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I and that we're allowed to say yeah yeah about the elm elephants and I people. Having won the Shia as well but we. Have people around. Me waiting for that train and I know what I'll be doing with my little boy. And I am very bad thank you so much for joining me I really. Radio. The kids and she moves in. And Frank. And. Company talking about can't wait to find out if they've been producing some of the elephants for the trail next summer in this hour we'll hear from the riverside. For their Christmas show. And I went down to listen to them putting those beautiful companies together and my show of the week very shortly an evening of American Christmas that the. Edmond's that just gives me an excuse to play the wise doesn't it. Junkie Stevens and ask him the very very show they creates every Can Christmas. Jamieson's big night say in B.B.C. Radio something. When. You. Look. If you like what you. And happy from the film to speak. B.B.C. Radio stuff it is Judy Jamieson's big night in if you have been to see a film or a show or comedienne or. Anything at all and you'd like to give us a review then we would love to hear from you it's only $801.00 full on to give Sharon a cool she's on the blower as she put you through to me here in the studio and have a little chat where you can send me a text at one trip with 3. S F K Right let's have a look at some more of those what songs and find out. Over the weekend in the coming week. Is a big night on B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. On Sunday the 9th of December the change has been the 40th anniversary tour that makes me feel old that's at 7. Pounds 50 from the Corn Exchange at the apex the fact that comedy club is at 8 pm. In the region and I love my comedy I need to get out there and have a little chat with those guys that's at 8 pm at the apex tickets setting pans on the full extent 1000000 on Sunday night has big band at Christmas though that's nice afternoon at 3 pm Tickets 19 pounds 522251 Monday the 10th of December. Neil sands Christmas memories that's 2 pm Tickets 15 pounds Neil sands and his wonderful West Bank cost of the 2018 production of the show will be an unforgettable afternoon a festive nasty. That's it that it's going to change the tenor of dissent. Stevens and. Eric and at Christmas my show of the week coming up. And sweet little mystery. Mystery. Is Georgie Jamieson's big night anyone. You will know. Among Weiss found. The Bury St Edmunds next as they 13th of December and. Ning of every can at Christmas is their show at 730 the nominated behind the hugely celebrated and Crick critically acclaimed West End hit Erik and little and John T. Stevens and in Aspen and they join me both separately on the line now John good evening. Hello hello hello. Yes. This could be interesting you are on separate phone lines but together so well I have been privileged to see you twice once at the new movie theater in Ipswich once at the Theatre Royal in Bury with you Eric and shares Joan see which one of the classic. But occasionally. On the woman I will have let me know and the Goss is with me answer and you must be the one with the short fat hairy legs. And pretty much. Now you're coming back to the AIPAC so we come back to the county coming to the apex at Berry to see its next Thursday. I've not seen this particular shot I've seen Eric and I've seen you do an evening of Erica now but this is a Christmas Jonty how how does this differ from your of the Shah Yes Well as you say the Christmas. Difference I mean obviously Erica and will service I said I'm a Christmas miracle or my eyes it would be Christmas with my eyes but it so. We've got to do a few Christmas sprinkles along the way but I think the thing was with without a conundrum because they were on Christmas I didn't really particularly do too many Christmas tree things but we've actually sprinkled because. So what kind of things if you sprinkled it with a and well as have a Christmas tree. Golly I think it occurred for. Me going to go go back when they have. To play in the Christmas songs were. Going to go again in the spirit of Christmas and if. You like going to. The market could the song. Rooting your mother in love and surprises on the might your. Lovely wouldn't it wouldn't be you guys with that a few surprises and. Then you pay $50.00 shades and even I have to say. And when I say I'd say this to both of you I think you're extraordinary the way you capture them but you and I have never seen anyone do and the way you do and he lets a people have taken off. Right from the days of Mike ya let's right stretch it to a simple Golding day he's more C'mon man show. Love see Daniel Radcliffe won a Bafta for him in every can and he that the Victoria Wood drama as well about their early days and I have never seen anyone capture any the way you did. Work and why. Is that the secret Jonty that you don't really have time it's more of a margin me you can have one without the other night they are good one. I'd love to talk together again I don't know if I'm a small boy I'll tell you all about it but he was so brilliant I mean let's a late bloomer our stack to the Gulf of our local gov. And now don't you do the sky leader now and they let her off the bar and I was I when I saw her like that with. A lot of work I don't think either of us have worked hard and our life. We. Didn't And nothing left I do not think that you got to get a link in a people to Europe to try. And not return we were really not of a junkie like I said lots of people have taken off everything will come of the a staple of my state impressionists might be our Drury prime now that. They've all