The market way bright workaholic the Border Collie is an amazing dog maybe a bit too amazing for owners without the time and energy or means to keep them occupied the collie's brain is simply different and that researchers have now shown as a matter of reading to. The moment the pictures are the most striking thing from the Bahamas and the hurrican Dorian damage is just absolutely shattering and the hype the prime minister of the Bahamas is warning that the death toll which currently 7 is expected to rise further it's it's difficult to put into words I'm not even going to try but we're pleased to be joined from Nassau in the Bahamas by the news director of I witness news there Clint Watson Clint Hello. Hi Good night she good morning to you and how are you morning and how are you I know I don't I wasn't completely in the middle of it but my goodness you've had you've had a going over Haven't you can you tell us anything about what's been happening in the last 3648 hours sure the last 3640 hours has been really a time of survival because most residents you know that if they can just get to the end of a hurricane they can get through the arrest of this aftermath process and so it's been that kind of work in progress getting people to hold on to a little bit of hope and faith that they had left to cling to cling to some kind of a belief that they'll get through it so help can come to them and it's been that kind of thing. Where they were out of the clear of the foreground Mahama people were able to go any Micheline and see who needed help and get those who were injured airlift them out with the Coast Guard to the capital to get medical attention. Grandmama was finishing off having the storm over them and so now for grandmamma it will be trying to assess just how bad the damage is and how many lives were lost there if any and that's what it's been about doing assessment the prime minister up to the press conference a short time ago where he confirmed that told to move from 5 to 7 and during that time as well he did say as you heard him say we expect this number to increase as well 2 of the persons the 2 person to add it to the 5 make the 7 were flown here to the capital for medical treatment but they paper they succumbed at the hospital and so you can imagine the others that may perhaps the be trapped in homes that no one can get some and yet when it is time for people to go through the neighborhoods assessing damage I'm sure they will find more people who were trapped I mean people just couldn't get to them to get them out so it's a kind of sheer devastation. That we're facing you're hearing stories every day as people finally begin to connect with their loved ones who may have some cell service or some cell phone towers come up people are able to reestablish communications and you're hearing the relief that they've connect with their loved ones but you're also hearing a horrifying stories of them witnessing people who drowned or people who they were trying to rescue and couldn't make out we had a story today of a man a man who he and his wife were on top of the sink and the house as it was flooding and the cabinet gave way it couldn't hold them and he tried to hold on to his wife as much as possible but he couldn't see drowned in the water and he had to leave her right there and he had to swim to his boat that was in the yard to try and save his life and so he told of that story today so it's kind of kind of stories at a hearing that's touching your humanity and emotionally draining you because you can't believe what people have undergone there's a tremendous amount of standing water isn't there from the the picture everywhere hold their own that the storm a actually stall over you and the bombers it went it moves over Abaco Island 1st and it lasted over albacore island for about 1215 hours but when it got to Grand Bahama it parked for the 1st time in history it literally stopped there was no pressure up Mr pressure to move and keep it to go keep it P pushing it so it literally sat on Grand Bahama for 2 days literally 2 days grandmamma at this hour is just now preparing for the last 2 hours of the storm and it's been over a gram Bahama since Monday. When you when you see what a storm can do you know it's no exaggeration to say buildings have been reduced to much wood as it. Other parts of the island which haven't been touched in any way or has as everything in the sense that it can destroy a base a base on the on the dilemma Nerissa because the only assessment we have so far is a fly over that was done by the prime minister today no one has been on been able to go on the ground yet other than the Coast Guard to rescue a few people and so we believe that will begin happen tomorrow so based on the fly overs there are there are some few pockets skate severe damage there are pockets of communities in certain and in the north that weren't damaged in the south there are communities that escape because the South escaped as well as a pretty long island so the south the southern area of didn't have that significant damage as the central and the north even Melissa she was away like a. Sort of that would arise and drowned Exactly exactly and so you have fortunes of the South that weren't there weren't significantly impacted but those areas that there actually were hit by this storm they were directly devastated. The obvious the need for water and tarps and all that kind of thing what's the best way to bring in as it going to be possible to bring the stuff all in by air. Boat. Is located very close to United States as it's Grand Bahama the that some props the best advantage right now the fact that these 2 islands there are the extreme northern tip of the Bahamas so they're maybe about 2020 minutes 25 minutes from from the U.S. And so they easily because about 20 minutes from west from West Palm Beach and and Grand Bahama is about. Maybe about 15 minutes from from from South Florida and so what you'll find is that. It's easy to get supplies there a matter of fact they have been a number of distribution centers and drop off session centers in Florida for persons in the U.S. To be able to get goods to to the Bahamas and still getting stuff in this shouldn't be a problem because a lot of boats can get