Your life and health the most important thing in the world B.B.C. Radio self explore now has Graham who says he's also recovering well after undergoing surgery on his injured knee the 32 year old expects to return to action sooner than expected to manage a pole Lambert said he'd be out for a couple of months after Saturday's defeat at Stoke and the Premier League what we're just seconds away from taking all 3 points from Everton last night before Luca Dane struck a 96 minute free kick to equalize for the home side the match finished 22 milk hole friends Hargus revealed the names of 2 more riders who join them ahead of new speed why season 16 year old nationally champion Jason Edwards and David while injured who riced with Buxton last season have signed up at West Road they join Danny as he's back for another campaign at number one and suffix Andrea Thompson arrives back in the U.K. Today after being crowned world's strongest woman at the official strongman games in the United States it was only the 36 year old from Elton's that appearance at the events in North Carolina having only taken up the sport 3 and a half years ago thanks Graham for folks who are there are a frosty fogy still this morning brightening up with sunny spells and staying drolly today cold the highs of just 7 degrees Celsius $45.00 in foreign Heights joy and clear tonight to lose a freezing tomorrow is expected to be bright and dry across the county once again the latest at B.B.C. Radio Suffolk as more and half an hour. Does not miss the breaks this B.B.C. Radio itself Good morning and thanks for choosing us this Tuesday morning to resume a has pulled a vote on her breaks it Dale after she faced being heavily defeated she's going to be touring Europe today looking for some concessions some reassurances So this morning how do you feel M.P.'s are handling bricks 8 Sure chaunce 080-141-2121 you can take state one triple 3 started with S F K find me on social media. A male B.B.C. Don't cut it you can't today we'll hear what happens when if. And when Edwards headed to hospital presence on the children's ward. Has been looking at a dream house of the 1970s in stock market more like fabulous that story we've got for you. We get to open up windows. On the B.B.C. Radio Suffolk John advent calendar the phone lines will open at 720 I'll give you full details then there's lots of advice coming in to me off to forgetting some squid in the boot of my car you can imagine after a couple of days just how rancid my car has been as far as smells of concerns just. Have you left a fishy product in the boot of your self before you left left addressed crab under the front seat of a call. Attracted on say 3 days later I thought was that smell so I have a track record plus the top cracking jokes for 2018. Some of. The breaks a B.B.C. Radio and. Breaking news today there have been 3 attempted ram raids overnights in Suffolk Police searching for a Silver State cone thought to have been involved in at least 2 of the incidents parts of the Reliance were found at the scene of one of the break ins the 1st was at the east of England co-opting Coombes force then around 40 minutes later the co-op in Brentham And then after that the MacOS stall at stock park drawing in a switch where we can talk to Roger Grosvenor joint chief executive of the east of England co-op who's on the line to me right now good morning to you Roger can we start 1st of all with Cooms forward it was an unsuccessful attempts yes. 3 miles of what we believe to be Miles masked arrive just before midnight and when we pick them up by remote monitoring they attempted to breaking through the front door stay actually got through the front doors but the 2nd 2 doors were soon too strong for them and they left and as you say 40 minutes later in a mistake you've already picked up on. Reversed the vehicle into the brown some still at the front. Shutters it kept them out and they left empty handed you have done a lot of work when he's not the 1st attempts at your store she's done a lot of work to try and have no mob but you think that's that's paying off yes it is a measure you can see that didn't get into his or the occasions I'm not sure I know but I'm a cult so I'm not sure where they are with that we have got quite a bit of intelligence that we've given to the place and they were very swift in getting to us as where our own overnight response offices. They know that they've got a set windows that they can. They can operate in and once that window closes I know either place or our own security be there so these people don't wait long if I can get in Asia he says we have hardened targets and that helped. So if they can't get in straight away they may well go on to another target then actually yes and that's what I believe that happened last night there so it's not long after each other. Must be incredibly frustrating Roger you know getting your phone going off in the middle of the night like this several times yesterday the head of security arrangements I know it's not going to be good news if Iran is going. So will it be business as usual at the stores today well if I still closed or wait and scenes of crime because as you said they've left the evidence behind and that the place and forensic a very good these days it's been able to use this information and what they find so helpful that we were very closely with the place and in and in fact we don't. We go directly into the control rooms of an excellent relationship in the place and I think that's going some way so they would be things to understand that if they can't get in immediately that they need to flee the saying because they will be cool Roger thank you for your time this morning nothing taken from those 2 stores is Rogers said just before 1 o'clock this morning a car also reversed into the McCall's store on stock part drive in Ipswich and those Raiders did get in police on exactly sure what's been taken yet officers are searching for a Silver State Car thought to have been involved in at least 2 of those ram right attempts parts of the Reliance were found at the scene of one of the break ins Now that may well have been abandoned somewhere me you it has called the police $101.00 is the number to ring for Suffolk police if you have any information Crime Stoppers 800 trouble 105. 