100 fantastic day it's 8 after midday Monday James could you tell me the name of the book you were just discussing our mystic want to buy it for my son in law says Jane I can it was called fundamental. And then there's a kind of in brackets bit how quantum and particle physics explain absolutely everything except gravity Tim James is the author it's called Fundamental Now you might have seen the adverts for something called pharmacy to you an app which you can download to your device and it enables you to get your prescription medicine delivered to your door. For no additional cost than what you would normally pay for a prescription sounds too good to be treated to find out more Dr Paul Driscoll is G.P. Pondered Haven health and feeling stuck and for the last time today medical director of Suffolk G.P. Federation poor Good afternoon good afternoon John's Well let me 1st of all congratulate you as your time as medical director last night today than Paul Yeah thank you very much passed on to my colleague Dr Rick push away from today almost all of us thanks Salumi pharmacy to you then obviously there's adverts for a start for it which means they've spent money to promote it somehow they must be making money what is it yeah so I'm pharmacy T. Here is an online pharmacy is a reputable organization is a stop in late or early to head office and it's a way of patients. Patients prescriptions are sent or you could miss online or via the app and then they process the prescription and then it comes to the post repeat this prescribing is it's reasonably well remunerated so it's also worth their cost in order to do that and because they're not running a high street pharmacy they haven't got the costs associated with that as well so it's you know it's a safe reputable organization and and it can be a patient with the deliberate I suppose issue we would have a G.P.S. Is actually used we also value our community pharmacists greatly and a lot of minor illnesses and minor elements bites things cost cold etc are dealt with by our. Pharmacy colleagues and everybody goes online or uses other services which aren't in the area when reaccelerate the services we may find they're not they're not there any longer and that's an interesting point but I guess others will say well hang on a many are rather not spend 20 minutes waiting for the prescription to be processed and have to the. Q And after driving down get in all of that so you know that there isn't a strong argument for those who maybe are suffering with a lack of mobility for instance to say what is going to be delivered through the door you know great here I mean I'm not a lot of person pharmacies work so closely together West pharmacists or local pharmacist will order the prescription when it's needed I'm going to live it to the patients as well so the old days of having to go to the G.P. With a description pick it up take it to the pharmacy and then go back and correct it read moved on from that where we are mostly so that you know say that we have conveniences is available if you use this sort of online ordering in and the pharmacy locally but I think a lot we are concerned particularly some of the more rural areas where the practices might might run the pharmacy themselves and it's the income from running the pharmacy that keeps the smallest crease viable in the community and that income was taken by or an online pharmacy it may affect the quality of those practices. OK so why in an ideal world you'd won both flourishing Yes there's a role for there's a role for both of them now but I think our local pharmacies I think are a valuable resource and I think we need to be making sure we're looking after them as well now because one thing that's almost certain is that when something gets a little through the door either the dog or the children get it which is fine when it's a letter from the H.M.O. Say but when it's prescription medication it's the last thing you want what do we know about how that's going to be protected against here are absolutely I don't know anything about that I'm afraid that a very good question for pharmacy to you I'm sure they thought about how we got a call into the hopefully they will come back to some point to answer these questions I'm presuming that would worry us from the outset. Yes OK service may vote worried affects more than the last yes yeah most most kind of package in the. These days is individual. Blister packs which probably aren't terribly attractive to anybody using them or any packaging the mode of thought so I'm like yes it's a risk but I'm sure that if they thought of some ways of managing that how do we know how them how to make their money then I don't understand how they're offering free postage they say that it's there's no cost to the N.H.S. For this what's the business model I pull I think I can imagine there is the doing repeat prescriptions is is a sort of a reasonable way of generating income and you know often people on Title 12 different drugs so after dozen different drugs with each attractive style you're issuing them. And if you're not paying kind of high street runs I can imagine you can overtake sort of offices in a business park and. Sell it I think you know it doesn't cost the N.H.S. Any more because they get a standard tariff the same as your local pharmacist ready and I guess that they are able to factor in the savings from from the rental income or not having perhaps as many start as you would need if you had a traditional pharmacy right across to the postage so it makes sense to me that that water would work you know like a lot of the other online retailers often when you do pick up a prescription the chemist will often say oh now by the way don't do this or do do