Well yeah it doesn't look like it would be possible people have been evacuated from a flat fire in Stafford course by candle light on a bath it was left burning overnight stuff which a fire says the closed bathroom door prevented it spreading to other rooms and no one was injured and fewer than half of people over the age of 40 have taken up a free health check that could lower the risk of dementia the assessment takes 20 minutes and has been described by an excess England as potentially life saving. B.C. Bringing in stock school it's. Stoke City fans favorite time is up at the club Those are the thoughts of B.B.C. Radio state summariser Liam Lawrence it's after manager Gary rabbit told B.B.C. Radio Stoke the 28 year old is past his best Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola suggests his team are chasing possibly the best team in Europe for the Premier League title this season his side are back within 7 points of the leaders Liverpool the Port Vale manager near Aspin says he isn't worried about his future following a run of 9 games at just one when the crew midfielder Paul Green says he's trying to add his experience to the side this season the 35 year old returned to action on Boxing Day and has played in the Alex's 1st back to back wins this season and in darts The 2 time champion Michael Van Gogh in thrashed Gary Anderson 61 to reach the P.T.C. World Darts final who play Michael Smith your 4 sports news comes out around half past 8 am The weather mainly dry cloudy and mild today but the occasional spotter drizzle off sunshine is possible and we're expecting highs of 9 Celsius that's 48 degrees in Fahrenheit's. To be seen when he is still travels. And it's all clear on the roads but a few spots and he issues give us a call on over 801 C 188 C. And you're up to date it's 3 minutes past 8 Thank you Jack. And shown a case at breakfast B.B.C. Radio Stoke. Gillooly how you how we can and you got me live with you anyway 3 to tag a pretty good weekend we took the boys to see the kids film small foot as opposed to big C. Small for. Cassel it was good fun that all fell. To the animated film. Yesterday somewhere I'd never been before every dollar she went through in the books. So beautiful oh my that's so pretty I don't think I've ever been through books them before just so you know toll stone walls everywhere are a big old trees and just so beautiful but we passed through that to go to the Blue John Calvin and given the night before some caves you go down into the hill you get a guided tour and it's quite a steep stats and quite narrow but really really pretty blue John Cavanagh can recommend it so we took the boys that yesterday but now it's New Year's Eve and we look back and reflect don't real last year and think about maybe the best bits John and I actually we've put together some pictures of some of our best bits are highlights of 2018 so if you find yourself really nothing better to do Feel free to have a scroll through some of all photo memories of this show over the last year they're up on our Facebook page at B.B.C. Radio So this morning 2 things really I'd love to know your best bits of 2008 as being a real highlight for you this year and. There's a story in the pipe is this morning about taking you. Know your granddad to it saying to beat loneliness is the loneliness minister who's been put in charge of trying to tackle the problem in this country and she's suggesting that we should old take grandparents on holiday do you have us what was it like was it fun as it is a balance I think in my experience the more people that got the best for me at what about you that you've read you have taken grandparents on holiday memories of those I'd love to hear as well this morning you can either phone me up it's a free phone number 801 c wall 8080 or withdraw the text in the show that's easy enough to do as well just start your message with the word stuck. In trouble. True. B.B.C. Radio station is Allison John H. Is a practice playing Anastasia I'm not in love with some Calvin Harris on the way for you mental as anything lined up as well but I've looked through the papers I'll apply celebrity birthdays as per normal like we normally do only shared around half past 8 just after the nice will of around a very get in the ages of the celebs who celebrate the birth sliced day if you know anybody who has as well last known for his happy birthday to them gives a ring and 821-8080 if you missed over the weekend the Queen's knee is on his list was announced more than a 1000 people are on the list including of course some brilliant people from Staffordshire in Cheshire they included full mistake City kit man Neil Nello Baldwin from Newcastle he became internationally famous following the back to winning drama about his life marvelous he's been awarded the British Empire Medal for services to the community and he's spoken to B.B.C. Radio stocks Perry spell Various a lot. And what is he saying because you got a letter you know quite a while about this I'm a new what did it sound letter. The prime minister wrote something about things. That were there. No No you absolutely is a big secret was it hard keeping that secret oh yeah let's run our when we are so proud of you and so pleased for you Neil. Very proud of me. And what about your friends and family one of those that you've been allowed to tell about this one of those set of this when employers rather are you know going to me and so. Crowd still has a center in the show it if you've not seen marvelous yet for some reason ICE so worth watching is so uplifting and you nice need to look it up for people from staffers are also being given N.B.C. Including Cathy