100 trouble 5 trouble one that's it so close to our phone number these days that I can't quite read off as I used to be able to take but if you know any information want to one or Crimestoppers the number to call for that particular incident and Luke will be heading off to the McCall store dip switch to get more details on that we hope to hear from him in the next half an hour now the time 12 minutes past 7. The vote on the agreement to leave the European Union has been to late after it was feed the government wouldn't be able to secure enough votes to get the deal passed this is how to reason may explain the move it is clear that while there is broad support for many of the key aspects of the deal I guess on one issue on one issue the Northern Ireland backstop there remains widespread and steep concern so Ross can you this morning how do you feel your M.P. Is doing in this process and the M.P.'s in general you can call our 801412121 we've been asking shoppers embarrassing Edmond's what they want politicians to do vote for the deal or to vote against it and how do they feel about delaying the vote our political reporter Vicki Owen has been in Barrie said Mrs Bax prime minister and put it through this what the people as it was it was a once in a lot of time one person vote you're never going to get a good thing against 27 other nations we were never going to walk out with a good deal so any deal any deals a day just going around in circles is going to get any better just basically but it's true I think it's been going on too long now because God wanted on I think an office of kind of lost interest and I kind of feel like that when it 1st happened great go for everything it was but now my I didn't. Say really that's kind of how I feel it and I meant I think we want to spend it you know what what what do they day what do we do what do we do now I don't think a lot of this Philip and I don't another referendum let's tell yet the question yet the question means if she say she's got the best. Under face if they have to best deal and I'm sure they should be a moment and they knew that because we don't want to be tied to the. Heat out John of what's going around it could just all blow up in everybody's face and we're back to square one but the point postponements only delaying the inevitable what will. End of the day and I think we'll just have to say To be honest we need to know more about it actually yeah like this we don't actually know is a virus I feel like it's more into the older generations they really want to make a decision we should have another because that's the real we never. Done as any good nowhere and they I think that. There is just a disgrace you know that's that's not right I don't think we should American and never any armed anybody doing well which think about the study that actually was just get over it or yeah course I think she we finished laughing is because of the way she's not coming and going with anybody she says as our deal and take or leave welts reason may is touring Europe today trying to get some reassurances from European leaders let's talk now to June memory from Lowestoft who runs the fish market there and is a firm breaks it supports a good morning June Good morning thank you for joining us and Julia us from Framley a member of the A you Alliance in Suffolk very keen to stay in the European Union Julia Good morning good morning up goodness act on them but not to worry OK close enough close enough so Julia let me start with you what do you make of what's going on at the moment I think it's a very difficult time for everybody it's a very broad question and I mean listen to your sound bite just then a lot of people are wanting to get on with it but as we know the detail is certainly not in the deal that's being offered at the moment it's like it's Hollande and therefore the reason why we're trying to get people's votes and contradict what you just heard in embarrassment Deb and people do want to have a 2nd opinion because it's gone on for so long I think having been a cross party initiative then we probably would have had to wrapped up about a year ago but it has gone to the right and that'll put them in a very difficult position which gives it every reason and every right to ask for people's rights but you had a people's vote you had a referendum. And those who wanted to leave one that referendum that was a people's votes and should it not be up to the M.P.'s to drive that through Parliament most of the main parliament remain is a lot of people very angry at what's being played out at the moment because of that whilst many of them are in the US They have told the post you only have thought you just asked question no they haven't told the party line have they with the greatest respect lots of them are falling out with the prime minister and falling out with Mr Colbert pulling out the falling out in a different way they want but they're not telling the party line as you say I think many of the moment believe I went to the county council the other day to try and speak to the councillors who all again we're talking about today we're talking about. But we're talking about M.P.'s today and yet said they're telling the party line that they are not toeing the party line if they were we would have had a vote today. To a school seat was going to vote because she's right behind go. And there are Listen we would have we would have had a vote today and Teresa my would have lost because loads of her party members would vote against her we would know we wouldn't get that money if the Labor Party does have gone in the other direction along with ourselves they've done OK Let's bring into memory she's got a point there it's it's a mess at the moment no one seems to know what to do so let's have a people's vote June let's have another go and try and get a more decisive decision. Well she's got heat it's a mess that's the any point you just gulp help that I can't see the point was though the vote lady when they think you just get used to it Peter Yes Julia this Julia telling people Look this is kind of people that sell it to probably most the people public people who just want to get on with their daily jolt take the kids to school go into work and they've been trying but done all these Ramona's constantly politicians telling us what to think it was a fight taking back control there was no details the deal in 2016 they become a discuss that with the 8 he said that's what we had a referendum we said we would leave that sailed Germany stuff if they do know a lot of people were voting to leave with false information or sorts of promises that were just not a rotation which said all the information with that people didn't know what I was I was sinful and I find that very offensive when people say that only was there was no plan David Cameron had no plan if we left the European Union there was no smart cool goes no risk Johnson Where where where is where is all where they plan to get this through they've left to Teresa