the Grenfell tire fire so Martin more bricks appointment is expected to be announced by the government today he specialized in commercial law in a career spanning almost 50 years the government has promised the inquiry will provide answers about how the disaster happened but b.b.c. News now it's neck what says there are already questions about whether the appointment will come on the confidence of victims the Times is reporting that he is an immensely respected figure in legal circles but it is suggesting that there has been a hold up in the appointment because of concerns of a ruling when he held in favor of Westminster City Council in a dispute with a single mother of 5 who refused to be really housed in Milton Keynes and this woman's lawyers said that this ruling had set a terrible precedent for local authorities to engage in social cleansing of the poor on a mass scale Nick waterboarding our thought for the day now and speak of this morning as Yvonne a can just one more day to go after today until the school holidays begin Yep a and for a lot of you drivers out there that means less congested roads for 2 months and last hostile in your daily commute to work summer holidays present its own challenges to working parents who don't share the same weeks off as their children for teachers and classroom assistants it spells she and freedom for 2 whole months . While we're on the subject can I dispel a commonly held belief about the summer term and scope when you're talking to some people any time from May entertain they will inevitably ask I suppose you're winding dine Well no actually Truth be told the summer term is often winding up what with assessments reports requisitions on and on the paperwork go so believe me winding Dinah's for July week 1 not before I have a colleague who is retiring tomorrow and she always declared that she would by far prefer the pressures of term one in year 7 transfer work and plaited rather than the demanding summer term teaching like many professions today as a stressful one where would you go to avoid stress and the stressful and complex world we live in even in Jesus' life time people had to deal with stress in the exactly they must have done because Jesus said Come to me all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest to come to him simply means to trust Him to forgive this and separating us from him to turn away from it and surrender our lives to him accepting him as are Savior and Lord we don't need to struggle alone stressed out and stretched to breaking point the Lord Jesus understands the problems and pressures of daily life because he became one of us his disciples often tried his patience and as the enemies dogged his every move he most certainly understands. The promise the Jesus made it so long ago is still tree he gives rest and peace to those who trust him completely and that is even more wonderful and take months off to rest and relax. $82.00 to $95.00. 1341 media. B.b.c. Radio one. At 7 o'clock on Thursday the 29th of June You're listening to good morning I'll start with Count Patterson and Thompson Good morning the d.p. And Shan fan have 9 hours to strike a deal on the restoration of the power sharing executive we've been gauging opinion on local politics and politicians think they're unproductive on cooperated and basically die right on place and when you ask what happens next if no deal is done and all you budding run out of those and the mess is where I live at a large school offering a soccer course with a qualification at the end of it I'm Grant Cameron with the sports headlines super sub Jordan Stuart Lawrence's Linfield debut with a late goal to secure a one no victory over la Fiorito in the Champions League jolly Sexton and Owen far old both start for the Lions in the 2nd Test against New Zealand on Saturday news next with Anne-Marie foster good morning it's expected the retired appeals court judge Sir Martin murder big will be appointed later today to lead the public inquiry into the Grenfell tar disaster when he announced the investigation the prime minister promised it would provide answers for those affected by the fire here's Lilja Nothing went to reason may order the public inquiry into what happened at ground felt tower in the immediate aftermath of the fire it was expected the judge who delayed it would be named soon after now 2 weeks on it's understood so Martin more big will be given the job some are to specialized in commercial law in a career spanning almost. 50 years he served for more than 2 decades as a judge of the commercial court and at the Court of Appeal He now works as an arbitrator so Martins appointment is likely to be scrutinized amid a clamor for Aunt says about the cause of the fire and anger over the number of deaths police in Australia have charged the country's most senior Roman Catholic official with historical sex abuse Cardinal George Pal who is responsible for the Vatican's finances denies any wrongdoing from Sydney Film or say reports police in the Australian state of Victoria say Carson or George Pell has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse detectives also say the case involves several complainants It's believed the allegations date back to the 1970 s. Cardinal Pell was interviewed by Australian detectives in Rome last October and has strenuously denied any wrongdoing he'll be required to appear before magistrates in Melbourne on the 18th of July time is running out for the storm and parties to agree a deal to restore a par sharing executive they have until 4 o'clock to elect a 1st and Deputy 1st Minister talks involving the 2 governments and all the parties continued night our political correspondent and to McCafferty reports the Emily. And their chamber at noon today to begin the business of setting up a new executive of but there is no deal between the d.a.p. And Sion fan by then the benches are likely to remain empty last night the secretary of state James Brokenshire returned from Westminster as the talks continued lead into the night at Starmen castle but this morning there is no say in the parties are closer to reaching an agreement they have until 4 o'clock to strike the data after that the secretary of state will have to decide whether to amend the legislation to live for more time to negotiate or he could give Westminster a greater say in making decisions here. He also has the option of calling another election. We're set for yet another. Storm and the 10 M.P.'s a bank the government and the highs of Commons to help defeat a Labor amendment to the Queen's Speech The amendment would have ended the public sector pay cap if it had been passed the government won the 1st vote on its new legislative program 53232309 and majority of 14. The b.s. And I says it's to review high it deals with receipt crime because of the high impact it has on members of the public it'll include training police how to better recognise it when it's reported every 606 cases logged in Northern Ireland last year that's 2 percent of all crimes Here's superintendent and a bond that isn't whenever you look at it in percentage terms every high level however I think that you need to realize the impact that it crime actually house on the victims and that's what makes it so important we have reviewed our policy and become much more a victim focus to ensure that the needs of victims are paramount whilst running alongside the investigation the culture secretary Karen Bradley will once this morning whether she will approve the proposed merger of sky and Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox Mr Murdoch already own study 9 percent of sky and opponents believe the deal will give him too much power in the u.k. Media here is our media editor the culture is extreme referred this latest bid to the regulator Ofcom which last week reported on 3 grounds media paralyses that is ensuring this efficient competition in the sector commitment to broadcasting standards and whether the Murdoch's was fit and proper owner is 21st Century Fox claim that Digital of people in the media industry should dilute any concerns about plurality Mrs Bradley could approve the bid ask folks to address specific issues raised by all the competition and markets authority scientists are studying the urban law. I thought of bots in an unprecedented detail using a system of smart sensors detectors installed at the Olympic Park in east London or automatically mucking bats from their ultrasonic calls Helen Briggs has been finding night. The sound of a bat homing in on its insect prey the calls been modified so we can hear it researchers at University College London install devices across the Olympic Park to track the ultrasonic calls of bats the scientists say it's a living lab which can be used in Bat Conservation and the technology can potentially be applied to other wildlife including birds and frogs and that's all from me until half past 7 So Syria has got the weather for us very good morning see you well unfortunately ray and it is on the way today is coming in from the east but it will be moving slowly so best of the weather this morning in the West where it will stay dry the leave be a bit of brightness rind the east though will turn slowly through the course of the morning with some heavy breasts of rain eventually developing and as the rain comes in Unfortunately the wind picks up so a cool windy day eventually in the east that rain getting over to the west much later on thank you Cecilia honest travel here I am what it looks like traffic in all main routes into Belfast is moving well this morning with no reports of any major problems elsewhere however we have got ongoing roadworks and Castle well in the valley lock road is closed there and that's between Chaplin and the a 25 Arden abandon road and just one flight delay at the George Best City Airport this morning supply the flight from Edinburgh which was due at 20 past 9 is now expected at 1045 so the political parties haven't off 4 o'clock this afternoon to make a deal otherwise it looks likely Northern Ireland will go back to some form or direct route Sinn Fein's Jonah dod has called on the 2 governments to intervene and implement. What he said has already been agreed to do you pay have not moved to resolve the issues which brought on your institutions in January rights equality and respect need to be resolved through to be implemented in legislation there's very clearly a notice on the terror governments to Jack leadership into these talks aren't sure that the outstanding issues are resolved these are implementation talks he's already emblematic standing agreements and said that the u.p.a. Has respect for language and culture but it cannot be up to one party to move the talks forward I think that we want to show absolute respect for people's language and culture are working extremely hard to identify what people's bottom lines are and how they can move those issues forward education health as a greater priority for me the languages but said fail of identify languages or highest priority we want to work with them to try to find a way through work continues and. Talks to get evolution restored there is work for everybody today work for the pay to do the work for Sinn Fein today work for the other parties today but ultimately one party can't deliver on this process on its own those 2 unions the Romans one said his party wanted to reserve real issues that weren't being addressed waste elevations that are right there and regards to their stablish one of the historic are historical investigation unit I mention for victims not ensure that their own harmed and also issues that are right there that a partner that's been obtained and regard to support for survivors and victims of historical b.s. So there are still a number of issues that that we want to see on the table and been dealt with that aren't been there that's mine and. Meanwhile And the House of Commons yesterday the secretary of state James Perkins was answering questions on Northern Ireland he rejected all claims that his role as a neutral arbiter and restoring devolution must compromised by the conservative confidence and supply agreement. We will never be neutral in our support for the union and as a government we are proud intake ing that approach but equally we all hold the principles of those agreements and in particular the principle of consent which has underlined and underpin the activities of governments over so many many years and I've been working closely for example with the Irish government over recent days as part of the restoration of the executive and they noted in their response the welcome they gave to the British government to govern in the interests of all parts of the community in Northern Ireland it is that principle that will guide our actions and bookmakers out there are prepared to give all that agreement by 4 o'clock there is no what you think take to say 17713 days at the b.b.c. G.m.u. 10 minutes past 7 is the time the news headlines talks over power sharing at Stormont will resume this morning the parties have until 4 o'clock to form an executive or face the prospect of direct rule from London it's understood I retired appeal court judges to lead the public inquiry into the ground fault our fire so Martin murder Bex appointment is expected to be confirmed by the government today now with the time and 10 minutes past 7 the cyberattack been reported yesterday which his computer systems and several countries reminded us of the global attack last month which badly affected the n.h.s. That led to problems such as hospital staff being forced to take images from scans and to operating theatres because they couldn't be sent by computer and patients being told to avoid their g.p. Practices if possible the Chartered Institute for Information Technology has been working up why the n.h.s. Was vulnerable and what can be done to prevent future problems director of policy at the target and state for id as David Evans and David as with us good morning David good morning so having considered the effects of this attack why is the n.h.s. Most vulnerable so I think it's probably an interest it is more vulnerable in other sectors more that it's perhaps the most import. Thing for us for the general public you know people in Northern Ireland and across the u.k. Need to know that their hospitals are properly protected and what that means is not just that we have a single