My shoes because Suffolk has lost about a quarter of its children services funding the product in years about just under 25000000 pounds and my real concern is is the pressure. On existing services left but also the ramifications that will have on in terms of the early intervention and then later in life for children the route of ranty Semitism has exposed further divisions at the top of labor the party's general secretary Jennifer form Bay has delivered a fist attack on the Deputy Leader Tom Watson after he asked M.P.'s to contact him directly with their allegations of anti semitic behavior misformed they said Mr Watson's intervention could undermine the party's existing system for dealing with complaints the Mr Watson has hit back saying there's been a complete loss of trust in the party's ability to investigate allegations to Suffolk councils of formally objecting to a wind farm off the east coast Suffolk coastal and Suffolk County Council have jointly said that they can support Scottish Power as East and North and East Anglia to wind farms in their current formats councilor Geoff hull scoffed is the deputy leader of Suffolk coastal and says he wants Scottish Power to work with E.T.F. Energy he want to build another power station its size well ask in the 1st instance is for the 2 developers to talk to each other saying you know they know the detail about what's going on potentially on the ground so they need to work together if they could be voting proof MIT's Let's talk about a single such a vote to prove it to to deliver both projects if they are to go ahead Scottish Power I say is work closely with the council local communities and regulate tree bodies and we'll continue to engage with them on the points raised in the report the company which promotes Suffolk to the film industry is backing an idea for a creative hub in Ipswich bringing together media groups competing. Game designers and other techs act as it's been pushed by the bar account so that Keren Everett from screen Suffolk says it's something they support if people come and shoot here we really like them to stay and all the editors the effects of history all the people that we haven't suffered that go to London to work which train bridge to work it would be really nice if they could stay here but we could kind of create a bit of hope here students from the college who come and work there and have a bit of a co-working space that people can bounce ideas off each other strike a Caden Jackson could return to it which town lineups is often in clash with relegation rivals reading a Portman right Will Keane's absence through injury means manager Paul Lambert has a selection headache up front when at the back the blues are likely to return to a 4 man defense Leeds have returned to the top of the Championship after a 4 nil win over West Brom Italian drives the host took the lead after just 16 seconds and Britain claims to gold medals on the 1st day of the European Indoor Championships in Suffolk whether in cloudy and damp with some patchy rain a festive day but this will Clarence guys brighten up with Sunny periods developing breezy this afternoon and later clad will tend to increase once again with top temperatures of 14 degrees Celsius that's 57 degrees Fahrenheit B.B.C. Radio Suffolk counties it's 6 minutes past 8 listen to B.B.C. Radio stuff whereas you are on your F.M. Radio you downloaded to B.B.C. Sounds a tad on your C.V. We're on free channel 7 so you. Say fine on digital radio. Speech see. B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. On B.B.C. Radio Suffolk we live Dale and claim Michael Stone. Here Claire is what is this morally good boy if you're not exactly where all it is just coming to you about grey hair you're going to. I said this is the pips of dawn this morning I'm across the road and down ballot cast a ready he's got the quote ready. Law upon it's a car you've got a Ford head of his artillery company and he's going gray said the only one I can release you've got lots of look this is true yet this is you know if you didn't have so much how you would have as much gray look at it that way absolutely. But me as a goal the gun kid a you know it's quite distinguished seeing that sort of gray so folks in that. Town radio isn't that. Good as we don't have a webcomic. Anyway Claire was here this morning for the gardening hour so you've got a problem in the show but also people option is the solution the lights in Nice in the I did it better right here we've had a bit of rain have helped us just a little bit not too much but just right but others will say no we need a lot more but that could be out of the next few days life even my kid if I was still you probably coming this way always not coming this far. He didn't have a little breeze they are a not as much as the West Country no or little Scotland when I come on. He says OK the Sheffield is it is absolutely the right players here not to unseal by the questions but your gardening questions this morning on the free for number 801412121 so if you've got a program in the front garden the back garden down on the allotment you've got a poorly plant Well vegetable and you need some free advice then you need to get in touch with this this morning and you can text in your gun in question with your name Of course the text with S F K You can email me as well looked at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. Will simply as is the gumming phone in what you need to do is cool No 801 full 1212 you want B.B.C. Radio and stuff like. The 1st 2 were gone now which is she to a husband and wife team who moved to Suffolk late last year to literally live the good life ADE is the garden and says he uses the produce to create and cook wonderful recipes which they share on their website it's called. The agents a field 30 year old be meeting up with suffix to Tom and Barbara good as they create their burn you garden which is currently a blank canvas but 1st if he tells us what inspired her to start blogging about the new Persian 5 years ago gardening. This was when we were living back near London we took on a lot meant in 2014 and I said well let's let's blog about it because then it'll be useful record for us what we're doing at what time of year you know I thought it be something you know our family would rate but no one else would be interested but to my surprise the blog grew and we started getting subscribers from all over the world and it just became more and more popular and then we won blog of the year at the God made it Guild Awards in 2016 and that really changed things for us the surprise were you that it became so interactive Oh really surprised me once do you think anyone would really be interested