In radio Suffolk. Myself a guest with me in the neck sadly at 7 talking to my guest he makes jeans said looking forward to that 1st the latest news we can't Campbell thanks Leslie Suffolk Police say they have yet to identify a man found dead by the side of a road his body was found on elms Well Road in yesterday afternoon police say he was over 50 about 5 feet tall and wearing a hearing aid they treating his death as unexplained Detective Chief Inspector Barry by phone is leading the investigation into the mystery on Berry changed one identify this chap I have to say he's not known by one and see we only have a description of a gentleman who I would assess to be over 50 years old and he was wearing a green green coat blank's or cotton jogger bottoms and blue shoes a former Suffolk County Council Okies of his wife's murder has been remanded in custody 64 year old Steven so from Stowmarket was arrested on Saturday night after an so died at their home a post-mortem examination couldn't determine the cause of death or more tests are due to be carried out Mr So who is a former Royal Marine and a Ukip County councilor well apparent Ipswich Crown Court tomorrow a man from London who was convicted of the manslaughter of 2 previous partners has now admitted murdering a 3rd just over a year ago Theodore Johnson who's 64 killed 51 year old Angela best by beating a over the head with a claw hammer after she started a relationship with someone else hours later he threw himself in front of a train but survived the trial at the Old Bailey heard that he had a history of violence towards women 13 monkeys have died in a fire that was open safari park in Bedfordshire It's not known what caused the fire in their enclosure in the early hours of this morning who got out is from the Fire and Rescue Service. The build in contained the patters monkeys was engulfed in fall and the roof of the building had collapsed into the mine structure the building of this morning Sanjay to the farm has to go in that will go on it would be on unwise for me to cite any of my interpretation of what I think more of happened thieves have managed to steal a heavy say from a church napes which which contains silverware dating back to Queen Elizabeth the 1st it's not the 1st time that sent Mary Anson but off parish church in which it has been targeted there was a previous attempted theft just a few months ago and then the lead has twice been taken from the roof the Reverend Mary it's a kind of h. Is the priest there in charge Yes they took the cycle why they clearly didn't even charge well they just released it it's about 3 foot square and. About 5 inches of concrete all aligned when they kind of hole we're swimming. In one knot they they pull the so you know you saw and it took 5 strong men to simply stand up and one of Suffolk's smaller theaters has revealed it's had one of the busiest years ever almost 64000 people visit star markets Regal Theater and 2017 they had a 14 percent increase in visitors in December alone and the weather will turning up pretty windy this this evening across the county could be some gals around as well minimum temperature 5 degrees Celsius tomorrow windy but mainly dry was bright or sunny spells as well maximum temperature 8 degrees Celsius It's 3 minutes past 3. Needles and d.v.c. Way to you stuff a thank you to guy and as it makes me is in an hour's time all of grandmamma's sitting in for one more time to stave. Think fuzzes about the barber tech gram on a. Moment. The Mavericks and downs the night away 8 minutes past 3 percent of people in party have an e.m.i. Maybe even had enough of dancing the night I need glad to get back into the regime that's what we're doing the soft as always putting the same friend this part of the shed and I am starting as I mean to go on because we're talking out. Indefinitely the tipple of 2017 and that one man with me is hoping that continues through this year it's myself I guess Gary Balkans and Gary's tent his hand to make some gin one has an industrial chemist and his tennis chemistry knowledge to setting up this new business from his I think. That I got that right so cunningly disguised. Converted my double carriage into a distillery So it's bonded warehouses also to story so we're on the outside it looks like a. Fully equipped distillery very very cunning it's a lot of the Tardis It's bigger on the inside but I wish it was bigger on and so I guess I could do the bit more room with my I know that's one of the future ambitions said so take me back because I know it's taken me a while to say to get it up and running get all the licenses to get produced the bottles the labels and all that but save me right back why have I mean most people that think you are just distillery in the garage you know well I think in the chemical trade for many many years now applauded that started doing with my degree in Applied Chemistry and. Lites I was doing about 30000 miles a year. Being away from home least one night awake and I'm thinking this is not really what I want to be doing I was doing 3 things like has ups and risk assessments and quality audit environmental orders and wasn't really enjoying myself so about 2 and a half years ago I took the decision with my wife Ruth who has supported me throughout. To go and do so a proper