fix for the issues that have happened now and or for the rest of the year but we have a system in place that makes sure that it's continually improving and continually making sure that the latest threats are protected against and what that means is that we need and I just boards to know in very simple terms what their responsibilities are and we need them to know who to call on is that of the systems is it about the hardware or the person now charged with operating it it's absolutely around about the people so you know all members and in our partners you know in the inside outside the health care sector all of them. You know want to say our hospitals protected what we really want to do is build a collective capability because there is a community of cyber professionals all of whom just like everyone else care about the impact on on schools and hospitals and other and other public services so we want to do is make sure they're properly connected but also make sure that the people who really know what they're talking about a properly recognised and accountable so and then it just board can point a finger and go This is the person I can trust to know what the right thing to do is and if they're wrong then they're going to accountable for that and that helps create a system which is a bit like what we have with the medical profession so there's every day a relentless process of improvement of our health care by doctors nurses and other clinicians working locally and nationally and internationally to ensure that that best practices continue developed that doesn't exist in cyber security yet and we need now is the time that we need to start building that So are you saying there's been a a lack of investment and specialist i.t. Professionals within the n.h.s. So only in hindsight because the world is dramatically. Changed as far as cyber threats are concerned and you know that there are many people across all parts of the n.h.s. Across the u.k. And in Northern Ireland who are working incredibly hard and are at the top of their their game what's what the problem is is that. Every local level you know in the 5 trusts in Northern Ireland a 150 or so trust across the u.k. . Each one of them needs to know that they're doing the right things and some of them that may mean that they you know they're spending too much money and some they're not spending any at all but we need to know is that someone with the right skill and capability has said what we're doing is appropriate and that as a group then as a group of people they need to continue to work to change what's appropriate to respond to threats and update each other have you had an opportunity to study specifically the 5 trusts in Northern Ireland What would you recommend they should be there or we haven't done any specific work on on the Northern Ireland trusts but I mean the really important thing is that the people who are working there are part of a community across Northern Ireland they are part of a community across the u.k. And internationally you can say these are the right recognised people and they're working together because you know if you think that it is a tragedy if someone working in a just trust in the u.k. Knows how to fix something and they can share it they can get everyone in every trust in about that's the kind of thing that we need to put in place and if you take your doctors they have systems in place that do that day in day out so the what one doctor learns becomes something that every doctor knows and that the reason this is so important is because you know we wake up this morning and everything that we care about you know from politics to health care to education to commerce everything is done digitally and we've got to realise that people who are running this are generally not accountable are generally not you know qualified to a varying degree some of them are amazing and some of them do not know what they're doing. And if we as a you know the general public care about that we've got to demand more Ok David Evans touch of policy at the Chartered Institute Friday thank you 60 minutes past 7 a couple of texts no deal no pay we must stop paying the Emilie's straight away and there's no deal there's no other job in the country where you get paid for not working you take us ordinary folk for photos no work no pay says his ordinary person from country and from Jim takes me to task for describing Winfield's opponents last night as a team of furniture polish he said was a snobbish comment looks numbers is right word but there were furniture polish was in the team gym like it was the weather here's a Sicilian often to smile and that good morning ca Well the brain is on the way it's coming in from the east so I'm not a bad morning it's cool particularly in the West where you will have the best of the weather today the rain probably won't arrive until well into the afternoon but it is just now I'm moving into the arts Peninsula area so it will be nudging eastwards this morning it will become more persistent it will become heavier at times and eventually the wind's going to pick up so eventually and got wet and windy across northern and eastern counties today the rain will patchy in the sides West cool everywhere highs of just 16 degrees. He got music. Great I cried and saw my sister my mom and I said one day I am going to play out road for the only 236 leprechaun Afrikaans left in my home out of harmony from the start of millions who are there from the beginning none of. That's a joke. Jerry Kelly. Fridays at 3 am some for days up meaning there's a 5 k. That you're on every side of it may be a joint of some danger I. Think I'll be visiting the for afterwards at b.b.c. Dot com dot Ok slash radio. Now 6. Men are to be prosecuted in connection with the Hillsborough disaster and one of them the police commander on the day David Duncan failed $95.00 Liverpool supporters lost their lives joining an f.a. Cup semifinal at 7 Wednesday's overcrowded ground in 1909 Another man died after 4 years in a coma and speak to the legal affairs expert Joshua Rosenberg Joshua good morning good morning what precisely has been decided in terms of charges what David Duncan built of command on the day of the disaster he is facing the most serious charges he's Cuse to manslaughter by gross negligence of the 95 people who died and the argument forward by the prosecution is that his failure to discharge his personal responsibility was for extraordinary bad that it contributed substantially to the death of each of the people who died and the other charges against Graeme background check field when the for all clubs company secretary is accused of safety offenses Peter Metcalf the solicitor acting for South Yorkshire Police is accused of perverting the course of justice changing witness statement alteration Allegiant an amendment to other former police officers similarly charged all dental faster than the former chief constable known best case charged with 4 offenses misconduct in public office it's alleged he told lies about his involvement in the aftermath of Hillsborough and the culpability of the fans no charges against the football club or any other organization that's right the prosecution said they weren't going to charge what now Sheffield Wednesday for ball club exists only on paper there are no directors there are no assets so there would be no way in which you could pay the fire similarly South Yorkshire metropolitan ambulance service doesn't exist now in the form but it did. As far as the Football Association is concerned it was considered whether that would be possible to prosecute but it was decided by prosecutors there wasn't enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction thank you very much indeed Joshua Rosenberg it's exactly 20 past 7. When the pretty little. Mistake was on there the Ed Sheeran who closed the glass to be Festival on Sunday night to an adoring cried and followed up by announcing his 28000 turn dates take its go on sale next week in an effort to prevent ticket tights revving our fans and in his posse have introduced new rules around access to the concerts on top of your take as he wanted to bring booking confirmation the credit card used to buy the ticket in the 1st place and a valid form of id Walker is to get security consultant and he's with us good morning rads good morning so what do you think of this I think it's a great idea I think the problem is on the one hand you have genuine fans who are constantly frustrated by not being able to buy tickets off the official sites at face value only to see them appear minutes later on unofficial resells wallets I think this will go a long white disrupting that So making sure that at bans can boil for legitimate saw it's take us back to basics height of the tight scream off so many texts. There's several ways the most common Why to have quite sophisticated software that attacks ticketing systems thousands of times a minute whilst a genuine family sitting there trying to type the details in once so by the time you try to buy one set of tickets the touts with software have tried to buy several 1000 and there's no way you can compete against that effectively friends a lost sale for the 1st 15 minutes of ticket sales by the time they can get through all the tickets a goal will there be any resale tech it's available there all there's an officially nominated resell site called twit kit so if you are a fan and you bought tickets you can't use them you can resell them but only funks value through twit. Kits which again I think is a great idea and that goes a long way to making sure the fans only buy from an authorized site that they don't end up buying in the account as it's a high would you know if you've got an envelope to take and that's the problem you wouldn't until you actually got to the entrance hall you are going to see a favor artist present a ticket for entry only to find you can't get in that's the time when you find they are so if you buy from them or throw aside no matter how well known that secret market place is the chances are you could end up with a counterfeit or invalid sick it that's still going to be an issue. It could be an issue if people don't buy from from authorized saw it's if they go off paste and they buy from all through our sites they do run that risk the trick here is find out which sites authorized to sell tickets for the shows and stick to those what though if you're meeting a friend at the gate does this mean that now you can only get access to the gate with the person that paid for the ticket. Effectively Adar as there will be checks on the entrances they will be quite robust so you would have to me out beforehand and finally Are there any limits the number of tickets you can buy. I believe there are a usually between 4 and 6 tickets limits set and again that ensures that fans do get a better chance of buying buying tickets rather than the town's getting more Red Sox are spending all that rescue worker there well Ed Sheeran described the Mandela hole in the Students Union at Queen's University in Belfast as an amazing room and it is a hall which holds a very special place in the hearts of many music fans so many big names have played there but not for much longer the university has announced plans to demolish the current Students' Union and to rebuild a new center on the site so it's the end of an era for the Mandela hall Catherine Marston's been hearing what makes it such a great live venue she begins with u 2 on stage when back in 1981. There's a ritual. Sequence. That excited. Broadcaster I have seen so many grid in this complex in this building mostly in the hall and in the hall as it was back in the day my 1st experience was 1970 it and the Buzzcocks heard you play. The ferry or something so it was my 1st time I'd seen a local punk band and I was very excited and it's a rite of passage for a lot of local bands you know. I saw here last year and they picked up a Legend Award for their share of the says and I was triumphant defying comedy therapy so every band from Northern Ireland they want the hall it's part of what they're a bite. But also I think I think my favorite moment of all time would be radio. Music. This weekend and there they are from many people and here we are 20 years. Before the. 600 people. Are from the from the kind of the here's the biggest band in the world. A few people besides thinking are we really are. The sentiment undesigned really Thom Yorke on the boundary and what they were doing so for me the Mandela Hall will always be that big high important that keep a space like that well a test for the architects can you create just described because if you if if you were sent to me Here's a wee place under grind that no one does and it's going to be this piece that you look back on as the most comfortable familiar piece that you love to see Giggs an architect probably would say that that's not right in the Mandela hole created so one vibrant ministry probably accidentally so I'm not sure it's as easy to whatever they do with the building whatever they do with student unions at Queen's they definitely need to have music at the core of it and they definitely need arts and entertainment thing that. But will they ever create another Mandela hole will be a goody bag. Morty Hall I think you're giving it away not to. 7 and even to sing on the politics no says amen No he says As a former s.-t. O.