Yes Mint King says after that he'll step down but continue to support Rangers as a shareholder that's more on the sa at our website elsewhere Celtics a concern for fund safety has led them to partially close a section of the stadium this for Thursday's much with the rain in the Europa League the club have been fined 3 times the season for the behavior of their supporters Andy Murray has told Kate on this program that he'd love to win another Grand Slam after he covering from double hip surgery but he says he's happy enough just playing for the love of tennis and just come on the news I've brought you Dave King is to step down as chairman of Rangers after the launch of a new sheriff shoe at the club in the New Year. But more on that story at her website more travel now which could monitor her total than good morning in the highlands the $89.00 Maurie has slowed traffic both ways through the roadworks and temporary traffic lights in 5 the 92 it Frikkie has queuing traffic both ways another set of road works and tempe lights here causing problems in Aberdeenshire the a 96 at all has heavy traffic both ways and in North Atlantic share burned rewrote in shots is closed both ways for emergency repairs to a burst water main point size and 1995 double 8 b.b.c. Radio Scotland channel and a look at the forecast today will be predominantly dull and damp with spells of rain this becoming more persistent and heavy through the afternoon but staying mainly dry and bright for the north west coast and islands temperatures just reaching double figures today that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland thank you very much a did Sarah. Bypass 11 this is Ok Adams and with you till 12 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland we've got some support for our producer Stevie and his Irish goodbyes anyone know what it's called an Irish goodbye a friendship that I'm with you don't know if you do Miles says I was brought up being told that it sometimes bad manners to disrupt the party with good byes it changes the atmosphere in the us would appreciate you sowing the seeds of lead. Thing but slipping away quietly is sometimes more polite than announcing your goodbyes today and coming up our regular property surgery with Mr Blue Sky Bryan Gilmore any questions or toll you have a property then do get your questions and to him that was say the earlier on who was saying that there had been a fire in her building didn't have communal and surance policy and it led to problems or anything at all Brian's happy to help 80295 takes number you can call or wait and wait 59295 double o. And the new must have in the world of work is a high Q Not an i.q. And e.q. So we'll find out what that is and how you measure it also this is our biggest Black Friday yet let's make Black Friday right sell this Black Friday this Black Friday deals week but the deals come to you yeah a lot of hype about Black Friday which is this Friday. But of which the consumer group is warning that there are a few real deals out there most goods are cheaper or available at the same price and at other times so is it really worth the hype will also be having another clue to name the place. Mornings with a Adams on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Yet we've had 3 clues so far for name the place clue number one today's place name contains 2 words with the same meaning Clue number 21 of them also appears in the name of a Roman fort and Clue number 3 I gave you just before 11 there is it's all about name the place and Eddie says My 1st guess was wrong what about ball castle. That's from Ed in London no it's not that. I don't know Glendale says Alison McCaskill in Inverness Dumbarton says Kate a bad game for Augusta says Sandy and Adam. Craig newer that's for me in about a Hershey Glendale again from Janet Tobin Lori and Brian the nurse in Aberdeen is suggesting not kill not kill is one of the guesses that keeps coming through it's not not kill it's not. Puddled up that was the other one that was really popular we do have one correct answer so far I think and that was Billy that was in the last hour but everyone else is still guessing 8 or 95 is the text number tempted to throw in another one actually yeah let me throw in another one clue number 4 for name the place the next clue Clue number 4 is in is the names of the Scottish football or Arthur Graham that's one of those clues that you just kind of know is going to open the floodgates so be it so be it from the top clue number one today's place name contains 2 words with the same meaning Clue number $21.00 of them also appears in the name of a room and Forte Clue number 3 it's all about name the plays and Clue number 4 is the names of the Scottish football or Arthur Graham So there you go 802-958-0295 of course also the Tx number if you want to get in touch with Mr Blue Sky our property group drawing girl more he's standing by to take any questions that you might have relating to property but you can also give them a call on or wait a week 59295 double 0 Welcome back Brian. Called and he speaks my head yes i know i know i know i know well I'm the same but I love the way that other people work. You know so we can just be grateful for that going yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a lot done lots like me you know. People coming up and I've no idea who the money start I write or I think some people's brains just. Do it no I don't know we're talking about e.q. a Bit later. And it is apparently the latest thing to have in the world of work I had to look it up as well as a running theme this morning and no talking of running theme we've got an interesting question about letting property which I'll tell you about in just a 2nd but it fits into a kind of broader context of quite a few stories about the letting situation let me just get this silly computer fired up here and new statistics this is from Scottish hosing news this was last when you said to 6 new Scotland I watering private sector rent increases. And another one kind of backing up Glasgow and Edinburgh rent course soar as some 2 bedroom properties hit almost a 1000 pounds a month so what's happening in the private rented sector and then I'm going to give you this question that's coming from Fiona Well it really is heavily concentrated heavily skewed to Clive school but our d. Mainly we have these prices are going up and that rents for a good whale know have been increasing higher than the rate of inflation which causes a challenge because they means if you could afford a 2 bedroom flat 67 years ago and you come to have to move you may only be able to afford a one bedroom flat in the next day you move with their your reach is going up at the end of the inflation and range