done him. What do you bring differently to to the role of Eric as an actor. To know that's a very good question other nice i'm are I hire you why but I think that's audience I want a high position or just every everybody does an impression of Eric for a couple of minutes and flicks the glasses up and goes well hey I sleep a little bit more than that without going to taper back to we really we really started them and got an item people who work with them off stage and on you know so we found an awful lot about them and just watched hours and hours and hours of the film but I think the basic thing that gets me through is that I've lost I have so many of us the main. Player was I don't know it's just sort of once the gas leak on there now because we've been doing it you know the play was 4 or 5 years ago and I said we've been trying them to try B.S. So hopefully we're sort of under in skins now I hope I hope Well one thing and it's the thanks of the to me when we are. They very much it just is don't you think. And I can run you know. They had not for us to not Bond. And you can't fake that you can't. Put that on you've. Got. Yes absolutely like 100 percent right there still is popular today as they ever have been this says there's no compromise scheduled for the Christmas T.V. . Over the festive period and a couple of episodes I found a new species similar in Sierra Leone in the area where he will read about. Many things going to be very exciting to a big big big fans as well you know it's it's yeah that's going to be very excited to see what what they're like unsane in the amazing Yes Yes It's going it's going to be for a comedy geek like me in particular McMahon. Wise One I would be beside myself now and you might show of the week the and evening of every can and Christmas at the apex Bury St Edmunds it's next Thursday the 13th of December what I do with my share of the week is I have a little countdown here there's a minute to fail and when you hear the applause you will have done your minutes and you need to sell the show why should people come now identify you want to take intense if you'd like to do it as Eric but I'm going to set the timer off and you boys have got a minute to tell us why we should come and see your starting from now go away and put some of the neighborhood I've heard that I've been over the phone that. Your love and love you want out of life. Oh yes especially well that because I will be probably lifting a certain person's wake up a few times and I will be something else takes up most like out I mean the cheeks on his face folks. And I'll bring them. Down through. All of thought I would be thinking it likely that he's very likely very very firm or a phone call bring me bring me you know what's it called Bring me in creamy spawn bring me. Already sunshine that we are going on various times and you can all come and join in and come and join the Christmas spirit with an evening of Erica a Christmas I know a good lawyer much more now now. I really. Mean that I. Know you know my days your bruised. Ego they sure as well done you have a soul does this. Tell me she's doing this I doubt everyone it's done it's a foul has said it's really hollow that she's alone. It's a long start. It is Stevens in Aspen though thank you so much for joining me this evening an evening of Eric and Christmas is at the apex Bury St Edmunds at 730 on the 13th of December and you can get tickets by emailing the box office at the apex U.K. Or give them a cold 12758 triple 0 and they're back in Suffolk at the new Woolsey in Ipswich on the 20th of February next year but there's any a limited number of tickets left. The 25 pounds or. Probably your best bet is to go and see the boys this thing as they 13th December at the apex not couldn't pass up this opportunity to play a bit of Eric I'm not going to go and bring the sunshine because it's too obvious the other week one aspect we can have one of the other ones that they used to sometimes and the shadow on this is positive thinking. a good. Strong drink. To get a low life. Scum up lungs . Then you never fail to make. The 9 that ended like that shouldn't they never fail to make me smile a wise and put the T.V. Thinking if you want to go and see an evening of Eric and an at Christmas I can highly recommend them I've seen them twice oh they're not doing this particular shape I've seen them do Erica and John Stevens and Ian asked no thank you so much for joining me and they are on at the apex Bury St Edmunds next day descend. The 13th so I think the date then December the 13th. The 2nd offer well i don't want to miss of thing by air race missed some the film amik get a mikel most of songs from films to ny it's just coincidental but sir always always nice to hit out because it just reminds he doesn't it of a film you hit us the air the song and it reminds you of the a filmy my of cena way you might have cena if you seen something this wake and you want to give me an instant revue i'd love to hear from you i mean a 101 flew on t. Won t. Want or you can send me a text i on triple 3 stott you message s.f. K. Confine me on to answer is well at georgie jamison i'm on that as well if you want to give me an instant review of anything you might have seen this weight then i would love to hear from you talking at things you can see a to its how bout look at i was what someone's find that what else is happening in the canty next week Jamieson's big night on B.B.C. Radio. December now and the. Next twisted gang. Join us for a night of songs from a magical rock N roll. Band on the highest rated performance in the U.K. You'll be ready to twist again sounds great thanks on the 12th of December. They were