-p. Voter who voted Sinn Fein in the last 2 elections I fully support their stance on equality and. The Irish language at the May money tree he says will not last forever and events in the u.k. Can and will take unexpected turns keep thoughts come in the tax number $1.00 a month or you can tweet us at b.b.c. And you and no escaping that living the headline storm and on the front of this morning's local newspapers to former Algerians party leaders telling news letter that the Irish language has all the protection it needs it's one of the issues that has leaders deadlocked over a dail Sarette m.p. And Tom Elliott says previous measures put in place over the last few decades are sufficient that the u.p.a. Accuses the Dublin government of meddling and didn't go to save power sharing the piece so I fell fast emulate Christopher Stahl for tells the Irish news that the Irish government has no jurisdiction and Northern Ireland as the u.k. And Irish government to inject leadership and energy in the talks but 1st telegraph headline parties in Lit bid to break storm and deadlock other papers the news that 6 minute of his criminal charges of those were disaster dominates most of the headlines reflect the long passage of time since the tragedy 28 years on 6 for his trial as the Guardian's headline in the eye it's $10301.00 days time for justice delayed headline quotes the chair of the Hillsborough Family Support Group Margaret Aspinall as describing the announcement as the beginning of the end the Daily Mirror headline 95 Months lot her charges with a 9 and the 5 made up of pictures of the Liverpool fans who died in April 1809 over the years the sun has faced much vilification from people in Liverpool because of its coverage of what happened it devotes the whole of its front page and for more insight to the story accompanying a headline 28 years arms sex face justice the paper pictures a single Liverpool fan sitting on the Left Lane terrace and the immediate aftermath of the disaster with his head and hands coming up in the program we'll talk to Jonathan Dimbleby who's presenting his and you questions radio show from Ballymena tomorrow right. The news with Anne-Marie time is running out for the storm and parties to agree a deal to restore par sharing talks involving the 2 governments and all parties continued late last night they have until 4 o'clock to elect a 1st and Deputy 1st Minister after that the secretary of state James Brokenshire can live for more time to negotiate or give Westminster a greater say in making decisions here he also has the option of calling another assembly election it's expected that the retired appeals court judge Sir Martin move back will be appointed later today to lead a public inquiry into the ground full tar disaster so Martin's courier in the last ponds nearly 5 decades before he retired last December police investigating the blaze have said they now believe 80 people died in the fire but they've warned they may not be able to confirm an exact figure until the end of the year at the earliest a straight year's top Roman Catholic official has been charged with historical sex offenses Cardinal George Pell the Vatican's Treasurer is accused of multiple offenses dating back to the 1970 s. Which he denies the b.s. And I is to review high it deals with Reese hit crime and train officers to better recognize that there were $606.00 cases reported in Northern Ireland last year making up 2 percent of all crimes logged superintendent Emma bomb says he crime has a serious effect that isn't whenever you look at it in percentage terms every high level however I think that you need to realize the impact that it crime actually has on the victim that's what makes it so important we have reviewed our policy and become much more a victim focus to ensure that the needs of victims are paramount whilst running alongside the investigation the Manchester International Festival starts today with an opening production altered to reflect last month's bombing attack at the city's arena the cost of what is the city but the people has been expanded to include some of the taxi drivers who. Offered to concert goers home for free on the night of the bombing and that's all for me until it I can right now let's get latest sports with Grant Cameron and Len feels made a 3 yes indeed they took a step closer to a tie against Celtic after a dramatic one nil home win over San Marino was lost in the 1st leg of their Champions League 1st round qualifier new signing Jordan steward came off the bench to score the 89th minute winner on his blues debut at Windsor Park and Aaron Burns earlier saw his penalty saved by keeper John Luca van who repeatedly frustrated the home side Blues boss David Healy fully admiring the skill of newcomer Stuart I knew Jordan coming in would give you a quality he's sort of rate we have a right moment in the 2nd half to get him on the pitch she always hoped that he she certainly capable that you see in training people people for Dad I thought Jordan was going to have it was right for now authorities Colorado is laughing not a 2nd just place had a Jordan I put the goalkeeper in his palm and ended up. You know a fantastic all great composure on his debut and I say I was delighted that we come away with. The 2nd leg is in San Marino on Tuesday Crusaders boss Stephen Baxter could hand debuts to his 4 summer signings in tonight to rope a League qualifier against f.k. . Seaview keeper Bryan Jensen Shaun Ward Jamie Clarke and Mark McAllister all available but midfielder Declan Codell is on holidays boss but Baxter has been swelling up on the cruise Latvian opponents there are tall strong sag you know they're well organized a baby they know how to hit a good night and they're a fanatic and strong so look we but we've played this type of opposition before we've played in a stone here and if you win a beside them so they're going to be a summer type but I'm sure they'll come here looking for a result and some just are trying to take the game to the United and Colin both in Norway united to tie. Odds while Colin manager or and clearly knows what he wants from the clash with holders and it will be brilliant if we can if we have something to hold on to and something to go on the 2nd leg that that gives it a real and just that the opposite job of the 1st leg is to make sure that we do that I'm not sure being cautious as the way that achieves that I think with age of our quality to set off and asked them to come you can be dangerous so I think we've got to go on time player on game and there's commentary on dairy city's Danish adventure against Mitchell and from 630 on b.b.c. Radio 4 with updates on the other times Arsenal remain in talks to sign French striker on dray lacquers that from Lille despite having a bid rejected the Gunners offer for the Monaco winger Thomas Lamar also has been turned down bunch especially that City keeper Claudio Bravo saved 3 penalties Chile beat Portugal in a shootout to reach the Confederations Cup final in rugby Robbie Henshaw and George North are out of the remainder of the Lions tour due to injuries suffered against the Hurricanes and shot suffered a torn pectoral muscle North string tear both are returning home meanwhile Jonny Sexton n o one Pharrell will start together and sanity 2nd Test against New Zealand and Wellington Sexton comes in at flyhalf Pharrell shifts to inside center but no place for Ulster's in Henderson Here's Chris Jones what changes to the side were expected off the beaten or current lines head coach Warren Gatland has rolled the dice fielding Jonny Sexton and Owen Farrel together from the start for the 1st time on this tour it means Ben teardrops of the badge despite being one of the few lines to stand up physically to the All Blacks while up front calendar sort of beef up the park with Marat Sochi coming in for George proves that Locke and captain Sam Warburton replacing Peter mani on the flank this is a do what I game for the Lions and the selection reflect that and finally you see in bold one the $100.00 metres at the Golden Spike meeting in Australia of about failed to run under 10 seconds once again and no fire he had a more comfortable 10000 metres victory Thank you Grant What about what's. Happening on the roads than I am well traffic still moving reasonably well in the main routes into Belfast Karren it's just beginning to slow on the m 2 approaching Nelson Street on the m one going past barely scary and on the West Wing in the m 2 direction and a few flight delays to mention at the George Best Belfast City Airport this morning 720 arrival from Glasgow is not at 8 o'clock and 920 arrival from Edinburgh is delayed to a quarter to 11 plus there's almost a nod to later this afternoon's bite from Liverpool it's not you at 5 past one. It's $736.00 our abortion law is back in the spotlight later today the court of appeal is expected to rule on whether it agrees the current law is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights health correspondent Conley is following the case Mary's going to your good morning so this is a judgment on a previous court case that's right well this all started back in 2013 when the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission raised that Northern Ireland's existing abortion law violates the human rights of women and girls and it says it took the key is to protect people from having to take a case on their own I remind her of that law well unlike the rest of the u.k. Abortion is only permitted here if a woman's life is it risk or there is a permanent or serious threat to her mental or physical health but there was some wrangling then between the commission and the Department of Justice around the law which led in 2015 to a High Court case which find in the commission's favor ruling that the current law here is incompatible with human rights and specifically the high court judge said that the law did breach article it of the Convention of Human Rights in cases of fear to fit Lubna maladies and pregnancies as a result of sexual crime but the high court did not uphold the commission's other arguments that Article 3 which is freedom from inhumane and degrading or torture treatment had been breached or Article 14. Upheld and on one of the arguments articulated. So that was then appeal that's right in January 2016 both the Department of Justice and the attorney general appealed judgment the d.o.j. Argued that there was a lack of legal certainty in which and could lead perhaps to abortion being brought into Northern Ireland on demand it also argued that the ruling on sexual crime was on cleared by the attorney general said Judge Horner the High Court judge was clearly wrong in his decision when he said that there was no life to protect He also argued that there was no proper b.s. Is for a doctor to say that a fetus has a fetal Figler abnormality or as others like to describe but a life limiting condition and the Human Rights Commission cross a payload all of that and reintroduced all of the original grinds that it brought before the High Court articles 3 articles and 14 announce what we're going to hear today and what are the potential outcomes and minor issues well central to all of this as I say are the 3 articles $3.00 and $4.00 taking the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission obviously would like to weigh in on all of those arguments but ultimately one of the parties the commission the Department of Justice or the attorney general will not be happy with the outcome and therefore we are expecting an appeal to the Supreme Court and parties of 20 a day to day that I although they're not directly involved in this appeal additional submissions were provided by others including Sarah Ewart whose personal story through the abortion issue firmly back on to Northern Ireland news agenda also the Society for the potential protection of the unborn child and honesty and to National and we're expecting to hear the I'd come out of that judgement sometime later this morning thank you very much you've been texting on what's going on storm and counted on Lesnar says what about rights equality and. Respect for the electorate we voted for an assembly so any disagreements should be worked out within an assembly not standing outside arguing another if the secular state extends the deadline for the talks is another U.-Turn by the Tories and Elsa says perhaps of an agreement is not reached and another election is called the electoral vote for the more moderate parties to keep your thoughts coming always good to hear from you that x. Number of more or you can tweet us at b.b.c. And you. Now vote in the House of Commons on a Labor motion calling for the cap which limits public sector pay rises to one percent to be scrapped has failed the 10 day u.p.a. M.P.'s voted with the government to back the status quo of dining street signalling earlier in the day that the issue may be reconsidered in the autumn speaking after the vote the conservative m.p. John Penrose said it was about getting value for taxpayers by now up to 7 years we're all weary of you tightening our belts or trying to do more with less but let's not forget that we are all all of us also taxpayers as well as users of public services or indeed provides a public service and we've got to make sure that we get the maximum value for money that we possibly can for all taxpayers cash but Labor's shadow community Secretary Andrew Cohen says his party won't back down but the Labor Party along with the other opposition parties will continue to fight for our public sector workers because they deserve more than the deal that they prompt for the last 7 years trade unions have been among those shouting the largest for an end to it and on ready from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions as with us good morning Owen Good morning her you'll be disappointed where are disappointed but I believe it's inevitable this public sector pick up what we've been shortly I think the momentum is with us I think even the Tories are if they're honest or in disarray a number of ministers recently said it need to be looked at some backbenchers realise that it's self-defeating policy so I think the wind of change is behind. And I think it's just a matter of time I think last night was the classic political you know scenario in the in the House of Commons whereby the government don't want to give the opposition a win but they will know that they will have to bow to public pressure and then this step public sector pick up sometime soon and we will continue to be relentless in our demand that this policy is no longer at this never sustainable tenable or desirable but it really should be consigned to history of the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said that the decision can be taken until the pay of you body reports you think that set an arbitrary deadline Well I don't know I think that's kind of an excuse as affectively based on the position that they took last night I think really if people look at this in the road and you need to look and realise that it's a self-defeating policy if a situation in Northern Ireland were public sector workers effectively in most cases and only 10 percent behind where they would have been in 2010 now that's not sustainable for any economy or society and has huge impact on the public service on morale and on reform and on productivity and I think what the trade unions