going up above that so it's so I think this must come down to you know greater demand than supply Yeah so demand and supply is actually something that's been replicated I think it was same about 6 months ago there was a coordinated to social media campaign to meet a range of strange strakes a major cities across the world. Because I suppose it is funny saying what we're seeing is a. An even faster increase in a banana Zeeshan the main jobs are all really concentrated you think about Scotland itself the jobs really really concentrated entering Glasgow and it rained and rained on d. We've seen the challenges with the oil market and their rates have come down so if you've got the jobs concentrated in court a.t.o.s. That's where people want to be for the jobs and that drives up range because the demand is going up changes in the way people can get mortgages talking to what we talked to area meeting the same the average age of fostering biogas going up into just over the age of 30 at the moment they saw the sort that as increasing the number of people in that into sector and then there's been some changes to the brain too sick to itself make it slightly less attractive for new landlords and so the amount of supply is not going up at the rate that it went up well that's probably where we come to this question from Fiona then she says I let property but the lack of posts to chase defaulting tenants is making me and many other people sell up where does this leave the great need for private lets that the government make me wait months to take or action for rent payment I may not stay in this market I will invest elsewhere with similar returns and less hassle with housing let shortages does Brian think that the balance is no tipping against the provider and of course these changes were brought in to protect tenants but you know Fiona says as it happened in the other direction where we saw really interesting for the taming a few honest question because 2 years ago they brought in a new tape of lease in Scotland and they changed from what been the case for 30 years Sure sure Tennessee and they brought in the private into Tennessee one of the big differences was under the shore sure Tennessee there was at the. Least would last a minute 6 months it was often 6 months or a year and it would drop often onto a row. Ling one month contract but a landlord could get a notice to attain and not with a tenant a broken the law but maybe we are and I'm trying not to use pejorative language here but maybe with the landlord to just find the tenant at a teaching they may be been pushing the boundaries of not breaking the rules or allowed them to be affected but it's you know they were never on time with the reins often going a month or 2 and the challenge previously wards the you had to wait until someone was 3 months in a years before you could start the eviction process then you have to satiate to give 2 months notice So effectively what for street did landlords was under that system effectively attain it coud not be rained for 5 months before the court would go to affect them then the pro and what's called the private rented Tenancy one of the things that said the government when and the a consultation with the sick tough was that this date was disappearing so the ability for the landlord just to talk of agency your contract on that date so I'm just asking you to leave for no reason other than not the end of your Yesterday tenancy date that when we but the quid pro quo to the sector and this legislation was supposed to be that it was easier to evict a tenant for nonpayment so that our landlord could actually start the process for nonpayment if a tenant once a tenant was a month and a Rios they still couldn't get eviction until 2 or 3 months in a Reus but they mayn't they at the start of the process after a month and then 23 months then 2 cannot 2 months it was 3 months so the or photo possession wasn't shortened by 2 months and these my see the taming a few in his creation is relevant as there was a court case about 2 weeks ago. With the court in temper to do a lot differently to the consultation process when the the lucky men and the court determines that you cannot start the eviction process 2 of the 10 is 3 months in their years so effectively the position they used to be is there with the case and that has caused quite a bit of uproar in the private rented sector because they were supposed to get this quid pro quo of you're losing the ability to just ask attended to leave a property because the date on the lease has come to an end. The quid pro quo of that is we're giving you back so that there's a lesson that you have to wait and gate no rain till income before you can evict attainment No some people listening to this because you hear talks aids in the state and I walk in and some people listen to a source where no laws can afford it because landlords are all wooded actually the majority of landlords have buy too late mortgages who have a property and will be peeing their the Adipose a 50 percent of the rate they're getting in mortgage payments so when you then have a p. The have no back to what it used to be an attorney could live in a property for up to 5 months with a ping reined they get 5 months of mortgage payments to make Judy not tell you to cover for it and that becomes a major deficit in St If one of the reasons you bought the properties is because you fuck you bought properties not by Claypool you for portfolio was part of your for example lots of people do as part of the retirement planning. Well I mean I don't know whether the situation has changed but certainly if we're going back however many years you know it became a very popular option for certain people who were able to you know shoulder the burden of additional mortgage payments or whatever buy a flat make a better money ship pension you know you had that all the time and obviously you've explained the situation regarding rent here but I mean are there other factors that are making it less popular that it once was Yes you used to also get mortgage interest relief which was if you think about if I had a flat and I'm getting from a strain figures if I'm getting 500 pounds a month an income. From the flight by p. 50 pounds of my lady agent so I'm getting 458 and then I see 50 pounds a month to a property factor so I get 4 depends a month and then i Gate $200.00 pounds in mortgage payments so much and again depends on from that but it used to be that you could then see but that $200.00 pounds is a cost to me running that's effectively a business is a cost so. When somebody says my income that would be discounted and so it would only come down to the Nate a moment that I was left over that is being phased outs and will be