on at 7 and we spoke to them. December at the apex in very an evening of . Christmas 7 30 pm and John C. And I've got lots of surprises comedy sketches and the like but not necessarily in the right. Well basically we got together after the 2015 show at the Riverside which was to celebrate 100 years. And after we finished everybody said what we going to do next so we decided to form a choir and that's how it started off quite small with not that many people and we did a couple of concerts in the church and Mary's Church and we raised the money for them they needed quite a lot of money for their roof so we raised considerable amount for them and then off to be done my research we're going to do next so we kind of felt that we'd grown a bit more by then so we changed the name from acquiring to a company because we don't just standing sitting we doing movement as well and we try to pick out all these different bits of music. And bring them to life on the stage with a little pockets that are taken from musicals so we don't have any words we don't have any folders everybody in the choir has to learn not only the really difficult harmonies. The moves that we do as well so that's quite tricky just big. And you don't just stand there like a formal choir there was there was moves and all sorts going on so it is very nice . It's very musical theatre through and through my background is completely musical theater I was in the profession for quite a few years so it's nice for me to be able to come back and I'm then able to pass on to everybody else things that I've learnt so they learn how to do things absolutely properly. Quite a stickler for things they do marry me sometimes oh it's going to be done it's going to be done because you've got the paying public coming to sit now talking that you've got the show as a matinee and an evening show on the 15th of December at the Riverside theatre here Woodbridge Tell me about this Christmas. OK so this Christmas show I started to put it together in March of this year was when we were actually we had sing for our summer. But I really wanted to find things that were different for us this year and it takes a long time to kind of go through all the different music that you could find and sometimes we might think slightly outside the box as well so I thought well what other things happen at Christmas so the Wizard of Oz for example is always on at Christmas and so I found 3 songs from that that are done in harmony and they're quite different one of them is not in the film it was a knee in the stained show that was recently done in London that was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber So we do that one so it's about finding those things that are familiar to people but are slightly different I'm so used to choreographing in doing the stuff for my kids anyway so actually to be not in the back and doing the backstage in the direction actually being on stage it's really nice but it is challenging because you you are thinking of the words. Because we have a book so we learn everything off by heart and all the harmonies it was a 4 part harmony most of the time so I should that makes it more difficult you're trying to learn your part and if one else is and then on top of that the chorus. That we do as well which Sam does really well with makes interesting and fun and lively when she needs to win then brings it back down when we need to change the atmosphere say yeah it is it is quite challenging but we've got a great bunch of people that just Portugal are always going on there but I'm wrong or you know just help us out and then they love the game and I've only been joined since the summer it started in March and I did the summer show just because so many of my friends there they really enjoying it I love it and I was like I need to like that outside of my own work because I do that for a living so it's not stiff myself as a coach you learn in your particular amateur and so I'm just learning to turn our light when you come down you go to. Go and buy it you really have to concentrate you really have to fix and focus on your course you have to practice over and over again but once you go away and you hear it to his on the track you're a particular some of the beautiful songs you have to show. How does singing make you feel in terms of yet health and well being out is brilliant. When you go to do spore endorphins released you are you energized and actually that's the same thing not to just saying it's just the tingles It's really lovely to have something you do for yourself it's relaxing even to can't think of anything but the singing when you hear as well as all those other things that go to your head they kind of melt away with great people that we support even to smile a lot reading went well on that particular song was good good for your social life as well because most of us are know each other at the core of all other organizations come here for. You know different 101 snout to show story yesterday and the think that's way that's where because of the group of people we have and the people we're pulling in every time we do something a little bit different we get a different audience they want something more and it doesn't for that it doesn't it's not a musical it's a real amalgamation of lots of different great songs from different. That gives a feeling of some things that the summit show I was right because it was energize it was not a mixture of well known songs not say nice songs musical and this is the same night you know it is not just in response to your Christmas songs but also to be a fun and. Musical Christmas song about. The Riverside music oh. It's a company that. The