need is something reasonable and what they want something realistic they want the opportunity to have free collective bargaining where they can sit with local management and negotiate fair and reasonable paying creases that both sides can live with without this effect of artificial straitjacket which really doesn't assist anybody it's short term thinking on the one on the Tories so we need to save money and get value for money well they may be saving money in the short term but I think in the long term it's self defeating in the not getting value for money by putting this artificial construct on the public service of the country is still in a deficit situation where told that award even a one percent pay increase would cost over $2000000000.00 pines a year where do you think that money should come from Show me any functioning modern economy Karen that doesn't operate in some kind of a deficit situation you know every country and every economy borrows and you have to sometimes invest to grow. And I mean this is a policy choice you know stare he is not inevitable it's a policy choice and where does money come from in any state in any economy it comes from raising revenue through either increasing taxes earned our growing your economy through productivity and it can come from a lot of both and really that's where this kind of thing needs to come from I mean you know getting the extra 1000000000 for public services in the context of Northern is very good and very important but unless you address the issue of the outstanding pay matter for those people who are delivering those public services you aren't dealing with the situation in a holistic way and it's it's it's work that needs to be done but I'm very confident that in a short period of time that we will consign this bad policy to the dustbin of history and that public sector workers like auto workers will have the opportunity to bargain freely and collectively with their employers do progressive deals that are in the interest of the economy the state the citizens who rely on the public services but also those who deliver those public services own reading from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Thank you. Susan the headlines on Good Morning Austin 745 talks about par sharing will resume this morning the parties have until 4 o'clock to form an executive office a prospect of direct rule understood a retired appeals court judges to lead the public inquiry into the Grenfell tower far smarter books appointment is expected to be confirmed by the government today and Australia's top Roman Catholic official Cardinal George Peel has been charged with his store Nicol sex offenses he denies the claims and most happening on the roads Well traffic is not too bad this morning it's still moving ways deadly well on the main routes into Belfast just a bit slow on the m.t.a. Approaching Nelson straight on the m one going past and the West Wing in the 2 directions and of course you can update us with any any other traffic problems by texting the program on one double 71 or you can send us a tweet The address is at b.b.c. And I travel and a few flight delays to men. The George Best City Airport this morning 720 arrival from Glasgow is night at 8 o'clock and 920 arrival from Edinburgh is delayed to 1045 and the next flight from Liverpool is night at 5 past one and society is with us thank you very much very good morning to what we have rain coming in from the east this morning but it's moving very very slowly so a dry morning ahead for the West even some sunshine Iran and by lunchtime we're expecting the rain to have arrived over much of Antrim during perhaps parts of our my and it may well also have edged into the coastal areas of Derry to then the South today in that rain continues to move eastwards but it will always be very very light and patchy across for mom and Sharon So that's where the best of today's weather will be Saturday in the winds pick up from the north so it will become increasingly windy especially in northern and eastern counties and that windy weather continues tonight there will be further patches of rain across much of Northern Ireland tonight and it's going to be cool everywhere today temperatures ranging from 13 on the north coast to 16 abashed over parts of her Amana tomorrow initially it's still quite down but the rain moves away through the morning and it looks like the afternoon should be nice dry bright some sunshine still quite blustery in places mind you but the winds will gradually ease and over the weekend a little bit warmer temperatures up to its 100 degrees they'll be some dry weather but the also be a little bit of rain around especially on Saturday afternoon thank you sincerely and no closer is here with the very latest business news and Job Service clowder in Yes Good morning Colonel Ulster Bank is cutting more than 50 jobs added scenes for its center in this scythe Belfast the majority of the rules are being lost from the debt management operations team and the rest are coming apart from a reorganization of our coal center and I'm joined on the line by Gareth Murphy from the Financial Services Union Good morning Daryn. Morning Carter what was your reaction to this news yesterday was this expected and well we were pretty shocked to say was it expected I think we were briefed even before. Workers were briefed in the morning and I think it's fair to say they were shocked this morning and they were obsessed understandably and there's a lot of young workers in this area of work. And it's 51 people and 50 own families I were told that they no longer have a job in post or bank it's not a partial restructure or a. Movement of teams around or reporting lines or anything like that it's an entire offshoring of $51.00 rolls that management units from also bank Northern Ireland to the parent company or b.s. In Birmingham I'm rather I'm so it's you know we've dealt with many restructures over the last number of years or so banks and but this is particularly brutal from my perspective from a staff perspective and from a customer's perspective because it's the entire unit being offshore like this that is not a partial change that could be could be doing voluntarily we think it's very hard to see how compulsory redundancies would be avoided that are big in the show last employer that they do absolutely everything to to avoid monsters and this is yes and the bank has said it aims to cut the jobs of 3 voluntary redundancies and expects to be able to offer some redeployment opportunities but what sort of proposal would you like time thing. Well to be honest Firstly we don't think the entire unit should be off short and the reason is this is very sensitive work I think you mentioned barriers to debt management So this is a recount that Austin people's homes and mortgages it's very very sensitive difficult and complicated work from both the coast tomorrow staff. And feedback I've had today is that a lot of the cost was that there are complicated back stories as to why they are in arrears or in the debt that the rand sensitive still things about family relationships and have that kind of stuff very very difficult and often they deal specifically with one agent was one member of staff who knows the story knows the history knows the human side of the person close to repost of Ike and that's going to be lost that sort of like going to be dealing with one of potentially hundreds sitting in an operation center burning I don't know all of the history don't all of the back story don't know and the way in which they have thing in gauging it you know yourself from what from other stories I'm sure you've covered debt and arrears and a lot of this is about engagement trust and a relationship in getting someone as the situation that they're in so actually we think about it needs to rethink its decision is it wise to offshore the entire unit and lose for close to murders for people in dollars an hour and lose that service in its entirety so the 1st thing I'd be saying is I don't think it should be entirely off short a disadvantage to look at retaining a presence here in the area from a customer perspective from a trusting relationship with the bank of the r.b.s. Group also brings parent group has been continually shedding jobs in recent years trying to do anything to cut costs are you concerned that this could be the 1st announcement of many or that this trend is likely to continue. Also bank is profitable 1st of all so she went northern and made 56 of the 5657000000 profit in . 26 games so it is a profitable bank and we can't lose sight of that sometimes and sometimes it is lost when when we're very good with r.b.s. Because all the s. And Britain has obviously lost billions over the years and 40 nationalities and saved by the taxpayer and save customers for socializing or 9 itself is possible so I think there is good business for case and rationale for keeping key critical services I agree like also banks share a lot of stars jobs over the last number of years in the sec to continue I hope it isn't forced the direction is there is more restricted calls from this bank we're saying that it's meant that there are key services. But should not everything be treated the same way Ok that management is crucial and it's crucial crucial hold that. You don't want you know short you know source where human leaders. Are people. Ok thank you very much for joining me this morning Gareth Murphy there from the Financial Services Union and at the markets then the Fitzy closed down 47 points yesterday so what will open shortly at 7388 points a point is worth one dollar 30 and one euro 14 which makes a euro worth 88 pence so to thank you 53 we live in fascinating political times events are for more questions and answers and that's really are for Us Weekly any questions program comes in or audiences have a chance to put politicians on the spot tomorrow it comes from the bread center and Bella Mina and it's presenter Jonathan Dimbleby joins us Jonathan a very good morning to you and thanks for joining us great pleasure nice to talk you know is it extraordinary clairvoyance or sheer luck that you're in Northern Ireland the week of the do you deal. It's planned clairvoyance. And of course it is as you say extraordinarily fascinating times who could have imagined as they say and huge amount to discuss as a result of the peace deal with the government the $1000000000.00 pound deal which is controversial here the view of some in England that this is a squalid deal others that it brings stability the austerity issues social issues the BRICs it border I mean I could go on I think really the whole evening for. The program and yourself no strangers to this part of the world of course no I started coming to Northern Ireland as a young television reporter in the early seventy's when of course things were very different and when particularly the day you people had just emerged it was emerging on the Ian Paisley's then essentially a fringe party 3030 years I've been doing this program virtually now and in the. Late eighty's as in Antrim not in ballerina as a mansion and be a bomb scare which was reported in the papers and the hall where we were meant to be performing was ringed by our you see and British patrols and only 5 people showed up as a result which was a challenge and they all wanted to ask the same question which was why don't the conservatives run for election in Northern Ireland so I went down and I said look we will put that question please are some other questions otherwise we've got 48 minutes worth of nothing and they they agreed and so we did that and somehow people imagine that there was an audience above the 5 or 6 but it just reminds me who could imagine now that. The conservatives would be as it were to the extent that they are in bed in order to keep the Conservatives in power with the with the d.p. In those days the d.p. Was in bitter opposition to Margaret Thatcher accusing of selling out the union selling out the union to Charlie Hall he was then shook except So it is going to be an interesting occasion I have a panel to well I was going to ask you about this and you most weeks are on a Friday when you're telling the presenter of Pm You know you're in a car somewhere halfway up being a lot off by the wonders of mobile phone exactly but I guess you have to be here a little earlier the normally are. Is the tunnel intending to be well I would love to be able to tell you precisely I can tell you that the shadow sector State for Northern Ireland will be on the panel and Smith who you will remember ran against Germany Corben for the leadership there's a story it seems a long time ago and I expect I can say this I expect and at least hope that we will have a senior government minister and I expect and hope that we will have to sing if they get one from Shane Faye. In and the other from the do you p.d. And I just want to stress I hope that if I may that the arts and where I think there are still a few seats going that whatever your political views the debates issues that we're going to discuss are all such significance and I hope you will turn up in large numbers so that we can select a wide range of questions to put to whatever that court turns out to be we will know quite soon certainly but more revealing Yeah. We might know by this afternoon whether or not give us anything more to talk of course we will whatever happens this afternoon I mean one of the things I was thinking in any case certainly for an audience in England Scotland Wales who may not be so familiar the issue of yars language was whichever way it goes softening whether there is a return to share rule or not biggest issues Jonathan I hope it's a hugely successful program for listening to thanks for joining us this morning thank you for our thoughts for the day this morning with Yvonne a can just one more day to go after today until the school holidays began Yep a and for a lot of you drivers right there that means less congested roads pertain month and last hassle in your daily commute to work. Summer holidays present its own challenges to working parents who don't share the same weeks off as their children for teachers and classroom assistants it spells she and freedom for 2 whole months while we're on the subject can I dispel a commonly held belief about the summer term and school when you're talking to some people any time from May entertain they will inevitably ask I suppose you're winding Dein Well no actually Truth be told the summer term is often winding up what with assessments reports requisitions on and on the paperwork go so believe me winding Dinah's for July week 1 not before I have a colleague who's retiring tomorrow and she always declared that she would by far prefer the pressures of term one in year 7 transfer work included rather than the demanding summer term teaching like many professions today as a stressful one where would you go to avoid stress and the stressful and complex world we live in even in Jesus' life time people had to deal with stress in the exactly they must have done because Jesus said Come to me all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. To come to him simply means to trust Him to forgive the sense separating us from him to turn away from it and surrender our lives to him accepting him as are Savior and Lord we don't need to struggle alone stress tight and stretched to breaking point the Lord Jesus understands the problems and pressures of daily life because he became one of us his disciples often trade his patients and as the enemies dogged his every move he most certainly understands the promise that Jesus made it so long ago is still true he gives rest and peace to those who trust him completely and that is even more wonderful than take months off to rest and relax if on a Can there. And Sexton and politics Northern is a governor not an assembly Nigel for the verb orses Claude and Donna could. $82.00 to $95.00. 