Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW 20200215 220000

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And she helped win the program a Bafta But the Grammy had troubles and she was forced to step down from the current series of Love Island after being charged with assaulting her boyfriend an accusation she denied she was due to stand trial next month Caroline Flack was found dead at her London home after apparently taking her own life her family confirmed her death and asked for privacy i.t.v. Said It was shocked and saddened and has withdrawn an edition of Love Island due to be broadcast tonight her death is the 4th suicide of a person linked to Love Island and comes after the death of the guest shortly after an episode on another right t.v. Programme The Jeremy Kyle show in May last year people living near the river in hoick in the borders have been moved out of their homes to a local leisure center tonight a severe danger to life flood warnings have been issued for the area a storm surge is expected to peak on the river t.v. And by our own 11 o'clock tonight it's a similar situation in the village of Newcastle to where people are staying in a local health center in one meeting Dunblane and Perth and the m one at Bannockburn near Stirling were both closed for a time this evening because of flooding but have since been reopened the police advice care is still needed Scott will are advising customers in the West of Scotland not to travel this evening because of the severe disruption flooding from storm Dennis is having on train services. The race to be the next Labor leader came to Scotland this afternoon the 3 remaining candidates circular Starmer Rebecca long Bailey and Lisa 92 to the stage at a hustings in Glasgow earlier and some questions from party members he said Mandy says they need to win over voters who switch their support to the s.n.p. And if we want to stop us and pay from breaking the United Kingdom then we have to go out with a sense of humility and understand what lies behind. The phenomenon of lifelong Labor voters being on a different side of the question from both on that major constitutional question I want to make common cause with s.n.p. Voters not Nicholas sturgeon and that means that we have to have a different sort of leadership the u.k. Government has confirmed that preliminary discussions have been held about allowing China's state really Company a role in building the n.h.s. To relink the company c.r.c. C. Has written a letter claiming to be able to complete the project in 5 years and for a much reduced price Katie Austin report this letter to h.s. $2.00 Limited chief executive Mark Thurston dated last month offers to solve the project's issues slashing the price tag and timetable it acknowledges there would be obstacles and alludes to the political sensitivities around Chinese investment in u.k. Infrastructure the Chinese firms letter lacks detail so it's unclear how seriously the approach is being taken or whether discussions progressed beyond a chance to acknowledging c r c C's interest that's the news not only to sport in Jordan elegant Thanks Duncan Rangers will face Livingston at 3 pm tomorrow after today's Scottish Premiership much was postponed that game wasn't the only ones to fall victim to Storm Dennis Motherwell against the mirror and was also called off no date for the rearranged fixture has been set Well incident is action hot streets with Hamilton Accies while Billy McCaskill the late equaliser as Ross County drew one always in Johnston in rugby Edinburgh remains top of pro 14. Conference big they'd be 2nd place sad skull it's full in Wales Scotland's Gemma Reeky has dismissed speculation that her recent improvement is linked to hip not prototype shoes she says it's down to her pushing her body to the absolute limit Well Reeky won the 1500 metres at the Glasgow indoor Grand Prix today while training Paula lowered you'll win the 1000 meters but missed out on the world record by approximately 2 and a half seconds killing the mule Hadwin that 8 Scottish curling championships while it's when that in a right to sports don't get How's the weather so here was Jordan rain will slowly push away you store to long for dry aren't clear conditions to develop but with some showers some of the showers could be heavy and over high ground wintry very windy overnight minimum temperatures $2.00 to $7.00 Celsius tomorrow another very windy day with more showers some of these heavy and lengthy with snow again on high current b.b.c. Radio Scotland news you're listening to get Listen I'm on b.b.c. a. Last time I saw the band live on stage was in the summer of 2019 when they were one of the headline attractions of the someone like Festival it killed. Part Bandstand in the West End of Glasgow they were in top form they're a great live band and that was one of the finest recorded moment from 1807 from an album called Quite simply Echo and The Bunnymen the band of the same name and the classic sound of lips like sugar Good evening and welcome to the program this is Billy Sloan here with you until 1 o'clock in the morning and once again we have a very eclectic mix of music coming over the next 3 hours we have new releases from the likes of the strong democracy and Steve Holly of calling the rebel We also the brown you really see from Scottish bands docked with the bison family and restricted court to name but 3 and on the outcry front we have classic trying from the likes of Blondie Donna Summer your chordal and a great life track from friends and friends coming up and also on the live in dangerous front between 11 and 12 o'clock we go back to another story gig with spin over the clock back to January of 1978 the Sex Pistols live at the Wooden to one ballroom and San Francisco and the climax of a key or take 2 hour before the band of course club and went their separate ways all that coming between no one want to clock all that plus there's the brand new single from one of my favorite guys in the business he's the lead singer of the charlatans we just put the finishing touches to a brand new solo album which is going