might try and find a middle course now yes yes I guess that's what I was going back to 2 and a half years ago that we should have left that we should have walked away at the time and that is the it would be coming off to us within 2 and a half years than the vote by now but it's I'm tales of the stuff details into the been totally different Julie what should have said was so it was just they're just being silly back is well short on time said Julia we should just walk away June says well I'm So Sorry Jim but had she walked away we couldn't afford to wait and half years ago we were absolutely intrinsically linked completely and entirely we live in love and we live and we work over in Europe we can't just cut you tolls and if it had done that then we wouldn't which very interesting you'd. Just like a light switch I think it just implies what you know about what has taken place you're right Mark it's way more sophisticated the most people thought and the most important thing is to take a few because you're up in those stuff your your community are going to be hit by all of the cuts that are going to take place you've got enough cuts as it is gingerly come back on yes I do want to come back on that we'll just go out and Julia in fact the government has just given Lowestoft 190000 times do I think ability study so when we do you come out we can take full control of all water and the fish with a net that will be worse back 130000000 times a year to Lowestoft misapply fish will be 400000000 times creating job Julia then I was just simply saying Yes Jane can I ask you one question Who do you sell your fish to me so we sell a fish to the A we can sell all over the world I want that because I've got such a battery theory and you also if we come out of all * space Jamia they may still him but you know even monkeys made well littering here like oh I know what to do with that fish but I will want the fish so I deal with the many will not try it soon it does feel that it's not too main market no room to do what they cannot eat fish anymore you want to be in it is that what this will tell you to try not to be so take. Time out. Thank you judge you for your behavior to Julia what do you seriously what do you want to happen now briefly for me if you CAN WE ALL Where We Are The vote has been postponed in Parliament Teresa Mayes going friend your today strongest reassurances are not going to get much more than that what do we need to do next and briefly for me if you can. In short says to all the opposition have got to get a grip and some foods because they're actually representing us and at the moment are smaller parties are trying to bolster up at the back so that's the important thing I'm not sure why May has gone away I think that has to be a very swift amounts of thinking time but I think if you listen to what they're saying in the house it's now going to have to come around to being a people's vote all they pull stumps OK And what happens next what should Mrs Major . That was like she will say she's our But she should resign you should go right to Taylor in somebody like or don't know that cause the bar jumps and so Meg would I think he'd be a good Kay John I think we need someone starting to go back and tell them that we're late with no deal OK thank you both very much indeed very passionate on both sides you can hear memory from Lowestoft and Julie Sachs Munden from the Alliance here in Suffolk and June a big as you heard there. Let's talk about this morning love to hear from you to drop me a text 81 triple 3 start you message with what do you want to happen now and how do you feel our M.P.C. Handling the situation at the time by the way Stephanie seen the same self so much passion this morning. With legs with light for a very very. The lines right but right now for Advent Calendar giveaway today what will be behind. John advent calendar yesterday was go karting which was nice was not yellow and so yeah it's our belief so what's behind today well the lines are open just 101412121 stand a chance of winning you go in a random number generator the line to close eye to fire up and then you need to be by your phone 15 announcer. And if you do. You'll win the primaries. So that's it for terms of conditions on the B.B.C. SPEND. A 101. On. Station Square is closed. From the bascule bridge to main work through to the railway station. In court nobody got telecoms work on low road Greenhill and school lanes that 3 sets a stop cables along that stretch on the trains no hold ups or to waste attending event next updates with Mark in 15 minutes and step back in time B.B.C. Radio Suffolk travel. On T 80 digital radio this is B.B.C. Radio self leg. Oh my goodness is going to be a passionate morning over banks it's a day I can sell you looking at the messages coming in already today and Tony embarrassed Edmund smart we voted to leave to resume and he has proven she is worse than useless we need to leave in March regardless of any deal we voted to leave get on with it says Tony in Bury St Edmunds Chris in Felixstowe when May took over she stood in front of the country and said bricks it means bricks it breaks it it seems now it was all one big illusion how on earth did we sign up to something impossible to get out of the way the bullying European Union treaty guess it just shows their true colors we are definitely better and which may needs to go and research Mogue to take over says Chris in Felixstowe Mary's been in touch David Cameron spent 9000000 of taxpayers' money telling us the benefits of staying in the a UN vote is still wanted and out one triple 3 on the text start that message as always with S F K Kevin spin in touch it's turned into a farce they're supposed to be supporting the population but all they're doing is using bricks it as a means to cause the general election or get Theresa May out doesn't matter who was heading up the negotiations the other E.U. Countries would have still made things difficult the M.P. Suggests thinking of their own parties and not the country's interests or so Stephen's been in touch it's a difficult one really everyone can do it better until it comes down to it it's good to have a debate but nobody really knows how to do it and Joe and a joke Mark better than any pantomime you will watch although actually to. Enjoy the still angles Christmas show on Friday which is very funny and a real antidote to everything else that's going on in the world we need something that maybe I'm seeing green as our show I recommend the fender and scream as they're going to do some crafting in a moment or 2 on the heels of my recent making last week I'm going to crafting on the show tell