finished I think it's next year. Saw. And that scenario I just given of the 500 dropping down that 200 pounds of mortgage payment is not even counted as saw when the tax man is calculating how much income I'm making from that flight I'm making in the example I just gave I'm making 400 pounds. So I'm being taxed on the $400.00 even though $200.00 of that is going straight away to the lender so the debt that we with but doing away with and be finished next year mortgage interest relief so that's they meant the calculations that lots of people will have meat of the taken by current mortgages in a flat they way in toto the window because you could easily have a situation where I know some landlords we are. Actually the opinion tax or in. Their pay more tax than the making a profit from from venting at the properties. Yes potentially it will kind of change the shape of that market going forward yeah what we've seen the last 30 years as there is or the last 20 years rather is the number of properties in Scotland as a proportion of the housing stock that was private rented 20 years ago was 6 percent and it's gone up to 15 percent of the housing sector but that has plateaued off it's been 15 percent no for 3 years in fact last year was $15.00 The sheet is $15.00 so that you can see why range start to go up if that demand is going up but that's planned to a note Yeah yeah and of course have a look at the election campaign there is a lot of conversation around the need for affordable housing and so back to some of our takes here Deb says Is it normal procedure for the current tenant to show you around the property or would you have concerns I'm not sure what they're polluting I think Debs is maybe meaning if she's going to look at a property that I'm guessing this rain today and the existing tenant shows you're going to know an agent or the landlord. It may well be that the existing tenant is a friend of the landlord or just gets on really well with the landlord and. I create 10 in a say to the law and order later gauge and I'm quite happy to assure the people don't I've left here for 23 years I'll get them that expedient support it was like living in this property makes you not know sort of the main source not necessarily a negative thing if that's the 2nd stance as I think she's talking about here just obviously Debs got something in her mind there's a bit about clues as to what is and other one here from Gary says I am selling my 25 percent share of the flat back to the housing association it's in a shared ownership of them I'm leaving the oven and the white goods at the oven has got a top of and a bottom of an at the top of and still working on my obliged to have this pix to a door knob like to have it fixed but what you write a blog to do is let them know that it's not working right so as long as they knew in advance and as long as you make sure that your lawyer makes that clear in the convincing documents then that should be no come back to you right Ok All right great. Well that's it our time is up Brian thank you very much indeed. You'll be back in a couple of weeks we're getting perilously close to Christmas but will sneak you in once more but yes I'm back in a couple of weeks yes I mean it is everything quiet in the property market traditionally we always kind of think knowing Christmas is a or not yeah it's quite a this time if you have because that simple thing of people not necessarily want to miss where they are. After dark but want to go and do their Christmas shopping Yeah Ok oh well enjoyed a bit of the rest and we'll see you again in a couple of weeks but I can see them to much to date get it done with you for you. Want to get on for saying e.t.f. To some. But who else is the go she's. Pretty set up struggles. Pretty much more than one of the. Ones you. Over the years told Jones and. The musicians. Playing say like. Playing the songs you want to hear from 630 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. It is 1123 this is Kadam says here till 12 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland looking at some of the answers that are coming in for name the place we've got one correct answer so far nothing and I think we're only at one that was barely Margaret bridge or we are says rock cliff done Castle says you in another pool Edinburgh says in a moment Vernon done more says Jack and for curt No none of those are correct let me remind you of the clues that we've given you so far for so far clue number one today's place name contains 2 words with the same meaning Clue number 21 of them also appears in the name of a Roman fort Clue number 3 is all about name the place and Clue number 4 is the name of the Scottish football or Arthur Graham So there you go I'll give you another clue. About 11 and 8 or 295 of course is the number to text if you want to take upon tat it Professor Carol half professor of onomastics at Glasgow University will be here just before 12 today to do the big reveal and still to come before then the new must have in the world of work is a high Q.'s So we'll find out what that is and how you measure it get in touch with b.b.c. Radio Scotland you can call our free phone number on Oh wait 085-9295 double l. You can text 80 to 95 standard message rates apply this is b.b.c. Radio Scotland. So it's not an i.q. It's not e.q. Which is your emotional quotient intelligence quotient for i.q. Emotional quotient for e.q. This is e.q. The modern employer apparently wants e.q. Which is adaptability quotient so to tell us a little bit more closely McKenzie empty of I multiply. It was a good morning to you Kirsty Good morning good morning as so adaptability quotient tells a bit more about what that is yes well it's that is the new buzzword q. But I do think it is a bit more than just a buzzword but I sense really it's the latest lot in continuous learning so the q. About ability is arguably a high skill one which isn't just about adjusting to a situation but it's about having the ability to approach things differently and actually change your actions and I guess employees skills on the whole are becoming . Faster than ever before thanks to globalization and the advances in technology so I guess the argument is that order to keep pace you need to adapt to survive and that is your adaptability quotient you're a q. And a how would you measure that I mean what was an i.q. Your intelligence quotient then you know clearly there isn't an absolute measurement of that that people kind of buy into. Was a cute I mean how do you measure it yeah I just think it's sad I'm a little bit trickier than that i.q. The let's think of by what would really expiate expect to see in someone that is truly adoptable I would think that that will people are all so if you