in reading about the state of our breasts you know I mean prove it you know we do get subscribers from some really far flung places and it has been really quite astonishing how successful in your eyes is it being the age because you are very passionate when it comes to gardening. It's like a safety nets no I'm not alone in the world that there's other people out there who same passion and want that experience and want to understand more about gardening but the last couple of years it's kind of the whole blog and things kind of it's give me a kind of big boost to know that you know I'm on the right track I'm learning I'm trying something new and people are interested. We were surprised that so many people from all over the world would be interested in our little story and what it's going to have been Fisher has their advice been to you as you've tried to get your garden underway brilliant because you know you don't just talk about his photos as a lot of video content so you actually get a proper understanding of what they're trying to achieve and you know quite honestly at the bloggers they'll tell you the good points to tell you the bad point some of them even tell. Where to get away sleepers from so there's a whole wealth of information and knowledge out there for free and it's very easy to tap into and Sophie for just the basic idea it's taking off around the world it's become very interactive does it take over your life because you've had a very busy career yet I mean it can do the social media side of things I mean it's much better that actually he's on Twitter and Instagram a lot you know sharing photos of the latest thing he's bought for the garden or how he's vegetables getting on it can take over we have to try to limit the time I guess but from my point of view he's very much about the gardening side of things and I'm very much about what to do with the projects we grow so I develop recipes and share that and sort of also I look into the medicinal uses of plants and things like that so we're covering quite a lot of bases so we're appealing to different people it's not just gardeners we've got some foodies who are very interested in our blog and it's got quite a broad remit and hell will of those recipes gone down then with those followers really well it's been really interesting actually and I've read about food my recipes being published in magazines as well now so it's again it's something that's growing which is to this knowledge come from them because you had a career within the film industry which doesn't involve gardening or it doesn't and I said I became more interested in food and cooking before the gardening thing happened I think I was sort of I was in my twenty's and I started to get more interesting in cooking than growing your own is kind of the logical next step from that is you want to be working with getting gradients but that was something I was interested in before and that's just grown and you know my recipes it just comes from experiment I'm always experimenting in the kitchen for you or you don't mean you have 20 years or so didn't you within the media with 20th Century Fox National Geographic Channel I mean that's a huge step to take from working within the media so green wellies and the shovel working with plants and vegetables is a lot calmer you don't have to deal with drama queens you're not. The shoot only in the more you come down in the morning you can be in the garden and in the morning and take the garden over shoot any day of the week how would you look back on your career within the film industry oh I'm really proud of it and I've met sounds with a cliché but I've met some really good people and some great experiences have travelled the world and I've got friends from it and also I'm still dropping into it now and again and I'm still feel Lansing as an editor so it still is still there still saying I do love my still enjoy I get to be creative for a different type of creativity compared to the gardening and how creative can you be in that space through that back door if I get the whole garden and my wife lets me have the whole god and I'll be so corrective. Adamant about I don't know I don't know it's a losing battle but they're not standing in the middle. I said we came to this house straight when I saw a blank canvas and I wanted to put my mark on a blank canvas and that's what I'm doing slowly but surely I mean people get to see my journey they can see the good side they can see the mistakes and I think that's all part of it I don't think should be as a guard to be ashamed of your errors and mistakes because that's the only way you learn and you know other people can benefit from it so what I'm doing out there is pure pleasure it's pure joy is pure creativity I'm learning I'm hoping other people see it can get something from it as well. The agents of field so introducing themselves to the B.B.C. Radio Suffolk and next week we'll hear about the burning canvas they have to work with when it comes to the new code and which is in the heart of Suffolk and of course you talk about the good life they are literally living the good life it was a wonderful series or they bet it does not live next door to them really know now that it's a. Pretty thing you know well that music is great memories diggers it was a show we watched as a family when I was young you know in the days of. 2 programs obviously 22 channels net 3 channels and I just loved it I loved everything about it how many episodes were the late Come on I can't remember it was me it was it more than just I was I suppose it's how it was never meant it was it was about 4 series of the group I want to show some of you have find it for you I just loved it yeah I'm still like the last one was when the House got the boot and I'm delighted and that was it was it according to the queen apparently as well but they you know what I could watch again yeah I could do repeats on the satellite channels funny and I sit there and watch him it's just Molokai to you I call my wife Monica but she just with. Tell you what she can hear you know it's the guarding our and your calls of more than welcome 110-141-2121 let's speak to Yvonne who's in the cello leave on Good Morning see you want to do morning what's your question this morning for Claire. I left to leave on reception yes they've been. Packing things yeah it's not I'm not really disease no you know the wonderful thing about 15 years is that they are amazing plants on they really I mean they have that wonderful red flush I always think of the ones around cotton parklike treating them so well and then when they flush it's like this luck is on fire isn't it as I read it's being in every grain I have lots