you more in a moment or 2 but I have some help coming in because I went shopping the other day . To buy a few bits and pieces and bomb a lunch in a supermarket and with all this nice Christmassy things here saw by a bit they still do a bit you know I went round and then I went past the fish counter and at the fish counter were 2 packets of squid that would really just need to then sell by date OK and I thought they are really cheap they'll be handy that I've got a week off at Christmas and I want to go fishing OK I haven't been fishing since October last year and I live $75.00 yards from the beach so that's disgraceful you need to get the square thing right put that in the freezer that we lovely for Christmas we can all go fishing they don't show it off that perfect so then I get home and you know my brain's a bit kind of fuddled so I get home and I go to the con I think I want to wait I won't bother to take those Christmas presents in yet because they siphon the the car. And then 2 days later oh I get in the car to come into work and and I think. It's a bit old to be funny spend whole week here. And so I thought well maybe it's just some of the trying to see my car because as you know if you've been in my car yeah I do throw sandwich packets and sausage roll packets down quite a lot rattling around what I want the window do I can you imagine so I'll throw it in the foot of the car disposed to pick it up put in the big. Thing So anyway I drifted around in the front compartment as a 2 seater and cough on things fine came into work thank you still left in there yeah and then when I left work lunch time I went you know because of. So I hunted around the front again and what he said then I went in the booth and there was this plaque. Bag full of Christmas presents and I thought What is it in come be anything in that bag and I forgot to put the squid. Icon of being good that wasn't no no not good at all damn squid is now yeah my wee bit a homo price you're not supposed to smelt it from 3 doors up. I threw it out he will so I had to wash everything anything that was was plastic or metal I watched in Fairy Liquid as a Christmas present Yeah oh yes and I mean you know I don't like secrets and I pack of mom might not. Which smell fishy so I threw them in the washing up bowl and I washed them. All might know you can not stand that look I'm more concerned by the state if you can't be honest. With me no I don't think you can you imagine if I drove around the countryside throwing my sandwich represents one how much because you have a carry a bag in there and probably did add squid in it so anyway the squid is now on the way to get a home but the smelling gets. I'm just not going anywhere near your car driving around with the windows down minus 2 degree yeah top that the air in. The thread we have some helpful advice which you come to a bit later on but I must introduce Tricia who spoke with me in the studio as well she's wonder what she's that self in for this morning she is from Craft ability in good morning good morning really good to see you again now last week I made a Ritz a Christmas wreath how I did it was great thank you she did look really for THANK YOU THANK YOU the greater length so you got something to live up to yet like it is so so today my crafting testes what am I doing today crafting for Christmas is like this is like a sneeze had made Christmas but mommy makes marks makes for Christmas marks makes a choice of cards this morning we got lots of Christmas call really choose which one you would like to make. Yes also not one over this one keep that way from that model its got buttons on the front here. I want us to with buttons or even name the very close anyway and I take it I said. OK so we got a little little guy while he's a sports on and then right after that I want to come up with a Christmas card so I said he had managed fine thank you very much you're very confident Thanks. For that stuff that's all right there with that very shortly right now though it's just a little after half past 7 so it's time for your news and sports. B.B.C. Radio Suffolk this your top stories now from Kelly McCann Good morning the joint chief exact at the east of England has told this program extra security measures put in place at the store was meant to ram raids in Kingsport and brought them overnight more on successful Raiders did manage to get into the McCall's own State Park Drive in Ipswich though police are searching for us to Silva a state call thought to have been involved in at least 2 of the raids to reason may will meet leaders in the Hague and Brussels today to try and rescue have breaks a deal but Sina E.U. Officials have already warned they won't renegotiate the current Oh we'll hear more today about the investigation into the death of a Suffolk toddler 3 year old even a little boy from some of the Apes which died in Norfolk in July when she was thrown from an inflatable trampoline which appeared to explode Barclays has become the 1st high street bank to allow its customers to block certain types of spending on the debit cards the moves designed to help people with gambling and debt problems itself a council as yesterday approved spending nearly 150000 pounds over the next 2 years on to police community support officers for the district and Question Time the Andrew Marr Show and Dr Hayes have been named the most tweeted about B.B.C. T.V. Shows of 20 somethings whether a frosty stab at staying bright and dry today highs around 7 degrees Celsius $45.00 in Fahrenheit tonight lows of freezing those are the headlines there's more in high . Find out what you'd like a quick top Christmas cracker joke from 28 own way they have been revealed Saturday the number 111 what does Donald Trump do after he pulls a cracka I want to yeah I mentioned earlier on but people of anyone else I had I haven't had that yeah can you know Peyser off. Controversial. Why these trees may encouraging boardgames at Christmas. She's trying to bring back checkers Yeah. Why has Devon them's been forced to cancel its Christmas nativity play. No profit Oh no more Okemo. The same way da Silva was the best the country has to offer Graham. Sounds cold skews has been telling us he's hoping to be back on the pitch as soon as possible the midfielder injured his knee joint training ahead of the defeat at Stoke last Saturday a manager Paul Lambert said at the weekend that he expects the 32 year old to be out for a couple of months Q says it's frustrating being on the sidelines more than more. About to sit on the sofa for 4 or 5 days straight just ice in and. Out of a which for me is a very tough thing to do and specially with