take away one solution from them they will find another. They tend to see opportunity when others see failure because they're not stuck on OSs of one size fits all. They can to ask open questions be curious because as I curiosity you can Google and learn as a individual and I think that to people you would expect to see someone that doesn't in the workplace and we only more or more because actually they're too busy adapting and and moving on and they stay cut and so adaptable people tend to have and my views shown communication skill very strong listening skills got to be able to listen to other people's points of view because that means you don't limit saying you know one thing thing so I do think it is also relief that I would say is related to e.q. Well well well yeah. Related to e.q. But if we're talking about people who have to you could conceivably have a very high I Q But no be particularly adaptable I presume I absolutely I think that is a different As I said as a different skill entirely rights who are people moving away from the I Q How intelligent somebody is a new and more looking at the way that they function in a workplace the way they interact with other people is to say that the way that they are open to change or not causing this is an interesting one as an ex I don't necessarily think is a but substituting one for the other thought what I'm hearing more and more from employers is that it is becoming 10 Chile more important over i.q. Because the pace of change is never been so pretty and actually the technical skills that you need for something nice might not be the technical skills you need in 5 years time because of the pace of change so it's probably coming becoming more important and it. Age related in any way I can imagine some people listening think you know this is just a kind of cover if you like for getting younger people in and you know suggesting that older people are you know dinosaurs reaching the end of their usefulness. So I pressed I don't think age has anything to do with it I think if people get confused by that I think that stereotyping people that are older and saying that they can adopt which I personally think it's nonsense it's about as a skill set and I just said it's about demonstrating communication listening skills . You don't be able to take on other people's point if you continue to learn and I think anyone would be upset if they thought they can learn something because a bit older and this is something that people can work on or is it just they are gear that way or not you know that way. My view would be you cannot slowly work on it and what I would say to people is easy to think about home are you going to or what is that from almost a looking out their employer for example I would be charging a ploy or to support continuous learning which could also be done through coaching or bantering but the type of support I would expect to see from an employer is not a culture of continuous learning which they're very nicely she said but helping people to covered up. Ok Well Kirstie thank you very much indeed Kirstie Mackenzie m.d. Of I multiply resourcing sitting here thinking. No auto No I'll ponder over the travel. Is it Tory alarms and morning Victoria good morning in Aberdeenshire road works on the a 96 around mean traffic is slow both ways that are temporary traffic lights slowing things down there and I guess that a 98 Phinney even is partially blocked by and by a broken down lorry as affecting traffic heading towards 4 1st so be prepared for delays in 5 foot works on the $92.00 Frikkie means that are accused both ways in Glasgow we're getting reports of heavy traffic on the 81 Maryhill road Citibank's around the junction with Spring Bank streets delays there are going 5 minutes inside Lenox are they 75 right expressway in blunt tire is partially blocked West by and by an accident that's heading towards brights and in Edinburgh other keys on the a 9 o 2 Ferry Road West by new the junction with Clark route delays here of 5 minutes 2 and if you see any problems our number is 8995 doubly b.b.c. Radio Scotland travel thank you very much indeed Victoria and John Beattie is here to tell me what's coming up at top hosier Q Do you think What's your adaptability quotient Ok I think. I mean do you think. It was a test the. Well I mean that's a I don't know if there is a test I think I could drop you in the jungle you'd be fine. You'd be you know we could drop kick out in the desert I know yeah you know that you're hoping I wouldn't I think no no no no I'll be there with you I don't like to think I was adaptable because I do think it is really important I really don't want to become a one of these people who just get stuck you know and nothing that ever happens in the future is as good as well you know as you get older you become more adaptable because you've had more changes in your life anyway that's what happens well young you think everything's going to be fantastic Well I do my mantra for to if he can do the rake ups I spoke to a friend recently who is late fifty's and she actually saying I don't know what conversation is going on just that say I've had enough on full up I don't want to take on any more new stuff. And I thought oh that's a bit worrying you know you could have new stuff going to do new things new stuff going to things chant have a bit of a go at life and don't you so what you got coming up at 2 am well we've got religion in the election this is the Catholic church preaching on Sunday that you shouldn't vote for a party that backs nuclear weapons and austerity I think a saw an s.n.p. Councillor saying that means you can't be a practicing Catholic and vote Tory. And the chief rabbi saying that Labor is anti semitic So is there a role for religion in an election we'll discuss Dave King to resign as chairman of Rangers your carbon footprint from sending an email we just had the curry the carbon footprint of sending an e-mail effectively all the power used to send an e-mail is the great big server somewhere in America that stores you're using your computer you have to Perth up and then somebody the other end of the access it says all this power generation you'd be better just talking to the person of the name you know like the b.b.c. Get a day you know an email from somebody 5 desks away yeah you're better off just going hello what we think is yeah but that is so interesting because I mean I would have it without thinking it through I would have thought an email would have very little impact and then somebody Princip that don't mean that printer use up energy you've cut down a tree to make the paper a little song scrunches it up and put it away I'm too old for this one as it was a great week Story 2 women unknown to us