But look back and look next Phyllis Schlafly but. Let's start with a summary there nothing's there as it stands the conservatives have won an overall majority in the general election following Labor's worst performance in living memory the s.n.p. Has made big gains across Scotland with the party defeating the Liberal Democrat leader Joseph Winston and de Botton East as m.p. Candidates have also won several seats from the Tories and Labor Nicolas Sturgeon's said the results gave her a mandate to ensure Scotland could decide its future their results that we're seeing recorded this evening somewhat exceeds the expectations I had so it's been an exceptional night for the s.n.p. And in a Scotland to send a very clear message we don't want to abolish Johnson Conservative government we don't want to leave the European Union and we want Scotland's future to be in Scotland times. The conservatives have won an overall very good. For the vast majority of results across say the u.k. Now declared the b.b.c. Forecasts that the conservatives will return to Parliament with a majority of 76 they are predicted to win 362 seats while Labor is set to take 11963 fewer than in 2017 there's M.P.'s won the majority of Scotland's 59 seats securing 4145 point one percent of the votes 8.2 percent more than in the last general election the prime minister held his own seat of Oxbridge and south rise lip with an increased majority Barros Johnson said the result gave him a powerful new mandate to deliver bricks that I want to thank the people of this country for turning out to vote in a December election that we didn't want to do which I think has turned out to be a story election. That gives us now in this new government the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the entire people of this country as well as losing seats in Scotland Labor had a poor performance in northern England the Midlands and Wales many areas which backed by exit in the 2016 referendum germy Corben has announced that he will not lead the party into another election but he said he would remain in place for the time being to oversee a period of reflection I will discuss with our party. To ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward and I will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place and we move on into the future as. Well and a huge shock the Lib Dems leader Joe Swenson lost by 149 votes to the s.n.p. And Dunbartonshire East she said their lection had produced significant results for millions of people in our country. These results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking for hope. I still believe that we as a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open and that by working together with our nearest neighbors we can achieve so much more elsewhere in Scotland the s.n.p. Stephen Geffen's lost to the Liberal Democrats in the u.k. As narrow as to marginal seat 5 ne 20 Chamberlain overturned the 2 vote majority from 2017 by 1316 votes the seat in an above average remain vote had been a target seat for the Lib Dems. Neil Hearn v the an s.n.p. Candidate who was suspended over allegations he had made an dismissive posts on social media defeated Labour's shadow Scottish secretary Lesley Laird in Kirkcaldy in. It as an independent until the party's disciplinary procedures against him are concluded as Laird wouldn't be drawn on whether she would call on the Scottish Labor leader Richard Leonard to step down police some significant changes to happen and we will need to consider that in the cold light of day and consider how best we can. And just a quick look at the picture elsewhere in the u.k. In Wales played Cumbria has hailed. On to its 4 seats in Northern Ireland do you piece suffered a series of losses including the party's leader at Westminster Nigel Dodds he lost north Belfast to Sion Fein the s.t.l. P have won 2 seats after being wiped out at the last election so that's the news a summary so far this morning let's catch up of the sports headlines now with Phil Good luck and good morning everyone Rangers have joined Celtic in the Europa League knockout stage the I broke side drawing one all last night at home to young boys of late Bob Barr such on goal cancelling out last 1st half strike the draw means Rangers finish 2nd in group g. Manager Neil Lennon is defending his decision to play a 2nd string side a Celtic went down to no way to Romania to include They had already won the group and John Higgins I'm going to him dot have both been knocked out of Scottish Open. This morning from morning Gary not to be there at the Morningstar reminder of some board work something going on. At lights and road works on the a 917 mill to place it for the next 10 days or so in my sleep in temperature fellates would watch to look at 4 and a 7 or 5 This is cools and broad in the Scottish Ambulance station that gingerbread is a largely fine the devil look at Kalmucks out in service not a technical problem with the radar on the ferry could potentially mean a wee bit of disruption to a couple of literate ceilings today so have a check otherwise not a bad way those 90 to 95 that's our number b.b.c. Readers got the travel right well let's not forget about the weather forecast amid everything else let's get the details for the day ahead now with joy Down Low Good morning light will be mostly cloudy today for northern and eastern Scotland with bricks of rain of these could be Hevia for the Northern Ailes Southern and Western media as though somebody took conditions just a few showers chilly thaw highs of only 4 to eat sail c.s. And tonight showers will affect much of Scotland. And again these good behavior in the current across the waste on the north nails falling is snow on hills east India is though we'll see fewer showers with dry and clear spells but it will be another chilly night lows of the 2 to let your parka Joy thanks very much for that day 7 minutes past 6 now you're listening to Good Morning Scotland so let's just take a moment to catch up on the events a over night we're joined by Westminster correspondent David Porter David morning to you morning Hailey so. Well look at the picture I mean 1st of all a feel of a blue really across England in terms of the national picture let's talk about that 1st of all on the Tory majority you know the projected Tory majority we have at the moment and the 1st thing we ought to say is this has been a huge night what we've seen is a wholesale redrawing of the political map and in deed the changing of the political guard at Westminster the latest predictions we have by the number crunchers are that the conservatives will have a majority of 78 it is projected they will have something like 363364 votes Labor will be down to $203.00 seats which initially interesting the is they are worst performance since 1935 I don't want to give people a blizzard just the cystic so early in the morning but some of what has happened overnight has been absolutely extraordinary just Winston lost the leader of the d.b. Nigel Dodds has lost his seat you will now find that the miners Gaylor and various other Labor Party and socialist events will be held in seats held by the conservatives this so-called red war throughout to the north of England