Looks so. Good. News. She. Says only. With. A sum game. Happy. Friday night Pat. We're back Monday with New Year's Eve show exciting night around midnight with the bombs from big bang and a bit of fun twixt either side as well. But I did anyway sitting in for the final time then until 1 o'clock best bits of not just the wait but. After midnight tonight and as is always the way this time of the week we are doing the Friday challenge on Black Eyed Peas is one of the names that's already come up on the challenge as we ask you to come up with $35.00 bands or have a color or colors in their name and so far we've had the Moody Blues simply red black the black eyed peas. Deep Purple Black and Blue mink. Black Sabbath Whitesnake pink the blue. And Pink Floyd which remarkably enough I was completely coincidental came up as a question in the bag. Tonight as well I'm getting so many on the text that we haven't had already I'm not ignoring you guys like Venessa and Caroline and Carole and Sheila and even Pauline Lymington and Valen Janet and lots of other people but I'm writing to say if they come up on the phone 1st of all I also think we might be able to get to 40 of peace not just 35 that means we've got our money to go out. And do the math my math is appalling 26 X. George he's always there for 26 to go in the next 50 minutes can we do it cool. Oh wait oh wait 103800 B.B.C. Radio and. That is the number that you need we're starting with number 15 we need another 26 bands or artists with colors or color in the title like Black Eyed Peas and booming can watch they can pink pink floyd and all that kind of thing as well and if you are texting emailing will take account of all those at the end because there's loads and loads coming will be flooding there actually thank you for your contributions tonight it's great to talk to so many of you we're off over the channel now to talk to Wendy in Paris Hello there Wendy. Are you doing really well house Paris this evening well then you've been back in person or are you just come back from a week in London. Christmas with the family. How was it and. So is it is that things you would do in England at Christmas that you wouldn't necessarily do in France if you'd stayed there at Christmas or would you take it with you. Well I mean you know in England we go to things that Carol can't say. You know Christmas classics. Such as in France it's much more about what you're going to eat. If we know than the city is no family Christmas it's something you know playing during consequence and you get to do a bit of both and that you're really that works I'm already missing your traditions I want what you got for them the challenge when Day Well a group that I saw about 33 or 4 times many years ago Rich white pick up the pieces dead llama done Allana. Fantastic. Given I may have just what great dance tunes they contributed they could kind of affected everything the kind of music they were doing at the time because it was so fresh and sounded so yeah there and they're also talented Bassam brilliant one that the average while I think that's the 1st one I don't know we had Whitesnake as well didn't we that's the one with why did it still a good and Wendy thank you for that happy new year to say to you the best by Sarah's in sometimes and Hello Sarah. Yeah no parity Yeah very good very good we need number 16 from you Sara Yeah OK he's been in Deacon who I've had about a 1000000 text messages it's about already. But without I'm prioritizing the phone 1st of all but there were people like Sheila in Henley who said that was all quite a load of other people as well the taxable moved down the screen shot into the I was called I Want You favorite the complete song Sarah got one that's know what you mean you know the name but you don't know what the song. Writer but even the one that goes through that well known us to know that. It's cold. I might try it. Pull that one out in a minute and you'll hear it when it comes up on the radio and then you have to join in sorrow with the who when it comes all right and. Have a should I thank you Sarah. Deacon Blues number 16 we move on here's David in Brighton Hello David. Welcome what you got for us to make out or to. Go to make our run rabbit or a little blue tooth. Is a song I'm on so north and gold with a 1st name says to me. I'm not ready. Jimmy golden someone Norton. I'm on a minute let's see if we can ratify this using our power a drank run Rabbit Run rabbit you see that that was war time stuff was in a 2nd world war a. Cheer everyone up kind of songs that were going on there or Little Billy ready. I'm trying to look it up as we speak as you can run rabbit run I think a couple of people did but I can hear him a had I surely I can hear the Flanagan and Allen version of me I'd definitely. I was part of. Crazy Gang. OK And Jim Gold is a singer but we don't know nor need. I tell you want one so. I'm going to take that 100 vitamin and see for a little bit of