distillery making gin I had my gin before. From of the previous company when it wasn't. The think the trend that it is today. And I've always liked doing things like a ton of clicks traction using the various techniques and distillation solve an extraction type of thing so I thought well I'll have a go at this so I filled in all the forms you need a number of licenses and it takes a long time and Customs and Excise come around and they inspect your property and you have to get everything in place and they have to approve it so you need a number of licenses which is quite a lengthy process so you need all the kit before they come in do they need to buy all the equipment prior to them giving you the go ahead so you can spend quite a lot of money before hand and you might not get approved so it's a risk you have to take and hope that you can get approved likely with my chemical knowledge I had sort of a want to hold most other people I suppose and working tried before I knew what sort of losses to go for. From that point I went on I do in recipe calls where I met Rory you know it was you know what is the essence of the gym now that the effort that we are calling that on the dark side is on. And that's where I met him and I said you know could you help me when you get a chance try some margins and see what you think and he's been really really helpful never suffered a lot. And he's brought the descriptions on the back of the bottles for way which is really really fabulous get on really well with him and so. Throughout the process of trying to use Word of a possible Suffolk businesses like a huge super monkey in there they play the block and go right to life and I've gone to a local Suffolk company's 1st like all my goods. Shipped on the right and left or everyone I've met has been fantastically helpful and I tried my kit combining things I thought I buy my g. And I try and put them on my social media and I think trying to nice things about them if the top possible and promote suffer can suffer business is not why and you doing all that I mean you know the job as well at the moment no no I give it up I'm doing this all the time I gave up my job in law I. Lost last year now so this is the serious business I started in August this year my 1st boss came off the lawn on the 1st of August. And it's gone very very well the recipe has gone down extremely well I haven't met anyone who doesn't like it yet probably people who don't like Jim White like it but it's a very smooth refreshing change suffer Droit year. Of Bice the design of the history of Paris and so you've got the wolf head in the car and this is that I present Yes and you can see through the bottle back of the book you can see some of the ingredients like going to there apart from the 90 strength where this is shipped on the bottle bottle so it's looks like she got on the back label as it says on the inside very couldn't let me just repeat the bit of Chinese that we had earlier on because it's a vote and horny and that straight from Dave I think it was saying that it's a lorry a broken branch track on the inside lane also had confirmation that from Peter as a place that they kind the area off in the July is about 5 to 10 minutes say this is day 14 is banned breaking down a lorry on the inside lane I think it is so that is causing If he dies if you're heading eastbound on the a 14 holy at the moment and. My guess with this is guy well consensus he's decided he wanted to not keep traveling he wanted to make Jim said Did you just put my there because it could mean whiskey of up could get it. Some advantage involved some advantages. Where you don't have to white for 3 years while they were mature and I Carol Brown do something similar is something I would like to do but obviously talking a lot more capital investment to do something like that and was General ready and was it becoming obvious that they fashionable drink of the knowing Yes I definitely I mean it's a brilliant time today isn't it. Very fashionable a moment you've got company on the well known company on the East Coast to Mike's gin from the beer which I know be emotionally but there was nothing in really in West Suffolk so I saw a gap in the market I saw that the names of distillery wasn't actually been taken to my delight delight. And so I thought that one up and because I love Suffolk so much I'm trying to beis it as much as possible on this county which is left really is a fantastic time need to have me because as you said you I mean London Dr Jim we all know about this is that Dr Jones That's a traditional gin How did you make it right there are 3 types of gin that's what you call a London drug and that's where all of attorney calls go into the pot whether you play very young players with your new 2 growing spirit. And some water then you distill lot over so you stew it up and you bite essentially Or you doing it extract a new yours within the botanicals So basically it bubbles you get the steam comes off hit something cold and the drips that come off that's a condensed as you captured that as your search engine and the because the oils have a preference to go with the ethanol which is a lower boiling point of water that carried over 1st with the ethanol and so you get the ball because it comes to trying from the. Different