here have been sending in photos to go on the wall on the weather backdrops guess so many photos these 2 women from Scotland have had on our websites and on our televisions in 10 months I have no idea how many 205200 out so I take it these are weather seems these are weather scene Yes I was listening to the law and for a while though I saw a little bit I mean really where the scenes are I think is a great story and they've used it to use them to make a counter for somebody who's not very well but it's a great story isn't it we have these weather watchers and there's 2 women who. I got 205 pictures very nice and I'm curious what are you doing that's a bit spacey because Annemarie home is about to help us Tanner just come down in the canteen having had a curry do you know what this this. Name is and he's he's got the curry of the year restaurant he had truffles in the curry sauce truffle really eccentric really nice and we're just what was your favorite book or. Veggie no fish Yeah no no no well you could look at maybe. There you go I knew or like you know William is that American. Talk show host to took away yesterday but curries are tasteless so we were fighting back so fighting the looting got legs and I still there's just absolutely absolutely John thank you very much indeed John b. To coming out with all that 12 o'clock to day I'm still looking at lots of guesses coming in for name the place Anna is and Andrew's asking is it for Don is it cram and says Susie and 5 is ours to see says Collinson Anders you know the answer don't you know none of those are correct but Professor Carroll half will be here just before 12 o'clock to give you the big reveal on it. How many I said to give you another clue Clue number 5 Clue number 5 it is a far travelled place it is a far travelled place from the top today's place name contains 2 words with the same meaning Clue number 21 of them also appears in the name of a Roman fort Clue number 3 it's all about name the place to number 4 is the names of the Scottish football or Arthur Graham and there you go Clue number 5 it is a far troubled place 8295 is the text number you can sneak in some more guesses just before 12 and when Carol Humph. Joins us then. We're going to talk about Black Friday if you're a bargain hunter it's probably got you go and I would imagine this is our biggest Black Friday let's make Black Friday right sell this Black Friday this Black Friday deals week but the deals come to you. This Friday Black Friday that we have been talking about it all month haven't way it's become such a big day within the calendar but then we have a report today from the consumer group Which in which say that Black Friday sales offer few real deals and most kids are cheaper or available for the same price. Other times on top of that Scottish Parliament Information Center calculated that Scottish shoppers will have been hit by an estimated $40000000.00 poems and $29000.00 in additional delivery charges compared to the rest of the u.k. So is Black Friday living up to the hype it doesn't appear to be but let's speak to . Adam French who is the consumer expert from which good morning to you good morning good morning. How long we had Black Friday with us now obviously another American import it's been kind of big here for a while maybe the last 5 years been knocking around Formosa decade has brought Amazon boarded over originally but I think it hit the big time when Wal-Mart bought stuff and we saw some pretty chaotic scenes in as the stores about 5 or 6 years ago where people were physically wrestling one another over some cheap t.v. So yeah you know something that has been growing more and more is something we're which have become very much aware of in the last 4 or 5 years and we've been looking at whether these deals stack up in reality and really deserved the hard play give for a good 4 years now in our research looking up Black Friday last year we looked at 80 free popular. So it's fingers like speak his sound bars washing machines tumble draw is you know anything across the marquee maybe ofter on Black Friday and all of those $83.00 products we looked at only 4 of those were actually at their cheapest on Black Friday which just goes to show you how important is that you do your research before deciding to splash out during this bump a sale season but with those so doing a bit kind of pathetic and naive how delighted to do that I mean we haven't found any examples of each legality here they are operating within the realms of law they're flying close to it but they are operating within the realms of the law I just think it's important that consumers are aware that these deals may be on all the hype they are made out to be and it's very easy to be sucked in by the hype we had one of the adverse there at the start of this piece I mean that's the tip of the iceberg my inbox is Sunni inundated with offers across the board from different retailers I've been with over the years t.v. Inundated with Black Friday had commercial radio coms and i Verse for Black Friday as well you open a newspaper in a moment and I salute you riddled with adverts for Black Friday the hype around this thing is huge and there's a real risk bear if you let yourself be sucked in by that and think Brilliant I want to go bargain hunt him down on the face of it some of these deals can really really good so when you when you see that they are operating within the law is that all of this kind of complicated situation whereby it has to be advertised at a certain price for a certain time you know in relation to the day that you're advertising all of these kind of things and they just sort of squeeze it in under the bar yeah that's exactly where they are squeezing all of these in within those those time limits but take for example a tumble dryer we found for sale in curries p.c. World last Black Friday it was on sale for $199.00 pounds which on the face of it seemed like a great bargain however. Just a fortnight before then it was on sale for a brief amount of time for 20 pounds less than that now if I splashed out thinking up bagged a good deal on Black Friday I'm a fit a little bit hard done by how do I become aware of that afterwards now days within the time limits required for these offers to look gen-U. In terms be genuine by advertising standards but I think it's still be quite annoying so did best advice I can give anyone is to make sure that they are identifying the products they want nice and early and making sure they know how much they should or would like to pay for those products. And if you see something are often less than the nod say that represents a good deal to you you're paying less than you would have done otherwise the real risk is if you're just shopping