The prime minister is planning to ask the you for a short delay to Brick said Britain had been jus to leave in 10 days time the cabinet sources say Tories amazing now seeking an extension until the end of June with the option maybe of even a longer delay the use chief negotiator Michel Barnier said Brussels would decide whether this would be useful the 38 year old man has been charged with attempted rape following an assault on a 15 year old girl in Bury St Edmunds the incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday the 9th of March the victims being supported by specially trained officers Shaquille Blue has seign of Barry's Edmonds disappeared before Suffolk Magistrates Court today now the head of the Environment Agency has warned that there will be a shortage of clean water in England within 25 years says James Bevan said that people needed to reduce their water use companies had to cut leaks a new reservoirs had to be built he said the wasting water must become socially unacceptable here in Suffolk we haven't had a hose pipe ban for a few years now but Raygun Harris from angling water says we mustn't get complacent a lot of we look back over the last sort of you know almost a year now I mean that's not forget that Roy summit we had last year we got only 54 percent of the average rainfall last summer and since that over the winter we've only had 89 percent which sounds a lot and yet last week we had you know a lot of rain but it's fair to say that either it has been very very dry the United Nations says the storm that has caused widespread damage across parts of southern Africa is possibly the worst weather related disaster evident in the southern hemisphere he says is mobilizing aid for 6 100000 people in Mozambique and also more than 900000 were affected in Malawi it's hoped that a new center in Ipswich will stop people with brain injuries ending up homeless on the streets headway Suffolk has plans for the Professor Stephen Hawking near a center Helen Fairweather is the chief executive of the charity where are the planning. They are all building the Professor Stephen Hawking Nero send in Ravenswood in Ipswich which will be a day a happy unit a paper with any new article condition and 24 residential beds for Paypal who are struggling with their a habit or who are finding themselves homeless after diagnosis or injury a fire damaged Suffolk school site is said to be transformed into a housing estate after plans to build $25.00 new hands were given the green light the former council Hill Middle School in Haven has abandoned in 2011 and then a year later blaze left parts of it structurally unsafe the project will be built by the council and develop the Bali homes in a question from Suffolk fitting in with his deciding they're going to be appearing on the B.B.C. To show eggheads later today Derek Davis is the district council for the shorter Peninsula and he's the team captain they strictly of all go to the fixer to the soccer the oldest they've been hoping would be what you know I think with Shorty probably difficult but most of those preview let's put it that way good luck to them Clare has the support Ipswich Town defender Myles cannot will be at Portman Road until the summer of 2020 is after the club took up the option of the 12 month extension to his contract which had been due to expire at the end of the current campaign schooling captain and he will soon Miss Thursday's opening Euro 2020 qualifier against Cannes extend after having an operation on his mouth Meanwhile Wales will be with some folks Tom Lawrence and Ethan empathy for their qualifier against evacuate in Cardiff and when a fellow's tough town tonight at home against struggling hells then would see the trail of boys begin to pull away from the relegation zone in the southern Premier Division the other match in that league season laced unwelcome Stratford to victory trailed Team Sky and now officially team any US taking the name of the new sponsor a chemicals firm and by Britain's richest man said Jim Wright cliff and at the Special Olympics will games in Abu Dabi Lowestoft Adam such finished 8 in $100.00 metres earlier this hour. Tonight's weather is going to be dry with mostly cloudy skies moderate to the last night minimum temperatures of around 6 or 7 degrees Celsius monic said to be able to summit to today very dry and let me try to put some sunny spot as well it's 5 minutes past 5 people are drawn to me because it doesn't actually change that much of the shops trying people but fundamentally Stice I mean I think that's the peril. He's B.B.C. Radio itself the idea that you're introducing local programs to the thing I think it's a great idea and David Luckily she's back to stay. P.C. Brady as. They've been on B.B.C. Radio stuff eg Justin chews days dried husband Time now for stuff it's day in detail of the next half an hour older stories that matter to you including a judge who said it was a miracle no one was killed when a drunk driver drugged the wrong way on the Eiffel team or in this story in a moment plus a house in a village don't have it which has been struck by a vehicle for the 3rd time in 4 years we'll hear from the Holmes. And we're also hearing about a proposed new scent and it's which will be which will stop people with brain injuries and ding up sleeping on the streets and also a Suffolk head teacher has told this program she's concerned about plans for more testing in primary schools all that on the way. They did on B.B.C. Radio in Suffolk. But 1st this afternoon a judge who said it was a miracle that no one was killed when a drunk driver drove the wrong way on the A 14 Suffolk police received numerous calls about the man and had to drive after him to force him to stop when they finally did manage to bring him to a halt the man was way over the drink drive limits and Rhea Davison has been following the case and she joins me now so Andrea what happened then when I'm going to paint you a