and then events does appear to be crumbling I don't think anyone even Boris Johnson's most ardent supporters would. I thought that the numbers he is getting would have been anywhere near this this has been a momentous night it will be the conservatives largest majority that they would have hand in an election since 1987 I said I was going to give you citizenship just give me all of them indeed but yeah I'm looking at the picture in Scotland as well with the s. And p. Performance here and the majority of seats I mean again sort of takes us back we almost forget about 2017 and hark back to 2015 here yet not quite the projections are not quite as good as that for the s.n.p. When they won 56 out of the 59 seats but a very very good night for the s.n.p. Perhaps if you're looking in a wider context you are say that Boris Johnson's. Opposition will not now come from Jeremy cauldron or the Labor Party potentially it will come from Nicholas surgeon and the s.n.p. Nicolas to Asia obviously will cause say that this is a mandate for a 2nd independence referendum while we are talking about referendums let us not forget that there is now not going to be a 2nd breaks or a referendum because of the size of Boris Johnson's majority breaks it will happen it is virtually unthinkable now that it will not happen because he house such a big majority he will be able to get is that just Nations through the u.k. Will leave the European Union at the end of January next year we will then go into a transition period but we just need to stand by this is the election which was caused by great said the results of this election means that breaks it will go ahead yes indeed it will go ahead it seems very clear on what about the prospect of a 2nd. Independence referendum because no doubt Nicholas sturgeon will be very quickly calling for that as well I'm sure she will I'm sure we will get words to that effect later on today with you in Scotland boss Johnson has made it plain that he does not see the need and does not want. A 2nd independence referendum he will say this is a u.k. General election but what it does do it starts to draw the battle lines in very very start now breaks it may have been settled but the future of the Union has not David many thanks David Porter there are Westminster correspondent It's coming up to 12 minutes past 6 and a look at the number of seats in Scotland then the s.n.p. Are on 4848 includes Neil handy here of course the candidate in their neck hadn't be ther and Kodi who was there who is s.n.p. Stop supporting but because his name is still on the ballot still declared as an s.n.p. Victory they are 6 for the Tories one Labor m.p. That of course Ian Molly in Edinburgh cites and for Lib Dems they are on the status quo or even though of course they lost Jo Swinson in eastern Barton sure but the Liberal Democrats are gaining North East Fife Well Keith Brown is the s.n.p. Deputy leader he's here with us now good morning to you want and congratulations your party did pretty well yes an excellent results and that's was it was it not for that resulted in 2015 we would see this is an absolutely remarkable result the only 2 percent of the seats in Scotland. Also told of course before the election by by Jackson Carlo that the union was on everybody people and if that's the case then the s.n.p. Have allness hands down the idea that if you say no to indeed have to it's just been put to bed by the water but your message was stopped Rex It wasn't just on the ref to you you haven't sought breaks or you won't be able to stop because of course having supported this election it's gifted Boris Johnson majority it was on the lanes both of those things either stopping breaks it or having our say or an independent. Yes it's gotten great to choose and that's what we're seeing Scott must have the right to choose most of it used to choose a different option rather than one we've been forced to accept in terms of breaks at Boris Johnson and also a different option in terms of independence or that rate to choose that Democratic fundamental essential to our campaign do you accept now that backs it is inevitable I think for the u.k. It's hard to see how anything other than that can happen I don't think Scott just Except that we have to have the right to choose which didn't amount of facial for the Scottish Parliament seeing in a specific instance of scrutiny taken in the against us where we reserve the rate ever for the referendum and that's what should never happen but in reality of Bracks it is inevitable for the u.k. Does that make it more difficult for you in terms of a 2nd independence referendum because the chances are that even if the timescale was granted the nickel start in is called for in Boston of course said so far no to that then the chances are that even if Scotland votes yes in an independence referendum we will be out of the e.u. So does that add difficulty to your case and I think it would be a bit foolhardy to assume certain things even though we do see a very substantial majority for Boris Johnson and terms of brakes having an easy path from here on and I think we've most people in fact that acknowledge this is the start of the process there's a lot more to come and people are very skeptical including as a friend this week Michelle Barney that a deal can be done within the next year in any event in order to move things forward so that I really just leaving with no deal at the end of 2020 all I'm saying is I guess it's still unpredictable though it seems more certain as you say because the total majority so what we have to do is continue to do what we said which is to put the views of the people of Scotland 1st and their right to choose 1st and we have to try to influence both breaks it and Scott was right to choose an independent future what do you do you if as seems likely Boris Johnson just says No Well it's interesting because a Tory former Tories been doctor on the Makai Evers said that this will not stand it cannot stand the Tory blanket refusal no for Monday if you like very explicit Mondays it could be more explicit given the fact that in every single leaflet by the Tories it said stop and. They have to and people have voted the exact opposite they've lost over half the seats but you leaflets stop saying in the 2nd independence referendum or 2020 didn't we everyone was very clear that we were standing for independence disconsolate to choose I don't think we had but in terms of the timing you did stop putting that on your leaflets so people not perhaps say well yes we may well want to 2nd the dependance referendum but not on the Gulf and the custodians timeframe I think it was pretty clear from the statements that the 1st Minister made she said some months ago she was going to ask for the agreement for a Section 30 not permission but for an agreement to Section 30 before the end of the year so that was very clear I think we have been very clear what we've said up to no very honest and I think it's no case that the 1st Minister will put to Westminster this request for the section fare to order it's then up to see we have to see what Boris Johnson says and what will be interesting to my point of use the Tory having the Tories having lost half the