Vera Lord Chancellor Lord Faulkner describes the last night's program as very depressing the 2 things that struck struck me watching it were 1st of all how hellish it was for so many people who were Jewish to be in the Labor Party and secondly how dysfunctional the disciplinary process either is or had become the time the people who were talking were describing it in a statement Labor described the documentary as seriously inaccurate and politically one sided a stuffing crisis at H.M.P. Grampian must be tackled in order for the facility to progress that's according to an inspection report the prison in Peterhead current Bay has more than 40 officer vacancies and it's struggling to recruit Rachael Bell has the details the inspection report said almost all 80 years of the prison were being negatively impacted by the staffing issues a shortage of health care staff was identified as a particular concern inspectors find that nurses were unavailable to carry out health screenings for prisoners who were admitted after 9 30 in the evening when accommodation block remains closed due to the lack of Staff Well 80 years of good practice where identified inspectors made more than 100 recommendations and the situation will be interviewed at the end of the year the Scottish Prison Service says it recognises the continuing challenges of the recruitment and retention of staff the Ministry of Defense has confirmed that a British oil tanker was confronted by Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf 3 vaca vessels believed to belong to the Iranian revolutionary guard approached the ship and asked it to stop in a rain in territorial waters close by but withdrew after a British warship warmed them off. She pretty drinks including pure fruit juice and fizzy pop may increase the risk of cancer according to French scientists the research published in the British Medical Journal looked at more than 100000 people over 5 years the study did not establish a direct causal link and doctors say more information is needed if you're not as gun is Cancer Research U.K.'s Health Information Manager in Scotland thing is this is only one study so it's still very early days murder long way from being able to say this is a cause that's a really strong word and we need a lot of evidence to back that up one of the things we'd need to know before we could say there was cause is exactly what is going on here what could the mechanism be what could be behind that link if any applications to explore in large areas of the North Sea and west of Shetland have been dope and up by the oil and gas authority there are $768.00 blocks or part blocks on offer across the main producing areas of the U.K. Continental shelf it's the 32nd round of licensing for exploratory drilling over more than 5 decades but the 1st since Britain committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to net 0 by 2050 a man has been arrested after climbing over the front gates of Buckingham Palace where the queen was in residence the 22 year old was held on suspicion of trespass early yesterday morning by specialist police officers Scotland Yard says the intruder was not carrying any weapons and the incident is not being treated as Ted or related. 2 community groups are weighing up bids for a large swathe of land in southern Scotland but clue announced its a 10 intention earlier this year to sell off about $25000.00 acres of its borders a state it has not confirmed to communities of expressed an interest in buying some or all of the land it says it's holding talks with the groups and has decided to create a window for them to consider their options up until March next year. The new extended Jim Clark motor sport museum in Donne's will open its doors to the public today the core of the previous museum the late Formula One champions 150 trophies has been extended it includes not only some of his cars but also other memorabilia and US backs of his life of the boarders Parmer who became one of the greatest most motor researchers of all time Kenny MacLean of live borders was instrumental in arranging the exhibits and he says they've acquired quite a substantial collection everything from perishable items like his helmet his recent suits and so on to things he would in private life is watch but also things that show is going to celebrities we go outside very much things indorsed and also even parish things from the family on the farm to branding iron from the farm I'm sure to showing his life away from racing shoulders different I think one of the great things the museum does is brings out not just his wife as a more recent driver but what he was like as a man spear tell him how much farming the Scottish Borders bet it sure meant to him and us news that sports headlines from Phil Gillian thank you it's woman semifinal state Wimbledon with unseeded Barbara says that scuba saying she has nothing to lose when she takes on city No WILLIAMS The 23 time Grand Slam champion the strong favorite to make yet another final test W 19 and the other last 4 clash on Center Court smaller hollow takes on a Linux for the Linda. Begin their football seasons with qualifying matches in the Europa League we'll hear from both comp shortly we'll also hear from golf Scottish Open which tees off at the club in the slope the. Comedy used trees at all but thanks Gary the heading into Edinburgh accused eastbound it junction to claim just getting word in to that on the M 8 it one hemistich gate the close there's an accident involving and van and a car so this is probably adding. To the delays so an accident at one Hammerstein gate traffic you back to 2 clear lines and his number to just switch back through the 739 remains close north by the can has been told for roadworks already slow moving on B. As they roared from Anniesland tall That's B.B.C. Radio Scotland travel mid-summer is behind us well behind us if you look at the weather and London's here with the details yes indeed of Starland to begin with this morning with some clouds I had bricks of show the rain and mist and fog around the rain will feed through the morning leaving drier conditions with some breaks in the clouds allowing for some light or sunny spells into the afternoon heavy thunder the slow moving day and Poor's expected across northern and eastern parts of the country we have a measure of as yellow warning in force from the day until 9 pm tonight for thunderstorms we can expect high rainfall totals in any sharers which will leave Turkey driving conditions and a risk of localized flooding it will feel humid once again with highs of 22 Celsius and light to moderate winds It's 8 minutes past 7 this is Thursday mornings Good Morning Scotland the current situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would like those the words of sore Kim Dallas as a yield to the seemingly inevitable resigning from his post as the U.K.'s ambassador to the U.S. Forced to quit in the wake of the controversy over his leaked correspondence with London President Trump had made it crystal clear that America wouldn't deal with Cirque him lashing out branding him a very stupid guy after it a marriage that the ambassador had called his administration clumsy and inept but as Boris Johnson who's facing the brunt of the criticism the Smalling accused of failing to fully supports or Kim joining the I.T.V. Debate when both candidates for the conservative leadership were asked whether or not they'd keep Sir came in post if they became PM So you're going to keep them it would you wouldn't even be you would extend his term lot of so I will keep him until he is due