there very quickly and of course once able to to to to get the airport open because both airports in the water and grandmama the same thing there on the water so once those airports are able to be operational once again then flights can go and but right now you can't use flights so the best thing to get them in for with is boats or helicopter. Right and where are the people who are going to help and you know there are a lot of volunteers know in Nassau getting getting ready to do yes yes a lot of agencies are preparing a lot of private sector agencies a lot of a lot of a lot of private organizations they're all rallying all day people will be making announcements you have doctors coming together there's or not there was a group today formed for anybody who's been in the medical profession that has medical experience they have a meeting today to take so you find that there are pockets of groups that are now banding together make something out appeals to people who perhaps are part of the group big to say listen let's come together so that once the door is open for us to go and we're ready to go and so that's what's happening right now throughout the Bahamas the teams are being mobilized and of course our regional partners the demon and other characters and all of the other regional partners are also mobilizing teams and say they're sending people in right away and then they're the international partners who made a pledge commitments straight for you know from all of the world including Great Britain that they're going to send people in the big navy ship from Great Britain is already should be already in. They came down amid the hurricane with dispatch they saw the devastation of a you know we were talking about this in the office earlier and the Navy always have the Royal Navy always have a record of being ready to react and so it's good news was there they're now up in Albuquerque and so you have the did the U.S. Army the U.S. Assign a number of officials a matter of fact several 1000 troops and so people are sending 8 people or something to help and so that the important thing will be now to have an organized system to coordinated to ensure that it's equally distributed and that everybody is able to receive some level of aid in the some level of assistance and before I let you go could what about the tourists because tourism enormously important and both islands and had an article on the ground Bamma the. I mean that would be an awful thing would be to be caught in the middle of yes particularly for Avalon because we call it the 2nd home you call it the 2nd home capital of the Bahamas because you got so many 2nd owners who have lower properties and in Abaco However we were told by the Ministry of Tourism who gave us a briefing that they were able to get all of the tourists out. Grand Bahama and Abaco there were only thing they said 14 tourists that remained in the Grand Bahama and Abaco the number was a little larger but those were mainly 2nd home owners who wanted to be there and so they were able to get all of the visitors who were there on the cation they were able to get them all out who wanted to leave and so the issue of tourist wasn't a problem. Clint we wish you all the best been extraordinary talking to you I hope that we may be able to talk to you again definitely be happy to you thank you thank you very much indeed Clint watchin news director of Eyewitness News talking to us from the show well let's turn our focus now to the United States and Luis for how to go B.B.C. Monitoring and Miami hello Luis How are you good Hi nice to hear from you. In Miami you're looking of course at the approach of Hurrican Dorian on the waters must be pretty start out by that. Yes Actually a lot of people in Miami are very relieved that apparently the worst part of the impact of this security Kane is skirting Miami dancing more to the north I initially South Florida was fearing a direct impact from. From here again however at this point all stories are saying that for this oak ation they might of this area might have been spared from the worst of course there are still a lot of alerts is there is there warning is that is there still the possibility of storm surges along the coast of Florida the hurricane however is moving northwards and a lot of the house that could be could move towards Georgia and the Keralites in this in the next you are you talking about it making possible landfall as far north as a child nor even further north and north carolina exactly that's where the story DOES have been saying you see here again has been notorious for the difficulties it has presented for forecasters it was initially described as a relatively minor tropical storm then suddenly it became this huge. And then throughout the last few days it also lawyer was waiting for the turn to the north the security came was moving west works directly towards the coast of Florida and. Forecasters were expecting it to make a northward turn and to move alongside the coast of Florida at least has finally been occurring in the last few hours so again the direct threat to Florida seems to be receding of course if Florida is the home to many communities including a substantial bang and community so the impact of this very very destructive storm has been felt closely here in Miami as well and obviously has a great deal of criticism about the government's initial reaction to the tragedy and part of recall last year. I mean what kind of aid is going to be forthcoming from the United States. Certainly the issue of Puerto Rico was big last year and it was a very big concern this year because as you remember and here again was originally expected to maybe hit Puerto Rico Puerto Rico was spared in the end they didn't have substantial damage from this one in particular so. It is here in the U.S. Are definitely offering aid to the Bahamas I understand there's Coast Guard units already operating there and as I was saying before besides the government there is going to be a strong community reaction in favor of Bahamas again as the reporter in in so was saying but how much is very very close to the coast of Florida it's like a 100 kilometers from here to some of the islands in and again substantial community of bangers here living in south