The. But. I want to break free for he said it was the summer. Again kids don't listen after a few days there I couldn't think of a better song to scrub our she didn't have by size in those days the time to it was a completely different thing it was skate in those days in a way that I really would personally know that I'm here in a by people's experiences and know how much my own nephew slipped forward and stuff yeah it's a completely different thing. But great to hear your stories from then David in can Dora went to big school in 77 was strong in the strangler some pictures were blasting of the 6 year commoner and we. Did just that. Till we got chased away by the big lads love that Lent is producing to my Facebook and stuff well Julie has emailed and says a move from Kramer's go to secondary in 1905 and live it happened in between and for my musical memories of the Taman in a another warning but in all honesty the 1st couple of years I was it were pretty grim but things improved and by the time I left in 6 year always well so was where worth hanging in there anything that was played at Live Aid would take me back chilly and lethal a senior would in their motor go in the email worst start and secondary at 82 in May in Macau to me at Dixie's in Japan 2nd the motion just one of the best cover versions ever and please can we have a mention for all the skill stuff from peoples and Aberdeenshire who are enjoying the last week the summer hole the day before the new school year begins next week for them as she said good luck to all the piece of and leave from oxtail and primary and Ellen for the start at Ellen Academy exciting times Facebook is getting on with Brian Barnett tweets B.B.C. Care or text 80295 bob and Paisley as another one who remembers going to side the 6 year common room to hear the songs he said it's not a record of every room but 70 or by O M D used to blame the prefects colander. Eating my pieces next door with. A cold to me no idea who's 45 it was but thanks for them take but autumn of 1981 brilliant memories tonight good music great stories we've got trucking at Scottish pond after an appropriate reminder of something exciting happening a great deal. Great Galloway revealed this year's Scottish album of the. Albums will make the short list which artists will get one step closer to following in the footsteps of last year's winners young father Scott. Join us as we exclusively on ACE the albums of meet the 29000 see award chart last Thursday night from 992 to 95. It would affect Joyce Goodbye Mr Mackenzie. It suggests that a by Jamie who said the Glasgow Garden Festival was on and I moved up to secondary school and conversely I was $88.00 and the songs I remember from that summer include a fiesta by the Pogues rusher by Jane Wiedlin as well as the only way is up by Janice is that all right who must pay for your was a who's 88 yeah yeah I remember going WOMAN Yeah yeah totally He said it was number one in August when I started secondary That's what Tonight's theme is all about Shelley Manson. Meehan's guest 2 weeks ago if you messed that dish and a plan pop you can go. And check and also catch up with our guest this week. Joseph you made some very surprising choices yeah there was Taylor Swift in there there was Justin Bieber that was the normal incest a survey know what all those are is mean to kick out there enjoy a survey I wouldn't like even expats to hear the words Justin Bieber and Catherine Joseph in the same sentence the other might say think Reza that's the whole point of the feature isn't into the pole music that cuts through for people it's back on Thursday night and just before that with the Scottish album of the year shortlist revealed for the 1st time also Ricky back tomorrow with another country after T. a Cell of suspense and then for 2 weeks vex up at 9 o'clock between now and then more your memories of moving from primary to secondary Suzanna care could be said My memory is dancing to the time warp and 1985 on the lawn of an all girls school in Edinburgh she said we're not posh my dad was the head the grains band so we had to send his kids there. The horror on the principal's face as he showed prospective paid in straight said I didn't enjoy my time there but the memory always makes me smile and that Tom Byron from let's go went to Lou and secondary school in Cardon old 1976 fresh day there and the in Armstrong turned up in the uniform of the bass that era labs. Were not impressed. At $76.00 was the a queen really somebody at love and we all thought 2nd disco might take box for us is that be my choice tonight and I want to mention Malcolm Mason in Abita he said my old school might be a suitable song for tonight's theme my favorite Steely Dan tribe that never had that played reminds me of my old school that got flattened 30 years ago and turned into hives think I'll stay at some good school my embrace at. Music and Linda and Motherwell say when will I see you again it was lend us it when starting Arab ladies high school at Motherwell back in 1974. a couple of slow beautiful relaxing ballads. All the way through it are you Committee more likely. To say. But clearly when Year 12 you know I think along those lines to. See what would go in as plan of a song from Greece because it's far and away the most. Remember that song from the time and album brother so many of you have talked. And maybe you need to apologize to Craig from Paisley he moved Encino into Dumfries high school in 1970 when the charts were full of songs from Grease and lots of Boney M. Thank God for Sharon 69 and the kids. Craig apologies in advance Kennedy was another one this is 78 chart music was throttled by giving stuff. That's not yet brought all the charts that. There's another grease one here my best friend John and 1st year but Caven high school we went to Greece when it came out of the A.B.C. Sentiment Kirkcaldy we love school desks a favorite she was dancing queen still best friends 43 years later as incredible they are be F.