research on it and see if I can refine that decision but Jim Jim Gold if I can find anything with his name on it. Go to the partners Yeah. I don't photograph well the signatures are what you go photograph from. Yeah. Yeah. Gold. Eric. Remember all review I'm writing is also going on my. House why did that photo come from the free by kings that. Didn't buy Kings it's a photo from me on say how wonderful of a rich. Descend from the go to look like he's a guy how wonderful Yeah I've got them in now so fine again and Alan look like they started or at least slime again looks like he started with the crazy guy before he moved on to Flanagan and Allen and alongside him were according to this web page Charley Norton Teddy knocks Jimmy Jimmy gold there and Chesney Allen. Excellent I would be fine again I don't want to yeah right yeah well I may well out of that one I'm not sure if I'll be able to find one rabbit run David a little more is an. Actual actual make of a no event I'll try and come back to it lighter is a good one though it's number 17 Thank you David. All the best man I. Is Michael in Woking Hello Michael. Oh yeah very good you can't say we're not spending the day and I can't you know I mean all right where we could you know can also tell you why when I don't know just sort of sort of Every Other Week Oh you got a phone you can ring her up any time you like going on but oh I say I'm not being used as a day in service Michael. I've got the insurance for that gotta take what you got me for number 18. Let me have a crystal. Crystal rainbow Christopher. Christopher Rainbow who was known for walks we've got 7 colors really but I'm still a thought of that one Soviet state brain from about well no I really do not remember that warm room to write I don't use to come from Scotland he passed away and he has left a record can you ever attempted. Railway right now not a minute Christopher. Yes A was solid state brain and give me what I cry for well I must admit I've never heard him but it looks like he's deceased discography is. Well well put together and well remembered So yeah all right Chris right Actually I'm going to minute I'm on a cotton picking minute that's not actually. That's not actually one color is I know I said we said color all colors Yeah 7 colors proving God I'm finding this controversial again. Green Day off I'm controversial. The group is a group you had a number of it's Chris rainbow is not it's not rainbow itself is not a color is it well it's a group of colors and I'm a stickler Michel as you can tell I kind of stickler. Got your feel. Like a lot about. Chris right about I haven't heard of him but the name it makes sense in one i'm But it's not actually what I'm after if all the rest on the list are actual colors then we can have a word describing a group of colors of allies there are no rules anymore and the whole system falls apart right chilling childless for don't you wouldn't do that to me would you write show no I wouldn't want to keep it nice and simple and I want to 1st of all before I give you. Yes I want to say. If you have you. On the radio I can understand why so. That made this a party political broadcast rights off to you my opinion you know I think My My Hey your day life I mean I you know what a good case for you my mom doing the voice. My mom ringing me up to big me up I mean I'm Patrick I'm just on it now it's very nice of you right now I think that you know I'm I'm on that radio I'm an avid radio listener I live in and. I'm delighted I'm That's very nice of you and I'm very flattered but I will be blushing too much to speak if we carry on down this line and I want to get your your band off you so who you're going fall of that same black you are unlucky Cade's that's one of my 5. One of as. It was Don't sleep in the subway was that so . Many I mean when he was doing whatever he did I will because I sing myself and I just enjoyed singing it was a pleasure to listen to her. And race woman you know as a kid woman as a kid I did used to love it because of course I don't remember the sixty's particularly I was newer on the telly doing blind dates in the car but I did used to love the end of surprise surprise when she'd gone sing the theme tune at the end surprise surprise. Things like that will go down in history as well she hasn't she had AS and that will show that the basic thought did you see the drama with Sheridan Smith playing on I.T.V. a Couple of years ago now I did really well working out if you're not seen it takes it all the way her entire career from the Cavern Club all oil to the well it's quite good for the telly is but sort of sixty's and seventy's eighty's really really good and Sheridan Smith who would have brilliant singer as well did it really well to that so if you can get get older that write to us my viewing tips for you all right OK black number 19 thanks right showing all the best thank you but I know I write you from from a photo I'm still not completely