to retire and I think would like to know if you would well I'm not going to be so presumptuous Thank you I get this position let's go to. Thank God but I wouldn't what I will say what I will say is I. Will decide who takes important politically sensitive jobs such as the U.K. To the U.S. Well anonymous friends officer came claimed he decided to go after watching Mr Johnson refused to support him during the debate the Foreign Office ministers her Alan Duncan was forthright in his criticism he deliberately did not do so when asked and I think for someone who wants to leave let alone unite this country that was contemptible negligence on his part and he's basically thrown this fantastic diplomat under the bus to serve his own personal interests Well I'm joined now from Washington D.C. By political analyst Eric and in London by the spectators deputy political editor Katie Bowles Welcome to both a few and a very good morning and it can What's been the reaction in Washington to search Kim's resignation. It's actually been a chilling effect what we're seeing take place here in Washington the fact that the president could put his thumb on the scale to have a diplomat removed and now you have the entire diplomatic corps that's in Washington right now are actually on their heels because we do know that the cables that are sent home that's essential to the effectiveness of the work that they do we just look back to 2010 when we get leaks revealed some rather embarrassing information about cables from U.S. Diplomats on regarding the Germans and president trying President Obama even though that the comments were embarrassing he stood behind them no matter what and we simply just aren't seeing that take place today so it's a very different moment right now very different time and it's got many diplomats in Washington actually on their heels and taken aback quite frankly and cables in Westminster I think they were just probably outraged if you look at the coverage today but how much or is there any support for Boris Johnson in this matter. I think in that mater of poets it's quite clear that friends that. Pointing the finger say in part or as Johnson for his comments in the I.T.V. Leadership to date he refused to say that he would keep them on at least until the plants retired that the forest have that quite. Far as Johnston south is that is his that you blame him and he was simply not getting involved because he didn't think I was approached we took a simple step and. In the T.V. Debate I think undermines as far as Johnson campaign supporters for a start the Allies had told the papers that they didn't think the special relationship was something that could be stopped because of one person so that did seem to be the sense that Boris Johnson might may have said to Eric Well he tried but Prime Minister sooner rather than later and Kitty didn't have faith in him to say publicly Well yeah it comes on us so it's called special relationship that we talk about what is the damage to that if it does exist what do you think the state of the nation's between the U.K. And the U.S. Are no well I don't think the relationship will survive this latest controversy and we heard former presidents and prime minister speak about the special relationship and I do believe it's true this relationship is bigger than this controversy it's bigger than both the president and this family ambassador as well and so I think the relationship will survive and I think it will continue to actually try to do it we're just seeing a president right now who simply issues the norms and traditions that we have seeing undertaken through there's been this relationship between these 2 countries so Eric can just staying with you does that empower President Trump that he no as he thinks more power he has the power to veto possibly who the U.K. Has as it as it some vested. Oh absolutely and we've seen the president actually engage an internal machinations in the U.K. Something that we typically do not see from a sitting U.S. President and I think this only emboldens the president and I think we will see this president continue to place his finger on the scale not just in the U.K. But in other countries particularly those countries that are closest to the United States and created bowls does this in any way impact on the leadership contest do you think. I think that is still very much the case this is for sure and he is very likely to be our next prime minister I think the immediate question Sir Hugh picks 2nd placement if you could say Will Donald Trump has enough sway hip perhaps who has some thoughts but the decision will come down to juries in May or Boris Johnson if he is elected as we expect in 2 weeks' time. When it comes to Theresa May she could try and make. Her choice in the for the next leader takes office that is something of a trees and may supporters want to do as a way to stop that becoming a political appointment lots of bars of this back to to supporters want it to be so you see this division here which is that this leak which is how this all started not Boris Johnson's comments in the bait this leak was seen as being a politically motivated a way to get a political candidate into that into that position perhaps to be more in line with the champ say is the replacement going to be a diplomat or perhaps a former politician and I think that's the next crunch point that's going to cause division in the Tory Party at and across White Wolf George Osborne's name popping up as a possible successor just staying with you though Katie Bowles what the this does mean though is. It's going to be quite a difficult times for Boris Johnson if he does become prime minister because he's going to have to build series bridges isn't he between the civil service and the government yes but I think building in the civil servants and the government when the biggest challenge as far as Johnson on America we know that he wants to build the special relationship we know that he gets under Donald Trump that this whole episode is damaging for the civil service of the government and I think if you look it is Bracks that that that he wants to really ramp up preparations that actually he cannot renegotiate a deal that licks very hard to do at the time and that's something that there is lots of civil service advice saying it's going to be that's you damaging So I think there's going to be several sources of friction for a Boris Johnson government when it comes to Whitehall and this is just another one to add and Eric and I think you alluded to this at the beginning this is going to change how go the diplomatic service conducts itself in the future. That's why But also too it's important who this next embassador will be because we know that sir so Derek was a very seasoned operative here in Washington but we do know that the Trump and ministration has operated very very differently and. That both the president and many of those closest to them simply have not been willing partners and so whoever is is the replacement here that person is certainly going to have their hands full trying to not only make inroads with this administration but also try to find a way to work closely with them and make sure that they are provided key and necessary information that we know was so difficult for Sir Derek to actually receive from this administration Yankee tables this investigation into who leaked this and what the motives of that person where. Do you think it will get to the investigation we'll get to the bottom of it we've had that they could be police involvement in this investigation and I think when