Parliamentary right on a matter of huge public interest certainly I think senior judges the parliamentary authorities will not want this sort of thing to happen on any kind of regular basis if it did that with no point in having court orders in these kind of cases Philip Green says he categorically and wholly denies allegations of unlawful sexual or race or racial racist behavior a group of M.P.'s says Universal Credit is causing unacceptable hardship for many of its claimants the Commons Public Accounts Committee says the department work of pensions is ignoring the problems it's causing the D.W.P. Says it will carefully consider the findings political correspondent Matthew has seen the reports it says there's a wealth of evidence to show the program is pushing claimants into debt and towards food banks because of payment delays and says the department's turning a deaf ear to these concerns the committee are just ministers to listen to groups on the front line and to what external organizations to shape a new system Google says it sank nearly 50 employees in the past 2 years over allegations of sexual harassment The statement came after a newspaper reported that a senior executive was given a $90000000.00 pay off when he left the firm after what Google said were credible claims of sexual harassment the government's climate advisors say more than $1200000.00 homes could be at risk of coastal flooding and erosion by the 2080s the Committee on Climate Change says sea levels in England will rise by at least a metre possibly by the end of the century investigators in the United States believe some of the pipe bombs sent to high profile critics of Donald Trump were posted from Florida they're concentrating their inquiry on the Mail sorting office near Miami Molly Ball is a national political correspondent at Time magazine you do have now this intense partisan finger pointing that has broken out between the left on the one hand saying well this is all the fault of the president and what the president has describe. As the angry and violent mobs of the last and so there is a heated and divisive climate that runs throughout our politics right now scientists say they've engineered a new antibiotic that could help in the fight against some drug resistant infections the drug acts like a Trojan horse tricking its way inside the cells and killing them from the inside a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 has struck me Greece in the past few hours the quake was felt on the popular tourist island of Santee Poppy Irving arrived there yesterday oh reams of shit about 45 2nd glass bottles. Sprays out of. The whole room shaking so I've seen the door downstairs as quick as you can so far there are no reports of serious damage or injury sport that would seem stay here England midfielder Ruben Loftus cheek scored a hat trick is Chelsea bought a bar a soft 31 in the Europa League at Stamford Bridge it was only their 22 year old's 4th appearance of the season for a sorry side who now topped their group by 6 points people are still have extended their winning run to 11 matches in all competitions with a one nil victory at Sporting Lisbon Rangers' June Milner at home to Sparta Moscow but Celtic have now lost back to back games in the Europa League after a 2 no defeat to RB Leipzig defending told a France champion go right Thomas says he expects to be Team Sky's joint leader with Chris Froome next year if he takes part in the race sorry wicketkeeper Ben folks has been called up to the England Test squad has cover for the injured Jonny Bairstow Englishman Matthew Fitzpatrick is 3 shots behind the leader America's Patrick Reid have to the 1st round of the World Golf Championships events in Shanghai and the lameness fitter Lena Howes knocked out defending champion Caroline Wozniacki to reach the last 4 of the W T A finals in Singapore Carolina play skipper has also made it through to the 70 finals this is B.B.C. 5 Live digital online smartphone unsound. They will be called to the has been the last few days in coastal areas and rain and drizzle this morning in the south it will be joy sunny spells into the name but windy across the U.K. Of 11 degrees Celsius in London and 18 Edinburgh. In the. People living in England's coast haven't tried. Step to the reality of rising seas and climate change that's from government advisors who say it's almost certain in them before ice at least one meter of sea level increase at some point in the future the Committee on Climate Change says this huge rise might happen over the next 80 years that's within the lifetimes of today's children and our environment analyst Roger Harrigan reports this well known that the rise in sea level induced by manmade climate change would affect coastal communities but the committee says there needs to be a much more frank conversation about how many homes will really be worth saving as the waves get higher the report says in a worst case scenario the U.K. Could face a rise in sea level of a metre around the end of the century the committee warns that current official plans for Shoreline management on unfunded and under a listing his report says big coastal cities like Bryson or Blackpool would need to be protected whatever happens but that it simply will be possible to safeguard more sparsely spread settlements by the coast a government spokesman said it would take whatever steps necessary to adapt to climate change that's going to global perspective on this with Mark Sara's He's the director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado and I asked him if simply that we're all just not taking climate change and rising sea levels seriously enough Oh it's very much a global problem because the entire globe is going to see this the most recent projections are looking at something like a meter sea level rise by 2100 could be larger some of this depends on what they get dark Dick I see does going to do but you're already seeing the fact for example Miami in the U.S. Has already seen the effects of sea level rise especially associated with it looking just beyond the U.K. The Netherlands places like that anywhere that's a low lying this is really going to be a big issue the problem is it creeps up slowly on us and things that creep up slowly on us we have a tendency to ignore them and I was the there are because of the way the human. History has worked and because of the propensity that we have to build cities in coastal areas because of access to things like sea ports and trade routes there are a lot of people that live on coastlines all that's right there's millions Well hundreds