The 7 who serve our region will be 375000 pounds better off between them the transition payment offered to all any pays is based on length of service and is on top of this members can claim a pension from the age of $63.00 Conservative M.E.P. David Campbell BANNERMAN says it should be viewed as a redundancy payment there is the 1st monastery of the transition and this is the Explain this week in Strasburg is contingent of us think if you can go out and they don't pay at all if you become an M.P. Or in the Lords so there's a lot of things that are contingent so it's not. It is a kind of redundancy I would say the chancellor Philip Hammond has warned the government will have to adopt a new economic strategy and he'd have to set an emergency budget if Britain leaves the European Union without a dail next March Labor has accused him of callous complacency there's disruption to traffic around Ipswich As for enormous an electrical reactors are being transported to Branford this weekend 10 police cars every school shooting the abnormal loads going as much as 150 elephants from docks to worsted road and boom bridge over the next 2 weekends controversial plans for 240 new homes in a Suffolk village have been approved it's after critics described the scheme now as well as looking like a prison Peter Cook reports plans for the new homes off whether the road had been deferred twice it was after claims they looks like Cell Block H. After a T.V. Prison drama critic subjected to the design the layouts and parking but the developers crest Nicholson have reworks their proposals and now councillors that made Suffolk have given the project their you know the most approval crest Nicholson say they're pleased with the decision that they'll be creating a high quality new elms Well it's not yet clear when building work will begin the organizer of the 11 I'm fine. Marketers told B.B.C. Radio Suffolk they plan to open for new monthly markets in the canteen next year Justin Bowl also runs the market's embarrassing turbans and sub break the law of an intervention is celebrating its 10th birthday today but it was on the verge of closing before just decided to take it on after a visit so I literally went home bought staple gun got some posters and with the help of a few people from the village I worked out lots of posters dropped lots of flies spoke to Lesley on the radio and and yeah and here we are 10 years later suffix where there are a few shows likely this afternoon it's still fairly cheery with a top temperature of 7 Celsius that's 45 height the chance of it continues into this evening and overnight it will drop the temperature will drop further to minus one Celsius that's 30 Fahrenheit and another rather cold day in store for tomorrow with a noticeable easterly wind that's the latest from B.B.C. Radio Suffolk you next bulletin. Georgina on B.B.C. Radio suffer Indeed I love the fact we're measuring the way of those transformers not in kilos or tonnes but in the way of elephants. Like that we're doing transform our watch on the the next day the programme find exactly how that is making its way around the county with typically been on that also this hour the program Georgia girl so much to chat about so much to chat about any of them chatting from here talking about grudges to hold on to grudges a new authors got a book out saying hold on to this is what you should do they're good for you what kind of grudge can you bring to mind also are you a. Big class fear of cotton wool bulls chap in the news this week he has got it's serious fear of them so any phobias you want to admit to on the program today we've got a looks ADOX a phobia we've got gen-U. Phobia nano Fabian all sorts of things also is there too much swearing these days in your opinion in a London Music Fest. Banning swearing from at Skegness while also winter is here are you glad. To be seeing some flags this. Week and indeed it's also funny as he says famous one. Of those Jews today. And. The song. To. Me Where. You. Can. See. And. The song. Where. You. Live. Has got to let us know in a oh no she's not done to you OK you're a that's a Fareed no teeth. Do forgive me was his name Michael. Hutchence All right you what we got we got George Jameson's famous ones it's currently under way it's going to it's not to the inclusion and how we know everything we're going to know about is we did not at all we got it all today we were looking for a male dead actor who could speak many languages descended from Lebanese parents but was actually born in Egypt as well as being an actor he was known for his gambling and owning horses and has at one time was in the top 50 bridge players in the world to rake not God and he was a great charming charming and rakish and very good looking he's fast major English speaking film role was in. Lawrence of Arabia in 1960 other notable roles well opposite Barbra Streisand in funny go and he's big big role was as the lead in to shift from one rake to another switch Good afternoon to you good afternoon to you ready what are you going for on this occasion It's very marshy very. You sound very definite about and you are indeed right. Omar Sharif are you a fan of Omar Sharif July or will the 70 rewrite resistance films and stuff about my dad was actually bridged. When you when you. When you when you came to Britain it had to be your much there are many Egyptians that played that famously well you don't know that they could be the Cairo breeched listening to this you know no he actually was a professional player there wasn't. A gambling