it comes to Whitehall the car is there in the tourist ineffective so to speak is very hard to pick and. Which That to me and said the former defense secretary being sacked left a lot of questions on nonces speaking to a fake is in Whitehall I think the reason that they could be some success in this inquiry is if you look at the details of the key communications that leaks is over such a wide time period around 2 years it doesn't he could have access to Larry's the to leave because some of those were highly sensitive so once it gets lots of people to some highly sensitive side have about 12 or Cyprian's at least 2 years of this so I think because of that they have a child so I think they believe of what you know he would have the access to copy many people and just for a finally. Just run through some of the names we've mentioned George Osborne. To deliver the I this morning as a as a list I'm sure a lot of the other papers have it's just the one I've got open George Osborne Nigel Farage only Robins Mark Sedwill Michael tough them who do you think might be the unlikely come to. As I think knowledge for us is very unlike say strange things happen in politics I don't think subtle gets on reporters some sticky well want to move them away but George Osborne is the name I keep airing and it's interesting that we have a situation where David Cameron his former chief of staff at Allen as the French ambassador I think it by ourselves wants to play it safe however said he might want to do this hope he could be using his time as Foreign Secretary one of the diplomats he had a good relationship with Bush might be a way of trying to keep some calm over this appointment only some Thank you very much indeed for your time this morning both Katie Bowles there the spectators deputy. Political editor and also Eric Han POLITICAL ANALYST The time is 1000 minutes past 7 and that may be the middle of summer but a flood alerts currently in place for much of Scotland the Met Office has issued a yellow warning for front of storms for the softer noon saying it could cause travel disruption with a small chance also a flash flooding and power cuts Well Vincent Fitz Simons is flood manager and joins us now Evans Good morning to you Gary and this morning covers quite a wide area doesn't it are you what has been sent I got you now hearing a sense of I'm just saying that the set warning covers a wide area yes it does so we have 11 said let's shoot so much of northern lease in Scotland today that's on the back of the storm forecasts from the Met Office and potential timings here are you hearing us Vincent I'm hearing you now yes and OK what are the potential timings of this warning so it's the May rest of the afternoon and evening as the heat of the day builds up. And the main areas at risk really are as if those thunderstorms coincide with built up areas and transport routes and here if this happens we could see significant flooding we saw an example in doing well last night. We got over a month of rain once with the rain falling really between tea time and a night fall and it was last night that cause some flooding on the high street when a culvert got overwhelmed that divorce or loss rains a place nearby so next to nothing so it's really variable. And I suppose that the difficulty here is the very little some areas will see really intense thunderstorm rainfall you have flash floods particularly hard to protect obviously That's right Alex they could occur anywhere across eastern north to Scotland or not they will rapidly without warning so the best thing is to be prepared in advance particularly going to be out about in terms of preparation what is your advice Well the key is to follow the advice the merger services if you get caught up in flooding but also really the main thing is not to drive into such a course or even to walk into fledge or so we've got some more information available super's website stupid or U.K. And there's a telephone number I can give you that people can ring if they want more yeah absolutely fire away it's 03459 double a double one Double H. That's over 34598 double one double 8 and I suppose part of the issue here is that these rainstorms are slow moving so that's part of the reason why we're seeing such downpours like the wall as you suggested That's right that's right the Met Office to get the to click in soon when when the thunderstorms move slowly and again if they move slowly over an urban area or over and then transported that's when the biggest risks will occur Yeah and what what can see Purdue in terms of reacting to flash flooding. To keep a secret to war or not that's our main job is to is to find the key areas risk and issue those warnings have the public be prepared in advance and in terms of preparedness I mean you talk they had a by you know not driving into the water the etc But can people take measures or should they be taking measures to protect their property. So for study of the study of this kind is different to what you might think of those kind of classic images flooding which comes from rivers so you know. In a river situation where when you have more widespread rates over a bigger area the rivers react. And they can overwhelm properties near the plate but this type of flooding is different it really coincides with situations where Colbert's drains small water courses get overwhelmed so that kind of flooding could really happen anywhere it's about a coincidence between the sudden the storm and and where the drains occur so it's it's it's it's really much more localized one street could be affected whereas the street next door is is unaffected Benson thank you very much for that Vince and for the Simons who is supposed U.T. Flood manager let me just give you that phone number once again it's all 3459 double eat double one double eat of course has website as well with details and we'll keep you updated throughout the day here on B.B.C. Radio Scotland with regular weather forecasts and travel news as well 723 time for thought for the day from Chris Fox and a Methodist minister from Glasgow Good morning to you good morning we learned yesterday that we're going to be able to get expert health advice from the N.H.S. By asking Alexa. I'm sure there might be all sorts of data protection in previous the issues but I can see that it could be an interesting and useful way into 1st stakes but ration of a medical issue hopefully anonymous inquiry might have some appeal but call me old fashioned I think I'd rather have a face to face conversation with a real parents than who has access to my medical history but sometimes we just want a piece of advice. Put you on my religious hat I wonder how a virtual assistant would do you with spiritual questions I assume the same question regret the same answer interesting because that's not always the way it works with real people like the doctor who knows your medical history spiritual advice brings a belongs in a life context 3 people asked Jesus. To give them a terrible life to one he suggested reviewing their life and starting again there are times when some of us long to do that to another he suggested selling everything and giving the proceeds to the poor child his could change the world if that advice was followed to the 3rd to Jesus asked him what he thought he should do their face to face conversation led to the story about the Good Samaritan which at its most simple teaches we should look after there was a need. I wonder if I asked a virtual assistant who should I do to meet the world a better place forever if I get the answer change your life and care for the