around for a bargain because some of these wars to you prices to be honest they are usually for sad at a higher level anyway and you may find yourself with a bit of buyer's remorse come Monday morning so could you remind me again of the research that you did the number of products that you thought that were actually at their cheapest like writing 83 products that we looked at they were really popular last Black Friday and only 4 of those were the cheapest on Black Friday itself and this is something we've done every year for 4 years now and it is really painting a pattern that these deals the hype around them I wouldn't expect there to be the best deals of the year or Black Friday was so so is the advice no ignore Black Friday you know just the chances of getting the best deal on Black Friday I actually relatively slim and therefore just don't don't go there oh I wouldn't say ignore Black Friday altogether but definitely treat it with a degree of cynicism which comes naturally to me so that's fine if. There's definitely some deals out there and if it's something you off to other than somebody could save yourself a few quid Regardless it's when you're just shopping for bargains generally that the real risk comes in Black Friday is no different to any other sales period really except for one crucial difference and that's the every retailer is getting involved every retailer pretty much has got offers on the moment but there's nothing to mean you won't get something cheaper another time of the year is a good idea this time of year especially when you're going into Christmas a New Year lot of expenses coming up if you do want to dabble with Black Friday set yourself a budget is one of the best things I can tell anyone make sure you don't go over that you don't to be call out with no cash left come Christmas time and it's too easy to be sucked him by the hype of these office sometimes rather than take. Step back make sure you're getting what you really do want or needs and don't allow yourself to to go along with the hype you know obviously the message to consumers is kind of buy a be aware maybe not in the traditional sense but you know if you say be cautious and really look and see if you are getting a good deal but presumably because of the group. You see more and more retailers are getting in on the act it's obviously good for business or hugely good for business I mean we are anticipating around the 8 days around Black Friday around 8000000000 pounds will be spent by u.k. Consumers with around one and a half 1000000000 or more being spent on the day itself obviously this is a huge amount of money for retailers but we have heard from some retailers who are opting out of Black Friday because actually it's not very helpful for them to be selling huge amounts of their products at discount rate on Black Friday instead of a more sustainable rate of sales all the way for Christmas and into the new year so we have seen a bit of a reaction there bit of a backlash from some retailers regarding Black Friday but on the whole I think almost every retiree to expect is heavily involved with discounting this time of year and many still run all the way through to January as well so there's no need to panic next weekend if you've got better plans but I mean is that because they do manage to sort of create a level of fever around it if you like and so the volumes of sales goes up and therefore you know their profits absolutely off in the white piece is huge. I mean the fact that I'm here talking to you about Black Friday as well to show how much hype there is around this event now every year it just seems to get bigger and bigger and whilst we did see scenes a few years ago as I say in the oil was people wrestling over products I think a lot of that stampede has moved online now and it's more of a quiet clicking and tapping away on laptops and phones in terms of what we are buying now. Now when it comes to Black Friday any advantage around that is you can shop around and compare prices more effectively online the maybe you could do end store so that behavior has changed a lot in the retailers are seeing on the most part quite a big uptick in time to sales and obviously they're keen to get as many people buying products as possible I would say it's a good opportunity to get down to your local high street and give it a little bit of love as well yeah well I mean as you say out of much of the activity increasingly is online which of course means that it's going to be delivered to your door and there will be a cost attached to that in a Scotland we have a very particular experience of that I mean Dr Jimmy Stewart is to teach it leads for markets at Citizens Advice Scotland Good morning to you Jamie good morning good morning yeah and so the Scottish Parliament Information Center is calculating that Scottish shoppers would have been hit by an estimated 40000000 in 20 in additional delivery charges compared to the u.k. I mean again something that we have been talking about for quite a few years no. One would have hoped given the volume all of their products their ball online the Scottish Open that you know those delivery charges would have been kind of mass sized but clearly it's still an issue. Yeah you're right it's an issue that we devise called been campaigning on for a number of years ago almost straight simply for you know been company for quite a long time and we see that it really is an issue that affecting local people and businesses level to our research has shown that up to a 1000000 people are affected by these surcharges and the additional costs are really quite stark and high. To research is showing that people who are paying this are charged paying up to 30 percent more than the average mainland charge and they're also saying if you live on a night when. You can be paying up to 50 percent more for your delivery charges and we think about just an errantly there yeah I mean I'm saying is is something that applies to Scotland but we have to be even more specific than that I mean the Highlands and Islands very much to poor disproportionately affected Yeah you're right some part of the Highlands and Islands are set or paying up to 50 percent more I think our research showed which is really interesting is it's not specifically a rule issue so we see people and big cities like Aberdeen. Are also having to pay the surcharge so it's not specifically a rule issue and on a full basis. Surcharges say that. Well I think the companies obviously the this the surcharge differs depending on what companies use what they would say is that the cost over to some of these regions. Is higher but we also know that you know the cost to really carry across all of g.b. So it will cost more to deliver a