Morning and air the speed sensors backing up delays on the A 77 north by and for the bank field right to bite us B.B.C. Radio Scotland travel and a look at the forecast rain spreading from the West to reach most places this morning any showers in the east will be fairly light and patchy a cloudy afternoon with rain for most however it will become drier and brighter for the far north and Orkney will also see some brightness for parts of the east breezy today with highs of 17 Celsius that's B.C. Radio Scotland news thank you Sarah. You're listening to V.C. Radio Scotland with Jackie brambles really fantastic to hear from you on our phone in on organ donation this morning we had so many texts as well I would like to read a few of those out. Anonymous Texas said I had a discussion with my wife died from liver disease and kidneys were donated if we had the choice to. Opt in then the decision would have been the other way we got another tax infant and if folks are enthusiastic about that. Perhaps they should ensure that there are not filled with fat nicotine cannabis alcohol and blood can actually pass through the. Veil on Facebook saying don't be selfish your dad help someone who needs them no problems I have to say I wouldn't. On Facebook said we have just signed up from to buy this program thank you very much indeed for the texting in thanks for all you do a few more throughout the program but still to come this morning why do people take comfort in astrology and horoscopes do you believe in the zodiac do you know what your Sun sign is or do you read it every day or once a week in a magazine we're going to be talking to an astrologer been flocking to believe the stats just coming up and very exciting the finalists for B.B.C. Scotland singer songwriter. In the short list is down to 10 I'm going to be playing you the 1st song and talking to the judges a little bit later on this hour plus Kat is back for her final we. A V k's So as the night stroll in where is her last destination you can join us just off the channel to find out for Nick's B.B.C. Radio School. Yes so fast Monday of September moving into the old 2 months and the summer festivals are coming to an end the Bank Holiday weekend last week saw the end of Reading and Leeds music festivals but the mess that was left behind was startling nearly new tents and beds plastic packaging even an upright because Ebo littered this of the site despite an increased awareness of the impact that those kinds of things have on the environment and those who have to clean it all up clean up Britain told the B.B.C. The tent tax should be applied to those who attend these festivals and want to camp out with that walk is that fair in Scotland we saw pictures emerge of so-called dirty campus leaving behind a right mess so how do we combat this type of behavior Well joining me this morning 1st of all funky don't Britain is John Reid Good morning John good morning Jacqui that is a huge is a big problem. Yes it is a big problem as you rightly say them are seeing some of the best was going across the U.K. Over the summer on a fortunately a very very large number of people to try certainly but. No particular good reason because many of these tents early in the fall working order that they need a bit of a cleanup but they're absolutely starving and sadly many of us 10000 of them land there which is absolutely I mean so desperately because there's nothing wrong with them they don't need to end up in landfill proceeds with putting forward this proposal which actually that tends to cause a lot of search of course people don't get that sort but you don't get on your side because it once you've been to a festival and you're emerge again at the end of it with your son Oh I see right OK so it's a refundable deposit as long as you've got you 10 tucked under your arm as you leave absolutely very much the same sort of concept studies. Looking at the moment in relation to something called a deposit return screens call trusted saw so many accounts. Yet the principle is very clear you just walk into the festival have a great time we don't want to be policy papers won't even show themselves but just remember at the end of a mess behind because it's environmentally very very unfriendly and as long as you walk out with your pencil the end of the year 1st of all you get the 10 deposit boxes not a lot of faxes a deposit I mean I think it's extraordinary that people you know you would expect there's going to be a lot of Lissa and perhaps not everybody takes their little with them and it's just strewn across fields. It's quite shocking that some people just going to leave the tent and almost off I mean that costs money is what Sally bill why why do you think that happens just because he is messy is muddy. The combination of all those things I suppose as well still goes with say yes to 3 people with the rest of the source of the thing they want to do is take down the tents and all the rest of their belongings but unfortunately that's part of the day with going to effect we think but you know you can't just leave the countryside on or in farms strewn with Lisette which not so much as a problem but it's just symptomatic of why the problems symptomatic in Scotland and elsewhere in the U.K. People behave badly towards the environment and we now have some We've been to the point where we no longer than caught up with the sort of millions of people die 35 said research shows of people who regularly just dispose of the environment that's no longer tolerable should never be in the 1st place but I think less of a spring into the conversation by the black access and conservation officer at mountaineering Scotland morning Davey thanks for joining us on Jackie what do you think about the idea of a refundable deposit you be charged $25.00 quid when you go into has set up a tent and you get that back as long as you take your son with you. Not me work reasonably well for include seriously care festivals but it could be a political to the way their environment we've been seeing the summit increasing reports of informal camping leaving rubbish binding couldn't pay for 2 things it causes problems for local communities we have booked a new school we're concerned that these reports are would say temping that cause a problem says Dr camping is also being referred to as whale camping but it's not really whale camping and if ing the whale companies are