comments is not my mum doing a silly boy's voice a different voice sorry right across very rude Brian's in Ram's of her am I Brian. So you strike I see classic. High point in my life Brian I'm in passing my driving test to get my A levels was one thing but getting 6 out of 6 on the bike that same US washing gets difficult for I think. Mr Blair all buddy or. Just rub it in he's going to be furious he's going to be right we'll get to the halfway point if we get this from you Brian we're doing 40 artists with a color all colors in their name what you got for me well I think no no it is a group called Red Necks and caution. And I cut mad Joe At been married a long time ago that was a cheesy Oh recall I was in a yeah it's just given the all too well she's a party out with the Christmas. Always intern Daugherty stuff and all I see all about this is all my while she's on my album bra and buoyancy I tell you. Kalki has been applied quality around where I am in the place where I live yes we've been to cyber or to 2 hours of Monday dogs and. Ready New Year's Eve playing all the novelty novelty songs on the album one hit wonders and all that yes residential high wind while it hunger for now is to be from Rob's people yes some of the not soft side to bring some food in and so we can have a saying I was supposed to be in that white mention of going up singing south on New Year's day for stocks like you well did you hear Brian on very quickly on the subject of novelty songs having the Christmas number on this year the sausage roll song yeah I think it's a cry parity. You know I was really sniffy about it and then I heard a I thought I should do with a bit of humor and a bit of a wink and it's raised all that money for the food bank charity the trust trust. I knew a bit stiff because I was this the right you have cited and are such that a morning when he was on that thought yes Mr Sisson Yes but as I said 1st one says think it's 2000 about their own sins but with the bell they'll be getting a player tomorrow as well I'm sorry I've got to go Brian but thank you for that read next is number 20 is might say. Bite right we've got half of them we're halfway there we need for what's a band or artist with a color in that name or to call us if they're in or did more if you can think of more change in Millbrook Hello Jane. Welcome what we got for as a group. I couldn't respond to to update her that your parents really. RINGBACK eric clapton yeah it was early day do you know g.'s music is well george ease he's a proper a fiction aren't are so i face told your that then on quite happy to go with i was wild your member any of the songs you know yelland ok don't need just remember this think yet to quote crew sunshine of your love was one of a that was when your bell that was a big wrong cross roads are oh i feel free of course that was i'm as well will now yes yeah you're going to have been jack bruce an eric clapton yeah crazy my i mean it describes the color of a carpet more but cream colored i would imagine keepin it clay now absolute not mess by she got a dog flippin ect it's a good one though j.v. It's number 21 thank you thank you parekh good night going to and i've been you yeah welcome along if you just joined is by the way to pat's isn't sitting in on the poor miller show it's our friday challenge redo every week this week between now amid night we need 48 bams with a color or color as in then name not just bans but arts he says while this is the number to get involved cool cat says sends i why you to wait 103800 b.b.c. Radio you sow the land the phone is ringing off the hoax but georgie's getting to as many as he possibly counts a few get a ringing tone hang on i'm he will get to year where on number 22 and a it's who is it this time it's greg in showing a low that greg i thought how are you on flung might not you not going units almost missed the gained say fast it's well well i only because it already being printed out well no i don't 6 our sakes but it def definitely 20 owing to a mate definitely 2019 nothing for my crowning achievement what you got for me on the challenge greg gun back in the no base time a got german but electronic music band tangerine jory time jury who came up on the new edition of black mira your air of they series gras It came on just today I think on Netflix and I sat and watched it and it said it's interactive Actually it's a T.V. Show where you choose what happens it's quite something out there I. Actually watched it and it's worth a look I won't spoil it for you but it's all so it's all set in 1984 and they recreated a shopping precincts of the heyday of computer games there's that expect from a Commodore and all that kind of thing and they've recreated an old W. Smith with all the computer games and I'm all this old vinyl as well I'm a lot in the in the films looking through one of the albums was Tangerine Dream So there we are so I'm glad someone came up with that when they were spaced