thing as well with the numbers on horses to you know not are so good because your dad played bass do you play bridge I wish I could I never did never did I suppose to be fierce and difficult and south and this and that. It was a member of it. When the little you. Really believe it was and is X X X R Yeah. Ready that's one of the things I played a lot of bridges specially when he was abroad thank you brought you with me to fool for Brady did you regret not having learned yes to do really good I mean I'm actually very used to be a very good chess player so I should i could have taken to preachers box on my house never too late Tony. Bridge Club yes starting to. Tell me what you're up to the softening you doing anything of excitement. Redoing the house and so you have moved from separate which which we do not the house that they used to live in oh right a number of. The moment when you know them very well. Help. Shastri in the old bay window well look good luck with that yes no problem but I'm wild I'm getting my IP taken right measurements of health and safety. And stand straight one line of code talking about bridge plane had typical that is money doing the calculations for making cans over. Curtains and cling film don't get on with either of them really we don't. Have any for getting that right turning its page a Brit way saved it was BUSH Yes right who else got that right tons of you today all very very clever we only had one wrong answer someone said big to mature which obviously we now know it's not so well done on the text to Sarah in Bury St Edmunds down in Ipswich bail on the text you wouldn't switch Charlie in Ipswich as well or got it right on the takes and then giving it Cole Mike Mike in Batan Christine in Ipswich highly embarrassing Edmonds Graham from Rendlesham Leslie in Ipswich married an oddly messy inbox with Jeanette from Nick married in gene in Ipswich stellar in that thread rain Felixstowe Jimena deafening Felixstowe David ink his grave and and in rushed missing Andrew along with Tony from Ipswich he spoke to their all got it right turns today it was Omar Sharif Well done to all of you we would again next week and say the Bush reason that you want to coldly and how mourn then why no on this day 981 British film director David Lane married his 5th wife Sandra Holtz David Lane directed the 1965 film to. Which start. There we have everyone and that inside inside the brain little is James and we never ask well getting that right would again next Sunday we've got Billy Joel now. You boys. With the. Rather in the groove having been a. Solo no mind it tells them what I. Love making. You been doing to crib. I'm not doing. Thing to install your thing in. Some people see. All the good good looking good looking young. Because. Some people say they were. Promised the good dog. Because they. Had somebody to. Be bold. Some people's leaderboard. Stero to get to. Some people find. Him. Then to. Hold. A concert. I can. Go into. This thing. Like some people. That's your decision. Your it's the chance of prison. I'm not Traveller from B.B.C. Radio. Is here with. This set transform is making its way towards its destination now and the rain way has been closed to assist its passage in the problem for dead just the south from the town center so it's money to achieve its goal. And they were thanking people for not parking in the High Street to allow it to negotiate. The. Passageway really be 1113 up to one split and still very slow in the wake of a woman with a 1070. One heading off the London road towards the heart the road is also looking very slow in the wake of it but the A 14 as for the reopened after its progress and the A 14 is running very well indeed now through the area in fact the A 14 is delay free for its entire life now not much traffic around the soft in in the roadworks on the A one for threes causing some local delays between Martin and great Barton they were in place with 10 pretty lights at the old well word roundabout so a little bit of local delay that there was never this traffic actually is quite busy coming into wards at the town center column road is looking quite heavy in both directions to and from the A 134 interchange at the Sickles me Road roundabout apart from that we're not looking too bad the trains have replacement buses running between North Sheen Yarmouth north and vote staffed sucks Mendham in those stuff because no stuffed and Ipswich in Felixstowe good response to B.B.C. Radio Suffolk travel if you see something or can update me call 801-412-1214 the thanks very much. On D. A.B. Digital radio this is B.B.C. Radio self a. Coil battery of an interest on finances 1962 the coverage on radio suffer these objectives almost insane. And it's a benefit to pass a supply which is to be able to listen to the E.C. And indeed to give the. B.B.C. Radio suffered is the whole room over a switch tell me commentary is. Georgina on B.B.C. Radio itself a. Cuts . Should. Be. Cut to let me. Just. Say. That. This plaque. You want me back. That. She. Should. Exactly. Which clothes fit me. I was she said it was shoot. Shoot. Thank. Everyone who we got this we all tell you go this week we have got Michelle Bevin mom gets good afternoon good afternoon I like the way you did very nice C.R.U. Well lovely thank you very much looking very well in these that mustard we've got going on and I must start the same. Fashion color this winter doing I've got this new thing dress bright feel bright I like that and also a filmmaker Alexandra Boyd still there hello how well how's the film going it's