little picture here now imagine driving along a Don't joke or. Late at night and you see car headlights coming straight at you at around 18 miles an hour that's what many drivers experienced market on Boxing Day morning last year the driver the car coming the other why on the wrong side of the road was 47 year old father 3 remake just getting us he lives in fact that now he very nearly hit 2 cars including one being driven by an off duty police officer several people rang 9993 point what was happening and police cars were dispatched to intercept and stop the car they used a tactical stop a technique to bring it to a halt when they were in the car door they found Catena so drunk he couldn't get out of the Vaiko bind self he needed refused to give a sample for testing when he was tested if only hours later he was still more than 3 times over the drink. How to get into such a state that Crown Court was told that detainees had been drinking at the pub but while he was there he'd had an argument with his partner which of course him to drink more than he normally would when he did get behind the wheel the court was told he got 2 flat tires after he said fence leaving the pub car park he told the court he couldn't remember the journey and apologised for his actions which he's defense said were out of character what did the judge saying today then but he praised the bravery of the police officers for endangering themselves when they drive to stop him and they said it was a miracle that no other road users were killed or seriously injured as a result of Catinat his actions the judge sentenced him to 16 months in prison he was also banned from driving for 2 years and 8 months and was ordered to pay a $300.00 pound penalty reform fusing to provide a specimen for testing it was also told he'd have to retake his driving test before he can get behind the wheel again I've just lost for words when I heard about this story I'm sorry to say it again but I'm using the word again what a complete idiot it could have been an absolute disaster it could have been carnage few marginal drivers who saw that car coming towards them. I don't think that's probably in the 16 months is a stiff sentence and I think the judge felt probably the way you did anyway after the case I spoke to Inspector Gary Miller earlier today from Suffolk police about what had happened police received a call for numerous times to the public to reports the drive according to the wind . Passed stock markets lost as it deployed at that point to try and set the standard and What explanation did he give when you stop him I don't get much of an explanation or toll he was hard intoxicates and said You have to struggle to get anything. In the door. Condition so this went to court today could be some of the outcome and Spencer say that custodial sentence of 16 months we're crazy about $100.00 out there right next to the park right and it's all thanks activity that. Price of a consequence he had a minor court are you happy with the sentence This gentleman got then. Is it understands been very fortunate that there was no serious loss of life as a result of this incident like the public's or the calls that the night the place to report this tense but also recognize the primary just as he essentially had to draw it towards this individual head on and he was in the reports whether he was trying to go to space Inspector Gary Miller there from Suffolk police 10 past 5 Still to come on Suffolk's day in detail we could run out of water in the next 25 years that's according to the head of the Environment Agency and will be hearing from Anglian Water on this in the next 15 minutes. In D.C. Where he is something. Next they saw afternoon a house in a village north of apes which has been struck by a vehicle for the 3rd time in 5 years a collision last night involving a single decker bus and a van on the villages main road left 6 people injured as well as damaging the home of Nicholas Stanmore a nickel or joins us on the phone now good afternoon to collapse Yeah I know this must be absolutely terrible for you tell us a little bit about what happened then. Face it is about this time last night I was in my front room and I heard a bang another bang and basically a car sorry a fan and a bus. That mound my front wall of which backlash when you 1st heard the bang What do you think it was to be honest I knew sure it was because the 2 other accidents that happened I just know but this time the house didn't actually get here so I knew the house was OK I just had to go out and find out who was involved or more you know I state they were in by 6 Lay are supposed most important question because Briggs Malta can be replaced was anybody badly hurt in this. Not in my household I believe the people on the bus did go to hospital like vandalize as far as I know they were just minor injuries. It's little consolation and now but this could have been a lot worse because you'd recently just had that front wall replaced and it was a very special war wasn't it that's right yeah when we had the war place we took upon a self to. Still. Basically stop anything here in the house so we're very lucky so what's it look like out the front of your house at the moment then you could look in the context. It looks like Con is basically obviously we've got now a big space where we're exposed to sick. Just brick and. Just surrender looking to get that cleaned up how long is that going to take then to get this get things looking normal again. Hopefully with the loss of justice coming on Friday obviously we've already spoken to insurance company was. Already coming up and have a look and saying obviously what we can do now to strengthen the well once again. We can't speculate what happened last night but this seems to be happening an awful lot so judging by what has happened again and in the past do you think the road markings are clear enough. Last year we are the highways could might they give way