Nothing of English raising the thing anyone. Can be after South Yorkshire and North dhaba shit with patchy outbreaks of rain continuing on and off these will gradually clears the south of the region that was we had to watch the end of the day it will stay quite breezy with highs of 910 Celsius but I have an eye to become law and clay when temperatures are low in a for a to frost down to around one all to Celsius so very chilly starts that I tomorrow but it should be a bright day plenty of sunshine temperatures are going to struggle by highs of just 6 Celsius that's more than one line at a busy creek I. Don't Radio Sheffield. On the beautiful that the but I was saying b.b.c. Are. Sheffer letter just before the news we were hearing about the adventures of Peter Foster from Braxton roll them and octo generic him who's been celebrating his age by doing all shorts including we walking and going on they world's fastest zip Why how did he top he did it by riding high on a penny farthing known in the cycling world is how I bike ride a penny farthing how you allow you a you roughly 5 foot 6 very shy just 5 foot 6 foot amateur little tiny will at the back and a little piece of metal they can just get your toe on an issue lashed to too long and he choked up onto the seat. And this acknowledge. That go awry. If you actually know I actually were really. Flowery ways go. Back out. Own list and it's are there. I shouldn't to put your truck up on because we will find the rule is quite hard and your head is not. Have difficulty that the policy that was the most dangerous thing I'm going to did you fall off it depending only paid you know. Because there's no brakes on it and it's not being such an event in our horse. That sounds about. Chest high yeah for to show off the floor and. I had difficulty getting to the shuttle but. I've got to strengthen molests like to pull me up all around. I mean again I was holding the high down the bow do noodling the 100 about it. And I had to get your nutrition to put me back to a. Little bit because he'll fall off. And it was a little village. In the east of Korea Yeah. And . We were supposed to be going to ride in a little park. Shooting just a numerical data about a week and heavy rain. And strong winds and that was the day I was and. It was Bush going to the park and the guy killing the Jones with the Penny Farthing said I think we're best going down the road in this village. Because it downhill and you've got the wind blowing behind you yeah. I don't know about only the 2 cars that were coming that way they expected. In about a little. We had about 5 rooms down. To get your balance right. Now I had been to other valley come to park on a few occasions and didn't you know she. Hadn't been a bike for about 40 years. Just again disagree boundary. So when we started off with the Penny Farthing. He held onto a boat image out. To fall off a hole in the thing pretty much you do not put your feet on the pedals. Yadi it was so we down wished young to have a manageable. And actually no brakes show I got to lie on him too 'd so down at the end you're jump off the thing and then. Down again and eventually if your leg or may not fouling primarily it's brilliant pizza wonderful story encouragement to all of us I'm not quite octogenarians yet what your family and your I want to do with that the fact yet people don't talk to people. You know if you walking down the street you might actually Schumer Che Lo there had been more welcome. To Mr Cool to talk to them yeah if in a cafe they should be shut the next table on their own. Chain low don't cost anything. You might make a friend you know he was ashamed Blake and regulation Yeah you see him again and that become he being he had a friend and it could lighten chimley life yeah oh good on you Peach I'm of the Saddam to torture as well you mentioned at the beginning yo yo was dementia I mean I guess going on Penny fallings I guess going up on why isn't planes and things in a for that must be a bit easier than coping with somebody who's suffering in that way yes well one thing he told from the outside I'm just I don't mean to care don't forget to look after yourself. I mean when he goes with me wherever we go over to we don't go out every day but almost. Keeping her. Doing different things making different people what you may be needed. You know it's all part of the game just because I'm 80. So indeed Peter now says he wants to have a driving 44 trunk truck and are trying to displace he might do it he's been on a penny farthing I wonder what you've been on we're collecting 108-022-4949 which is going on 3 double 3 starting with the word Sheffield Still to come on the program today all Bilis beginning with now of course more things that you put on the hope and a young father from Sheffield who wants to visit every country in the world he's going to come in and bat all I'm going to ask him I was drinking the university. Just between. When I. Was it is perfect as it. Can tell you something just between. When I. Think that he can. Be so. Here with me you know b.b.c. Radio Sheffield here with me we're top of the letter o. Today our