to released all across the country on the 22nd of May the album on the below Union record label is cold I love the new Sky says 1st solo release and this is the 1st single from of my good friend Turnbow disc and a great new single called empathy for the devil. With . A. Please. Colette. To Sleep sleep. Sleep. Sleep sleep sleep let me. Play a. Little. Please be It goes without saying that over the years he's made some great records with his band the shell and also made some great solo records to the sun is like being the latest in a long long line as a set the album's going to be called I Love the new Sky released in the middle of May That's the 1st single from a great new song called empathy for the devil and if you like the sound of that I can tell you that somebody just is going to be playing a very real solo gig and he's heading this we can see him live at King Tut's in Glasgow on the 12th of June. Into 1 o'clock in the morning Greg and I here holding the 4 we're going to be playing you an eclectic mix of music between now and then and of course if you're a regular listener to the program you know that each in a bushel we have a topic up for discussion and this one's a little bit different because I was set up in the wee small hours a couple nights ago watching stuff on You Tube you know Risler you can check a clip on You Tube and then don't the right hand side you got a choice of maybe 20 if there are things that you might quite like and before you know who you are you've clicked 21 of them it's legit only something else day in the blank. It seems almost You're certain at 5 o'clock in the morning watching clip after clip after clip on You choose some asking me quite suddenly tonight do you have a favorite pop music clip on You Tube It can be something that you have on earth something you've stumbled across as if by x. Than anything at all it can be a rare interview that can be a life clip from away back when it can be something from a t.v. Show a pop video that you have not seen a number of years anything at all the you've stumbled across are only half the new chip I want you tell me what the clip was how you phoned and why it blew your socks off and if you want to do that you can get in touch in the usual fashion you can send as a text to easy written 15 you can sends an email to Billy Sloan show b.b.c. Dot u.k. And on Facebook and Twitter the Celts as always is quite simply Billy Sloan sure not going to create a lengthy list of cannot read it doesn't a few things a Jimi Hendrix in the experience on the Lulu sure way back in 1981 remember it was a life short peak time t.v. On the b.b.c. In a Sunday night everything was trying to perfection and the Jimi Hendrix Experience were supposed to play the brand new single a particular thing which of course was video chyle and halfway through the 2nd veils Jimi Hendrix stopped the song and mudflow unknowns that it was playing a tribute to cream who had just split up a couple of these earlier and the band launches into Sunshine of Your Love Lulu is ecstatic but the technicians of course who were up in the gallery and the b.b.c. Studio were pulling their hair out and going crazy because they set the taming of the shore on their head also anon My wish would be things like Neil Young was a brilliant clip of Neil Young and 976 busking I kid you not busking an egg and Gordon Street in Glasgow right outside Central Station you see I'm asking the guy for directions to the Bank of Scotland then he sits right outside the main entrance of central station with a banjo in hand and plays a great version of a song the old laughing lady not certainly was news to me I had no idea at all the Neil Young had bossed oats. A Glasgow Central Station but to kind of kick us off I'm going to go back to 1967 and it's an absolute fantastic clever way back then they were planning the world's fossil live television satellite broadcast they were beaming t.v. Pictures around the world for the 1st team by satellite and that was part of a program called overall they got in touch with 19 different countries and said Look provide something the 2nd a slice of what's happening in your part of the planet and this particular time and for some bizarre reason are not some bizarre reason but for some great reason as it turned out to be the United Kingdom a contribution to this was the Beatles at the Abbey Road Studios in London with some of the friends included members of the the Small Faces and make Jagger of the Rolling Stones who is clearly visible in the clip if you check over and You Tube and it was a previewing a single it was an on album single that was just about to be released following the completion of the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and this club was watched by something like 400000000 viewers and 10 throws and technicians and producers are on the globe made the program happen from start to freshen it to funny so let's go back 219671 of my all time favorite you to choose which talks it again one of my all time favorite you chip clips I know I'm going to have problems with that over the course of the program no wonder Gregor's laugh in the back and wait until he picks his choice and the 2nd that of the program to see how he gets on with You Tube clips but I'm sure you'll be fine and let's go back to 1967 and a song which really needs no introduction. You know I vividly remember that being broadcast that way back in the 24th of June 1967 when as a said 19 countries were asked to contribute one segment of a slice of life around the planet and that was a contribution of the United Kingdom from Abbey Road Studios in London John Paul George and Ringo and a cast of many friends and a full orchestra and a great version of All You Need Is Love going to dedicate that one to look at toner read she was having a laugh at me trying to get me pronouns you Chub the clips and one smooth sentence she says put your teeth and belly I'm doing my best lol and I promise you over the course of the program I will try not to make the same mistake once again asking on the show tonight. Do you have a favorite pop music you chip club when you