free kids is not easy but for someone hates being injured at the best of songs is a real tough challenges and still for us look at Dean scored a 96 minute free kick to rescue a point for Everton against what for the last night the match finished $22.00 a Goodison Park what foot up to 12th in the Premier League table Everton remain in 7th tonight Liverpool need a woman victory over Napoli or to win by 2 goals to progress the knockout stages of the Champions League although any win will do if Parasang beat Red Star Belgrade at the same time Tottenham also face a crucial final group game against Barcelona in Spain Spurs will qualify for the last 16 if their results against the group be winners matches or betters into Milan's home to P.S.V. Rugby Football Union boss Nigel Melville has warned that the prospective cash boost for Premiership clubs must be spent on facilities and not player wages clubs are expected to agree in principle a deal with the private equity firm C.V. See at a board meeting today it's believed to be about 200000000 pounds for an approximate 30 percent share in the business suffix Andrea Thomson arrives back in the U.K. Today after being crowned world's strongest. Woman at the official strongmen games in the United States it was only the 36 year old from Elton's 3rd appearance at the event in North Carolina having only taken up the sport 3 and a half years ago and she never imagined she'd enjoy the success she has to die I still surprised myself actually it's still quite unreal I get a lot of can collect donations from everybody and. I still don't take in that I'm really good asset to be honest. The public has to humble a bit and speed when the whole fan Tigers have now confirmed 3 of the riders who are joining them next year Essex teenager and nationally champion Jason Edwards who writes with sport uncrated late last season is on board along with the experienced DAVID Well in just those 2 are announced shortly after the fence August confirmed number one Danny as will be back at West row for another campaign a wrist injury kept out of action towards the end of last season but he expects to be back on a bike next month yeah the rich these cases come along every day yet still very sober and they have to do prayer in a very level with the progress I might finish just not going to be able to get back report to January everything everything pale in a lot why England have named an unchanged 16 man squad for the 3 test series in the West Indies starting next month Joe Root's team beat Sri Lanka's cricketers 3 nil in November with wicketkeeper Ben folks an opener rule Reaper making their debuts as the national selector and Smith the side has done very well for one win against India in the summer and then in particular the 3 nil victory against your own crew way and also that it was great to see Joe Root leading the teams with such Kimo and making really good decisions about the make up of the 4 level and also tactically they were about the cricket so I think actually keeping it on a relatively unchanged squad was sensible finally England through to the last State of the Men's Hockey World Cup in India will count on a loop Taylor scored the goals as they beat New Zealand to nail in yesterday's crossover Matt. In the face a limp dick champions Argentina in the quarter finals tomorrow so going on Edwards . And Cain at Ipswich Hospital handing out the Christmas presents to the youngsters they will be hearing about that just before 8 o'clock today poor old cold skis place of the best football of his career and gets a bad injury but not maybe as bad as we thought originally COA here fully know we know what he's like. And fluke. With the ankle injury last season playing on. As soon as he's 50 percent he'll be Dr you want to get there was a guy but yeah it's so more that for joining one of these top cracking jokes the jokes or social commentary as well especially bit of both really I mean the zone of the modern day topic all yeah Christmas cracker jokes these are the top 15 coming in and the one was number one about pulling the cracka number 12 why has Boris Johnson mistletoe this year because he's tired of being in the single market . By B.B.C. Radio cell phone. Or squeeze a few more lows in very shortly. This is B.B.C. Radio. Christmas is coming in here at B.B.C. Radio something we want to give you a presence something big is down from the calendar is that each day we'll give you the chance to open one of the doors and win a prize or do you need to do is listen to our breakfast shows throughout December Mark Murphy deal unless the dolphin will tell you when to cool that 6 put your name in the random number generator and. B.B.C. Radio stuff like giving you the chance to win the suffix biggest and then you can end this Christmas. By the lines are open right now you've got 20 minutes to get through so 101412121 again the random number generator then will close the lines I took far up if you come out the other end you need to live on. Around about 815 with. This and you could be a winner on the shut down. And drank says B.B.C. Radio. Breaking news this Tuesday morning there's been 3 attempted ram raids overnight in Suffolk Police are searching for a Silver State Car thought to be involved in at least 2 of the incidents parts of the rail lines were found at the scene of one of the break ins Cooms forward a serving and co-op store they tried to get in there and failed Likewise in Brentham they tried to get in there and failed but they did get into the McCall's store in switch and Luke Daley's their force right now Luke what's it like. Yes Well good morning to you I'm standing outside the MacOS here at stake punk this morning there was a police presence here with a cordon outside the shop you can hear inside the alarm going off and outside the shop there is one door lying on the ground a lot of brick has been damaged as while you can see that scattered about just outside the entrance to the shop on the right hand side in this part has been indicate already a lot of the call that was used in this round right line just beside the bridge as I pay into the shop again the double doors that once stood in front of me one is inside the shop lying Englands with a bit of debris and I told lying on his bunk and then to the right hand side there's bits of wood and on the debris towards where the cigarettes and alcohol is kept now as we were hearing earlier in the program this particular right took place at around about 2 minutes to one this morning apparently we're told a call reversed into the store to gain entry to shop but at this stage of the investigation it's not show yet what has been