final of the day is probably going to be all ballistics here to explain what there are to tell us about some of the ones around here is the author Patrick as but a good afternoon to you Well it is an openness. And I have a list is a whole 4 sided pillow that take us to the top and the ones we see in south you should tend to be a set of points where he says they are missing in ancient Egypt. Opulence times and weeks writers are Greek. Their descriptions of the Egyptian populists and I suppose the fashion for them came to Britain because of how many had been taken from. The Romans reelected in Rome and so 'd from the late on some words Snowden Europeans got fascinated by all this they tended to be used in the garden design as I catchers to mark the terminus of a sideline. Or to a great example is a well it was Castle up the hillside for the men should you see a very tall elegant populous which goes by the name of Lady Marius of Alice and this was named in honor of Lady Mary work the Montague and is unique because she was a living woman rather than a monitor or a day or classical day or city and she was remembered because she had introduced a remedy against smallpox which was inoculation which of course more parts of the biggest killer in Europe. May not have to carry. It it made no distinction between whether your eristic rat or peasant people died in the millions and should observe this because you've been the wife of the ambassador in Istanbul what was central Constantinople the Ottoman court and she'd seen you knock elations being carried out so she became a champion of this when she returned to England in 1716 and eventually became the standard practice. At the rather risk is that this day it still stands because so yes and this is another one where my past listener there is just one which is designed to be seen from various parts of the landscape and from the Long Gallery of the mansion and this is dedicated to Queen Anne because she was a patron of the man who created them and was Castle state and he erected this one in 730 for 20 years after the queen's death and he flaunts he negotiated the peace of Utrecht which was despised by the new monarchs and the Varians And so he liked just winding up the government to the. Merging the change in the ribs to show . This from a gig an obelisk he conceded and you've discovered one of the jewel mourning for the party you can't go inside them or use them for anything Kenya but they don't pay for it Washington d.c. You can tell there's a massive opulence and see it's a Washington Monument and you go in it was built I suppose in the early part of the last century and you've got an elevator and as you go around the top the glass windows to look out across the capital city but in England know that they're far too small Well I mean big not big enough for people to go up inside the interesting element for good health which is again designed to be seen from the block mansion to the needle survey and this one's. A bit different because it is pierced by a very elegant archway. Missed about writing approaches of all since furiously through the archway but that's a delightful list chuckles Tom went with what else is a ritual intended to be not a list but that I must change so without as a column rather than an hour list Patrick it's wonderful you have do you know after learn more this afternoon about all blissed and I've known all my life thank you so much can I sure question which is this one we're talking about letter today what have you been. On my best behavior. Well you certainly haven't Thanks ever so much indeed but as is the letter for today and he's talking about when with the 2 we have with him all the opal This quickly became with as well. As that it. Is a God still. With about. 22 minutes past. Radio Show. Discussed in the letter asking what have you been on Carla oh oh oh oh what should be wrong top of the world what. A few years ago when I was a church where a lady was a 100 and I asked what she remembered most and she said the things I was going to do and didn't know last year my mother would have been she passed away at 98 she would have been a 100 this September so I asked someone what should I do to remember when my mother would have been a 100 and they said for goodness sake do without war you've been going to do for 10 years so what did I do it only went to work when I was it sent days in Cumbria diplomacy to the state picked pebble up water 190 miles over to Robineau stay down there and drop a pebble on the base there. On top of that well I don't have the moan that could be it as well could have did you have an adventures while you were crossing a well I mean it was the beauty of it I'd never be in that type of countryside for so for such a long period of time I did it did it with a firm we were absolutely outstanding with a guide mainly otherwise about the mountain west looking for me. But I mean it in some other places in a straight line you know it was sort of like going back in time yeah it was a salute to say amazing. Until the people who were there were lovely as well and I didn't realize him. People came in from other countries