Florida in neighborhoods that are very well known among tourist like Coconut Grove in Miami there has been a substantial community of behind me about hands since the early 20th century so they are mobilizing there's also some of them are very influential politically for example a member of Congress from South Florida is some behavior in Oregon so I am sure that they are going to be organizing and we are already hearing about community efforts to try to send aid as soon as possible. Sibel to Bahamas people here are feeling grateful that they were not directly affected by this Eureka and they want to help this island nation so close to the coast of the U.S. That's good to hear Will it be a government for or will it mostly be non-governmental organizations you know groups like the Red Cross for example I am sure it's going to be a bit of both again U.S. Community the community here in South Florida in particular is organizing very active lead there already calls in the ME IN THE LAW media local newspapers and local social media to send aid as soon as possible also the U.S. Government again has been offering help there I understand there are diplomatic officials who have accompanied by hand you know. In their 1st reconnaissance visits to the area in Iraq or so there's going to be a lot of that also again as the reporter was mentioning there's offers of help from other Caribbean governments other Caribbean island nations some of them also have criticized the general physician of the Western nations in particular in regard to their efforts towards a climate change the prime minister of Domenico one of the islands in the Caribbean cruise been scary it was calling for more action against climate change there is a sense in the Caribbean in this whole region that these events this catastrophic events are becoming more and more frequent and many scientists attribute this to the situation created by climate change so they say for example the leader of the many casing that the Western nations the industrialized nations need to do more to control the situation of climate change otherwise we're going to face more and more this asters of this kind in the area. Suppose that's a point that we could make here that this isn't the end by any means of the Harken season really more like the the beginning of the middle isn't it and exactly this is that's really the period with. BLAIR It just has that I understand that there are at least 3 other weather events being actively monitored at this point to make sure that they will not become another one of these storms and those storm season here continues until the end of November a lot of the worst storms occurrence a temporary time but again even in the end of November you still have OK still a some big storm so definitely this is an ongoing situation an ongoing risk for the entire area of the Caribbean and the eastern coast of the U.S. A.B.C.'s Luis hard in Miami Luis thank you very much thank you now let's have a listen to this. As a bit. Of sense a bit doesn't it but in fact it couldn't be more a slave that's the speeded up of fides. Of a month a fact it's a side of the Castleton tower a natural rock formation in Utah is 400 feet tall and scientists have been recording its vibration Paul Geimer is a Ph D. Research student at the Geo hazards group at the University of Utah and is one of the people who've been doing this dressing research Hello Paul. Thanks for having me thank you for for coming at Tartus Well whatever gave you the idea of recording the moment. Well we've got a lot of iconic features in southern Utah in our Red Rock famous Red Rock deserts and we decided to take a page from civil and structural engineers who have been monitoring bridges in skyscrapers for many years and decades listening to the vibrations of these structures and decided to apply that to their natural equivalents so natural arches and and now Castleton tower kind of a natural skyscraper if you will describe it for us if you would say it's really an impressive feature it sits on this 1000 foot pedestal that. Kind of towers above the valley and then on top of this pedestal since this is this narrow almost sort of perfect looking tower that extends another 400 feet above so it's really sort of an imposing figure over the valley floor. It wouldn't work with anybody that would it wouldn't work with just you know a common or garden neighborhood. Well it's that's sort of an open question actually is something that we're we may be looking at a future but certainly sort of these these narrow features such as arches and towers that sort of maybe look more fragile tend to produce nice strong signals that we can trace back to their source which in this case is that the rock itself what is the rock actually doing I mean how can the rock be vibrating as a something that's going on deep under the ass our watch. Yeah that's that's more or less what's happening so this is the same vibrations are affecting some of everything that's anchored to the earth whether it's a manmade structure or a natural one and these variations come from a variety of sources human activities cities and transportation produces vibrations earthquakes ocean waves all these are our contributors that sort of cause this home in the earth that comes up through the ground into all these structures and when it enters the structures. We can sort of identify that the preferential frequencies that the structure wants to vibrate at and that's what we end up detecting is kind of this this distinct tone of the tower How did you actually record it I mean just if you must have had some very interesting equipment and indeed you must have had to put your microphones and some interesting places Yeah well we had the help of 2 fantastic rock climbers to help us and they hold up a seismometer to the top so we use the same equipment that seismologists used to detect earthquakes. So they're incredibly sensitive instruments and they placed one of these on top. Of the rock and so what we you know measuring our vibrations of the rocket self sort of like a very small continuous earthquake and then we can take that and what we listen to is that the sound of the rock sped up 50 times faster so that we can hear it with our own ears 50 times faster