It's 3 minutes past 10. In Darbyshire they thought age North bunged from Swannack to Al fret in that's being closed all following an accident in the area no on 2 overnight road works and 6 northbound in what it sure is closed from Junction to the m 69 to junction forward meets the m 42 just and calls him and that's in so early tomorrow morning the m 5 is also closed in both directions that's just between junctions 2 and one near to Birmingham that's the latest I'm calling Mason. Night night Graeme tarring 10 yes hello again from Graham here we are together then for a Monday night's getting very close now to the big days now tonight's. Did the head fall off the donkey did someone drop the baby mention the negativity flubs tonight's do you know any funny nativity play story as soon as Sharon tonight and then later the upper level guests who had the most impact on you in 2019 tonight the man who faced his demons for the mother of his newborn son stories music knife late night plane time to move on b.b.c. maybe cause me to look at the world differently as stories were not what you would usually hear on the radio most were deeply personal and for that reason they have a special on a stage and everyone was remarkable So this week and next I'm going to be looking back at some of those stories I've chosen just mine and I'm going to start tonight with Joe story and to be able to hear that just after 11 o'clock tonight on late night Graeme Torrington songs on the show this evening always coming up out of one this late is from Robbie. Also Daniel. News chief stay with the 1st round of the middle of some so this week featuring. Just a little tease a little taste then of some of the midnight love songs Tonight's and beyond of course here until 1 o'clock am great songs like that so stick around if you can right the way to 1 o'clock tonight but 1st the saving when hasn't a nativity play gone to plan want to see not going to plan a lovely story today about a little girl dressed as an angel giving everyone the middle finger during the. Whoa shock her but apparently she cut a finger and must try to show her mom in the audience place less. Beautiful story there really is so tonight I'm after tales of Nativity fails you have a story about when things really didn't go to plan was it something about. You've been involved in it. Involved did you see this. Story when. I can. Get a text. Message with. 101-2188 be seen. In. Just a. Bit. More. Than just. As well. As half and half. Step. Through. The way. C and a good. Place to pleasure you are. Subject to hear you Plan a few moments Tom Petty song from Kayne coming up to a few moments time as well do you know any of the Nativity play that wasn't quite expected is what people didn't quite expect. You know it's funny that almost all of us can remember the school nativity no matter how far back it was I remember mine. I was just the back with a tea towel in my head and it was a year or. Did you have a starring role. After your nativity fluffed nights do you. You or someone you know not actually follow the plan did the head full of the donkey did the innkeeper forget it and Mary and Joseph away if you got a funny metallurgy story again. Get involved you can email me g.t. B.b.c. Doco to check a few new text 8 want triple 3 star your message with g.t. You can also post on my show page on Facebook which is late now Graham Torrington gamest on that she said I gram I was an angel in the Nativity when I was 5 my halo was too big so kept slipping off my head and then I had the horror of my nickel lastic breaking so I was trying to hold my halo arm with one hand a minute with the other. Oh the shame says Gaynor. It trusting. In the play that wasn't quite simple people expected did involve you or someone else get involved right now. Text g t And your message to any one triple 3 it's a standard message right see all previously notice the b.b.c. Docs could educate sanction local radio privacy and. B.b.c. Henderson. Tom Petty Robbie Williams and keen to play a few. It's time as well so looking for those Nativity stories tonight maybe you were involved maybe as a member of your family or maybe just on a t.v. That you went along to and it didn't quite go according to plan yet you want to have a t. Fluffs too much can hope for taken. From a text 3 Start your message with g.t. Let's go to Newcastle and Karen Karen Well my grandparents were right then tell me your story then a very minute 70 that went not quite chording to clamp. Down on kale and she was. Uncertain that by an own thoughts play. Should play an angel of the Halo fall off. No. I would be. Very upset very quiet. And everybody. Is good and so he was like you know clock me and. Play if you got the ball over faith like Thank you Bobby all of you are. The life you Cameron single little daughter there on stage as an angel and falling off and her being so distraught how how were you feeling as her mom. I mean. I mean obviously I'm not. Able to go. With a little I wish a little hot fluttering there when your daughter was on stage. Oh that's probably in Karen thank you Roger Dave for sharing that is exactly what I'm looking for some nights when hasn't a school nativity play gone quite to plan get involved now you can email me g.t. Baby. In a text. Message with j.t. Graham. $801.00 c $188.00 a.b.c. Radio stand. Lol. Lol. . Is Christmas songs. Robbie Williams to plan a few moments time and some Tom Petty coming up very soon as well. You know there's nothing better in the world this time of the heading for Christmas to see children's reactions say this because on Friday I went shopping to my local supermarket and as I walked in I could hear children singing Christmas carols. As I walked around the supermarket I could hear them just singing there and it's turned