parcel to you to $1.00 part of London versus another part of London we also know that places in England like London and don't have to pay the surcharge a toll so. Yes we really think that there needs to be more fairness than the system . Christine Martin with those who is a small business owner in the sky morning to you Christine good morning good morning are you affected by do the research charges yes we're very affected vitalists charges here in sky in particular as well as I mean it was a highly intelligent I was also paid by the affected I mean we are a lot of things far out of business and we find we spend a lot of time choosing something and it says on that free delivery and then it comes to the payment and suddenly it says well your postcode we have to charge you extra sometimes it shoots and it takes I mean I ordered a poly problem cover from my probably 10 recently and it said on this website free over $150.00 pounds of spam and I already cost $300.00 times the cover so. I always nicely and then I got an email saying that they would want to do next to a $180.00 pounds to deliver it to me on Sky well more than half the cost of the item Exactly and so they said they would deliver it to Glasgow for nothing but they wouldn't deliver it to Sky And so what I had to do the end was I had to get through the I got it I got it sent because I got a tough listed by an unfinished company from Glasgow and brought to Sky It cost $0.25 so some of these are things somebody else here. And I have you I imagine you've had many for street to. For St TNG conversations with with delivery companies or retailers online retailers about this but I mean you got to do the explaining I mean do they break it down do they give you anything that sounds like a plausible explanation no I can give you an example here I or just some fishing here for one of my relatives they listen I love to not talk to guys too that's mean and she deliberately overstepped the spend and I had spent over that and then he sent it back and said that I would have to be next to the house even though I said see so I wrote and I said this is not right it's a Stacy jealously overstepped my mind and they wrote back I'm afraid there's nothing which I can do about the careers the loans and charges for those fees are set by our food here right I mean this is not helpful when you right now ask them are when you pointed to it's illegal to see 3 delivery it's not free delivery unless it's in the small print and some of these companies don't have it in the small print and that is actually illegal of course for you when you do you are based in the Isle of Skye the beautiful Isle of Skye but you perhaps don't have the access to retailers that people in a more are been setting will have so you'll be kind of forced to use these outlets in many instances if you want to get hold of stuff Well we are forced to use a lot of these outlets and sometimes even if you are forced to use them some of them won't actually sell to us I mean some of the things we buy in boxes the standard are products and some of the companies want to change even send them they want it was a childish if we don't sense there in the sky or to the Highlands Yeah we really were going about alone in the I don't know about here I mean doing it the other thing that's why so many people House announced buy from Amazon because honestly since free delivery. Sorry Christine you were the critical point there is Christine So what this will just take that line item friends I don't know if you can jump in there or just. Quickly didn't get the pen is the sentence do Amazon have some kind of policy. Hi sorry sorry adam going to think we got Christie baggage is needed there to finish that sentence Christie there yes i hear us he just got the vital moment there what did you say about it wasn't what I said to Imus and says on their website when they see delivery it doesn't see jealously and I see I'm not a great fan of myself but it's how I was and I was people have to buy from a lot of things because you deliver free right when you see the will which again raises the question if they can do ad why I can other companies know what I think it points to a really clear issue here retailers need to be transparent and honest about their delivery charges I mean Amazon are obviously in a very very dominant position in the market which does give them some advantages around spreading around that cost but it does point to a an issue a lot of which members will talk to us about consumers in general around their lack of choice they have around the Korea accompanied a use is pretty much down to the retailer to decide which Korea company they usually should why so troubling to hear them passing the buck in terms of blaming the Korea company they're using for these extra charges around deliveries because the retailer is when he decides which period company day use and it is within their gift really to make sure they keep that cost as low as possible for their customers so it is extremely disappointing to hear that kind of behavior and I would encourage anyone who feels they've been stung by these extra fees to feed that back for the retailer and ultimately take your business elsewhere the only way you can really affect change in him in the pocket and that could mean more customers for Amazon he yeah but sometimes you don't have that option do you Christine I mean it would be great if that I'm taking my custom elsewhere but I imagine you're sometimes in situations that you can't. Well we are sometimes it's only one retailer channels the product and we just have to pay the money which is really annoying and very expensive and I actually are just something last week on the whole she went through and said feet a little bit over the stock price again I'm sad they wrote me an e-mail says we're getting your money back because it's going to cost you too much to to get to live for an estimate fee to live in there was no small print saying the Wasn't Yeah I mean Jamie you are saying that there's no real consistency in this I mean we seem to go into a pattern of the Highlands and Islands that is difficult but as you pointed out there are other parts of the u.k. That are geographically challenging that don't necessarily get hit by the same surcharges has it just become a thang. I think it has become a thing like a. Strange thing for people like Christine who are buying products from the you because you like they don't have a choice. I think especially you know if you're buying specials project products and always encourage people to shop right there might not be that many retailers offering that product so yeah I think people are really stuck over a barrel and if you really need the product you're going to just pick