With government ministers so I can't be any clearer but I will go on being clear about that and I hope that's a message that is haired lately in clearly by local authorities right across the country and I hope Stevenson would agree with that and join with me to be in sending that message to dissent. I'm not sure the 1st minister fully gets this because it's hard government that is to creating to local authorities and we're not talking we're not talking about a political pawn and here. This teacher isn't point scoring we're talking about a teacher who in the letter makes clear that she's an S.N.P. Supporter and voter and yet she now feels that she isn't being listened to and has to speak out under the cloak of anonymity in order to avoid being stomped on so what does it come to when public servants with experience and knowledge in the area are being strong armed to keep their mouths shot because it might embarrass the education secretary in the 1st minister and to me they are going to start. To see haven't read the letter the rest of it's an open within a 1st question there are many serious issues in that letter that was Dave's and kind of race city issues that this government is working hard to address that with the teaching profession and with others but I think on this issue she is on extremely weak indeed So let me recap for rich Davidson's benefit in this case the deputy 1st minister agreed to meet the teacher it was the local authority advice that teacher not to meet we did not decree that local authority should do that on the contrary if there's any decree coming from me today to local authorities is it that is unacceptable that teachers should. Thank you. Yes minister the deputy 1st minister the education sector and any member of my government so I'm not sure how I can make that any clearer for Ruth Davidson and perhaps she would be doing a greater service to teachers instead of standing here and pretending that there's some other policy on the part of the government would actually be underlining the fact that any teachers anywhere in the country are perfectly free to approach any member of the government should do a greater service to teachers if you got that message across clearly. Thank you thank you to the officer I think the transparency and openness of government is a serious issue does work I like to. Run as a teacher says in the electricity there are issues. It isn't just about resources it's about workforce planning it's about a failure to implement policy properly it's about a failure to listen to people in the front like a charge that's made from and center it's about a culture of fear and secrecy that is currently stopping people from speaking out because of the rhetoric options for their careers so we didn't eat an openness in government in Scotland one which welcomes transparency and scrutiny not just because a letter was written a government that asks teachers to tell them what's happening and not one that forces them to keep their mouths shut when she creek. First. Let me issue this message to teachers at any other public sector workers across the country come in tell the government how you feel about your job and your public services whether that is good or bad whether that's a bit positives or things we want to do better and actually risk Davidson would be better advised to join me in putting that message the openness and transparency is hugely important that's why the deputy 1st minister is in schools every single week that's why he and I talk to teachers regularly not just in my capacity as 1st Minister but in my constituency surgeries of which I do many and I may say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU one that we should all convey to teachers so for quite the starved or 4th time let me be clear to teachers that they can come in raise anything they want with the government and let me be very clear to every single local authority of every party administration across the country that it is unacceptable to say to any teacher and that they will be disciplined for doing so so I think I've made that pretty clear and I hope it's widely understood not just by Ruth Davidson but everybody across Scotland THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU presiding officer this week the highly respected Josie from Tree Farm Day Sion published on you will poverty in Scotland report it showed that one in 4 children in Scotland today live in poverty the 1st Minister has such a target to make less than one in 10 by 2030 but what is her target for 2019 . 1st Mr President we welcome to just a friend 3 foundations report clearly the challenges we all face in tackling poverty of course the Scottish government has set targets I think we're the only part of the U.K. That has binding statutory targets in place we've also said to a range of initiatives we're going to take to meet those targets in terms of our Child Poverty Action Plan but I think it's important to look at some of the detail of the justice. Report I mean Jim Cormick the director Scottish director of the truth Foundation said on Good Morning Scotland and Tuesday is rate to see that the big single biggest reason why child poverty is no going in the wrong direction again at the 1st sustained rise in 20 years isn't a long run benefits freeze UKI level the 2 child limit and the freeze in tax credits and universal credits to perhaps the attack by Richard Leonard on the Scottish Government would have more credibility if he was arguing for welfare to be completely devolved this Parliament thankfully Thanks for the report also goes on to praise at the forthcoming Scottish Government strategies on disability employment on the gender pay gap describing them as transformational and also present approach to the new Social Security system so where we have we act the problem is we don't have enough power to do enough that needs to be done thank you thank you so let's be clear the 1st Minister has a target for 12 years time but not for 12 months time one act one act that would make an immediate difference to child poverty increasing child benefit over the last year this parliament has passed a Social Security Act and a child poverty act in voting through both of these acts as M.P. Please oppose proposals to increase child benefit yes this policy has support across civic Scotland from antipoverty organize. Ations to face groups from children's charities to the Scottish to Usually they all support the give me 5 campaign to raise child benefit by 5 pounds a week they all support it because it will lift children are supporting Does the 1st Minister know how many children would be lifted out of poverty by this increase personally. The estimate shows that Jose would lift $20000.00 children in poverty which would mean a drop in child poverty just 2 percentage point now I'm not saying that is insignificant but what I'm saying is if we're going to introduce an income supplement which we are committed to doing we must make sure that the money that is