so I mean what for engineers what sort of frequency is the kid calling the might the rock actually vibrating at. Yes so we so we managed to detect 2 of its of its sort of basic tones and this and and their their cars of the towers are bending in an perpendicular direction so one is the tower bending north west and south east the other one is sort of at a 90 degree angle and it's point $8.00 and $1.00 hertz so that's vibrations per 2nd so this is the tower basically bending back and forth one times 1st per 2nd or pretty similar to a human heart beat on really really one hertz except he seems a good deal louder right we hear it as much louder in reality it's very very quiet it's nothing that we would be able to hear with with the naked human ear we're talking motions of the rock that are millions of a meter so it's nothing you could feel and it's nothing you could hear without the help of or sensitive instrumentation. What does it tell us you've told us everything vibrates toll buildings vibrate and people obviously very interested in that is it weakening the structure every time a vibrates well so this that's one of our main questions yeah. You know she cheatin Rock is one of the main things that eventually causes causes them to fall and the question is sort of over what time period does that happen so one advantage of our method is that by just sort of listening into the rock we can learn about the entire structure from top to bottom and as that sound changes that gives us an indication that something may be inside of the rock like a crack or. A rock fall or something might be might be on its way. Well let's let's rather listen to it again I appreciate that if you're listening on Medium Wave this is a pretty distant siren but for those of you listening and high quality care to. This wondering what are transmitters make of that anyway that was a sound of Castleton any Utah is 400 feet tall. And speeded up 50 times by I guess their pole Geimer from the University of Utah Paul thanks very much for being with us thank you. It's. On digital B.B.C. SAS It's small stage and this is B.B.C. Radio 5 live here with B.B.C. News Giuliana Cassaday Boris Johnson has reacted angrily to his defeat in the Commons saying it would hand control of bricks in negotiations to the European Union opposition M.P.'s and $21.00 Tory rebels would try to pass a law today which would effectively delay leaving the European Union beyond the end of next month in response to defeat in the Commons the prime minister is calling for a snap general election Jeremy Coleman says he will only agree to that once a no deal has been taken off the table in other news hurrican Dorrian which has killed at least 7 people in the Bahamas is now about 100 miles east of Cape Canaveral in Florida the National Hurricane Center is warning people living on America's South East Coast to be aware of dangerous storm surges and the National Crime Agency says it's made the biggest ever seizure of heroin in the U.K. Off the offices searched a container ship it Felix nearly $1.00 tons of the drug were found hidden in a consignment of towels from Pakistan that's the news now the latest from the U.S. Open tennis in New York is David LOL Well we have a real match on our hands now Roger Federer does lead by 2 sets to want to get him a troll of 4 Kerry won the 1st and 3rd sets Dimitroff the 2nd but this has a stressful feel about it from a Roger Federer point of view yes he's ahead but he's not really time in the ball that well and a lot of that is because of his opponent who's just as athletic arguably more athletic than movies 10 years younger than Federer and he plays a similar type of game he's never got close to him in the past Federer is just a better player a better tactician but tonight Dimitrov is staying with him and in the full set despite being 2 sets to one down Dimitroff has broken for 2 games to one so it is possible that this is going to go all the way to a 5th set earlier on Syria where they have set up a semifinal. Meeting with the leaders for 2 leaders who have beaten your Honner Concha over Great Britain concerts Well she wanted to go further I want to be in the 70s here and then I would have wanted to be in the final on that I would want to be lifting the trophy but it's just a part of the sport and the and the one person and up not losing in this tournament everyone else does lose at some point say I need to definitely look at the good things that I did and then the great matches that I played in the really tough opponents that I got to to beat. I would rest of the day's sport to show up on your list jewels in the heading into the for the Ashes test with just one change and fortunately for Australia Headingley hero Ben Stokes isn't going anywhere but the loss of a slate and thinking how are we going to get him out that's for sure he's a he's a class player and he's really confident in moments going well so water said we've got some plans for him but we've just got to execute them a little bit better well that's the Australia accountants him pain admitting they've been a little worried about how to stop Stokes repeating the heroics that when the 3rd Test for England and level the series Well the only difference to Jarrett squad will be bowler Craig Overton coming in to replace Chris Woakes after James Anderson was ruled out of the series and the captain explains the choice in these conditions very specific to this ground in sight tol'able balance feel like that's going to exploit these conditions better so that's the reasoning for it as a crabbed unity fan of course will have ball by ball commentary on 5 live sports extra coverage starts at 10 25 am now a dramatic last minute equalise of Northern Ireland women's captain Ashley Hudson gave them a 2 all draw against Wales in the euro 2021 qualifier while England lost their friendly against Norway for novels lionesses went down to one in Bergen as the manager denies reports that he's the number one candidate for the U.S. a Woman's job has been no approach my focus is on winning as a gold medal in the Olympics and beyond that each question because it means you doing a good job but my focus is England I love this job of Sochi before the game. And we've got a big job to do we can see over