Co He is the chief executive of project pathway which helps victims of domestic abuse and that has held the from we all feel she's a member of kewl the N.H.S. She's been given the award for services to patient safety in Staffordshire following her involvement in the investigation into failings stuff at hospital the principal of Newcastle in Stafford college's group Karyn Dobson has been recognised for her services to further education we don't know be a part of. Something that looks quite important to understand. That. Well I've been able to do it in a can I. Got that role where I was then wondering where. All the glamour. Was there only you know when I got home and say. OK well. There you go there you go it does now nationally nighters have gone through the Philip Pullman fashion model Twiggy and comedian and television presenter Michael Paley very very strange it really does actually I've been I've been many says it my life but usually by some films. But. No it's quite something. I'm just trying to take it all in really all of my compiling is you see the is such a nice guy the England football manager Gary Southgate he receives an O.B.E. There's an M.B.A. For England skipper Harry Kenyon Now result the Pink Floyd drama Nick Mason is appointed a C B A as it is the T.V. Major show presenter Chris PAC and it was enormously surprising if I'm honest with you I didn't. Ever consider myself a candidate for one of the sort of or so I spent most of my time pushing back against the establishment always in a democratic creative and alike why but nevertheless there were many aspects of modern environment to life which I'm not too keen on and I spent a lot of time come I need to try and rectify those total of 43 awards have also been given to those involved in the response to the major terrorist incidents of 2017 in London and Manchester there are awards today for the British divers he involved that the rest in the rescue of a young Thai football team Ger member them trapped in the cave and they've been given the George medal the 2nd highest civilian gallantry award John Von thin is one of them some about same received letters that a while ago we were asked if we would be prepared to accept some awards which we very graciously said thank you thank you for. It it's nice for the team to be recognized you know in the papers is more naturally the singer Ariana Grande day it says turned down a New Year's on a she she just believes is too soon just out of the respect for those who died in the bomb attack at the the Manchester Arena I'll tell you what else is making news in the papers this morning we'll have a look around at the stories after some Calvin Harris Some P.B.C. Radio static it's a jungle. It's not a judge heard until. It's. A How. To skills there's a. Cousin. Is it. Just. Comes to. Us because it. Goes to the. You. this is a 6 gold Thank. You. Thank you. The. B.B.C. Radio Star Calvin Harrison songs may sound promising 70 minutes past the right in a minute and you got one haul for Liz Allison bright faced Actually I should say again 2 thirds of the team because produce an MOT is here as well so you got 2 thirds of those. Ones that I mentioned earlier they go in and out of. The Minister for liveliness few minutes Davis says be taking charge of. People in the country and help them. Says let Grant join your holiday the headline in the pipe his family should take grandparents with them on holiday holidays and move on with that extended family judging Britain's to watch the isin European families include several generations in that beach outings if only Maybank Texas in earlier and said Liz We found great family holidays a while since the boys were born 3 generations all gathered together were off to Jersey in 2000 and yet made his parents come with a we did go I 3 generations sort of quite quite frequently I such a law office I think it's the more the merrier when you go on holiday here because you can still separate off a bit of your own spice calling if you want. It's a nice idea to do what do you think never go away the grandparents or you the grandparents during away with the children what's it like let me know you could text in Stoke a new message to 800 travel 3 or phone at the show this morning that's no if that's the plan for this year how many generations ago on your holiday 801 C 18080 our local strictly dancer a j pretty chart of course is one of the pro dancers on Strictly but it's from so-called friends and he came back up here for Christmas and without him Nantwich it a night club to catch a nightclub when he came out of the club he and his brother got beaten up and they've done a full story on it in the sun this morning he's been talking about his new deal so A.J. He's only 24 and his brother Curtis 23 and they reckon that maybe if he had a lot female attention while he was in there and maybe just rub people up a little bit and he came out and they just got sort of set upon and maybe ever hear A.J. On the show he's the most placid person isn't he but he said when I looked in the mirror I was shocked and upset my whole face looks wolen and bruised and there were ring marks from from the punching all over my arms so it was all full on painfully bruised especially on my shins they're really bad and it's all over my body and face to stop the swelling but Curtis got the brunt of it as he was protecting me said his little brother just like dived in front of him like a human shield it's amazing that brothers there is now thank nice most most brothers. And some of the other stories a couple of other stories making the papers this morning winter is back with even a threat of snow according to The Daily Mail say