getting painted to seem as though Is it a sponsible would say can post a cause he needs include definitions define for us a does he count as opposed to a wild campaign. Will camping in a cell wait wait fashion and it's done well away from rewards buildings and leaving with trace of us come say when you're finished there are many people as well as the people who enjoy the benefits of the health and well being that whale company can bring. Also informal routes a company could be done invisibly to many people who. Come to say to do it I didn't take the stuff away with them is it a sponsible minority who are causing a problem and creating this issue for all campers in the country so it is a really me that the $25.00 refundable deposit as you say what's where this is sort of an access point you know in an area with a festival but most much more difficult to enforce when it would when it comes while camping people just going away for the weekend into the countryside. The sort of it that Dr would say coming out of this with a mess left behind is a problem that affects local communities many pipes and filters too and people who are frustrated about this issue know what the same solutions we think of those new quick fix what we want to destroy attention to the problem now in the clear message that this type behavior is unacceptable and you think this should be any kind of fine if you're if you're sort of caught doing this there's something that is already legislation covering the sun to social behavior but force needed to the coordination of it is sources to enforce that we think that the local authorities local councils along with police other agencies and the local communities need to get together and work where the problems are and how to tackle I think that needs to be individual solutions for each particular case for this happens if you're looking to see motor home screen by name to go just to water it is nice to see some infrastructure in collection facilities for waste water but if you're looking at just a little thing into place and leaving barbecues to some glowing that's a different lot different Foresman of thing local communities know for this happens but there needs to be a cooling of resources to be able to deal with it and what sort of the bobbish Are you thought of having to deal with is it things you know as large as 10 being strewn left behind. We have seen this left behind with reports that in of tents and chairs left behind there's the usual sort of disposable barbecue so if there be a communist bottles the North Korea probably bottles they're broken. It's also dangerous and a little social rubbish just left behind the times many people are response political stuff away with but it's how you deal with us to litter in the hills of by that would say the square problem we just said we've got to talk of him to come pain which are doing everyone who loves working claiming in the hills to avoid look at which we can pick up a little if I am still just the stuff they bring themselves to write the other books because nobody collection knows me to pick her up so disposable walkers were temples of contenting courage of into I don't buy the lot without a pickle for this you know just doing all the other stuff to see as well all those tiny bits and pieces a little bit conditionally to come home and dispose of it responsibly it's a great idea that everybody sort of takes some ownership some 10 taking collectively of all countryside Stay Stay with us Davey Let's bring in Susan Stuart The Naked Time in there is that what they call you Susan. Well I'm not actually the naked silent term. In my company and I'm a partner in Naked Time and we we had a fall fashion plan and we were traumatised 7 French. And when we make purchases coats and car as a sort of thing but we also have a range of clothes that we make from thankful 10 you know. Like a wall of all sorts of things we have the beautiful Kate we have got to do and we have to go it's something to arrange. And we launched this year which I'm thankful and this part of a range is called Kitchen tensions and husband so well received it's been incredible and how do you sort of how do you how do you so with the my you sort of prowling prowling around the empty empty fields after a festival in and collect. Fingering tents that have been left behind exactly what form we get after pellets are unfaithful we hunt team of people they went in and they can't speak another different 350 a lease or 10 for damage damaged and we don't take the tents which are in good condition these are taken by Highland support refugees right and they come there to plant 45010 since one with a lot of other things like cherries because the people. Usable with. Knives on their way to refugees approach and fill up with $800.00 tents in total taken from the fields of Bellatrix after the festival roll going on to be used and I'm very clued in cry or by refugees and those really appreciate and I think it's extraordinary I'm just I'm just dumbstruck that people leave behind such a valuable item and if it can really because it's in bad make Has it been is it muddy brew sort of sort of condition is it when you when you get your hands on it well well as I said we do take the damaged ones so there may be a reason for these to be left behind the people to take them and dispose of consent and really but there are some 10. Perfect big 3 things you know 12 people you know and I'm away from village for the refugees but another way it's inconceivable these fall you both pieces of equipment turn left behind in Treme we do the used for them and maybe have a test for such. And do the same thing so let's but let's bring you in what do you think of the season's ingenuity bandwidths with what she does with the with the broken 10 large populace Yeah I mean it's very inventive and. Good commander completely for being everything but we just put you know. Wouldn't like we don't want to see tend to bond in the 1st place because they are a valuable resource they cost a lot of money I don't know why people do it but yes that's very very but you can see why just when but one point but yes go ahead about sort of wild campaigning and I think of everything was said about that. As people will know that notice so many think well does she from a dumb enough but actually if they do look at blogging on the roads they will see. That it's just discarded left right and