out I wouldn't buy it was all sort of want on kind of fair they did a lot of Russians just by salty and oh yeah we knew Charles. And stuff like so music to listen to if you're in a certain state of mind I would suggest Greg I think they did the same song for the Special Olympics in 1970 or did not remember. Well it's a good and Gregg and it's number 22 all about what a future is Greg and I was like all the best. You know his Jerry and deliberate Hello generation who are welcome How are you very much for yourself yeah I'm really going to be joining this we're up to 23 already I think we're going to do it if we keep the price up what we got for is Jerry put in. The thrilling bloom of. The wall the splitting the thing I mean. S W. It's thrilling bluejeans was a different band they were just annoyed that the swinging blue jeans got their name for stop a lot of he said backing out of a hole if he's not true as I just made that up do you remember what they did Jerry if he shake How was that them I didn't know that only I'm getting an education and I have to say a musical education on all of these and where they want your favorites back in the day yes a few of us of course couldn't do the Hippy Hippy Shake. I don't. Think I'm the same at a disco as one of them standing at the back of the spike of the room close to the wall with a Coke can get me on the dance floor no no no no no just on coke Anyway thank you Jerry Happy New Year Yeah I too not just one question please if I can I'm sure right I hope so I would like photographs of wall you oh right. I don't want to go any Jerry sorry about how old they deem me to will be for the lens in case I cracked tape I do not always. Grow while doing this is how to imagine what I look like you know George Clooney. Like that oh yeah you know they say radio is the theatre of the mind I can get away with the same. Area. Again all the best that I knew that but by Mike's inside I Mike I have welcome what we got 1st number 24 I was saying he might think pink to. Not take me through this bit by bit Pinkerton's waltz assaulted cause Pinkerton's assaulted colors on I have not never heard of them before what did they do they had a. Mirror mirror on the wall that was humanly who wasn't You'll think you know. No no that was mere amount sorry I apologize. Mirror mirror on the wall sounds a bit Disney What year would we be talking about. These. Yeah oh right yeah I'm with the I think people just used to call them the Pinkertons now it's did they know the sorts of colors of the Pinkertons but I've not heard a ping from the sort of colors but it might just be and I think but yeah you're right it's in the it's in the system would you believe so I love that one off here that's going to be the most isa Terek sounding name we've had so for Anyway Mike so thank you for that you're welcome Happy New Year Cheers mate thank you Pat financed by how Terry's on the fighting Teddington he's not turned his radio down listen to that noise in the background but I mean how are you in a cave Terry it's very eco he way ya know right I mean a cutting edge. As it should be probably they start with what you got for me from number 25 Blue Oyster Cult The No that's the one I got told off about earlier on said what's like I did and I said Yes I watched Michael did I say but I said Black Sabbath Don't Fear the Reaper Yeah I got a 1000000 sex saying it was the Blue Oyster Cult you quite right I do apologize so much it was you know it was again that song. True and it was the vote was one of the blocks I did as well. To the brim I've been trying to an all girls born impression it will be embarrassing to everyone. What the New Year Terrio to excite him that's not quite funny I wonder what stuff like that drinks and so to let the police sold out it sounds like a good and well you enjoy Happy New Year freedom space on yourself might is right say that's Terry intending to be number 25 to call I'm going to take one more as we roll up towards off past 11 and then we're going to have a quick break if only some kind of slip of this tea that's rapidly cooling next to me it's all green Bishop stone heavy breathing down the line ordering you all right there. How are you yeah really good really good. You know I'll. Be like you on on doing a good job because you are good all right. Everyone people are good. into the habit of thinking any to stroke my ego to come on now and they don't i get paid to be a you know ward riyadh oh you know everybody knee book good all round he's not my mum this time he's my on take bringing to ask going up i owed you what you go off we've been a bit 26 odd got ever all were no air all but what's a good loan yaseen dade front man of chalk club war legend a was yeah and they still play whole chocolate although i think there'll left at left i'm a long time ago to the friend of my might to say them on was really disappointed it will there yeah that's a crack or owner i loved you come from my neck or the