things you get to get chilly here this week certainly has the opportunity to get a little bit chilly or at night to damp some 5 degrees tonight not frost quite yet but it's talking about the risk of snow. In some of the lower levels of the Peak District by midweek and another ice related story for you is Dancing On Ice coming back this coming Sunday and I thought it was last night. Sure I said last week it came out last night I hope nobody was sitting there waiting for it. Don't take my word for anything but it's this coming Sunday we've got a local star of Love Island was Nelson from Newcastle in the lawn he's going to be undone still nice this year but the story in the mirror is about the cricketer Ryan Sidebottom he says if he drops his skater to long way down when he puts on his skates He's 6 foot $800.00 She's tall. She's 5 foot to. Omar where this is why I think people egg you crack is going on down so incredibly incredibly brave it is a long way down they go dancing on ice which kicks off this coming Sunday on I.T.V. 21 on B.B.C. Radio Stoke How we doing on the road out there Stephen during find out about so far this morning was no problems to make you aware of north and south on the road and also doing fine on the M 6 as well $16.00 to $19.00 crew and that's for the A 556 of course there are public transport issues on London Northwestern services this is GZ engineering work so replacement buses running between a wrong corner livable South Park Y. And reduce service between long gone and Birmingham New Street so worthwhile checking before you travel and even L. She's your member or 888. Still can you John call the travel line on L. 801218080 B.B.C. Radio Stoke. Start your 219 with me tell me what 3 hours of nonstop club classics. As well as the music you hear from a special guest D.J.'s including hacienda legend Graeme park and one of the world's top D.J. Sasha who started his career here in Stoke on Trent A was more. Exclusive mixes of B.B.C. Radio Stoke Terry Walsh's club classics New Year's Eve from 10. Yeah Radio Stoke it's a time of year is well where you start thinking about what can I give our ball what could I do differently in the next year I am vowing to have a bit of a social media detox actually I think I'll do a good and online shopping detox and now having just read some interesting stats and I don't even drink very much I really don't but I'm thinking so I think a drive January might be a good idea certainly alcohol awareness charity alcohol change U.K. Believe is Dr Richard Piper is its chief executive and he's on the show Morning Good Morning and the reason I I thought OK this is quite interesting is I heard a fact about all guess that the effects of a dry gentle January are still benefiting you and your guys can you tell us about that absolutely yes so. Generally the campaign we run dry generally is deliberately designed to be a behavior change campaign for the longer term in fact the app that you can download that allows you to access the campaign is called Tri drive because it's about trying something out it's an experiment 31 days with alcohol with a view to seeing what you can learn about yourself or you can learn about the triggers where you drink the habits that you've got into you and of course $31.00 days away is long enough you to start to kick those habits and start rewiring the resetting your relationship with alcohol so loads of people get benefits within the month but the point I guess of drug generated immune to the reason why we courage people to do it is that they can then reset their drinking relationship for the longer term so your figure that your your research that you've seen. Indicates that 7 out of 10 people who did a dry January and did it through the official. On drinking less after 6 months by August So 7 out of 10 people drinking less after 6 months and what they've done though that 70 percent of people. Or is they just decided to they have decided that all the benefits they got in January were so good they wanted to keep them yeah they were a difference when he actually died Richard because there will be people listening now straight away on hearing the story or will will saws are not what they are this doesn't that made doesn't affect me because I only maybe have a drink you know once a week with a meal or something I'm really not into alcohol but can it ever them as well I even somebody just doesn't drink once a week with a meal it wouldn't make a difference to them the benefits of drug generally are mostly felt by the heavy drinkers but like drinkers can also benefit. I mean it's really important to say that you know where a charity generates essentially kind of a grassroots movement we help those who we help to facilitate it we're not telling anybody what to do or what not to do I would say if you kind of thing I don't need any because I could easily go 31 days without drinking. Good for you that's pretty awesome if you're going I don't need Roy generally I can't stand the idea of 31 days without actually might be exactly the thing you need and you may just need to be a bit more honest with yourself this is for you and I do we're now how popular this is because it feels as though everybody is familiar now with the term dry January so do you know how many people will actually take this up what we know how many people tell us they're going to take it up so 4200000 U.K. Adults are planning to drive generally into the data we talked to people back in November and that was the that was the figure of people in terms of one in 10 basically one in 10 adult drinkers. We see growing year on year and I think one of the reasons for that is that people just get