so almost finished I know you everything I hand you for I didn't get my record my broken record at No we are so close to the finish line we can taste it great it with all my what else has to be done and there's the grade which makes you sometimes you shoot daytime but you want to make it look like night time and we know we have. So beautiful moments. Of apparitions or something happens so there's this final financing of those moments and they just take time and sometimes it's frame by frame by frame you have to literally digitally painted in a moment so it's it's very meticulous but you know it's worth it for the end result all the music is done all the sound is done we just screened for Amazon and we're hoping someone does that mean when you screen Bam of the well they've sort of followed us from the early stages so they're sort of checking in and then they sort of go away and scratch their heads and think about who they can introduce us to take it to is so would this be all new video streaming will be eventually but. We have to go through do some film festivals we have to get a little theatrical release like a picture house or one of the smaller venues just to say we did and then Amazon go Yeah you know that we'll have other streaming services are available I think if they are I think about them you got the old in any way that's good to the film we should say is that the widow's war it's just called widows walk through those Miranda rays and David caves brackets Be still my beating heart and the amazing and George you know Oh and when it went minute order of preference order of credit go on Jimmy I mean again they're your listeners remember from. And you're amazing sound as a late night radio car radio announcer thank you very much I'm actually it'll be fun for everyone to. See dolphins in it yes they do raise our next season car journeys and you both thank you very much for this so welcome All right ladies you must crack on so much talk about Mum 1st off debate is good R.J. There's a new book out The author Sophie Hannah has written a book called How to hold on to grudges she is a huge fan of having a grudge she told The Times this week she can remember pretty much every single slight that's been doled out to her in her entire lifetime and she considers a good. Arj the psychological equivalent of little feet leafy green nourishing vegetables he should actually sort of you know nurture these grudges So Michelle your grudge holder well and now are saying the other time I was on radio in January this year I decided to get all the dimensions of my life people that walk to mentors I call and people that were sucking you emotionally physically or financially toxic people because we've been putting up with them for long enough so you don't hold grudges just been them get them out of your life and I as the old song goes you know you shouldn't hold grudges because don't give your head still in space to think about them either take them all in touch her he put the boot into touch react with a white powder order in the. BLOCK I'm you know in there making it very clear that you don't want people like that in your life because they do train your energy your spirituality financially you know even family members were talking earlier would be family members if they not given your adding value in your life Bynum and there's lots of techniques that you Well there's also techniques you can kind of I mean I was just saying George is qualified as a C B T life coach practitioner behavioral there as I am not to practice it but to find out things that you know about psychology about how the mom works about narcissism about borderline personality disorder about all these different things so you can avoid them in the future and by getting toxic people are you life is going to be joyous really Carol if you just go into a little toxic spell well it just big Let me tell you you know there's usually out there like that doesn't change it's only decades in that you know the people that are actually kind listening to that it's also a form of self preservation because I think in my younger years I was prepared to take a bit of a bad behavior and we say yeah oh they're having a bad day it's their upbringing they're not you know they didn't really mean it they would have been and and you allow that to continue it's alright for a while and then it crops up again and now I just I'm like. 23 strikes and you're out there's all these people over here and you know Michelle was calling it what were you calling it to demand if the man says yeah I am my friend has a lovely expression which is drains and radiators is this person a drain who's draining all your energy and your your resources or are they a radiator who who reflects back all of the the positive energy that you're trying to put out there for a large Yes yes nobody self-preservation what so far as a freshman 15 or when you have been a friend for years or you have got friends vs they're going through a bit of a drain period or a little bit of a radiator period do you know just think well given the benefit of the doubt it doesn't work that you know these people I mean I would have somebody who'd been in my life for 30 years and my friends would say why you put up with no why do you do the drama why do you do unless they're your friend and they want your support or not well you see after 30 years or so you come to the point you think no I don't want this person in my life for the more I want to get on with my own life I want to enjoy my life and stop doing stuff that