Being rolled light see everyone on the frontline the Scottish government has Committee 138000 puns to the project workers will get access to tailored to mental health resources some say it doesn't go far enough though like former pad a medic Kevin can sleep well and sleepers have been Napier's. Constantly flashed by I. Did your last job in particular the grave is the job. It was it. Was a neat you know care to the graveyard of the gravestones it's fallen over on the table. Has peanuts and all. They would only have and it was just it was hurried to the Ambulance Service says it takes well being extremely seriously oil company and quest is to cuts are going to 30 of its workforce at the middle in Shetland some 80 jobs are set to go as the operator launches a cost cutting move in a bid to secure a new business well that's a new one sport with own a balancing done deal United has signed lot and Shankland on a 3 year deal after his contract expired at Aer United he scored $3044.00 goals and $41.00 appearance has for Ian McCall site last season returning Aberdeen striker James Wilson has his whole career ahead of him after joining on a permanent deal according to manager debt McInnes Wilson has signed for 2 years after being released by Manchester United Rapid Vienna as Bawly bowling goalie Mbombo isn't Glasgow as he moves closer to signing for Celtic manager Neil Lennon has said he would be a good addition to the squad and the women's World Cup semi final it's goalless between the Netherlands and Sweden at half time at Wimbledon today the man's defending champion Novak Djokovic cruised into the 3rd round after beating American Dennis could last and straight sets British number one Kyle Adam and let the 2 set lead slip as he lost in the 2nd round to Fernando Verdasco the 24 year old was on track for the 3rd round before a knee injury allowed for Drasko to take control of the match and we'll see Andy Murray back in action and the man's double. as tomorrow moritur website back chair mad afeard the weather bank you're an overnight a it's jolly for most with some clear spells in the cipher brisk westerly wind for northern scotland later else we're with lose of are going to 9 or 10 degree celsius tomato a fairly clady i luke with outbreaks of rain for the western else guy the north west and west highlands an off our girl else we are mainly try and cloete and that is b.b.c. Radio scotland news sports and weather You're listening to Just the right sentiments for any tie him off day or night time particularly for travelling folk but timeless Joan Martin Well it is. Untasted we live with you after last week's very special focus on film feature Brittany that fascinating interview with Patrick Doyle which I'm delighted to see was picked up by radio four's pick of the week but what if we go in 10 nights program for you well we're going to be looking ahead to the 10th annual tell you the music festival that kicks off next weekend and I'm going to be joined by Festival director Stuart McLean and very shortly coming up in the 2nd out of the show we've got Maddy Culkin historian singer a multi instrumental in a very special record to say Sion back in January while she was in Scotland for Celtic connections and amongst all great music we have new to leases from could import skip Inish and Charlie Kitty and juice of peach We'd love to hear from you how's your summer yes we have had a somewhat of a way how's that going for you Have you been to any gigs any festivals anyone going along to see skip on the show the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend in Inverness and believe it's going to be very very busy you could text us on a 2 today and 5 you can email travelling folk at B.B.C. Don't you K. Or you can head to our Facebook page it's travelling folk on B.B.C. Radio Scotland Well one band who certainly have been on the face of all trail this summer are the elephant sessions they played at the Avalon stage at Glastonbury on the weekend and actually seen their pictures brought back some memories of playing there years ago with police and photos the stage and folk can have just started at that stage and we were all very very excited but ality was we had to park our car just about a 1000 miles away make our own way with all our gear cart on our bikes and it was quite a trick just until you know to see the arc before us the woman who sang the song about 9000000 bicycles Well she was just finishing off and being picked up and her chauffeur driven Mercedes So yes very different stages of our kid here still it's getting a festival an absolutely brilliant to see the elephant stations a band that we've had a lot on the show enjoying such success. Thanks. To a. Few Scary featuring of course shout and shout in there and they will be happy to be home and then in America at the moment and do it next weekend of course the will be at tie a very I am delighted to welcome faced of all Director of the tie the festival which kicks off next week against McLean and how you doing Stuart I'm very well you're so not well I've been bare. At least stuffed with a little cool factor that's one of these things you get in the middle of the summer does that tell us I mean 10th year off the face of all who would have thought you know a tick in a face divil to know that we're not the easiest place to run something given a like a face to what one earth made you take the plunge. Oh you know you said they're all star opinions or common that I am and it was obvious they were scary for her hair festival director and they were did a lot of X. Across the west coast of Scotland and at that point also Stepney short term ale and some other brands to whisper commentary from the island so Chris hard to get a good idea to get everybody over to the island or to guess you could courts Island point him to experience music also take. Its entire states. The tast Island come from so I decided to put on. Back into it and. You know. Yes it's got the musical links but when you're kind of thinking of a festival day when the population is only 1650 or something. Distinctly How do you deal with blues of people suddenly and I've been on an island Yeah yes as. Has been chairman I challenge all of us to be honest we're not what are you so just over 2000 people coming over next week so there's lots of meetings with the likes a cow Mark. Over the years and Logan Iraq so on Hamlet's of planning and. And preparations and making sure that if caught look at it in place. Of course I mean it's own for being the island I think with the most sunlight A in any way and in the but it gets the most amount of sunlight but also gets so this it also gets a fair amount of wind as well doesn't it yeah there's not there's not one I didn't cause I don't get it but it didn't take me so. Far so. Yeah I'm fortunate over the last few years to try but I went in and somebody and so we're hoping that next week the sun will be on our side actually Yeah