talks. So maybe it's a company. That is along the drudge all of a tentacles have to go in the pot 1st and not not not nothing should really outdid off to make a dish you're Ok so they all get free and then the ACA then you have what's called a distilled you with a distilled you know again it's the same principle you put stuff in Paul you distill it over but this time you can add materials and flavorings off to school to do still gin and then you have something called the Gin Gin is just you don't have to go near a still so you can just. Marinate should we say the botanicals in the home in the in the spirit and then just Olive to f.l. Every day and yes not so use very different types of gin I didn't know that sound lent already today and your nose which socio is that all mine at the moment to London dragoons. Doesn't mean I won't be making it to steal gin which I'm looking out of the My because it's the so many possibilities out there at the moment in terms of flavorings of what you could do. You'd like I'd like to do something local and I'm talking to some companies that moment about maybe sourcing some botanicals that I can use from local suppliers that we can call it so you can call it more of a soft because you know going to get Juniper in Suffolk you know you might get Korean do you market. But that's about really do a sugar baby on that may be I should. Say. With the difference is that it's like with. You get a different mouth fail to Pentagon where the ethanol comes from the spirit so you get to from our field from ethanol from sugar beet and you would from ethanol from grain and ethanol from Bali and ethanol from molasses or a little from sugar sugar cane so that it's all different no no no that was your oyster it is said there are lots of possible Yeah yeah I mean I'd love to buy something with. Apples might be in my Can I can happily brand you really nice to have a local heritage she recently that was just tell me about stuff that day that's coming up I said June the 22nd best stuff that I say I was just saying it be great if you could but if you have time to come up with that look at the sort of specific you launched of the day yes not I would certainly go go back from here and I'll come up with something have a think and see what we can do maybe for that pressure on a video that's pretty special there is a because we're doing the same is it time to promote stuff like as well as spread the word yes so save it so you've got the bottles you've got lovely shaped bottles it was that easy to pick the shape of the bottles again had a input from the marketing company of monkey we had several that Louise didn't like but she came back and I like this one it looks like it's got some heritage to it. And of course one of the problems when you buying bottles you can't buy Like 100 bottles you have to buy a 1000 bottles at a time so again capital investment you take the risk but the moment you go and you go through Gen save Dr Jen try. Gen which is Navy strength which is basically a strong agenda as far as I can and then you try gin Mandarin and cranberry which she did specially for Christmas so I did that sort of but I was released in October and went through 2 Christmas period of sort of stop making notes of course few bottles left but basically that will finish now and I'll bring more spring someone out and you know what that's going to be yet. To me taste Yes Well yes I will already have a cure get to be a place I don't really I mean all of of course some wonderful ideas are so many things out there you've got you've got things runs where you go brew Bob British I mean where did you go where you go try and make it local so you know and the idea is texting while you're here but it would make some nice local stuff it gins what we to be putting in the flavorings especially for spring as you think because it's . Coming along come too soon for me. One of things or you know you know so I get my shorts on again which I couldn't do when I was working so hard to desiccate I was thinking yeah so a little while to go you know that it's on the lemon just never answer. Them and then you know the reason there is lemon peel in most of the genes I'm like You learn really you know limit which we limit who goes in it gets to become Lemon challenge that's a fairly you know it saves is very interesting I have a come back and we'll talk more in just a minute to take so I guess with us is Gary Wilkinson talking about his Suffolk distillery if you look at my face Facebook page you'll find a link straight to his face but it's a subject distillery. A website that just really directs you to Facebook at the moment those are the moments another one of my starting a list Yes To Do list for the new one man band Love This is quite a lot so there's that as well as making and selling and all the rest of it producing and doing publicity as well so once again and then in a minute or 2 you. Travel you from b.b.c. Radio Suffolk Kerry's got the very latest Barry Hello there Leslie hand wholly on the bands how to be a full. You know as we heard from Ian and so. Now it seems it's a breakdown there right now Lori Jo says you head towards Stowmarket junction $49.00 c. The queues on the speed sensors say thanks for updates on the phone is looking very busy as you had on the eastbound I 14 there towards market person Edmunds not looking too bad there at the moment just a bit of a build up maybe on the New Market Road new market High Street is looking busy in both directions. In that there are 5 ways. To be flowing quite well there up to Somalia to the place attended next and early this afternoon. In the county. For b.b.c. Radio travel if you see something. 