doesn't add value in my life I'm 50 and I want to enjoy you know and I'm thinking maybe the bearing a grudge is too strong a word for it I think it's just it's just recognizing a situation for today's what what am I getting out of the situation and I just giving not receiving anything and I getting no joy from it but actually feeling a little bit irritated or cut out of a situation that I feel I want to be involved in but that's not going to happen so you just walk away and there's all these other all these other amazing people there that are willing to support you and and you're looking at what you know best that I can rationally of a seems a little bit harsh to me just to be so clinical is right that is it well it's not just you know grudges that would say about people that not just drain you but make your life unhappy. For example there always got traumas in the. Why from that to include you in this room those people people that have a you know a bereavement or something that you can use he supports people I don't find a slightly different from a grudge that people might perhaps have from childhood to teach this to they or they said that this it was never going to be they're still going to guess if from your point if you Alexandra quite just a great source of fiction the narrow question I mean for the male Yes yes I got a little little imaginary chest of drawers is that just not just gracias love their failed romance is you know break ups divorces Drabble to the other side of the weld you know oh yeah and you keep them all compartmentalized so when you need to just open that drawn out there is there is back in again now you know you sleeve a little scab that you can pick away at if you have a need to yes but that's that's just acting and storytelling that's pretty really life is it quite just going on over time I think people did in the public eye that fall and now Tony Blair with brown all these held these gorgeous persona and next door neighbors and fences. Like you know if you. Could Ching money as well the family I would probably families is the biggest source and I think that you someone said something or an in law or something said to me that right I say that's a one strike you're out yeah anyway I'd love to hear from you on the program today if you hold grudges or would you prefer just to let it all go give us a ring 080-141-2121. There were no good and it didn't no ring and never. Given get it but. It is you do this like you. Did in your. Hour. Low Low. Being like you to the clips a loved one. Was Love. They are everyone and Xander Boyd filmmaker and Michelle Bevan mall gets general good a doing lots of stuff look this is stuff I could say the only possible general. And just before we go any further on this would have known this is from the last hour of the program because we took that and how to eat healthy because of the winter and you got to keep all you know what's it's up north where ever going healthy eating when to eat lots of oranges special Christmas says and there oranges and with Yeah I was a little insane maybe in the. All right ladies that we must move on and next up for debate this is serious obviously David Burns of the news this week after 19 pass and pounds following a tribe you know after coworkers put cotton wool balls down his back now this might sounds vaguely funny but it's not because he suffers from a thing called a c Don't global phobia which is a fear of cotton wool so we're talking about the old phobias on the program today a list of them here a lot a lot a lot docs a phobic. A military ally ASA photo back here a fear of opinions well you're mistaking it for me and also Jenny phobic. Actually you saw my new might be Jennifer a big fear of knees. So have you got any phobias would you say Alexander Yes as a child I was very very afraid of spiders and I knew it was not logical but you know those big hairy ones that used to crawl across the carpet when you were just watching T.V. And I used to scream blue murder and thunder and lightning scream remember and then not just I realized that spiders were going to be everywhere at some point in my life and I had to just teach myself not to I still jump a bit when I see them but I realize that you know that right yes yes yes and I love thunder and lightning and I got to open the windows in the rain and and the flashes of lightning say would this have been a fund this probably sounds like a quite a strong dislike rather than a phobia I don't know how far well I analyze China childhood phobias isn't it know when I did the kind of phobias you're talking about are when people are paralyzed in adult life by birds or yeah. I don't know and you see these people on on American T.V. Shows don't you with some hypnotist who can make a drawing of a right to do regression therapy or learning about aggression and. You know me feel the fear doing anyway scared of water become a scuba diver do all the things but I've never been up to only one phobia and that slug still or I see slugs I'll just freeze I just freeze and then I've been cause I've been going to this regression therapy to learning about it I realize it came from my childhood when people were lot of friends of the person they would like slow the slugs everywhere you know in Wales at the time and it's very wet there just loads a different color slugs I remember him picking up and put it in his mouth and I know that's how you feel and that is where it came from for me yeah and I bedded it very slightly it's just it's not rational in any way when you could regress and pick