of millions to live along coastlines it's a really these are very very vulnerable areas many people live within a couple of meters of coastline and it's not just the sea level rise itself it's the issue it's the issue of what will happen like when a storm comes through a suit dorm surge comes through combined with A one C. Meter sea level rise that's the sort of thing it can cause real problems also things of for example solidification of aquifers aquifers becoming no good because the sea the sea water is encroaching upon them so it's more than just the sea level rise has a lot of things that go on with it so realistically I mean even given that the long time frame we're talking about sort of you know towards 100 years or so is there anything that can be done to prevent damage to coastal communities to big coastal cities because of sea level rise or realistic the are we going to have to abandon some of these places. Well this certainly a lot of things you could do the smartest thing of course we can do is get a handle on our carbon emissions and and try and reduce the warming as much as we can it's still going to continue to warm up we're going to have to live with some sea level rise no matter you know if we put a total stop to things today. It wealthy nations will be able to mitigate in some ways by no building space sea walls and things like that have but if you look across the globe there's a lot of people out there who are very vulnerable who had very little to do with the issue of climate change but they're going to be the ones that are going to be hurt really badly do you think the will is that you even within the rich countries to do something about it because you know politics is a short time game isn't it when you got elections are for every 5 he is a it's not really a pressing issue if he's 80 is 60 is even 40 is down the road for someone to do something about it well and certainly the problem the way. System works I would say that over in Europe you know you've got a I think a better handle on this and a better understanding of what is happening that we have here over the U.S. Especially with our present administration. But again it's a really tough thing to do because it is such a global problem but you know what's going to take it to wake us up to something like this you know real disaster unfortunately that's how things work sometimes but I remain optimistic we spoke to you before on a poem on 5 Live back when the warnings are in the year about the oldest and sticky sea ice beginning to break up. The poker ice caps as we heading towards winter is there any sense about slowing down or things still looking bad in that sense both things are looking bad we ended up this September to September that's the sort of seasonal midazolam in sea ice extent we ended up 6 Lois on the satellite record we were saved a bit by a somewhat cool summer but autumn has been extremely warm up up in the north this year and so I says the growing fast. We'll see what happens but there is just an overall downward decline in sea ice and we are looking at a Cecily ice free arctic ocean maybe mid 2040 something like that I don't think you can stop that there's nothing we can do would you say you would pessimistic about the future not immensely. Well I try to be optimistic I do have some some face it sanity will prevail but you know my position is one as a climate scientist who has studies this and has seen it all unfold and so I tend to look at it from a very realistic point of view as a challenge that I have and others have is communicating this in some ways that my gosh this is really happening let's not ignore it but yet some people I mean you mentioned the current administration in the US which you know a lot of people would say as. Gone backwards in terms of their attitude to climate change from where we were with the previous administration so why isn't that knowing through I don't know how I mean people like to believe what they want to believe it is unfortunate our species does not always behave logically maybe we should have all been Vulcans but. I really don't know what to do it is a very very disturbing what is going over here in the US not just in terms of issues of climate change but there's a lot of other things going along in our nation here that are greatly disturbing. As he runs the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado and is clearly a stock track fan that last week President Trump announced that he wanted to pull the United States and have a nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia the intimate Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty going to math on an F. For short has been in place for the last 3 decades but this was an announcement he made without giving any warning to his allies in Asia now some analysts say that allies like Japan and South Korea could start to doubt the U.S. Is commitment some are giving is director of the International Security Program at the lowest a cheat in Sydney sound good morning how many minds on Wall St you so how is this announcement going to go down particularly in Asia. Look I think the 1st thing I'd say is that there's this symbolism here the I.N.F. Treaty was between Reagan and Gorbachev was really a symbol of the last years of the Cold War of the of the detente between the U.S. And Soviet Union then eventually of course we had the collapse of the Soviet Union so it was really. A kind of exclamation point at the end of the Cold War and something that marked one of the legal instruments that mocked that Atlanticist world order. Since then of course the global power balance has shifted very much to the Asia Pacific and that includes the fact that the newest nuclear powers in the world are in that region India Pakistan and of course North Korea so symbolically I think this is. A move away from that old Atlanticist order to one that's more biased around the Asia Pacific where you know the big future contest will be between the United States and China What's his thinking and pulling out of this and what did the treaty cover. Well let's 1st of all acknowledge that President Trump has an excellent case that the Russians have in fact been cheating sorry that they have there's every reason to believe that Russia has been developing ground based cruise missile systems that could potentially carry nuclear war it's so the Americans have every reason to be annoyed with the Russians for that the United States on the other hand has observed the terms of the treaty. Now none of that of course is to suggest that actually pulling out of the treaty is I is a