1341 medium. B.b.c. Radio 1. 8 o'clock on Thursday the 29th of June You're listening to good morning I'll start with nor Thompson and can Paterson Good morning our top story the d u p and she and fain have 8 hours to resolve their differences and restore the storm and institutions we're discussing what happens next if a deal isn't done and listen up all but Enron algos or masses where live at alarm school which is often a soccer course with a qualification at the end of it with a sports headlines on grounds Cameron super sub Jordan debut goal nets Linfield a victory against La Fiorito in the Champions League Jonny Sexton and Owen far old both start for the Lions in the 2nd Test against New Zealand but injured Robbie Henshaw and George North are homeward boned a newsreader this morning and Mary good morning time is running out for the storm and parties to agree a deal to restore a par sharing executive they have until 4 o'clock to elect a 1st and Deputy 1st Minister talks involving the 2 governments and all the parties continued late last night our political correspondent and McCafferty reports the m.l.a. Is were to back in their Stanley chamber at noon today to begin the business of setting up a new executive but there is no daylight between the d.a.p. And Sion fan by then the benches are likely to remain empty last night the secretary of state James Brokenshire returned from Westminster as the talks continued lead into the night at Starmen castle but this morning there is no say in the parties or any closer to reaching an agreement they have until 4 o'clock to strike a data after that the secretary of state will have to decide whether to amend. Legislation to life for more time to negotiate or he could give Westminster a greater say and making decisions here he also has the option of calling another election beings we're set for yet another showed storm and the prime minister will face a further test of her authority tonight when M.P.'s vote on the Queen's speech last night 10 d.d.p. M.P.'s helped the government defeat a labor amendment that would have ended the public sector pay comp if it had passed it was Teresa Mayes 1st parliamentary test since failing to win a night went right majority in the general election. It's expected the retired appeals court judge Sir Martin Mubarak will be appointed later today to lead the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tarr disaster when she announced the investigation the prime minister promised it would provide answers for those affected by the fire here's Levy in a 31 series The may order the public inquiry into what happened at ground felt however in the immediate off the moth of the fire it was expected the judge who did lead it would be named soon after now 2 weeks on it's understood some Martin more big will be given the job so Martin specialized in commercial law in a career spanning almost 50 years he served for more than 2 decades as a judge of the commercial court and at the Court of Appeal He now works as an arbitrator so Martins appointment is likely to be scrutinized amid a clamor for Aunt says about the cause of the fire an anger over the number of deaths one of the highest ranking officials in the Roman Catholic church the Vatican treasure Cardinal George Pell has been charged with historical sexual abuse in Australia the alleged offenses are believed to date back to the 1970 s. The cardinal has strongly denied any wrongdoing the deputy commissioner of Victoria state police Shane Patten told a news conference that the allegations had been made by more than one person Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect to the start sexual offenses and there are multiple complainants relating to those charges it's important to note that none of the allegations that have been My against Cardinal Pell have obviously been tested in any court shit the p s n I says it's to review high it deals with receipts crime because of the high impact it has on members of the public it will include clued training police into better recognize it when it's reported there were $606.00 cases logged in Northern Ireland last year that's 2 percent of all crimes logged here superintendent Emma bombed that isn't whenever you look at it in percentage terms every high level high every. But you need to realize the impact that it crime actually house on the victims and that's what makes it so important we have reviewed our policy and become much more victim focused to ensure that the Nates a victim's are paramount whilst running alongside the investigation the culture secretary Karen Bradley will announce this morning whether she will approve the proposed merger of sky and report Murdoch's 21st Century Fox Mr Murdoch already owns 39 percent of sky and opponents believe the deal will give him too much part in the u.k. Media he is our media editor I'm all right John the culture secretary referred this latest bid to the regulator Ofcom which last week reported on 3 grounds media plurality that is ensuring this sufficient competition in the sector commitment to broadcasting standards and whether the Murdoch's was fit and proper owner is 21st Century Fox claim that digital up he will in the media industry should dilute any concerns about plurality Mrs Bradley could approve the bid ask folks to address specific issues raised by all the competition and markets authority the Manchester International Festival starts today with an opening production altered to reflect last month's bombing attack at the city's arena the cast of what is the city but the people has been expanded to include some of the taxi drivers who offer to concert goers home for free on the night of the bombing some are shot from street cars taxi is one of those taking part in the law shows where the faces of months that was where the 1st people who were going to be out stroll in are still showing these people what kind of people you. See how we can come together at a time like this to show the kindness and happiness that Munster produces and that's all for me until half past 8 sin is here today good morning to you Well it's am mad dry morning still across Northern Ireland but we are expecting rain soon move in from the east lizard this morning now it's. Even extremely slowly so it may not reach parts of for manager alone until perhaps nearly teatime today that's why slowly it's moving so when the rain arrives it will become rather persistent heavy at times across the eastern counties the wind will also pick up so best the dry weather in the West but turning white some windy in the east. And then has traffic and travel well for anyone coming into Belfast traffic snarls slow on the m 2 from Greencastle on the a 2 from the Hollywood exchange leading on to the cinema bypass and on the road from sunny side street towards an ideal embankment However the m one is moving very well for this time of day they're looking up flights at the George Best City Airport this morning's 920 arrival from Edinburgh is delayed to 1045 also the next flight from Liverpool is not at 5 past one. 7 minutes past so are theirs and ours to save the world world the world of devolution Anyway that's how long that is until the deadline for restoring the power sharing executive nothing happening at the moment but we're going to up a little bit and Devonport Mark how you getting on with this late in bag and. Well I have to say I cannot tell a lie I spent a rather more comfortable night because around early early part of the evening it was pretty clear nothing much was going to happen so I headed home and hey presto nothing much has happened but we're still in the same scenario a standoff over the. Language Act whether it should be a stand alone act which is favored by shifting whether it should be a hybrid Act and the kind of mood music during the course of the evening yesterday wasn't really the kind of mood music which would accompany any attempts to close the gap on the one hand Yochim thing putting out press releases criticizing the d u p over their voting for the government on that Queen's speech amendment which didn't allow for pay rises for public sector workers on the other hand the d u p complaining about the Irish government started Cheeta the Irish language act so none of it really very hope hopeful in terms of a deal criticism also of the Irish government for supporting the notion of a stand alone Irish Language Act Yes this was basically because at tea time last night the government let it be don't r.t. They favored given the options on the table a stand alone act which is in line with the policy of Shem Fein the s.-t. O.-p. And the Alliance Party but is clearly obviously against or both the d u p and the units that said. The they would prefer the Aussies giving no cover of any kind to an Irish language at the d.p. Apparently considering a hybrid model which would also include all to schools so that then prompted a statement from Christopher stall for essentially having a go. The Arash government saying its neutrality was being called into question and that they would seek a meeting with Simon Coakley the foreign minister to raise that and obviously that was complained to become a position but also it was a cut or implicit riposte to those who've said look the British government can't be impartial now because the deal with the d.p. The d.p.p. The Irish government appeared to be taking sides on the one contentious issue which seems to be holding everything up quick run down the 2nd instance options come 4 o'clock if no agreement is reached Mark well he could go for a fresh election maybe in the autumn some talk about that not a lot about the toilet on the part of the the public maybe some parties might think they might be better out of that but certainly I think the public will be a bit. Not unarmored anyway of being forced to go to the polls yet again then he could go for full fat direct rule appoint London ministers who would take over he's pretty reluctant to do that because Shem Fay had said that I would be in breach of all the agreements they've had since at least the sometimes agreement in Scotland or he could maybe try some sort of halfway house a bit along the lines that we've had already of Westminster stepping in occasionally to legislate directly for still what matters we already have bought into the in relation to rates collection we could have that in relation to a fresh budget but if he does go for such a halfway house it may be hard to stretch it out for very much longer and that halfway house would imply continuing talks Yes I mean I think the government would hope to have continued talks and obviously to facilitate the other option is that they could set a new deadline this is what they did previously they retrospectively rewrote the law with an emergency law to set a new deadline and stretch the time available before calling an election the problem there is the the currency of Northern Ireland Office deadlines is already pretty low and you would be devaluing it even. But I think he be considerable both of the options probably the option that he doesn't want to share but I'd say right that there were no ground anything more to do still because you have changed the rules in relation to door it rules so that's why he said reluctant about that one Ok Mark 7 hours and 40 minutes ago thank you for listening to all of that alliance leader not only long and they also unionist emulate John's Church Good morning to you both this morning Naomi is there any room for optimism and I think of Islay that they went over of opportunity to get a date as is rapidly closing I think we're all very conscious of the time frame but in terms of last night by the time we left yes it was I suppose disparaging the people that supply on through the night which would have been then the cancer that we were close to getting updated but at the c.n.n. Time there had been some progress made on the issue and I think that that's a reason if you like to be hopeful but not overly hopeful John hopeful are you well aware there in the final stage of my. What happens I was optimistic and the estimate but given the fact that our party leaders turned up to the round table discussions with the other party leaders and jump in and thinking didn't turn up I think it was a sign behind they might be gone we were there on so but 1 o'clock this morning it was quite clear that stage even after meetings with the secretary of state at the very select party representatives that really was going nowhere in this last night we don't as I say we just as we got the sense whatever that was going to be done last night it would have done the on the arse of this morning but I find it remarkable after that what we now are in the 3rd stage of talks probably in the when we 12 in some shape or form is taken to the states to get the crisis talks it's. It's somewhat strange it's taken to the penultimate before the