-F. F F's Russell of F.'s best friends forever Faye Fife. 11 Argyle and Janet lives in Yorkshire we still keep in touch but spread it and also one that I want to mention here from Donnie the police boy who said are we wee boy Ali's going to big school in teen next Tuesday seems like yesterday he was sleeping behind the seat of a tractor. And a chance so we bought a Pete and diesel as that's what his memory will be so many good ones that I thank you so much to everybody who's been in touch this is one that's been suggested by Louise from sunny rainy sunny rainy re they really need it and. We know how you feel that being used that we should have least in the weather made to school I mean or any sunny rainy rainy Sunny is that the song that came to mind when you said going to big school is relax by Frankie haven't heard that in ages so we get to hear it tonight it's amazing how music can put you right back in the moment I can still picture the school corridors and us messing about before classes. Oh a . Koan Eloah the a move. To Owen the so a slim Loic blowen. Cohen. Cohen. If. Linux. I. Kenny Henderson said breakdown some was huge when I moved to secondary school that was one of the top chains in our get long before Crazy Frog. Thank you very much is about to find the role. Of linoleum so he can they get back to his break dancing before that Frankie and relax their Louise suggests that their cattle and say that maybe White House will be turning in a grave Eminem and Frankie on the Beeb. Spend one of those nights where we can public service and thank you for all of these Ross apart Lockley set out a member moving at a high school a friend that I stuck to each other like glue on the school bus we did it for 6 years a high school one earphone in each year we traveled through a musical journey together but the one the sticks so for me is run on made here are just me to rock and metal and we'd love to share the music of academy 2007 to 2013 Ross thank you for Russia have to go and see blinded by the light which is the best course it's like as an awakening Springsteen musical It's just the most brilliant feel good afternoon the sentiment but it's about the situation you describe when I may it's cool intrusion juices shit music and said this is going to change your life you have to listen to the sky and it's about how much music matters to time and it really can and it really chimes were tonight's theme it really goes together well definitely worth the loot whether you like Bruce Springsteen or not I'm being produced to my by a man who became a fool you see I may be fair to say he's nominal one no if you're not going to play they're going to come with me to the next I'm very nice and they're saying I'm busy really busy doing my hair there's a lot for that. Divides opinion that Lindsey is producing tonight so he got a girl in Jamieson who says Def Leppard animal in 1887 along with the Shetland country girls I stayed in the boarding hostile to attain high school in town understand why we have so many happy memories a come to an accompanied by music. That brings us right back there that's a maze and that's not death from all our our secondary school experiences are the so much that brought us together but of course Colton being the country that has felt like Elaine who had to go to a whole still aboard that you know it's an ordeal to go to school she's skill wasn't bad enough. Don't listen to B.B.C. Don't know don't slosh by sight secondary school is going to be Bradley to people who are about to find out Nathan Harper's been in touch with his mom's choice he's starting high school this Thursday so the muse at the site just know is going to be has memories of that column from let's go said I'm moving up a 2nd base killed a Shia and a thing from Coldplay as me my friends favorite Bond that's a both of you to everyone else star in 2nd disco in the same forget of the time you had like the spirit. Brand. Of. What we're. Top. Sunday for the most album on the show tonight summer 7 a crease you've all been talking about before with calum from suggestion of Coldplay and yellow he's just moving up the 2nd disc. By the way. You didn't imagine the dancing nuns this was a thought I had seen earlier on Monday dancing to Britney Spears He just sent me a letter they said it's definitely popped up my Twitter feed today as well yeah well it's going to be shared for a wee while Donna Calvin Dale said I'd left Augustine's court bridge for sympatric sigh in the summer of $69.00 the music was pretty woeful by the member Honky Tonk Woman being a huge hit and am being thought so naughty I'm not sure we knew why she said my theme suggestion you're meant to be defined by whatever was number one in your 14th birthday at a very chuffed the same ime was Mikey me if it was Long Haired Lover from Liverpool he snorts a PLEASE NEVER HAVE A The 40th birthday that's why I will be doing a search for in a moment. And that's a theme we will have in about 2 weeks and I'm just thinking. We could do that or that we could do a year or find out whether as they create