center everywhere so it's not just an issue of wild times that there is a real problem it's one of the reasons why Britain is is officially the most some tree in Western Europe but it comes to live and Scott McBride is included in that thought too many people just treat the environment like their own personal rubbish dump and that needs to be changed for instance in Scotland keep Scotland beautiful during some fantastic work to try and change people's behavior and Terry Robiskie which except as an inspirational and leader in this respect and people to get up behind discovered beautiful was based in Sterling because the only solution to this terrible problem and he said terrible blight from Scotland I know I sound like an Englishman but I was actually born in that and lived there for 10 years no children for me to tell you with that will be for some people possibly I suspect or whatever my mom. And. If I don't mean that he's a beautiful country but there's about 30 percent of people in Scotland who are anti social morons to put it in the book to find a point so that we behave really badly on a consistent basis and live like that and don't care about it and this is these the people we need to get off them as a psych clearly written in collaboration with each volunteer to forward trying to change people's behavior because that is the only sustainable solution to dealing with Scotland I mean the whole of your case serious blight on our environment which is that sets but a but again to answer your question yes they have a sense. Just like Betty White however you'd rather not say that some left or right all right John thank you very much for joining this morning let's just be clear that you know the rest of their mindless morons nationwide we don't specialize them here in Scotland thank you very much John for joining us and Susan and Davey back so far Scotland's you know 2020 campaign has brought some high. And some lows. But now you see parks man have the opportunity to claim the table when Russia comes and to get the facility committed they want to get that to work in sports Scotland Very says Russia you don't 2020 qualify our coverage begins Friday night from 6 Dusty on digital radio $81.00 of the media ways and online. B.B.C. Radio Scotland. You are listening to B.B.C. Radio Scotland Jackie babbles And still to come this morning very exciting the finalists for B.B.C. Scotland singer songwriter award the short list is and we're going to hearing more about that just coming up plus it does feel a little like Hilton this morning so Kat Harvey will be here to take us on a little holiday at last minute holiday but where is she going to be states huge to find out right so how do monks US hands up thunderous radio go with it Hands up who reads their horoscope on a daily basis even if skeptical do you read them do you put any store in what to zodiac sign that you are or you think it's all I've done well pick up any tabloid newspaper women's magazine and lifestyle publications flick through it you see towards the end you'll be sure to find your daily or weekly horoscopes based on your star sign but why is it that so many of us take comfort and consult these daily on monthly teachings it's widely believed that astrology has not yet had any sort of scientific proof and I'm. Well the skeptical voice is out there but that certainly doesn't discourage many people who enjoy reading and studying the science so what is it about that that has this hooked Well joining me this morning we have Professor Chris French who is a professor of psychology at Goldsmiths University of London and he has he's written an article about this and about why he believes people for the hook into astrology Good morning Chris thanks so much for joining us tonight pleasure and good morning good morning tell us about the sort of the gist of the article that you wrote basically AIDS starts from the point of what we know which is that astrology does not work. Well one of the things about astrology which is quite nice is that it does make lots of testable predictions and they have been tested dozens and dozens of times and sadly it's not good news for astrologers because it turns out the evidence just doesn't support what they would expect so I'm going to give just give you warning example strategy really words then there are certain certain signs of star signs that ought to be compatible and some of the should be incompatible that would show up in the divorce statistics and people looked at this with massive samples no evidence of it whatsoever so I mean that under lots and lots of other tests you know can astrologers predict someone's personality no they can't come they predict future events no they come and so that raises the interesting question what do people get out of astrology. And I think that the short answer is Well there is an issue but you know the. Situations were for the for the people who believe in evey do obviously feel like getting something ounce of food and it may be from a very abstract level of for some people it's about having a sense of connection with the universe and so on and kind of making them sick kind of feel special and unique in some ways for those I mean put. To kill people who let's let's make a distinction here between sun sign astrology the kind of thing you just mentioned there in newspapers magazines Yes and was strong which is would refer to as the real thing where you actually have a full horoscope cast and you go and have a one to one consultation with a professional astrologer Now the bad news is that you can those kind of horoscopes have been tested as well and they they're also not valid they also don't work but people go to go to those lens because they generally are in situations where they will some kind of going to dance in their lives and they feel if they believe in astrology then obviously this person is an expert who can help me who can tell me what's around the next corner and maybe make them feel more secure in times of uncertainty let's this is a very interesting conversation because also on the line with us this morning is Frank Pilkington who is an astrologer and he's going to hit can try to I feel some of your points that it doesn't work and it's all it's all of the bunk Frank good morning thank you for joining us good morning. Sorry. Cried agree and lost are always fun telling the story which is of. OK but you have to look