person that is a really good dog get done really result in the 1st written. Vein calling for energy and leadership from both governments Naomi what do you think of this rug over what the do you p. Is saying of the Irish government interference over the fact that Simon coven a has indicated that he believes the standalone Irish language does the way. I mean I think that they think that both of the parties need to focus on trying to get their issues resolved rather than widening I think the argument to say other parties and this discussion at the moment stand in the day you pay have a conference between them that needs to be closed and made little I can fight with the Irish government issued a press release This is not going to get that conference closed as far as I'm concerned and there's nothing anything that we've ever done that says that the Irish government and the British government can have opinions and they don't send the process that all that's been the case I think it's important that people show some sense around these issues when when when you have the Irish government have experience of mine like saying they are East language over many many years are trying to say then something constructive and terms of hard to move forward I don't see why people are being so precious that by to protect you really at this stage I think the focus needs to return to the Northern Ireland parties actually getting this over the lying we still have an opportunity but it is incredibly frustrating and I mean I completely agree with Joe on this night being out this release of the last 6 months and the sign that you're dying to the last 6 hours before people start appearing to take it seriously and as a real frustration for those of us who were ready to do business x. Months ago Don't ever say is warning of profound and serious implications though he's not revealed what the plan b. Might be if agreement doesn't rates by the deadline what would you like to see how much. I want to see a resolution by 4 o'clock today which is the deadline and then the ball is very much in the court of champagne that you paid to the sole custody how the value of weeks months to sort out it's so in the interest of the public interest of everybody that possibly the number one priority if they can get it over the line over him a bad line extended. Jim's programs are kept his cards very close to his chest to me that I'm not in the early hours of this morning he said nothing's off the table but he was very much committed to the code ongoing process and as far as he was concerned the deadline was 4 o'clock always I think there was a much for station among the public that this was the drag on much longer and demolish days of talks but something needs to be done but as I say we remain committed to resolving something by 4 o'clock today and I think that needs to be were the focus of the Is and in these last $2.00 Naomi Long if the 4 o'clock deadline can be reached what do you think needs to happen well the 4 o'clock deadline needs to be reached because let's be very clear this was just not an arbitrary date plucked out of the air this was chosen because it is the death of the executive incoming executive the opportunity to deal with budget allocations under 6 minutes Dariel decisions that have been piling up on tasks over the last 5 or 6 months I know people will say well what does that matter because the assembly would go into recess even when the assembly is in recess daily ministers are taking decisions political decisions about the direction that money should be allocated and so on and the absence of that there will have to be a political decision this thing around those issues so whether we get photostat direct rule or whether we get direct red light there will be political decisions have to be taken because budget allocations must be made several service cannot continue beyond the middle of July without those decisions a little bit of parallel process that I do in parts of suggest as well I mean the bottom line is the trust is at such a low web between the parties that I think people are very concerned about going into the executive with some form of certainty around what icons are going to pay I think when people have reached this point do you have known all along that people expected the data to be done before we go into the executive that there is an onus on people to get over the line. We have certainly said from our perspective the issues that are all concerned are we have made those issues I'm binding we have made it clear we're willing to go into the executive those issues are accepted as ones that will be addressed by the executive and there are a draft but they're not time and if they're not a draft well well then it we'll have to get into place in a bike energy of course Ok so we're happy we're happy for things to move forward today but we do need to make it very very clear that there is an expectation that some of these issues do have to be addressed before an executive can be formed not simple enough that everyone will simply go back on the beer truck because they're at norm now a long and Jon Stewart thank you we did ask the deviation Fein and they asked the LP to come on to the program today but they either didn't get back to us or told us no one was available it's in minutes past age you have been treating us about your memories of the Mandela hole which is due to disappear sooner redevelopment of the student shouldn't Queen's University buried tweeds a bra being thrown on stage in born gig in the late eighty's the finished the song wearing a bra the heart that fitted them royal boys' says Sing the course of the 1st time I highlight Blair's tweets 1st big 1905 the wild cards. And Sarah tweets explosions in the sky in 2012 You're listening to good morning I cannot know the news headlines talks over power sharing at Stormont will resume this morning the parties have until 4 o'clock to form an executive or face the prospect of direct rule from London it's understood retired appeals court judges to lead the public inquiry into the ground fall tower fire so Martin more Becks appointment as expected to be confirmed by the government today under straight as top Roman Catholic official Cardinal George Pell has been charged with the Sturrock of sex offenses he denies the claims Cecilia Good morning to you at the school summer holidays start this weekend for most the weather is looking a little more cheerful a little warmer still a little rain here and mine too but it will certainly be an improvement on what we have. Later on today Syrians coming in from the east part of an east west split today is taking its time moving in but it will become rather what's And when rather windy across eastern countries later today or as the West will stay dry the rain not arriving until much later perhaps even this evening. Coming up on The View tonight we'll hear from London following the vote on the Queen's speech the 1st big test of the new arrangement between the Tories and the d p closer to home would investigate the state of the potential local deal are we heading for direct room or return to devolution as the summer approaches we reflect on another Chimo choice year in politics here with our annual end of season awards point I'm sorry you don't agree with me but I'm just going to leave it there I think it has to be Arlene Forster for very bad reasons a question that was a moment which to find here is a gloriously bonkers world that's the view with me Mark Carruthers tonight 1040 b.b.c. One. Well we've been hearing from authorities but what are people on the streets saying about the latest storm and Saga our reporter next Rick Farakka rather has been to a chippy and so I fell fast to gauge the opinion. Part That's a very good reviews in Belfast chippie worth So let's talk a little more about what happens now the people who know about these things John tongue is a professor of politics at Liverpool University he's with us in studio unusually nice to have you here John Professor picture show from the University of Liverpool is Institute of Irish studies is in our radio measures as studio and also on the line is the Irish News columnist and author brand Feeney Good morning to you all John. 4 o'clock going to come and go I think we can safely say Let's predict on a good morning right you know predict there's going to be no agreement by 4 o'clock today I'm always an optimist I still think there's a possibility of a deal but I wouldn't take a short price about it I don't really understand why this deadline is it in place frankly because even if there was agreement today you can't get these hours language up through I mean storm goes into into recess next week anyway so I think I think for once I think there is a logic to actually push things back to the autumn and I can almost hear the moans and groans from from the public on hearing that but why rush offenses Now of course you can turn around and say well this is this this are is length language it was opposed have been there since 2006 it was in the same hundreds agreement in the British government supposed to have legislated for it but I don't think there's actually any harm in pushing this back to the autumn whether we have any closer to is unclear but let's face it I mean there's a lot of dancing on the head of a pin going on anyway now the issue is not so much actually about an Irish Language Act It's whether it should be broader and also coveralls to Scots I mean surely you can have a and that's the argument from the do you. Still want a standalone actor as do. I mean surely there's a way around that have an Irish Language Act which also incorporates the Scots is not beyond the. What's among County that's come up with them with something like that I'm not quite sure why they got the obsession with it with a stand alone not to the exclusion of all other possibilities Vickie if this is the deal breaker and it looks the has been progress elsewhere Jim feigns initial demand that they would with all the force that appears to have disappeared from view stuff like same sex marriage is knowledge that goes in 70 votes in the d.-u. He doesn't have the power to block it alone so most of the other stuff the P.M.'s over well as Brazil you can answer that I mean why is there still insistence on a standalone Act Well one of the points John telling me is that it was agreed in 2006 and it's been 10 years and there's been no progress the other point is that it isn't simply a matter of an Irish Language Act This is part of the whole respect agenda that the infinite than the last 6 months and that they they fought the same the election on March talked of their slogan respect integrity and something else what they're what they're really suggesting is that it is not in the gift to recognize that this is a part of Ireland and that there are a few people here and that there is a substantial proportion of the population who want to learn Irish and that also there is a separate Scottish langar Scottish Gaelic act and a Welsh act and if there's a party united kingdom this should be the same treatment for Irish and this part of Ireland and it's a recognition of Irishness a part of that is the fact that the u.p.a. Said already in foster there will never be an Irish Language Act and it's this whole denial of excess thousands of Irish students simply. A stand alone act that is important that is it seems applauded rep autumn line for them but it represents an awful lot more turnover is it a matter of as John suggests maybe just forgetting about the deadline let's let this empty go into recess messes keep talking for the summer. Well I think ultimately it's really important we understand that the whole idea of evolution was to bring better governance to Northern Ireland and Radio 4 whenever it was released by the 1000000000 pound additional phones going to Northern Ireland there was consultant on saying that for women with postnatal depression in Northern Ireland there is one Hof they practice one half they practice for what is a very debilitating condition you can through the whole body of what the assembly has not achieved waiting lists you heard there from when you're vox pop crisis in schools etc There's a media need for us to resolve these tensions and one of the fundamental problems about the Belfast Agreement as delivery is about fostering was not just about the past the Belfast Agreement was not just about conflict over language and identity the Belfast Agreement was a but the wellbeing of the society in which we live and the wellbeing of any society is based upon the future if we're sitting in a society which we can only offer women with postnatal depression if they clinic across Northern Ireland one day a week then we should be getting these people back to their work the fundamental problem here is a civic society has not stood up for itself we have 2 political parties which have got stronger and stronger electorally who are constantly looking over their shoulder and thinking if they need to do certain things they will lose voters that has not been the case as you heard in the Fox popular very wise and cautious commentary about this is by constitutional politics you look at the work of John told of a of the never put University 75 percent of people under the age of 40 in Northern Ireland didn't vote in 2015 so if there is. A question the answer the question is we need good governance we need leadership and we need a society which people don't feel that there is no future they don't think an especially for younger generation they feel that they have a part of a future of the society if there were to be a director in the average person in the street wouldn't really notice much difference would probably not although it would depend on the quality of the direct role as the. Assembly could remain as a scrutineer direct rule alone be a fairly ineffective no executive No no executive that's not ideal I mean for some for some of the reasons the p.s. Just outlined there but in terms of good governance local governments if you look at the evidence as well 85 percent of the people who want the evolution of evolution whatever the cynicism about what goes on in the. Storm and people still want to devolve government you know that comes up every survey that we have to do so the fact is that there is a need to restore the devolved executive but it means waiting for a lot to get a better