invested in that has maximum effectiveness in tackling child poverty so what we're looking at is the best way to do that because the policy that Richard Leonard is proposing 7 of every 10 pounds invested through that policy would go to families who are not living in poverty so the question is if we're going to invest this scale of money how do we lived let's not just 20000 children in poverty how do we use that money to lift even more children of poverty that's the work we're doing and I hope Richard Leonard and his party will get behind it thank you thank him for presiding officer the answer to the question I asked is not 20000 children it's 30000 children who would be lifted out of poverty so 1st minister that could be your 29000 target 1st a 1000 children in Scotland lifted out of poverty because of. Because the report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation makes clear that it is time and I quote them to take decisive steps to make the transformational change I also makes clear that many of the tools to tackle poverty and its causes lie in the. Of this parliament more flexible and affordable childcare better housing for all and a labor market strategy aligned with the goal of reducing poverty No because what we have instead is the child care policy that fits on an action P. Leaflet but not around the lives of working people. And housing policy which offers help to buy to those earnings over $100000.00 pounds a year under labor market strategy that has been gathering dust on the shelf for over 2 years presiding officer the S.N.P. Action has been in office for 11 years and the clear Sturgeon has been 1st minister for 4 years this is challenge poverty week so let me challenge the 1st Minister how much longer is this government going to change around the edges and how many more children in Scotland will grow up in grinding poverty as a result. Let me address some of the points that were raised in that question in the speech but take a look here we had then the process of doubling child care for 3 and 4 you don't and vulnerable to you don't it were made we through the biggest spending project in the history of this Parliament I seem to recall it was 6 Council House sees that the last Labor administration managed to. Place look at what the just a very fine dish and says about some of our policies that the Disability Employment Strategy are working Jane to pick up and I'm quoting right now this could be transformational for tackling poverty and approach to the new social security system could change the family incomes and prospects of values and of children for the better and yes we will continue to focus in how and Income Supplement. We are committed to introducing it will lift as many children as possible out of poverty and will not see 7 out of every 10 pounds that we invest of that going to families that don't live in poverty if we're serious about tackling poverty that's the rate approach to take and lastly presiding officer I don't know about my tenure is 1st minister but Richard Leonard has been leader of the Scottish Labor Party for a lot less time than I've been 1st minister of Scotland and here's what some of the in his party said about him this week Richard Leonard North thought it is over his bit if he's serious about leaving Scottish Labor he should be apologising I can of some doubt any better I thank you so much and their constituents you know supplementary is the 1st strong order please 1st from Andy wave and he's from the Greens thank you presiding officer the 1st minister will be aware that this crystalline Court has refused him up occasion to a victim a constituent of my engine Jim tofor a tenant on the small line told to scrap the document and 11 in order to sell the land to developers to build depend on films to do that Scottish ministers granted planning consent to interpret terms of was the 1st minister agreed that this proposal is now dead in the water and that the Scottish government agency should take the lead in a den to find a site for films to do that does not involve the unlawful affection of any one person MINISTER Well firstly the judgement by the Scottish Land Court of course is a legal matter I understand that that is likely to be an appeal of that decision so for obvious reasons I cannot comment on the specifics of it at the same what I will see is this going to government by the expansion of the screen sector we welcome private sector proposals to develop a range of studio infrastructure but ultimately this is a matter for the current owner of that say ahead of a potential seal to the studio developers know who we have a rule in planning said ending the project the issue of London or shipping tenancies is properly considered by the Land Court. Of course separately to that issue critics go in the 2nd to launch a tender in the autumn seeking investors to operate a public sector but film studio these plans of course are not dependent on the development of Penguin site. And German company she said very simply thank you is the 1st minister Wade of the situation facing tenant farmers David announced until for her being forced off kloof farm near London by the duke of the clue next week the plans to value the hefted sheep which have been on the Hill for centuries to be sold to make way for trees does the 1st Minister agree with me that forestry planting fans should never be given in these circumstances that the tail for human rights are being violated by bill clears stays on the sale of the $1000.00 acre ever tone portfolio which includes the tail 1st farm and the home contravenes regulations and acted by the wonder farm Scotland 2016 which says that one donor should formally engage with the community ahead of me to changes. 1st Minister Yes I am aware of this particular case in that I would say that I sheer joy Macao pains concern for landowners makes very clear that communities should play a part in decisions about who and is used and managed and all that the Scottish one commission has written to be clear to advise them of how the community should be involved and is offered to provide for that advice human rights that also reflected in the gate agents which landowners including the Christies should take into consideration during this or any process relating to land transactions gauge and so on the forestry grant scheme state that applicants must have control of the land and the legal rate to plant trees on the land we control of land changes or comes in farming the must be no doubt about the applicant's legal rate to plant trees we intend to add additional gauges to clarify that with an applicant's control of the land or legal rate to plant trees is subject to a live legal challenge or review we would not consider the land to be eligible for the forestry Grant until any legal process has been concluded. All of them until he's from the conservatives who presiding officer this week we've seen church police G.P. Surgery in Moffitt close its doors forever due to stuffing issues Meanwhile