sign more visible which. Just so I am. Unfortunately I believe it is still driver error. Not look at what they have you considered moving. They have been in my charge my house family so far generations. That's the answer that you know you shouldn't have to move should you know oh no that was never even it at all has been that Craigslist said all about you must be scared we're here to stay we just need to make sure that the road is safe. But we're not the only you know how you know my friend she's had it twice as well so. Well it sounds like something needs to happen it sounds like there needs to be more bigger give way signs and letting people know that it is a 60 mile per hour limit as well yeah I mean I personally believe there's no reason why I can't link the 2 villages with a 30 mile limit from Henley straight through to Hemmings I think maybe that would calm the traffic down a bit yeah people I think you know they need to be aware that these little country roads you know. Well thank goodness you. Can be replaced. Which Thank you for chatting to us thank you thank you and coming up to quarter past 5 now let's take a quick look at the routes. Look at other. Well looking quite. High Street not too bad there is still a queue if you know. 5 currently and around New Market think care for. The sake of congestion on the new market very soon Edmonds and straight to south of South great are looking at congested in both directions. Strange junction 33 any names wait SHANACHIE bad for the really very road looks quite slow going up Branford road building up once again and sees the Yarmouth route no problems that I was far as the trains are concerned across the county about B.B.C. Radio Suffolk travel if you see something organ of that call 80141212. This is B.B.C. Radio. And this is in detail next up this afternoon it's out day new center in Ipswich will stop people with brain injuries ending up sleeping on the streets headway Suffolk have submitted plans for the professor Stephen Hawking's new row center Helen Fairweather is chief executive of the charity and Earlier I asked her to tell us more about what they're planning and how badly the center is needed we are planning they are all building the Professor Stephen Hawking neuro center in Ravenswood in Ipswich which will be a day rehab unit that Paypal's any new article condition and 24 residential beds for people who are struggling with their Rahab or who are finding themselves homeless after diagnosis or injury you save people finding themselves homeless but my next question is going to be how badly is it needed but if you make should homelessness that it will be genetic what a lot it is we reckon any one time we have 56 paid pulled who are homeless that could they because of the injury or that diagnosis their personality has changed so that they look like the person or somebody else is in a relationship with their very different that means that partnerships and friendships break up and it's normally our client has to move out of the family home because if there's children involved then it stay in the family home so they can still go to the same schools and if there's no enough to. Janelle out there for Paypal we have young people in their forty's and fifty's who a nesting care don't need to be nursing care and shouldn't be there it's not good for their Rahab it's not good for their mental health but there's nowhere else for them to go we have had people literally sleeping in the straight from the corporate injury that's not good it's not good for anybody let's I mean a brain injury so for a long long time as a charity to be looking at what can we do to help our clients find somewhere to live have gone down lots of blind alleys and then start talking about cancer so and tonight I looked at this fantastic new provision which should be pretty and for everybody in Suffolk where exactly was sent to be then all the Ravens were to stay right next to prepared Lodge which is fantastic location for us because it means that we can what I closely with a lot people at large which is another health care provision but also means that we can access everything in the community such a lovely trees we call invaders with the pop the bank that the supermarkets adopt to surgeries everything that our clients will need to be able to have a normal life you've obviously been in contact with the borough council are you confident that you can get permission for it from them we can never be confident you'll be treated as any other Planning Commission we very much hope that we do way very fortunate to have the name to pass a Stephen Hawking Nero center that's great for Suffolk because not everybody can use that name with being just very much needed to some of our clients if they can't find someone to live in Suffolk alike treatment in Suffolk having to go as far as Scotland or Cornwall to get the treatment and we need to keep people in Suffolk So we've got the much hope that we take at that Planning Commission Professor Stephen Hawking's of course at good links to Suffolk didn't say he did and he spoke up near a conference in 26 they know about his only a logical condition I was very inspirational his 1st wife Jane Hall Caine is our patron she too has spoken a couple of our conferences so we have good links with the whole kin family and we were really delighted when they said that we could use his name. this isn't going to be cheap a-z. How much do you think is going to cost we are talking about $5000000.00 make could be more from the out so we cause a lot money to raise we have 1000000 in the pot or red state but we have got lots of money to raise we are paid into public to help us with we have got by cried in the 27th have a pulled every penny race and that will go to war thought building where to sign every 50 pay raise the it's a prick and were got lots of bricks the ball i say when we do need public help how soon do you think this could become reality in actually