up or charge like I mean we think that's unfair. So next campaign for you. I'll take you back to the office. Yeah because we're covered on Black Friday we kind of know that it is not all that it appears and you have to be looking very closely to be assured that you are actually getting a bargain from your research that doesn't seem to be the case in the majority of cases so they're let me charges as the next one that we need to look into them if you don't mind we'll see you back here same time same place next year thank you very much indeed Adam French from which consumer rights takes but it really does try given that Black Friday thing I mean I've noticed it myself I've been having conversations with my partner this week about things that we need for Christmas and all let's do a Black Friday and we've we've kind of had that knee jerk reaction with the chili do in research with kids and a boy into it which shows you how naive we are but certainly after speaking to Adam I think we'll change that view thanks also to Dr Jamie Stewart for all Citizens Advice Scotland and Christine Martin and in the Isle of Skye and I know whenever we do that as a food and topic we get incredible stories of people who just feel terribly let don't buy online retailers that they feel are taking advantage and I'm sure we'll tackle that again before Christmas time but it is No 1156 we of course need to do the big reveal or name the place on the 12th of December Scotland like the rest of the u.k. Will return to the. For the general election 29000 in the run up to voting day Good Morning Scotland will be travelling around the country to find out what matters to you in the selection will be questioning politicians and candidates from across the parties on the policies and why you should vote for them and you'll hear from experts who will look to scrutinize and check what we're told listen when you wake up and right across the deep to follow the campaign trail election 2019 here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland and I'm back tomorrow from 9 o'clock I'm going to be talking to the woman who went to irrational wife school the mind boggles the court of Carol will be in session and she's got an absolute doozy for you or there's a week we'll also be hearing from the people who created the blessing boards to help people facing hardship and you are fake do yes hope Finland is winning the war on this information. Catch up on the conversation listen via the b.b.c. Sun's up morning Smith on b.b.c. Radio. Time to catch up with Professor Carroll half professor of on a mass sticks at Glasgow University who have course set all the very cryptic clues for our name the place quiz that we do every Tuesday Good morning to you Carol good morning k. Good morning let me just before we have the drum roll to do the big reveal I'm going to sneak in a few more guesses put Soissons school in Perth for 1st as test and Paisley Gretna Green says she learned full court for 1st says that in my books of course we know that none of those are correct Carol let's have the general. The answer is far head. Barely got that one corrected 1035 this morning and he was the 1st one to come in with a correct answer so take us through the clues if you would so typically one it contains 2 words with the same meaning so that Gallic bar meaning the top or summit and Scott had meaning the same thing so I had 0 Ok love like. One of those words also appears in the name of a Roman thought so that Bar Hill for near Kirkintilloch right and again fairly tautologous Bar Hill Top Hill So that's one of the forts along me on one wall please 3 is all about the name the place. All about bar head is the name of bar head Business Improvement District. About bar it's all about name the place so that's the that's the Skeeter improving tone center there's no yes that's right. Blue for with the names of the Scottish football are also great so the town of bar head includes the former village. Yes of awfully and Grahamstown so but you know. That up in the troubled place I had trouble is one of the biggest trouble agents in the u.k. And Clue 6 how the namesake is official bird is a great blue heron that warhead in Alberta Canada made up by head and Scotland fantastic O'Halloran it's official but I did manage to get that one over thank you very much we got full set Thank you Professor Carol have Professor of on a massive university here John Beattie on digital radio f.m. Medium wave and b.b.c. Sound b.b.c. Radio Scott. Thank you good afternoon it's 12 o'clock. On b.b.c. Radio Scotland today the chief rabbi attacks labor on their anti semitism record as the battle to win the election reaches mid point was the decision to pull the film Blue story from a u.k. Cinema chain racist it's racist I wouldn't cannot fault them for you know we've got . To think it's more of a kind of cultural divide and what lengths would you go to to capture a Scottish weather can be ridiculous where we've been setting alarm clocks for like 4 30 in the morning to see the sun if it was a nice sun say it's. All the latest news now from Emory Watson the un Environment Program says governments must take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions it's warning that of countries stick to their current strategies global temperatures could rise to more than double the limit agreed under the Polish climate agreement our correspondent imagine folks deports from Geneva the goals of the Paris Agreement are slipping away to reach the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade above. Pre-industrial levels emissions will have to be cut by 7.6 percent every year for the next 10 years this means governments must adopt far more ambitious reduction goals if they stick to their current strategies global temperatures will rise by more than 3 degrees with unit says ever more destructive heat waves storms and floods the Liberal Democrat leader Joyce Winston says it's hugely warning that the U.K.'s chief rabbi has felt the need to intervene in the general election campaign if you remember verse says strongly criticized Jeremy Corben accusing him of letting Antti Semitism Tikrit with the New Labor Mr Corbin insists his party is tackling the issue of mental health support must be made a priority for young people in secure care for young offenders institutions According to Holder it's Justice Committee it's calling for assessments to be made within days of a young person's incarceration followed by consistent high quality support they cried into mental health services was launched following the suicides of Katie Allen and William Lindsay in Pullman to young offenders institution Tom Bailey is the former commissioner for.

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