backwards in astrology and that happened before. And that you can look back and you can see a precise time that happened and then it's the same kind of feeling that's going on but it to take you up about 7 people coming along for you know help and understanding yes that's a very big part of the gift you find when people come to you Frank for personal consultation. That you probably rarely see people who are having a fantastic run of luck in their life is that usually people who are a crossroads are having difficulties though as have really very mixed mythical men and women well in my business and you have. People coming. Because they want to see what the next stage is if that is something that indicates the to be a problem and if that is a problem how do you work at the program how you deal with you know in Hollywood or go about getting over the particular one took for example and have done I'm testifying to through those perhaps who aren't familiar I think most people who are familiar with this role if you just think it's about as we say that daily horoscope this says Pisces going to have this kind of day. Is going to have that kind of day when somebody comes to do with personal consultation with you this is all about where the planets where at the moment of their boss and how about you know the fact that personality and how that's going to impact the progression of their life is that correct Well if that's if they want to go into the most people I faintest all the details of understanding so most people read the earliest storage or weekly or storage it because people like to talk about themselves people wake attention and that's the end of it. OK that's what Paul does for science and astrology back if you want to get something much deeper Yes As Christopher just said the real thing so explain if you can why you believe that the various planets were at the moment of a past boss directly effect well past them or that I become so for me I had to do it all with me to study of my skull and be very very upfront nor tell any blanks where there so I was a different from the rest of my family and I had to find them why. And so therefore it is a. Trade you know to say you're compatible with this nonsense because it's up to you explain the scroll the tree gives you. Actually like to decision making for yourself is not the way it's part of the story and into the end of it you make your own choices for you that's good that's bringing out Crist Professor Chris French back into the conversation I mean is there an argument Chris that it's almost like religion isn't and you know it's about faith it's what you believe in it's something that you have faith in you know it's scientifically hard to prove any kind of religious doctrine that maybe about just as it's hard to prove anything around astrology so on picking on people who believe in astrology you think that's a little unfair a little hockey or not really I mean I've been atheist I don't have a problem in questioning people many times as well but. The point here is the astrology Jews claim to be able to make these kind of predictions I mean if you didn't well following the no nobody's arguing I mean I agree with a lot of what Frank had to say that I'm glad that he dismissed consign astrology is a load of old rubbish I would agree with him I. Wouldn't say it is a rubbish what I would say to you is take that with the editors of newspapers and they detest of magazines or even or even professional astrologers who share my view that some sign astrology is rubbish. Still writing in columns welcome income but. Things. Here Frank I don't know whether you do oh no. No No No again it was interesting what Frank had to say I mean again he agreed with me that a lot of the time people are coming along for advice from some kind of crossroads in life now if the advice that they get from Frank is good advice and I've no reason to believe it's not well maybe he's doing the most valuable service but they're stronger G.'s superficial it's not it's not actually it's maybe useful to give people a framework to think about the issues in their lives there is no more than that it's not actually a value. Frankly you know he's pretty Frank and Chris let's stay with us we're just going to take a very quick break and then we're going to bring in a couple of a couple of people in from the studio who are actually here to talk about songs and music in our next feature but I know for a fact that they both love their horoscope so I'm going to track them unwillingly into the conversation right after this. Interview the travel with our No 8 Cheers Jackie looking to Valley field and 5 delays being picked up on the A 985 at the world works at clink I'm buying an M $74.00 is so bad it's heading away from Glasgow looking at Todd slow through junction $38.00 so in Glasgow surface water now being reported to be mindful of the conditions and an Edinburgh accuse on crime and road side both directions at Quality Street we've got temporary traffic lights and roads are still with an Broome highest road that's partially blocked there's been an accident at Bankhead drive just on the roundabout here has been dealt with emergency services are dealing with that it's affecting all approaches to that end of it in the meantime That's B.B.C. Radio Scott the travel thank you very much and very well coming up in this hour we are going to doing a wonderful musical feature a B.B.C. Radio Scotland singer songwriter award has shortlisted the top 10 songs the judges have made their. Pick some are going to be playing the 1st song today and we're going to be doing that throughout the rest of the week and the executive producer of the award system is B.B.C. Radio Scotland's own Sharon Merritt who is going to be joining the studio to tell me all about the awards and also joining me to talk about the songs that were heard in the judging the parameters that we use as a wonderful singer songwriter herself a fine Scottish musician horse MacDonald also going to be talking about the music but before we talk about music what star sign to you horse I'm Scorpio I'm on the cusp of a Scorpio and such hideous I was born in 012 hours or November the 22nd St Cecilia's day saint of music and Sharon how about you I'm a Leo and am I was born in the 30th of July and how seriously do you take the daily sort of horoscope Sharon that you might read and have you gone to the extent of having