to do it gentlemen please you know it just sounds totally wonderful Did you have a pint of beer. There and through your stand up well good for us a lovely story and thanks very much indeed that takes us I think probably the last of the calls on the subject of the letter of the links up the issue of shoes on a walk and what to watch she was on she thought she going to do something and she did it thank you speech radio show for we're showing our stories we always do and it's 28 minutes past 2 if you want to join me for a conversation after half past I'm going to be discussing the life and times of Will Saxton with Will such to naturally these currently a recruitment and engagement officer so when he comes into the studio What's that when it's at home and I will tackle him about his drinking when he was at university if he comes in now after all. And snow still had words. Thanks for any on the metro you said traffic is so looking Ok not bad at all really on the m one or the am 18 and even thought Perrin it's Doncaster . Same place on the inbound side around the yet West small link junction make things a little bit slow that and also Bentley road to on the a 19 in Doncaster just need to Granger court in Tempe lights are in place today thanks 100 traffic also looking at really busy as well on your road on the a 63 in that don't cast between the Sun traffic lights and the same areas roundabouts out and about around Sheffield in the city center traffic a sad looking Ok Chapeltown on the I 61 on Pakistan road sometimes the lights are in place around the whole wood road junction short places while out on the trains there are delays on the East Coast main line between downcast and the London Kings Cross the trespass instant south of pizza causing some to ice up to 15 minutes thanks very much if you got a phone on the jump to beg pardon those guys would if you got the phone. Number for . I have in. I'm not a yes doctor like 142560121 in half an hour very much this is b.b.c. Radio Sheffield with the new. Middle to thank you good afternoon net migration from the European Union the difference between the number of citizens coming to live in the u.k. And those Emigrating is at its lowest level for 16 years a leading economic research group has warned that neither the conservatives nor Labor are offering credible spending plans in their election manifestos and accuse both parties of not being honest with voters the research has been done by the Institute for Fiscal Studies the region's 1st dedicated walkway to remember those who've served in the armed forces is to be extended in Barnsley It's called the Armed Forces commemorative walkway and the 1st dozen granite slabs bearing the names of individuals and units are already in place the plan is to extend it between Westgate and shamble street and some news about the theatre in Doncaster hundreds of people affected by the recent flooding in Doncaster are getting free entry to a theatre show the cast there which has been awarded for its work with asylum seekers and refugees offering the free seats a quick look at the weather for this afternoon it's going to be cloudy the patchy rain will fade away highs today 9 Celsius it will be dry tonight ground fast and temperatures down to one Celsius b.b.c. Radio Sheffield nice. The same feeling Fisi Radio Shack for you if you. Only wheel bearing and we'll need from Sheffield he's got a 6 month old son he's a chef at United supporter and I think he cried at the just feel game but I'm going to ask him that. Now he says over people I was. Cured when he got here good money is over 23 the bedding a little bit questions Will let's go for it yeah. Would you like I. Tell me something you learn to ski. With what other. Immune to that it was at school what it was a while a general thing. When I could think of just various. My name and. Yeah you got me that or what I learned at school I'm going to go but basically male single female single goodness there's a bond code time yeah it's free females think covering celebrations or heroes that chocolates a good group of heroes. Is my how. What you are is not my question the outside of the house for the insights a very very colorful house where I live that's the end call is male as I have never cried from laughing. Yes but you do the day watch in the office. Usually what's the worst decision you've ever made oh wow there's no such thing as about decision a dream holiday dream holiday when I've been you know to go from to you Dream over the trees all that I'd love to go to Jamaica or you've been to Syria lay down and calmly call a holiday to make it he can have a cinema movie. I care for cinema something you've been on. Like on stage or more on telly on the radio with a little truck that's a. Little bit of the office walk to the office may laugh. If you say it was in the oh yes America you know no you need to watch the America why what's good about it is just I find out a lot better than the English Steve Carell and it's just I mean he's in good up I stand corrected you want to have another go at something you learn to. Think. How are you going to say we can speak a language