would stone you know depends our big the woods your have have the i was a but a skip down the road do you order but anyway now as to speak to you you keep put the good war take care of yourself forward to listen and he with monday i shal be air from tempe am with how about your level good good good old sat with him chris you got a think that thanks i will my sure he knows about it well before 10 o'clock out all the i'm going to ring him in a minute thanks old wraith they care pat oh i tell me in worthy on the tech says pats your showing your music ignorance tonight suggests use wats up before next time he spelt swat wrong type no as w.a.t. Toady else will up on the music if you swap and he spell it may all be fogged from 8 how we got take a bright we have got up to 26 we're doing really well we need 40 we started this thought know it's kind so while we're going to push on for forte before midnight on the friday challenge faced with a color i call color as in then name and this was one we came up with a while the guy deep ken blue and real gong kid is that long Real 1135 my apologies mentioning I rolled around and forgetting the question he was a. Of course actually passed away a little while ago which I've forgotten about or completely passed me by he died in 2015 after an amazing Korea. And what a. Years ago my friend went to see the many already left the band and he didn't know so he came out and some other guy came out and started doing all but I believe in miracles the crowd reacted badly because I expected to see Errol. Wyles by people at the time but yeah very much in the 26 hour. I don't want to blow any that people are waiting with on the files and also there's just so many of them cafe ended them pearly working very hard. On our i Pads and i it's come up with lots of the ones that we've included already including this one in blue jeans and sell a black and Pink Floyd thank you for that Brian is in Chichester he suggested loads of really good ones including Cilla Black Pinkerton's assorted colors and Black Sabbath who are on the list Moody Blues from Kenneth Richardson nice to hear from you Kenneth and Peter from Warrick has been on my study listening in Warrick Peter he says I think this will fall foul on 2 grounds. It's in French for a kickoff and the Freddie rule I'm already not including red as part of Freddy as in Freddy in the dream as but I'm still going to suggest blue because it's spelled be A A N C That's blank as in whites may have it we're living on the ceiling from the 1980 S. They daid but because it's in French clever though it is I'm not going to include a great suggestion I'm very nice to hear from you know we've got. Too many to go now 14 to go in the next 23 minutes can we do it. This ends I want you to wait 103800. I think we can but we might have to beat the price up a bit will start with Lynn baffled and hello that lane got a shade or yeah really good way to go to day we've got number 27 to get to what we got for my. Wife orchestra it was when he said it was back came the 5050 with a young woman they were looking at a pack train we used to listen to music while he was yet did he do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do yeah that's right. And it wasn't always adults by and yet sometimes it was a military bad we didn't. I mean that was a mustache people of my generation don't really know what documentaries about it but music while you work it was like housewives choice it was it was absolutely the most massive radio show of the day was the way it was here and there anything. Else but now about music when it was stopped by and they'd go around places and do it as well so your factory could be the one where the B.B.C. Rolled into town but we did have this place till I'm rich with plates on the wide boy made Yes and the frame on it how money because I made imagine that was the 50s equivalent of the Radio one run. Only begun the factory radio and that was amazing but why is it not a war story but I want to start with what you wanted I'm having a look at the memories as well thank you for that cannot we show producer Joe Happy New Year off to tell me when I was on the pile but not me it was you know even after the. Year that we finish writing can you have Happy New Year and certainly a very very happy New Year to you think very nice of you then the same to you all the best you know I think you very much that Julie's in Witney Hello June 8th. Yeah I'm enjoying myself tonight what we got from a 28 for you. Now . About with us well George did you know that Macy Gray you only had to. Know why or to show she spells a name G R A Y But the colors right royal clearly love that color great use Gee why isn't it yeah that's the American way one that. Is that is that right identifies Serai I just think grays a different color if it's with an eye. Yeah go on then all of it. Becomes a show but you're right she hasn't she only ever had one really massive hit which was called Try