deal and get a proper Arash language up through them and so be a don't see why 4 o'clock today has to be over deadlines John Peter Ryan feely thank you very much we love our politics still to come we'll hear from former d.p.n. Sinn Fein insiders on the chances of a deal being done by 4 o'clock and I was going to hear from you to let us know what you think the more you hear the tech number at $1.71 or you can tweet us at b.b.c. G.m.u. Annmarie has the news time is running out for the storm and parties to agree a deal to restore power sharing talks involving the 2 governments and all parties continued late last night they have until 4 o'clock to elect a 1st and Deputy 1st Minister after that the secretary of state James Brokenshire kind of life for more time to negotiate or give Westminster a greater say in making decisions here he also has the option of calling another assembly election it's expected that the retired appeals court judge for Martin murder big will be appointed later today to lead the public inquiry into the ground for tar disaster so Martin's career in the last Bond nearly 5 decades before he retired last December police investigating the police have said they know I believe 80 people died but they've warned they may not be able to confirm an exact figure until the end of the year at the earliest stages top Roman Catholic official has been charged with historical sex offenses Cardinal George Pell the Vatican's Treasurer is. Used of multiple offenses dating back to the 1970 s. Which he denies the b.s. And I is to review high it deals with receipt crime and to train officers to better recognize that there were 606 cases reported in Northern Ireland last year making up 2 percent of all crimes logged superintendent Emma Baum says his crime has a serious effect that isn't whenever you look at it in percentage terms of very high level however I think that you need to realize the impact that it crime actually has on the victims and that's what makes it so important we have reviewed our policy and become much more a victim focus to ensure that the needs of victims are paramount whilst running alongside the investigation and it in your old man arrested after a serious crash in London Derry on Tuesday evening has been released on bail the 67 year old woman who was critically injured remains in hospital the Manchester International Festival starts today with an opening production altered to reflect last month's bombing attack at the city's arena the cast of what is the city but the people has been expanded to include some of the taxi drivers who offer to take concert goers home for free on the night of the bombing and that's all from me until 9. And thank you for that let's get the sports start with Grant Good morning once again Lindfield have moved closer to a money spinning turn against Celtic after a dramatic one little home win over San Marino was at Lafayette in the 1st leg of their Champions League 1st round qualifier at Windsor Park new signing Jordan Stewart came off the bench to score a splendid 89th minute winner on his blues debut on Burns' earlier had a penalty saved by keeper Jan look at the van but you calmer Stewart delivering in style for Blues boss David Healy the longer go short of thank God Christ I got only about edgy which I expect but they were a quality that we do have and those are out on the bench and I to juggle right here and also think that they could change the game for Jordan. As they view it was desperate to come to this club that's why we brought him here he desperately wanted to come the club the leisure in a corner as grand a play for any faith they wanted to make and bring oppression I showed them as they did tonight and as I can leg is in San Marino on Tuesday 9 and triggering tale of espionage Europa League opponents earth k. Have been on an undercover operation to run the rule over Crusaders ahead of tonight's qualifier at Seaview their coach America's interest sneaked into the friendly against ballad time last Saturday this is like a small secret but there was here 3 days before I went to the game against one team from well I stood there with some fans from across a dose and they think I'm tourists but I was there. I spent I drink coffee and then they'd be I coffee and rice by. The family I need this information and we know when they fight there again Kristie. I think they are be doable but we need to be 100 percent ready hope you enjoyed the coffee Ballymena United and Colin They are both in Norway United at tackle odds while Colin manager or in Kiran it knows exactly what he wants in the clash with Hogan soon and it will be brilliant if we if we have something to hold on to and something to. And the 2nd leg that gives it a real a rest that's the opposite job of the 1st leg is to make sure that we do that I'm not sure being cautious is the way that achieves that I think with age of our quality to set off and. You can be dangerous so I think we've got to go on time player on game and there's commentary and Barry said he's Danish assignment at midfield learned from 630 on b.b.c. Radio 4 with updates on the other ties on arsenal of how to bid rejected for French striker on day like as that from Leo negotiations still ongoing Manchester City keeper Claudio Bravo saved 3 penalties Chile beat Portugal in a shootout to reach the Confederations Cup final in rugby Robbie Henshaw and George North are returning home from the Lions tour due to injuries suffered against the Hurricanes in World War on Gatland has made 3 changes to his team to play the 2nd Test against New Zealand on Saturday Jonny Sexton the No one final will start together for the 1st time while captain Sam Warburton replaces Peter O'Mahony at flanker morrow a 2 j is prepared to George Cruz in the 2nd row Gatland been explaining his decision to start both Sexton and Pharrell you know they haven't started together but they have had quite a bit of time on together and and it just given us 2 ball players to kick in options on the right foot in the left foot options with the other day is in early Delhi as well so one can see we have got moving looking at with a focus and doesn't look great for say they know it so we may have to change technically the way that we're going to play. We need to do the things of the job and Sonny Bill Williams as well as the lack of saw is a bit of a concern in the back line no no real. Way to answer a tricky question. But I haven't pears c.j. Stander and Jack Graf they are among the replacements for Saturday morning thank you and the traffic and travel well traffic's very light coming into Belfast this morning just slight delays on the m 2 from Fort William on the 7 a bypass from Teles burn and the West Bank slow from Broadway towards the empty bed looking at flight delays at the George Best City Airport this morning's $920.00 arrival from Edinburgh is delayed to 1045 also there's over an hour's delay to this afternoon's flight from Edinburgh it's not expected at 20 past and the next flight from Liverpool is delayed to 5 past one. Thank you and the government has hinted that the pay cap on public sector pay could be lifted it comes after Labor attempt to scrap the one percent cap was the faces and parliament last night the cap on pay as you well know has been in place for 7 years now and affects many people including firefighters teachers nurses it was due to continue until 2020 joining us not just I'm accountable from the n.a.s.u. W.t. Which represents teachers and Jana Smith of the voile College of nurses that you both re welcome just near speaking to your representative from the i.c.t. You union short while ago he believes that the winds of change are coming up on a matter of time what do you think I was listening to already from and I said to you earlier and he's right the pressure is nigh on across the u.k. The general population are against the start of a they realize that it is unacceptable that public servants have had literally almost no pay increase since 2011 in the case of teachers' pay has risen 3 percent but yet not time the increases to a pension contribution and National Insurance Contribution have been greater than not looking at inflation or pay has fall. 17 percent behind inflation since 2011 your union was taking strike action ahead of the Assembly elections that was the spend is that suspended indefinitely or are you considering restarting industrial action pending at change and fortunes we are on industrial action the minute or industrial action has 2 forms the rolling strike programme which is suspended but we're also on action short of strike action in schools where we aren't cooperated in with the inspectorate For example we are resisting changes to workload practices in schools so there is a lot of frustration and anger in schools and teachers are pushing back against the extra work that has been put on them so are you going to scale dining plans for industrial action or might you indeed ramp it up to continue to put pressure on the government. In terms of Northern Ireland know the pay as a devolved matter so we are waiting on a north nod and minister however we are constantly reviewing the position in terms of. The strike programme clearly people striking during the summer but hopefully if the politicians on the whole got a data we won't need to go down that road but what I would say to them and I would say to those M.P.'s from Northern Ireland to attend Westminster the conservative majority is small they can put the pressure on twin I think of a commonly ad by one m.p. In May This month he said about the situation cannot change unless a decision is made by central government north not M.P.'s now you have the position are in the position where they can influence central government Ok Janice Smith of the Royal College of nurses We've had stories of nurses having to go to Fed banks Janice how do you react to what was a defeat for this labor amendment last night but then these contradictory comments coming from the government. Well I mean this was very disappointing obviously and nurses failed dynes morning they failed that you know that their platitudes paid to them but their pay is not being addressed so and but we're not without hope and we know that we have got her Randerson arsing vacancies across the u.k. And indeed in Northern Ireland and that situation is not going to improve but I think the thing that really really concerns nurses most is that much money public money is being used to pay significantly higher rates to nurses who are employed 3 agencies and I think this is you know if this is a bite to stare at they nurses don't think we're saving too much my how do you react to a story that appears Naresh news this morning that G.P.'s are being offered a 1000 times a day to work over the 12 holidays where there is a facility in the terms and conditions of nurses to pay them and what's called a retention premium if you can demonstrate that there's a group of workers where there is a problem spot that has never been discussed and terms of national if it has been totally dismissed so I mean all people are looking for is to be treated fairly and I think that's the thing that's most annoying for nurses they believe that they're being treated unfairly and I would upset they concur with that view Ok they were going to have to leave and I thank you both very much indeed John Smith there and just like him if only one more all in the talks were to commentators from a d.p. Minister Nelson McCausland the formation fan m.l.a. Dime a car i morning to both. The us and we hear from both parties high anxious everyone is that this should work her do you piece a way to run dawn tomorrow shivers are we really want to get this up and running but no one it seems is compromising in the slightest. Well they do you would argue that they are ready to go back into an executive and into the assembly a Certain things are wrong but bear in mind that the difficulty I think is that shouldn't be and have drawn these red lines who are going back to the assembly election they said we have to have this we have to have the we have to have the other we're making conditions we're setting preconditions for going back whereas other political parties are generating the view let's get back into the exact of let's get the assembly up and running and we can deal with all the issues were a period of time but it became quite clear in the March election that the shin thin electorate supported that stance that they wanted respect they wanted their rights based program and there's been no movement on that at all. Apparently yes I think the difficulty from your news perspective is that in talk about rights they talk about equality but when the d.p. Came forward with a proposal for a cultural act which would provide some measure of equality and some measure of rates for everybody all that was then where the rights of the culture that they were a particular interest in them it's either equality or it's not and I think the difficulty goes back a number of years because the Belfast Agreement itself entrenched inequality it created a preferential position for the Irish language and the result was that other cultural expressions have been largely sidelined Ok Adama Chis same question I mean all lip service to yeah we want this do were granted to get back but no sign of compromise no I mean there's there's not going to be it is today so I think the saying is that it should set another deadline and there wasn't enough work on time because. Between the Tories and that the but I think you know it is untested send in some of their spokes people. And just a little bit more regular in terms of the position. Are in foster whether she can be 1st minister again. But that is a big step for something and that certainly in terms of the grassroots there's a lot of the feeling still towards Arlene Foster especially after her comments the crocodile comments about Barry's language because people saying that was a direct reference to a comment from an Israeli Prime Minister Barak said that the Palestinians are like crocodiles the more you give them aid they want more so that cause a lot of destination among nice thoughts a lot of nice that's what state are in foster get the opposition against because of the difficulty not some cause what's it like in that room you know with the 2 delegations sitting because in the face Inshallah this is just a matter. Crossed arms Well I'm