and lots and lots of leaves and it's not cost you know they they ship them at this time here and they said the ones that aren't Crites And these aren't the ones that they like the most so they ship them the little you know over the winter they get the spotting on them and that's just normal as just what happens it's the cold weather the city sat on there they might have had a frost on there that the water's just you know frozen on leaves and that's why you get the spots and there's absolutely no disease I have people you know I think they they they they probably don't every year and have a nice day and the main thing is when they all fall off clear them up from underneath that's when the disease does happen because obviously sitting there they sort of fester away so make sure you clear it all up but you know what a great plants and the other great thing about things you trim them back they come back from old wood so if you've got one that's a bit big or bit leggy just give it a nice trim and flashback cut a couple times a year and then you can enjoy the right there are burning on like this I don't worry about the leaves OK. I can I thank you very much indeed for your sample 101412121 is the number you need to go if you've got a question this morning that's what everyone's done she's in Bury St Edmunds she wants to weeping willow have fruit morning. Good morning yes I. Say Lakes weeping willow. Has had it for 5 years and it's in a huge pile. Not looking very healthy to share it well I think it probably needs to go into the grass and use it to really like to put it in the grass. OK Jamie McHugh more on that with one of those sort of life family you know we we can when it's made one of those ones lives by the by the river Yeah. Come on a little jumpy there told me that goes over Yeah yeah I think the thing about thing I will lose is that they have a very very father's root system and the problem being apart they just run Haven't you know really really quickly so the best thing as you say is the put it in the ground if you can if you want a nice place the other thing to do is every year really should try and thin the mouse a bit because they have lots and lots of 3 pieces of branches they get a bit heavy and a bit thick and they don't grow properly if you know the main because it's a lot of competition for area of growth so the best thing to do is the sort of maybe reduce the amount of weeping sort of branches boy by thirds just take out a 3rd of those not give it a bit more room as well yeah it's off to 5 years and I reckon it's done his time in a pause even though it can be enjoyed almost parts as a last I when I say gentleman is probably well a teeny interest but. But time to move it and it's a brilliant time to do it now OK now you know you tell them Oh I think the result maybe I'm planning on pushing it and as well which is probably by 24 the property is all right the thing about willows they don't have huge top roots either then you know they're not like a coup or a large tree they have a fiber story system much more fibrous than launch routes no problem and so and if you if you're very very worried about you know coming into the house you can always you know get a big pot put it in the pot and then just cut the boss amount so then the roots try and guide towards the house if you're very worried but I would say 20 feet from the house no problem so plate thank you very much indeed OK. We'll question to claim against in this morning 101412121 is numbing need to go talk to Chris and it's just a moment. 1st let's bring up to date with the latest travel news It's 19 minutes past night. From B.B.C. Radio. On the roads in the train till morning good morning Nic And there we are looking pretty caught touchy feely extra road building up a little bit coming in from the A 12 towards King's wife but nothing much to write home about in the center of it switched around the streets looking. Down towards the street at Stowmarket you still have a club in on Station Road West between keeping why that place by road works and continue on top and streets and of course the much in the way of to night so far the main road too late to wrong and it's which time of course this afternoon so we're approaching the very busy. Travel if you see something broken update me call 80141212. This is B.B.C. Radio. Some point you bring it for us but this will clear skies brighten up with Sunny periods developing it's going to be a breezy afternoon like strong cloud would tend to increase once again with a maximum temperature of 14 degrees Celsius $57.00 degrees Fahrenheit is going to be a blustery night with clowned in spells of light rain moving south and east winds. Drive by midnight for the rest of the night seeing variable amounts of cloud and play spells minimum temperature around 8 degrees Celsius overnight $46.00 degrees Fahrenheit Now Storm Freya is expected to move its way into the U.K. Through tomorrow this will bring some strong winds to the region along with outbreaks of rain the spreading north and east towards maximum temperature for tomorrow 13 degrees Celsius 55 degrees Fahrenheit brings up to date with a full weather full cost in the coastal for you. See red. Play the going questions the small increase in talk about just Hello Chris good morning to you good morning. Good morning I'm. Not doing very well aware of what. You did. You know. Some of you do I do pretty much now really. You know the O.C. That's the fat just trying to appear all nice and. Oh yeah watch out of got the high dry direct opposite Thank you only because my father in law came and the other day me he's hunger and he said you need to take your dead flowers off the top of it and I said Not on no I don't take He's the expert I'm not taking them off until. The frost up until a stuff so they are staying on during the Easter holidays I get the deal that they were the SEC It is but it was said of course because those stems have got those white fluffy combo thing stuck to them it needs the bugs there are but I know where they. Want me up so I've got to trim the right back to get rid of that so I would do that all day every step anyway scarping probably cry I'm. Sorry I'm all still play the discs don't play just you know play dates and you know it just joking anymore oh yeah oh yeah radio presenter. You know why I don't think of my job funny about how I'm trying to do about you know anything about all of that I soon as the good high try joins Larry Yeah wake up I absolutely look and it's like a train just yet I knew I'd. Be one more very quick one 0 yeah and I'm finished I'm I turn down the O.C. Yes Well yeah I mean. Yes you can move it at the moment that's all he needs and their TRUE MAN