that and there's that little bit of advice that we might be lacking I mean obviously if it's a big procedure that that's something different you'll be familiar with what you're supposed to do but I guess with a new prescription that might be a bit more complicated here as I think that's a really good point because there are pharmacists more than just getting out caplets they are some of them will be aware of the other medication that you're all issued prescriptions in error that someone that had forward had a side effect which I've not noticed but the pharmacist is picked up there and so I think there is you know a safety in any way a very close relationship with our local pharmacist and I think that's really to the patient's benefit because you know they do pick things up that occasionally weigh less and I think you do list that I think the other thing to say. Could mention the bricks at work but we know drug supply issues are a problem particularly H.R.T. Some of your listeners that experience that and have inequalities next door if we need to an awful tentative we can do that very quickly right regard to pharmacy to win and they haven't got it on stock as a stock issue it was just somehow come back to our than an arc imagines that more delay in the system. It's a bit less seamless and I know what our local pharmacist has in stock and I could say the same about what might be happening from a city or interesting was a site we've got a call into the guy's pharmacy to you have with I'll come back and answer some of those questions and we hear what you say Dr Amit ultimately. You know it seems to me that we're more or more dependent on prescription drugs these days and you know well it's partly it's a sort of measure of kind of success in that they do. More aggressively and we're treating heart disease and stroke more aggressively and so we're having people are living longer and more active partly as a result of the often the most who drug regimes that we have controlling blood pressure blood thinners etc So I think there's an honor to be proud of that we do have people who are a little long yes there is. There are I think we have patches on some of the like stock stuff that will be put in as well you know weight loss an exercise can be as effective a completely distorted occasion and it's important when we remember that as well with action and where you're going to buy a funny tasting chocolate from a few Dunker the pharmacy. And the late. Dr Paul Driscoll G.P. Panel Haven health in Phoenix and the final time today medical director of the Southern G.P. Federation handing out of those reins the end of today Dr thank you for your time to speak to thank you very much. James Hazel on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. Hopefully we'll be hearing from the pharmacy to you to allay some of. The fears raised by the doctor in the next week. Tube. And. Radio one thing to say to you Gary. Yes the A 3550. 00 viewers of course because the I'm thinking was having only needs we just yet knowing back from the want to run positive Cambers on it's got a beautiful surface it's just a great brother. Someone like me who. Does enjoy a little bit of driving then you know you've got to try that route out it's not often I talk about roads and I'm good because you know very quickly I'll get on the M 25 more fiasco that is but the 3055 if you get a chance get on it it's a good bounce with you on the A 3 o 55 thing I did the whole thing I did the whole thing between Sandown and the needle. Early on oh yeah I want to go over to the other Y. One get over there get on that road my friend you'll love it yeah great views and all that not that I was looking at the years I was concentrating on the road again and that. But the Mrs was driving sometimes was that she said you could take the view sometimes land over and you know still. Carry with the details James still only an 11 it's over 20 minute drive now southbound only 11 going towards 5 waste very busy there let me have a look around the Bury St Edmunds it was slow in the rough road going into various amendments but that seems to me it seems doing fine. Works they have by the runaway closure in place but if you call sign a reason diversion signed up to just bear that in mind if you're traveling there whether doing the works on the trains buses or replacing 2. I'm still between supper to Mark's Taijutsu a 40 train I'm Gary Scott for B.B.C. Radio Suffolk travel. D.A.B. Digital radio this is B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. Final point about my holiday he is what I learnt when I was on holiday how humanity has changed over the this is how lazy we've got right I don't know whether you've ever done the other wife very right but sometimes it can not be choppy but it can be a bit and sometimes car alarms go off right and there was this writing drove a thing expensive thing and it was going we went and it was going on for ages and I'm thinking Well Will someone must hear that and the know what a lie from the viewing I heard disguised say yeah I knew it was mine bought just couldn't be bothered to switch off. The ball that to press the button on a key fault that's where we are in 20195 tonight on the East End family means everything we don't say trying to see each other's Fed bank account working time to get somewhere. Looking like you don't really think we just want to buy. It was that her. Recently. Eastenders. Brother Cornell tonight today on B.B.C. One. To the B.B.C. Radio show and. If you've not watched Eastenders for these 2 years. Then you kind of flit from time to time you begin to kind of dip in and you think. Somewhat. What is so good about September. As we reveal. Is the P.P.C. The prospective