poor and those in need and I also wonder and so I'd get if I asked Alex who shoot I see on for the day I know what everybody else is going to be doing to take notice of Auckland as soon as this program is over thank you very much the time no 25 path of an Wilfong often call this time of year the silly season because news gets quiet but not the same in sport full This is the busy season yeah. Well as for Alexa golf and certainly tennis with Wimbledon all try and get on to the back pages so given that I didn't come on a Couldn't Europa League qualifying action tonight there's a bit of a battle going on to try and get spaces on the back pages this morning we had thought of starting out S W 19 that's woman semifinals theme with unseeded Barbara Starr at school for having the unenviable task of halting 23 time Grand Slam champion city No Williams Looking ahead to the tears our correspondent Russell fuller Williams was under the cosh of 3 all in the final set of a quarter final win of Allison risk the 3 consecutive games she reeled off and the form she showed in her mixed doubles partnership with Andy Murray have convinced many that despite little match practice this year she is once again the woman to beat it's a 1st Grand Slam semifinal for straights of A as well as for Spitz Alina who faces last year's French Open champion Simona Halep the Romanian says she is learning to love the grass and has finally stopped trying to slide in the way she can on clay so the women's semifinals today tomorrow it's the last 4 in the mains we now know the lineup after the quarterfinals yesterday at Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will meet for the 1st time at Wimbledon since 2008 Novak Djokovic takes 100 back to go to start a goot war down on the Mahdi shall we despite losing alongside Sid in the Williams in the mix. Double cease happy he says with how he's played over the last week and a better than I And more importantly how is HEP has reacted potential singlestick term for him now at Big Brother Jamie's event in Glasgow and September now it's all eyes on the other nations club in East Los he and in the next few minutes golf's Scottish or pundit tees off from their Here's how reports are Frank Hendry it's not Simon July once again when one of the European Tour's flagship events rules into Tyrone no less than 15 Scots taking part but a golfer already making headlines in his debut season on the main tour as opens Robert McIntyre having finished runner off in both the British Masters and the made in Denmark tournament and what a moment for him this afternoon playing alongside 2 superstars of the game RORY McILROY and Ricky Fowler No shortage of talent then competing for the 7 $1000000.00 prize fund but his 20 years as a home player claimed our national championship Monte in $1009.00 Can anyone step up and follow in his footsteps come Sunday afternoon look at the Alice course from the Scottish Open in an hour's time also importantly the weather update things went looking pretty for North Benteke this morning about income on a kick off their seasons then tonight qualifying matches in the Europa League the Dons at home to finish side are often me with new club captain Joe Lewis leading the side he has money shot that McInnes players with M.D.'s to the season we can't be a 100 percent for fear for us. Because it was what to do the squad really pleased with a walk they have that as a club pleaser the what. Gave is interpretation for this game. Out on their travels to take on well said no muds the 1st game in charge for new boss Angelo sale of course is a place. For the most of the brave I think of the time they are a pretty one of these get these match. The issue on what they show. There be coverage of both marches on sports and this evening here on Radio Scotland thanks Phil. There trees over the travel Thanks Gillian Aberdeen the temporary traffic lights on the in 93 North decide road near the playing fields though they seem to be faulty and it's heading into Edinburgh the an accident at one hare misting gate it's no clear just a word in the accident at Hamilton gate is no clear but we're still seeing eastbound delays here from here missed and back to junction to cleanse East the margins are switched back to the 739 that remains close northbound it can has been told for broad works a very slow moving on bears them Lord from and his land told up to the closure at Glasgow's Gorbals traffic area than usual lot on ballot or street crime street garble street salt market there's an ongoing police incident and Lockerbie the B. 7068 is blocked at banks Hill by a fallen tree this is the road out toward Langham and that's B.B.C. Radio Scotland travel in the next half hour speaking of the Scottish Open we look in more detail their initials club at the time no on Good Morning Scotland as happy as 7 or so many of the news Labor has rejected any claim that the party is anti semitic following allegations that some of Jeremy Corbin's closest allies tried to interfere in disciplinary process as involving anti semitism a B.B.C. Panorama investigation which aired last night heard from former officials who worked in the party's disputes team Labor has criticised the programme a seriously and accurate and one sided our political correspondent at Westminster is the reporter the Deputy Leader Tom Watson said that he was shocked and appalled by the claims to put it mildly that the semitism and allegations of anti-Semitism have been very difficult for the Labor Party for a lengthy period now what the party and its leadership seem to be trying to do at the moment they have not been able to draw a long. Under this last night's document it quite frankly is not going to make that process any easier and inspection report has warned us staffing crisis that each M.P. Grampian in Peterhead must be tackled in order for the facility to progress the jail which replaced each M.P. Peterhead and each M.P. Arbor Dean opened in 2014 a report said the establishment had matured but almost all areas of the prison were negatively impacted by staffing shortages police say they're dealing with an ongoing incident at Glasgow Central Mosque officers were called out earlier this morning no further details have been released. The Ministry of Defense has confirmed that a British oil tanker has confirmed it was confronted by Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf 3 vessels believed to belong to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps approached the ship and asked it to stop in a rainy and territorial waters close by but withdrew after a British warship warned them off Simon Jones is outside the Ministry of Defense in London and has been given a statement they say they are deeply concerned about the events that happened and they're also calling for a day escalation of tensions in the region now they tell us that this British tanker was on its business in waters near Iran when it was approached by these Iranian boats 3 of them according to the Ministry of Defense and at that point then this vessel from the wrong Navy had to intervene actually common between the Iranian boats and also this tanker So Richard Branson has one that is companies will spend a lot less money in Britain if the country leaves the E.U. Without a deal the founder of the Virgin Group who has always been opposed to Bret's it believes the pinewood for significantly against the dollar cost in his company millions. The U.K. Government has ordered a review of the way the benefit system deals with people who have a terminal illness a committee of M.P.'s recently described the