the last 2 games the work is still in progress and we still got a long way to go just staying with football and defend. Not to go back to Manchester United after withdrawing from the England men squander the back injury ahead of their euro 2020 qualifier with Bulgaria sure McAnally will captain Scotland for the Rugby World Cup but centre's Hugh Jones and Rory Hutchinson are among the big name players who've been left out of the squad and cyclist Mark Cavendish has been left out of Great Britain's team to compete in the world row championships in Yorkshire later this month us the latest from B.B.C. Sport. The school system today stocks are relics of Headingley the ashes a still very much alive test and incomes coming from the far end of also still truth as if. It would. Be. A lie from Old Trafford to. Rebound every week with 555 large force extra and keep up to date we didn't see any cost download on Subscribe using the B.B.C. Sounds of. US continuous and the best law school this is B.B.C. 5 Live. With Shabab. Ever since the 1st wild dogs came sniffing around a cave where some human was growing up piece of meat dogs and humans have a working out how to co-exist and it's been a very successful relationship or the course of time humans have changed dogs quite a lot they've bred them in many many different ways and for many different purposes . And it seems that the impact on dogs has gone far beyond how they look we've actually changed the structure of their brains so that one dog very different from another Professor Aaron Hecht is a neuroscientist Harvard University and has been researching the brains of dogs Hello Professor Hecht Hello Candy can you match up a dog's behavior to its physical braveness is that a way of saying that you know a dog is kind and loving as a different sort of a brain from a dog or say a very protective barks a lot well all behavior comes from the brain so everything that we see an animal do has to come from its brain somehow and in this study we've seen the 1st hints at how that mapping might look for a doctor different rate how did you go about doing this. Well I hooked up with a veterinarian or ologist at the University of Georgia at Athens who allowed me to use scans from their M.R.I. Scanner dogs that came in for an exam and turned out to be healthy so these were scans of normal dogs that were just kind of sitting on the scanner so we collected all these scans and went through them and tried to figure out what sort of patterns we could see in the data. Can we look at some different kinds of dogs because I pulled up the American Kennel Club website you know and just for fun. Look the public have a classification here called smarter dogs so I came to the the the Border Collie and it says you know they describe the PASS OUT HIS of these dogs very differently that says for example you know the Border Collie is a remarkably bright workaholic maybe a bit too amazing for orders with the type of R.N.G. To keep occupied. But surely one border collie. Which is is cut about a faithful pit. You know hangs around the house all the it's completely different dog from a border collie that's working the hills in Scotland you know bringing the sheep it Yeah absolutely and the interesting thing was in this study we weren't looking at working dogs we were just looking at family pets so we were able to see these differences in these dogs even though they weren't actively performing their breed specific skills so what we're doing now in our new research is looking for working dogs that are actively working and we're expecting that with even bigger differences there. So what are these differences I mean how do you observe differences in the dog's brains. Well so what you think you might do is just go about measuring structures and see what parts are bigger and in what breeds but it turns out that's not really the right way to do it because dogs vary and body size and also in head shape and both of those things are going to have an impact on brain anatomy so what we did was to look at all of the variation in the dog bring and see what we could attribute to variation and body size what we could attribute to the head shape and then after that if there was anything left that we could also attribute to behavior so we found 6 networks of brain regions that are involved in different types of things that seem like they're probably important for different breeds of dogs like social behavior and vision and affection. And we saw those different those differed across great. And all faction you know smelling I mean dogs dogs are a breed bred for that Weren't they to go for Highlands for example yes yeah and a sort of fascinating thing that came out of that was that it turns out the breeds that are specialized for hunting by scent aren't marked by differences and they're all factory which is a very early part of the brain instead it seems like skill at set hunting is related to some higher order regions of the brain so it's probably not about having a brain that can detect the smell it's probably about having a brain that can figure out what to do with the odor once you detect there. As the dog breeding kind of to coughed in the teens the 19th century is no big. Obvious they went in different directions and in Britain and in America. But but when I dog is bred for. Hostility for example is that pretty clear in the dog's breed Well I don't think we're at the point where we could just look at a scan of a dog's brain and say what it's personality is like but we did see differences and brain that works that were related to stress and fear and anxiety in breeds that historically have been used for fighting. So differences are what sort. Of I have trouble differences in the in the contours of the Brit right so we were looking at the anatomy of the brain so it's the structural variation of the tissue itself not not what's lighting up when the dog is doing something. Is this a controversial thing that you're doing here I mean does or does everybody agree that it's possible to say that you know the dog's brain and its And his personality a fairly relatable. Yeah I don't think it's controversial at all I think everyone sort of like well no duh. Because you know we know that different breeds different