patients in neighboring Johnston bridge are being told that there are new appointments available because there are new doctors to see them does the 1st Minister think that this is acceptable and in light of these feelings local calls to accelerate plans for a new purpose built health center in operate on until. Christmas and we will always discuss with health boards plans for new health centers and of course it's very much for local health boards to decide on local priorities more generally we haven't increased the number of G.P.'s working in Scotland by at least 800 over the next decade investment in primary care is rising we're taking a range of actions to increase the numbers of medical students going into G.P. Training in fact the graduate entry medicine program which will have a focus on general practices starts this year that health secretary Jean female visited the start of the program earlier this week that has also been at the actually G.P. Conference this morning and many of the tweets I've seen from that were suggesting that the U.K. Government should look to what the Scottish government is doing and learn lessons from that super happy member might want to pass that on I think the tweet that mostly my attention was Can someone please give my Hancock a copy of Gene Freeman speech. Not from the Donald he's from labor thank you very much presiding officer members across the chamber are pleased earlier this week when the sports minister agreed to engage with all relevant parties of I.D.'s peer files plans to hold both League Cup semi finals in the same venue on the same day and even more pleased when those plans were dropped yesterday evening Well the 1st minister continued out and gave to an ensure that this is the very last time that those shuttling such major events do so. Without taking the interests of supporters into account 1st Mr these of course are decisions for the growing authorities in this case this. Although they should listen to police advice and I'm glad that the change of opinion has happened this week in terms of making sure that any appropriate lessons are learned the justice secretary is and I think perhaps has already arranged a meeting between Police Scotland and the S.P.L. Failed to look at what happened this time and how we can make sure that these things don't happen again in future and I hope football fans of all teams and all colors will welcome that for the future customers he will even me he's a leader of the Scottish Lib Dems have wanted to be the 1st minister. She's not quite how self these days. Our country is facing economic meltdown but the 1st minister is frozen with indecision for months I've encouraged her to pack up people's vote on breaks but she just can't make up her mind but I hear this week that she's the lead another independence referendum that's great news but I do wonder does the 1st Minister believe in anything anymore I want to encourage the 1st minister out be what thought if she commits how to government to back up people's vote time is running out will she do that in these desperate days 1st Mr Bassett is a thing office or can I just make clear to the chamber that I've been what it will be many for an awful long time. So I'm glad that at long last He's reciprocating that mutual concern those obviously the start of a long and happy friendship. And on the issue of the people's vote I've made clear in this chamber of me clear to others this N.P.R. Not going to stand in the way of that so perhaps will the rain should learn to start taking yes for an answer but as I said the last time he raised this question there's also an issue that it would be interesting to hear Willie Rainey address what happens if yet again just as in 2016 Scotland votes to remain and the rest of the youth vote to leave it is it will be Randy's proposition that Scotland should simply be ignored all over again is it really well the Raney's position that the only people's vote on the E.U. That counts for nothing is the Scottish people's vote so perhaps it will event can address that question we might make some progress. Will even thank you even even our own party doesn't agree with her on the anybody either this is getting serious Last week the card by you for. Spoke out yesterday a life saving drugs trial which counts because of breaks A to D. S. Throw bike of Scotland the out O. Warning about brakes it more people are coming on board with the people's vote to the 1st Minister there's no leader in the country she's following behind the country look at the West for Barr Conservative cabinet ministers senior Labor politicians and listen to the US And no the WHO a same Pete came through group and up but didn't show has backed up people's vote supporting a people's vote one for said the only way I of this is to take it back to the people he's right as an 81st minister say we don't stand in the way of people's voice there's a people's vote I'll be perfectly happy with that but it doesn't get in T. Salvation for Scotland as we saw it in 2816 so when the rainy is raised a bit one thing I really see it is the Tories are leading Scotland to disaster and the last few days we've had warnings of recession medicine shortage pressure and food supplies we've seen the cancellation of a clinical trial at the Golden Jubilee Hospital but that for me makes this point clearer than ever that Scotland needs the option of independence because only independence got in teens these things and became whole or not against their will you know they want to fight the better thank you for the supplement he's the 1st who killed Patterson he's an S.N.P. Many thanks for saying officer the 1st minister there will be aware that the Golden Jubilee Hospital in my constituency conducts numinous world leading trials one disease and heart failure it was reported yesterday clinical trials over a new drug have been stalked at the hospital because. The concerns over but exit the what kind of taken the Golden Jubilee as of national if not global significance therefore will the Scottish government raise this issue as a matter of urgency what the U.K. Government demanding this groundbreaking research to go ahead and as importantly and sure that this situation does not reflect on the world leading research carried out the Golden Jubilee Hospital. Is it a very telling Let's go Patterson was asking that really important question almost every member of the Scottish Conservative benches that were looking at the forms gauging in conversations because they do not want to hear they do not want to engage in the real damage that their break policy is to. Just in is absolute rate to raise this issue is incredibly C.D.'s The Golden Jubilee Hospital is particularly active in the future of cardiovascular research that we've invested a further $431000.00 patients this year to continue to support research activity and this is the 1st clinical study we had a week off to be suspended in Scotland as a result of bricks it that is deeply concerning And are you saying