is. Just the 1st thing that came to my had was the guy. So I. Will search the radio. Feel. Like. I. Should see how long they be said here have a list progress pretty good I'm with Will Saxton grounded enthusiastic and contented and I described himself you do seem particularly content to really live with a really good mood and out for dinner when you walk until these days are because you've got this 6 month old who has an absolute lesson if you drive tell us about him I described him just for me yeah like some people are just an absolute lesson in my life like um I don't really know where my life is going to like a just finished university. It's like I said how you know what happens now and then he came along and just gave me such a reason to live it to the island by chance how do we say it's a surprise it's what we go for not an accident here's a surprise he exhausted on my final you know. Say house I was trying to go how did you go with this surprise. It's obviously it's for me an Armani my girlfriend of 2 Gables moment like we had each other you know and I think I'm in a strong support network have my family close by really good friends there I made it made it Ok it was hard and I really I said the last couple of months I just I really. I just I got used to this new lifestyle you know going from you know which you're never going to know what you need like it's a way of living you have to now how many full time job my house and I mean to raise a child is very different so it's just into that mentally is a child that was the hardest challenge and I think it's just the long it's the fact that I put it there's no end to it you know when whenever you do anything which is kind of difficult you know that you know maybe at the end the day I'll be over or you know a couple more you know the example to garner a. Child obviously there's no and I mean yeah you're saying your notes for this interview that moment was brilliant and change your life and all sorts of things like that absolutely absolutely yeah I live my life now I generally am like super happy I used to think I was really happy tomorrow I think so much only happy person but now like my life just has so much so much meaning you know I really have to just it's just just to see him and just to see him smile and see him grow and it just feels maybe like this crazy Joy like I've never experienced before is the same kind of feeling you got at the United have this film this is how they fare the game against Man you get the day that was that was one of those equivalents was a similar feeling was jamming on to that what I believe he did mention the night it was Phil Gramm and you did talk about grown men crying and when I rang he said it was a no no no I want to watch it so memorable for you the of all the things you've done in 24 years you know what I have no memory loss I want to other well the question is why did I was then your life 11. I obviously not for good reasons it was just yeah I mean being a football fan you can't help but just. Be very much a part of it you know you every day it's football football football so you know getting to Wembley in the playoffs I know I would be in League One too long and to lose the way we did on penalties we've Steve Simonsen taken away over the bar it's a memory I took a lot of the 1st time in our conversation up and smiling I think. It was about you know your education it was a chef a long time yes marriage a chef you're my whole life so let me go to school i cood schools my so I can just go yeah and I went to Boston College to do creative media and then I went to Holland to do journalism by didn't really want to be doing this film is the name of I don't know why I think I just I know I know I felt like kind of feel quite sorry sky yeah. Well. I could be where your solicitor moment when you decided no I remember because I have to do it in the media for a few years. I thought you know I kind of know a little bit what I'm doing so that I remember being in the journalism class and just taught how to put a tripod I think I just started to for a lot of love and I was like This is just so. Funny for me about something you know I mean I'm having a lot of money for this and I remember I want to see one if they want to one segment where we watch look you know off twice like the same episode twice and I was just like I just got I can do this anymore I need some for now so I mean why though I just fell out of it if you look north it's not I thought I don't blame not not personally. I quite like. It just the fact we watched it twice and I was like what I want my game from this I didn't I didn't love it you know I was it's something I like as a seller Dorie mother he's wonderful Yeah he didn't do tell each other not the journalist what have you just so that I did criminology all it was was just one conversation with this girl who do criminal edgy and she must have sold it to me really well. Like I mean to kind of like you more dark documentaries and films like serial killers stay here I like this. Is it me mate yeah I'll try this and then yeah just I'm quite I was there were like quite reckless like that