current rules as I dated and unfit for purpose the Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd says she wants a fresh and honest evaluation of the system to ensure that people get the help they need Michael Buchanan reports but our special rules in place that are low benefits to be paid quickly of someone are 6 months or less to live but the fast track system relies on a medic certifying the claimant is nearing death charities like Mark a cutie in the motor neuron disease Association see that 10 people die each day waiting for benefits payment and that everyone with a terminal illness should have a claims processed quickly regardless of how long the Good Life to Live A Rod says she wants to see what more can be done so those with a life limiting owner says don't face unnecessary assessments a 22 year old man's been arrested after climbing over the front gates of Buckingham Palace where the queen was in residence he was held on suspicion of trespass early yesterday morning by specialist police officers Scotland Yard said the intruder was not carrying any weapons and the incident was not being treated as terror related. Conservationists in North us say plans for a potential space port could turn a pristine piece of Atlantic coastline into concrete the island's local authority wants to site the facility at Skull pig and use the expertise of the nearby M O D Hebrides range the council says while it's aware of the concerns that there's also support for the proposed development and all interested parties will be Herit while the planning application is considered B.B.C. Radio Scotland use now let's get the weather details for the day and London is with us and it said button down hatches I think maybe not quite. Low pressure very much in charge the of our weather pattern at the moment it's cloudy start for much of the country it's Misty is Marcie appliques of rain affecting many parts of. The north and east the rain will fade through the morning leaving drier conditions with some breaks in the clouds allowing for some play to our sunny spells into the afternoon heavy thunder the slow moving day and Poor's expected across northern and eastern parts of the country we have a Met Office yellow warning enforced from midday until 9 pm tonight for thunderstorms for eastern and northern parts we can expect high rainfall totals in any sharers which will leave tricky driving conditions and a risk of localized flooding and with light winds they will be fairly slow moving it will feel humid once again with highs of 22 Celsius into tonight and overnight the intensity of the sharers in the east and northeast will ease 1st time and will lose the standard the West on sites will be largely dry with some clear periods and another mild night and prospect tomorrow Friday will be a day of sunny spells and sharers initially the sheriff will be fairly few and far between However it will become more frequent during the day in the east especially with the odd rumble of thunder the West will be largely dry with some spells of sunshine and feeling mild Once again that's your forecast. On Digital Radio 92 to 95 F.M. 810 medium wave B.B.C. Radio Scotland 24 minutes to 8 no day after day the Scottish victims of what's been called the worst treatment disaster in the history of the National Health Service have told their stories over the course of the past fortnight they've been giving their evidence to the U.K. Wide inquiry into the infected blood scandal how doing testimony your lives are ruined by contaminated transfusions the hearings in Edinburgh argued to conclude today and our health correspondent Lisa Somers joins us now morning to you Lisa. This is the final day of the inquiry isn't it what are we expecting. Well that's right actually 2 years to the decency to resign me and I'm sure that there would be this UKI wide inquiry into infected blood and that comes on the back of a Scottish investigation you remember the Penrose inquiry and when that was published and 2016 most of the families felt that it felt far short of giving them the answers that they required or even giving them a voice in terms of listening to the impact it had on them so certainly the last 2 weeks in Edinburgh that has been very much the heart of this new investigation that's very much been key for sorry Brian Lang staff who is leading it and as you say we've heard some very very harrowing stories from victims or family members whose contract HIV or hepatitis infections because they were given contaminated blood in the seventy's and eighty's We'll hear more from families to D. And after that the inquiry will then move on to Cardiff for a different part of the hearings before moving on to gather at further evidence elsewhere well just tell us about the sort of evidence that it's been hearing so far Well that's right I mean I've been sitting in on many days of the inquiry and it is desperately sad to hear some of these stories it's also a really powerful insight into just how much impact this has had on families in ways that perhaps we maybe haven't realised until now it is you know a fairly recent event and such questions are still loom about I mean we're all familiar with those adverts in the 1980 S. About AIDS so they have questions about when were the risks known and when did that balance shift between the benefits of using blood products to stop someone bleeding out and the risk so why were medics not discussing those risks for patients other common theme is about delays in telling patients that they had contract to HIV or hepatitis C. And that was the case with Maria armor who gave evidence earlier on this week she was 17 when she was given a blood transfusion after a miscarriage but she wasn't told that she contrived to Tepper Titus C. For 20 years after that happened and this is what she told the inquiry. But that of the show to his office and other neighbors certainly are not just any seat of good and bad news is good news is no kinds. Of. Any idea how you could have gotten druggists partners are saved no one had a blood transfusion bought a few years back and remember the family feud is obvious. And that people could have been faked through the years to Khomeini attains at it and say to people who are nervous haven't all the dreams they go a failed state of born of sin who just tailed. So. Well have been heartbreaking stories about children who were treated for hemophilia at Yorkhill Children's Hospital who were diagnosed with the 4 or 5 years old and then went on to develop AIDS people who've lost their jobs their careers they've struggled with their mental health as you can imagine and another person who gave evidence this week was Christine Norval She's the wife of Bruce Norval who found that he had had hepatitis C. In 1900 and she talked about the toxic effect it had on the family and described the toll it to calm their daughter she would go to the library after school hoping that I would be in for work before she got in because she was terribly worried that she would die. And this is an 1112 year old and has continued to have severe mental health issues since then but just listening to these voices that is heartbreaking and it has been crucial hasn't for those with those stories to get a voice to to get the chance to tell people exactly what happened to them. Well that's right I mean it's should be pointed out that in this phase of the inquiry it is very much about hearing from the voices of the families and the victims and they will start the investigation and then when it concludes There will also be another opportunity for them to add their thoughts