behavior so they must have different brains and I think the surprising thing is that it hasn't been done before. And what about the dog breeders What do they make of your work. Well I've only heard from a couple since the paper was published they seem pretty excited about it but I'm hoping to hear from more especially now that we're trying to study working dogs though we really need the partnership of breeders and trainers to continue this research and if if you are if you are looking at working dogs. Are you looking anywhere in particular I mean you're looking on farms are you looking in the in the West all these these you know large areas where where dogs really do work on a on a daily basis well so far we're collecting scans both in Georgia and in Boston here at Harvard so the docs kind of have to be close to one of those places but other than that we're looking everywhere we can we go to field trials and herding trials cold call people so we're just looking everywhere we can. A do you I mean do you generally agree with the idea that you know dogs can be classified as smart you know that's that if you if you're looking for dog qualities that you can actually pick up what the Kennel Club calls the smartest breed of dogs I think defining intelligence is tricky. Which Breed turns out to be the smartest it's going to depend on how you decide to define it and how you decide to test it and I think the study that we've just done suggests that there are multiple different types of canine intelligence and different breeds are specialized for different types of intelligence. Do you have a dog yourself I do I have to. The what are they. Well they are allegedly minutes for a stroll in shepherds but I've got them both on a farm so they're probably a mix of everything that was around the farm. Did you study them. They have gone through some behavior tests but they haven't gotten memorized yet. Well thank you for talking to us about your work we appreciate it sir thank you thank you fresher and Hecht was talking to us from Harvard University well in a day like this I've had a time like this and I week like this in a year like this who do you call when you're really confused about what's happening next with breaks there's only one answer and that is Chris Mason and I are friends at cost. B.B.C. Sounds music radio podcasts Hello everyone and a special hello to Daniel and Donna because Daniel tweeted us saying my wife Donna and I listened to the plot thickens which was the basic the previous episode of drugs a cast you know thank you very much pausing every few minutes to appreciate each amazing twist and turn Wow Well that is dedication isn't it well Daniel and Donna you can press play again and also you can in your living room recreate your own emergency broadcast klaxon. Comes to film. And. We still don't understand want to presume a reaction is I've been wondering what the special place in the show looks like for those who promoted Rex It was I was given a sketch of a place think about prejudice a must see must start as it will be far better now to the did you think think of possible speech I can only describe as a dog's breakfast it's 1053 on what I think is Tuesday night and it's more and less Mr I was almost hearing the kind of Big Brother voice over there which he thought was right. At the kitchen table at home and his Adam in Brussels and of course I watched the historic events unfold in the pub with all the British journalists to do yes and also there were quite a lot of people in the pub with their phones out watching it which is just kind of gives you like a real kind of buzz about how big it all is now Laura I know you hate like making you being the story and what if but what was it for to feel like for you covering what has been happening today 1st of all before we go into the actually helped I'm sorry I just have to have a slapper find. Just why Yeah OK so 1st I don't say at 1054 it's the 1st of the night. So well it 1st of all was M.P.'s voting to give themselves the right to take no deal off the table in the next few days in Parliament which basically is M.P.'s deciding they have are going to try to completely sabotage one of Boris Johnson's main reasons for being so that's a really really big deal and it bends all the rules big deal. It was suppose in short it was pretty frantic because it happened about 3 minutes into the 10 O'Clock News only maybe about 6 minutes and so we're having all these calculations what do we do to run the piece what happens can we crash we crash in or now the reading out the numbers let's hope I get them the right way round so we got your piece sounds like it was being played really could have got a. Whole different poll cast as well let's quote you know you sort of know that about where we are well written in these rolling time checks 1055 we've used we've had 2 minutes already we're only doing 10 of exactly the same story in short yeah your your sort of sense of where we are now what's strange now late in the evening all the people listening 1st thing are what I that's what I went to and I'm more going. Where are we now that we weren't 24 hours ago so M.P.'s are likely in the next few days with the help they hope of the House of Lords to legally remove the possibility of Boris Johnson taking us out of the European Union without a deal in response he is absolutely determined to do everything he can to force a general election if they are successful Jeremy Corbyn tonight has dramatically said if M.P.'s in Parliament manage to change the law or next week he will back a general election so the votes in the end in the Commons and in the Lords in the next few days do not just maybe change the law about leaving without a deal they also are very likely to set us on course for a general election in the middle of up. So you know stuff old what's the date is now because it's a different date from the day yesterday October the 15th is the date that number 10 would like to choose should have a listen to hike or been unjust and reacted after it because actually it was really really quite something the people of this country will have to tears with to speak I believe the opposition has been begging for an election to hear ye out as if it was sorry surely French I don't