So he got another Christmas something that was used to just send around. And Separating. Breaks States to go and let stuff from Chris Read books in just a moment for us. It's just off to the beat the service is new market it is now completely closed Steve us drives please leave a gap for emergency services to get through. That's the A 14 totally closed eastbound B B services road Newmarket leave a gap please say yes just 2 votes separated Chris Read books that Brooks had it in the bag for most of the time and then just at the end for a couple votes and it was all over anyway here is the book some. Quiet. Snippet of a softer this. Can scan. OK Brooks lost by just 2 votes how close was that was true he could have been closer just was going to be very tight so don't cry out are you going to be kind with the snippet today that yes OK. Or. A snippet of Saul. I think I'm right. It's a proper is it is yes. If you try to guess then it's trouble free on the text needles go to already. You could email Nick don't risk be at B.B.C. U.K. . Bunches some tighter ones will not take it no it wasn't. While you all texting and emailing we've got some birthdays for you all starting with. Tony black Tony Blackbird so he'd like them. Now then Tony he would be 7077 next year 77 today with all the dog that was all the $7670.00 sensational 6 years I say yeah what about Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey Oh did I say that wrong it didn't last. She's 70 isn't she no 636555 yes Tom Selleck. Times Magnum P.I. Was the right yes is his mistress as old as him but that was a big old tax run it. How old is he on time now I think the seventy's will be is he yes you know there's a clue Yeah 7574 finally Fernand bolding Oh yeah it is Clare Balding today 5348. So here's the snippet again. And it will take the number 24 it reached by the way is it to do with the heat it is something to do it well not quite the opposite a cold yeah it's as cold as ice it is far enough far enough yet all it is comes. You are as cold as ice you are you know that. Yeah goose bumps cold as ice for and that was the snippet of a song there was so let's look at some of the events that happened on the 29th of January $848.00 yes G.M.T. Was adopted by Scotland before that their respective different time soon yeah crossed the border at Gretna Green Yes I must of or maybe because that's Greenwich Mean Time Is Now yes maybe they should have Greenwich nice time he should have Yeah on this day 927 Park Lane hotel opened in London today the 3rd just to have a bathroom. 927 was way ahead of its time was not because even to date not everyone is going to not having hotels but it's throughout most of the know everyone very true Desert Island Discs began almost B.B.C. Radio on this day 942 with Roy Plumlee still going strong as it is in. Yeah Graham Gooch on this day in 1905 you have to admire this decision he said his 20 year cricket career was to end because he was tired of losing an unwilling to tolerate the decline in his cricketing standard Nate that takes a man doesn't make Chris Yeah I'm not as good as the walls. Fighting For now the 29th of January 1992 it was reported that Catherine Cookson the right had given 26000 pounds for a heating system to be installed in St Peter some polls in South Shales she'd heard that parishioners had been so cold that mass had to be held in priests and so she dug a hand into a pocket and said. That that is a very kind gesture it makes my given 10 P. To somebody in the couple of A Day segment. This is for the count it is it was it was a lady in front of me at the cup machine and she said You go 1st I'm trying to find 10 pay I got enough money so I put the money in on a set of you found it and she said yeah I got it so I said the. Black Sheep and then she ran off. And tried so what else there so it could. Mean time being adopted by Scotland could be quite hotel in London the 1st time a bathroom in every room could be Desert Island Discs beginning with war Plumlee or it could be Graham Gooch say not Sam quick enough is the phone number if you'd like to take. 0800. To one kilowatt remember the clue could be in the title of the song or it could be in the singer. In some way 1st clue song. And sitting in the. Walk of Fame flights. That he's actually suggested the song that we've got lined up as the. Desert Island Discs beginning the B.B.C. . Career. This is the Eagles. He said. a bathroom for 80 or the 1st song had the park then you had the light and then you had the hotel room the line the 2nd one that is what about I level from the US to said Jan Yes Wendy said. East bright for a good friend and she had a Heartbreak Hotel Kristen said that as well Fred's go for splish splash I was taking a bath or maybe spend a penny lane. Summer Holiday said Sheila hello Kiran pock life by blood Well Blue Hotel by Chris Isaac I love and care and I'm a seat by the wife getting it absolutely spot on the other suggestions that are coming in thank you Liz By the way for getting Jay said Steve Winwood back in the high life would be in that hotel Yes thank you to is this Gary suggest rain or shine by 5 star very good and Pete said Could I suggest please the searches and when you walk in the path. The searches when you walk in the bud. Selig Janet what about rockabye clean Bandit's very good mirror in the bathroom you have to suggest by Wendy in Rome I lessons come up with a shed load of songs that work for the 1st hotel to have a bathroom in each room Macof a pop for the pipeline Itchycoo pop Small Faces a little bit of soap please she will be one of the all dove bath Smokey Robinson you will see them from there in the bathroom and Heartbreak Hotel What about Shall of the people. By James Taylor said Jackie OK and. Karen thank you Blue Hotel. We. So Chelsea Hotel by Leonard Cohen when you last played in the poll thank you very much indeed. Being in touch the light that we've all sad suggested Plano tell what about on Sweet Home Alabama the big face the mirror and there are a Pinkerton's assaulted colors said Pete Yeah find a mirror in your bathroom when you're in the hotel Jacqueline This is the life a one night in heaven and leave suggested for the Park Lane hotel opening putting on the Ritz. Lou surely for the. Space we do to Stephan What about Blue Hotel by Chris Isaak I'm trying to find that desperately. Sad pull it's a classic. It's . Adele. Water under the bridge thank you to DAVID MORLEY a song to play for the 1st bathroom in the Park Lane as you're so into the Park Lane has always had a bathroom in every room and you don't know this day 937 he said something about Luther Vandross. Well we're going to finish with the park and then a hotel Simon park orchestra will suggest as we go to play that I'm a daughter then we're going to finish with the most popular suggestion of all which was Heartbreak Hotel for the Park Lane hotel but before I do go thank you Robbie for your help tonight on the program thank you to morrow for a news and to call in for the travel thank you to reach out and Dennis for celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary with our fab 5 a little earlier tonight when we come back at 10 I was going to be asking you have you ever done your own little bit of private investigating. To find out more tonight. Just before we go a full team thank you Steve for the updates on this it's. Being. A Stevie's a big help that's the current state of play of legit. Seats in. B.B.C. 5 I want to 5 lives were joined by the B.B.C. Is local radio stations across the U.K. Followed local radio listeners brought shop to me news and 5 Live Tory M.P.'s to support a major amendment to the great city and in sports a 6 goal in the F.A. Cup 4th round and you could hear up by the B.B.C. Sun's out for I for the nomination or by going to be D.C. It's the fall it's a sorry. Excuse B.B.C. 5. 5 last year shock and peace will vote on a series of amendments to Teresa Mayes Breck's a deal later it's up to the common Speaker John Bercow to decide which ones they will have a choice about Conservative M.P.'s will support one of them which demands the rules and on the backstop is removed from the withdrawal agreement.