Yeah that's the. Theory probably the stars are a lot of his size there is 3 weeks difference it's yeah he is so when. You doing a mean you know you know in between what you're doing because I think this shit like to light the shit would you know oh that's what I've said what I'm going to go . On and about the 18th of April I was running and business like some other states is 3 weeks off 2 months if not 20 something years in the 21st century to. OK so what I'm going to do is probably go through the weekend before. But I'm going to keep an eye on the green buds coming through and if they get into. You know begs I think that's is if you come to light all the goodness goes the base you don't want to go to and that's the problem you see so you've got to look until they get quite fat and then think about it so I would say the beginning of it was about the right time leave it 3 more 3 more weeks to like me and I said OK Thank you very much and I'm sorry about that I'm very sorry beginning of April that we got our you got one more question please my husband. Separating my magnolia Oh I think. It's really quite enough because. The height don't. Get in this what side of the fence like I am on the side of caution I The biggest problem I got is they don't really like being trained that they're not a fan of it really. Well was he wanted to lay off they find what is the main main thing to think about. You know this time me about maybe a slight productions I carry but time to be heavy handed because they don't really like it so if it's got quite tool you can reduce it maybe by thirds on the beat you know the 2 bits of the top I wouldn't go to my aunt because they know not the Gracies fans of it right away OK Well thank you very much and I'll have the house and bring the marriage and you'll have a nice weekend Chris. Chris Christie Chris before you go what kind of real high during years when they fly the pink ones all the blue ones. The pink one yeah monorail thank them that started off play but they've gone back to being pink right because you're ready and I come. In the wrong part the wealth of blue that's the problem right can I take your word on that if you had to go home with a tin mines will people they want pink they want pink so I have some. Looks like some of their players are Cuban and. Chris thank you very much they feel cold this morning 10112121 let's talk strobe race who fancy if you still breezes win with a breakfast then Good morning Z. Good morning morning what's your question for Claire My question is. Place like. Acquired a really lovely big truck. So I'm looking for a. Quarter to call it. I went. Oh no not too much I can hear the thing about strawberries is that every story has its moment of greatness really so summer early summer middle and summer lights so there are 3 distinct different varieties of strawberry So I mean I like prosperous as well you know I'm a great found those rosaries good thing the most live some but back stories so have a look at the rocks is when they fruits I mean some of the old fashioned ones we still saw the most else answer is probably one of our most popular ones Cambridge favorite store a really popular one some of the old Pegasus a lot of the older ones are still probably the best one the main thing is make sure you feed them well when you put the main into your trough. But as a side just have a look those are the sort of Rossi's I would go for the more old fashioned Broad says I would definitely now it's a brilliant time the very very hardy strawberries so go out and look for them now and get them in now so then they'll be going away nicely. To have starving for in June really. As a psycho for the sort of old fashioned can be favorite Both of those are the ones I like anyway. OK thank you very much thank you thank you thank you very much they feel cold this morning 101412121 is the number you need to sign if you got a question this morning is a free phone number so it won't cost you a penny person has been on the Smalling she says. Emirates what to do with it now it stops firing. You know what they are amazing when they flower their leaves a lot like I love them but as with any bowl they come to have their moment let it die down naturally you know like any pulp you know because the problem is you take all that green goodness and that's where the sugar is for it to rejuvenate for next year so dry it out basically let Joy down dry touts put it outside in the summer turn it you know turn over in a pot so it doesn't get too wet and then in about sort of October so I'm subbing in softening up again so exactly the same thing bolts need that rest period to rejuvenate all that sort of energy back up your back next year so very soon that sort of thing really excited over and then you'll have another beautiful flower next year so leave it to its own devices absolutely don't just chop the top off no who no no no you don't do that not so accounted to Hopefully that answers your question this Saturday morning if you've got a gun in question this morning you can get some top free advice here at the radio surf until 9 o'clock the phone number you need to close 801412121 you can text as well put your name on that text 803 you start that text of course with S F K. The radius. Is exactly half past 8 on this Saturday morning the 2nd of March a very good morning she will come to breakfast time live to let's get a nice and sports update now from Catherine Thanks Lou Good morning political leaders have agreed a 2000000 pound fund to support projects which can based suffix A Khana me the money will come from pooled business rights and will be invested over the next 2 years 8 people were injured when a plane abandons its takeoff at Stansted Airport last night after what was described as a Big Bang shook the cabin the runway was closed for around 3 hours the number of magistrates in England and Wales has hard day for the last 10 years causing delays in the justice system that's according to the magistrate. Dissociation which says there's a huge shortage there's a call for Scottish Power any D.F. Energy to work together as they develop proposals for a new nuclear power station and wind farms on Suffolk's east coast Suffolk coastal and Suffolk County Council have jointly responded to the current plans put forward by both companies and of raised concerns about the impact on the roads the environment and the local community Labour's deputy leader is standing by his request for complaints about anti semitism to be forwarded him to monitoring the party's general secretary Janine form based says it will undermine the process Tom Watson says it's his responsibility to make sure people have confidence in the system and Space X. Is