Mrs May's agreement remains the only way forward some prominent critics including the former foreign secretary Boris Johnson have now said they'll back the deal following Mrs May's offer to step down but monk Francoise from the group of banks it supporting conservatives isn't one of them the withdrawal agreement means that we do not leave the European Union it's worse than that The Telegraph went through all 585 pages and called it a surrender document I will never go to the lobby of the House of Commons and surrender my country to anybody and with respect to that bit of that don't you understand. A grand fell survivors group is described as alarming and hugely upsetting a study which says desperation the fire has polluted the surrounding area substances which can cause cancer and breathing problems were discovered in soil samples the government says it's taking the findings extremely seriously. Police say that they are taking action in Bly bridge after isolated in slip incidents of violence and hate crime in the last 5 days as of yesterday afternoon as a 48 hour dispersal order in place that covers much of the town and allows officers to move people on if they refuse they're liable to arrest the competition watchdog has launched an in-depth investigation into the cost of funerals the competition a markets authority said it may order the industry to make changes Dominic O'Connell reports the average funeral costs just over $4000.00 pounds a price that has risen rapidly the competition and markets Authority says it's gone up by 6 percent a year for the last 14 years families are paying for funerals when they're in a vulnerable position the watchdog says which appears to have made it easier for some funeral directors to charge high prices it also says some funeral directors are reluctant to give a breakdown of their charges and that the small number of criminal Toria makes it hard for new players to break into the market. Mother of a girl from South Cheshire who died last year has told B.B.C. Radio Stoke own amends have been stolen from her grave Grace Morris who was 11 and from Nantwich has had cystic fibrosis and died from an infection that he would fail since the incident at Nantes which Sara symmetry has been reported to the police Jessie East Council says sorry to hear of the theft but thankfully these incidents are rare. Where the drive today with plenty of sunshine feeling warm this afternoon with light winds and a high of 49 degrees. In D.C. Radio Stoke travelled. By the still one lane closed on the A 50 eastbound and very slow traffic 2 to Deborah on the road after next and last from the block bridge roundabout in the U. Talks the direction in which distant and bank avenues closed in both directions between Valley Road and college failed due to that automatic and around them Newcastle Street has partially blocked it's very slow traffic due to an accident on NE Portland clear up today to skimming up to 4 minutes past 11 thanks very much tell. Me Stana B.B.C. Radio show. Live life. But we heard from Janet and Mike just in the last hour talking about Janet's missed mammograms and the consequences do pretty serious consequences for her and we are as I say will be following her story with her diagnosis of breast cancer but we're going to be speaking to a breast cancer specialist a well a nurse who actually conducts least tests at the mammogram tests just to talk you through it so you know in case in any doubt where the state of the science is up the moment what the text is like at the moment maybe you've missed a test or maybe you've never been for long. And also I've been asking you about breaks it really what you think will happen next and then when your opinion will do all that tomorrow because we are going to live to an hour breaks it on the official day that we should have been. Originally leaving the the country the 29th of March we're going to be down in Crown bank. In hand lane. Central which of course when they came up was described by much of the media as the capital of the U.K. Not quite true Actually there were some city places but not many. That we will be there right in the middle of Hanley and if you want to come on the bus and talk to us about your opinions your views then please do but some are OK today I'm just asking for a bit of fortunetelling because even the professional pundits are struggling with where we're at now in this decision vacuum in Parliament. What happens with BRICS it is currently anybody's guess so why not have a guest she sells our 801 C 180 I'd say cool 0801 C one a C. a Change takes a one channel strain and start your message with the woodstove to get in touch on social media B.B.C. Radio Star. It was like a good. Christmas. But for. His taking calls they should give me some chocolate. The very more. So am I. You can have it too thin. To worry. OK So we have this is a qualifier for top of the parts they why can't or what can't drive a 71 year old Joe Cameron feel if you don't know the answer this by the way make sure you listen to Stu George's afternoon from 3 because he's going to be talking to she's a medical oddity genetically unusual as a quirk in a genetic in her in her D.N.A. . So that's a question what can't 71 year old Joe Cameron feel or 80121880 if you know we're going to hear from in a moment Jessica Mulroy Johnson she's a cancer nurse at Royal Stoke and she told me bit by bit stage by stage what happens at the moment I'm just in case anybody who feels fear any women who think it is