saw how you saw it and why you blow your socks off it can be a clip of a video that can be something from an old t.v. Show an interview snippet it can be a live birth of footage of the you've never seen before anything at all tell me how you stumbled across it and why a blow your socks off and if you want to get in touch as it were to name 5 if you want to send a text the email address is beliefs launch or a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. And on Facebook and Twitter the Sept as Billy Sloan choked up at the poor stop in the week the 1st person to reply was Douglas MacIntyre to runs a great record label called creeping Ben also plays with air the guys in love and money from time with him and also the leopards and he n o one it is a brilliant club which you should check out later on of David Bowie and the spiders for mass singing suffragette say live at the Imperial College in London and 972 and I reckon that comes from an old French t.v. Show back in the 1970 s. And shipping on say service station to station a great life flipper Bowie performing that song to coincide with the release of the album live on stage in the middle of 1976 and like all my good polloi callers got in touch from his home in New England in Massachusetts he says I love the huge ships 8 of them he says the best thing I've stumbled upon was Roxy Music performing stranded live on a German t.v. Show he says it was awesome and Bryan Ferry wore a safari suit John Alexander gets in touch and says For me it would be the Parting Glass and concert at the Royal Albert Hall or says I just picked my wife up from what and we're listening as usual with a juror and I guess and also Dave Scott says For me it would be Paul Robeson singing the stu the Scottish main us the wool met in East Lothian in 1949 before his gig at the Asha hall it is also it captures the dignity of the mines and the communities which kept us filled and it says one of many but the all call to 20 performance on late night b.b.c. And days talking about when the cultural twins performed at that particular trike and the so. That they did on that night was a track called Bluebeard keep them coming Ok I mentioned at the start of the program that this band of brown you single being locked away in the studio up in the finishing touches to the a 6 album I can't wait to hear words like is going to be called the new of normal and it was recorded and Mala boot with not done Rick Rubin the production desk this is the sound of Julian Casablancas in the straw and a brand new single called out the door. I. Had. I. Want to. That sort. Of the. Yeah you'd almost expect them to come back with a song that was going to 100 mile an hour but a good change of pace there from Julian Casablancas in the strokes and there's a say produced by Rick Rubin formerly of course a guy who's What with a whole host of alters most notably perhaps. The scent of the Beastie Boys and also Johnny Cash and his later years just before sadly passed away in all those American serious albums the commode just before the sad death of Johnny Cash and also the album artwork I can tell you of the new Strokes album which is going to be called the new abnormal was painted by normal when the celebrated street artist John Michel blast quiet and on February the 18th are going to be releasing the 1st official single from the record was just a can a taster cold out the door but the 1st official single is going to be released next week is called bad decisions and the course the bands kicked off their incredible career way back in 2001 with agree to be album cold as this at Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland asking the programme to make do you have a favorite and memorable you chew court that us stumbled across get in touch and tell us all about it Shauna MacIntyre Barry says For me it would be John Martin in Germany I guess in a t.v. Show in Germany and 978 playing his song solitaire when his guitar string breaks halfway through the song Allan Mark says For me it would be Beverly Knight singing the twist and show by the Beatles at the Abbey Road Studios a part of a b.b.c. For adoption he says Waffen Totty was I think that was the time the b.b.c. Programme that was on b.b.c. 4 when they recreated the Beatles Debbie album Please Please Me and got a whole bunch of stars to pick a track each from the album and of course that was a one performed by Beverley one and only original on the b. It was original of course they were running ataman Abbey Road studios and they John Lennon really only had one chance to nail the song at the very end of a very long and grueling recording session and the you that if they did not get on that they were not going to be able to include it on the record and of course he kneeled on one and were brilliant version. Of a brilliant song of course originally been Aggies liberals and Bill Graham from the school bright says For me it would be the video of Public Image Ltd performing Rai's and 1986 and Bill Kennedy has chosen Billy Mackenzie the late great Billy Mackenzie of the sources performing the song Strasbourg square on the Late Show keep on calling if you are seen as a takes it will tonight 5 if you'd rather send us an email beliefs long chill b.b.c. Don't you on Facebook and Twitter the say out is Billy Sloan show Ok This man has been flying the flag for for a couple of years now they're going to be playing live on the 22nd the February a stabbing on Glasgow to launch this brilliant and splendid new single The band comprises of John Hewitt sun vocals and guitar Craig Morrison on bass and Robert lying on drums This is the sound of Dr if and I greet you single cocotte. I've. Yeah I grew still 1st. Single 4 was one of my favorite records of 200-1000 that's already one of my favorite records of 2020 brand new single released a week from today the 20 sang the February with a special good stereo in Glasgow the son of the Glasgow band cut. And I greet you single call cut asking the program tonight do you have a favorite clip of a You Tube This blown your absolute socks off and a quick mention to Bobby and how would he reckons