set to launch its new rocket in capsule in just under an hour it's been seen as a big step towards the U.S. Flying is astronauts into space again for the 1st time since 2011 now let's take a look at sports is a thing that again was when will I saw the form of a plane something is going to give us some really strange it evolved as our population in the stadium because the common. Ones are going to be obsolete jump again in the mic on Iran. That was managed to pull them but talking about his confidence in his side that they can come up with the goods later today it's much town face reading at Portman Road to solve to noon with a win essentially if they're to keep faint hopes of avoiding relegation alife victory over the Royals could see the gap to safety cut to just 6 points but defeat is guaranteed to extend into 12 and one half full commentry of town versus reading in the soft match day program when it gets underway at 2 o'clock Leeds thrash West Brom 4 nil to go back to the top of the Championship with their opening goal coming after just 16 seconds at Elland Road his Leeds match man of the match Tyler a bit less confident against any theme that we can score goals is not quite gone for governor recently of course about a few close results and I feel as if he draws back against any team I know that we can score goals and we've shown that tonight in terms of it which towns relegation rivals today rather America into Blackburn while Bolton had to Swans a elsewhere high flying marriage says he can do pull them but men a favor by winning a Millwall in League 2 contests United head to Swindon there were 2 gold medals for Great Britain on the night of the European Indoor Athletics Championships in Glasgow Catriona Johnson Thomson 2 gold in the Pentathlon home favorite Laura Meo also took place took 1st place story in the 3000 meters already you are good at perfect hair period over 3000 very 1st put your finger quite delighted just bury it up there still trying for a good old go go home straight no you know it takes go to Scotland then for Britain itself because that she runs like a very to me were really hard but I just knew I can't lose it here live in my own turf on track I can't knock a way of the go today I don't be so happy to get out locally lowest of town face a big challenge this afternoon they're up against Southern Premier Division leaders Kettering Town but need a market unlaced and run their travels today about and stab Ridge respectively Meanwhile in the Boston North A.F.C. East. Bre visit battles in Phoenix down Walton are way Grey's and those in whole face bow is in Pitsea recreation why Barry Stedman's rugby player is a back in action this afternoon in National League T. South the Wolfpack visit where they and away when could move them up to 6 in the table in London Division one north today stubby faced Southend and there are also home games for Stowmarket Southwold and IP switch in London to avoid by a great performance in a point against and opens its Which women's hockey players are looking forward to this afternoon's Dobby game against Norfolk rivals Holston coach Mariam Rix makes 2 changes Test squad with Martha Lawrence and Tabby billing him coming in for George and Ellie score to a unavailable the match gets underway at 230 at St Josephs college and is legal action for Ipswich men's basketball players this evening they face Westminster worry as it Copplestone in a 530 tipoff and that's all from the B.B.C. Radio stuff you can use in sports desk more from me at 9 o'clock we look forward to it Catherine thank you very much indeed a little thing of knowledge that Wayne Bateman's with you through his Saturday show he looks ahead to the with his war company helming on hold tomorrow he's also going to be chatting to singer winter about her show the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds next week celebrating the music of Barbra Streisand and also the cost of Alice in Wonderland the east apparent at this juncture as they are to pop in for a chat in there's another chance to hear Suffolk based musician Max Ristaino play songs from his current album let's go with Lane but even from 9 o'clock here on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk the counting hour on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk we believe Dale and Clem Michael Stone. Plymouth distant from the ball guns into him in Ipswich she'll begin heading there are often on the top this is more orange to do a day's work she it's also your gardening questions whether free phone number 80141212 or let's talk to Michael Michael hello. Morning CA Good morning tears Well good morning what's your question for Claire this morning Michael Well I think you have to learn the main one is I have. To know Creasy and he's in containers for quite a long time yet and I was tired he might be answered I. Already slob outspoken Informix but there was some out see Ted So now right tendencies and small. Sink it was trying to pro anything from because I happened. And I'm not sure about this creeping into crawl that you're 100 percent right by all prospects. Yeah and I probably you want you won't get anything for a seat Unfortunately I felt the same talk like that on the table the love of it treated me very exotic like pepper dust I'm not. Going to sleaze who lets go on his head on the floor now unfortunately at tree pain is a wonderful wonderful plants I mean a lot of people get confused really with no more paydays very very different come from China they are amazing very very big flowers the perennial ones that come up from the ground are very different size. We've just got a noise floor in and I just think they're very different and more of a sort of shrub like a deciduous shrub rather than have I should say you keep I aren't evil to get it confused but the colors is what people bought in focus are amazing and the flowers are really big out my side I must admit to people there in the front garden you can say I'm an AST Haven't you got your panties out in flour the start of a new year and I look a little puzzled when I say well that's very creepy at least and not like the ones you know here a little bit of confusion on niceness as a side big family the pain and so the city have a shit ones that died and I don't see the tree once and the tree ones are just magic because the callous I mean it's probably lost a bit longer than normal payday so one of the thing about new. It is that lovely that they can be over very quickly can they and can these ones keep going a bit longer so you have a lovely plan for the garden if you show to plant smoke that magic. Yes well thank spend a lot of the time. Here sounds like Seymour also asked what they laughing