and then she seemed to vanish we never really had another one from which was a. Route over we'll remember in position number 28 thank you. So you go to prove night night by. Churchill I wave. The way you know more than I do so you well in the near a few other people have come on and tried to book a meal which is very nice and I am very flattered and you've just got on I know your name is I've been known on the phone no no. No I think. This is what keeps you grounded when you get a bit too big for your boots and start thinking you can do that famous someone comes on the don't know what you call. It's Pat Pat Oh yeah cool. Right we're going to the brass Joe Brown Yeah now interesting because you have a daughter as well than me Sam Brown who follow you to the music industry she had a couple of hits of our own as well but he didn't like that gravelly voice didn't he Joe Yeah he only lived up the road and the couple of model I you know he still this feeling he released an album not so long ago well. He's been a star next so well yeah House I think about faithfully as I say he's going to say. I don't know whether I know what he says You live in Lincolnshire which is not quite as far. As I did. Yes. This always you know the thread count and. By it's very told yeah if I told every show well yeah and he was very I mean he was very popular as a sort of chap because me Starlight was yeah yeah that's right yeah I love that one that. Brown 29 thank you for that yeah you've done a good job it's been great listening to you all even if you know what I told. You or you. Ridiculous ridiculous thing I've ever had in my life me oh yeah yeah the new. Bike is Malcolm In sorry I'm out 5 welcomes we're on number 38 we've got 10 to go after this what we've got for us white plains who I don't recognize that one who was a White Plains they were a group that came out of a group called the flower pot man in the late sixty's they had several. I wouldn't have known them off the top of my head but I will take your word for a 2nd it doesn't sound like me I think my baby loves love him was one of the men that he was called when you were a kid I remember my baby loves loving I remember a band called The pipkins covering it remember the pick a comedy outfit they did. Give me that thing. That was 8 yeah and they did one with a very high voice and one with a very low voice and I remember very much baby loves living but White Plains originally you say yeah I think they have a connection with a group mid sixty's early sixty's group called the Ivy League they kept sort of changing and they had tossing and turning and things it's been nice to do this tonight Malcolm Because people like you come on who are a lot more knowledgeable the make. A variety of reasons be one of them but also. As well by Malcolm It's about enthusiasm for the music and I think that's lovely to a lot coming through Thank you for that number 3rd say OK thanks bye bye bye bye That's Malcolm in separate fail is in Bassett green in Southampton I fell. Welcome We've got 10 fell and it we're going to count down with you to begin with what we got for us. Spirits and I'm not going to Norman. Norman great. Spirit in the sky you may marrow now now we don't Man oh man I now know yeah what I hit that was wow one hit wonder it was a one hit wonder and it was done again I keep going on about this night in a yeah I saw them going on about this 986 Top Of The Pops where they were all my me on Christmas Day and he was one of the worst Mimas I've ever seen the bloke from doctrine the medics to. The 86 Igor go is even bothering to like he was singing a different song altogether but it's a good and it's number 31 thanks Phil. Happy New Year Cheers mate. Is Johnny's born Hello John. Welcome to the Friday challenge 15 minutes to go we're on number 32 with you what you got for us the only white you know. I said about 9 o'clock tonight where me and George were sitting in the office working out what we're going to do for the Friday charge what can we think of in terms of bands and singers with colors in the name between us we got about 5 which was pretty pathetic but Barry White was one of them and I'm amazed he hasn't come up so far tonight Joan. Are you sitting there going to bet someone's going to say Barry White in a minute you know it was as well I've been waiting for it all night. Of love we even mentioned him I think when we were playing the bank that's what your favorite song Jump. I don't remember that one of you thinking of can't get enough of your love babe. I think I can think of one of the moment was a moment on one of his own really startled and laughing Thank you John Happy New Year to you. All the best night Barry why is number 32 on the Friday challenge we are getting there now we are getting that. I'm going to talk to Roy in Gosport now a royal good evening that Pat Good evening to you so how you do I'm OK The moments just listening to television here in your present moment. I