open where could be as long as 2 year is i want to yesterday hand i'm pushing everybody a base a big project lots of work to dave but we will get a open a soon as we can because we know that that's on will paypal our they who need our help yesterday let learned today helen said whether that chief executive of headway suffa 20 minutes past 5 this is wayne by even at b.b.c. Radio as suffolk still to come before $538.00 listen that this is to this we can grown out of water in the next $25.00 yes run out of bullets or according to the heads of the environment agency moron this story to come since they'd in on easy way he in something next they say even ng a suffolk head teach a has tell this program that she's concerned about plans for more testing in primary skills rebekka load a from clack community primary is one of a number of head spin eking out about proposals to test full and 5 year old school children she tells me earlier that children are already being tested too much it a call growing problem with anxiety in all schools and light believe it's exacerbated by this very binary system the late will children as achieving or not a cheating throughout their primaries schooling we're now putting in an on now the additional point where we make judgments about children and this is literally a few weeks when the end who the since ridiculous These children get to 11 and already they've been tested at reception Key Stage one for next test the tables test which they bring in a new full and then key stage to the year 6 test of that 5 points in 7 years where they are being tested and the results are being used by extension organizations to make judgments about the children in the schools So you're saying the government just wants results by any means certainly there is pressure on really stick pressure to get year on year in present without looking at those individuals without looking at different cohorts things have been done to try and redress the balance of the say now we're looking at Robin attainment we look at balance of the team and and progress however there's a whole of it's such a small part of what schools should be offering you know measuring the performance of Math in English there are many many other things we don't use 6 children to attend I was going to say music Rebecca parents as parents we do want to know how good child school is we do want to know how it how our kids are getting on in their education so in that vein test results can be useful so if you could change the system how would you test children. What I'm saying is that I'm not against testing testing is a useful part of a school gathering assessment data however it is just that a part it shouldn't be used wholly to measure a school reforms need to be night we need to move forwards because you don't get better at like keep plugging math English Math in English it's how the subjects how all the disciplined interlace together we need to offer a rich curriculum with cultural references practical experience of aspirational knowledge if we were each which we are getting our children to take boxes jump through the streets we're not actually doing our job and we're not actually helping the children as a parent myself I I saw the pressure with the sats when they introduced in the 1990 S. With both my children the government is saying that these proposed tests to 4 and 5 year olds should be voluntary What do you think about this well at the moment the government of piloting the reception baseline with schools he wants to come and take part in the I would urge schools to think very carefully about whether they do say this the vast majority of Head Teachers really strongly feel that a baseline assessment in reception isn't the way to measure progress children and not products and it's not going to be a good way to try and compare the progress between reception all the way up to year 6 it's actually very worrying that the government think this could be a way to measure progress it's just another way of holding chewed schools to account is not very efficient way and I'm really really worried that this is going to be introduced the last time they tried to introduce a reception baseline several years ago the whole project was disbanded and I think that speaks for itself I don't know if you have any. Views on this if you're a parent with children at primary school or a grandparent with the grandkids that primary school should be testing for a 5 year old school children Rebecca loads of the head teacher Clare community primary in South Suffolk 25 past 5 this is Suffolk stay in detail with when they've been B.B.C. Radio Suffolk finally in the new south we could run out of water in the next 25 years according to the head of the Environment Agency suggestions Bevan no relation says that climate change and the growing population will threaten water supplies unless we take action here in Suffolk we haven't actually had a hose pipe ban for years now but that could be about to change regen Harris is from angry in water and Earlier I asked her what she made of suggestions comments we don't want to cause a lot more has running but it is really good to see that this issue of water resources in the future is getting some national coverage this bit at the top of our gender and in water for a long time because where BT drive age and we get less rainfall than anywhere else in the U.K. And we're one of the fastest growing areas of the country with about 2 120-0000 new plants between now and 2025 so we do face some huge pressure is on our water resources and that's absolutely what we're trying to deal with angry at water and we're investing in the necessary infrastructure to do that to keep tops running for future generations now come on Reagan this country that the saying climate changes had a big effect but we're still we still wet miserable most of the time you know could we really really run out of water well if we look back over the last