the thing that caused that fate because that would be that that is exactly what did cause that phobia I will still work out of someone. Section 5 now and then when you get to section 70 feel you I mean you think I don't need to be saying you were going to tell me there are steps in there like 12 steps of letting go of your module inclusion in order to get to what you 7 have to tell you how to get over it but almost even when the kids are young or in the Coulomb picked up a slug and I had to get the next door neighbor to could get it because a good movie has that effect of course thing as you were actually better eels Oh but you know what they are if you think it's so it's so like me based on them or spider slimy base that was just the idea and a friend who was you know you can't cross and I don't know you don't know you can avoid them I don't know hates regress myself back into something because. I had NO NO anyway and I had a friend who was a favorite about vegetables and even if you sort of strained peas it she's coming them for a meal and you had to strain to be away and she had to leave the room because no no I'm sorry that's a proper phobia OK now I love now yes I know I have but I have like a drum. Anyway we have been told my God just and David and stopped and said he's gas and imagine imagine a yellow bus which he sends over a cliff to get rid of grudges and it worked with the people in Iraq is obviously he doesn't mention that I have to leave a lot even if you know I just think that it's just good the person doesn't leave his life he just puts the grudge on the past. That not the person that's it's creative visualization but I could be Section 8 feet would not book well I used to I mean it's probably worse if I used to be killed with kindness you know work in some post imagine I just got someone to hunger an 8 swatch to me in front of you not used to help get rid of any bad feelings I had about or Anyway if you've got any thoughts on Fabian as you've got Tripper phobia which is a fear of clusters or normal phobia fear of phones let us know and programmed oh $801.00 survive very long as you like you would be very happy. They were pretty small but. As you. Know. That don't. That. 11. OK so you've got. That. Yellow. Calabash. Thank you Alex Alex. Illo. LOL a relentless. Election . Alex Haley. Was. Relaxed. And Alexander Boyd. In the studio next up for debate we're talking on the program is there just too much swearing these days the reason I ask this because a north London Festival Wireless has banned its acts from swearing on stage Also Google has banned its works from using explicit language in workforce do you have to be to use explicit anguish and work file which you know you know this might not . Be the doing but I mean what I can I would do that and so are they right I mean you would think the last bastion of bad language would be possibly a music concert or people to get away with it and that they said right now is no more what would you say this on you know they afraid of offending and I think there's a reason why it's called good old fashioned Anglo-Saxon these a very very old words for the most part and I think the word you want to hear in your daily life while I use them and I you know I have some that I use a lot and some I use sparingly and when I use them sparingly you know really good to underscore exactly how I feel about somebody and I think that what we're suffering from is having gone through the Victorian era you know when they put leg warmers on piano legs and things like that you know back in the day. Or up and down a little they yes it was a language is a very organic thing and it changes and it in ebbs and flows is new words coming into language all the time old words falling out of fashion but somehow these these words of course can't find them. No of course not but you know I've read stories about actors going we can't use that in this ancient story you know play set in the 16th hundreds because that's a new swear word no it's so not a new swear word sometimes they're you know 1000 when it's old it's in you want out of it still I love these in the olden days I mean Bill used to say to Mum used to say to me if you start swear an image of a company's Ruby. I know people do research to show you that you know the people swear more have a higher I.Q. Partly I thank you very much. I would say but one of my sons every other word is a swear word is it do you know do you object and say that I'm not good does if I do say yes for sure it's loud in public yeah and he's losing power there too you see he said all the time you can you know not use a toll on your mind other ways to be emphatic about something when you can use it when you really need to do that in the middle ground and then you can do you know like in the classic sort of Glaswegian football you look at you're just using every 2nd word is it like I think I'm not going to swear that. Yes exactly how exactly the use ear and people switch off like a hole or thought as long as it's a clean thought is tend to. Travel from B.B.C. Radio Suffolk and here is paper with the latest hype. I did he was famous transformer has arrived at its destination just moving in to pull a 9 from foot from the B. And $1113.00 so a safety arrived after all of the drama of the small winning now the temporary over bridge they had to put in to transport the machine through the worsted road took a while to clear the temporary ever bridge just being removed according to sample highways but the closures will run place because there's a lot