quite happy you know. I have to salute Oh yeah what about hydrangeas SAS. He was selling some. Qualms Yeah. Kwame's will start you want to the same area. Want. To come across. You should see. The Iron Lady plants he knows anything about. Viruses surrounded by high during his oh good runs in there as well some way. He's nearly an expert. No one wants to start a wife yet my loved ones but any probably want one sometimes they can get tainted by the way income lie they get they sometimes go off a. Lot of the particular lots of white ones like my favorite which is the long colored ones of my favorite really has big family closer different ones so the RAM ones which is good the pump Oman's yet you get the last cat once the flat ones and then you get the particular to which the kind of hit one's wrong as I come into law in colors and whites and I have fabulous especially for if you got a slightly dark corner really good for bringing out a collar but they have very low heads and they thought they had lots of those little flowers like oh hi dredges are on one rock amazing and I love flowers but yeah the particulars of my favorites because there's lots of nice new ones coming through pink teach each student all sorts pinky Winky is another lovely one pinky willing to put that into my bag and put it into. Do you have any particular also once all you always sort of normal. Got quite a lot of pink ones like go. White Knight struggles it was a constant struggle going to war now seems to be doing or carries Yeah hydrangeas can take a little time it's like the peacher Lloris ones the ones that grow the wool which we forget the growing we get myself playing in that fantastic for shady areas but the probably those days they probably take about 2 to 3 years to decide they like the spot they're written and once they do think I like the clappers but initially the very very slow so yeah great family hydrangeas very very good I don't need to go pick her up and have my try just the villa stroll Bree hydrangea that looks like the color and you're talking about in my wow that looks pretty nice the mind how much it colors and I look at lot of the hydrangeas the new varieties coming through they fire for such a long time you know they've changed they sort of increase the breeding on them and I don't have very good job so I find for a very liquid endless relief now if they keep flaring the colors are just fabulous beautiful plant I think I might have to revisit my home drag out it's not so would you have a hydrangea no one would know I would never touch it in the 1st place I can't stand needles no my getting I just thought on something else and I noticed too but I like that one that vanilla strawberry long I'm outside of add that to my golden collection Yeah Michael thank you very much indeed for your tip on your cool the small a. Great have a good weekend 101 full 12121 is the number you need to go if you've got a gun in question the climate system this morning Param wants to know she wants to buy a pot and a plant in memory of the husband who died a couple of months ago I'm sorry Pam. Have you got any suggestions basically who you might have some suggestions that listeners my Absolutely I'm going to give us a little texting over see just all with sometimes it's quite nice to have something maybe that flowers who doesn't think period maybe of someone's birthday or you know I always think Mother's Day is quite nice to me that we have flight last spring flowers and especially to. The cherries and stuff that flare at that time he is so maybe thinking so that maybe a comedian flowers at this time of year so it's sort of a nice memory. So you got to really think about some of the do well in the polls because a lot of plants sometimes don't like being polls and things something's you have to keep moving but I think flaring cherries are really nice the small ones that you can get access are pretty high on the platinum with seasonal color underneath a lot of comedians imports especially this part of the world are not great with their acacias plants so they fly for a long time as well so they're always a bit special people are quite keen on roses a lot of people are hearing roses important especially from memory there are probably roses you really only can put the miniatures in posts the only the patio ones the big ones the really struggling ports they don't really like it so if you've got to go for the maybe the miniature sort of top so it's really better than that I mean there are quite a lot of things but I would prescribe down that line comedians be never going lovely big flowers notes in different colors roses if you go for a patio on the property they can be deciduous nothing there in the winter. Maybe something like that Mary or you know a little cherries are lovely which carries important looks so pretty because you bring up near the house which is quite nice as well and see them. And they do a thing when everything else isn't really so there we were 1st carrot when it got buried in the background we put a rose color enemies rose there and it just grew and grew and grew and grew in my life and I ended up having here just because I'm going to chop it down and let it grow again and push up from the bottom and so we are here for months about now you're not touching the Rose Yes I am no you're not laying outside on the shoe and I just took the whole off of the top and of course start going up from the bottom and starts to come in it looks really really nice and absolutely fantastic say. Tojo lovely Yeah that went down well yeah yeah that are pretty well so happy probably not everybody pulled off the trellis from the back wall. Because it just got a little we got hold of it and just took it all as it approaches you need to be proved who is right you do let you listen to and so many people won't let you know and that's when you get all the old wood on them and then I don't do very well so I know you know you must be pretty to thin them out especially climbing roses they every year you need to thin them out really really heavily because otherwise you just get sick and as you say the top it's really thick so there's nothing for the 1st 3 for the next you know 3 is really really heavy and that's where you get the falling off the exit he was once he had finished and trim it yeah I'll have a word with Mrs Tailleur she's got her number I don't think so. Let's go to excellence is shall we sally Hello good morning to you oh my name and what I think might be for my son but he. Was a very he was a gunshot would be gentle with him. I had a bull quite new dog being overtly I mean he wanted. Back for this. Kind of. People on the kind of cutting down a bit but I don't. See how