seats in Scotland would have the same number of voices whispering in the year the Prime Minister don't do this in Scotland perhaps the prime minister might want to listen to the $48.00 same pm piece or the 45 percent plus of voted for the s.n.p. But do they all do the $48.00 or the $47.00 plus one until the situation in your hand is cleared up do they all speak with one voice because Kenny MacAskill for instance who's been elected in there in East Los the and has been critical of the way that the party has looked at the issue of India in the ref to there are others in the party who believe actually there should be a mandate for in essence the you know declaring independence pretty much or say you know looking for a 2nd a plan b. As it were so that I united is the party behind the position that the 1st Minister has lead whether as your criteria is an element of diversity within a party over 800000 members that's pretty inevitable in fact it's healthy I would see though the 1st ministers always made it clear that no we're not going to be declaring for independence you and the reason for that is very clear cut if you want to move towards independence as we do and if you also want to be very straightforward accession to the e.u. Has to be a democratic process and u.d.a. Does. Do that and that's why she's been clearing the way through that's a process or take of course there are discussions and there are frustrations about the stubbornness of the u.k. Parties but I think the approach has been taken as the right one and of course Kenny MacAskill want to join a large group of M.P.'s at Westminster and they'll come to an agreed position which I'm confident with the one that's been set up so far and eftpos Johnson continues to say no what do you then do could this end up in the courts and I think we have to take each stage at a time and I think it's not being a vase if we do have to see what happened so the 1st minister has said that I know the 1st one a certain she will do what she says which is that she would request that section fair to order that piece about lights are ready to go well she has said that we don't by the end of the year so and that's not far away and there has to be the response from the u.k. Government that's what the stage we have to take a name we see what happens after that process but I don't think a sustainable I said a number of months ago a long time ago to Jackson Carlo this will not sustain and actually if they do try and see you know each day goes by with them say no I think we'll build a case for there for independents and it's partly because even people not previously convinced of independents are set to the back teeth or been ignored at Westminster you saw that with the taking of the person as well as Parliament the contempt that we were treated with over the basic process through joint committees and in the Westminster government and it's people that previously were very little of faith in the Western situations and even lost that faith and they do not like being ignored wherever they've come from in the world they do not like being ignored and treat with contempt as the final point I mean in terms of if you look forward to the 2021 election as well as Boris Johnson the best recruiter Well I was asked a lot on and I would point to the same people and see over the last 24 hours from the Labor Party from the from the Lib Dems and to go over half the Tory seats are we are taking because we're I think making very arguments and standing up for people's court we're taking votes and seats from all parties thank you very much for that let's keep right he's the deputy leader of the s.n.p. 619 and. We're joined now by former Scottish Labor leader Jim Murphy It's been a momentous night as we've been hearing for the s.n.p. . Another facet of course of last night Jim Murphy has been good make him who really good morning the complete collapse of labor what happens no. Well the Labor party will have to elect a new leader but if all it does is elect a new leader then it's not helping the reckoning that it should have had after the previous 3 spectacular defeats and I think that this result should be sealed into the memory of every Labor politician of really a party member so that never again does a Labor Party run by a group of public school boys and it's not their fault they went to private schools it gives them a view of working class voters that is completely out of kilter I spent a lot of time in the northeast of England over the past couple of weeks just campaigning with rains Labor M.P.'s and friends and the They've had time and time and time again that it didn't these voters traditionally before it was just didn't believe McCall been was up to be in Prime Minister and unfortunately the Labor Party took them for granted and we presented them up program that they're what I'm willing to vote for what happens now is for people in the Labor party leaderships and Scotland and the British Labor Party to figure out a way forward but the way forward cannot be that my personal view I'm not involved in front line politics anymore I'm not a spokesman for the Labor Party but it can't be a world where in England we have to pretend to be in favor of breaks. And in some way acquiesce with an English form of nationalism while in Scotland half pretend we're in favor of independence and partially acquiesce with the Scottish form of nationalism we we have a really energized Scottish nationalism in Scotland of course we did and they got a brilliant result quite clearly we have an energized English nationalism and borders Johnson is a standard bit of that he got a spectacular result and this. Yes for social democratic politics of solidarity of saying immigration is a great thing for our country our economy our culture that building by ideas and break you know of either a continental Union as borders Sean some would have a or an island Union is Nicholas large and would have none of that is consistent with that initial down it's all show Democratic philosophy of politics but that is a ground which the s.n.p. Now occupies in Scotland in terms of those politics so kindly but I don't agree at all they only because of what we had in this election and I say Look at that I'm not an outline or I'm not a spokesman for the Labor Party but I watched the campaign and the s.n.p. Had a fantastic result brilliant result for them but they run a campaign of stopping bricks. And on the other side the Tories run a campaign of stopping in the ref to both parties fade off of one another and in a country that's divided between those who want to stay in the u.k. And those who want to leave the u.k. The Labor Party managed to annoy both try and yes I know it's I mean no one really was sure of where the Labor Party stood on either of those issues because generally you know I've been really easy to to make it clear but this wasn't just I think. You know it wasn't just the bricks that voted because you know Labor vote was dying and remain areas you know particularly in England and leave areas as well this was much more clearly a vote against the Labor Party and its leader currently Do you agree that's absolutely the Liberal Party the Liberal Party get involved in an experiment. Late