from Paisley we have to play this for create it and there you go because he was the one or one of a couple of people who got in touch to say I couldn't stand that when I went to high school because the charts were full of the songs from Grease and body M. Radio Scotland horse MacDonald saying and for the novice and off to the 11 to after the news at 9 o'clock Calloway has made himself a wee bit hoarse singing along to. A Yeah I remember that one girl enough to 0 and I on my show well listen vintage music we've got pope we've got classic pub on the way in classic man who chav as well. I got lost in new music as you might imagine new singles from Iggy Pop Yep right there is back what it is and more how all this the X. Time I suppressed it must be in the 7 I mean he's in his seventy's now and his new album is called Free and it's his 18th. It's doing not bad it's still still at it and it's a bit of an odd single player Yes got a new music from D.J. Shadow and Della soul the twilight Cate Le Bon and many others were looking ahead at the SE awards 2900 nickel and me and I are going to be presenting the exclusive veiling of the shortlist of 10 albums for the SE Awards on Thursday so play something off the long list as well she is currently sitting at 20 soon to be 10 and I have a band in session a cold shoe show today is a B.B.C. Music introducing session there in Edinburgh based jewel playing electro pop it's kind of classic synth pop with fiery feminist lyrics lead singer Emily is fantastic . And he does all the productions Grace quite modern sounding but if you like your rhythmic and so on you going to love it as well I thought leave you something that Love you call a child should always be must we. Make them a hard sell a might think of you. Jimmy kettle said 1971 fresh in a brand new school Perth I was obsessed with the tremolos that had to go don't bother me by the toms tonight has been brilliant hearing about your transition from primary to secondary and the music but their loads of great stories on our Facebook page we haven't had time to go through them and play them all over slate but some great things there with Brian if you want to look at a. Lengthy couple of things on Facebook Karen Brian says in 1970 S. Started this in Joe's Academy and I met loads of new people from the other feeder premier schools our own comic I recall Marko I Giulini had a battery operated record player which he carried around in a leather scoop. Top fund for if I was mental road to be choppy cheap cheap not my cup of tea but hobo free Alright now you from the same year. That he would depend on skill as the fresh guy who got an i Pod Yeah I partake Yeah yeah exactly . And then Jackie for star of Facebook says started Senior School in 1994 and was the proud owner over for a dog and he has been carrier by surprise with these big smiling face imagine my reaction returning to my former him and opening my desk to discover someone a black in in all these teeth has to be popular of kids can be cruel at least they were from those days plaque in the teeth that you have to want to. This was the big one. On the A By the way. The book was number one in your 14th birthday cause some people to find you seem to find to buy the theme from mock suicide is painless I thought I was nearly defined by crying so much clay pot might explain why I quite like soft music not a producer. I go this is terrific shamans Ebenezer good and on the other side of it would be snobs rhythm is a dancer but for those who walk the final cut the tracks that night were friends with what is going to be the most appropriate song that's been suggested to my butt suggested by Julie. From 1974 when she went off to make. Things. Back. Pains so. That. They sat. Up with the sex. Abuse. Dog has made. Jesse to. Be taking all. These. Dogs and showing the law in. The yard of the boss's son knowing we'd all be there without just getting into the . Zone. Go to. The dog. You know all the way. Too. Late that's what a day. To meet those. Goals. Spawn there's a lot of good stuff. By the good by saying Good I see what's going to be. The big. March for a concrete show tonight and I'm told she's going to everyone who's brilliant stories and emails and stuff for taking care of rights because so many. Years starting senior school all the kids in your family are you got any worries or issues really. You can slosh bite. With Craig the economy secretary says the Scottish government is ready and willing to take Ferguson ship. Art into public ownership he says this is the avert the yard closure with the loss of 350 jobs and the complete 2 ferries being built there for Kalmbach West Coast services the move falls legal notice being served at the business faces administration by the end of this week Mr Makhaya said or that the government remained open to other investors whoever our business on economy editor Douglas Fraser thinks they're unlikely to appear the Scottish Government is no planning as a major creditor with a 45000000 pound loan to Ferguson Marine Scottish Government's night planning to move to public ownership of the yards in a process which will take no longer than this week that's the deadline they've got by the end of this week the company will go into administration unless there's an arrangement to take this over but it's not looking very attractive private investment so it does look like nationalization that will be the outcome of this probably by midweek to cystic fibrosis drugs described as.

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