not budging Well I'm certainly not budging What are they talking about I think that my living limited experience of this was largely around the that it was here to the Hillsborough a lot of time was spent waiting arriving and why it's papers were exchanged and the older party would take a paper away to look out and consider and reflect on and you might sit around for an hour 2 hours 3 hours or more thing for a response to not particularly it was a very structured tight party and critics would say it was almost almost in the way that it operates and therefore everything has to be taken back to the center to be considered the result is that a lot of time is spent trying to write and you can a very late night you might be something going from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the morning waiting for response and it can be very frustrating is the day in any sense of urgency do you feel a tall about storm. I think there's always that fat ugly but terms of the negotiations usually go there's a slow long process of some of that cattle market you know you start at the table disagree you go wait here make things you consider papers you can buy with another paper and repeat again and again so there is that sort of circular as I look at it quite frustrating but ultimately I just there's certain degree. Of there is a further ahead laying out or further deadlines that agreement 7 a quarter hours ago now is because a Democrat thank you very much indeed you know dimension affects more than 800000 people in the u.k. But nearly 3 quarters of the population wouldn't contact a doctor immediately over fears about memory loss few also recognize their early signs of dementia according to new research Joining us now is the former b.b.c. Correspondent Jenny Bond who's 95 year old mother has dementia Jenny good to talk to you thank you for joining us Fletcher Jenny to talk us about the early days how did you 1st recognise that that your mum was suffering from the effects of to mentor Well I think it was probably about 12 years ago when when my father died I think it was always he tell his shock after 63 years of marriage and she began to be very possessive about her hand-bag always on sipping it zipping it up seeing the everything was in place. She had a read book in which she wrote down absolutely everything you know from I've had my breakfast to Jenny's coming round I knew what she was trying to do she was trying to keep control of her life and control of her mind and I think with dementia it's often people who are very intelligent and very capable who actually can mosque the symptoms rather too well because they they try to keep control how did you respond though Jenny as her daughter you saw your mom changing Were you reluctant to broach the. Conversation Yes I mean I remember sitting watching Wimbledon with her and an adult was playing and she said it and she loves tennis and I said Listen a doll and then I began timing it became every 10 seconds she would so how is that you know gosh you know something really going on here but I don't think that we my sisters and I really sought help perhaps as early as we as we should have done what held you back. No reluctance as opposed to to realize the this was happening also what could be done about it I think people tended to accept that there's not a lot that can be done but in fact in this research points to the fact that HIV if you do go to your pharmacist is pharmacist for example a very very accessible they might be able to pick up those signs perhaps if you're going back to the same pill time and again and repeating yourself and they might be able to encourage you to go to the g.p. And there is help out there whether we need a great deal more research obviously Do you regret that you didn't contact your mom's t.p.r. Lair Yes yes I do I do I think perhaps we could have arrested the progression of the disease. At an earlier stage are unfortunately the end result is probably it's a journey that is a very familiar pattern to it and eventually law probably going to end up in in a care home but I think that this research is very valuable. Is being cared about as the pharmacy and they just want people to go to the pharmacist and say you know I'm an edgy about this do you think we could have a chat about it how is your mom Jenny when I saw her yesterday and she's an airman she's she's pretty much in a world of her own anything like like talking all or walking it is very very difficult not impossible but I have what I call magic moments and it nearly every time I visit I get a little tiny glimmer when she looks at me with utter love in her eyes and she knows for those 30 seconds who I am and actually manages to formulate the words you know I love you I love you and that's just magic What did she respond best. Tenderness. The love and care she can she can't just still read because she was so intelligent if you give her a pack of cards she will just order them in some kind of random way but she likes she likes to keep something in her hand she can and to read the same sentence again and again doesn't matter that she's reading or getting in she is trying to read it but even even though it's getting quite difficult now difficult for you to it's it's a very very tough journey but the message that we really want to get out is that do seek help don't ignore it far too many people as this research shows would rather just turn their back on it and that's that's a very foolish thing to do Jenny a pleasure to talk to you we wish you both well thank you very much indeed 10 minutes to 9 in the headlines talks over par sharing and strawman resume this morning the parties have until 4 o'clock this afternoon to form an executive office the prospect of direct rule sundered a retired appeals court judges to lead the public inquiry into the ground for tire fire some are more books appointment is expected to be confirmed by the government today under strain as top Roman Catholic official Cardinal George Perez been charged with historical sex offenses he denies the charges and what about travel Well overall it's pretty quiet on the main routes into Belfast this morning just slight delays on the m 2 from done cross street as well as on the West Bank which remain slow from road and street towards the empty Plus there's a queue on the Grosvenor Road from the West Wing heading into the city and at the George Best City Airport this morning's flight b. Flight from Edinburgh which was due at 20 past 9 is now expected at 1045 close at the business desk morning to you again good morning and firm as energy in the headlines Yes And the reason why we're talking about it from an Energy know is because they've lost an attempt to overturn the regulators decision which meant lower gas bills for their customers last September the utility regulator determine . And higher much Northern Ireland's 3 gas networks could charge over the next 6 years or so and that decision meant that farmers customers could expect their bills to be cut by an average of about 15 points a year my firm has appealed that decision to the competition markets authority but their appeal was unsuccessful in a statement the utility regulators chief executive Jenny Piper said the true enters our local gas cost consumers and pharmacist said its decision to appeal wasn't taken lightly and was done with the best long term interest in mind for the natural gas consumer in Northern Ireland and some good news on the jobs front from rest while manufacturing and Dunn Gannon they are creating 20 new jobs an investment worth almost half a 1000000 pounds the business is based in call Island and makes mattresses headboards and beds invest and I offered them about 112 thought is important is worth and support and they've said these new posts will generate more than $270000.00 pounds a year in salaries which they described as encouraging news for Middle Eastern and I last look at the markets then a short time ago the Fitzy was down 45 points at 7389 point is worth one dollar 30 and one euro 14 which makes a euro worth 88 pence thank you couldn't we've been reflecting haven't we are memories of great music of lights at the Mandela hole but a quick statement in from the students' union at Queen's on those plans to demolish the whole of the Union it says assures all music fans that a new venue will be built as part of the redevelopment possibly still called the Mandela hole students will be allowed to vote on that and their voices will be heard and the consultation before building up again in 29 takes coming in to us on the topics of the day there should be a referendum on whether or not there's an Irish language that says when we're getting what we voted for says Margaret why I was surprised we knew before the election of your vote some old gets about as they got to agree to form a government. Should seize the mid. That you concentrate minds and we should have stopped paying them a laser has been over some who might make them hurry up and come to a deal says Joe in Belfast the time is 6 months 9 already now do you dream of becoming the next from now though David back or more George Best well maybe your time for the. But if you've any is the firing football superstars in your high sold new football academy in County Antrim may be worth looking into a law on high school as offering a professional football coaching to pupils from September whether qualification at the end of the course and it's open to pupils outside of the school as well our reporter early morning is there this morning to find out more and maybe pick up some footballing skills Hi Elaine. Good morning Carol yes I'm in the gymnasium you might hear the echo of this large room with a large large high school and this is where a number of people as well be treading the boards and heading footballs around September it don't think I might have the skills for it but your spectator sports my point of view I'm number guess here 1st Stephen Rea the principal of Lorne high school Stephen high has this come up bites this new football academy we've been working this one football club for the last couple of months planning this new course and the idea is that the young people not just annoying but from the surrounding area north Belfast. And so on. Who want to pursue careers in sports can follow the tech extended the sports studies which is. And then at the same time get professional coaching with one football club and play for their own 20 site which could be as well as an exciting prospect and race whether by you're hoping to take up this course and temper what attracted you to get involved and let . Me get my. Teacher So it's really try to me. As well maybe hope and follow in the footsteps of George Best and go to an off line yes. But the Course itself there's many parts to it it's not just the football side there is an AK academic side to it actually Knox is the head of p. And should be teaching the academic side of the b. Track actually what can must be of the way for for people under take this course and for people like Grace to teach and they get that they get the inside look at this as he says if it happens for him and happens but we're not naive enough to think that everybody's going to become a professional footballer so we believe in the groundwork academically get in the pathway for them to go in the end of our stay for jobs like physiotherapy teach and sports market maybe this is the way to do it they'll be getting 3. Doctor rated mentioned earlier 20 units and very very broad they can. Lots and lots of careers in the So. My passion to make sure that they can light here I am prepared you know for life and career and sports and different and just treat the business and as well as that that on site not just full time in the under you just as the bell for the scandal and Michael Macquarie you to be coaching the footballing side of this what sort of thing are you looking forward to and encouraging kids to get involved with well as opposed to a very exciting opportunity for all the players involved they will be receiving full time coaching. I suppose matching what kind of parts of England are doing so for any young footballer from 16 the opinion Oh it's a huge huge prospect for them to get involved with They'll also get their feel of the multitude of facilities within Jordan's time. To get to use the strength and conditioning the recovery sessions up there which will be a massive plus to you and obviously makes it very attractive for the players involved Stephen but yourself as principal high priority that you can actually get people from not just larn high school involved in the 1st one to a wider range and you be hoping that some people will come here an uptick undertake this absolutely we're hoping that this will actually attract young people into the trying to play for the team and to do their academic work in one high school. And he were within travelling distance of Lauren We would love to hear from young people who would like to take this course up simply contact the school learn high school look on the website all the details for the football academy are there or give the school a call to the general office and we send you the information and of course it's going to be a base for Darren football as well I said of the school and the time absolutely. And terms of football when I was a young boy you could have heard the cheer on the timing every time Norn scored and these days that doesn't happen and we really want to build out of account with young people coming into the time to play for the team and really get football new status in the timing even. Ashley Michael thanks very much for joining me this morning on race best luck you never know where we'll be seeing you on in the future time's up this time a Nobel required school day of art to get underway. But the weather it's a silly it's all downhill from here and there's no where is the last couple of good guys coming up yeah that fell brings back memories that's a. Scary very reason. To go back in that last. Bit is your homework Ok Yeah Ok so last couple of days girl and the weather is a bit cool about settles best the weather in the West today Rahm will be nudging in from the east as the morning goes on but it's a very slow process it's already slower than it was supposed to be so if you go into work dry this morning you're likely to see some rain on the way home especially across the east.