147-321-2121. Radio this is b.b.c. Radio. And every b.b.c. Radio is the hard. People to. Fill to suit. The few hours it sure didn't look like he's going to get a yellow card was probably able to. Match it's. Travel full of following the blues has never been easier with b.b.c. Radio station b.b.c. . Now come on your bill is the. B.b.c. Radio. Live talking and not drinking gin. Gave up his day job and has founded the Suffolk distillery in his garage at the moment. Set up in business when. Was it July August. So it's all about future plans got a find a bit about. You know originally a subtle way in just a minute by the I had an email from Sherry he says Flint and are things placed in Suffolk produce vodka and gin using sugar beets see it's not 1st there then sort of they were also in the right you have to. Take yourself a fall for the king on it and answer the question this is why key questions. Often And I think of technocrats Miss related ones that Ok says countryside all turn World us an easy one I'm afraid it's going to be country song as if you've ever been a time. Not really. We we did live in the suburbs of Dalby when I was up to 11 years old it was in the year of Braun Cluff and Dobby winning everything that was in the wind. But I was only until 11 years old and since then we've sort of lived around and they can complain so much yes so I used to be supposed to but. Should I say about you there is no lack of me by David but some people would say that you're not meant to change allegiance are you football wise no not I but I do keep it on what she doing but I'm afraid I am for my sins a doll be simple to those who want to play. I think most football sports is that side that was fab and I had as a fan of the 2nd team commits a nice exception i k we're going to come back it will come back and we'll talk about Mo fest about John. A little bit funding. This van and. Radio is 28 minutes past 3. On the way between 4 and 7 o'clock this evening he's going to be sitting in falls for just one more day Alan Moore so must have a look at the television is going to be here to have a look at what's coming up for the rest of the Wake get a look ahead to the Simon and Garfunkel coming to suffer later this month the red from the West End and grandma have all the day's news and I'm sure he'll be looking ahead to the football as well which is on you I. Say full of again steps which town tonight a government Miles umbrella with full much comment traces 7 till $1030.00 b.b.c. Radio spot match not before that Graham with you between that $4.00 and $7.00 and that's for just a more through until 4 o'clock when we hand over to grandma my guest with us today safe a guest who is joined by guest in the last hour of the show and that we're talking gin today Gary Wilkinson find his Suffolk distillery got it up and running last year obviously aiming to build on that and the everyone will still love gins So do you think the gin movement is going to carry on this year where it doesn't seem to be a biting at all is Malta and club starting up. This doesn't seem to be any sign of the. Slowing down at any point soon I think more or spiritual come to the fore like people sort of run will be you know want to look out for in the future but. I think if you have a local drink as well as some local heritage should we say and you could produce it let's say an Apple brand the or or even an order of brandy because there's lots of yards around in the Suffolk area we could make whisky out of some of the good beers The There are of a little on the market then you've got a heritage of it coming from Suffolk you could utilize on that and get a business going do you think that's a growing trend we we starting to love what is we know that it's been my Done right I know you go to a local farmer's market then you know yes I do yes and I think that I think if there is that. Knowledge that it comes from locally locally sourced goods ingredients crafted so good quality I think people will be willing to pay that little bit more for it. You know put a lid on myself or my wife and she can put a lot of love and effort into trying to get the very best possible product out onto the market we have handwritten labels we you know it's all carefully tested and before it goes out there but it's not mash British you know it's not every bottle looks sign if you want mass produce you can have mass produced it comes off i.e. Production line so it's a bit like Oz's and elss now and then they are designing products that again I think it is it is also Yeltsin's a good word. Something like love I'd like to you know I. It's something that I love doing you know I these days are you saying stead of having to get up at 6 o'clock in the mornin and have a quick breakfast and rush off to work I can I can roll out of bed if I want to 30 and go on my bike you know for a cycle and then. Just open up the carriage and off I go depending on