and to that too but the next phase of the investigation will be to hear expert evidence on sort of the history of of AIDS or hepatitis C. And then we will hear from medics involved from the doctors and also from officials because politicians were also involved in this and the thing about this investigation which is in addition to Penrose and that is it has a much broader range of powers so it can call politicians in it can investigate whether there has been any cover up it can hold people to account and really in a sense for the families those are the key questions they want other questions addressed like whether there can be anything done to provide adequate support for families because many of them of suffered financially as you can imagine because they've lost their job and they feel that the support financial support available to them has not been satisfactory So these are the things that they're hoping for at the end but I think in many respects actually just being able to tell their stories often for the 1st time has has been really really powerful and important to them. Just the inquiry as you said has the power to call all sorts of witnesses but ultimately what is likely to make recommendations that are binding to for example government. Well that's right I mean this is not going to be something that happens quickly and we're talking about 2 to 5 years to complete during which time of course a number of victims have been waiting you know 30 years for these answers are likely to die it is desperately sad what is happening but the remit of this investigation will allow it to investigate things as I've said like cover ups and whether the financial support is adequate and at the start of this sort of stuff said it would be possible as at the end of it that criminal prosecutions could result as I said we're a long way off from that but there is certainly definite optimism here that they will the families will get the answers that they have been so long looking for pieces Somers our health correspondent thank you 18 minutes to 8 time for more business news Dimock I was looking at home many women get to the top of the business world Thanks Gary hello good morning the number of women and for C. 100 boards is on the up and that sounds like progress but there are concerns that some of the appointments may be symbolic the target is for a 3rd of board members to be women by next year but research by Cranfield University's School of Management found of lack of women in the very top jobs and evidence that women tended to Sara shorter term than their male counterparts but that speak to Professor Susan Vinick I'm who's the main author of the report hello good morning to you Good morning that is progress here but how much has really been and is it also where didn't say that women may be good maybe some teams getting what could be perceived as a softer draw for instance and in H.R. . I think that's right we are doing well if we look at the headline because we're on 4100 boards we've nearly reached the Hampden Alexander target of 33 percent we're at 32 percent today but what is very worrying what we reveal in our report today is that whilst. We see women increasing in numbers on the top boards the women are getting the senior positions so obviously the most senior position is being chair of the board so whilst nearly 40 percent of the known expect to tive roles on $4100.00 boards and now held by women only 5 percent have chairs so that's a pretty big discrepancy and we've seen this consistently over the years that women have shorted 10 year old boards and they're not getting the senior roles so it seems to us that women are getting on board but then their careers are not being taken seriously and this pattern you detected 2 women serving shorter terms are you clear about what that could mean. Well and we're concerned that I think that there's quite a variance I should say this backtrack slightly there is quite a variance I mean some of the companies are doing extremely well they have a critical mass of women on boards and by that I mean 3 or more women and on boards the women are doing very well but there are too many boards it which we just have kind of what we call one and done just one woman on the board and I suspect it's on those sorts of boards that the women are really being taken very seriously and there are still a few companies with me who boards would naming and shaming work that's right so there are on the $4100.00 we haven't had a the all male boards a tool for a few years now but on foot see $350.00 we do currently have 4 all male ports and obviously that has to change there you'd like to think that simple sexism would be an assumed name it's perhaps at the challenges facing women as they get to the top such as to contain mode when they have a baby How is more can be done to help and in these situations are or am I being naive is is there still actual sexism a quirk. Well I think there is I think it's interesting to look at the 2 top roles the chair of the board and the C.E.O. Oh now we know it's really hard for women to move into the C.E.O. Role we actually have 7 women who are C.E.O.'s on the C. 100 but whilst we have nearly 300 women in non-executive roles on footsie 100 it really is hard to explain why we've only got 5 women in chair is quite realistic for women now we've got lots of experience of sitting on boards of taking out that Nick the top non-executive role of being charitable and can those women who are highly visible to people like cattle in McCall who are who are leading companies which are well known to the public can they be doing even more to wave the flag I think they can there is actually the evidence the research evidence to show that where we've been told those very see that very senior role being see it like Carol that they actually have quite an impact on the rest of the cabinet in terms of being role models but not just in a passive sense actively promoting women and making sure that women are developed and their careers are taken as seriously as their male counterparts Professor Susan Vinick I'm Thanks very much indeed for joining us this morning Susan Vinick I'm there from Cranfield University It's 13 minutes to the headline senior Labor for GO say that appalled by allegations the close allies of Jeremy Corbyn try to interfere in anti semitism cases an inspection report warns of stuff in crisis at each M.P. Grampian must be tackled in order for the facility to progress and doctors are calling for the research after a large study link sugary drinks to cancer before it grumbles over the Gulf criticism over the exclusive venue chosen to host the Scottish Open. Travel know with Terry as our intern did not by Hughes on the A 90 at the clever host junction queues to here on clever household and phone heading for the inn. 90 Glasgow's Gorbals traffic heavier than usual. Market there's an ongoing police incident at Lockerbie the B 7068 that's blocked at banks Hill by a fallen tree this is the old. That's B.B.C. Scotland travel through. The green this. View with the family. To festival. It's amazing. To be in the afternoons from. Saturday mornings from 6 the. Summer 29 on B.B.C. . If he is only increase that's among the conclusions of his British Social Attitudes Survey which details what it calls a dramatic decline in Britain's Christian identity over the last 35 years the report also suggests would become increasingly liberal in our world views with the attitudes towards same sex relationships and premarital sex softening considerably over the same period while in Montague is a senior