parliamentary candidate for the conservatives for Ipswich which of course who knows when the next general election is going to be. Frankly could be any time and that's when Tom will obviously be up for the seat of EPS which we'll be hearing from Tom this week on the mixtape choice of music more about himself today we look at September and I'm kind of hearing things like oh her night's a drawer in it's getting chilly of the leaves A for not the trees and making the pavement or slip a. All slip a and I thought I must be some good stuff about September so I asked you my good friends and it turns out there is quite a lot of good stuff about September Simon says it's time to welcome new life into the farm cows do tick off all when he says Yes My favorite time of the year Jacqueline is going on holiday soon so she loves it Sylvia my birthday in September 1st from Deborah Yes it's my birthday month as well and that of the late Mr Mercury says Joel elsewhere Phil says his birthday is this month and also it's there and I'm staying rally in September Sunday you can Travers got a holiday booked so he loves it Pete will be celebrating 26 years of marriage with Wendy in this month so that's good to hear via the e-mail. Who we go inside to this it's Ross who says The good thing about September is the 8th of it 979 day and I got married and we're going to be having a big party and you can work out how long oh yes we can and that is significant it's a significant anniversary well under Rosin today elsewhere the light says Becky is just perfect this time of year Michael reflects on the fact the children go back to school and the fun of the preparation says Allister of the co-op dot motorcycle show or just actually October the sex but the work goes in you understand in September Nigel thank goodness you're back thank you not driving up from the south of France after a bucket list 11 days listening in between 10 and one Valerie my son and his beautiful wife celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary 29th of this month with their 2 gorgeous daughters after years of worry 6 years ago everything for a change went absolutely right Andrew has been in touch and reduction for day conference with Air Cadets. The incredibly beautiful. And. The and the to. Was was. Was was a and the to a. Was. Going to. Was. Going to outlaw and . The to a . Few out. The to a . Was the But 1st is on the 28th by the one song say the good folk But 1st something else to look forward to in this month Tracey is going on all of a sudden the show Zahra has got a birthday as has Nicola and Janet reflects on the gorgeous light the old Tom No colors starting to show at long last a bit of cool that you got 24 minutes to Lesley dolphin up one mile the sun was Atlanta time they tell me Scott but I have a black berry picking up an apple yet lovely This is a look to be said I want to say Lumpy said it's. Now what have I missed in the last week anything and. Just I know you had a lovely holiday is a a refresher I was switched off I'll be honest with you I switched everything on. Here and one today throughout the afternoon all about stuff yet ahead of us we've got Dolphins down at a book giveaway to day I haven't gone to one of those very new villages yet you know get back to that we're finding places a dolphin has never landed at the moment you know and there were very little but they want to yeah they're all but they're so tiny right that they're quite hard to find on the map so we're not doing we're doing one of the regular ones today so if you'll look at where we are and the choice of books for you today we're going to hear about a really fascinating ocean coming up later this week it's all about ancient artifacts found in Suffolk including this one amazing bronze shield and we're going to talk to all of a mill of from Bishop Miller a stock market started that new specialist option tap Gillingham always fascinating Chatham in the beginning of the month and we're hearing about the 2nd World War the start of that. Also a heritage event coming up at the right Visitors Center an art exhibition happening in Barry and I say for guests today is John Bultitude from Norwich is Theatre Royal It's quite a convoluted story as to why we're talking to John he will be interesting yeah he has suffered links which I'm glad to say but we were going to be talking to 2 young performers from Suffolk who are both taking part or hoping to type in at the production of Robbie and Juliet is adults production starting tomorrow at the Theatre Royal one from science Well one of them from bury these new youngsters they've been in rehearsals and sadly one off after the other They've both got injured Oh neither of them. Love me things that someone didn't say break a leg. Exactly yeah I'm I don't know if they can actually take part in the production or not but John will tell us all about the production we will catch your drift Chandy has one of those young people but isn't that awful close that they've been read as in they should be on stage tomorrow yeah that is tough. Just a heads up your out and about some more oh yeah I did about is the centenary fad W.I. The cease Federation they've got a big celebration at Trinity Park lots of stores have and it is open to everybody to go along so that you know the stalls go along and say But we're going to be there and just here in about 100 years that W.I. 100 members of the W.I. Might be something a few nicely. As well but yeah if you get I guess because everyone's welcome you're invited to go along then come as I hello would I be really welcome supply plus who had I sure didn't know this is an event it's not just it's not there our goal should come by things that sort of thing yes a you would be. All