sensible response to the fact that the Russians have been cheating. But you know the president does have a good case for saying that that the tunes of the treaty have been violated and therefore the United States wants to know more or not to feel anymore that it's bound by that treaty so as you say this was a treaty that was signed at the back end of the Cold War the dying days of the Cold War when the balance of nuclear power was very much between what was the Soviet Union with Russia and the U.S. And there are now multiple nuclear players on the on the the game board as it were not least of which is China which has a relatively small but growing nuclear arsenal what kind of signal is going to send that to them. Well the Chinese that you're absolutely right for a nation that's now you know but some a ship is the largest economy in the world certainly the 2nd largest. China is still a fairly small you Cleopatra Yes it is growing but it still has a fairly modest nuclear capability and for some time now the Chinese have complying that various reasons including including America's missile defense system that that small nuclear arsenal they have is actually really vulnerable to the United States partly because of as a site because of missile defense but also because of America's stealth a cross capability and other raisins The Chinese have complained that their nuclear arsenal is vulnerable and therefore they need to might get that money to make it big chill look at a 1000000 what kind of use to give them a sound bite him in the sixty's noble right now if if the Chinese start to believe that the United States is also going to add you know ground launched cruise missiles and ballistic missiles to its arsenal then they might very well argue that the situation becoming even more dangerous for them and that therefore gives them an additional prey to fixed for our further expansion of their nuclear arsenal so what about I mean there is one of the country mentioned in the beginning when you talk about norm per ounce of the proliferation and if it's not Donald Trump has made perhaps more so than many other presidents and I would be more successfully than many other recent presidents and that's of course North Korea so the one hand the U.S. Is trying to send that this message of nonproliferation particularly in Asia and at the same time it's pulling out of of of nuclear arms limitation treaties the particular the impact that continent so so what kind of message is North Korea going to take from this. Well just just as an aside to begin ways it's worth pointing out that the Trump administration hasn't yet formally pulled out of this i n f treaty and it's worth remembering that. As you say Trump has done more than any other president to reach out to the North Koreans diplomatically but earlier in the year when he agreed to it 1st a GREAT to a diplomatic meeting waste Kim Young with Kim Young and he then went back home that after there was some after there was some signals from Pyongyang briefly went back on that interest and announced that they. Had the summit in Singapore being cancelled and then reversed position again and of course the summit went to hate so . The reason I mention that is because all time President Trump has ceded that American it is going to have to pull out of the I.N.F. Treaty that in itself might be in a guy shouting tactic and we might yet find at the end of the day that the United States finds a way to stay in the treaty if it could negotiate perhaps a mall favorable to us. And I don't mean is that isn't. Right right as for the treaty itself and the implications for North Korea look I mean the United States already has plenty of nuclear capability in in the I should Pacific region and say by East which isn't covered by an F. So I don't think it makes a massive difference really that the big difference here the big difference that's the big challenge that's happened in the last 18 months or so is the fact that North Korea has developed and I say B.M. That is a missile that can reach the continental United States and the reason that medicine I am not used because suddenly America's allies start to think that America may simply not have the resolve to stand up to North Korea any more not not if the Americans worry that you know I believe that missile could actually hit an American city so that the real question here is not the amount of weapons number of weapons of the Americans can back and ice in the region it's whether they had to Terrence it is actually credible in a psychological sense you know do the Americans have a big enough stake here that they would actually consider going going nuclear in a crisis indeed Sam thank you very much indeed that summer giving the director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute in Sydney now Apple and Samsung are being fined in Italy after the country's competition authority found that older phones were being deliberately slowed down by software updates the companies are being fined 10 and 5000000 euros respectively with the entry trust organization accusing Apple and Samsung of dishonest commercial practices from C. Ter count from going to Detective dot com told me exactly what the 2 companies have been accused of the and to trust body the competition. ISSUES has to be brought to a case and it's found that both polling firm sung all guilty over slowing down people small problems by issuing software updates that went to some of the older small problems. Practically unusable in some cases and they said that this is the fate of Li planned obsolescence that they knew it would have this effect and that some of their other practices in combination mean being that. They shouldn't be doing this so Apple had been following and 10000000 euros which has significant now they can afford that I think can but but but the thing is they have to put something on their website as well to say that they did it on their target and website so that's kind of humiliating and Samsung of being point only only $5000000.00 euros And the reason for the difference is the one half of the apple following is about slowing computers down over the battery debacle that happened at the beginning of this year where Apple were caught slowing down people's computers without telling them that they were doing it as an extra element to it and that yes because they make different products so we're talking about a software update and we are looking literally at my my work fine which is an apple 5 and every time I turn it on or a time I go to settings it says that 12 point one wants to be installed and it's quite old