not for them. Just as it is for you it's for everyone. Speak to Joan festival there in Stockton broke Hello John. Perry did you hear Janet's And Jonathan Mike's interview earlier. And I felt so sorry for above that I always went to my mammogram but when I was safe days I thought nothing's wrong nothing wrong with tall they call me by and I found I had got breast cancer I was very small it was treated in the hospital they were fantastic the surgeon hospital everything and I'm still here 25 years on brilliant in June and I just want to lie in no oh yes people worry don't worry of course you will take caution today or should you past everybody I speak to I pass on the good with my surgeon's side pass it on pass it on the chin you're fine after and I've had 25 years still feel fine and I'm 76 this time it is now used to be a certain death sentence didn't account for I don't know when he said that Russell I mean I thought young grandchildren are so much 1st think oh never going to see them grow up yeah when one's 36 they're style ones that you fall yeah that well grown I mean yeah yeah She of course she's going to worry. But my job she always says when anybody says get our speak to me Mommy mumble chokecherry you know this is what you say and the radiotherapy I didn't need came a sorry for Should I had radiotherapy and like the lady said before it's nothing edge just it's just like having an X. Ray to me and in that body's it's like it's a challenge you know to try not to worry. And these people 30 years even a friend of mine had cancer breast cancer 34 years ago. You know when treatment is so much better no Jona really appreciate the call thanks a lot thank you if I can help that's been a help to us I'm pretty sure it has yes yes we're going to keep listening to N.P.R. Speaking to Janet and Mike as well so you've followers will follow their story and I mean like you say if she wants you to get in touch with May I be quite willing to talk to and stay behind and stay on the phone speak to Ross or Miranda and leave you details with them and then if John is going to say yes right here we can do that yes you never know she may well call you John thank you very much and take care thank you but I think you know that's Joan in Stockton Brooke. So if you had that Janet's that was a very sincere offer from Joan She'll speak to person in the phone if if you think it will help you. It's good to speak to people who've been through what you're going through quite often I find Now I spoke also to Jessica Marie Johnson she's a cancer NASA royal stroke and she told me what's involved with a mammogram to kill the compression machine they were laser will go into her battle report on a swap plate and then another plate will come down and it will be compressed. Size they don't manually all automatically and then the radiographer it will get compression and we tried to close close in as flat as possible in order to get a clear image on the mammogram and the image on the on the mammogram is done by 2 film waited 2 separate film readers who will assess the images and sort of look for any abnormalities they can say he. She said her reluctance to go for mammograms is because of discomfort initially she says but she says that using the new plastic equipment she says is not painful a lot more comfortable. The problem is obviously some ladies do find it painful for ladies find it completely pain free so it obviously does depend on the lady herself younger lady will find it probably more uncomfortable because they have done the breast tissue that tissue was told to start to turn into fatty tissue which is a bit more sort of easy to compress than the dance of tissue so it could be that when she was younger she went a few years ago and she still had that younger than tissue tissue is and maybe most sensitive to the compression How important is it not to miss a scam. So with the breast screening us who say our aim is to diagnose something before you find any signs and symptoms yourself so we're looking for tiny tiny minute changes in the breast tissue there's a recent statistical information that's come out that if you have a grade one breast cancer which is in an early come you will have a 99.9 percent chance of survival at 5 years and obviously that treatment is well the treatment options are more improved without early detection and less invasive treatment so that that's the main reason why we tell ladies to come along for the screening and not to miss. And I guess the message is still important to your own mom you check absolutely yes we always advise I did because obviously with the grass screening every 3 years so we always advise ladies to check her bra the moment. We call ladies from you know very young age to get into the routine of getting to know what the movie a getting to know what signs and symptoms to look out for because lots of ladies think it's just a moment but it's not there's a number of different signs or symptoms or there's the skin touch to it can be sort of dimpling go around here on the skin maybe a rash or hot to touch on the again the appearance of the nipple direction if it does make those sort of pointing in which that can be a concern as it was any discharge from the May Oh again that can be a concern and any rational costing from the North Pole as well so we would always tell ladies may get to know what's normal to you get to know where those symbol to all the to normal for you so that you aren't aware of any abnormalities by them are