sort of you know almost a year now I mean that's not forget that draw a summit we had last year we got only 54 percent of the average rainfall last summer and since then over the winter we've only had 89 percent which sounds a lot and yet last week we had you know a lot of rain. But it's fair to say that there has been very very dry mean when was the last time apart from last week that we had to get all the kids had a wet play time school it just simply hasn't happened this winter do you think with James Bevan saying you know we're going to take 25 years people are going to think oh our 25 years that's not going to affect me that's a the way people just won't worry about it at the moment I think the important the important point to make here is that if we start doing it now we can keep our customer bills broadly flat and it's the responsible thing to do for our customers and for the environment and also our customers have a real role to play in this as well we've all got a role to play in using water boys lay We talked about this a lot Anglian Water but he is absolutely true and those changes we can all make it all right in homes in our day to day life all really the K. That's going to make a big difference as well for the feature this is just a projection of course though based storm on weather over the last last few years what's the current situation how we're doing for water here in Suffolk at the moment well this isn't a cause for alarm for this year are all reservoirs a really full at the moment they're about 92 percent full on average so yes we've had a dry winter but all reservoirs are surface water is in a good position so we're not looking for any kind of restrictions this year we're not concerned about this summer that being said we've been doing a lot of work over the winter to make the most of the water that we call it bailable in our river and ground water to basically make sure that we won't have a problem this summer if it stays dry but it's you know it's time for us all to be mindful about the which we say let's make the most of it when it's available so get those water butts out and ready to fill them up when it rains basically how much of this what needs to be done there is down to you and further water companies and how much can we use the public do I think it's fair to say that we've both got a role to play everybody's got a role to play in this I mean we're proposing a significant investment in future infrastructure for our region and game water billions and billions of pounds. And that compass is things like a new network of interconnecting pipes to me better around the western parts of our beach and the driest. Things like a reduction in them but also things like smart meters for customers and actually helping them be accountable and take up the water they use every day so I think it's fair to say that you know we put a lot absolutely our customers have a role to play as well have to go down to one bath a month now I think Reagan. That's. Where we could have no well after 25 years very quickly we were talking about 5 minutes ago about the possibility of 5 and 4 year old school children being tested in primary schools the government looking to try this out with attorneys from various and admins on the text he says that way why can't we leave educational. Radio 530 could look at the roads Barry Lewis. Specially if you're from Red Lodge on the. Very heavy South Bend on the Belford road. Down towards Sudbury from Robert's corner definitely slower than usual there is nothing reported on a quick check of the police incidents there at the side of the building up as you head towards the junction 33 and just a couple of cues to tell you about around the area really start building up but really. Slowing down that currently as well. Of course the county. Radio sort of travel if you see something call our 801412121. B.B.C. Radio. Just on the news headlines now is gone Campbell. Thanks Wayne Good evening a drunken motorist who was caught driving the wrong way along a 14 at night in Suffolk has been jailed today the judge said it was a miracle he didn't kill anyone just a continuous from theft and was stopped by police they are holding on Boxing Day as well as being jailed for 16 months he was also banned from driving for more than 2 years and 8 months cabinet sources say Tories amaze plans now to ask the E.U. To perspire to the end of June maybe even with the option of a longer delay of up to 2 years there is said to be no agreement about how to do this Mrs May's heading to Brussels on Thursday to discuss the delay options with the leaders as we've just been hearing the head of the environment agencies warned of water shortages in England within 25 years so James Bevan said the people needed to reduce their water use companies had to cut lakes and new reservoirs would have to be built his hope the new center napes which will stop people with brain injuries ending up living on the streets headway Suffolk has submitted plans for the Professor Stephen Hawking Noori center and a charity has called for more support to be given to men going through relationship break ups suicide is the biggest cause of death among young men recently Keith Flynn from the Prodigy group and a former lover contestant both took their own lives tomorrow is looking pretty good really dry some areas of cloud with some sunny intervals to feeling pretty mild in the temperatures they could reach as high as maybe 17 degrees Celsius that's the news headlines are back in half an hour. It's it stands miles can local be a poor one road until the summer of 2020 after the club took up the one year option on his contract which was due to expire at the end of the current campaign the defender was out for much of the beginning of the season because of injury but has recently come back into the reckoning starting out of the 9 last match is the Paul Lambert the general manager of football operations it's town is Leo