right and if you're not there Lesley will be live from 1 o'clock tomorrow as she is from the studio one from 1 o'clock to day falls will be in this little room of our house as well he'll be here between 4 and 7 now what's she up to today I did have it written down oh yes here we can musically Ipswich based singer songwriter Phil Jackson on the show has just released a new album and guest in the scene is entertain a Paul Zerkin who brings his new show to Bury St Edmunds at the end of this month and then returns to Suffolk in November to perform in Ipswich plus sufferance day in detail from 5 all here on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. James Hazel on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. On the mixtape all this week I'm joined by the conservative prospective parliament candidate for Ipswich Tom Holland is with us Tom good to see you very good see you thank you for coming in is one of the I guess one of the 1st of what you hope to be many media interviews. I'm always keen to do them I say this is the 1st proper in-depth interview I've had with B.B.C. Bit it's off it yeah well especially to be here and hopefully as a 1st minute delighted to make your acquaintance now of course you what Ben Gummer was a few years ago you are the. Conservative parliamentary respected parliamentary candidate for EPS which then of course was successful got to the House of Commons and that's the next step for you what I very much hope say about a plan that's a plan. Because it is quite it's. It's which is traditionally I guess over the years mostly labor but of late over the last 1015 years it has kind of chopped and changed Yeah I mean it has changed hands a lot over the post-war period I mean it was conservative between 20102017. And I think it was a surprise to many when it when Labor Yemeni 70 it was the only one of the 7 candidacies around here it was you know and I think I think Ben was a terrific M.P. And you know I think it was a was a loss when he went. And it falls to me to try and try and about from conservative party and then presumably has said no more politics and he's out of his well he I have seen as you'd expect I have I do talk with Ben from time to time of year a great deal of time for him and the last the last time that I met with him he said that. At the moment he's very much focused on his on his on his work and his young family. And he says he has no plans to return to public life despite what he says Oh I wouldn't be surprised if some point in the future I don't know what form of nowhere when I would be surprised if we see him I don't think we've heard the last in wild life who is told my aunt was born I was born and raised in in Ealy in Cambridge to a defense My parents separated when I was 5 or 6 years old yeah him of my mother's lived in Bury St Edmunds my father's lived in 80 So essentially my upbringing was on May 14th between writing very soon. And you know living in Ipswich now but still working in Cambridge Shoney's Cambridge or got my life continues to be revolved around a 14 there's already you're going to have. In your mind and you know that's something we're going to have to speak to you about the state of the infrastructure you know using on a daily basis yeah I mean to think of a 14 is I think in many respects I manage to try and avoid be a 14 at peak times but you know a 14 brilliant if it's if it's if it's working if 14 is working it's pretty and however all you need is. One accident and the whole thing you know you can be stuck in it in a traffic you for an hour yeah which I have been recently you know we're recording this on a day where there's been a lorry spill in the last hour the track is closed completely it's course you know miles upon miles yeah your backs Yeah it's incredibly frustrating So yeah not a perfect primarily a soffit glad you certainly are not living in absolutes now but you're certainly Sangley and you haven't been flown in by the party from from distant part of the country to win a single thing systems No I've seen no no I'm not I'm East Anglian and I do think there's an East Anglian identity I mean I guess growing up in you know spending much much of it hadn't gone to school and got a bit of a fan local fan identity but then you know I've grown up in you know my mother in Suffolk as well an exam and you know and you know I've been to the town games when I was a kid particular in a Premier League and that Kiran Daryn over at Holland and almost all players have had all those were the days where I'm going but you know I was red hot chili peppers which I haven't chosen as one of the songs from you know it's not sometimes this is almost popped up but but no I did see him right up to. Say you know I you know if this is a town which has been you know growing up it was and I didn't live I didn't grow up in Ipswich Town it's always been in my life can you move about would you for instance ever like to go and represent Cambridge if you're elected as a member of parliament for a constituency is your job to stand up for that constituency in parliament your constituency so voice yeah Harlem and my fake or my Any fix a moment is if switch my focus is on winning the honor of being a member of parliament perhaps which in men looking to be remembered part. Through a long time you know many going to do very hard work upon a fascinating rewarding and a privilege just to be a candidate for a major party in this town but your gut feeling on when the election will be eyeing is going to be I would be astonished if if mean you were sitting down this time next year obviously honest if it hadn't been a general election or you think within a year Oh absolutely absolutely and this is for Boris Johnson to get a