of pranged have got to be cleared as well so the road not quite clear yet ostrich Creek and the West should read in the strand running with delays on the approach that elsewhere heading out of love stuffed down towards the north the carriage to an enormous to drive is partly got westbound following an accident near that Gholston road that's causing a bit of delay now in the area and on the trains replacement buses run between North and Yarmouth not in love stuffed socks Mandarin those stuffed buckles and those stuffed in between Ipswich and fittings that thank her sponsor B.B.C. . Suffolk travel if you see something open up take me call 801412121 people thank you so much for your transformer watch the Sultan you've been fantastic. On D. A.B. Digital radio this is B.B.C. Radio Suffolk. Stephen Foster secret gig is next Thursday aggression is in its switch. Featuring Il encounter. You. Get your tickets and emails secret gig at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. . Is B.B.C. Radio 5. Live. In the studio Alexander Boyd filmmaker and Michelle Bevan markets also with just about swearing as the just too much of it these days has children life are we going back to wanting to have a bit more Victorian prudery on the one hand than on the other hand you've got politicians they swear a lot and they don't mean that's nice but we're watching them politician and they never use where the smoke on you know what is it going back to the prudery or I do think it's the evolution of language and that's just me talking as a writer or when I was acting in period plays there's a certain style and vernacular that's used for regions of a period in history and may you know this is the watershed isn't there after 930 for a long time you've been able to swear in the boundaries now for the last 10 years yes Truman when you know loads of money all those kind of people came. On your new new feel like comedians they really push the boundaries in the. Book you never used to say that you know Dave Allen just so much jokes but about religion exactly when you think about it it's not really you know it's now I suppose I mean the idea of having a watershed Now when kids are on the topics or they're older Yeah yeah it's not ironically it's ridiculously redundant I suppose that you see Facebook and social media it's totally it is redundant or at the latest very finely we put the cops went back last night and winter is finally here we're talking about are you pleased about that or would you ladies return to the glorious summer of 2018 in a hot beat machine no I like a little bit of light and you know me I like to be able to change your wardrobe. Get some new shoes. So you please now you quite glad the nights drawing in and yet because I got a new wardrobe all to myself yeah I said I bought a pair of slippers in the week over her friends to. Share and I write. I lived somewhere for 10 years that really didn't have 4 seasons and I really it when I came back every time I would come back in the wintertime it when you live somewhere that sunny year round I know a lot of people move to sunny places because of course that's why they moved there but to me I felt very I didn't know where I was in the year really and I always do now I'm back in the U.K. And I do love the autumn which you know now we're getting into winter and Fi is cracked clean you know. Light you know sunlight into him as a filmmaker now the sunlight through you know you can stream. I was driving down to Exeter the other day very early in the morning and that breast the basin the way the river comes interest was all mist and it was so beautiful and I do believe that you know when we power through we don't exactly power through January February 1 complains how cold it is in the short days and when the stuff starts to turn again to was the spring you really appreciated. So much more and if it was as hot as it was this year with no air conditioning. You can jump. On the style. Of I scream little expects you to you live where it was hot all the year around Los Angeles. Goes a bit the leaves fall a little bit but it's still you know Christmas day you're sitting on the patio with the sunglasses on and it gets cold at night because it's the desert but. It's not. Depressing and that's because I know a lot of ex-pats live there and that's why they at any rate looting will be annoyed they DID YOU COULD YOU WERE you had the Christmas the mammas to Christmas in the Bahamas you didn't miss. Having champagne on the beach was a nice change. But it wasn't great I did miss being. Saying this when it's snowy and Mr. Snow Ladies thank you so much for your contribution of the brain back to George if I had great help behind the scenes as one of Joe and I should point out George Jamieson who we love is not a program of a very own right it's 7 o'clock so do not miss that on your favorite local radio station have a wonderful I will see you next Sunday leaving you with. So B.B.C. News a 2 o'clock AM Barry Caffrey football fans have been laying scarves shirts and messages of support outside Leicester City Stadium after the club owners helicopter crashed outside 60 year old we see what town a proper was on board when the aircraft came down last night and burst into flames Unconfirmed reports say 4 other people were with him including one of his daughters the police and emergency services haven't said what happened to them in Stringer was commentating on yesterday's match for B.B.C. Radio Leicester the club chairman is a hero.

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