phone it's an i Phone se so it's not a new one I think I'm not going still as if the phone is working fine I don't want to store that because every new piece of software tends to make greater demands on the process a capacity as it were on the on the machine itself it's more complex it requires faster hardware to run it and therefore all the hardware will get left behind in that sense that doesn't it's not to be a grace by the well OK so let's there's there's so little a out in order for a producer of a small 5 and tablets to be able to make improvements they have to produce new software sometimes in order to allow users of more current 5 and to get the best performance and best features it's going to put more load on the old as it doesn't have to be the case but it is often the way and what we don't want is a situation where because they keep getting fined left right and center and cost actions and whatnot the. That companies stop innovating Yeah on the software you don't want that to happen however there are a number of things and I was disappointed I was you know I was happy to see that this sort of decision was made because I think that there is a case to answer but I was disappointed that the scope was limited to the effect that this new software will have so for example what they should do is allow users a reliable means of going back to the earlier version the operating system if they update and then find that it doesn't work for them on their particular phone for whatever reason the slowing down would be a good one because even with Apple who takes quite conservative approach you find that it allows some machines at the SO older end of the range access to certain updates that I think it really ought not to because it renders them too slow so allow a means of going back the next thing is provide security updates for older versions of your operating system often people with i Phones for example there are only about 3 years old find that they can no longer get the latest whiz bang operating system which doesn't just mean they don't get the new features it means that their devices become insecure think of what Microsoft do with Windows so you know Windows 7 is years old and you still getting security patches for it it's not that they don't want you to use the more recent one God knows they'd play every trick in the book but denying people security updates is a form of built in obsolescence because if you can't update for security you're fine becomes dangerous to use online particularly for businesses as well just as it is Windows 7 they say I'm looking at Windows 7 right now and if they said me stop doing security updates for Windows 7 the B.B.C. Would have to think very seriously about and that would come within 18 months by the way oh it looks when I stand on the way that well you know I think we will have to look at our options at that point whether it's when. There's then a way we jump ship and go somewhere else Apple need to advise people that their batteries will deteriorate over time that they are effectively consumable units which leads us to the question of why Apple and other manufacturers insist on conceiving them and seeding them within a phone and not making a user upgradeable part I've heard lots of excuses none of which hold water unlike their phones and they need to do that they also need to make memory upgradeable by use of memory cards so some 100 manufacturers do that some do but including Samsung but again with Apple there are no upgradable 5 and when you look at Apple's margins they are so they they charge for internal memory far higher rates of their their margins go up on the high memory versions whilst denying you the ability to upgrade the memory yourself so they have a charger one and some would say that it's only charge a lot they do have me put in that way at the other end they don't they don't allow you to do it yourself and they do that with some of that desktops they they sold during the Ram Yes they did so that he can't you know so you know it's not only Apple OK that's been happy to be fair and by the way are Samsung has already said it's going to appeal this decision and be surprised if Apple doesn't do the same so you know that body used some pretty strong language actually with with regard to regard to these practices which I won't repeat here but. You know they're there it's a raft of things it's not just oh the software slows down my machine it's fine just imagine if you could go to 12 or 12 point one in a few days and and it didn't work if you know that you could roll back to 11 or even 10 you'd be fine but you can't do that you're stuck on even time are a few days a stop so I think the security set of records it becomes impossible and it and it's really not on and just this lack of security updates I've got I've got all. I Pad Mini IT services you know I would use it for basic functions if I could get security updates for it but as it is obsolete I had to advise someone with a Samsung phone similarly that Samsung stopped updating the phone for security it's now a doorstop and it's not a very green thing to do either by the way is there an element of this kind of conversation with a few friends recently and you know after 1015 years ago the mobile phone market every day every generation bought incredible new features all my days that got cameras on other got color screens on and now they play music now that touch screen and it seems that the rate of innovation in mobile phone development has plateaued it seems like we've reached a place where mobile phones today a broadly similar to mobile phones 345 years ago I say more and more people are sticking with their phones for 2 years or 3 years and that's slowing down the rate of uptake of new phone and that's right so you getting diminishing returns on you know there's only so many pixels you can add to a screen of a certain size before the human eye can't discern the difference you know out there so the you know you can only go so far with that what I think they need to in all concentrating on is the software side of things of the hardware at the moment is is quite good and actually to be fair Apple in particular are coming on leaps and bounds every generation of smartphone that they bring out brings you know 405080 percent increases in speed is something that Intel can't hasn't done was done it recently but over the last decade there's been some very marginal increases in performance so credit to them on the hardware side that they've done this now just imagine what you could do with some really intelligent software Yeah and that's why I say