like I don't think things through I'm not sure what caused all the cheese do you go to sleep sitting in jail right yeah the study of crime so you basically taught like like why people commit crimes stuff like that really good and it's not been useful in your present job as a recruitment tool engagement and this is. Not massively but you know of some of the reasons why people commit crimes the lack of opportunity the lack of stuff for them to do except and it's kind of good to do the role I do because we're offering people these opportunities so that they don't fall down the route of crime so and that so. It's similar but you know. Thanks When you tell me we'll piece of music you want to supply I cannot remember what. You know although I. Mean you think it is indeed yeah right sure you will see. I'm talking about it he's got a 6 month old for. Like 5 did that but it's not so. Up. To. Expect you know what she. Lives. Her. Life something about. Design. I. Was. Told. I had. To know. All this. Big Ship it completely. Piece a sail. Now over. The plaza in this instance. The border is just. Radio show from our radio program will Sikeston we're talking about his life it was his musical choice that grounded enthusiastic content he was being in the studio in front of recruitment to engage with the officer with a 6 month old child you know about your Mrs Would you like to say how you met each other. Over the old old fashioned Instagram to try. To stop telling the rest of us in the old fashioned way how that works so. It's hard to describe Instagram is just a photo sharing. Site you know you take it and upon it taken out now it's not for the friend when you follow certain pages people and you like the stuff they may postpone you know give them in or like and then they might give you a little like not like over maybe something's happening here but then i did me just run and Holly on a night how to say Oh I suppose it's a better way of explaining to randomly went without realizing she was going to be on the I need yeah yeah yeah so I this is literally the night before I went to Sierra Leone right sounds like a big deal with all my friends so yeah we went to Holly you know so I knew all that already because of the Instagram and see some ferrets earth etc So then when I saw a hot as a car my God like now when you told a story and did you go across and say look I'm not Mandy. I wish I could remember I had a nice one I do remember just being in the smoke canary. Some of the conversation. That night as it were or did you had no knowledge so I was I went to Sarah lay on them for free moments so you know nothing's going to materialize anyway. And then when I came back I bumped into again where his parents just by chance this is saying well this isn't a lot of. Research or let's issue stood next to me asked him a very well and is where in all in right now she's asking for glasses because she left her glasses. Oh I thought it was like You look nice and red she said you're not mocha but 3 times. I get tatted I remember have being like almost a little bit anxious and nervous about speaking to me in my head I'm like well you know he likes me then don't you know that I'm invested in a viewer like yeah we should go for drinks sometime and you know then we did go for a drink you have a drink as much with the holiday we want to get Yeah I said let's go to where his dreams but as a joke the point was we'd get to read history and I'd like. To go somewhere oh but she was already is that so yeah. Yeah the name it's the holly afterwards. Yeah it's nearly happily ever after now we have a baby together so yeah that crazy Larry she at length she listening to this conversation I should probably not too fat Gabriel my son he has his 1st model and shoots today his 1st modeling just so he's modeling some baby socks. So that's what she's doing right now it's just a way of paying off your overdraft that you know this is. Going to pay off for me. It's a pretty story and thanks for sharing it kind of call Sheffield into the food originally Yeah so yeah forward and then down in the world what. Yeah the research efforts. And then I moved back to the center Sheffield for uni and now live in Green Hill and you've only just moved there so we've been living I think for 6 months yeah yes we moved just after Gabriel's born so it was very hectic few months so just finishing uni start a new job moving house. I mean a baby is sexy enough to begin with and the green hills of green. I love Korean how absolutely will. My pleasure b.b.c. Radio show if it will bear in. This is b.b.c. B.b.c. Radio Sheffield how he's not looking at music lovely man on the program today we have been talking about all sorts of things including the letter and thanks for your contributions to it I was just talking to Will Saxton there who's describing all the things he's favorite telly program and it was the office the American official version of the of it and the message from Adam in a stand last message obviously. Today ironic would will agree with me when I say the c.p.r. And fire drill scenes in the office of the funniest moments in the office. When I told him