in coordinated by a group of completely shut London public school boys but has such a peculiar eccentric romanticized view of what can class voters in the northeast of England in particular that it's the patriotism that thinks it's a boat just pretending that you can get everything from nothing that didn't respect their culture that identity or that we have life but those people you know that the Labor Party is you know what it is currently who comes forward you know to to change that on how does it change surely you know given the grind that the other parties and I occupy what is the future for labor where the Labor Party will have a future if it makes the right decisions and the Labor Party's been riding for over a century. But there's no future for the Labor Party if we pretend to split the difference with populist nationalists I the south of the border on brakes or north of the border on independence and looking at these results and sort of come you know the Scottish competition for a 2nd when you look at what what's happened in Northern Ireland overnight and when you look at what's happened still happening in Scotland a smaller one. I have come to the view and I'm like how do you predict things in politics anymore but I've actually come to the view that we may see a united Ireland before we see a divided Britain because I think there are same people make the case more passionately and they will see more credibly for a 2nd independence referendum but I don't think they will as convincingly made the case for independence because independence from the u.k. Is not an alternative to break it simply compounds breaks that and if ever was put another vote then who knows but I happen to think that the same and think that says BRICs is such a stupid idea for Scotland as part of those are not competition independence of course. So what is your advice really and to the Labor Party let's look at Scotland. And given last night's result you know we have back to the Labor Party is back to one m.p. No in Modi and he has certainly no supporter of Jeremy Corben Where does the party align itself is Richard Leonard I mean should he be stepping down as well. I don't know again because I'm simply a commented on on politics or on the put rather than an active participant. This isn't about any individual I know that when we lost the election and 2015 people turned on me and said it's all your fault that's fine I think it's an immature way to respond to politics to simply see it's a leader's fault Richard will make his own decision. But the Labor Party in my opinion has got to rediscover that sense of confidence of solidarity of openness of. Being pro-immigration being Prof market based economy that's on the pin by rules just a sense. Of confidence in a modern sense of social democracy rather rather than either and the 100 pretending the s.n.p. My of a. Coherent argument on independence or another dated few of working class voters I actually believe in one from the Labor Party Jim Murphy thanks very much for your time thank you warning the former Scottish Labor leader Jim Murphy There are 27 minutes past 6 let's look at one of the most keenly awaited Scottish results that was Starling the conservative Stephen care had been the m.p. Before the campaign began the s.n.p. Put out one of their big hitters Alan Smith of course the m.e.p. Against him and Alan Smith was victorious our reporter David Allison is in the constituency morning David. Morning it was one of these knife edge constituencies that the previous majority Stephen held was 148 well Alan Smith has turned into 1254 it's an enormous win it's an earthquake in some ways but it's also a really important place to win because Sterling is a very symbolic seat famously because of all the bottles because of the laws bridging point of the 4th people who have a whole Sterling bowl that the s.n.p. Clearly hold Scotland this morning it was quite a tough campaign but. Despite a few attempts to play the. Ball in terms of calling him a copy Michael Gove was even brought in to try. To attack. Bases and. About trying to get some reaction very early with people most of them rushing for trains just to see what they had to say. With complete. Deference produced a disaster for labor. You think it means in terms of a country. Well. I was hoping it would be defeated to be selfish a big blow for ambition but I'm disappointed because it in effect what it means is that there's now going to be a big reaction between the u.k. And Scotland the rest of the u.k. And Scotland it's so much bucking the trend it's very disappointing but I know people do vote in tactic links when you're going to happen and I suppose the conservatives benefit South Dakotan so. Would you think's going to happen because the s.n.p. Are going to demand a 2nd referendum bars Johnson presumably will refuse it what next Well there's obviously going to be a lot of tension over the next next few months and I'm not you know I was hooked. Stephen care back to the negative book tour is a go in with a majority across the u.k. So presumably you're happy about that. And there I just was called I just was close to the union but officers more than ours. So it's a big victory for the s.n.p. Good answer some questions but it leaves a whole bunch of others Ok guy David for the moment thank you very much that's David Allison there in Sterling will have much more of course for you throughout the program here as we continue to dissect the results of this election but so far at the moment the conservatives are one the selection u.k. Wide with a majority of the moment of 68 it's half past 6 a summary of the news bars Johnson is on course for a resigning election victory the latest b.b.c. Forecasts suggesting a Conservative majority of more than 70 there's n.p.a. Have made large gains in Scotland at the expense of labor the Tories and the Liberal Democrats they have taken $48.00 of Scotland's $59.00 seats as our correspondent James sure reports the result will bolster the s.n.p. As campaign for independence this is a big success for the nationalists although not quite on the scale of the result in 2015 when they gained 56 out of 59 seats in Scotland this time Labor has lost all but one of its 7 seats the conservatives have managed to hold on to 6 of their 13 M.P.'s The s.n.p. Leader Nicolas Sturgeon said it was a clear message to Boris Johnson Scotland did not want him it didn't want Bracks it and there should be a 2nd independence referendum she's sticking to the timetable she outlined jury in the campaign a formal request for a referendum before Christmas to be held towards the end of next year the Conservatives took a seat after seat in Labour's English heartlands after the Prime Minister's got get done message resonated with leave voters the most high profile casualty of the night so far has been the Liberal Democrat leader Joseph Winston who lost her seat to the s.n.p. By 149 votes the former m.p. For scythe cut Cambridgeshire Heidi Allen who joined the Lib Dems 2 months ago having resigned from the Tories earlier in the years said it had been a bad night for moderate politics we are in a I Bill. Of a very bad place for democracy in this country millions of votes out there