nail he added by. Time because obviously Uranus has played so well you know for a long period of time since he joined the club so you know he said the boy just on when he's had an opportunity he might have a game here with them but not really as much back to back games opportunities that back to back games and I think that's come over the last few weeks. Given opportunity and he's managed to do well with hopefully can continue to do that and that's what we will with all the young players and they'll be more from LEE O'NEILL In the next half hour of this program with Wayne behave in England captain how he Kane says a sign of welcome the addition of Chelsea winger Callum Hudson adored the 18 year old has had his 1st call up to the seniors side ahead of their Euro 2020 qualifiers against the Czech Republic a Montenegro this month his cane great guy great to talk to and get to know obviously he's come in and he wants to take for farmers of his opportunities so that luck is enjoyed out there today is going to throw in a few goals and training so there were a side to have and everyone's kind of fireplaces in an acim instrument of choice is a picture of a firm so no further injury worries for England all 23 players train today ahead of Friday's game elsewhere Scotland captain Andy Robertson has been ruled out of their opening qualifying Kazakstan on Thursday after having a mouth operation but he should be back for the 2nd game against San Marino Meanwhile Wales will be without Tom Lawrence Sam Vokes and Ethan empathy for their against Slovakia in Cardiff on Sunday but Ryan Giggs is on Ramsey will be available the Football Association are investigating after an object was thrown towards Chelsea's Ross Barkley during their Premier League defeat of his former club Everton on Sunday locally Lowestoft town have an important game in the southern Premier Division tonight as they look to pull away from the relegation zone Jamie gobbles side moved out of the bottom 3 at the weekend with a win at 70 S. Tonight they will come struggling Hales 0 into the. Big crowds huge game for us and another 3 points so. You know it's high class probably $56.00 points out of the bottom 3 which which which will be huge for us in the other game laced dinner at home to Stratford in the film and I'm premiere 2nd place Woodbridge town or away at Haven While Brown from athletic House Government Chester Rovers elsewhere new market town or elite Challenge Cup action against Fakenham to Speedway and Ipswich which is team manager says the club haven't moved up to the Premiership just to make up the numbers with 4 days to go until the new season gets underway Richie Hawkins has been telling B.B.C. Suffolk sport he's confident his side will surprise a few people after 8 years in the 2nd tier Hawkins is looking forward to the challenge of competing at the highest level brackets of the top league which where where it is deserved to be a big big swathe of proud history and I say we could do ourselves proud there's like you can back up you know I was in the last side that So raced in the top league in the last few years have been there that you know a struggle near the bottom of the table at that was not good so we need to make sure we're in there and be very competitive and pushing for the playoffs and pushing to win stuff Team Sky and now Team any US as a new era begins for Britain's leading cycling team the new sponsor is a chemical company owned by billionaire said Jim Radcliffe they won 8 grand tours with Sky who will withdraw their funding on May the 1st and Lowestoft Adam such has been in action at the Special Olympics will games in Abu Dabi this afternoon the sprinter finished 8th in the 100 meters and that's the latest sport is produced around you next door the make your cup of coffee. Has she made Yeah good coffee she does very good she's a good yeah I normally have a cup of tea after 6. Anyway while here let's wrap up this evening's drive home Oh yes I want to know this search he won't percent of men in Suffolk have admitted to being scared of this. Text to read out showing such as Is it flying not flying just not the right answer even Stowell and says all men scared to go to the doctor . What was it you said women but it. Is not that. Many of us getting women a to go on a date on yeah would you like to know the answer here come on tell me. He's not shocked and disappointed. It's. Couldn't think of any means that to go along with spiders tweeting and Boris is coming to buy the hate. With it spiders menace 37 minutes of it's get a spot of i Pads let me tell you something about spiders that because you tell me tell me let me tell you something about spiders as well scientists reckon that the more frightened you are of spiders as you lay in your bed at night the more likely to come in crawling you use it because I sensed they sense fear I'm wondering if it works with human beings is welcome really really scared of Amanda Holden. To Friday tonight it's the turn of the Choose day night takeover here on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk and tonight it features as the takeover taken over a charity with a great name the charity is called twice which stands for tools with a mission they have a workshop of Hadley road in Ipswich to make collect and repair tools for use in developing countries so now let's have a little look ahead to tonight's program well today's whence they have had a message from a lady in very truth and truth is we've got sent to us and some garden tools I have no idea how much that's going to me as an under constant but let's go and see. Stephen one of the 20 volunteers out and about collecting donations is number one the complete ruthless fund this code. Looks grand to me at some level some weighing scales of what's really the stuff that we collect that we're not going to send Africa we haven't. We so sold on the place for transport. So there are grants thanks very much leave. For me. That's