a birth chart done specifically for yourself I I quite enjoy reading the horoscope and I used to love reading Franks and the people in the morning when I came in to when I was editing the morning program M. And it just kind of set me up for the day I just thought well have a bead at this and I'll see what it is you know hold for me so I don't take it super serious late but I do quite like. Yesterday in the Sunday Times as well and would you say that in terms of the characteristics of the average LEO that that's you it's a description of you yeah I think pretty much saw Yeah I think so I don't know what my friends would say about that but I do think pretty much covers most of my characteristics here how you horse you don't yet you told me about when you were born I think you've had a birthday yes over several I've had them done personally and also a came across a celebrity one on lame of me and I'm going to look at a very regular basis. For you it's amazing uncannily accurate I would have thought . Frank of course of a lot of stuff by Frank fall when you're not quite actively and she talks like frank about. Where the stars are what's happening on the planet at the moment and I think it's quite scientific and people like Frank in London ought to suddenly you know make things aren't right I think if you're looking at the genetic horoscopes in the daily basis it's a broad sweep and I think we could all sort of attention couldn't way but I'm a believer because I've seen things pretty accurate for me so sort of it has been healthy but there's not a proof not best thing Chris and Frank back into the conversation Chris how do you respond to whole to saying you know she she's kind of got into quite in depth and somehow it's been specific an actress enough to give us some proof to something to it well listen I mean look again I'm sorry that shouldn't constitute proof to prove these things you have to protest properly for example astrologers to. Predict on the basis purely of the details what someone's personality might be like now those tests have been done in fact having some Scottish musicians dream I'm never on the Miss Chivas study where I punch of astrologers were sent the birth details of Lulu famous Scottish singer and most of all the descriptions that came back to how this bouncy extrovert who person only in fact they've been sent a birthday tells a Charles Manson the. You know that we're his strategy is we're just writing what they knew about lewd I'm not saying they did this on purpose right I think there's a lot of you know interesting psychology going on here but a lot of the time to so much in a detailed reading if you were told you know. There are times when you like to be the life and soul of the party but other times you need to just be alone have your own space we don't feel like that will do if you're told that you've got lots of unused potential that you're not used to your advantage about you feel like you know I use them every ounce of my. Potential actually I mean no I mean I would say I would say there's a spectrum there's an actual spectrum and there will be people who are not good at doing astrology but there are some Greeks that really are good at it I think that's a really interesting point is that you sort of you know Sharon you said you or you would read Frank when you said we're coming in on a regular time into a routine people do have their favorite stuff and I think very wildly Yeah the 2 and I really loved Frank's morning was that basically it was a short paragraph and it told me how my day was going to go and I thought well if it's good day to day it's a good day it's close to that it's fine. And at the end of the if we if we believe those things so what yes will stop us what's the harm in it for you then yeah I don't have a problem with people who wanted to be you can get a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy if you're told you could have a great day so you got an interview that day and that boy is you need a really great interview well good luck to you Well actually we do know from Alex 8 probably controlled studies with top astrologers off them like one famous to be carried out in conjunction with the American astrological association we know actually it's all psychological there's nothing to a strategy per se that gives you any extra time to Frankly I think you might have a response to that when I come back in. Early or. Do that just like you know I can. See horse and we were Coleman. People either like them but it's like oh. Actually so you could enter the room and leave it go here it's wonderful and thank you so much for that. Sharon but do you find that Frank that people are quite ardently loyal to astrologists Yes they are they pick the favorites and then well at the moment what's happening is that people are going into different areas no. Because things are changing changing dramatically since the decline of new spin So everybody's kind of jumping on I did a T.V. Program just ago and did say at one point you could get this job in the job center and if you look at what's happening the souldier that frightening stuff I personally take very strong supervision and anything I do so makes in my you is in place still there for the I'm not doing anything or harming anyone because I mean you're in a very powerful position on you actually sorry one thing you're in a very powerful position as somebody who's a son believer in very loyal. Thing very closely to what you have to say I quite agree with you and so therefore you have to be in place I have 2 people to leave if they're here for indulgence I won't do it if I can help the one and that's my view OK that's how I see it horse is going to have a very good turn of events very soon. And I'm so there's still the mountain to climb. Every day as a child. For yourself even apologized to your prices correct yet. 7 with the food team 15 the challenge coming up for you when that's when the market down the rising of the commanding go there you go up to 3. Days right Christopher Fareed you're the Navy. Yet I'm going to get here and I hope you can get that when we keep. Well I haven't believed very minimal you. Need to listen pretty Have a listen to what Frank says is going to happen. Frank Christopher Christopher Don't you consider you've done this over the years and I admire you for I think it's wonderful that I think you should get to the bottom of it