will be ignored they will have no value whatsoever and we have a hard right government in control and an official opposition that just as failed to do its job Jeremy Corbin said it was a disappointing night and he would not lead labor at any future election but he made clear he wouldn't be stepping down immediately in Mary who's been who's become the only labor m.p. Here in Scotland says tonight has been a difficult night for his party something he said he's sick of saying this party must listen and this party must respond all of this party will die. And I see tonight. That the saddest indictment of this general election campaign is the delivery of a conservative majority government with a washed Prime Minister this country has ever seen that's a sad indictment on the Labor Party. And some other headlines from across Scotland Neil handy an s.n.p. Candidate who was suspended over allegations he'd made semitic posts on social media also defeated Labour's shadow Scottish secretary Lesley Laird in Kirkcaldy and he'll sit as an independent for the time being there's M.P.'s Stephen Geffen's lost by 1316 votes to Wendy Chamberlain of the Liberal Democrats in Fife north east the U.K.'s most marginal seat and despite winning no seats the BRICs a party leader Nigel Farage told the b.b.c. He thought things had turned out rather well in February since year we had the worst prime minister in history breaks it in the way to the 2nd referendum coming down the track and a half a 1000000 people marching through streets of London so I was at the breaks party up won the European elections reset the agenda we got a prime minister talking more positively about it I was I love. The Prime Minister's deal as it currently is do. But to use the influence that we can see under today was a 2nd referendum on the answer is no the Democratic Unionist Party leader at Westminster Nigel dogs lost his seat to Sion fate on a bad night for his party in Wales plied company held their 4 seats the conservatives made gains from Labor the Greens retain their only m.p. Caroline look as who creased her majority in Brighton Pavilion and so with every one of Scotland's 59 seats now declared a reminder of how things stand the s.n.p. 48 that's a gain of 13 The Conservatives have 6 losing 7 the lead Dems have retained 4 and Labor have lost 6 keeping one seat b.b.c. Radio Scotland news and of course the Lib Dems as we know gained a seat but lost a seat in one of those that they lost was Dumbarton East the March or Eastern that was joyous once in the leader has just been confirmed as being reported on social media with all of them seem to be confirming this but she will no longer be the leader of the Liberal Democrat she's standing down a Davy and Sal Brenton will be acting leaders until a new leader is elected in the New Year Now let's get the forecast here Joy Good morning Willow pressure is continuing to be the driving force behind our weather this weekend further unsettled conditions to come this morning though a chilly start to several places close to freezing given the possibility of icy patches on untreated surfaces it will be a cloudy day for northern and eastern media's with outbreaks of rain or behavior times particularly in the north the nails this could fall asleep and snow on higher ground but say the Western atheists should see some but 8 hours on the spells breaking through again that are still the likelihood of showers particularly in the West Highlands and it will be a blustery day remaining on the chilly side general highs only reaching 30 to 6 Celsius and tonight will be another chilly night with the rain in the north pulling away and the Northeast Highlands seeing some drier spells charity rain will continue and it will be another windy night face to strong winds for all Gill force winds for Shetland and with temperatures falling to. Zito to foresail says it is once again the risk of ice and untreated so surfaces to modern other unsettled day windy conditions some showers more persistent rain and some greater spells to forecast. Digital radio f.m. Medium wave and b.b.c. Sounds b.b.c. Radio Scotland This is Good Morning Scotland at 24 minutes to 7 so if you're just waking up here's a summary of where we are after the 2900 general election in Scotland a strong showing for the s.n.p. They've won seats from both Labor and the conservatives Scotland to send a very clear message we don't want to abolish Johnson Conservative government we don't want to leave the European Union the u.k. Wide it was a disastrous night for Labor in Germany Corben announces that he will step down as leader before the next election here's in Murray who managed to retain his seat in Edinburgh so both this party must listen and this party must respond all of this party will die. And I see tonight. That the saddest indictment of this general election campaign is the delivery of a conservative majority government with a washed Prime Minister this country has ever seen that's a sad indictment on the Labor Party and here's a little of what the prime minister Boris Johnson said After retaining his own seat I don't I don't know I would just like I want to take the people of this country who are turning out to vote in a December election that we didn't want to call it which I think has turned out to be a story election. That gives us now in this new government a chance to respect the democratic will of the British people to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the entire people of this country and that is what we will not do and if we are lucky enough to be returned as the polls as the exit polls seem to suggest then that work will begin to Mary thank you all very much all right I should say don't do more of today. Thank you well throughout the program we're going to be joined by Professor Nicholas McHugh who is from Edinburgh University she's here with us now good morning to you both as Johnson said this was an historic election and in some respects he's right because we need to go back quite a long way to see the sort of numbers that we're seeing tonight don't we. Yeah but I think it's historic more not for looking back but looking forward because the consequences of the election are quite significant in that clearly the uki will be leaving the e.u. By the end of January No that's not getting breakfast done but is getting part one of Breck's it done and then part 2 is rather more complex and usually he says it in the course of a trade deals by the end of 2020 but that would be. What is there and the e.u. Saying that that looks very unlikely which leaves open the prospect of a new deal but exit which of course is something that opposition parties were that were campaigning against. Yes and the e.u. Has said that they need to request for an extension by the summer he is adamant that he will not. Seek an extension and so it's it's very difficult it's not just the e.u. Saying about anyone who knows anything about it it's very difficult to see that you get a meaningful trade agreement within a matter of months and that would just be inherent of an end to to the. Standing that we would expect so breaks it doesn't go away as you said it suggest and also the other I suppose the other thing of these