out to be one of the local primary schools when I finally worked my way around to finding out where they were and it was sure some match really was seeing that primary school scene Christmas carols and also when you see young children with their I just listen to their when they see Father Christmas is just so magical isn't it but that kind of took me back to school and nativity place yet I was the need to play nothing special didn't have a starring role no nothing like just you know there at the back with a t. Tell my head watching everybody else perform but maybe you've been in a nativity and didn't quite go to plan maybe it was you maybe or somebody else or maybe it was a memory or family of you sat there as a parent or grandparents watching your chart or a grandchild maybe. Just get it totally wrong there as well where the floods of tears or maybe something falling off year tell falling off the donkey some elements . Share their story now I'm looking for your the tell the Nativity fluffs tonight get involved you can e-mail me g. To b.b.c. Doco to cave in to text a 23 Start your message with the treaty Ethan said a my school nativity went wrong when I was one of the wise men and by friend tripped up and landed on his head. Dear. C'mon a your parent or a grandparent or maybe it's yourself you remember many years ago you being in the Nativity and something went not quite as it should have done but that's what we love it is it is that's what makes it is that when it's not quite right share that story now you can email me b.b.c. Doc how to carry from a text 803 star your message with g.t. Graham St Police now the last time we played this was last Wednesday because I wasn't here on Thursday because the general election so we've waited a long time but we've arrived at night 5 and this needs to go please this week who's this. Who is that. C'mon you need to work a little bit harder please Who is it you think. Any ideas. Ok I'll tell you it's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far are Britney Spears Melanie Griffith Paris Hilton Kim Cattrall Jane Fonda and being with Tao Madonna Elizabeth Taylor Pam Anderson they're all wrong so who is it. Any ideas at all please think Ok this is the final week of the year the mystery voice I am here next week but we are finishing the mystery voice on the 1st day of this week so it has to go by Thursday if you don't start getting. 20 minutes to get through the only way I can take an answer is on the phone do not text and do not post on the show page on Facebook but you can call. The 1st thing called us through there. Which gives others a chance to get. To go this way plays. Right the way through and. Through this week. I've got shows on Christmas Eve Christmas Day and Boxing Day night as well so I'll be with you right the way through Christmas hopefully you'll be spending a little time with me throughout Christmas as well looking forward to that so do you know any and that's how to play that wasn't quite what people expected. Your Nativity fluff stories tonight go on with all being there we've all witnessed this story in a can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. From the text a 23 Start your message with g.t.a. You can also post on my show page on Facebook which is late night Graeme Torrington High gram when my daughter was 5 she was Mary in the school nativity her much loved doll Jane taking the part of baby Jesus unfortunately Joseph Cortis rode in the manger and set the whole thing flying off the stage into the audience with a tremendous clatter the baby stroller etc flying literally everywhere everyone guessed but laughed as well my daughter calmly got up stepped off the stage picked up the baby and the crypt gave Joseph a withering look. And put it all back in place and sat calmly back down again without turning a hair it was so funny and although this happened years ago it still makes me smile when I think about it best wishes from which or. Where you see we love it when he goes wrong that we that's the that's the real magic of the Nativity isn't it because I think most of us know the story that way we do know the story Oh yes but it's the the added bits that when he goes wrong. You know if you're a parent and a grandparent and you've been to the Nativity you're there with a tear in your eye yes. But maybe when it's gone wrong you've got a bit of a wry smile on the face as well share those stories now I'd love to hear from you I get involved you could e-mail me. From a text. Message with a cold grey and now only 801-2188 b.b.c. Radio Stoke. The ones. Who matter. The ones in your head. I don't. Robbie Williams time to change his Christmas song for the share online. You know it's riots 2019 we've had around 200 of the most extraordinary people that have told me their story as is my after guests the stories of not only move me that made me laugh or maybe cause me to look at the world a little bit differently their stories where. You. Usually here on the radio I know that because most people or contractors after was you know never really heard in the Mylapore on the radio most where deeply personal for that reason they have a special honesty and every one of them was remarkable So this week and next week in my final 2 weeks of the year only now Graham Torrington I want to look back at some of those stories I've chosen 9 in total and I'm going to start tonight with Joe story playing that back after 11 o'clock tonight as please do not miss that William Gray in the street police Ok we've waited since last Wednesday because the general election was to hear on Thursday so it's been a long break but we're back with it tonight on Newsnight 5 still this one who's the better tell who is there anything better to have any ideas. Right I mean