arrived. It think I'm right in saying Yes Chris the most common cancer in women is that right it is yes it is it's my calling get cancer a women. About approximately one in 8 lady they've aged 50 will get back within the lifetime so it is it is a very prevalent disease little swelling Gatton Fortunately. For one I'm quite surprised it's only one every 3 years these tests. Yes So they are this is the reason for that is obviously the. The radiation you know we don't want to waver expose ladies to the radiation because it is. The radiation that we are giving. And the so the thought is that you know it hopefully if we find something that's quite small it's not going to grow particularly aggressive way but that's why we do also tell a teaching age make sure that they're aware of this are important to check as well OK And why also it's Janet was at pains to insist that you mustn't missing the point because if you do then it's 6 years ago it is YES YES THEN IT section obviously if you missed appointments. If we're not told about you know a pending appointment as well that's a missed appointment that could go to school somebody else want to come for the cleaning there even if you know it is it is a lady's choice whether she can go not we would always advise that she goes with if she doesn't want to come for any reason we are always saying give us a call last week know the call come along obviously that phrase the appointment to someone else that will come along and how long is this going for in your life is it through your mind so it ladies are invited from 50 to 70 wall over the age of 71 we always advise ladies to give us a call Kristofferson read on Fortunately they're not automatically invited the moment we do tolerate is over the age of 70 want to give us a call every 3 years to self-assertion for an appointment. Also taking part in the extension trial as well which is cleaning ladies from $47.00 to $49.00 but that is a randomised trials to some G.P. Practices will be inviting the younger ladies from G.P. Practices and that's just sort of look at vigil as it were on the busy screening program do you. Many false positives chance that something will show up and then there might be a scary moment of a scary few weeks for the woman. But only at least so. There are around. $100.00 lady rules that will be in local. Or what ever. That $104.00 will come but. That could. Be a. It could be a cult case not in. The red not always always. Or one lady will be diagnosed with. Fascinating starts at the end there. But actually quite a lot of hope especially if it's a stage one diagnosis as I understand Janet's was she says there's a one in a 1000 chance or 999 in a 1000 chance that you will be fine afterwards 5 years down the line. They're quite good odds I'd say. Johnson is B.B.C. Radio Star. Salaries looking David has the latest travel news because I got a problem on the M 6 in the roadworks we got a big queue heading into junction 15 in fact onward to through the works towards Stafford services tailbacks going back towards Kiel services already there's short acumen orthe band and it's also now affecting traffic heading towards junction 15 that's queuing on the A $500.00 from the Hanford interchange towards junction 15 also find allays heading away from Stoke on the A 50 because of the line closure that remains in place following the accident earlier on that he had out from the blight bridge roundabout towards Draco's in the malls if you see a problem you can call is 182-1880. Still can John call the travel line on a late 101-2188 B.B.C. Radio Stoke. Luis on the B.B.C. Radio. MICHAEL BOHL. I'm going to tell you there's a typo on you so I thought I was talking to lousy. From a day to. Day you I'm actually doing the Rocky Horror Show The Rocky Horror Show is one of my favorite some call French made out. Like a new boss can span does not say that there's not a lot to leave the imagination with much of the outfit on the I was like is that. Do you think I should stick with the French night. And then I think I'm a clean new dressing room for you the way you sold really just like there's a fine for at the end of the year. B.B.C. Radio. Before. Now one. Got a feeling. No I don't mean. The . Q. B. Oh you. Know. Sure Mendez and stitches is B.B.C. Radio. Perry here we've been talking about breast cancer and screening and going for your mama grams and Janet story and we will be following Janet's progress when she gets the results and she goes through her treatment join us and corn is called I weigh 201-2188 she says I found a lump 10 years ago when I was 40. Had a discharge from the nipple and I went for a mammogram and they gave me surgery chemo radiotherapy However gone through it all scary as it is 10 years on I'm OK check yourselves ladies check yourselves tomorrow we're going to be coming live from the middle hand they were going to be down at Crown bank where the toilets used to be I said put that in the promo put on the little thing in the advert the trailer they put on like no you can't mention the word toilet in the trailer. That it's a trailer toilet. You can't but it is but this where one knows it's near the bank. Anyway we can be there tomorrow from 9 o'clock right the breakfast show which is also down there as well and we're going to be doing this on the 29th of March course to March 29th of March the day we originally were penciled in to depart from the E.U. As a country we were supposed to be leaving on that day day however it's been delayed but we are