of what could happen down the lane I understand these trials are continuing else we're in Utah which just underlines the serious of the of this to Scotland that we're working hard to me will continue to work hard to protect Scotland's interests in spite of a lack of clarity and meaningful engagement from the U.K. We will continue to push the U.K. Government for answers to legitimate questions and concerns about the very view risk but it supposes to research clinical trials and access to medicines and stuff . His family visiting officer has been a company with profits of $2500000000.00 and which has received more than $3500000.00 of Scottish public money has finally agreed to peace employees the Living Wage affecting 300 workers in the West the school in the 1st minister has welcomed us as we all would but as you can see on the reports today that many workers with any consultation will be financing their own Pyrenees with coach the stock options and benefits including the seasonal incentive just as we approach Christmas many workers apparently believe that they will be washed off as a consequence if that is the case Roshi agree with the G.M. B. That this could be accused of giving with one hand and taking with another and beforehand they go any more money time as it were if you take into account this another bad employment practices including their continued failure to recognise the trade union 1st Minister. Well firstly I I welcome the announcement by AM is an earlier this week about payment of the Living Wage the Scottish Government trade unions and others have a significant amount of pressure on us and so at the sentiment is particularly welcome I should say you know new baby talks about public money given by this government to at the previously been administration give public money to Amazon as well but it's this government that has pressured to pay the living wage and perhaps a bit of recognition of that new baby wouldn't of gone amiss on the issue that's been reported today she'd options that we will seek further detail on that from Amazon if that is true is completely unacceptable and I would absolutely unequivocally condemn that that is the case and we will seek to meet with Imus in both to feign day to what the situation is the and continue to put pressure on Amazon and on all other companies to treat all of their workers fairly. James Dornan you said there are some people thank you so you know so well for someone to stop the parliament in the payment of Scotland's new killer alone supplement how many peanuts or no been made and how was financial support help kills the families . Well more than $75000.00 killers have received the 1st installment of the Kidder's supplement supplement of course as an additional payment of $442.00 pounds median to install Mint throat the year that's a big investment it's an increase of their 15 percent on the current caters alone is having lots of messages over the course of the last couple of weeks from kids are seeing how much this means to them obviously in practical terms that money is important to keep those who often be struggling to meet ends meet but I've been struck by how many of them have said to me that it's actually a bit more than the money it's the message we send about how much we value the contribution that caters to meet our society so let me again put on record my heartfelt thanks to them for all that we do. Do in store because I'm not thank you presiding officer the 1st one is STILL be aware of the Audit Scotland report and to enter just funding particularly N.H.S. Airshow knowledge and ability to work within its budgets as the 1st minister in advice for chairs are shown on home might live within its means and future and does share my concerns on this matter of the growing indebtedness of N.H.S. . First Minister John obviously it's offending to the Scotland Section 22 reports issued this week referring to any issue an out and also N.H.S. Highland we are working closely with these boards to ensure that we firstly have a few picture of their position in relation to financial management operational performance and quality of care and following that we will consider the need for any further action to be taken or support to be provided of course I'm aware that the health secretary able make a statement to the chamber this afternoon sitting her views on the financial position not just of the N.H.S. But how we ensure the sustainable financial position of the N.H.S. Going forward. Question number 4. G.'s of the from S. And P. Asked the 1st minister will impact the schools or scheme for domestic abuse in Scotland has had since its introduction in 2051st missed the disclosure scheme for domestic abuse in Scotland introduced after Clear would tragic death has enabled over 3 and a half those in people to request information for themselves or for someone they feel may be at risk of domestic abuse at the Police Scotland scheme which I was Protel pones when it was introduced nationally 2015 has informed almost 1600 people about the partner's abusive past and put simply this me where have saved lives it's one of a number of measures which make a difference for victims of domestic abuse passed earlier this year creates a specific domestic abuse offense that covers not just physical abuse but also of course of on controlling behavior and that sayings and unequivocal message that any type of domestic abuse is completely unacceptable. Thank 1st minister for the answer based on the figures say this week it's hard to argue that the scheme rolled I stressed successful trial and their share has been anything other than a success Scottish Women's Aid acknowledge it as a tool for breaking the silence around coercive control and the violence of domestic abuse helping women who may have been unaware of their partner's past how will the Scottish government continue to promote this scheme and other support to those who face this they are left with the reality of a violent or abusive partner 1st mission or the scheme has indeed been a success and I think it's a credit to the dedicated police Scotland officers and victim support organizations who want tirelessly to support people through the disclosure process and to prevent people becoming victims applications from individuals using their right to ask of increased by almost 40 percent in the last 12 months which demonstrates that the scheme is being used to govern is investing record levels of funding to support victims of gender based violence through a range of frontline services that includes funding to Scottish Women's Aid to train a pool of expert course of control trainers to Scotland and development of a range of. Resources to support groups and external organizations including local violence against women partnerships and we will continue the support to make sure that domestic violence is reduced and that victims have as much protection as possible Christine Graham she said there's a 90 percent officer on promoting the scheme in this