researcher for the National Center for Social Research morning in the morning how you there in sober good I'm good thanks so we're becoming less of a Christian country or is it just that one along we're going to church well the general picture that we're seeing from the most recent data is that we are on the whole becoming less religious so you know over half of the public now say that they don't see themselves as belonging to any religion and this is not a particular impact at sea on the national charities in Britain so the Church of England and the Church of Scotland in particular are less and less people just over one in 10 Corney in England for example it uses got themselves is as belonging to the Church of England and instead we're seeing an increasing number of people saying that they hold no religious identity but in quite interesting to see the number of people who are going to chair. It's at least once a week there's actually stayed relatively unchanged over over the last decade or so around 10 percent well that's interesting so do we understand from the survey what is behind this change in attitude sure so you know one of the other major findings from from this is Brit socialists you say is that you know we're continuing as a society to become on the whole more liberal more tolerant and more progressive So we see for example you know attitudes to gender sexuality to nontraditional forms of relationships continuing to become more liberal so these sort of you know significant changes in how people think about a whole host of social issues maybe seem to kind of conflict a little bit with religion which is often seen as a slightly more socially conservative endeavor and also these changes of often being reflected in legislation so you know if we take the backing of abortion and same sex marriage in Northern Ireland by M.P.'s this week for example this kind of thing can can essentially act as a kind of more indorsements in a way by the state of the more socially liberal outlook on life which obviously can impact on the number of people who who describe themselves feeling religious and it's not across the border are other areas where the population isn't progressive So in general it's across the board I mean you know one of the key changes that we've actually seen over the past 3 or 4 decades on the British Social Attitudes is is in our attitudes to sexuality and to nontraditional relationships as we mentioned those are continuing to become more liberal and they're almost unrecognizable now from from how they looked when we started measuring them on the British Social Attitudes every back in the eighty's and I feel that we might have seen signs of this trend slowing a little bit one of the biggest changes that we've seen across the board is is that Sue's towards same sex relationships in particular so you know 2 thirds of people now for example say that same sex relationships and not wrong at all which is fairly dramatically from 17 percent back in 83 when we 1st measured this so we are seeing big shift of opinion across the last 3 or 4 decades in general we were talking earlier this week on this program a bite or fear that some of the attitudes in the media are stalking Islamophobia if we are becoming more liberal if we are becoming more progressive as it were. What are our attitudes towards religions more generally Sure so you know we are looking at a pretty significant decline and I think as you mention people point it's a setting of the media which might be you know discussing things in a way which people can say and might play into set in certain stereotypes what I see what we've seen is it's a maybe slightly more complex picture and if there's the pay is so religion the whole for example might be declining but we're also becoming more tolerant of people with other religions and this sort of slightly more diverse picture of religion in Britain is really interesting so we've got a number of people now with with a different well views so it's a very strongly held so actually rather than talking about religion less we might actually end up talking about releasing a bit more as we try to reconcile an increasingly diverse range of religious outlooks with why the society is becoming Yes more secular but also you know kind of more liberal in its use of water those sorts of people in Montagu from the National Center for Social Research thank you it's 8 minutes to the Ministry of Defense has confirmed that a British oil tanker was confronted by Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf 3 vessels believed to belong to the Iranian revolutionary guard approached the ship and asked it to stop in a rainy and territorial waters close by well let's get more from Richard Spencer Middle East correspondent for The Times he joins us from Beirut Richard Spencer I wonder if you could tell us more about what we know happened here. But we've been monitoring this British oil tanker for a few days now so B.P. Own ship and it was under contract to shelter pick up oil from bathroom in Iraq and then on Friday and Saturday after the Iranians made these threats to detain a British oil tanker clearly took fright and the records show it to turning tail from Iraq wote had come close to running water and going hiding out off the coast of Saudi Arabia and there's been high level discussions about what's good about this. Type 23 frigate Royal Navy frigates. The Montrose which is based in the Gulf was sent to protect it and it is shadowed it as it left as it headed towards the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Gulf overnight and that's when it was confronted by these Iranian vessels and is this revenge because last week an Iranian super tanker was seized by British Royal Marines off Gibraltar Exactly that's right this is this is also all in the context of you know these very high tensions there are between America and its allies and Iran at the moment though this particular action by Gibraltar that was that was it was not particularly aimed to the Iran it was aimed at Syria they said that this always hankered was taking crude oil to Syria in contravention of sanctions and had entered E.U. Waters in Gibraltar to do so however there are these huge tensions of the moment generally between the West knew Iran and there was a fairly immediate threat of retaliation from the Iranian authorities Yeah they said anything they know they had rather curiously they're denying that this incident ever took place at night but we are we are told that that there were U.S. Military helicopters flying overhead which have video of this confrontation so I guess they may well be released later yet so no sharks no shots rather fired. But the situation clearly looks like it's escalating and we have the U.S. Saying it's developing a plan to to stop commercial shipping in the Syrian and looking for international partners to help and not to do we know anything about him yeah this is very interesting because we been reporting for some time that the British and the Americans and other allies have been talking about increasing protection for civilian vessels in the Gulf that this dates back actually to extra mine attacks on oil tankers that took place in the Gulf remember May and June which which some countries also blamed on Iran which. Which are all about the reimposition of sanctions on oil and particular on Iran in particular soil industry by the trumpet ministration But the British have been very own forthcoming about talking about its role because of course it's not part of these Iranian sanctions that President Trump is impose it's trying