still going to talk to the people who wish to come up into what was about how you feel about it what you would like if you happy or not happy with how it's been run so far I'll be kicking off at 9 o'clock and that'll be with an armful of records all from one year for what's the yeah including. Beautiful Roberta Flack. Killing Me Softly. . Disco 2000 on B.B.C. Radio start I saw Jarvis Cocker Manchester's walking along tall and you think. It all and there I was walking I'd. Just part the car and and I was just about to read the thing for the me to see because it was a song that I wasn't sure I need to play and they're so Jarvis Cocker. And he distracted me and I put the pound in the machine before reading where you need to pay on a Sunday and he didn't and the didn't get it back so by my reckoning he owes me a quid I mean he didn't know it. It distracted me and typing in a moment and then we play on top of the part she qualified days what can 71 year old Joe Cameron feel what can she feel and she's going to be a guest on Stu Georgia shows afternoon if you can't wait to find the answer out from 3 o'clock fastening storage me. With texting tomorrow where we should have been but we're going to be doing the breaks it but anyway in hand the but I'm asking you stay the fact that what happens next with breaks it is anybody's guess will be invited you have a guess fill in league 7 a guess what's going to happen with breaks it fell while artists really wonder whether you has had enough with the shambles down at Westminster and I sort of call on the table what we're going to take away now and if you don't come up with something about a 1st a few or the 1st of my way here is if we auction sky go or alternatively But hang on that it does not take in the whip hand then is it that's them get batting it back to Westminster who have demonstrated yesterday that they can make a decision not that that's what arms that's what I'm sort of saying that they will put the ball firmly in Westminster's court because what I say if you don't come up with something by we're going to make a decision for you out we've had enough of your you know prevarication do you want this do you want that don't want that that you want would have at nearly 3 years of a table tennis playing ball the ball's in your court now it's in my CO I think they might I just wonder whether they will so if I leave I must enough to draw the line in the car is your follow up since if you don't sign up for want of a part of her suggest to Rio by it's proper off as in W T O brakes it. Just wonder is that what you're thinking is that what. We call the thing is actually the only thing with that Phillies and I'm wondering whether that's going to happen as well but the only thing I'm thinking to counter that is that the E.U. Really don't want to no deal breaks it either it's going to be disruptive for both sides. Manufacturers if it will leave it that I really value your call and you've quoted our appetite for tomorrow and. Bus outside broadcast in handy where we're inviting you to come along and talk about your view of our breaks it has been run we're going to play top of the pots next to this latest single from pink I'm really liking this it's cool walk me home B.B.C. Radio Stoke. There's something in the bowl we're. Up to a petard. But. China. To be. In. Saudi is. To Adam. Who can be. That's. There's. I got pink walk me home is B.B.C. Radio Stoke talk of the bots Apollos but not corrals didn't tell you did not do yes well yes they bought knocking in the wind. He's never bottom knocked out in the open before a show we did some outdoor bottom and only there was. Like a bar on what you did nice or and you thought this mad I'm going to carry on with that wind will help you with your bottle knocking. Me OK well we're going to get you going to crack on with. What we're talking about yes they when did the show live from. Richard like my we were senior moments are coming thick and fast ridiculous D.C.U. Radio still. Love it for now we will be meeting our 2 contestants the top of the pots and right now though let's meet David get latest travel news 7 miles of queuing traffic now on the southbound side of the M 6 is all because of an accident in the road where to train junction 15 and 14 it's actually between 15 and Stafford services the 2 inside of 3 lanes are closed that's causing a queue back up towards Kiel service is going to take you at least 3 quarters of an hour to get through there little to slow traffic northbound as well due to all. Lookers past the scene and also fired some heavy traffic on the A 500 heading in from the A 34 the Hanford interchange towards junction 15 because of that but it's looking a lot better now on the A 50 where we did have a lane closure due to an accident between blight bridge and Drake also looks that that may well have been lifted as traffic seems to be moving normally if you see anything else you can call us 801218080. Stuck in a John called the Travel line on L. 801218080 B.B.C. Radio Stoke. D.I.Y. Apparently fewer people are doing it more people are getting a handy man or woman in math from Boston. And John a break 1st novel of all the look you go off to a broken clock that will put all I mean cough the wrong. Racial in every open little or. We end up seeing the glaring door shut off it isn't difficult if you've got a bit of slack to let me try I can tell me off well why our car at all I say I thought it was great to hear a bit of. Good to break the news and John a cause