taken really this is suggested a silver state call was used in this particular right one of 3 that happened overnight in Suffolk the others being at King's Ford at the east of England cope still and also I am Brentham but at the moment police are still investigating into want to actually happened here at 2 minutes or to one this morning we can hear the arm still going off there in the background Luka and many people around sort of watching the scene. Well we've got a couple of people that work here at the Coles this morning unfortunately they're not able to talk to us about what's happened here with the lady that I spoke to did say this is a 2nd time that been hit because the main window to the left hand side of the door is old boarded up and that she didn't go into any detail at the moment a couple of people have turned up and said All the shops not open I want to get into the post office but as yet it's not clear when this shop and post office will reopen to the public following this raid early this morning here at State Park Lou thank you very much at the scene of that RAM riots in the early hours of the small wanting the coal store and start packing Ipswich also writers trying to get into and found to a string of cold stores a Cooms forward and also Brand The more on that breaking story as we go through the morning now Trisha is with me in the studio because it's my Christmas crafting lesson today last week I made a wreath that everybody's very pleased with actually my my wreath it went down very well I guess and had making call it's a something I think is really really special if you receive something that someone has crafted themselves it's a huge difference to slaves as it shows how much though if pussy in-situ economics something particularly for that person something you know of interest that they don't like maybe it's real Binzel flowers or whatever it's a quick bet they caught and out some of our customers might cause a wee Rands they ought to make them for themselves or they've you know said that charity to be so surveys money for other people but it's an ongoing thing in we sell Christmas supplies we have. Been in the quiet moments when they were so young they make them a Christmas card some people are probably starting on next year's Christmas card Well I'm going to start on vitiates So I've got to sell the bits and pieces always tell everything there's a sticker on Happy Christmas yes go ahead on it yes and so so I've got a blank cards are just trying explain more go here and I'll be doing this wall while hosting a brick sit by someone I would be quite good from make you Christmas got and hosting a back seat bike loses Manco multitask talk a blank white card I'm going to cop. The one that you've done which has gone happy Christmas glued to the bottom left hand corner it's got 1234567 green and red buttons stuck to the front and then lines drawn down to the buttons to make them look like Christmas ball dancing I am sure a with oboes at the end of the line nothing I'm going to struggle with those from honest and then some little glitz of bits to go on the top of those bows which are teeny weeny then Mary Heinie gets my fat finger is a challenge really this morning what could possibly go wrong so so yeah well hosting should be giving this a go and I should only start with buttons do I need to you need to start with buttons or even arrange them in a you know so they look pleasing to the I K. You are talking to the man that used to have to get the girls in his class or his mom to stick in his penny stick to his book because he couldn't play else right. That this could be and I was so exhausted what I'm doing this we're going to give you a wonderful story to listen to imagine sleeping and we're in your car for days on end to get the property of your dreams with a 50 pound to deposit Well that's exactly what some of the residents of locking to Crescent in Stowmarket did in the early 1970 S. Now met Malvo who works now on the choose they take over a show on a Tuesday night found a broadcast in the archives from radio force Today programme that interviewed people hoping to buy property that ranged in price from 4000 pounds up to the dizzying heights of almost 8000 pounds matts quest was to find someone that actually queued up for a bungalow and still lives in looking to Crescent did he manage it well we'll find out in a moment or 2 but 1st let's rewind to the 1976 British and well so regulated water the postman delivering to Barbara. David in the green dollar bill and the milkman popping a couple of pints down at the car door it's become well quite a little community you know might change. Acting You know everybody so cooking for a challenge get knocked on their windows at 7 o'clock in a movie which a thing you know you know it I don't really mucking in you know we were neighbors before we move into a thing so I just spoke to a lady down the right she said it that someone in an off shoot off of looking to cross and used to live in a bungalow down the road and they might remember some stories. Of from B.B.C. Radio So Malcolm heard from a neighbor of yours that used to live in a bungalow on the crescent Yes we did think of anybody who was. Let me just a small warning Margret when we 1st moved here my friend who lived at the Boston. They came from Busselton and she was part of the people who cued on she led us well just as well they were there were actually if you want would you like the address of the people who actually did it then but you lovely I have. So I'm just walking up to a house says grandma's baby sitting service I'm going to ring the doorbell. Hello So yeah hello I'm out from B.B.C. Radio soft take you back to the early seventy's my husband and I were then getting married and we lived in Enfield me to sex and he got transferred but these jumped out trucks or skandhas it was then so we had to go house hunting most people don't camp out to go house hunting but you did we did because we lived too far away so it was like a cult so you know you're just in your car yeah yeah we just stayed for there till it was so it out and then we went back to how many people were queuing for the house and caught a few can't remember exactly now it's ice 47 years ago 4 years ago now but there was quite a few because it was a nice area and it was quiet and it was local for what shops and that were about made an obviously in the Fort a lot of paperwork because it was houses that we could afford I mean aside where we lived up to name field then we couldn't afford to buy a house here so obviously moving down here we were able to so that other point these houses these bungalows weren't