the most local touch in the living summer a lot of. It was all started in 1978 by a Baptist minister in Southend moving to a barn on the edge of which then to sports and and finally to happy road industrial estates now one of 5 centers across the U.K. Is still describes itself as a Christian charity and many volunteers are motivated by their own faith another of those taking part in the B.B.C. Radio Suffolk takeover is Paul Daley I'm in the 20 AM offices and I have a common question who is one of enjoyed as thanks come of us playing at the time colored How did you become a volunteer driver which 1 am and have only been doing this right if I go back about 9 years I'm a mess and just local preacher and I saw so I went round taking services adverts wanting volunteers to I wanted to know that containers or to drive in fact I had seen containers being loaded it clients premises so I volunteered there's a van driver that's great thanks calling them so we're trying to undergo no use after the London today and thanks government should and it's back to the studio thanks bowl and from the studio to Zambia where some of the tools and dub was this were made for my country of origin is. To produce announce to the general public that. To those with a mission that has changed in my life where I'm waking in the car for a national park I knew it was roaming freely it has been very difficult for the community among which I live in the protected area to move from one place to another during the hours of darkness but with the help from those with a mission or donated a genset that is currently producing power and along with the generator the communities received computers and books for the school and also sewing machines they do is that I have received a from one to those with a mission and have not just to help me as if I midi but even in my next door neighbors have benefited in a way of or another I wish to thank you to those with a mission. Of sent me is my way to school who is currently lending how to cut or design a need. Of materials she will be there would then detail all of this came about because of a donation that you do this was a mission did to my family do it change your life from that of poverty to now living a decent life. Tonight here. and if you can a spouse we may just get a bit to do Is a lot of the thick a cloud is going to be milder than last night and frost free would lowers temperatures of 6 to 8 Celsius and light West to southwest and he wins then Wednesday the venerable spring looking a mild to many cloudy day with highs of 14 to an incredibly mild 17 Celsius US 57 to 63 Fahrenheit they'll be some sunny intervals and it should feel very pleasant in any sunshine so yes that's with a pretty good to get that 700 Celsius in the best of the sunshine then Thursday and Friday remaining mild a mainly cloudy was some further intervals of sunshine patchy rain is than expected to spread eastward chewing Friday night but that should get out of the way for the weekend so Saturday and Sunday in the moment dry days with hopefully some decent sunny spells but it will feel cooler as the ins co More know that now the usual which is 4 calls to point to no forward and for tonight winds West L.A. Or south westerly 3 or 4 becoming variable too at times visibility good occasionally moderate weather showers them fair and sea state smooth all slight and the next high tide at Lowestoft 2008 this evening at 2.4 metres and then 8 58 tomorrow morning at 2.5 metres and if it extended 2235 tonight at 3.7 metres and then 11 o'clock tomorrow morning for me tis much it will cost lovely thank you Julie and you can see more of a lovely frocks and she does have some nice frocks Julie ranger on Look East tonight from 630 as she does the weather right coming up to 5 minutes to 6. In D.C. Where you something. Town defender miles can be staying out until the summer of 2120 after the club opted to take up the extra 12 months option on the 22 year old contract which had been due to expire at the end of the current season the news comes as town begin to plan for the next campaign you know it's still mathematically possible for them to stay up but I think now we know what's going to happen them blues general manager of football operations LEE O'NEILL has been talking to Brenda woolly about options for some of the squad. Including Alan judge who many believe won't stay in Suffolk If town are relegates money is always one part of every player's contract but the other part which is again people sometimes tend to forget is the opportunity to play regularly in the team and be a vocal point of the team and play week in week out now some players might go in and get put more money elsewhere but they might not necessarily get as many minutes playing on the pitch so that's one area to look at the other areas obviously the style of play the environment the club and I think there's a lot of things here that are really positive about our club so you know for example if we take Alan as I know that he's really really enjoying his football is probably one of the reasons why he's got he's you know call up again for the international side of things more football in the last 2 or 3 months than he has done for the whole season so you know there's lots to look at in that situation it won't just be about the financial situation for the player will be a lot whether he's family a sell out here except Rick cetera what's your gut feeling on this the 2 parties closest Like I said we're in conversations with them in a moment and we would love to do something so we can we want to get that done but it in a moment it's just a negotiations where I'm with them at the moment Miles can look likely to take up the extension is still yes Miles extension has already been taken up so we are in that process and my mouse is here for another 12 months and obviously a zigzag he's had a run of games which he hasn't had for a long period of time and he's you know