Thomas Cook lead to thousands of job losses the energy firm Toto has gone bust to supply power to over $130000.00 people but the regulator off Jim says they won't because off and outstanding credit balances will be protected the B.B.C.'s Kevin Peachey has more We've had 16 small energy firms go bust since that start of last year and so today which is say Had $134000.00 as thou saidst trading it did also 04000000 pounds in its green energy obligations with a deadline looming the filters on Instagram which make users look like they've had cosmetic surgery like lip fillers or face lifts are being dropped the social media platform says it's because of concerns they home people's mental health b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. 1 weenies coolest on me in party face paint and at the moment on the anxious slip through g 2 Brookins and Biko at Junction if they deem over traffic leaks to be coping a well near anyone to be in one noisy family enclosed in the exit slip accident at Junction 18 a 3 cheers rugby and a 50 year waste by money in currently closed again accident from Junction street junction for adverting new rule which once elitists I know Clark Josh. The late night Graeme Torrington get a we are together them for a Wednesday night and tonight do you remember when you finally had your own bedroom as a child exciting and lighter My guest is Shannon you have trouble with self-esteem as a child this resulted from an anonymous as a teenager I was after 11 stories music night night night Graeme Tointon on b.b.c. Radio stand. For hours right songs to get through between now 1 o'clock tonight let's kick it off. Alex. Cohen. The studio. You had. This resulted in as a teenager now in her twenty's she's found the strength to turn her life around and wants to help other people living with a state that. Well we were going to go in the dark a bit of Rob. Coming up tonight ahead of our 1 o'clock and of course don't forget as we get. Going into Thursday with the next round of the midnight love songs but 1st tonight's Do you remember when you finally had your own bedroom as a child if you grew up in a family. Share was the fun when you're able to have your room after years of sharing how exciting was that remember that was a life year of 5 and 14 launched the throw. But I'd love to tell your story of sharing and finally getting a room to yourself do you remember when you finally had your own bedroom growing up and get involved right now. Show Mendez and us seƱorita Camilla can bio's got a new song out with Ed Sheeran I'll be playing live for you next week on the program and looking forward to that so yeah guaranteed the scripts coming up in a few moments time played out for you also got some a razor and some Carly coming up in a few moments time as well so do you remember when you finally had your own bedroom growing up is the if you grew up in a family where you had to share there was finally a day maybe when you were able to have your own room after years of sharing. Can you remember that excitement what was alive here so as I mentioned I'm one of 5 children and so forth in light of the threat you say so. A 2nd from youngest and obviously there were 7 of us at $1.00 of us living in a 3 bedroom house Ok semi-detached house Ok so 2 main bedrooms and a box room so for many years as a charge I shared the box room with my outer brother bunk beds Yeah it was good you know when you're you know when you're a child bunk beds a phone all day but as you get a bit older you can think out of this bunk bed a lark you know but obviously as you know brothers and sisters got older moved dad's adventure like Eventually I did have the box room to myself with a single bed but them home their excitement of having the big bedroom to myself. Not only that I was allowed to choose the wallpaper in their. Death to pay for it no parents paid for it but you know I could choose how I was going to decorate it. Aha the fun of it oh yeah so let me take you back to those days for you. When you were charged maybe there was you know quite a few siblings around and eventually you had your own bedroom when you cup holder what was I like share that story right now. Text g t And your message to any one chip or 3 it's a standard message right c r pretty c notice the bbc dot couldn't you came slash an uncool radio prefacing. B.b.c. Radio Stoke. It's a. Funny guy on the radio the script and the last time online our grandparents in coming soon got some a ration some Carly and some Rod Stewart on the way very soon as well so then let's talk about your formative years growing up at home before you have to and maybe siblings Rand brothers and sisters and maybe lived in quite a small haps. Where you had to share a bedroom with someone brother sister could be new parents as well you know sometimes you know that shared bedroom with the parents as well but do you remember the day when maybe you got your own room you felt really grown up because you had your own room and. I remember it well. I choose the decoration in there as well. This coming from Sarah who said yes I was 12 my sister got married and I can. Remember the absolute joy of my own space my parents had no money at all but Mum was really proud to get me a new bed from someone in the village that they were getting rid of the bed obviously as I was sleeping on my dad's bed from when he was a boy out of the times of change says Sarah. Can you remember having your own room for the 1st time. In a text. Message with. Graham. 