want to mention pretty and he's going to morrow to stop the negotiations and to compel I'm not the point of this delay to Bret's potentially for years that would be the only way to resolve this I can confirm that we are tonight tabling a motion under the fix Tom Palmer Grier is a prime minister has a confidence in his BRACKS It policy when he has one he can put forward he should put it before the people in a public body was he wants a tiny bit of motion for a general election. Yes the bill through was swayed all other to take the details off the table was so just to be really sure on the sequence than Jeremy Corbin would vote for that to be an election on the 15th of October as long as it is in trying to in a law that the prime minister couldn't take a site without a deal at the end of October yes and labor have actually confirmed it officially in a release an official statement they put out after all that noise in here or in the Commons saying assume as this bill gets Royal Assent So as soon as the law has been changed they would back a general election now love labor peace be unhappy about that we talked about it yesterday and thought Boris Johnson anything to you know. We can hear you like I was a fantastic metaphor for going. Also by the way I just looked up the 15th of October global handwashing day a campaign to motivate and mobilize people around the world to improve their hand-washing habits Well all of them to the polling station. People who think things are more similar to the 15 never the resolution that you know the dogs at polling stations still didn't get you know what I was really struck by tonight was watching our albeit from home but watching the nerd that I am the Parliament channel and you know for all of the criticisms that are made of Parliament and all the rest of it the power of the arguments assembled by those on both sides believing passionately in what they do whether it was Nick Boles the former Conservative M.P. Now independent making his argument about how he came out of hospital during cancer treatment in order to vote for the various deals that the prime minister put forward but he absolutely wouldn't back no deal Liam Fox talking about the former cabinet minister Howard French minister had warned him that unless Britain implemented the result of the referendum you get the kind of extremism that we've seen in elements of French French politics real passion was on both sides of the argument and what was the right way to go tonight yeah and we've seen it so many times of my I mean for all the bad press that politicians get they own really mean it you know they all really really mean it but that's the that's kind of the the problem with all of this is that the people on both sides edges right the true believers and true believers and remain of the true believers in other sort of elements of this people who just find it so hard to come from miles and we saw that again tonight and it's not one person's Constitutional I rage is another person's opportunity to stop the thing they really really really really really hate and I've heard so many times and I don't want their private conversations but I had 2 particular conversations one with Arjun 2nd referendum random. Where does it I read something out that's something to do with class there someone who doesn't pull it has it but 2 people somebody who's a massive advocate of stopping blacks at having another referendum and somebody on the other side absolutely adamant this has to happen to both use the phrase to me about 6 months ago I will do whatever it takes even losing my seat whatever to try to get my outcome but if you've got people in parliament doing that then this Parliament's failed which is why most people now I think whether it's on the top of the 15th or whatever it does mean the election's going to happen because this Parliament is not going to be able to find a conclusion even though I mean let's just quickly mention 21 Conservative M.P.'s have been chucked out of their party tonight including Oh yeah I saw it was you know the man I was chancellor to the few weeks ago Philip Hammond David Gold who was the Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke who was the Lord Chancellor has done almost every Cabinet job under the sun and Churchill's grandson Nick Soames they've been booted out by the new management under Boris Johnson which is just about have I mean yes in Philip hands today yesterday that he would go to court if necessary to stay as a conservative and of the election that might happen he may well do but in the last 20 minutes government sources have confirmed that they have been kicked out Oh so they're definitely going yes. It's happy it's happened even though so government autonomy it is mad it is nuts other people say but opportunity you scrape off the barnacles you get rid of the people who've been trying to hold this up you go into a clear election where Boris Johnson is the only person he's pushing to unite the leave vote get us a European Union and with the labor front bench on board if Parliament behaves as we expect it to in the next few days with the labor from venture on board then he gets his majority for an election Cacho I think that or the consonantal whatsapp saying this evening so I think from the Continental point of view. I was I've been listening in for a while and I'm I'm tempted to sing a water night by going to the war many will floor your. No So I think it sort of bittersweet so of course you know it diplomats I spoke to this evening were saying it said the government was defeated it was a vote to never ever ever allow a no deal Brett said but from the E.U. Perspective you can only ban a no deal breaker set by actually making a deal with the E.U. Or deciding not to leave it all and if we wind back in time once upon a time in episode one of Breck's a cast went to reason May was prime minister and the E.U. Was just hoping that parliament would take control over the Bracks Persis but what it found out was Parliament's very good at saying what it didn't want but not at uniting around what he did want out of Bracks and they see the same problem again now they can see that the rebel alliance if you like they don't want no deal but what kind of BRICS it do they want