week when we celebrate older people in age Scotland 75 years can the 1st Minister advise if the government has linked up with action on elder abuse to make all the people aware of this disclosure scheme as domestic abuse news no EJB and it is. A christening dreams of domestic abuse is an appalling crime and she's absolutely right to point out that a car's across the cited regard was of age gender race sexuality and where else to deliver the scheme to Scotland already works closely with a number of independent domestic abuse advocacy and support services the disclosure scheme and I want to stress this point is open to anyone including concerned relatives neighbors or friends who can make an inquiry if they're what he did someone being at risk of domestic abuse in addition the police have appointed safe lanes to train 14000 officers in identifying controlling behaviors to support the introduction of the new and that will reinforce the fact that domestic abuse can occur in all parts of our society and will include examples of abuse involving order in light of. Questions happy to ask officials to look at whether that is more in conjunction with the police that can be done to draw attention of this scheme and the way to legislation or in domestic abuse to older people in our society the question of are 5 hours understood he's from the bankers are in office to ask the 1st minister what action the Scottish government is taking in response to reports that there has been the biggest rise an HIV infection in Scotland for 3 decades. As we have in our sexual health and blood borne virus from what prevention of HIV transmission remains a priority in Scotland and they produce call it was the 1st part of the U.K. To meet HIV prate available on the N.H.S. Last year we're working closely with N.H.S. Boards to be just blood borne viruses and we're providing 3rd sector funding of over 2000000 patients over the next 3 years to organizations dealing with sexual health and blood borne viruses of course a significant risk factor for people who inject drugs being exposed to HIV is the sharing of injecting equipment that's why we strongly support was proposals for safer injecting facilities and the Minister for Public Health is meeting with his counterpart in Westminster later this month to discuss the case for Arjen action to consider that proposal or to devolve the necessary powers to elevate this government and parliament to consider that. Ours under seal. I wasn't the 1st minister for the answer in 2016 funding for alcohol and drug partnerships was cut by 15000000 and the Scottish government asked health boards to make up the difference they did not make up that shortfall and in total our clinic spending has been reduced since last year therefore can I ask in this year's budget will the 1st minister and a government commit to being completely transparent and provide the problem went with a single figure for spending across these treatments 1st MINISTER Well that of course and last year's program for government I indicated increased resources for drug and alcohol treatment services our budget this coming year we'll continue to prioritize action in those areas I think perhaps a subsidiary question is whether when it does so the Scottish conservatives will actually vote for the budget or vote against it because they prefer tax cuts for the richest in our society which would remove the funding we need for these very issues too we will continue to provide at the funding we will continue to work with the relevant organizations and we will continue to argue for the innovation in public policy that can help us tackle these issues that's why the safe injecting facility proposal is so important and I would see in all sincerity to remember perhaps he can help us in trying to persuade his colleagues at Westminster to stop being a block on that proposal. Allen school Hamilton he's a real a very he's presiding officer Freedom of Information request by the Liberal Democrats reveals that in any just low-Z. And there are currently 125 people waiting up to 84 days for repeat prescriptions for prophylactic HIV medication prep given age is growing and 13 percent of Scots who have it don't know they have it will the 1st Minister and her cabinet secretary work with N.H.S. To end this delay which is the largest in this country. Personal stuff but there Villa billeted of credit is important as I said in my initial answer to this question Scott it was actually the 1st part of the UKI to make available on the N.H.S. And that was the right thing to do I would certainly discuss it with the Public Health Minister and the health secretary at how we can work with N.H.S. Moving to make sure that it is available to people who need to as quickly as possible and I'm sure. We disagree on many things I think on these issues there's a lot of agreement he's certainly on occasion been helpful to the government in pursuing some of the policy here so I will ask the health secretary or the Public Health Minister to correspond with him particularly on this point that he's raised the question of are 6 grand she's really ever thank you for setting off a so to ask the 1st minister what the Scottish government doing to ensure that all historic complaints of harassment within its work properly investigated and dealt with 1st minister well is of course a year ago that allegations emerged about Harvey Weinstein and through the meat to movement the walk up to the experiences that many women face in light of these concerns I asked the permanent secretary to review the Scottish Government's policies to ensure that staff could have confidence that all complaints would be fully investigated and properly addressed as part of this the fairness that what policy was reviewed for all staff and also a new procedure was put in place that allows any historic cases to be considered and issues that staff are clear about how they can make a complaint it's absolutely vital that we give people the confidence to come forward in the knowledge that they will be listened to and that their complaint will be fully investigated a respect of who the complaint relates to when the a carte I'm sure that the whole chamber will agree with me that the complainant should always be at the center of our thoughts and that we conduct ourselves always in a way that ensures that complainants are properly protected and respected and that complaints are properly investigated routed around. And the 1st minister talked about them for me to campaign and it has raised hopes that we did develop a very different culture from the one that swept these issues under the carpet however it would appear from press reports that some a starter complaints were not recorded and not dealt with appropriately or taken seriously and if this is indeed the case perpetrators may have gone without challenge as there was no way of seeing if this behavior was a course of conduct is the 1st minister aware of any such cases and court as she do not bite them or action