the day it is it might be an accounting day it might be production day it might be distribution day so being a one man business is you have the freedom to do as you will is it paying for itself yet oh yes it's doing well you know once people have taken to the gin very well I'm very pleased they like it it's going very very well but we're now on sale in the co-op 15 stories from a link up east of England very calling to say only God knows he might hear Wheatland Well there's a story. I thought I'd be making around about 50 bottles a week but I'm currently may well just before Christmas off he's gone quiet now but I was probably making around 20300 bottles a week. So you know we're getting up to capacity from a little distillery where it is and I wouldn't so one of the things I'll be looking out of this year is you know thanks How do I grow when I grow but keep it local keep it and how many bottles can you make your own bat I can make it one bout ship about a maximum of 200 bottles and how long does it take to take from start to finish about 4 days because I know that labeling as you say yes taking your own life goes on and I think. Thank you Luis for making so many light was to go on the bottle. Not out of the letter but. It shows out the time and effort that goes on the book shows how and how most how does it feel to get into one of these thing when co-op still is and to see you I guess it's in the likely Silis Isn't that so it's likely sex and this is a your gins and it's a mental problem it for me to say but it's a problem for me to see anywhere excelled not just in the East being in Co anywhere in the east of England and further afield such as Norfolk and Essex and so it's. You know. That's their city only I can imagine how amazing that must be by New York we found was that I was brilliant I mean I do tastings for the people actually so much in you know come along we you know come on trial Arjun. I get positive reactions and people tell me stories about when they tried you in the 1st time and all that sort of thing and how she is coming back into fashion and it's great to hear all ost stories and how that proud the distillery in the west of Suffolk that's doing doing well and he's growing and you know you could say you know a little boy got me 3 because he's a very mentioned he led the times yeah I was born in Yorkshire was born in Kingston upon help but I wasn't there very long and we moved to Norwich and again we were very very long before we moved to doubly so what age of 3 I'd been in 3 places so were not that I knew very much about it to be perfectly honest I. Was in Dalby from 3 till we were 11 when we moved to Cambridge My father was and still is a landscape architect by trade and he worked for local government. He would try and it was Lee gardens. Down in near London and. You go out for a walk with my father and they will say that such and such and even now at the age of 86 he will tell you that I mean Latin and I couldn't tell you the name of that have our own flower in English or Latin and his garden is absolute perfection even now heaven he's the man that should tell us what should be the botanicals for some you know didn't this well I'm sure he could I mean he's worked you know in the vineyard the divine house in wittily. And he brought a recent law school for the god magazine. Booklet about his time in the 1950 came out of the it was a call that national service started out in his gardening learning. Which was I think a 2 year period of time and how it's changed from then to now is really fascinating so you know I don't think you particular made the most disco didn't leave any qualifications went up so how did you how did you going to do a degree in the end you did I don't really think I joined a company called Johnson Murphy who are famous of precious metal so don't if you've heard of them. The biggest precious metal foreigner in the world platinum really implied and say just when I got a job done the right it wasn't too far from me it was in a town called Rushton here and in those days they used to rely on buses to actually bring you in to work. I mean chemistry in those days was something completely different 20th with the amount of mucking about we used to do you would not get away with today you would not believe and used to have so I start off what I thought of a place called the Electronic Materials division and this is where you made things like 59 pure 6 knowledge pure 799.999999 knowing percent pure arsenic or India or all the sort of and then you get used in business and industry that they're used in the what was a growing electronics industry in the day things like growing gallium arsenide crystals or. Silicon crystals and the day used to go in computers were still to go and computers they were moving towards gallium arsenide because partly gallium arsenide was resistant to electro magnetic attack or something or where a silicon wasn't so fascinating cutting edge stuff. We were doing supplying silicon dioxide sublime in arsenic means nothing to you so it's it's just a way of polishing something making it Pura from a less refined state to a more refined state and once you started you love it and then you when they did they released it did. Looking back I have really fond memories of it yes because those were