solid mandate or something I just think the numbers in parliament you know are just I mean they're wafer thin who are majority now is is is is 11 M.P. You know when I hope and believe that Boris is going to take a savvy you have end of October but even once he's done that whether it's with a deal or whether it's with no deal there's a huge amount of legislation that's going to have to be passed Post us leaving the European Union and that's going to require a majority and also a lot of the things that Boris has been saying for example something I much agree with which is tougher sentencing you know not something you know the Home Secretary and Barossa make clear is priority or I think that something is going to take a majority to get very sorts of measures through Parliament I mean that's really interesting because of the Breck said diversion we're probably a couple of years behind where we would want to be for all those other pressing issues I voted to leave you opinion and I made my mind up very quite late Monday right I tell you I is because I I sense that if we voted to leave the there would be a few years of wrangling right I didn't think it was ever going to be straightforward but I still took the plunge invited to the so I felt that the European Union in my view was heading in a wrong direction and I felt that with this was 2016 was our opportunity to get off and to chart out a new future song choice number one from Alison Moyet it's only you for one reason so I think the idea is to be for songs are meaningful songs to me yeah a couple of them are but actually this one is quite like I just thought you know that's not just fun and actually very recently I started to like even though it's a quote I know I know it's cool. Yeah I mean you recently had started to listen to a few times and maybe you know you know. This summer maybe. Back to the summer. With. Her. Or. Her. Her. Song Choice number one for. The P.P.C. For all this week from B.B.C. Radio. One. Volume it seems particularly. Looking at the speed sensors. the world. With the final job of joining us is to press that get us out of here joining Well let's do it right this time shall I do it right the to. The fingers you have to press the jingles up too for. Johnny thank you so much now we're back tomorrow when we hope to. Putting me on the spot. Back in the day. A success story some couple of have I.V.'s a child in school it is a day that they know the full himself so they say that that is what. Will be head. James. Yes. For those in the final. Of 19 Eighty-Four from George Michael have a boy Monday. To . Be. Says that 1 o'clock is your lunchtime news now with Campbell thanks Lesley can often name emancipated Ipswich crown court in connection with a major police operation in Lowestoft Clinton Hicks was arrested by officers at his home in July Steve Martin has more the police operation resulted in a road closure and some people being moved from their homes 59 year old Mr Hicks was arrested and today appeared via a prison video link at absolute Crown Court he pleaded not guilty to possessing a prohibited firearm possessing a prohibited weapon on July the 28 there was no application for bio Mr Hicks was remanded in custody and his trial which is expected to last 3 days will take place at its huge crown court in January Jamie Coburn has vowed to resist a move by the government to suspend parliament in a speech in sulphide he said this week could be the last chance for M.P.'s to stop a new deal Breck said Meanwhile these the BRICS it parties announce plans to field a candidate in every seat in the county if a general election is held in the next few months the party's holding its regional conference in coach state this evening where later Nigel Farage is set to offer the prime minister a pact if a new job breaks it goes through anger about the scalloped shell and they will come down straight paint over this I mean the thing I love about Opus is every single pebble on the beach somebody has about as and so people will really care about these sides and this is a sign of a healthy civic life I think actually. But I don't really see why you need a sign to point out the hole when you can see in which all the and the towns a minute he says he's backing the new science Peter Hill is from the old brass society my thoughts father. A very nice design they're very simple they're not over decorative therefore they don't try to compete with the wonderful mood whole I like the materials I like they're just the position of the materials but I think that the finish has something to be desired the manufactured finish this often in a special event is being held in Lowestoft to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the evacuation of thousands of children to Suffolk and north of the safety just before the start of the 2nd World War Chris Brooks is giving in a straight talk later at the Stella Maris hall in the town about $230.00 he says children were sent to last off before the Tao began being targeted by German aircraft it was of course later on but right at beginning of the law that the cities were the main supposed targets blitzkrieg telling and that's what caused the diagonal and Gravesend to change their status from the official neutral zone that they were meant to and evacuations all the other east coast posts were still reception Larry has more on the start of the 2nd World War with Lesley's shortly that's where there's going to be Dr Sinclair spells and patchy cloud minimum temperature around 10 degrees Celsius to more of a summit today dry and sunny for most of it maximum temperature between $19.22 degrees Celsius it's 5 minutes past one guy Thank you.

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