and if you can disprove it then good on you and I think you're going where every minute I don't think you're ever going to take away the good people have already over there if you said earlier that you were to me RINGBACK then what you do with spirituality we have a. Great with you entirely frank there's no way I'm going to persuade people of the astrology doesn't work but that's not the point. Well you'll get to see the reason for the article Chris is sort of set off that broader question and you could all say couldn't you about religion or all cults so anything that people take some sort of comfort all support from is why people turn to the things that they turn to absolutely yes I mean and clearly people I mean as with the kind of things you're talking about there there are there are kind of psychological benefits but there are also risks and I'm sure Frank would agree that people should not become too dependent on take in every decision with respect to their astrologer at the end of the day what happens in your life I mean bad things happen to people out of the blue Good things happen to be the blue but a lot of what happens in your life is down to the decisions you make nothing to do with what's out there in the stars it's your decisions your actions that determine it and it's a much healthier way to live your life believing in yourself or of them believing in astrology All right Chris thank you so much for joining us this morning a lively and and well meaning and a nice spirited debate at this moment Professor Chris French professor of psychology at Goldsmiths and University of London and also Frank Pilkington a psychic astrologer joining us this morning and 2 guests who really didn't know they were going to get. One with a very good naturedly exec producer at the B.B.C. Sharon manholes Donald who is staying in the studio and joining us from Mexico. Sation about some fine Scottish music get in touch with B.B.C. Radio Scotland you can call our free phone number on a wait 085-9295 double 0 you can text 80295 standard message rates apply this is B.B.C. Radio Scotland. You are listening to B.B.C. Radio Scotland with Jackie Brown as an after 11 this morning in this week's tech talk we're going to be looking at turning your home into a smart home and would health warnings on an individual cigarette deter people from smoking and encourage more people to give up but 1st back in May The entry for B.B.C. Radio Scotland singer songwriter award closed and today marks the launch of the shortlist the top 10 so each day on B.B.C. Radio Scotland you're going to be hear songs written and sung by each of the top 10 You can also hear all of them on our website just go to W.W.W. Dot bbc dot co dot U.K. For Slash singer songwriter and you can vote for your favorite right up until Friday the 13th of September at 6 pm We're going to be hearing the 1st of the finalists in full 1st Sorry but 1st we're going to talk about the actual competition Sharon I know you of old I know you are passionate about getting music on to the radio across the culture. Pop music folks across the board you've been a huge proponent of trying to introduce more and more of that on the B.B.C. What's what preempted the decision to come up with this very specific singer songwriter award rather than BEST BAND best singer or whatever it might be why singer songwriter Well good morning Jackie M. Basically I've wanted to do this for a long long time. 10 years ago I launched the B.B.C. Is going to plan to ship scheme and it was all about confidence and opportunity and I thought if we could do something like that through this. A singer songwriter award that would be an amazing thing saw and I've been trying to push the idea for quite a while and eventually our commissioning editor got us and took on board and it was commissioned and to be honest I'm absolutely thrilled about it because the level and quality of people that applied for it was just stunned and we got hundreds of entries and it's been a really hard process to get to that the top tain which I am I'm delighted that our audience is going to be involved in the voting process for this and the quality is amazing and they were all originally judged on things like average anality male of the lyrics composition about the performance skills as well and it was a huge process where a lot might see more involved and that can a process and we got it down to around 20 inches which we then sent off to our esteemed judges one of whom is sitting beside here today our son am but we've always also Go M. De Bol who is they involved in instrumental within the music industry in Scotland right getting pole art and Fran Healy from Travis and Jeff Ellis from D.F. So we've got a fantastic range of judges and I have to see you know on behalf of my team they've done an amazing job and really given up their team you know to can to get the top tain that our audience is going to listen to what are the parameters was a sort of an at an age restriction did you have to not have any kind of professional contract or payment what what what sort of people were the doors open for you I mean basically as you can imagine there was a lot terms and conditions attached to this but that can a main one was you had to be 17 and that you had to submit to and chase one was in the original composition and the 2nd one was a cover and that's basically what it was judged upon. And we got down into an amount I'm sure Hearts will pick up on this in a short while but basically we brought the men and the tane in last week past on Thursday. And I want to perform we brought then for 2 days and honestly they were amazing a real credit to all you know up and coming singer songwriters they have to say hand on heart they could've all probably done on one teak what you what you see on that. They were amazed in the Q. Men they were so professional they took direction and we had a brilliant team Allan great to it to some amazing photographs with them neck and his team obviously am short them on the D. And Fraser and obviously did the same and on the 2 days and they were just totally amazing and we were very lucky to have and we will have David Scott who is there who become one of their mentors I am and the top 4 when the top 4 unknowns to come in and work with them before the final sure but he was there for the 2 days and I know that he was blown away with their professionalism and I have to