that for him was the clip of Scotch ascent and loose singing Don't you go don't you don't go breaking my heart which does it for him and ultra jocks gets in touch and this is a fantastic club check there certainly are as you can still wait to have been performed by heart as part of the Kennedy Center on us when Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were being an all out and a Washington d.c. a Few years ago and they went on stage and absolutely tore the life of the Led Zeppelin classic Stairway to Heaven Ok didn't the rabbit hole take as a selling fast for the event which takes place in Stirling over the weekend of July the 17th in the 1900 some of the star attractions taking place a balance of Boston and prosy Ryan and also the Morton legend she is Martha Reeves and this is from a self-titled fossil album in 1904 a song written and Burbage only performed Of course by Van the Man found Morrison on the to pull honey record and 1971 part great version of a great song this is Martha Rees and her version of Van Morrison's why wouldn't I. You know it goes without saying that Van Morrison's version of that song from Tupelo honey in 1971 is pretty damn special is being covered over the years by the likes of John Mellencamp Elvis Costello and Stossel to name but 3 but I think the versions obsolete fantastic it was used in 100-1001 in the movie Thelma and Louise the Ridley Scott movie starring Gina Davis and Susan Sarandon but it's taken there from 1974 from the self-titled album from Martha Reeves are great version of Van Morrison's wild night and as a say she's going to be one of the star attractions at doing the rabbit hole shadow for Sterling on the weekend of the 17th to the 19th of July Ok a quick mention to the can draw in Manchester their favorite you chew co-op would be seeing the band the pain of being pure at heart record being a our song Cold this is right in the bathroom way back when and also Tom she says For me it would be Deacon blow a great live version of Lordy from the video the big picture and $989.00 which of course was a concert video from Ricky Ross and the band Ok the Banten for the bison family a led by a brilliant vocalist from Glasgow called Phil Campbell the going to be releasing a brand new single in the 21st affair break and they're also going to be playing a gig in Glasgow tell you very very soon but this is a really exclusive on the programme brand new single from the bison family and a great new song called Only Love Can life. Where. Oh. Oh. Oh. A. A I. Am. The follow up single to a great song of a few weeks ago called Loeb along with a brand new one from the bison family with Phil Campbell in the vocals cold only love can love talk about you chip in the program tonight check out the video for the a bit later on in the evening because it's a Hamas to a bygone era of glasses agree that you and if you want to go see the band lie they're going to be playing live where. On Friday the 28th of February a special fund raising Oh he is one of my favorite you singles at the moment from his forthcoming album which is called I am not a dog on a chain this is more mostly love as on its way out. The line. We're all in the 2nd one to the year was ready to release 2 great singles That's the 2nd from has brown ya been called I am not a dog on a chain then mistake will send of Morrissey I was never in any way a shape or form when Anyway he was going to write a conventional love song but I said Brian you single cold Love is on its way out and it's a follow up to a great record we played a few weeks ago called Bobby don't you think you know a great jet with Elmo Houston the more time legend Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland s e to nominate your favorite pop music club on you chips you want to get in touch and as a takes to a 0 to 95 cent is an email to be. Really Sloan show a b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And on Facebook and Twitter the link is very simply is fairly slow on shore or here restricted quarterback and back in fine style Tom Canavan and Frank would really of reform the band the be playing a few gigs around Scotland 2001000 the good years are there have another one shed jewel for Thursday the 2nd of April a stereo in Glasgow if you want to find it take a details go on it w w w dot restricted core dot com and to whet your appetite for that here's a track from the band's current new e.p. Which is called I got lost and this is restricted chord with a brand new song brilliant as 2 called the Johnny. You. The son the one of the best in the late night. 1900 call restricted code back in action back in fine style and that's a try cold day. The journey from the Brian you I get lost if you want to go and see the band live once again they're going to be playing the stage of stereo in Glasgow on Thursday the 2nd of April. To nominate your favorite You Tube clip what was it how did you stumble across it and why did a blow your socks off if you want to send is a takes it all tonight 5 is no more if you want to send an email beliefs launch a b.b.c. . On Facebook and Twitter the sets as beliefs launch or what's in Bt and moderate Campbell hope they're listening because they've nominated a brilliant You Tube clip we're going to be playing the track just after the 11 o'clock news. News let's go back to $979.00 a brilliant album thought should be album from talking heads David Byrne at the helm of course Fear of Music was the name of the record and it was co-produced by none other than brining Oh the banks. And cities but this for me is one of the best tracks the band of a record from fear of music talking heads and the sound of heaven. Thanks Billie Good evening heavy rain from Storm Dennis has caused flooding in many parts of the Borders tonight for yet severe danger to life warnings were issued to or for the rivers and hoick where people have been moved to a local leisure center the other is from Newcastle tonight where people are spending the night at a medical center the Scottish Government resilience room has been an activated to monitor.

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