bulls fly at this time here so they're in that moment of glory and they just looking fantastic and I'm in the meantime to trim them really a lot of people take off the leaves before they flower so in that sort of also light also OK because then you actually see the flowers a lot more because the leaves can go call quite chatty and not really so a lot of people see that you can trim off some of the leaves obviously white and so the flowers are finished firing and then you can take those down as well and yes you can give it a trim then but as a say a probably better chance of the leaves is probably sort of October November then you can see the beauty of the flowers without the leaves deterring from my head wondering Yeah I mean now if you look at me maybe a bit late now but if you look at some of the leaves in there they're looking a bit sassy or a bit brown or not like just take them right deep as you can. Into the plans and then that just opens up the crown a bit more so next year it rejuvenate even more but a wonderful plants and they certainly have done very well this year they've they've loved this bit warm weather and I've come on well so it will. Come about. They're very they're very tough advice as plant and you'll see that they pretty much die away in the sun in the wind in the summer you don't really see them because I see them I was a glorious when nothing else is doing anything nice so they do very well from that so when when all the other bases you know tool in and getting all lovely that plant is sort of just getting ready for its winter so yeah absolutely if you want to try it back no problem it will come back beautifully. OK thank you very much and they feel cool Selita B.B.C. Radio Suffolk this morning. Talking of hellebores last week on the gardening I was really sitting in this hot seat Jane Buster came on to the program because she was promoting her open government and I'm stepping up and full of hellebores full of snowdrops as well and she said they had a record breaking 370 people through the gate in May 2200 pounds for the N.G.'s skiing that's national going skiing and apparently lots of people commented that they heard it on this particular program so that's handy that he's not very handy very handy and they said we're going to Jane and her girls I mean that she can had a better weekend you know exactly because I mean it kind of things came out I was right and horrible all out last year so I mean I was in Cambridge last weekend and that was amazing you know I went to the botanical gardens and they got in last winter garden there and the definite They had a definite I go Jacqueline pasta and it's probably about 6 foot tool white full of flour and the smell well you can get over here it is unbelievable and they are fantastic and I think the flowers who doesn't I think this time year they just have that moment that makes them fairly consistent boring Yeah I think things out there looking boring but whether. It's sending everyone into a frenzy really isn't it well it didn't yeah I mean the board everything on a bit quickly maybe some of the some of the bolts will come together see what carcass is daffodils and everything's together snowdrops I mean everything sort of doing its thing together well last year of thing was not doing anything now because we had snow is something that is pretty you know we can't do anything about it we just got to just sort of get on I mean even today I might be growing but it's still mild out there that's in that they still are going to get on with the garden and get things sorted in this so much to do is a lot of people cut the grass so the 1st thought already I bet you have I have because you're a bit funny about it also you know I am yeah you were like No I said that we had all fathers out there in the back garden cutting the go it's like just a chop it off yeah just give it a just give it a little bit of a trim Sorry it just looks tidy embrace the garden it's great then it does it certainly makes such a difference. Is funny because I think I did it my 1st day off and then as the weather and that we continued I had more and more learn Barbara Yeah people you know I was getting up and sorting out the that it just looks nice and tidy doesn't it and the only thing is you know I want to start cutting that's the start of the earth as well and that's what I said I think could be another month until I get I mean that's probably what it's going to be about later you know and I thought I didn't know I looked at it yes I think another couple of weeks and I left then my scaled down again you know we need a bit right here to be very dry we are in a god the other day and it's so dry I don't believe a bowl of water and I think you know people realise plants in pots there when he watering You know we've had no no no great writing really for 3 weeks or maybe 2 weeks I think tries out a lot and poets and we've had 1617 degrees so you know if people got pots please just going to have a look and I'm going to get a bit right now over the next few days but some of the plants are starting to struggle away imports and they're looking a bit stronger so we always think in the winter we don't need to worry about things but in fact plants do struggle if they're not being able to release I'll just have a look at me on the feet on that My him. Happy absolutely will come back to. The game for 12121 after we've brought your play with that weather forecast with Lizzie in a moment but 1st let's see what's happening out there on the county's roads in the trains. Running they can though we're looking pretty good as far as the roads concerned. Eased off a 14 is running very well and just to busy on the berry road. Trip P P 3 heading down to. The north at Ipswich Stowmarket we've got the closure still on Station Road. Giving way on the market. But continue on time by the marketplace as well. Because in much the way. Home to reading this afternoon the Portman reticle before kickoff at 3 trains are looking good for spots all B.B.C. Radio travel if you see something or can update me call 801412121. Radio. Is B.B.C. Radio. Right let's see what the weather has in store for us this weekend was still on the horizon Lizzie was a good morning to you and a good morning good morning and well it's God's time really quite windy to moderate the peak of the rains will tend to be on Sunday evening into the 1st part of Monday morning but we're not going to bear the brunt to still have to worry about the 80 mile an hour gusts Having said that you know we could be looking at some gusts around 50 to 55 miles an hour that is enough to bring that blossom down of the trees at least and Anyway let's deal with today is a mild rather gray