you know let's not scare them out of innovating because that's where the future is but let's be fair to existing users don't cut them off after 3 years and keep giving everybody who is running an older version let them have security updates That's because at a stroke you rent. That device on saved just in the way the everyone who stopped still running Windows X.P. You know a couple of years ago somebody had 30 parts is made redundant However that was after 13 years off which was a 2003 single X.P. Was launched so I'm going to I'm sorry and that's the difference it's reasonable after 13 years it's arguably not reasonable after 3. This is 5 life itself possible from digital online smartphones and tablets this is B.B.C. 5 Live at his Jules with the news the Labor peer Peter Hain has defended using parliamentary privilege to names to Philip Green as the businessman who took out an injunction to stop the Daily Telegraph reporting allegations of sexual harassment and bullying so Philip has denied any unlawful sexual or racist behavior Google says it sent dozens of staff in the past 2 years over sexual harassment allegations the company says it's taking a hard line on inappropriate conduct investigators in the U.S. Believe some of the explosives sent to prominent critics of Donald Trump were posted from Florida they're concentrating their inquiry on a mail sorting office near Miami and government advisers say plans to protect England's coastline from the effects of global warming and not fit for purpose a report from the Committee on Climate Change says sea levels could rise by a metre by the end of the century Tim steer has the support England midfielder Ruben Loftus cheek scored a hat trick as Chelsea bought a bar a soft 31 in the Europa League at Stamford Bridge it was only the 22 year old's 4th appearance of the season for Murray show Sorry side who now topped their group by 6 points and the Chelsea boss says Loftus cheek has adapted to his style of play he played very very well indeed offensive. In the beginning of the season. He was a really good you know I think this same not to maybe I think all. So that he is more suitable to make his including Arsenal have now made it 11 wins in a row in all competitions up to beating Sporting Lisbon one nil in Portugal Danny Welbeck scored the only goal of the game in the 2nd half to leave them top of Group A is Arsenal coach you know Emery and we are happy we want to continue winning we want also improving things each match for us is a big opportunity for every players to. Take the other sports a D. It is personality in this competition we want to do something important Rangers June will nail a home to Sparta Moscow and Celtic have now lost but it's about games in the Europa League after a 2 no defeat or RB like seek before the moment Shahid Khan says claims that managers Levy see a can of it she's on the brink of being fired are both sensational and fictional for the March 18th in the Premier League with just 5 points from 9 games but it switch town have sacks their manager Paul Hurst the club are bottom of the Championship with just one win in 14 league games sorry wicket keeper Ben folks has been called up to the England Test squad as cover for Jonny Bairstow Bairstow has an ankle ligament injury picked up playing football in training ahead of the 4th one day international in Kandy defending told a France champion Garang Thomas says he expects to be Team Sky's joint leader with Chris Froome next year if he takes part in the race the $29000.00 routes has been announced it will feature a record 30 mountain passes and 5 summit finishes his friends thoughts on the route relatively few time trotters to previous editions so that's quite different to row so I'm really looking forward to preparing for now and. Be the dream for me to to go for a 5th Tour de France for an Englishman Matthew Fitzpatrick is 3 shots behind the leader American Patrick Reed after the 1st round of the World Golf Championships event in Shanghai fits part. Rick is on 5 under par and says he's enjoying playing in China I knew I had to stay patient really love. But I played a really great pitch on the par 514 just so I got my round basically. Was beaten in 3 sets by Fernando Verdasco at the Vienna open and Elaine is fit to lead now has knocked out defending champion Caroline Wozniacki to reach the last 4 of the W.T. 8 finals in Singapore Carolina Pliska is also through to the semifinals and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. 5 Live on digital online smartphones and some of that good morning the weather is serving up something much colder than we've been used to lately as we head through Friday and into the weekend those temperatures taking a real tumble there still be a fair amount of sunshine around but also some showers and those showers are going to start to turn wintry over high ground in the north but we start of course for this morning across southern parts of the country the southwest of in the southeast England Wales the Midlands across into East Anglia here some clouds patchy rain city is where you se with through the morning should be clear from Cannes by the end of the morning and then behind that the skies Bryson will see some sunshine scattering as showers most especially into parts of north Wales parts of the West Midlands maybe the far south west but so with that much much colder feel through the afternoon temperatures just around $9.00 to $12.00 Greece at best across the southern areas a little bit further north close North. The South and the east of Scotland Yes it's a pretty straightforward day on the face of it some sunny spells and some showers to come some of those showers on the heavy side but the winds are turning northerly and becoming quite brisk as well so it is going to feel chilly temperatures just A strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck in the Ionian Sea off Greece the country's Geo dynamic Institute great name reported the tremor just 31 miles south of the island of Zantac no serious damage or injuries have been reported on the yard and which is of course popular with holiday makers earlier on I spoke to Poppy Irving he'd arrived on the island for holiday yesterday and I asked what she was doing when he started and that is normal. There was a sort of like a brief shake in the rain I just said wait until maybe 7 it was trying to get into the door as some people kind of maybe just saw that something had a maid in my time breaking during my toilet that just getting in of all that microphone and actually. The whole the whole maybe 10 it's a whole range of shit about. 