a break 1st weekday mornings from 630 steady Felis is breakfast radio the children the B.B.C. Radio Stoke It is indeed B.B.C. Radio Stoke Hello Perry heroes as well you bought knock at the top of the Pops this Diana Ross get ready for a 75th birthday what she looked like to you there. Like a trifle. Squashed boundary. Oh look at she looks fabulous it doesn't she does your critics say it's not a wrinkle on a fabulous is the word clearly get away with Perry spin irrational you know action life friend of mine once went to the most go back a few years now this is when this is really a story about Diana Ross it's a juicy stories to be stored at Diana Ross and Amy Winehouse when she was the life and she was just an up and coming you know fledgling starlet she was about to hit the big time she was a great voice she's going to go somewhere and my friend was sitting on the same table with her. In the most and the neighbor next table was Diana Ross the most basic big thing but but of course at this point Amy Winehouse wasn't famous she really got famous and my mate was egging her on is Amy got drunker and drunker she's going to go on call a name out and she did she stood up and she went. To sit down again. And she stand up again. And they sit down she's doing this and I won't be an absolute but it's hilarious. True story. But it was I love 6 you. Probably. The thoughts of those 2 when we would have with the still so please stop the boats again when we start the pottery as you answer questions they're easy questions the hard questions the capricious questions they're trying the good questions it. Raises Questions basically we don't care if you get right or wrong though when you answer we stacked the pottery one by one. Who is Ross today and has a stack gets higher and higher eventually it falls over when it does that's the game over when the game is over. We don't care who's got the most questions right we care Robert who got the last question right if that you've won the game yesterday we played for the 1st time outside and we got the window down who did can you remember it was Linda was it Linda one didn't she yes yes sorry Linda Linda. Well them and 22 was the school well remembered him around so that's how you play let's meet our players today. Who are Craig in talk Hello crank morning oh yeah very well what's going on in your life then pray no memory but a week off from travelling with choir. Just back and say what about. The Chloe the starlet going to start yeah yeah she's doing really well as is she now we spoke to you and Chloe some months ago. LOCAL GIRL school girl but she's also an actress and 3 T.V. Actress. Yeah I guess I know you're going to be tight lipped is that can you talk about any of the up and coming projects closing bell now we. Know it's. Coming. Yeah where can we see them what she's been in already that we've. Been on the way yeah Courtney on the baby not just going to the. 4 o'clock. At the moment says both on C B B. Yeah we've got a lot. Coming away for the moment earlier that we. Really made up for Chloe she must be she must be bursting with a new. Housing Estate branded is she doing this school work. Sent off with her she goes to all these film studios. She still does the school we have school weeks where they are what you get in the studios for anything over so many days privateers a concept anyway so you're right he's always got by with it when you know when the matter she's a bright kid so that's Provigil. You're up against Craig online too we have my consent and. Good morning. Benton satellite delay going on. So that's great Mike. Now I might very well you got. Going on in your world Mike some news. Just. OK good. Wrote it doesn't approve of that joke it's bored he doesn't approve of it I. Might cancel tales I'll go bad. Head Game 1st you're Craig. Go I said yeah OK Mike very brave Here we go. Tomorrow will be doing this live in Hanley by the way if you want to come down and watch the same time when you put that face rose and you nervous talent in outside with you Perry. Street performer if. This is your street performance it is well within you yeah if parkie was in it OK here we go Mike your 1st question concerns Murrayfield Murrayfield Stadium is in which British city. I'll go. And. Edit Burke and timber. Trade in the road just to our school OK Mike still we view what sport is most frequently played at Murrayfield Stadium or what but let it get. To Murrayfield isn't it constant memory field where if you heard that he crops up in a certain sport quite a lot. Be a rugby union home or home ground for the Scottish team Yeah yeah. OK we're now in 7 we start with 5 Craigs your question which English Football League team has the largest home stadium by seating capacity your 3 choices are Man United Tottenham Hotspur or West Ham. No it's not a man united now. Up until this season it was Spurs because they were using the Wembley Stadium as a temporary stadium but they're now back at White Hart Lane Now which only has a capacity of $62000.00 Man United to 76 I think West Ham's sixty's as well as 67 was winning. All the people and. Yet you know you'd think when you. Hear the word Craig according to the 12 Days of Christmas what bird is in a pear tree nice easy. Partridge. What you doing. In the coffee pot others in the plants. That sort of got a hole in the bone. Right so that was great this is you Mike. Is it going on OK that looks what we already. Called into the 12 Days of Christmas Mike how many lords a leaping were there or. How many. 10 and loved it 10 lords a leaping. PONY Yeah. OK Mike I have 5 Channel 5 questions for you both oh. In what year was Channel 5 the T.V. Station launched T.V. Channel Wow. With against me I'd have a gas. He is 72 it was not lotto 97. I think yeah and he said Oh well bearing in mind it was 997 Mike which Goldband launch Channel 5. Beats By it's the Spice Girls were nicer good guess yeah cause. So we're on 12 now. OK Craig still on Channel 5 Questions guess which of the 5 Spice Girls became actually the very 1st human being to be televised on Channel 5. 