will she take to ensure proactively that all historical complaints made to the Scottish Government and to any of its agencies have been properly investigated recorded and dealt with. 1st Minister No I'm not aware of any complaint having being swept under the carpet and let me be very clear this 1st minister I would not tolerate at Tolly that being the case and it's because I believe and believe strongly that complaint shouldn't be swept under the carpet that I signed off the new procedure in December that I refer to in my opening answer I'm very clear and have been consistently clear as has the permanent secretary of the Scottish Government that when complaints are raised they should be properly investigated no matter the seniority or the political affiliation of the person being complained about and what is important in all cases is that it is jus process applied in the final point I would make here is a thing and this is directed at all of us across this chamber I think all of this should refrain from seeking to plea party politics on issues that demand proper due process because to do that risk doing a disservice to those who risk I'm pretty. Sure Robeson. With Dave 1st minister actually with me their behavior that we've seen last week from President and several U.S. Senators who have affectively put a woman who says she's been a victim of abuse on trial is utterly disgraceful and furthermore we should stand together and not all of those who complain to be victimized as part of any political or media scrutiny of any harassment investigation should eruptions and. I absolutely agree I think many of as perhaps women in particular have been horrified at what we have watched unfolding in the United States over the last couple of weeks and I think in this area leadership is very important and these issues are not always comfortable and perhaps knew that more than most at this point but it is times when things are not comfortable. That leaders are tested but whether the rhetoric is just that or whether they're prepared to put that into action I think it is really important that when people come forward with complaints they are not put on trial but that it is due process for all concern for those bringing forward complaints and indeed for those being complained about we mustn't complaints to be swept under the carpet we certainly mustn't allow that to happen because of the identity of the person being complained about it it is vitally important that women because mainly on not exclusively but mainly in this regard is women are listen to their complaints are treated with respect and with due process and as far as I possibly can is 1st Minister I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens. Thank you very much and that concludes presence all came as 1st Mrs questions over for another week just sending that from this statement from Nicholas started after that question from sure ropes in the former House secretary but 1st of all began with Ruth Davison who is now departing and maternity leave just quoting from an open letter to John Sweeney from an anonymous teacher Ms Davis and said there was a culture of fear in secrecy in government but Nicholas sturgeon urged people to come forward with any concerns that they had that it was on to Richard Leonard to was speaking about child poverty he said pulses were designed to fit on an S.N.P. Leaflet to not surround realize but they close sturgeon reeled off a list of what she called her transformational policies and then once again Willie Rennie from the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems was trying to get the 1st been to serve on board with a 2nd independence referendum a rerun of the discussion they had a couple of weeks ago but the 1st minister was saying that it didn't guarantee salvation for Scotland that's it from here Ken M S P's are all for their 2 week October recess no on the lunch before that is well known to thank you very much under care are they out at Holyrood You're listening to Ken MacDonald on B.B.C. Radio Scotland still to come the media interview with the time is it just coming up to 1245 about what he wants and has the news headlines Dutch and British officials have named for Russians they say are agents in a Russian intelligence cyber warfare team that tried to compromise computers at the international agency investigating chemical weapons attacks Russia says the allegations are rich fantasy rescue workers on the Indonesian island of Cilla way say are making a final effort to find survivors of last week's anomaly and earthquake for the government officially ends the rescue operation a 20 percent fall in new car registrations last month compared to September 2017 is largely done to stricter emissions regulations according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers on traders and something. Oh so it's going on this lunchtime hospitality workers from around the U.K. a Staging a day of industrial action over pay the workers from no traditional applets let McDonald's T.G.I. Friday's and with a sprint withdrawing those from New York companies like Uber and deliver through and demonstrations around the U.K. I've been speaking to a lot of McCourt she's from water and want one of the child that is going to these on from she was on a picket line in London and the dogs like I said that's why it's a headline and always a goddess to follow them to try to fix our contract for you to. Go from the minimum wage 0 hours contracts months to against the law so it should be a freebie with the government running the monthly employment Well you can't rob the employer of any responsibility just because it's the law does that mean that they have to pay that low it's a minimum wage you know my microwave I don't know because everything in it how is it to raise these people's wages way well because they don't want to later underneath often the same with their outcome of these businesses these creeds the totally difficult for unions to organize and for want us to organize themselves how are you able to do it when we have to show the people that work in these places that I think what I could possible that's the way we got people in thinking it is to tell them how to make change and how to fight that's what can fire people to get involved because people are really sure they might not want you know they want things to change and not all of them know how to do it and we have to show them the life because these jobs are whole paid because they're short 10 US as of the day none of it if people taken must realize the just beautifully spoiled of people who are just as desperate to get even poorly paid job boy these yes I have friends myself I use their welcome I don't know I was I was fired after the last strike I've been to places in the West is the point is to fight for the work and not come after those low when I disappear in this process they did the people. Know what he was to me self should take less than a livable wage not why that's why we're all