results is that the Constitution of the u.k. Is firmly back on the agenda absolutely I mean in some ways although I mean the s.n.p. Have clearly had an incredible performance within Scotland not quite at the height of 2015 but in some senses more remarkable than that given that in power for so long as we've been in power for so long and given that 2015 was in the aftermath of the independence referendum it was almost saying well we voted no but we're still here whereas now. Independents was very much a part of the s.n.p. Campaign particularly in the 1st half of the campaign and and to put it so up front and usually so for and I think you action campaign actually and it was high risk. And that seems to have paid off so in some sense I think the clean strengthened mandate is about on what was an interesting point because of course the rule being told that this was a bricks at election that people were voting on bricks it and if you look at the Lib Dems have performed in Scotland with their message of let's you know abandon blacks at the s.n.p. Having the same message then clearly there was something extra that the s.n.p. Had that may well be the constitutional question that led to them doing way better when I mean I think clearly the same people linked the 2 Nicholas start and talked about exit from bricks it through that was in a sense leaving the option open that if they couldn't together with a Labor lot Boris Johnson native deigning streets then there was an alternative path and that alternative path would be if it ended now despite the strength and political mandate that is still no legal authority to secure section 30 order that with the needle another deafened of like the last time so there's still negotiation to be had battles to be heard. Sad but it certainly good to strain the relationships I think between the 2 governments and if we look at the Labor position and also the Lib Dem position again if this was a Bracks at election as we're being told u.k. Why Eads then it seems Labor's ambiguity on projects that has cost them dearly is I think that's right and if you look back to the last election Labor did particularly well among remain supporters but they never seem to quit grasp it so the in some ways managed to alienate remain supporters were not appealing sufficiently to leave supporters who flocked to to the conservative pasty or the back to parity in seats that the conservatives were trying to to win so it could've been a lot worse but it's pretty bad for Labor but it could have been a lot worse if the great party had not been there to shore up some of the leverage in the seats that the held on to but as you say the huge number of remain voters and the Lib Dems not able to capitalize on them either you know and I think this seemed to be the digital action survey to confirm this but there seemed to be. A sense of rather a lack of appeal for the hard line anti pricks that position that liberal Democrats to to to provoke Article 50 with faint with a returning to the people without necessarily another another thought that was only ever if they were elected to government but to be saw a ball and making that statement then I think that that may not have worked for them as well as they had hoped and a word about Nigel Farage is bricks of party because going into the selection it looked as though they may well be pivotal but at the end of the d.v.d. They just have not made a mark at all. No they have not been and if anything they have prevented the conservatives from getting an even bigger majority by shooting up some of the vote in the seats that might have other ways won. But I mean the opinion polls had already seen them squeeze anyway so by the end of the campaign we were not expecting them to have made much of an impact in terms of any seeds Ok for the moment thank you very much Professor Nicklin acumen she's staying with us throughout the program at 17 minutes to 7 and we can go now we're joined by Alastair Carmichael who joins us now from Orkney Good morning to you good morning to you Lee and congratulations again much so so looking at to sum up 1st of all a overall And were you surprised by the results across Scotland I am I think the subj to the Essene p. Was one that I haven't been to picked up in the pools. And clearly was real it wasn't obviously as strong as it was Foss thought it would have been because they didn't come anywhere near the $55.00 seats the exit poll predicted for them but you know I think it's just that affliction of the fact that we live in a time when our politics is very divided you have the division of of independents and Scotland and you have a. Nother level of division on top of that saw us across Scotland I mean obviously I was absolutely gutted the your Swinson lost and by such I'm not a margin. I'm blocked by the other hand you know the fact that the 3 others of us who previously held seats continue to hold them and we heard often toss that victory in ne wife with Wendy Chamberlain who will be giving addition to the team. Interesting I suppose in some places in black for a day you know held on to that seat but your vote actually has increased it's improved and in many constituencies has done and you know. We have across the whole country we have a whole range of sync in places no some of them of fairly close thinking places and says you know result on which we will be able to build and you know I think you know I think we are going to be in a 5 year Parliament and with the very moment of the parliament that passes I think people will be feast or after St The consequences of the politics of division and they will be looking for a party that articulates I mean huge not just of hope but of unity and solidarity as well and that is the the niche that the Liberal Democrats are uniquely Bill police to fill but all that you say that but of course just ones that didn't feel that need should this election and our campaign was a disaster I think what she did was she optically to very bravely an argument that nobody else was prepared talk to kill it and she was prepared to speak for those who were not just prepared to sit back and let the brakes that. Turn it was an argument online or a tinkly was that I mean she had that position on Breck's it didn't didn't win over and certainly the position on independence in Scotland didn't win over so you know what where does the lib Where does the Lib Dems party go now I mean you know well the stance on both these major issues we're not winning stances Well I think a the we have to be go we go back to foster principles as I see to you that there's a need for a party that will promote army siege of unity within our communities and not just the division that you get from the s. And p. In the Conservatives and a which is prepared to articulate I may see each individual liberty about the importance of our communities on a internationalism because you know that the answer to nationalism and independence for Scotland and brakes are both species of Scottish. Species of nationalism the answer to nationalism is never more nationalism it's internationalism and that's why Scotland needs its liberal voices more this morning that said I've done before it's a tragedy that we don't have more