801 c 18080 a.b.c. Radio station. Let's Savannah. Is in the dark have a celebration album out of the moment and they've got a brand new song out it's called playing that for you very very soon. And Kylie coming up in a few moments to Graeme Torrington. About then. Someone who was. Quite cramped conditions shall we say you know years ago families tended to be a little bit bigger than they are now you know there was a few siblings around not so much these days but they. Can actually happen today as well but do you remember having to share a bedroom with brother or sister when you're growing up and them. Them. They left home and you could have your bedroom to yourself How exciting was that all maybe never had a bedroom of her maybe always at share. But what was it like having your own bedroom your own space for the 1st time not having to share nothing to answer to anyone. Just dumping your clothes where you fell I dumped them and she decorating it the way you wanted to as well such an exciting time of your lives and having your own room in your own space so do you remember funny get your own bedroom when you're growing up get involved now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doc over to cave in a text 803 Start your message with the g.t. You can also post my show page on Facebook which is late now Graham Torrington Helen stone that should say good evening Graham all I finally got a bedroom to myself at the age of 14 wow finally grown up at the age of 14 this is where my sister left home to. Live somewhere else and work away piece descended on the household a better times from then on. Ok are you telling me that your sister caused havoc but when she went pace the age of 14 have your own room how good was there so do you remember finally getting your own room where you growing up get involved now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco to cave in a text 803 Start your message with a g.t. . Street police went to double figures tonight night 10 still haven't got it or you say yeah. You say Yeah now it's really start to drive us mad needs to go placed my who is really you say yes. And the idea do you say yeah quite a few people say are new or not one who was. But and until my 10 is that you're going to finally phone me tonight 10 do you say you know. Misery who is or do you say Yeah Ok I'll tell you it's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far this is a long list now Ok they brought Graham wrong guesses Jerry Horner test Suzi Quatro Lisa Goddard Gwen Taylor super Jodie Kidd Lulu Katie works Holly Willoughby Felicity Kendal Kathy Burke Victoria Carr Mitchell research Simon's Anika rice for Tori award Claudia Winkleman Lisa Tarbuck Zoe Ball or Fearne Cotton Susan Strunk's Kirstie Allsopp Mel gal Roche and we can joke or feel for Benjamin Emma Willis pink Wendy Craik and Robinson Emma Bunton Dawn French class Geri Halliwell superhot Livia Coleman Denise Van Outen Emma Thompson Sharon Osborne and writer Richardson Jade Goody Sarah Cox Toya Wilcox Jo Whiley Mel b. Kim Wilde Jennifer Aniston Gwyneth Paltrow Edwina Currie Janet Street Porter Jenny Eclair Julie Walters Cheryl wherever us and I miss these days Ruby Wax job around Jenna Ellis Catherine Zeta Jones journal make highly Glenda Jackson 5 Ripley are all wrong so who is it do you say yes. Place I was going to do you say Yeah Ok play afternoon no prizes just for fun need to get your answer by 11 the only way to get answers on the final text and email do not post the Facebook page you can call when you called 1st tank or throw a different name and you can only appear on the show once per week which gives others a chance to get through 20 minutes to get through. On the phone please please who's there you say yeah. When Tom told one to 88 he b.b.c. Radio Stoke. Me Kylie get you out of my head. Trying to and so Rod Stewart on the way the latest song from Orchestral Maneuvers in the dark it's called Don't go that's coming up also some Diana Ross the Supreme's to play very soon as well do you ever have those moments in your life where you can't explain things. Several things have happened was that her tonight that I just can't explain go to to the details but it's the studio that I'm working into that it's got a mind of its own seems to want to do all sorts of things without me actually but I mean to practice anyway I digress so then here until 1 o'clock tonight and I'm not here tomorrow at the shows here tomorrow but I'm not here tomorrow I've got an extended a weekend this weekend so Gergen is going to be here looking after you tomorrow night but all the usual bit space is going to look after you tomorrow night and then I'll be back on Sunday for Sunday love songs don't forget this weekend you need to change your clocks the end of British Summer Time which means Saturday night into Sunday when you go to bed on Saturday night put your clocks back one hour which means when you get up on Sunday it'll be lighter an hour earlier but it'll be darker earlier in the afternoon that's not nice but it's. Entering talks go back this weekend so roll in the next 6 months please so tonight do you remember when you finally had on your own bedroom to yourself maybe you'd have to share for many many years and eventually. You had your own room because somebody left home Wow moving into that big room your own space nobody else was allowed in there but you write fairly Was there really really good feeling Chez story now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco Dr k. From the text 81 triple 3 star your message with g.t. Now I have to say I don't believe this 100 percent but I really attach to anyway because it but interesting reading it says this or Matthew by the way says I shared a room with my brother and Tilly joined the Army at 17 I was 14 and we lived in the countryside I'd always kept ferrets and had to keep them outside but as soon as my brother left I got rid of his bed and move them straight in it meant I could teach them how to hunt rabbits in the war without them scraping my collection and ferrets grew and now I have a whole house to myself with 42 ferrets However I can only fit 6 in my trouser legs at one time. If that's all just right even not. My mom was the eldest of 7 saying so you can imagine that conundrum I was Granny reared slept 4 to a bed when I went back to my home still had to share with my sister even though we had 3 bedrooms. She was frightened of sleeping on a run until she was nearly 6 years old the joy when she got married that big bet all to myself haven't said Chris yet have an absolute heaven so you remember your own bedroom your own space for the 1st time how excited are you getting. How you can email me g t r b d c don't kowtow to cave in a text. Message with g.t.a. I can also check out my show page on Facebook and leave a message that my show page on Facebook is a. Late $101.00 to $1.00 team. Surat sheered see you are well on the line from torrential songs by very soon Danny sung from a testament of us in the dark arts and Duran Duran and some Don Ross the supreme supply very soon as well that my guest tonight is Shannon who had trouble with self-esteem as the result of his illness as a teenager now in her twenty's she's found the strength to turn her life around and wants to help other young people who are living with esteem issues don't miss that after 11 o'clock tonight will. Be St Felice night 10 yet double figures still less do you say yes here is it do you say yes any ideas you say yes be really nice if you and I when I do you say yes put us out of a mess replace if you know this is let me know do you say Yes Ok I'll tell you it's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far you lead to listen to these Ok because it's no good me read them all out then you phoning up I'm saying and I'm this on this list all about Samo more so they say the wrong guesses them and Jerry hona test and Suzi Quatro Lisa God when Taylor super Jodie Kidd Lulu Katy wakes Holly Willoughby Felicity Kendal and Kathy Victoria Carr and Mitchell reach assignments Anika Reiss Victoria Wood Claudia Winkleman Allie Starbuck Zoe boffo uncommon Susan strengths Kirstie Allsopp Mel Gale Roy church and where to come Joe Cole Field Flo Elop. In Gym Emma Willis pink Wendy Craik and Robinson Emma Bunton Dawn French class Geri Halliwell Sue Palatka Livia Coleman Denise Van Outen Emma Thompson Sharon Osborne Anna rider Richardson Jade Goody Sarah Cox tow Wilcox Jo Whiley Mel b. Kim Wilde Jennifer Aniston Gwyneth Paltrow it Weena Curry Janet Street Porter Jenny Claire Julie waters Cheryl Robbie Rex Jo Brand Janice Alice Catherine Zeta Jones Joanna Lumley Kylie Glenda Jackson 5 Ripley are all wrong so who is it do you say yes. Any ideas you say yeah come on it's trouble it's math and needs to get replaced and I do you say yeah you do you know it is you you say Yeah Ok playing after years that I have no prizes just for fun and to get your answer in by 11 you've got exactly 50 minutes to get through the only way that's the only way I can take an answer is on the phone do not text or not email or do not post the Facebook page we can call when you know we're going to the 1st thing call is through the different name an economy here on the show once a week which gives others a chance to get through on the phone please. Who's they do you say yes. Only 801218018. Will you stay in. Your memories of growing up and having your own room for the very 1st time maybe you brothers and sisters arrive and you have to share many years ago but maybe they left home and suddenly you had a room to yourself what age were you when you had a room to yourself and how good it failed. Where you will out to have friends into your bedroom maybe the opposite sex or the same sex we was that happening. Now you can email me. Or trick a got a text a 23 Start your message with the g.t. . Family lived in a small terraced house and I shared a bedroom with my brothers I always got on with the old people who lived next door so I moved into the spare room of theirs complete with Candlewick bedspread and only because under. True neighbors Wow says Brian the Candlewick bread spreads the still of those I'm sure somebody got one somewhere so he's probably actually in the bed listening to this right now with the Candlewick but spread on the. Interesting I want to hear from you remember getting your own room for the 1st time. Orchestral nerves in the dark are celebrating 40 years in the business they've got a greatest hits album called souvenir their own 2 as well later on this year 21 dates across the u.k. This is a single They're from the new album This is don't go. Look at the month in the u.k. And later on this year quest when I was in the dark 40 years in the business souvenir album is our run out that's the current song from the album Don't go. On the way you got some Duran Duran coming up in a few moments time as well I do remember you funny having your own room as a child when subtly you could have the