so much benefit as you said at the beginning a lot of people think about dry generally is it's giving something up right Actually it's about gaining something so you know buy because people download the app which is called Troy dry or use the website droid read or you K. They get support they get tips they get tricks they can separate and they get stories they get all the information they need to help them understand what you can experience on day 10 and a result 9 out of 10 people save money 3 quarters of people learn more about themselves 7 out of 10 a sleeping better up to 31 days 6 out of 10 are lost weight because so many empty calories and alcohol particularly wine. And in fact one in 2 people have got visibly better skin just after 31 days and people got I want less why would I go back and so you know we're not we're not absolutes charity we're not promoting people giving up alcohol forever we're promoting people making choices and free choices and give it a go and people will and can can choose what they fancy thanks for coming on the show this morning Dr Richard piper from alcohol. Course if you say Dr January is a good thing but I just thought that was interesting that even you know it's kind of odd like a. Knock on effect 6 months lighter is B.B.C. Radio state it is 831 will play celebrity birthdays next. That has got the B.B.C. Radio station from Jack Downing the search for a missing Stafford man is now in its 4th day 43 year old Anthony Urquhart was last spotted at the town's railway station at around 9 on Thursday evening you're being warned not to leave candles alight at home after one gutted a bathroom in a Stafford flats it was left on the bath overnight no one was injured in the place fewer than half of people over the age of 40 have accepted the offer of a free health check which could lower the risk of dementia and accessing and says to check up screens for conditions such as diabetes and heart problems and the Rapper Snoop Dogg's says there's always room Cassidy snoop for the Staffy dumped in Trenton last week the musician Spector the Daily Star and the animal also called Sleep is being looked after by the P.C.A. Until he finds a new home. Today's big stories from still examining crime D.D.C. When young stuck sports. Stoke City fans favorite Bowie and stymie is up at the club Those are the thoughts of B.B.C. Radio Stoke summariser Liam Lawrence it's after manager Gary rabbit told B.B.C. Radio Stoke the 28 year old is past his best player he's been a fantastic player for the trade a club that was to assure years ago you know we've got to move forward you know we're going to keep Chan and I'm surprised that in general his name because he was also a fantastic player for the club my opinion is this often they can shout what they want to make they can shine what they want to me and I'm often asked Fair enough I don't think that's I would not criticize for fans I give him a some stick either about the football or about the amount wins we've got I've got no problem with out at all Manchester City are back to within 7 points of Premier League leaders Liverpool. After a $31.00 win at Southampton club captain Vincent Kompany says they're still confident they can win the league the believe is always turned in my 1st league we were going to be under 6 years ago so. If anyone is not a drop in the house and not the right club Port Vale manager nail Aspin says he isn't worried about his future following a run of 9 games with just one win Aspin sell B.B.C. Radio Stoke he's got bigger concerns and never will I you know worrying about if I'm going to answer that's not the issue it's because you want to do well you've got your personal pride I won't sleep tonight because we've gone through all of all the goals we conceded and that's what will keep me awake not the fact if if if they want to make a change of manager that's football all over and if you're in the business than you are your Except the premier fielder Paul Green says he's trying to add his experience to the side this season the 35 year old return to action on Boxing Day and has played in the Alex's 1st back to back wins Green says the team's younger players are starting to learn what's required to do well in the 2 they're just missing that maybe it's a little bit experience when they're fighting you know to keep the ball and things are going to be carried on the ball and that's what I try to do for the young lads instead of just like but can we keep it and try to lead by example get manager levels up so you have a young lads follow and that's what I just try to do come in get them an edge levels up I don't think many teams can live with us when we were pressing and in darts The 2 time champion Marco Van Gogh in thrashed Gary Anderson 61 to reach the P.T.C. While darts final he'll play Michael Smith who beat Nathan Aspinall 63 Now it's your sport I'll be more not a clock. And John McCain's breakfast B.B.C. Radio Stoke. The weather for today mainly Jaya mild the old spotted drizzle around but occasionally. Some sunny spells breaking 39000 is the high 48 Fahrenheit pretty chilly tonight some light winds and down to 5 degrees the law and then tomorrow is similar to today some sunny spells tends to hike you know talking about taking you granny on holiday is still in the paper the loneliness minister urging us to take grandparents on holiday to come up loneliness husband is not just the holiday itself actually is the looking forward to it isn't it you get data happiness out of that but actually genuinely if there's anybody listening where you do go I 3 or even more 4 generations of your family maybe or even more that's not agree A.B. Great to meet