fighting and as you mentioned you want to make straight Obama's monk just a real. Wasn't that didn't work though yes we had a pay rise or not in our bill when we're not. There is always a little bit lower because this is a company how much of a place now not all the way but. There's a do you think the message is getting through to. People people in the street literally because that's where you are yeah how so what can I say as much now as possible and out you know the public because you know if you think this is an issue for a parallel we are getting a lot of support from people people walking up to the phenomenon and. A lot of you know people base and as they go past and you know people hear it it's very well and it you know I felt McDonald's you know the public has actually been one of the 3. That was a lot of McCourt on the picket line in Brixton in London on the other side of the dispute employers have been defending their positions McDonald said support for the union of the good stuff was diminishing and any suggestion that the sick to the tears were spreading growing is not a kid it's a fortune for T.G.I. Friday's said even though this is only stores they are team members are part of Afridi's family we believe that we should be on and off treated and paid fairly out of a workforce of over 500000 team members less than one percent involved in this auction I'm going to be left out a spokesperson said in response to feed bite from Could years we've made some changes to the payment structure in London that should brings it into line with all those cities so once you're up to speed on let's get the travel. That comes from Theresa Tolbert Thank You can it's a high wind warnings are on the cassock and is to take a dispassionate hindsight of vehicles but for now the bridges are open to all vehicles case and as the $809.00 knots blocked at the time start by an accident now this is that will to wake the local diversions but do you expect delays Aberdeen NE I joined That's the in $1003.00 slow both ways it can be. Davis is through the doors works and edit a travel treating to save a temper traffic lights a pall of terrorism house and a lot of faulty Sadr expect some delays here that's B.B.C. Radio Scotland travel trees or thanks very much a good school films with honor comes from Kirsty MacDonald thank you very much good afternoon to you light breaks of rain in the north waist will continue to rage southward sound eastwards this afternoon becoming increasingly lighter and patch here all the while in the north and northwest is will become drier and brighter with a fresher feel when from the southwest will be brisk for the tie in the general easing cheating the afternoon given some breaks in the clouds and some hazy sunshine in the east and northeast temperatures will peak around 17 or 18 Celsius typically at around 13 to 15 degrees this evening the cloud and rain will continue to push are we to the south and overnight it's looking largely dry with long clear spells just a few showers across the very far north temperatures typically around $2.00 to $5.00 Celsius $6.00 to $8.00 degrees under cloudy or skies across the far side of tomorrow will be largely dry and fight that's the forecast for next. On Digital Radio $92.00 to $95.00 F.M. And each one all Medium Wave B.B.C. Radio Scotland government don't answer to converge on BT and let Joy be unconfined because it's time for our weekly media review wise women men this week are on a bomb site Stuart calls Grove New Welcome all 3 Hi Jack you know that let's start the party conferences a liberal Liberal Democrat conference is taking place in the last couple of weeks the conservatives Boshes just triggered off into the sunset but usually leads political correspondents to say that's the party conference season or if they don't live in Scotland because the same piece is taking place next week so what I will a bad leader of the media coverage it's one thing that struck me was that I thought that if we started on this for. In our minds which is true for me dancing and thus unfortunately may have been a good speech but thoughts not. Reflected recently done slip through the well I think going into that conference you can just imagine the unpleasant little room in which heard visors gather to to plan what they were going to do for the leader's speech and in one way the bar was very low because last year's one where as you remember she had a terrible cough was such a disaster and such a low point that frankly just kind of not getting to the end of the speech and no falling all for would have been when but I think they must have there must have been the idea somewhere that that they had to address the things about her that have been in the media like everyone laughing at her Don saying but they also had to really come up with something big and overarching that kind of head the fact that basically Otherwise the conference was a bit of a disaster cabinet ministers with hardly anyone in the whole to hear them these all 4 optics of these empty stages and then the huge force of Boris Johnson the fact that the party is still clearly huge Lee and Laura and that total mess over break said I think a decision was made let's just do some. Kind of elephant in the room type of thing that's going to get everyone talking have to see it worked and he looked at all the headlines today it was all about Diane saying in May and Dancing Queen and all that kind of thing I think actually the poor went on and that's why it's a little room was from their point of view quite smart a little Or maybe it's not a description from you know no it is the strategy but I read it that dance has been picked up and it's been added to different chins for example in different music and I think you know I think and you know it's going to happen I think the the front of the open the little room but I think we had to not because while we all Twitter to kind of. Let me tell it to people of all that think it's hilarious in our talk of little else actually in the grand scheme of things and the people that they are trying to address you know the Whoever it was that called the turnip Taliban you know their their supporters not and care nothing about what's funny music. People people of trees amaze dance and on Twitter what they care about is seeing really what looks to them like a good feedback on the front pages of the newspaper that they like and that has happened I think was the way in which the conferences are covered changed it used to be and I think because of the Seattle to gavel I mean even image I mean even the medical conferences have changed enormously there's only tamely them and you'll give us a couple of old cover each year for the entire year nobody has to look at the stuff it doesn't mean I remember Helsinki's we were mention of that you know of hugely in Ken Ken did challenge you that was proper business start and you saw the unseat of a sausage factory in court it was all glee there was blood sloshing around all over the place