some of the best days to work in British industry. There were still a lot of jobs in British industry should we say that in those sort of things which have been actually going. And I was working with things like gold and also meum and radium. Rhodium Palladium. Things like car catalyst were brand new at the time and that's what I was working on you know all those sources very exciting Well it was a very exciting well very cutting edge and I was pleased to be in it and i gave me the opportunity to go to a really so I did see chemistry and then I did a they released a release in chemistry degree what was then Hatfield Polytechnic and you ended up in this part about with the international flavors and fragrances just right there so I intially ended up an international 5 crevasses about a is. Where they had some massive vacuum stills. 20 ton vacuum still so. Many metres high many metres wide and they were doing distillations of or else for it went into things like washing powder to turn the fragrances that went into those so like. An artificial mask lacks a light was my eat it in I feel I went to uni lever and Procter and Gamble washing powders is like a fix to that this cancer is kind of it's a mist be a really interesting business because smell and taste the really important they are incredibly important I think people realise how much they use them on a daily basis. You know they use the smell of freshly ground coffee. A smell of a nice gin for instance of the usual Not usual taste. Of the mouthful of something so it's all that the senses you're using help you appreciate what you have when did you were counted you sort of get requests for all sorts of all things that you did there oh. Pretty much there were there were there were there were straight lines. We did things that a company I work for called sentient life so we did things like really boss t. . Ginger. What else have you come by how can we extract how many 5 is a real flavors and how many are created and Officer Well it's a very difficult one to answer I think I think there is more tendency now to go for real flavors there's a growing market for real flyovers. Everyone wants not real flavors I don't want anything to hand fictional. So you pay a premium for it and you get the quality if you want so in this type of store behave limited some at some point come from Mr Bray Well one of the things I'm looking for is trying to find you know store resupplies in Suffolk that you know could possibly get me strawberries from March to do. These thing on call how to get them to resupply I was surprised them so that yeah and I. Believe as well or believe. Yeah yes I thought I saw some sugar cane growing in Suffolk as well which I should go you know. Out over to Paris and maybe I'm wrong both or do you grow something that would be lovely engine if they get in touch I hope. So said and you were travelling well as you said says so but your job was then most got into sort of form coming in things was it round of the Yes Yeah I work for a company called El Coles limited and they were a major supplier and distributor of Blender of solvents. So they had a so I took in the west of West Midlands and West Birmingham and they had a site kind of north London in talking head office was in Bishop's Stortford so I was I had to go to all 3 on a weekly basis so it was a quite a lot of driving involved in that I mean they gave me a company car it was a great job. But it did involve a lot of travelling and it was a. And it was about filling in forms and. Getting the making sure the plant and the people acted safely and. There's a lot of responsibility and I thought well you know I think I want to get away from this now I've been in the business and a lot of years and I just thought it's time to you know work on my own hard got an m.b.a. I. Part time as well when I was working so I thought Let's utilize the skills if I can't do it now I'm never going to do it my wife was very supportive of Melanie she has full time this is she does she works for us on she's works for the Care Quality Commission so she's got a very responsible job itself. And she's hopefully working hard at the moment that she's listening to me really you welcome comes in with us. Yeah yeah they go they were that's out there a lot of them and they've made so what your ambitions and for the business what I do say I'd like to I'd like to grow I like to grow. So that I can utilize my skills more I'd like to have. A distillery with a visit dissent so people can come and see and touch and feel the things and see how gin is actually my all brandy or whiskey or whatever we go in decide to go which way we decide to go. People can enjoy it and taste the difference that different a tonic was can impart on a drink so that's the way I'd like to go I'd also like to get as many stuff of businesses involved possible. And out so we can work together to grow a business that's what I'm what I'm trying to do some haven I know recently from stuff that you were definitely. Yeah I mean I've lived here 30 years probably 2030 years. I love the area I love going walking in the area cycling in the area so each day brings something new you can go look at find now it's had sounds very exciting. Come back here in a couple of years and see how things are gang in the meantime