you find out what that is like eg give us a ring our 801 C 1880 or you can text in the. Is no yes doki message to 81 trouble 3. Right at this time on a normal shy when John would be here is while you were back on Wednesday the producer Matt and his the studio we play a round of celebrity birth eyes and today is no different now we got 3 set up to celebrate their birthdays on this New Year's Eve Today well and every year because they're both they have an ice an annual thing now isn't it so we've got 3 great was for starting off with an actor who you know about this is probably his most famous role so insistent on this time to test me I ate his liver with some other being and I ask you. We just carry Fowler and I would hope to sit next to him in a restaurant if you make that noise just back to Ted irritates it wouldn't it that of course is the answer we hope can supply and Hannibal Lector in silence the lamb for which he won an Academy Award He's also won 3 BAFTA is to I mean you might have to see him recently and Wes weld which is on the on the telly on the satellite television he's been doing a lot of T.V. Stuff as well but how old is Anthony Hopkins today Liz to go fast probably. 60 something I'll say 65. I'll go a little bit older than. 73 right to go he's 81 no no no so what did I say 64 ha it's great to be 1st I thought if. He wanted he would use 8116.7 he's going to what do you say John I said No I said 73 I think. Kind of what. Do you want a child in our nation is going to 8 point high 16 I want us for my songwriting I stop I stay why start right OK this is an easy one for manager Sir Alex Ferguson of course Manchester United the most successful manager and probably one most successful money just in the history of football this is what he had to say about his time at the club many people have a different temper tears are made mantra stated over the last 26 years but I want to say I think this part of mine says they just come from noise 1082 a team I think that. Give everyone in the quad not just the supporters but myself my staff and directors Bobby Charlton he was brought up in the mob. Brought by the history my sis and I to know QUESTION So an astonishing 38 trophies he won this time and he would tie it in 2030 which makes you feel kind of old because US teams what quite soon but 5 seasons ago so a long time ago Jack to go fast I want you reckon. That's a good one because that squeaky. Famous quote has a very full 771. I think he recently celebrated big money as a recently I didn't think I was 5 you know. He recently celebrated big birthday I'm sure he did what if he was he's now like 8 he want to write. 770 yeah. I don't know that's not true you know so that's 21 for losing Jackson 8 because he's done a little recovery without no point but the father what if you know if you help those who are difficult he comes to find the fun gotten them start. Back then baby shot 10 times better than baby show you why Yeah yeah can I prefer they be shocked this is a number not mine and some children it's 3200000000 people have watched this video you know on You Tube the 6 most watched video on You Tube is of course psych and Gangnam Style actually brought to New Year 2030 in Times Square by singing this with MC Hammer wow or so what was your you should know about the future type machine that you want to get out so size real name park Jay sang about how old it is size from Gangnam Style today Liz you know I. Know I don't know you I don't know all the rules when this came out I don't know when this came out it came out 2012. Yeah the now. Well I'm losing drastically so really any jack to really mess this up and I need to be spot on I'll say. I'll go a little bit older I reckon he was maybe 4 yes when this came out so I'm going to say 46 he is 410. Jack on 30 years on 22 I think New Year's resolutions to be let's be better at Celebrity. Yeah. That's great that there's. No that's more hollow the. Highlights I know he does have a highlight Well there you go Well I'm just happy for you and Jack I'm not even mad it's 90 minutes to 9 on this Alison is it practice is B.B.C. Radio starts night guard guards and be on the way to get those that check on the wrong you know as Stephen. Still doing final is actually no problems to make you aware of only a 50 still westbound around the near term for sound and road at the A 520 and still doing fine if you make it a journey. Through stop and same can be said for the day road north and south towards the city where roundabouts and 6 doing fine north and south in the road about 16 through 19 Virgin Trains West Coast services are currently delayed. Gto engineering works a replacement bus service is running on the Northwestern as well around run corner Birmingham New Street well between the 2 stations so worthwhile checking before you travel how that works out to conclude in the next 48 hours or so anything else for that we hear a B.B.C. Radio Stoke 0801 C 18080. Stuck in a jam called the Travel line 181-012-1808 extension 0 B.B.C. Radio Stoke. Historian Fred Hughes and then to tell you know Pete Conway were both police constables in the pottery so I went to go get it out for uniform and they haven't got a helmet they're not of I mean in my condition. 