room because maybe you've been sharing for a wall or it's someone else brother or sister might be parents as well you know. If you've a small house maybe you know and there's lots of siblings there might be. To share with a moment to call and you know and I made sure it so get involved now g.t. I had a bedroom to myself at the age of 56 whilst growing up I shared with my younger sister I left home 1st when I got married my husband passed away when I was 56 so this was the 1st time I had the bedroom to call my own and still is my is my room at the age of 74 and I wouldn't give it up for anyone except my dog says and in Bell where Tracey said I'm 26 and I still share a room with my older sister there have been times when I've had the room to myself and vice versa but when I was younger it was weird and a bit too quiet but now I love it as I can leave things on the bed instead of putting them away for a couple. Oh yes you can do that though and you. Can make a mess in there because nobody is going to make a comment. On. When the going gets tough the. Little after that was no. Inherent want to plot night 12 going into Thursday with the next round of the Minot love song us a nice easy way to go into a brand new day half an hour of beautiful music from 12 to 1230 yet love songs on the way to nights at midnight. Your thoughts tonight on sharing a bedroom and then having your own room to remember that growing up maybe the brothers and sisters I would share room and then finally getting your room exciting was that Claire said yep I was 60 when I got my own bedroom when we moved from a 2 bedroom house to a 3 bedroom house love my own space after always having to share with my young assists Thanks that's good news for Duran Duran. C.b.c. News at 11 I'm wrong dose and police are trying to identify 39 people who died in a refrigerated lorry discovered on an industrial estate in grays in Essex it's thought the trailer arrived via ferry from subprogram Belgium into Purfleet on the River Thames the driver a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland has been arrested Benny Gravatt a former police superintendent says it will be difficult to find out details about the victims so I will not have documents on them so we're going to start having to look at clothing label was where the clothing comes from or any other small items of property that they have brought with them that could help identify Firstly the source country and then then the investigation really starts it's a bit as I as a former Afghan refugee who came to the u.k. In the back of a lorry himself 20 years ago he's now chief executive of the Scottish Refugee Council you don't have any of that dignity and safety in the back of a lorry there's no water that's shouted anything can change anything at all of the back story crash that war and there are equally other accidents of all sorts yes mount up in other news Boris Johnson has told e.u. Leaders there should be no further delay to practice it even though his plans to fast track his Dale into law have been rejected by M.P.'s number 10 expects the European Union to offer an extension until the end of January which the prime minister would be legally obliged to accept Mr Johnson has previously said he'd rather die in a ditch than to labor exit beyond Halloween his the Tory m.p. Hugh Merriman said he would be. Reincarnated for is ditch by the end of October then they will be able to say that had it not been of Apollo we did just that in which case he would have had to die so needlessly but he is the master of the pivot I'm sure he will find a way of explaining that we don't leave by the table but we have done have it out here in the public for straights and therefore we have to struggle and is right meanwhile e.u. Ambassadors have met in Brussels to consider the U.K.'s request for a break that extension but they've said they won't make a decision until Friday at the earliest a deal to save British Steel is in danger of collapsing after a Turkish company named as the preferred bidder failed to reach an agreement to buy it some 5000 jobs are directly at risk with another 20000 in the supply chain around a quarter of students from ethnic minorities have experienced racial harassment at university according to a watchdog the Equality and Human Rights Commission says institutions are reluctant to face up to the scale of the issue for fear of damaging their reputation universities u.k. Says the report is shocking and it will seek expert advice on how to tackle it the chief executive off a spoke has appeared at the u.s. Congress to defend plans for a new cryptocurrency Mark Zuckerberg says labor is designed to be a global payment system rather than a currency b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11. Be for for you one pair sure would in Pulteney close tonight Chichen ongoing accident and what fridge it would have been on the m one scythe Angel leans fully reopen the air after an inner layer axed him from junctions 23 easy to train to feel he hated for a laugh and he'd eat their teeth in North Bay and they would close to him near his he repeaters between the Branson and change and equally mills with a diversion in place for old traffic beer the latest an ache when I can talk. Late night Graeme time. Talking to Shannon who had troubles with self-esteem as a child this resulted in us as a teenager full story. For the mystery voice. Plain to. Be seen Brady and stone.

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