45 seconds. Glass. Sprays out of. Cup a couple of other things sort of the side a whole range shaking so we just. Type in the dough Amanda status because you can exist overflow Rob just one floor there was a couple of people so covered by the pope the pope was meeting with waves in the pope and the time the flaps on the tiles it's come away the cap on the poke and of running. And then the man the SO as I ask people kind of stuck way from the building. Dead to come into God never a witch who stood now. Comedy say thank you to Mainz out quite by even bus recode you haven't I don't go back and I was about an hour ago I. Could see did you realize that it was an asteroid. Maybe 20 seconds into the play 5 I guess the I was pretty pretty pretty Leyland's I took it took a call to register I was it scary yeah it was really scary like want to say never never experience and not my life or that she didn't it was happening my 1st instinct so to get out of the rain because it was up higher and I just thought it was going to happen and yet it quickly sort of grabbed grabbed a jump from side to run down says my job yes I have to say you have cited a new project and it's really the same make it to get advice did especially the next question is everybody says everyone safe and well that you can see the new hotel yet yes A.P. Is a couple of it's quite a few international horses a couple of German people have got really decent wind up torches so that kind of loving life in the cool and I would I want to chill out. But you know away from the away from the actual building and the guy that cost us he told us to stay away from the mission so it's like stone pillars if you come into the building he's sold their way from the 2 S. Or even fly away from a building away from the pope because he thinks the safest bet but he doesn't think that. A need neither does anybody else really a good sign and because I mean did you know it was somewhere that was modeled to to to happen is quite So you look at all of the. Well being a choice of all and have never experienced anything like this before but I know that the Iranian islands are susceptible to Natal as well tectonic plates of a lot to hide like all but activity but. Very scary yet not rely. As Poppy had a somewhat shaky start a holiday if the 2 pieces of advice you take from the interview one is don't sleep naked in an earthquake zone and 2 is where you're going if you need to wind up top find a German tourist So let's move on crime is rising the number of criminals being caught is falling and policing is becoming irrelevant that is according to a report from a group of M.P.'s 5 lives Rohan bridge has been to Saudi bridge that's the home of the B.B.C. Police drama Happy Valley to see how many bodies on the beat he could find. a police officer or P.C.'s so. It was like oh I work at Happy Days bike shop which is a local charity the last time you saw a police officer and saw her grow to be about 3 months but it wasn't even a police officer it was a P.C.S. Or a new reason to call in is because he was out patrolling on a bike on his bike and broke and called in here is to make sure he could get back to the station how much sympathy do you have with the predicament my folks heck of a lot think they do an absolutely amazing job with the limited resources that they've got it's not their fault they're doing the best that they can in a poor situation do you think it's a shame though that they're on the resources to have offices in the neighborhood like you know picking up on intelligence knowing people must. Present always helps or even just the present so people know the round but if anything goes wrong than a lot further we're unlikely to get to know what's going on as well as road bridge in West Yorkshire the Home Office says it's working to make sure police forces have the resources they need so from northern England to Australia where we can find out what's making the news with Phil Mercer Good morning Phil Howie yeah morning to you ARE YOU DOING VERY good I'm very good Tell us what's going on your end of the world there where the games have been going on for the past week it's been a cracking few days that the Invictus Games this is a competition for. Sick and injured 6 servicemen and women as well as veterans so it involves 18 countries involving 500 athletes the British contingent is about 70 or so and it has been an amazing and inspiring week for the competitors and for the thousands of people here in Sydney who've been along to the games and to coincide with the Invictus Games that Prince Harry helped to found in 2014 there have across Australia been job fairs old job Expos for ex soldiers the military personnel who are finding it tough adapting to civilian life there is a feeling that many Australian corporations and companies aunts aware of the unique skills and experience that this group of ex-military people can bring and there's also a bit of stigma to given that some some of those competing at the games for example clearly have serious physical and psychological injuries and joined by he's the co-founder and head of a charity called to soldier on this is an organization that is devoted to helping veterans adapt to civilian life and get work here in Australia and he says when it comes to work many veterans on being given the opportunity what we've seen anecdotally is that veterans are being employed to save a very much under employed in that 1st transition out of Defense that 1st job or 2nd job is only lasting 6 to 12 months and veterans of finding themselves in an alien environment where they don't understand what it is that they're stepping into at the same time the industry hasn't really grasped yet what veterans bring and how they are very employed. John by old days the head of the charity soldier on and when you speak to veterans here in Australia and elsewhere some do say that they are often tentative talking about. The reasons why they left the military when they're applying for jobs or it interviews and Daniel Cooper he's in his mid thirty's he served with the Australian air force for 8 years he went on a tool to Afghanistan in 2013 he was very seriously injured in a nonmilitary car accident and he suffered terrible physical injuries as well as posttraumatic stress he's now left the military he has finally landed himself a job as a public servant in the southern Australian states of Victoria but he did say that finding work after his military career was a huge challenge lot of flashbacks drawing a lot of repetition in my head an awful lot relighted the actual act and how I went about a lot from