2 hours of music from the. In the radio lives Alison John has a preference for me this morning in China 90 Ghar Ghar still not seen her fail a star is born with Bradley Cooper got really good reviews did no really fancy going to see it partly she's brilliant in it the right not down another thing to do in 2019 see a star is born it will probably be on D.V.D. Soon all the things on my list I've got stop shopping online 2 reasons for that one because I think I'm addicted to it i even if I don't buy anything I couldn't pass hours scrolling through looking like clothes shopping so and my 2nd reason is because it's bad for the planet because they send everything in plastic packaging take a liking buy in supermarkets not being encouraged now to take you back for life and you don't get plastic bags but when they send you clothes when you shop online everything's wrapped in individual plastic egg where does it all end up so 2 reasons why I'm going to try and stop shopping online that's Miller New Year's resolution and then submit a social detox need to go social media that spent too much time scrolling through that album so then them are plans at for today they are actually for the here and now for today I've got I've got no plan Geoff anybody like to suggest anything anything that opens day anything fun to maybe do with the kids around stuff which in Cheshire I'm well open for some suggestions to let me know what you are doing as well you could text and you message to each one troubles for a to get in touch with the shy it is not Tommy it only is a for people look back at the year gone by and some of the highlights and the low lights and our producer Matt has done just out a. It's one of those Round Robin Wright is that you write the family. Season's Greetings dear friend I hope you're well sit back and relax I have some stories to tell of the year gone by on the Breakfast Show lovely Liz jovial John and me Matt producer in the know. We had dramas at Stoke City so we went out to see out in the sun with our flasks of tea Liam Lawrence came to be birthdays then that wasn't to be one of her worst. This had an incident with knots in John's car he's now banned from eating unless they're going far. Down the crease is. Let me go back you. Reversed into a skip and then skip crash number 2 and then when John was snowed in it was Liz to the rescue. They mark the N.H.S. Birthday down at the Royal Stoke and got legend Bruno Brooks in to help host off the 50th birthday show people locally just couldn't wait to get on the block to borrow that trick fibro now you how much do you want for a quid could all do Quaid there was a camping trip in one which where John didn't sleep a wink and vowed never to camp again still loves it I think in summer as John sat outside on the pubs and Dave reported from Russia with love for the World Cup obviously John's license a coming on just tell him what to say but don't ask him to book a trip remember when he booked flights for the wrong day. Debates they've had a few They don't always get on Israel grass but at the fake not really reckons John 12 wants to go. Get ready to go I will go up. At the back thinking about. GROSS It all goes well you. Know they couldn't agree and list spotted some Jimmy pavements John went out to sea they brought potty mouth back. He says every Friday as he ponders on for Children In Need let's put on some skates John wrote in the trolley this kayaked on a lake forward. Flip a whole day I'm sure. They've had their mates around them for a shootout in goal and then safety Cove it drops by in her political role but this time of year I like to look ahead and imagine what they might do more cuts for Jon a new car. And for me volume. 3 maybe 4 or 5 just make it stop. When I. Love to know some real highlights of the last year or 2018 they're also on the. You could text message to travel 300 to lease. Rescuing the cat. Hurricane of close to being highlights of the scouts This is. Such a night. In the night. It's pretty good isn't a microwave ly such a night on B.B.C. Radio stag if you missed him chatting to Gabby Roslyn earlier before with a shout from 6 o'clock it was Michael B. Like talking about his music his law if he's favorite all to step in spotted him some chains in their eyes while they were a good lesson and you can listen back on B.B.C. Sounds just look at B.B.C. Sound online and get the app and he lies about really to anything he missed you might be looking out the window over the last few days and thinking This weather is so blah he's blah is neat just do something be sunny all right you know it's not do you do something so all right it is glorious near the moment it's not going it's not going to change any time it is Yacoub sometimes even when I've been outside it felt like the day never woke up probably because of all the can tell her that she already brightening up will see some sunshine hopefully sort of gradually through the daytime tomorrow as well so when I what we've got today that we are ending sort of like quite grey quite large she said really for New Year's Eve the daytime temperature that I still mild for 11 Celsius the maximum the cost of a chair and Cheshire and then $3.00 this evening and overnight if you are out and about going to have a nice time tonight bringing in the New Year it is dry we will see except a cloud through the other part of the evening but at times it will break and run as we're getting closer to midnight so nighttime temperatures dropping as low as 5 Celsius and then starting off New Year's Day If you're awake you. There's that of like a OK to be openly mourning is going to be quite cloudy initially but then gradually as this weather front sinks South was clearer skies returned again and cold Rasta want to come back in so we are talking about a widespread frost tomorrow night and into Wednesday tending a lot called. The weather weather center for us it's baby. Faced. With 3 to 10 o'clock. To 9. Before we get. Misty mist. To want to understand. Radio what's the Arizona. With some robot and some rocks that. Stuff a check on the show. B.B.C. Radio Star. B.B.C. Radio.