see I get goosebumps in my my my skin when I listen to them know and feel really proud of where they've got to for people who aren't familiar with Davey to explain his slippery dentals yet Davies an amazing person and he's been in the music industry has gone through of a very long time and I don't mean that in the end he just me. But he's got great credentials he's with pale face shares Any also runs an amazing singer songwriter course at one of the universities in Scotland saw his credentials are absolutely and the right fit for what we want to do and I also want to see that I do remember horse was one of the 1st people I approached externally for this and I just it was amazing because we sat down in the 4 year absence here and had a chat and you know obviously she had lots of questions but I really fail at that point it was great to have some delayed horse on board because of the the track record that she's got in a music industry in Scotland as well absolutely I'm a horse that's let's bring you in this morning and talk about how you feel that it was kind of specific to sing a song. Right it wasn't bands it was very you know the core scale of action for you to write music was very important but when I met Sharon I was I was quite clear it wasn't going to be about an X. Factor of 4 or voice it was going to be about anyone's back story or what someone Leclaire you don't know about those genres because throughout my career of it I've experienced these kind of events and I was delighted that a lot of the criteria I spoke about is very much been and the whole process. Being part of that panel of judges is also quite special for me because it feels like I'm I've got an evil Scottish pixie that says you're rubbish. And actually I have I do much competition I realize that I warrant for these people what I would have liked for myself right I say could you put yourself in their shoes when they came so if it and they had that those judges in the professional you know musicians around them and they're the amazingly talented skilled crew around them I think it has been overwhelming I think it would have been. I was actually saying to Sharon this morning looking at where they are no from where we 1st got the entrance to look up for the 1st few remained me of going on the trip for the 1st time right and I was hysterical and we were just a little band from Glasgow and we didn't what the heck we were doing but the song was there and after that we flew higher and I think it's these tapping moments the tipping points that actually make you hungry are than ever to keep doing what you do given the opportunity it's an amazing and in that's the professional environment that suddenly your potential is is sort of flooding through yeah I think I think a lot of people take music for granted and what I've seen in these people I think they'll be making music in the years to come all of them they'll all be making music and you can see that quality. I always also liken music to being like the best songs are like rough diamonds you know you get you see the the elements and you want to polish them up a little but yeah but not so much that people lose this point Tina to spontaneity or the hunger or other fire and I think all of these people have I'm not going to mention one name I'd love to but I'm not going you know let's take. A sheriff and his or the new issue thinking distance across this area so hard though because you know there are some incredible artists at George offering Actually I would I would see and only thing I would say would have liked we did speak with us as well at the beginning out of like some older songwriters to draw I was just about to ask that was sort of what was the age range she said that you said you know younger than 17 What was your what was the eldest I can tell you that off the top of my head but that and that and you know who the. I'm just didn't think it meant starting a surprise for OK So yes and the whole teenage you know I mean we got engines from all over school and we go engines from all backgrounds all age groups and you know but they were based very much on the Katie to I explained earlier. So you know we've got a fantastic Kerry of talent am and I think for would be an amazing thing for an audience to do is almost think you know a lot of these names you won't know the post but you know when I visit life's And it's amazing if you could grab a cup of coffee and actually just sit down and listen half an hour 40 minutes Yelton of them because they're all very very different Yeah or make an appointment to listen for the next 2 weeks on the station and you'll hear them right about this time on the in the mornings with but you also hear them just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon program and then some to be canned on Friday but you also hear them just after 7 on get on at night right so each entrant will have 30 please on the network and obviously the network will be talking about this hopefully for the next 2 weeks and I just like to see you know that at the end of the day all 10. Them I really really good and a little 4 will go through to the final Yes and looks on the 26th of September which is B.B.C. Music Day all 10 of them are kind of you know the goal and opportunity and I can a vehicle to be you know pushed out there and think this is this is an opportunity this next 2 weeks for people to become acquainted with someone and like Shannon say that I would like people to him vote for someone because they get it they might follow him in future they might go and see a sure they might buy the music and again it's a real great platform because. They may have something like 20 followers except and in this day and age it's hard to get that platform so this is great opportunity for law for you to indulge indulge an old woman sitting here that back in the day many many hundreds of years when I started out on local commercial radio I remember the 1st time I heard I had this band who sent me and every other radio station a tape of them and they were cold wet wet wet and I thought they were amazing and they said when I did had nothing to do with that with their ascent after that but that's the 1st time I heard them you know it was an unknown band and what were the days when when people like yourself could have an influence yes when you had the change sadly this is why this is why this is so important because those the