that you're on b.b.c. Radio shuffle and it's coming up for 3 o'clock on the program which today has been devoted to the letter on the program tomorrow we'll be discussing world events with the weight really and share in what's happened in the week with my guests who joined me in the studio Friday who was a bit special souce Thursday Wednesday choose to and blunder. For South Yorkshire North Darvish is Craig had words. This afternoon really funny the motorways are fine the m one and the army teen included around Sheffield in the city center. A little bit too savvy coming in on Sheffield Parkway on to their e d y And in a matter of all air and the Tennessee roundabout traffic is queuing on line towards the roundabout Parkway a bit of a queue out. 3. Just a little bit heavy southbound still around about junction no problem so that we're aware of in they don't pass the area it is quite heavy on the phone right at Aden thought because of road works at the West small link junction and also just in Doncaster on the Bentley road Tempe line system in place in a 2 Grange court causing some q.c. So looking a lot better on the trains now between Don't cast down London Kings Cross the line 4561 to want to more than 30 minutes casting to South Yorkshire. Is b.b.c. Radio Shack to. Get up from how it's b.b.c. Radio Sheffield here. Time now for the 3 O'Clock News with the Middleton Thank you good afternoon. The Conservatives and Labor say they remain very confident in their spending proposals are following criticism from a leading economic think tank the Institute for Fiscal Studies has been going through the general election manifestos and says neither party is offering voters a credible prospectus the director of the I.F.'s Paul Johnson explains the finding both risk and they got boring a lot more than they're saying either because we end up with the economy doing much worse or in Labor's case because they don't get anywhere near as much tax in as they're suggesting or who can serve as they actually want to have to spend the more . Liberal Democrat leader Joe So Ensign has launched a fierce attack on Boris Johnson and his character accusing him of dragging the office of Prime Minister through the mud in a speech in London she said Mr Johnson had no shame in various aspects of his conduct whether it's this sexist patch or I think crap of comparing elite women athletes to wear it alters or him bragging about patting his female ball on the bottom this man isn't someone our sons can look up to that our daughters can have faith in Boris Johnson is Nort fit to be prime minister. Scuse me move on now if we go near Official figures show that you net migration the difference between those coming to the u.k. And those leaving has fallen to its lowest level for 16 years in the 12 months to the end of June it stood at an estimated $48000.00 after a stop and search at Doncaster Prison Police say items worth up to $50000.00 pounds have been seized Brigid items include drugs and phones 2 men have been charged and a woman has been released under investigation the family of the television chef Gary Rhodes have revealed that he died in hospital from a bleed on the brain they released a statement saying they want to end the painful speculation surrounding the 59 year old's death. Hundreds of people affected by the recent flooding in Doncaster are to get free entry to a theater show the cast theatre which has been awarded for its work with asylum seekers and refugees is offering the free seats they closed door will is cast community producer tonight we've opened up our pantry rehearsal to the flood victim so people that have been impacted by the floods I think there's about 2300 people coming tonight feel free to come and have a thirst look at Cinderella and say well that's about and hopefully help to make what's going to be quite a horrible Christmas a little bit better. In sports u.k. Athletics has launched an independent review of its own handling of its relationship with under-fire coach Alberto Salazar and the now disbanded Nike Oregon project in wicketkeeper just Butler is an injury doubt for the 2nd Test against New Zealand which starts tonight only pope is on standby to take his place behind the stumps and Ben white men has extended his contract at Doncaster Rovers until the summer of 2023 as b.b.c. Radio Sheffield news and sport is 3 minutes past 3. Hurst with your weather a cloudy afternoon across South Yorkshire and North Darbyshire with patchy outbreaks of rain continuing on and off these will gradually clear to the south of the region there was we had towards the end of the day it will stay quite breezy with highs of 9 or 10 Celsius but overnight to become largely dry clay when temperatures will drop lower for a touch of brown frost down to around one or 2 Celsius so a very chilly start today tomorrow but it should be a mostly drawing a bright day plenty of sunshine temperatures are going to struggle though plays it just tells the us that's more weather online at the b.b.c. The u.k. To Sheffield. B.b.c. Radio Sheffield. To. Sit in the. Group. You.

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