if any a toll and so I think you know they feel they've seen general elections before Theresa May they've seen Bracks extensions before but all this uncertainty costs the E.U. Economically and politically as well that doesn't mean they want to rush towards a new deal with with Boris Johnson they were openly dismissive today of his claims that negotiations with the are going swimmingly when they hear him tonight saying I'm going to go to Brussels and I'm going to get a new deal you know by mid October Well privately that scoffed up because they think he does want to deal but they think it's way way way way down his priority list and in the meantime the news going to publish it no deal planning again or less and that's really a message to say yeah we want to avoid no deal but we feel prepared if we need to be so bring it on one thing today to resume a was on the benches. On a rolling what mazing I was going to. Norty M.P.'s in the chambers are saying check out she is a maze I rolls. And she said he had to get to them so he but what I wanted things I WAS JUST THINKING OF YOU SAYING HOW to the person just hearing you say that the E.U. Said well they wanted parliaments to control who was saying at that point if parliament take control this is going to be a nightmare because Parliament doesn't know what it wants now it's and right so the people who used to work for her are the people who used to be in her circle. You know they said that part of it doesn't know what it wants there's any one thing on the table if they mess up this time well we're heading for no deal or that and they won't be happy to be proved writes her circle I wonder if some of them having a little bit in Florida which is about posture because Jacob torch is gone because this is not about Jacob posture in which he was told of well pretty much flat out wasn't on the front but you know I know sometimes people will adopt a posture that looks like they might be trying to have a snooze but actually they're listening to the speak because built into the seats to allow them to hear something he was he was otherwise from the. Boat he could have been near that Speaker was the in a more upright position anyways critics will say it like that he wasn't taking it seriously enough and it was I would and all the rest of it yes someone else called picking their nose on the benches today checking Twitter for that if you really want to see the real man our show of the day we watch that I mean sometimes in the pubs and I did June the preparation for the big D. Then why are you why some of us are reporting on events of the nation I think we're going to see what I really think the best from some of the pub about that was the nation will have the food that it needs which. I don't brag so I mean there's no stall was it. Oh it's available it's really difficult alteration media Oh right time time's up thank you everyone I'm going to show you how it's interesting. Because. I mean how high do you think a guy I'm with my dad stuff on the side of the right to talk to you guys are going to be. If the. Cast from the B.B.C. Will thank you for making it to the end of a bricks and cast you in the news so let me gently encourage you to subscribe to a week just occasionally mention B.B.C. Sounds and then when I'm going to do anything else I'll grumblings with. Every week well one image to be left with but may I just say that whenever we are in a position to do some broadcasting to the nation we always set the correct upright posture there's no question of slouching when it comes to talking to you here tonight so. To all of the team again the breaks it cost are sank something you have become an indispensable part of this phenomenally difficult time and they are chrismation Laura comes Burge Flemming of catch up. And I think they really have become a part of our life unless their early morning. To you. Must morning will talk a little bit in the next hour about the kind of things that the prime minister has to achieve. The parliament has to achieve in the coming days as. This snap election is a fight. For . Him and He and she is not a training for anyone else this is C.B.C. Radio 5 Live. It's 4 o'clock B.B.C. News from. The main news. And pushes the 1st snap election. Sport Roger Federer has his hands full here at the U.S. Open tennis. This is B.B.C. The prime minister says he'll table a motion for a snap general election after suffering a Commons defeat last night's voted in favor of taking control of business to try and block a no deal break Sates his own political correspondent Rob Watson that was a momentous defeat for boss Johnson why because his main pledge what he wants was becoming conservative leader and prime minister was I'm going to get Britain ounce the E.U. Do or die by October the 35 some it's hard to see how he does that. Also means that an end to the Bracks a crisis is uncertain as opposition parties have said they will support a general election but not until a no deal breaks it's been taken off the table in Blackford is the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party in Westminster Parliament has stood up and said if we want the opportunity to take the heat off the table we will have to pass through the legislation for that to model we need to make sure that the bill to take nudie off the table on a 31st of October is given Royal Assent and needs to be issued one today as we do that 1st and then let's have an election $21.00 rebel Tory M.P.'s voted against the government they've been told they'll be expelled from the parliamentary party they include former chancellors Philip Hammond and Ken Clarke who satyrs an M.P. Since 1970 at least 7 people are now known to have died in the Bahamas as a result of horror can Dorian the storm is heading towards the U.S. East Coast with wind speeds of about 170 kilometers an hour the authorities are warning people of storm surges the biggest ever seizure of heroin has been made in the U.K. Nearly 1.3 tons of the drug with a street value of more than 120000000 pounds was found hidden in towels and dressing gowns on a container ship in Felixstowe the N.H.S. Is to provide a new treatment that will restore the eyesight of some blind children or.

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