built thing it was not old yet so you knew where the field was and we saw the plans when we kids up here my husband died here yeah and it's quiet What was it like living on the say so those early days oh yeah I mean aside this not many of the original ones left I may end she's one of the original ones are Siam pulp and Shayla but we all we used to join in to get one tyke in turn to take the kids to school and that it was a communities but it's not like it now because a silo they have the paper go on a mortgage on a bit so it's grandchildren now but yeah we still as I are still talked about and she live and. Laden he was one of the original ones and that you know we talk. To each other as much as we can but obviously with various lifestyles you don't get a chance to do as much as you used to when you look at this saying so I care the trees have grown up but what do you think when you say this is a good memories come flooding back oh yeah in the States the sun. New generations obviously have come but because it's a secluded area where you can't build on backwards because of the river side was because of the museum it's our idea that it hasn't grown to a know what proportion Mark a lot of the states have now I wouldn't move a toll it's claws baseball and most of the people I mean it's I would like a little community band able look out for each other now you can hear more from looking to christen the safe thing on the choose state takeover show with John Wright from 7 o'clock tonight that's going to be really really good listen 7 o'clock tonight John Wright with the choose to take over show more from locking soon Crescent it's 10 to 8. 10 minutes to get into our advent calendar giveaway today about that you're my Christmas crafting in a moment or 2 after a look at your top stories your travel and your weather our main news this morning there's been 3 attempted ram raids overnight in Suffolk Police are searching for a damaged Silver State car which is both thought to have been involved the proposals to fund to police community support officers were given the green light yesterday by mid Suffolk District Council nearly 850000 pounds is to be sent to sign for the P.C.'s and also to pay for $2.00 vehicles for the next 2 years Barclays customers will be allowed to block spending on their debit cards with certain types of retailers such as pubs gambling outlets and premium phone lines in S'pore England have named an unchanged 16 man squad for the 3 test series in the West Indies coming up after Wright Theresa May is pulled a vote on her breaks that deal she face being heavily defeated will be joined by some of our M.P.'s for their reaction and of course I would love you was to. From B.B.C. Radio. Around Stowmarket that's not clear if it is running smoothly in both directions again it was well got temperature. Speed limits in place on the 865 between the B. 1112 turning and the junction with Brandon road here in Ipswich western road north bank is busy now that so from the 14th century up so it takes about 5 minutes to get through there all the trains better news no hold ups or delays to tell you about but if you spot a problem and say to do so you give us a call 801412121 next update just before 8 o'clock stuff back into B.B.C. Radio Suffolk and I may have to hang on a bit because there's a very delicate operation at the moment with Mark Murphy Caldwell down to well it's on the happy of the Christmas was being. Happy Christmas on their own make. Putting Christmas happy which is course a bit to be sure but it will be. Digital Radio this is B.B.C. Radio so. My crafting abilities in a moment or 2 plus the time players visiting Ipswich Hospital with Christmas present softer Lizzy has the weather and a cold start I lead a good morning Mark yes it is we've got temperature is it while we had temperatures just a just about phrasing some of them are actually just little bit belies day and you know it's a Touch of Frost out there a few patches of mist and fog is a while but it's largely sunny start the day there is a bit of cloud out towards western areas of the county and here it's slightly milder of course but Sam I think spells Brunson sunshine where if you are across the county today it'll stay dry and light south easterly winds and top temps of the around 78 degree Celsius and then through this evening and I have not the breeze a pick up a touch I think we'll still keep those clay spells and again A Touch of Frost possible into tomorrow morning but probably in the more sheltered spot say because the window help to mix the air up somewhat so slightly mild a start to the day tomorrow and then. Tomorrow it's still quite windy at a feet a touch cooler I think highs of 87 degrees quite a bit of cloud around but I'll say some spells of brightness and sunshine as well and then on Thursday will see its hand ready quite windy and with the added wind chill it feel as if it's below freezing all day I suspect it's going to gradually cooler as we had 3 the week but it is going to stay dry bits and pieces that cloud around at times and as I said quite windy on that day and then that wind down somewhat into Friday and then over the weekend it's going to turn quite unsettled we've got an Atlantic system that's going to be pushing in from the west and as it bumps into the code rather is a chance that it could possibly tend to put a sniper on the lees in Nach probably not for us but you know possibly a day more likely to listen a little bit farther north than the highest ground of course but there will be some wet weather at least and then gradually with a little bit milder as well as take a look at the case to what is will cost for today that say we've got $4.00 adults point to North Pole and the wind variable 3 or less becoming southeasterly 3 or 4 the sea states Lytle moderate the weather fat and the visibility will be good and the next high tide and most of the day 12 a bunch he point 3 meters will turn on the days that 155 at 4 point one meeting with Mark Latham will cost thank you Lacey now I'm making a Christmas card that I'm going crafting and hosting the show and breaks it by after I could possibly go wrong Steph Trish is here helping I have a I had a white card playing white card it's now got Happy Christmas on the bottom it's got some buttons glued to the front that look like Christmas bourse and their own string I just got quickly decorate those that's really really well yes this could be the bows and. Bling in the middle of got a free hand draw the bottom set free handles and things that. I don't care what you think. Well you think I actually think that looks really nice who knew that simple buttons