So the Facebook page up. On cops some of the businesses you supply and which is you promise market so people can know with think I'm find it well I think the moment I'm doing I do tastings at the willow tree farm shop. I mean go my goods in them to me from the hips which. Fruit on Ipswich if I saw that yeah cash mushy smashing ones in Woodbridge. And Russell news in I'm trying to expand get people interested get people on board. You know trying to promote the like to try to. A much maligned local try to remind pinion but I do a great job. And that's what I'm trying to bring in Suffolk distilleries what to look out for and if you can spot the labels as you say you've got the crab and the wolf's head and then and then on the back of the label so you see through the bottle and you see sort of a double a though the other side then it's likely is that very distinctive So look at for those look at for this new flavor I want to know in your life is going to be the spring as a whole and if you've got any clever ideas then good Facebook and good luck to him I guess I would love to yes if anyone's going a good idea I'm always willing to listen I can thank you so much for coming in you've got one more going to get and you know. That we've talked about you know a lot today but none this past Ok Beryl Prosecco Well it's got to be better I'm a fright because I work with a company called brewery my and I'm going along well with them over the years I've moved. By stock margin but their beers all very very good so yes if you have got a child's You never get it because a very very good listen times gins in for 2nd come because they come to us they come to you yes and it's with a bit of experience that by the way I've had a text from someone who says he thought he saw it shook it came in Suffolk I think you saw Miscanthus now I have no idea your dad not my dad No I don't have a cure that a fund that would discount this is but you can look it up and you know I keep this place it yes I will do definitely good luck and if you look at my Facebook pages in the end get a link so you suffer the story is that what you looked up on Facebook. And we. Think. Oh please. Well I mean. It's. Clear. a minute city but right quickly Graham. I wouldn't have been able to resist at that link. Travel News presenting the knife now there are several Christmas trees around this building which is lovely the still up I had to go around I spent most of the day going around plucking the fairy lights back in. It's still the 12 Days of Chris I know we've still got ages the assembly is in our offices are tight my decorations that well admittedly I did do that yes did you really because we're out this weekend on 12th Night. Coming up on the program as we inform 7 details of a lovely event taking place in the County on Saturday for 12th night celebrating 12th Night something perhaps we don't do enough of in this country as a concert or give you details of that news why is the police need your help in getting to the bottom of the the body that's appearing was the road a man found their man in his fifty's found on New Year's Day by the side of the road and there's been another robbery at a church on the outskirts of Ipswich a safe which you believe full of prices documents and silverware has been taken so the police are looking for witnesses on a happier note good news for the regal in stock markets that the other had a very busy December which is good and even get this is going to blow the body's minds Lynn Mortimer's here even though it's a cheese day Lynn is out c.v. Preview are normally in on a Monday on a Friday but because it's been a funny weight she will be here today with her midweek t.v. Picks and lots of new series as night is saying that you know start starting so nice and yes it is those gray you miserable months where you sit down and get a good drummer on the telly and the reality shows not all of them have got celebrity in the title that most of them don't do we know the celebrity that's the question is about Graeme with you then in just a few minutes. From b.b.c. Radio Suffolk Barry. Thanks so much Leslie on the a 14 band broken down is partially blocking the road that says he had tours stock market junction 49 still looking for busy on the speed sensor is there nothing too bad I ran a valley road starting to build up a little bit Woodbridge road between grounds bread and Woodbridge that's in both directions a 12 North Bend just close to the grounds for a road to Woodbridge aides are looking a very very slow going that I'm going to build up both ways on that normal drive at Lowestoft just have a look at the speed sensors no problems if you're travelling on the. How many. People are moving on up to a welcome along to drive time yes drive time 28 the dolphin who sounded just as lovely as she did last year has made a difference and Leslie I did my best to try to make it a bank holiday here in Suffolk today as it is north of the border let me know for coming Scotland but I felt but nonetheless hypo still feeling Christmas a crime bomb up with until 7. Am. And freeview channels 72 hour. Leastways b.b.c. Radio. Festive feeling on the programmes and I don't explain more shortly after the latest b.b.c. Radio news authority.

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