he's doing well think of the last 2 or 3 performances in particular he's managed to show that he can compete at the championship level week in week out and he's been up against a tough opposition as well you have to bide his time as you say he deserves that still Yeah I think you know he has advice time because obviously Younis has played so well you know for a long period of time since he joined the club so you know he's had to bite his tongue when he's had an opportunity he might have a game here with them but not really as much back to back games opportunities for back to back games and I think that's come of the last few weeks in any given opportunity and he's managed to do well without for. We can continue to do that and that's what we want with all the young players it's about consistency I was explaining somebody earlier on that they might get a burst on the scene for one of 2 games but actually to do that we came we count you know Saturday choose I said to choose days the top of us for them and that's what he's got to attain to more about Will Cain obviously out injured at the moment any chance of a deal any discussions with the stage now at this stage obviously he's been a key part of you know the loans he was doing very well up until the point he got injured you know again I know that he's been enjoying his football here. It's very unfortunate that he got the injury when he did. But you know it's something we'd love to do if that's a situation we can look at later on but at this moment time is obviously the main concentrations around him is to try to game fit him back on to the grass so we could have him for the remaining part of the season James Collins I suppose similar just as the previous fitness and then decide in the summers later that you know James is another one you know we look at the experience that he has you know is invaluable in a way both in and around the changing room talking to the younger players you know for example Trevor and all the ones that maybe not just defenders but young players in general so you know he's bore a wealth of experience alongside Luke and some of the other ones and even help him Pennington with that experience so for us yes would be great if he was fit every week and we'd be able to drop on the experience on the pitch but you know he is of an age where we have to look at and sometimes protect him as well with the training in the games programs but you know yeah I would fit when he's fit great we love to have him around the same towns general manager of football operations Leo Neal there speaking to Brendan Willey and you'll hear more of that interview this Thursday evening on the A THURSDAY NIGHTS social with Graham that says die from 7. B.B.C. Radio South Barry Lewis what's it looking like out there that. Looking B.C. App will mills at 5 ways sceptically no penalty a 11 that he's getting shorter though I think Cullum road at Bury St Edmunds is looking quite B.C. . If you know fans who Sudbury on baluns in Hawaii 131 is slow about halfway back as far as Bill might tie the. Things easing up on all the approaches and style line as well as Chevrolet a straight looking slow on the speed senses. Will towards fault so road and both directions of the park and ride roundabout and he's busy again now both ways on the 12 around Cosell with those temperate traffic on soft and road less travelling on the. B.B.C. Radio Suffolk travel if you see something holding up the 101-412-1218 almost think he'd done that before you put. Him brand. On digital radio. On the B.B.C. Sounds. This is B.B.C. Radio so. It's 6 o'clock time now for the latest B.B.C. News with Campbell Good evening a drunken motorist who was caught driving the wrong way along the A 14 in Suffolk has been jailed today the judge said it was a miracle he hadn't killed anyone Steve Martin has more religious Catena strength that food was stopped by police near Holy on Boxing Day he was going the wrong way along the A 14 and nearly hit to cause one of them driven by an off duty police officer the court heard he was so drunk he had to be helped from his car and was more than 3 times over the limit 5 hours later he told police his call got 2 flat tires when he hits a fence leaving a pub car park the judge said it was a miracle no one was killed or seriously injured could see this was jailed for 16 months banned from driving for just over 2 years and was fined 300 pounds for refusing to take a drink drive test a Suffolk. Ed teacher has spoken today about concerns over plans for more testing in primary schools Rebecca Lowder is from the Clare community primary in West Africa she's one of a number heads speaking out about proposals to test 4 and 5 year old school children she says peoples are already subjected to a whole array of exams we've called growing problem with anxiety in all schools and I believe it's exacerbated by this very binary system that labels children as achieving or not achieving throughout their primary schooling we're now putting in another additional point where we make judgments about children and this is literally a few weeks when they end school the 38 year old man has been charged with attempted rape following an assault on a teenage girl in Bury St Edmunds the instant occurred in the early hours of Saturday the 9th of March the victim a 15 year old girl is being supported by specially trained officers a sane reason admin's has appeared today before Suffolk magistrates now treason May is to seek a delay to Britain's exit from the European Union in a letter to the European Council president Donald Tusk sure request an extension until at least the end of June Downing Street has denied claims that the delay could be as long as 2 years the chief negotiator Michel Barnier said that the leaders of the other $27.00 countries would now have to decide if an extension would increase the chances of there eventually being a deal if not what would be to propose an outcome of a text.