there on after being medically discharged on you on coming up but nothing really prepared me like I couldn't go into a job because of my condition what I had the big thing weren't having no real purpose what I would going to do in law. They're an interesting story speaking of stories this is this is well it's interesting but it's kind of depressing as well we got some official figures on the number of people basically doing dumb stuff and putting it on social media Yes We've got hold of figures from the Australian state of Queensland saying that each year the authorities up there are charging about $250.00 people for stunts that they post on social media now the punishments for these sorts of activities can range from fairly hefty fines up until up to jail sentences we don't understand that anyone has been imprisoned for posting something that they've done in a very doff my own social media but there was a 23 year old man who was fined about $800.00 pounds for a daringly. That he posted on social media on you Chub and this involved him and his friends were his friends filming him taking a leap off the goodwill bridge in the city of Brisbane. He's done oh I know you're going. Well. And that big splash is of course this young man 23 years of age landing in the river after jumping off the goodwill bridge an axle Bruns He's a social media expert at the Queensland University of Technology and he believes there is. A danger that those people involved in these sorts of stunts could be encouraged in the future to take even greater risks someone who finds that very important things about their responses that they can see that that other thinks not what they do become and become something that they. Have to engage in ever more crazy stunts that are more extreme in order to continue to. It's a vicious cycle so this is about a teenage boy who's facing criminal charges for picking students with a syringe. it we don't know if this was a prank or something more malicious what we do know is that this teenage boy is facing charges after he allegedly prate 8 of pays school colleagues with a syringe apparently this boy found a set range at a bus stop and the teen ages whom he allegedly pricked with this syringe we received puncture wounds to their hands and legs and they now face a very nervous few months before the results of blood tests are ain't to of the students were taken to a hospital in western sydney several others would take into medical centers in the area with their parents to one to go these urgent baseline blood tests of course we all know about the potential dangers of discarded syringe is so whether this 16 year old lad was thinking that he was involved in high jinks we don't know what we do know is that he could face some very serious charges a no doubt but those charges could change him be altered depending on the results of those blood tests the could take is we say a fair few weeks to come through finally phil then what most is about a gold rush involving stray cattle with heard this amazing story of a farmer who is mustering all rounding up cattle by helicopter in the pilbara region of western australia this was a couple of years ago an apparently this fama was in the sky in pursuit of a stray mob of cattle when he came across a hayden gold prospect is campy landed he's aircraft there was no when there and he found gold as far as the eye could see spread out about 5 mile see said that the it was so much golds when he came back with his friends with metal detectors they picked up hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of gold over that particular period of about a Weeks it has prompted government scientists to get involved to work try to help gold prospectus in that part of Australia hunt more effectively and efficiently for gold the Pilbara in Western Australia the rock there is very hard so exploration is very expensive but in the case of this particular farmer he said it was just on the ground in front of him so it's a very very lucky man and it did remind me of a story a couple of weeks ago there is a gold mine about 400 miles to the east of Perth in Western Australia and over the course of 4 days miners there extracted 8000000 pounds worth of gold so Australia's natural resources a fairly legendary when it comes to coal and all but if you're lucky enough you can find something a little bit more golden and a little bit more sparkly not bad at all so one of the quotes were just reading a story is a quote from of the pharmacy says for every ounce of gold I'll be buying a cow so you know buy more cows why not Phil thank you very much indeed in Australia film now probably SIEGEL One of the more memorable characters to emerge from university challenge over the last few years he's now a math teacher and he's been telling me how he made the switch from banking after working for the failed Lehman Brothers but he told me when he realised things were going wrong that the company nor. The stationery and there's always plenty for you never have to worry about highlighters or pens or really fancy hard bound books but in the summer about me June time of 2008 they stopped stocking up these days recorder and no one else in the bank in London bought anything over the exam fine new combat but I know it's a couple weeks 3 weeks I generally felt this must have been some sort of leading indicator for trouble and I know a few weeks before the band actually imploded I used my bending machine Gartner vending machine hard at it 2 or 300 pounds if the forward bust this 2 or 300 pounds would be lost in the listed. Creditors you know we have to wait for decades to get money back you know universally. I went and emptied the vending machine with 300 pounds of chocolate with a shopping trolley my colleagues like bought me yes. But when we went bankrupt and lost all my shares in the firm that was my own doesn't actually my Literally my chocolate nest egg a list of what McCaffrey's caramel that's exactly that was there so after the Liberals can actually carry on working in the city for a bit and then you decide to effectively to jack it all in to become a teacher to become a mass teacher working in state schools in London and going back into education Yes And I think interesting my piece when he came P.W. Sees after Lehman Brothers collapsed I spent some more time working in a Japanese don't call Nora and I worked as a chartered accountants and actually you know if anyone ever needs another how do you know their balance sheets profit loss of their tax accounts in theory unqualified to do it. So without you know if you need to finds director. So