8 and it was Emma Bunton Yes baby spot shoes the 1st to be revealed they went 54321 she was number 5 as they did the countdown. Mike. The 2 presenters chosen to introduce viewers to the brand new terrestrial channel Channel 5 with a very young Julia Bradbury and comedian Tim vying Complete have seen the video complete with kids and hairdo Who is Tim Vine's very famous brother also T.V. And radio presenter. Tim vines brother is. Eric constrain the surname. Thank you know by. I'll think of it. Are you going to kick yourself oh well I'm going to I'm not going to thing you ever go. Now you know Craig. Jeremy Vines is brought. You kicking me south I am here I tell you sound like in there. Right here we go Mike it doesn't matter it don't matter which ones you get right or wrong just gotta get last all right what you doing roles that's going everywhere everywhere so you know it's like coffee pot is introduced a lot of instability and. So around 14 Mike you need to get this right which channel was the last chance to be launched across the U.K. Before Channel 5 the one that was launched before have. All clues and name Channel 4 Yeah yeah well them. To take up with no handle We're on 15. Craig that where you have never easy question what is Craig illegal so about where would you find inmates and if you are in a church. Difficulty of our questions range wildly Mike what is the highest number of inmates who possibly successfully escape from Alcatraz is it none 5 all 12 nobody knows for sure but what's the highest number who could have escaped none 5 or 12. Would go far you would be correct. 36 attempted apparently Yeah Ted Cole and Ralph row in 1937 and then Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers John and Clarence in 1962. And that escape was made into the film Escape from Alcatraz starring Clint Eastwood as for. Morris'. Good so. Who what you put on top that I think is one of those Japanese are to little lately but it looks like actually a 2nd i Pod looks like a buffer a mouse to. Push buffer and mouse Craig. What do you call a woman with 3 pints of lager on the head. While we look on the big silly question. Thanks reprisal are going ahead she's cold Ross. Like me why. The. Big tricks Oh. Please enough of. Their mind oh oh oh oh oh so there's 850-6770 moment this is all right I don't want I might want to thank you know. Who does work it is not on everybody all about warbling Ra's a concrete you need to get this right what has consistently been Dr Who's favorite sweet. Greg I haven't got a call I have to say sweet famous. Always has won the office I'm around I'm gonna fucking clock you meant quite bust you meant no do you know Mike. I doubt if a home dog would know if it were one a jelly baby. What she'd say I want to tell you but. That's what I am as a brush that. It's so precious That's when a jelly baby the same character really baby. Right we're on buttons on 19th doesn't it. Do really well Iran says that this is an interesting stack of 19 Craig come on you need to get this right. It's known as a dummy in Australia John in America the comfort room in the Philippines and causes go to cars in Liverpool am I talking about. John McClane one or another color is a clean one if you would. Like clean toilet. You especially Ross it's. OK. To have number 20 or so that you put not. Just like little bars very small bars nice and that's Jack nice design I'm not sure we should break it that's really nice like a joint No no but you know. I'm not have personal gain. Like a monk do for the love of it. To bits and like this isn't a. Crock restocking live on the radio with any people who do this LOL We're all in that's looking good for you to be on the 20 meter away slightly looking very very precarious. So whether Mike Craik tired and emotional is a euphemism or code for a person in what states newspapers like to use it so and so was a usually politician so as I was feeling tired and emotional. That's you Craig you got that right in your mind the last one. I was OK great I'm so sorry Mike it's yours time emotional is a euphemism or code for a person in what state. I just take it. I was looking for drunk. That's what they say about politicians were looking tired and emotional they had to go home early. Would be handing in his resignation to morrow if you would it's not going to get $21.00. Are the Canary Islands named after the small yellow birds the found there or is it the other way round the birds are named after the islands Mike. I think it's actually they have to the bed. Knows the way around the birds and they know the Canaries which are named in term after dogs essentially the island of dogs or the islands. To see Radio Stoke. It's 12 o'clock with the latest B.B.C. Radio Stoke news his Lee Thomas a crash involving a coach a lorry and a car on the M 6 between Stoke and Stafford means 7 miles of queues southbound West Midlands I'm going Service says it was called to the sea.