well I remember the 1st time I've played there twice and it goes to very very different experiences the 1st year it was actually so dusty everybody was jumping about and the dust was coming out from the get out and the next time I was there there was soo wait and the wind to 70 descending the main stage had to be closed down which I must have been an absolute nightmare for you guys yeah I think that this a can do you understand into that was you know really on. The gear was it were a good accurate site and trying to sustain and then you came over and 26 didn't and it just rained all weekend. Never mind I still could not. Probably retire we could have kept it going and people keep coming back you know hey obsolete you know what did you save what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And what do you think it is that draws people back you know point near to the face to go into the island I think it's obviously it's a journey it's you know it's a it's a foreigner across and from open source expedient and. Put a lot of people that come to come to tell you. That's one of the most exposed islands in school and also the atmosphere that we have. There so over the weekend something you can plan for and you can't necessarily by. Extremist family and the kids just have a fantastic right what all kids right. Beach. So when you know it it's a very very special weekend. And like I said it just keeps going and people back every year and skating for obviously the the boys from home do when Kenya headlining hate most years as well so the bring their huge amount of fans of it as well we've got good line up this year yeah we got into like you said scary scary thought to come back from us like a bit off to Canada and the next couple of days and then off I'm back in Canada next week themselves simply a waste. Of a festival so that's a bit tense year 0 welcome by like some and I'm. Looking forward to tonight works Camorra for the 1st time so very very strong you know. And then of course it's all sold out anyway and I'm so there's knots that's always a nice thing for a festival organizer to look at the week before it starts yesterday it's a great session to be got to know and that's all the tickets were sold or every year since we started churches which has been. Fantastic Well sirrah thank you very much and the based a lot and I hope the weather gods say Shane day and our new this week we're going to play a track from tree waste we've actually just had a message in from Callum Dhoni and land exchanging absolutely buzzing for T.M.A. Of 10 cannot wait to see trail waste again big shout out to my friends not Lee and Stephanie who are also coming along to tell you he has no language waiting on a sunny day. So great good luck good luck with all their cheers where they are you do. Get is to waste and Bernie's 2nd baby. Quite in Korea double tournament Monis and Julia Baird And that's film of their new album Live in Concert and it's out on getting charts recordings and that's a sate of a studio in June's. Name many if you will have heard the enforce the news alley B. And had to have an emergency and heart surgery last week Phil coming and posted this on their Facebook page and many of you will have heard the news about allergies we sit back already he went in to get checked out after feeling unwell on our last tour so lucky he did he was requested to hospital immediately was promptly given a triple bypass he's out of hospital now and on the road to recovery I was in to see him on Saturday and he's looking good it can see that in court he's just been through we've had a baseball a few gigs in the 1st part of a. Alie to get back to match fitness but we are aiming to restart the tour and August 31st in Eden Group Theatre Inverness will be sure to keep you posted along the way well wishing you all the base for the speedy you to company Ali Why is he and Ali being with Allie Miller from beyond the stocks. On Digital Radio $92.00 to $95.00 F.M. Each one will be dealing with B.B.C. Radio stopped. The news at 10 o'clock am memorandum until Merseyside Police have been asked to carry out an independent review into the death of a man whose body was recovered from work harbor more than 2 decades ago Kevin McCloud disappeared in February 1997 the 24 year old's body was found the next day at the time the procurator fiscal instructed police to treat the case as a potential murder inquiry but the advice was ignored Kevin's Uncle Alan McLeod says there are so many unanswered questions what we are looking for UP THE END OF THE AGE Why did not get Sabri failed to act on the crimes instruction to investigate given today as murder. Why did the immediately destroy struggling Also why did it take 20 years for the establishment to inform us of this criminal negligence by police the diplomatic spat between China and the U.K. Over the antigovernment protests in Hong Kong has intensified China's ambassador to London Leo She arming used a press conference to castigate the British government for speaking out in support of the rights of people living in the Territory prompting the Foreign Office to summon him to Dubuque him from representing its position Mr Leo told journalists the U.K. Should keep its hands off Hong Kong the Chinese site has made repeatedly the representations where the British are here I would like to reiterate that Hong Kong they see at the moment appears to be technically achievable with a funeral took place earlier of a woman whose body was fined in the gallery forest last month Emma folds it was discovered in remote woodland 6 weeks after she was last seen and Monckton inside their share of 39 year old man has been charged with her murder Well that's a NEWS NIGHT sport with Thomas Duncan thank you Amanda bloody United have signed Lauren Shankland on a 3 year deal at. His contract expired a tear United he scored 34 goals in 41 appearances for in McCall side in the Championship last season the Belgian left back Boley bowling goalie in Bohr's in Glasgow as he moves closer to signing for Celtic the 24 year old played $32.00 times for Rapid Vienna last term the returning Aberdeen striker James Wilson has his whole career ahead of him after joining on a permanent deal according to monitor did it McInnes Wilson a sign for 2 years after being released by munch S.T. United's the Women's World Cup semi final between the Netherlands and Sweden as into extra time after it finished goalless after 90 minutes the winner will face the USA in the final and that Wimbledon today the men's defending champion Novak Djokovic cruised into the 3rd joint but British number one Kyle Edmund light a 2 said lead slip as he lost to Fernando Verdasco Meanwhile 15 year old golf who for not Venus Williams in round one is through to the 3rd round after beating Montelena robotic over in straight sets more sports at our Web site now back to Monday for a look at the weather tell us thank you. Thank Welcome back to this.