to smooth things over with Iran is trying to you know is actually trying to help Iran get round those U.S. Sanctions however of course it is also part of the Western alliance and needs to protect civilian vessels you know from friendly nations in the Gulf is a very complicated situation but we do understand the British and the Americans have been talking about this for some time now Richard Spencer thank you joining us live there from Beirut 4 minutes to 8 a field featuring some of the world's top golfers from RORY McILROY to Rickie Fowler has assembled a nice little the in preparing to compete for a share of the Scottish Open $7000000.00 prize pot the event teed off at the Renaissance club in North Benteke a little earlier this morning but there's been criticism of the course selection some questioning whether the club is too exclusive a family membership at the club would require a downpayment of $90000.00 pounds and then there's the annual fee of $6000.00 pounds on top of that if you're content to play just 18 holes that would cost you $250.00 quid Well Michael McKeown is the assistant editor of bunkered magazine and joins me now thank you for joining us well what do you think of the open being held at the release of this club. Doorstop absolutely no assurance that I think that the Renaissance as an excellent. Golf Course school club as fantastic facility and I think will do a great job this week in terms of the cost like some things in life expectancy some things aren't that it's just the way it goes for me the most important thing is doesn't exclude anybody from joining and so much as they do in that they discriminate in membership policies that you know that they're just expensive which is their prerogative it doesn't matter if you're a woman as long as you're quite a rich woman then obviously Well what makes it worth the money so Michael McHugh in this vast sum because it is quite a summit the cost of a house you know it's the cost of a house that's that's one way of looking at it but I mean you know some people are going to want it up when it's all on the people that got money will get into it on in the investment and so much is that got an exceptional golf course which you know as complemented by absolutely fantastic facilities Yeah I just can't say that there was then because I will never get to to visit tell us about the facilities on the course what makes it worth the money. You know you say you want to get the best you can actually the court has committed and I think some court was committed to doing things such as working more closely with the local community tutors and boards to highlight the benefits of these would be in and all that has got going for those that are half those and that is an extra 5 and a half those and. That's from you know your own words as a result of hosting the school is welcome so as a little bit more public I think if you are one of the facilities the golf course was designed by Tom doctor as one of the what was most respect the golf course architects they called post set sail for I've been fortunate enough to be there it's you know it's just another that's not liable to other composers actually catering to sell it out of the practice facilities quite honestly I could stand in the back to sell is a little nice owns all day every day and not be bored so I think it's one of those ones you get what you pay for think it's important to highlight that if you have the money and you wish to spend on a place like that and the songs come up you won't be disappointed Michael McCann thanks very much as an editor of bunkered magazine I think the point is that I wouldn't get to the. Rubbish at all if you know because I have no interest that's why I'll never get to any sort of club. It's only really 1995 I eat one medium with B.B.C. Radio still. It o'clock on Thursday the 11th of July you're tuned to Good Morning Scotland but Gillian marls and get a hold of this morning after panorama of the pressures on Jeremy carbon he's got to change gear in relation to and sentence and there's got to be visible change coming up safety at stake in one of Scotland's prisons I think there there is a risk and the risk is the lack of staffing and remembering the U.K.'s biggest food . Scandal as a couple. And literally began to eat it decades on could see J D be set to resurface. Thursday's B.B.C. News senior Labor figures have expressed anger at claims that some of Jeremy carbons closest allies tried to interfere in disciplinary processes involving allegations of anti Semitism. Investigation broadcast last night heard from a number of former officials who worked in the party's disputes team here's the B.B.C.'s political correspondent Jessica Parker Labor's Deputy Leader Tom Watson tweeted that he was shocked chilled and appalled and he said the testimony of party members and former staff was harrowing the London mayor Sidique Khan said it break his heart that Jewish Labor members would have watched the programme and felt that there was no place for them in the policy Labor strongly rejected any claims that the party is anti Semitic. An inspection report warns a staffing crisis at H.M.P. Grampian must be tackled in order for the facility to progress the prison in Peterhead currently has more than 40 vacancies and its struggling to recruit the report does highlight some good practice but says almost all areas of the prison are being negatively impacted by the shortages more than 100 recommendations have been made when decent cleared is the chief inspector of prisons in Scotland they have real difficulty recruiting staff to H.M.P. Grampian and that has a massive impact on the prisoners on the staff everything they try and do into liver Unfortunately despite best efforts they still haven't recruited a full staff complement a British oil tanker has been confronted by Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf 3 vessels approached the ship and asked it to stop in a reunion waters nearby but withdrew after a warning from a British navy warship see what they may call that that's not acceptable a new museum is opening in the borders to celebrate the achievements of double Formula One world champion Jim Clark the facility in Donne's cost $1.00 under half 1000000 pounds to complete and contains a number of his race cars film footage interactive displays and a simulator the Jim Clark trust says the museum tells the famous driver story in and out of recent cars Well that's the main you sports headlines for good luck Gary thank you hello again everyone and the money says Fox will now switch to Jim Watt and strengthening his help but after he answered in a well you're knocked out of the mixed doubles Serena Williams is back in action to death that was the focus as firmly on the women's semifinals Wimbledon she takes on the unseated bar but us that score for someone takes on a Linux for the lunar this year Scottish Open is underway in North barrack the Renaissance club horse thing the tournament for the very 1st time across live there shortly and getting underway tonight is the. New football season for mamak there in Europa League qualifying auction. That's going to travel no entries atoll but thanks Jillian 82 playing call cues in both directions now I'm not hearing of any incidents here but the way that is pretty grim with prove his ability so that could be the cause but traffic is queuing and it's heading into Edinburgh east bank use it to clear the Livingston and $77.00 Glasgow and 10 minute delay city buying from 3 minutes. And they'll be the beast.

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