of them but that's why we've got to keep order fighting in there just once it's gone as leader your candidate No I don't because I don't want the job. Long enough long ago in a few it is a job that you absolutely have to warn in order to do it I'll meet with my colleagues when we're back in London on Monday we'll talk about these things we'll see amongst ourselves we have to be we go with that but I'm not going to be a candidate for Ed Davey and Sabra into not acting leader until the new year I mean who do you think is likely to come forward I've absolutely no idea what you're asking me here I've just come out of my own code. I'm not yet entirely sure of everybody that we would get to have to draw on in those contests that are still some results in which we are in contention to come and you know one of the things I've learned over the years and I've been doing this for quite a while though is that you don't meet these decisions when you've been on your feet for 24 pretty fight you. Will be plenty of time for these discussions the party needs to have a think about where we've been for the last few weeks we need to look at what walked an important didn't and the party as a whole will have to come together and fix its that action for the future but you know I'm confident that we've got a role in politics in the future because nobody else is speaking up for those people who want to the gene division and who want to a who believe in the fundamentals and politics of both rule of law and human rights or only the Liberal Democrats are feeling not me sure whether we win or not is of seeking that importance somebody has got to prove that. Ok Alistair Carmichael thanks for your time this morning Michael there who has held Orkney and Shetland It's 11 minutes to 7 the headlines are waking up to this Friday morning the conservatives have won the general election with their best performance since 1907 bottles Johnson will lead a majority government in the new parliament it was a disastrous night for labor Jeremy Corbin has said he won't lead the party into another election and the s.n.p. Were the big winners in Scotland including taking the seat of the Liberal Democrat leader just once and. Was happening on the roads this morning on Mary Watson has travel news well he even says longish a look at for road works on the a 7 or to Edinburgh road at the a 71 Roman road at the moment any slower they look at a bit slow on Market View at a one name named Edinburgh road here said speaking up delays in Prestonpans as well Preston Grange Road if that road works in Tempe traffic lights trains and ferries are largely fine the driver look at comics out in service as a technical problem with the radar being reported on the ferry could potentially mean a wee bit of destruction to a couple of later sailings today not confirmed as potentially b.b.c. Radio Scott the travel winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland will bring the stories that matter to. Present. The latest traffic and travel news and weather as the elements turn. Concentrating on the primary routes the biggest be. The best to do the job I. Wanted to be joined by some of the biggest musical talent the school tries to offer winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland where the value of the pint has been steadily rising with news of the conservatives overall majority in the elections I was business feeling a feeling this morning let's get more from under black Monitor thank you morning Gary Sterling is good more than 2 percent against the dollar to one dollar 30. Before that's its highest level since May last year the also jumped to Earth you know a half year high against the euro let's get more out there with Richard Dunbar from investment for the standard investments morning to you Richard good morning so the markets people seem to think that the chances of a quick BRICs it with with a trade deal of suddenly go a lot higher Yeah I was certainly a little more certainty around this morning that perhaps we had before the election be fair to say as you note Sterling has been pretty strong over the past few months from its August lows it's up almost 12 percent now so for sterling it may prove to be better to travel and to arrive and really this is that a lot of businesses and investors wanting an end to the uncertainty that they've been dealing with for more than 3 years and. Things are arguably clearer this morning as regards breakfast breaks that probably couldn't be said to be clear here there's quite a lot of hoops to jump through with the European Union and go through with your opinion so I suspect you know there will still be uncertainty ahead and hence I think for Sterling and indeed for u.k. Assets in general says there may be an element of traveling and arriving here I suppose the next big question is if BRICs it does happen what kind of tree deal might there be because there's still concern among you give u.k. Businesses and investors that they will be able to do frictionless trade with with other e.u. Countries well indeed and we saw that through that debate throughout the election in terms of even the debate within the Conservative Party about what the signed a deal does actually mean for frictionless trade within the u.k. Obviously there's a debate as well between the deal for goods and the deal for services a lot or less touched by the negotiations so far so still quite a lot of uncertainty but a majority there now I both sides to the to try to deal with the European Union the u.k. Government did agree to come to. Some sort of conclusion at the end of next year so there is some unanimity in it but a lot of as I say hoops to jump through before we get there for people who do your job Richard here you are breathing a bit of a collective sigh of relief this morning I wouldn't say I sigh of relief that you know we've had one element of uncertainty taken away there are others that remain in front of us there's no doubt that certainly for as regards the u.k. Stock market there had been what has been described as a Bracks at discount around it and you're positioning there to some valuation measures and investor surveys which suggested overseas investors didn't like the uncertainty that they saw in the u.k. So perhaps a clearing of some of that fog will make the u.k. a Little more attractive to overseas investors but also some of the promises made within the broad set of manifestos but more particularly obviously neither conservative manifesto to show greater enthusiasm for spending and for for a site relaxation of the fiscal rules or the bond market which is perhaps less noted in these sort of discussions will be very important is taken pretty sanguine view but the ability for the government to borrow very cheaply will be key to a lot of promises not been made by the incoming government and how you think the rest of today might pano we've still got the London Stock Exchange to open for business a.t.m. Today yeah I was so we've seen Sterling trades 24 hours so we've seen that binds and Sterling that bison Sterling is a little bit of a headwind to the u.k. Stock market at 2 thirds of their profits or the cash flows for the u.k. But the $100.00 come from overseas are strong