it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Britney Spears Melanie Griffith Paris Hilton Kim Cattrall Jane Fonda and McDowell Madonna Elizabeth Taylor Pamela Anderson they're all wrong so who is there anything any ideas. Ok this is the last week of the year that we're going to be doing the mystery voice is going to finish on Thursday although I am here next week we're not going to be in the midst of always next week so it needs to go by Thursday and you know me I don't like giving you a clue so you need to start working a little bit harder please come on. If you know this is a get involved right now. Ok playing out the news that no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 the only way to take an answer is on the phone to not text and email do not post on the show page but you can call when you call we're going to the 1st 10 Call us with her from a mini can only be on the show once a week which gives others a chance to get through you have 70 minutes 70 minutes to get through so on the phone please who is this better tell. Graham now only 801218018. Will you staying. When hasn't a school nativity play gone to plan a lovely story about a little girl dressed as an angel giving everyone the middle finger during a scorner 70 apparently she cut her finger and was trying to show her mom in the audience what happened less imaginary less can you imagine the look on other parents' faces so tonight I'm after your tales of Nativity files about when things didn't quite go to plan get involved now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco to educate from a text 803 Start your message with g.t. Love this is coming from a carol in Clay who says no the bottom dropped off the donkey and off the stage actually as well it was in the 1970 s. When I was the back end of a donkey among my shoes are far too big for me I needed a newish black bear some mom made me wear my big sisters which wear 3 sizes too big for me I couldn't steer in the shoes and went clumping off the stage the head of the donkey looked shocked still standing on stage wondering where his backside disappeared. We're all smaller that would annoy here so I'm looking for your let's have a t. Fails to get involved. School. From the text a 23 Start your message with g.t. Gary Moore Hampton said little lad was Joseph in his corner to see when he was around 5 or 6 he arrives at the him with Mary and the innkeeper let them in instead if turning them away instead of turning while my lad looked around pushed the innkeeper and told him he was naughty and burst into tears because he didn't want to know what to do next. I'm wondering Gary what your reaction was. Killed there was a late night glance meantime the b.b.c. Radio struggling. Mister Mister Broken Wing. The Love middle district me very say we're trying to squeeze in some Michael Field before we get to the news as well thank you very much indeed for sharing your stories nights where ever I throw you never let me down Thank you very much a day for all the stories that come into nights talking about those Nativity fails it's that real moments when you've got tear in your eye that maybe a little bit of a smirk on your face as well when things maybe quite go according to plan at the school nativity or the church that have it or if your parents or grandparents you know exactly what I mean this is coming it says my friend Vanessa was a shepherd and suddenly shouted out Mom I want to go to. A mom gave her away as to say in a minute it's all right but Vanessa shouted back but Mommy I want to go. Out. News 11 I'm wrong doesn't Boris Johnson has thanked the fresh intake of Conservative M.P.'s for what he's called their incredible achievement more than 100 arrived in Westminster earlier for the 1st time following last week's election Downing Street has also confirmed that one of their 1st jobs for them will be to vote on Boris Johnson's breaks it deal which is likely to happen on Friday as the B.B.C.'s Jessica Parker explains their king to get down to business what Downing Street and what Boris Johnson are trying to do is get a bit of momentum going to show that they are getting on with the business of getting on with Bracks it as they would push it and of course they've got lots of the new Conservative M.P.'s are also keen to get on board with that program as well the prime minister has also made several government appointments making Morgan who stood down as an m.p. Has been appointed a life peer and will remain as culture secretary Simon Hart has been named Welsh Secretary hundreds of former sub postmasters accused of stealing money from the Post Office of one another significant victory in their fight to clear their names a High Court judge has ruled that the computer system they had to use contained bugs and defects that could have caused shortfalls in branch accounts the B.B.C.'s Nick Wallace has more still a long journey for the 35 criminalise of postmasters telephone went to present his case as a with the Criminal Cases Review Commission but one would hope now given what the post office has accepted and given what the judge decided today they will look again at those prosecutions themselves and offer up any evidence to the c c r c as they are obliged to do police are investigating the theft of jewelry from the home of tomorrow Ecclestone the eldest daughter of the former Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone officers haven't confirmed newspaper reports that the hole is worth 50000000 pounds but say it's of high value no arrests have been made former senior detective at the Met police to a Gibson says the robbery must have been very well planned not at this particular area in Kensington it's absolutely rammed with security so not only have you got the house curity you don't say she's a camera as you know.