find it fascinating that so many people listen to the radio on the television now. Bunkers but it's quite nice at the same time isn't it you can get on the Freeview coming out you telly Yeah it makes me paranoid the ROI that they've got a camera on me somewhere in the air at any minute now is going to pop up and you'll catch me doing something I shouldn't in the studio like scratchy no picking my nose or something about makes me nervous that I hope it doesn't happen for the sake of the views of the South have you got for me on the Friday challenge we would be Mary Ruby Marie what an artist she is as well amazing voice now is that her real name Roy or is she named after the the slang Ruby married you think no I think 3 slang Ruby Mary try me on afterwards do you think it was original night because here goes back to early fifty's and sixty's that's right I mean she was she was Northern Irish wasn't she I think about Belfast or somewhere around there so that will be why her name got coined to not make sense to them in that way round Yeah yeah fantastic Jim ember anything that she did not offhand know she was a sort of powerhouse in the fifty's when she sort of Yeti 253 that kind of thing yeah very fondly remembered by many I'm sure that's a really good one Roy it's number 33 thank you for that. Thank you anyway my senior year to you and to you to keep listening Cheers Roy. How he is in where they have Eileen how we're doing well Ali Don't you think we're doing Wow Yes very well especially for the way they write that cinema 34 white lawyer and they were an eighty's rock band with Mike tramp asleep thinking he was gorgeous Now I haven't heard of white lie and if I was if I was going to make up a sort of fictional eighty's rock band what might be the name I would choose yes sounds a little bit like Whitesnake yet another one that if I thought was a name of the song they date done well to you one of the best is by the children cried out children of all. My 3 sides but he's beautiful songs but you know in the eighty's I was like your eighty's. I'm not sure I would be a British or American or somewhere else but anything with Danish but they were of American he went over to America. When the children cry is a very beautiful song yeah it's amazing to me that me an eighty's band who are popular the haven't quite incredible really isn't it can you sing sing it for me Ali It might bring back a few memories if you give me just a couple of balls on one of those songs. When the children come and when the children close the home in the mind. That the no no no Michael blank. I still think you might be making trying to improvise but I'll trust you out of. The video now you sound like a trustworthy person so obvious yet why 34 Thanks Ali And Happy New Year. By 6 to go we'll get a mess I'm going to give you the number one more time because as we get closer to the last 5 days getting harder and harder to get new examples we've picked off all the obvious ones now we're getting somewhat less obvious so. Give an account cool see sense I want you to eat 10800 B.B.C. Radio and. It's 10 to midnight we've got to number 35 on the board it's coming from Tony in Shelley in sounds and. I don't know I haven't seen you since Christmas I look forward every Christmas so there I am so much free I think the ever ever tribute ponders on. The ground it's I would say that. You'll get me showing that. You must be a most human in there. It's a I've got the proud 20 and I was down the back of my sofa Tanya as I well if we don't know now I don't know what color this is. A planned tin crimson and the lead guitar says Robert Fripp and these narratives or we'll call scheme or limbs or more cruel killer is crimson ace red in it is it right oh well like blood right isn't it Chris All right. But King Crimson I remember the band I remember Toya as well was she still around yeah I did a round a long time Robert Fripp was the lead guitarist There we go yeah come play the 2nd a lot of that want to come up as well yeah I think it's out here that perhaps Yeah but it's not more obscure white lions White Plains or hogs that we have out tonight so yeah it's number 35 it's a good old time me boy. I've got Chris on the phone somewhere in Kent which beat a can see when Chris I mean founder. Of an age when lovely to have you listening and that will have me almost childish I'm missing one sorry I should have as long as you get a sense for Chris what you've got to say for the Friday challenge. This love has taken its toll. From Criminon to memory brought me back right track or. That movie almost like Jackie was a mess when I was in it with Christina Aguilera a few years ago I mean notice we're only doing red Now which one crimson of dimmer rune which is kind of red Well purple I suppose so we're just working through the spectrum how that's quite clever nice thank you Chris for that's. The best. He's got his Gerry a member Hello Jerry. You know been a great time Jerry we've