could look so fast if they can look at that look and it doesn't matter that the ones are slightly squished because there's a lot of not that's right and it's a cheap way of using you know making calls because they shouldn't be expensive you know the I got a moment hang on amount you know yeah never cheap cost if it cost effective. Never cheap. Nothing I. Say it's 5 to 8 we got 5 more minutes before the random number generator closes down for Advent Calendar good for white because we want to win today now we're going to head to Ipswich Hospital because that's where it's whose time players have been Portman Road might be short of festive cheer at the moment but yesterday the place spent their day off bringing smiles to the faces of children in hospital Hetherington joined. On Edwards at the hospital as they handed out presents. To enjoy the presence. Of. Truckers from pencil string then. You. Find. I know you've just been given some lovely presents I mean you want to just being given that. And say what does it mean to you to have the players come in saying no it's very lovely because he's been in a week now so he just came really gotten fed up and. He's now finally. Say he's just met the players that do you think he knew what was going on. I think he's very excited that yeah he's really enjoyed pretty frightened. He is very big. Very influenced by. Have. You. Ever. Hear. Of the campaigning. But. There are small children this simple issue. Not just. Let's cover older Americans. For people. In such. A joyous period for many this been. Tough for anyone on its own so for us to come in and. Bring A small for short periods a huge chunk. Of the 1st 2 plays of just being saved what difference does on my. Body say he's a. Lucky guy. Is a rather splendid hat I say said what I heard was that they don't have to wait to test you because you are now a bit too excited is that right. When it's best Klasky is great they gave me some presents actually fell thank yous in a hospital was lonely and is not much there were day just lay down so this is a bit the better day. Because like all the other days I was laying in bed watching T.V. . Really gave me a smile. Fantastic stuff well done to the obsessed employers. On Edwards at Ipswich Hospital handing out presents there and the place will also be going to the hospice is the West Suffolk Hospital Culch the hospital going out about spreading a bit of festive cheer this week which is good to see him doing that especially so to come on the program after today more on the brakes it did bikes lines closing in 20 seconds right had been given. A D. And 3 D. Channel 7 C. . Is B.B.C. Radio. It's 8 o'clock that was the last bit that means the lines of just closed Advent giveaway let's get your top stories in full right now from Kelly McCormick Good morning 3 stores have been RAM raided and cell phone overnights police were called to the east of England co-ops in claims food then brands them and then the McCool's on Stoke Park Drive in Ipswich offices a searching for a silver a state car which is thought to have been involved joint chief executive all of the east of England co-op is Roger graves now 3 males with relief many miles must arrive just before midnight we pick them up by remote monitoring a 10. Fit to break in through the front doors they actually got through the front doors but the 2nd set of doors was too strong for them and they left 40 minutes later and the static reverse in the Bronx I'm still at the front. Says. They left empty handed the Raiders only managed to get stalked from the McColgan EB sewage B.B.C. Radio Suffolk's League deals and this report from the scene on Stoke Park Drive you can hear inside the going off outside the shop. Door lying on the ground a lot of brick has been damaged as well you can see they're scattered about just outside the entrance to the shop on the right hand side in this part of the case a. Car that was. Just beside the bridge to resume a begins a tour of European capitals today for talks with the E.U. Leaders following her decision to postpone the Commons vote on her brakes a deal in the face of a heavy defeat senior conservatives have warned her she'll need to secure changes to the withdrawal agreements to have any chance of winning over skeptical M.P.'s shoppers in Bury St Edmunds didn't want the focus bowed and say the government should get on with that it's got to be done to point its postponement so any deal in the inevitable what of what will happen at the end of the day on the face if they have to best and I'm sure they should. Because we don't want to be tied to the. We want to postpone it you know what what what do they day what do we want to be a day now just government circles is going to get any better just basically very straight do you memory from Lowestoft runs the fish market and as a firm Bracks it supporter she's also called for action needed on you should go back to Terence somebody like Bart Johnson so many words I think here because Kay John I think we need someone starting to go back and tell them we're late they know they'll we'll have from to have some thugs and peace. These In a few moments time the coroner will hear more today about the investigation into the death of Suffolk say them a little boy after she was thrown from an inflatable trampoline when it passed the 3 year old from some of the Ipswich died in Norfolk in July a man and a woman were arrested on suspicion of gross negligence and released on investigation nearly half of the serious allegations made against teaches in Suffolk in the past year were either unfounded malicious or false the B.B.C. Investigation has found across the region nearly 800 teachers have faced local authority investigations in the past 3 years Gerry glazier is a national education union caseworker he says false cases and making teaches quit the profession faces I've had include allegations that which is have had inappropriate contact with students causing them to be bruised when it transpires that the bruising occurred at home as a result of inappropriate parental. Barclays customers will be allowed to block spending on their debit cards with certain types of retailers like pubs gambling outlets and premium phone lines it's home to the move will help people struggling with addictions to take more control of their finances and Ipswich Town players have been bringing some festive cheer to children in Suffolk hospitals and hospice says every year the team devote some of their time off taking presents to those who might have to spend Christmas away from home but feels a call skews that says it's something that means a lot to him inside the hospital the pivot.