start to the morning lots of cloud around it should brighten up as we head through the morning southwesterly wind will pick up it'll be noticed but I think by the end of the day some spells of sunshine perhaps but the. Devotee far away and it will tend to rethink and as we head toward the end of the often a but it is looking dry today and mild talk temperatures of 12 or 13 degrees now overnight tonight it was time wet and windy from the west from outbreaks of rain pushing through still be raining into tomorrow morning and it will be increasingly windy say rain on and off through the day tomorrow is not a great day weather tomorrow there will be some dry spells around but always plenty of cloud feeling a touch cooler with highs of only 10 or 11 degrees and as I said tending really quite windy gusts of wind Bay 50 to 55 miles an hour every night and Sunday and Monday morning by this time mistress wake up Monday morning that system will have started to clear away they say winds lightning on Monday but feeding cool less and spells of sunshine reduces outbreaks of showery rain as Take a look at case it was for today that you both point and fall in the wind suddenly or southwesterly 4 or 5 increasing 6 or 7 later about Gale 8 later in the south the stay stay slight becoming slight or moderate lighter but by that Haitian rain and visibility will be moderate cared and the next high tide have gotten the hope to be at 919 it's he points he meets his will on the way at 856 at 3.5 metres past the full cost losing thanks very much indeed have a lovely weekend lunch by chance with you from 9 o'clock this morning then you've got life's a picture in the fan zone with Mark Murphy a pogrom road this afternoon he's all there from a day and then of course from 2 o'clock it's much Day It's a turn take on reading at home it really is a must win territory for the town the softer just must when we. Go to when you get away with the Federal Aviation candidates the visitors to port road this afternoon will have full much calmer tree of course Brenda guiding me through the game of golf at 3 o'clock and also ahead of kickoff we'll hear from Paul Lambert John Nolan and general manager of football operations at the town in New York so with match day between 2 and 6 o'clock tonight. B.B.C. Radio Suffolk we believe and stand. Well we've already talked about for the upcoming alone for the 1st time they have a lot of people of all probably already done theirs as well what else can we be doing in the garden this weekend Well I just think you know it's really important to get ahead of the game at the moment. You know because suddenly everything starts moving quite quickly I know these last few weeks everything sort of you know I started to shoot and everything but you know taking over the garden making sure that you know you can read the we'd say there's a few waves around so they don't flare and then have hundreds seedlings everywhere that's really important job feeding quite a big job at the moment every garden is pretty much left to its own devices some people don't sort of feed and after that thing but a general purpose grow more just sprinkle some granules on the ground just before this writing and that that would just give every plant a great start to the year rather than just sitting there who has a lot we all do bit of food and get it all going I just think it's so important people are feeding off the so many great things on the market now and you know we sell these to feed bubbles you know certainly things imports you know they last 6 months they slow. Down they gradually fade the plant so you only have to feed twice a year but they make such a difference the plants I can't tell you you know people put all these lovely plants in pots and then they don't really look after them you know it's a bit like when you know people buy books very very popular for plants you know the last time around here a little leaves Yeah and you know the little tips like when you plant them just you know if they're going to the wall or you know get some sort of sort of house you know every month just turn them so they all have a bit of equal Oit's because so many of them are brown and one song people don't free them don't turn them so they don't get enough light make sure you feed your pots just go outside and give them all of a even top dress you know get some clean new compost in the top bit of food give them a good water and as a sigh things you know we spend a lot of money on these plants. And something we don't often enough do you have post your point man I'm going to hell in parts at the back don't tell me that I dragged in the yeah. And there's a good recovering theme of this is well and truly fed I can tell you that yeah but it but it's not important isn't it yeah i'm people dying for the things and on my every time I do a lot of talks and always nice people please make sure you feed you golden because they want them to you so much better trim them back Mitchell is no weights moche lacings and you have a lovely go he said he will come August and thank you very much today for all your tips and your advice on this I said emailing Well it will be one way and I mean the next time I'm here in about 6 weeks time well in the neo you be doing hydrangeas even though we call for the none course not until well my bank holiday I think is already going to live as a thank you very much for the Berkeley showing from this morning weighing the even follows at 9 o'clock at all but with the variety but for some Monday morning Monday Monday 6 o'clock will leave you with Michael bublé and I believe in you good morning. And then a really big. Can News he's cast Frankenstein Thanks Wayne Good morning political leaders have agreed a 2000000 pound fund to support projects which can be Suffolk's economy the money will come from pooled business rates and be invested over the next 2 years wavy district council leader Mark Bay says the future of our high streets across Suffolk will be a top priority we won't just need to do that in one area it's clearly an issue. And I think we need a listing and we probably need to look to see where there may be unique selling points where. We don't want to compete with each other but there are various things that we can do to complement each other flights into and out of Stansted Airport were grounded after passengers reported hearing an explosion on a departing plane last night's the flight to Vienna or aborted takeoff at around 8 pm forcing the 169 people on board to evacuate via emergency slides incoming flights were diverted to other airports following the incident which is Stansted spokesman said was caused by.

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