got 8 minutes left to go I'm feeling good about this number 37 plays. Some already roots of the African Queen. Send a broom just and sound the Browns jazz band was a feller all Sunday a girl I'm guessing a fella. Back in the day was more likely to have been asked by them what were the songs they were famous for Jerry after him cream is one of them oh yeah he did say yeah on our blog because I'm trance and you write on the very best of pride garden more OK so if anyone wants to pick it up. That if he's going to be going to need to be quick because they go. Bless them all right Gerri thank you that happy new year. Night Rowland's in Roland how are you. 3 to go my friend what do you know for us Robson Green. Now this is controversial to say with another chop. I'm not going to have this you know right I'm not going to have it and I'll tell you why because I don't think well I'm going let me check before I before I go out on a limb but I don't think he ever released anything just on his own as Robson Green I think it was Robson and Jerome. Cry act as they've both been in. Show now you say that now you say that you've given me a curveball right at the last minute. You've got a Roland you've made my life very difficult story. I don't know if they have it if you haven't anything on his own if he did then I'll take it but if he did he didn't use his name did I'm not sure where you take a. Lot of the people names or about me yeah I don't flapped Oh I'm on I'm on George's got something signed I got George Robson Gray has released his own album called moment in time 2002 and it was just by Robson grain I say. 15 tracks all of Robson on a roll and we've saved it where I mean it. Well the good news. Was worried I was really worried we were going after knock him off his perch Sandra is in certain code a Hello Sandra. You. Know big moment penultimate one Sam to what he got to go lonely boy. No that's right lonely boy that was a big one was and he was in was he in 10 C C as well something like that. But I couldn't remember yeah. I was a big fan of his Actually I thought he was and he was very good indeed that was a lovely song and he did I think a couple of us all we did thank you for being a friend as well Denise was the golden girl seemed. Like and I never let her slip away God we got a gold one in that Sandra thank you so much you know very well all about something that I will. Has fairly Norbury Phil. Hello there it's a big moment my friend is going to be number 40 if we can nail this one and we will complete the challenge what have you got for a single US everyone's or finish. Me on it's own another one right back at the stuff I thought was going to come up almost instantly the band blew. Us What was your favorite song by blue I thought I'm afraid. But I think I enjoyed the version of the story seems to me that on his books. Oh I'll call number one a not all say still is OK. I'm with George thinks he's saying I Yes I'm yes amazing I tell you all this I thought I would be the 1st one to come out of the truck tonight it's the very last one number 40 you have completed the challenge with. Every new Yeah. So I thought I might. Number 40 completes the Friday challenge for with this with they. Didn't respond the decades that. Black and all the way up the pic is about 70 years of On the. Decision. And. Side for this with colors in the title The Moody Blues Simply Red Black Black Eyed Peas orange juice Deep Purple Stanley Black and Blue mink Georgie Fame in the blue flames Black Sabbath Whitesnake pink the blue. Dress Pink Floyd average white blue Jimi Green Day black red necked cream Tangerine Dream the swing in blue jeans pink it's . The Blue Oyster Cult Errol Brown Jack White's orchestra makes a great job Brown White Plains. Barry White. His white lie him King Crimson Maroon 5 Sunday Brown jazz band Robson Green Andrew Gold play here did a. Another challenge next week. B.B.C. Digital Radio and T.V. From. Midnight I'm Mickey Schiller It's a rise so Michael Pailin the Monte Python star and documentary maker has been given a knighthood in the new year's honors you can expect to get a knighthood just for doing a job knighthoods have also gone to the former England cricket captain Alice to cook and the bestselling author Philip Pullman model Twiggy was made today makes me giggle and it's wonderful it's a wonderful I was in complete shock when I read the letter I thought I'd missed read it and I had to ring the Cabinet Office to make sure it wasn't a mistake and it's amazing the England football counting gats Southgate becomes an O.B.E. After the team's World Cup success but it's not just the famous who've been recognised $43.00 people involved in the response to the London and whether a went star for many northern areas of England with light rain drier but rather chlamydia and Misty in the south and that she B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes per.

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