I paid only see I trained new graduates for a couple of months and I really love teaching them because these are these are not children they're 2122 year old by really the process of getting new people into into it for an industry and equipping them with the skills they need and competence and that's not too dissimilar to our teaching and I don't actually I really enjoyed this and back in actually 2007 I'd also set up a social enterprise Glocks and we supported 6 films you know applying to top universities Oxbridge in the last group universities as you know who I'd love to do this full time so I went to Cambridge did my teacher training master's Ph D. Everything's up and I've been involved as a state school teacher since probably Siegel talking to me a bit earlier on his book is called the life changing magic of numbers if you were to listen back to the whole and if you can just check out i Player from the show spool on to about 3 AM There's a really nice half hour interview with Bobby Siegel Google says it has sacked 48 people like a sexual Harry. Claims in the past 2 years the company's C.E.O. Said in a letter to employees that it was taking a hard line on inappropriate conduct that letter came in response to a story in The New York Times that said one employee Andy Rubin received a $90000000.00 exit package despite facing misconduct allegations Katie Benner is the reporter at The New York Times who broke that story and I asked her what she uncovered what we want to do if you want to take a close look at Google's overall culture what is it doing how does it respond to this conduct by men in the shoes of power and how they treat women always and it was over and over again whether it was something whether it was getting subordinates and then you know putting a whole family with them and abandoning a lot of the credibly accused of sexually assaulting a person who he works with that Google decided in each case to not only not punish the man but a contagious Atlanta reward them put down their careers to give them money or they did so finally compelled to push the company it was startling because one is to say now at least in companies pay off women for their silence the government that they need to ferret these women because they didn't feel that they would ever say anything and $1.00 of the complainants according to your article was was was asked to be quiet something that Google said they they wouldn't do generally to a complainant in this kind of case but they say they told you that they were told to basically shut up about it. Yes as a lackey there's only one for a job interview and I interview the gentleman told her that he was polyamorous which is a very technical question for a job interview but he did as could have seen him again and she assumed it was because he wanted to talk about the job and he asked her to me in a very informal circumstance she brought her mom along she worked this is close I don't really understand what's going on and I asked her if she got her shirt give her a back rub when she told Google about this incident you know long after the fact she was incredibly embarrassed they said that they did an investigation is credible and he still works for the company still as a manager so Andy Rubin who is known to many people as the father of Android the mobile phone operating system it's been phenomenally successful food for Google as well as a lot of other companies so he was the subject of a misconduct complaint that had been covered before we kind of knew that there was some allegations about him but but this huge payoff that he was given and a very amicable split from Google He was thanked publicly for his time that despite the fact that he was effectively pushed out as a result of these allegations. Yes And I think a lot of the shocking scenes about this the shark is in the detail it was not just a sexual harassment complaint the complaint was that his call a quick who leave had an extramarital relationship that she had broken it off that he she he coerced her into before oral sex on him and the company that claimed to be credible decided to be so credible that they felt they needed to ask him to leave and yet they also felt really bad about it and gave him $90000000.00 He's been receiving payments for years every month about to lay in dollars a month and the last payment is scheduled for next month so I think about the message that. We don't want to get rid of you doing something that we also think is heinous and we will give you tens of millions of dollars and that is where the shock comes in Katie Benner She's a reporter at The New York Times who uncovered that story about the culture surrounding allegations of sexual harassment to Google and it is worth saying and Katie did put this as off when I spoke to a little bit earlier on that in response to the story that she wrote those allegations specifically surrounding Andy Rubin he did get in touch to deny all wrongdoing it's also worth pointing out that Google say that they've changed their practices they've got new measures in place to make it easier for people to report things like sexual harassment and then you have that they sacked a lot of senior executives they don't provide substantial exit packages somewhat at odds with what Katie uncovered in his story it's been a pleasure having you company over the last few hours on up and coming up on 5 Live or the next day or so on sports extra You got a for me one practice in Mexico kicks off at around 4 and one can kick off that starts I should say 5 to 4 that's the 1st practice session because Lewis Hamilton looking to seal his fate of the world title this weekend in Mexico. Which is very instantiates basket off from 2 o'clock today on 5 Live they'll be joined by none other than Jane Fonda the lovely spending time in the couch next time. This. It's 5 o'clock this morning reports on 5 life and I'm Julie on a Cancer Day top story this morning a group of them pays is criticizing what they call a culture of denial at the Department for Work and Pensions accusing it of dismissing evidence that Universal Credit is causing hardship for claimants The government says that it will delay the rollout of its flagship welfare scheme which merges 6 payments into just one but the Commons Public Accounts Committee says there's no guarantee that would resolve the problems political correspondents in. The Work and Pensions Secretary estimate V.A. Has admitted that some people will be worse off on the universal credit but the Commons public spending watchdog says there's a fortress mentality inside had department over this game.