Riverside 100 choir now the Riverside musical theatre company and you had some child and joy chimes and the whole of the Riverside musical theater company in fine and festive voice there's still tickets left for the matinee of Christmas show stopping at the Riverside Theater in Woodbridge say the Radio something. To be among the most popular. This weekend. Welcome to the new. Music radio. Download the free app now to listen without limits. Yes James said with you and we're going to be talking to my resident dog. Judy Chevy will be with you in a few minutes time she's going to talk all things straight. The role. She's the woman. But. It's going to be the day that the god of throw it back. District Police semifinals this weekend and joining me on the line my. Ex-pats. And a Q. And A have a fun at Johnny how do you form a big RINGBACK family. Said to me earlier. Barry Wally. I think there's no call for the black to down the for black shoe hots well. Doesn't you love this moment you don't feel cold yet that people you know we don't talk that we can't think I didn't really go because I know I'm not a well that was caught we had last weekend in the course of finals and that a smash date on that day like you know we did we did have a chuckle about the complete I have to say tonight they are sleeping with down the pike place with a lid on why isn't your body wasn't right it was amazing it was absolutely amazing and last week and last Friday night we were both a bit a cellist into the lonely guy head from side of it. Any Well you thinking it was I got a full I know a place such places where she was paid to be shocked by that wasn't. Well she done really really well it was a brilliant dance and they and they. Syncopation together even less thought it was just brilliant the whole concept was really good so that the why of a doubt the. One On paper it did seem the most bizarre thing and I did yes absolutely did but I thought it was absent they did say well they did really really well I mean she has it in a she comes from a sort of musical background but yeah she actually you know what it does after 40 she did she really did crank doesn't get that 10 paddle out very often 9 or so but she but it was very well deserved and I had a little cry. With Stacey in Kevin's America to Les Miserables on only it was just amazing I mean it was don't thing was one thing she actually captured the stories well the story telling of it as well which I thought was amazing to be able to do that being have no dance but found no acting backlash . To be able to say oh and it is such a strong storyline as well and struck such a strong piece of music to actually pull off the narrative of that as well as the dance the choreography with that was just brilliant and I believe she did bring me and I had a little tear was absolutely brilliant last I'm not surprised yeah and it's often there's miserableness often cited is a lot of people's favorite musical is music and it is amazing phenomenon and it's such a powerful piece and she did it justice it was brilliant left there were other highlights did we have before we get on set who went home and any of the highlights from last week now. A lot lower than a chain and I really champion her and I love the piece of music in love with a wonderful guy was there are certain very souls and I did say that she oversees the technique that already because she did a really really good job with that as well the sounds I will skip over John. Joe and I and Scout south so it just wasn't for me it just was a time of laughter and go through and through and it just it just didn't be doing it he and I love him and I want him to be in the final desperately and I am he's he the pits Mises everything strictly but I just acknowledge her just to know Enjoy it was painful the worst thing for the parallel enough we don't see well enough but it just didn't have the flair of a south or for me and he's been thrown around like you know. Yes Well really like it's one of the baton twirlers in the majorettes has been thrown around is it takes a lot to bear to do that you know so full marks for his to fill it with I just didn't like the music and the and the concept of that but he did a good job he did a good job and did the right pass and go hind shoes you know. He did a brilliant job Charles and Kevin left. And made an amazing job and he and I think race is something along the lines it's one of the best Mayo. Celebrities during a rumble and it is very difficult to pull off a Romber as a as a male celebrity making it. Masculine but you have to have all the right moves and he absolutely nailed it and is such just because it was such a beautiful piece of music as well and he did do a really really good job but if you're going up against the sister who's left who ever goes up against Ashley take a guy because they already always save Ashley So it's such a shame if he had been with one of the other ones possibly he would have he would have been saved but unfortunately he was up against Ashley and suddenly he had to go behave himself proud he did a very very good job in a very difficult dance for celebrity he really did didn't miss the whole thing with Ashley we won't get into the whys and wherefores of whether she's got professional dance training or not but she's here. Obviously affecting her. With the public because as a technique of adults. They can't be any you know she can dodge understand. The thing is people like J. Word the journey and pretty much other than everybody else has been on a H. Me and they have progressed and I have learnt acting technique dancing skills but they say an ashtray will.

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