opportunity for sort of individual deejays isn't isn't there anymore is it to kind of champion bands perhaps in the way that they regularly did and I think and again going back to the the sort of the the shortlisting of talent as well again indulge me there was a though there was a competition that was I was asked to be a judge on way back then and I think I'm right in saying that the winner was a band called Class onion who actually changed their name to Travis so I guess you say to everybody Yes you don't know them yet yes they are those names that mean anything to you yet but you know this is an opportunity to get on the ground floor of the start of what could be X. a Few extraordinary Korea's Absolutely and. They were to meet in prices at the end of it as well I mean they will have a recording session with us and B.B.C. Scotland to me to Scotty in Glasgow and obviously perform on the network as well will make a promo video for the winners and obviously a really cool and an opportunity to play the Kingston King Tut stage transmit festival next year wow saw a lot of really good things I know with you know with the judges and with Davies a mentor I think they've all got a fantastic platform for the future Well I think we've had enough. Talking to you too let's listen to some music let's hear the entry from one of the 10 finalists in this year's B.B.C. Radio Scotland's sing at songwriter award at the 1st artist is Megan black and this is fire coat queen. And full. I'll believe it. And call it cooling I'll believe you. The law. Wow Incredible That's the 1st of 10 finalists we're going to be hearing across B.B.C. Radio Scotland this week as part of B.B.C. Radio Scotland singer songwriter award that was Megan black a beautiful haunting So I mean that the caliber. Of that I have to say I am pleasantly surprised I didn't have any notion that it was going to be a sound that professional ready they were honestly they were absolutely amazing and as I said before when they came into the studio but just over a week ago every single one of them could have done on one take which was just incredible so if you're listening out there audience B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. For Slash singer songwriter and hopefully the lines will be all we know is really important that people do for because this is part of our history our heritage of songwriting which is very rich in Scotland so you'll be a part of this process for these people these individuals let's just have a quick check in with our terms and conditions. B.B.C. Radio Scotland's singer songwriter of the Year awards you've got until 6 pm on Friday September the 13th to cast your all important for for information to listen to all of the nominees terms are pretty soon or head to B.B.C. Dog called or you can slash singer songwriter. Before we let Sharon and horse go so our cast your mind back to when you were starting out to in your career. Singer songwriter as as popular then as it has become or were you sort of an anomaly in the music industry in a bit of both actually and I think I still am I don't know I can't say about the normally normally. A singer songwriter is is the greatest accolade I think I love being a singer I think of saying well bussing is myself a different sort of individual character whether I'm with a band or whatever the core of what you do is your song Absolutely and this the sort of platform that that Sharon's idea has become is so important in the era as you said of things like you know the X. Factor where you're judged on lots of different things you might be fabulously talented but that's not necessarily what you're being chiefly judged on I think if you want longevity it's never about The X. Factor The Voice because it's good if you learn your skill or your trade at the coalface this is just someone moving into the next level and I think some of these artists will become our future top Scottish artists yeah and can I just say I mean I think they're all winners in that kind of sense of the top 4 will end up and performing a life. Program it's a cent looks hosted by Ricky Ross on the 26th of September how phenomenal I will be but beyond that we live a life that's been our judges job gets really difficult because we have to choose this from the Final 4 rather you than me I'll just sit back and enjoy the music out but it was the 1st one we heard they could be playing throughout the week here on B.B.C. Radio Scotland my thanks to you. The executive producer of B.B.C. Radio Scotland singer songwriter award Sharon Maginnis in the studio alongside one of these steely Chechens and follow Scorpio horse McDonald I shall of course have a lovely day. Coming up is that he used to talk radio F.M. Medium wave and B.B.C. Sound B.B.C. Radio Scott. Years and in the car Thank you good morning Tony Blair has urged Labor M.P.'s to vote against holding a general election if the government seeks one Comparing the prospect to an elephant trap opposition politicians are expected to attempt to block a new deal Bracks that when parliament reconvenes tomorrow but have not revealed details of how the intend to do it the former prime minister told an audience at the Institute for government for the Labor leadership needed to be strategic and tactical over the coming weeks the brigadier's a laying a trap to seem as if pushed into an election was that the preparing for what Gerry Corbett has behaved responsibly and if he continues to put country 1st it will benefit the country and themselves he can now play a decisive role in how Briggs it develops but he should see an election before Briggs it is decided for the elephant trap that it is the 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told us a general election and an opportunity to get rid of the tour the government should be welcomed meanwhile has claimed a new deal Bracks that could have a devastating impact on the N.H.S. In Scotland just as hospitals G.P. Surgeries and the wider health service prepare for the most challenging time of year Dr Louis Morrison the chair of B.M.A. Scotland told us that new area of health care would remain untouched already have some shortages of some medications because of the difficulty of sourcing supply particularly from different European suppliers a new deal bricks are given that that's less than 2 months away potentially clearly is going to exacerbate that there are some medications which.