pie and it's not helpful when one translates those but I suspect certainly the futures market suggest in the u.k. Equity market the stock market will open a little higher this morning maybe not quite as strong as the currency and as I say the bond market I think will take this result. And it's tried but will look very carefully. At the nature of the government and the policies that the government puts in train and finally the Bank of England as an institution has probably had a greater predilection to raise interest rates than most of its global peers so the governor on the monetary policy committee will also be looking at some of the spending plans and some of the implications of some of the actions of the new government and pretty closely over the next few months and quarters Ok thanks for the Dunbar from the investment from Aberdeen standards investments more business a reaction for me to the election results throughout the program Ok Well listen I for the under thank you 5 to 7 is the time it's been a busy year and a long night for many none more so than Professor John Curtis from struck a university leading to follow just of course good morning to you good morning again good morning in terms of the exit poll a pretty much accurately predicting the outcome. Yes even if I say so myself we said that the Tories would get $368.00 seats and now it looks that we're going to get $364.00 and never to be not quite so good in Scotland because of a dark house that many something points we said s.n.p. 55 but with a very large health warning in the end of course it's 48 but hopefully those who were listening or watching other clock other than decided to go to bed feel that they thought they got a reasonable idea of what they woke up to. And what do you put dying in this this fairly seismic shift to in terms of the toadies majority at Westminster and the s.n.p. Doing so well in Scotland Well certainly as far as the 1st those concerned it's Bracks it what does it at the end the secret to the conservatives success is that vote was even stronger amongst Lee voters that it was in 2017. Was that reflected in the in the fact that they were also there gaining ground in those areas that voted to leave including many a traditional Labor constituency like. New Workington all of which went to the Conservatives meanwhile the Labor Party although it made progress during that income pay was still only hard around a hot $14.00 give anything slightly less than half of the list of the remaining votes which was still divided between it and they were Democrats so although we are still split as a country that's 50 percent rebate 50 percent believe it's the divisional and the remains saw it that gave that considers the opportunity in fact the pope portion the vote for the conservative the bricks and parties actually saw less than half of all the votes in Scotland Well the truth is I think at the end of the day the s.n.p. How indeed become the party of remain isn't They've money Coles has now become very much allied with the idea that Scotland should not be taken outside of the opinion we've seen support for independence go up in Scotland during the course of the course of this year and now basically got reflected in the by the book says in the election and as regards the messages from the party it seems that ambiguity from labor and perhaps overstating the position on the part of the Lib Dems in terms of provoking article 51 of them I'm doing well I think certainly sitting on the fence it is not a very comfortable place to be there unfortunately here or otherwise we always in a country deeply polarized between those who would like to see Bret's It's not that that's not savvy likely. Very keen for it to help put on the Labor party and trying to triangulate across these 2 positions found itself in the center ground on a subject where the center ground is poorly thinly occupied I think Democrats told me the other day was probably not so much that policy Albrecht's if they fail to ally that out to that policy that domestic policy agenda about which voters did not know a great deal and yes perhaps a degree of overexaggeration about what they thought could achieve in the election but the truth is that. For both those parts of the day there was scrapping over the grog the ribeye grog they did a lot of damage to each other and just very briefly the Constitution very much back on the table. Boris Johnson may now be able to get. Touchy faces find himself with a serious calls for the Scottish government that will clearly feel emboldened to pursue a referendum and I think the government is now I go to have to replace idiology with state craft as it tries to work out what to do in order to keep Scotland inside the professor says John Carter Some struck by University thank you very much for joining us this morning. On the radio medium wave b.b.c. B.b.c. Radio. It's 7 o'clock and you're listening to Good Morning Scotland with Gary Robertson this morning the new political landscape across Scotland it is becoming clear Jackson said that the union was on the ballot paper the Scottish conservatives have had a catastrophic results and they've lost the election they've lost seats and their argument has been rejected across the u.k. It's been a story of labor collapse and if the party chooses to indulge rather than really. Fears that will people prices in the future and ahead in this hour we'll examine what the election result means for BRICs it. First aired just let's summarize what's happened so far and overnight the conservatives have swept to victory in the general election following a collapse in Labour's support in areas which voted to leave the e.u. With almost all results now declared the Tories will have a majority of at least 66 in the new parliament Jeremy Corbyn as said that he won't lead Labor into another election speak. After his victory and Oxbridge and so his rise up Boris Johnson said the conservative majority would allow the country to move on from the BRICs a debate this One Nation Conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. To get Pritchett done. Not just to get British done but to unite this country and to take it forward and to focus on the frailties of the British people in Scotland the s.n.p. Made big gains the party won 47 of the country's seats 12 more than 2 years ago Nicholas Sturgeon said Scotland had sent a clear message on a 2nd independence referendum what is Johnson's argument in this election in Scotland has been flatly and completely rejected so there is no doubt that is a mandate I have a mandate to offer people that choice and then of course it's up to people in Scotland to decide what choice they make but what a strong stand has more weight firstly to take Scotland out of the e.u. And secondly Norway to block the Scottish people choosing their own future they are simply has now won 48 seats in Scotland one of the biggest scalps claimed by the s.n.p. Was the Liberal Democrat leader Joe Swenson Joyce Winston Scottish liberal Democrats 19520. Was. And id clear that any Callahan is elected to seal and they need to thank God. It was also a disastrous night for labor north of the border shadows.

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