and reputations going up and puffs of 20 being small can create these new and hot and shoot back of the conference he made the bike so yes it's changed because the media professionals have got a close and so ever since the that these of you such insights you were thought to right up until what we've got now with the Labor Party and with the backdrop of me making sure there's nothing to fall off the wall the steam things of the very professional but the media some things are also culpable because they don't touch that you'll moments the are too busy as an actor it would point to the following The best laid plans of those people in those smoky little rooms a sweet little rooms. In the back of the hall so you do get far too much media coverage of the nonsense involving Balazs joins in for example and even getting coverage of the cutest people is joins in what's happening in the queue and then you get it that you will see of of very good reporter Michael Crick. Even in pushing trying to. And then not getting at and somebody else not getting an Iowa so it becomes in some ways they've been manipulated though and number of levels and let's not mention the Kaiser Soze see all of Scottish politics here at the vids and he was much talked about but rarely seen go from a Tele to Nigel she. Only seems to pop up for the media when she's done so. Appeal she's you know she's famous by the video so I D.M.'s at the beginning of the beaches along 25 minutes but I mean let's face it there was a drug with me something I will not leave I will say I want you so I think the way they used to because I was knocking those gavel to gavel wall to wall you saw the mush nations you saw the machinery and say But no you do it as very much a media event then you we are reduced to talking about some of the dancing and yet here we are. Here we are 5 months of nobody knows was going up in the offical of plagues I mean that is a real so if you can get of the Guns of August you know that we were off to war because the train came people who can fix it scary stuff the media is distracted by locking up messes we shouldn't go in the whole country don't search to go to Hama to nail a lot of the old but I'll take it I have to confess I did read tweet one of the tunes and I did the double in the single in the one road that she can sing so political suppression last. Year that you're no stranger to getting on bone and single minded pursuit of the groove it was going to ask you to be a dogs critic you know that there's a serious thing here about access isn't that weird if it's an allegedly made herself skier for them in return of ABLE TO Good morning Scott for so many talking then China for the 1st prime minister to do so yes she she did that. To say I'd like to begin by thanking the costume department a pair feature I had been looking for a period of Ali Baba slippers because my toes and cuddled up so much watching me that I couldn't get my usual bath fees no heaters I'm. moment twee are quotes to is the case that this can be patted deed in social media that there can be all sorts of different me names through were not a botnet amun mix the point that we are no in a deeply deeply critical period n. End the history and economy of this union and here is at to reserve may supposedly the caned of leader of the british parliamentary process coming up and do in this really gleb kind of thing the coming on to aba they knew would backfire lee new the ah but we distance themselves because the europeans today's even in the times there's another one we have lee dress to ease a me opposition she singing waterloo and she's get knob psle it crushed by cannonballs an all the rest about so yes said cain a fun to be in the system but i actually double underlines the c.d.'s innes of the fight that know the s. And p. Conference coming up my advice to that conference would be do this really straight argue for clear of policy as shoes and be idle a boat this on you will win because if you try to come back with farve the of jokes you'll look even wash's it would rip approach in the want to closely as we would which are mentioned a liver conflicts as well met not least the because you know at least because your it to see compas at motion was but also has to jeremy corben appeared took quote a good cope with a lot wilbur expect them to fold in a hole at he didn't well i mean she must milne those has an the thetan control orders the call of us its chief spend all talk i actually did crit could drop it at moving well it depends of mean that the one of the quill of the bit of movements of but of make will click covering it was when it looked in the coil of the stray into a room the leap of ifs of us with the rim for a bit earlier i love you saw the it was i actually was a fuss they me could give you lies the cure style of me thought the policy or but the but the people's ball on the earth and so when you see jim lee corbett if if a somebody who's get uk think of slate pull butyl control freak ily going or and it was it much control we also The party is just flat just as anyone else and obviously you all of you was chasing them around. The country trying to figure out what the European policy actually is or was only be yes and indeed there are some people who believe that was a different fracture and Scottish politics as well but we don't have it would have to discuss not at the moment but we walk out of the one with more I want to arm mention to that the commission spokesman there as the European Union was asked today and the prime minister danced her way into your hearts believe you were a deal will you take a chance on me. And on the the person said we prefer the truth and was dancing queen rub of the wood or takes a toll and what can I say she said breaking up is never easy I know. It's only really $995.00. Each one only dealing with B.B.C. Radio stuff. It's 1 o'clock you're listening to can McDonald on B.B.C. Radio Scotland much more media interviews Still to come for sport weather and travel but 1st the news from on where you want some the Dutch security services say their files with the help of British agents a Russian side but a type lot against the international chemical weapons watchdog the O.P.C. W was allegedly targeted in April while it was investigating the poisoning of the former spy said the ski fall and Saul's body and their Briton accused Russia's military intelligence agency of involvement in a series of cyber attacks on our guys Asians around the waddled the foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said this wouldn't be tolerated but Russian government needs to know that if they flout international law in this way there will be consequences they will be exposed and people will see the Russian government for what they are which is an organization that is trying to fester instability throughout the world and that is totally unacceptable. Russia said the allegations were are diabolical cocktail of false claims 14 UKI a charity is have launched an appeal for American C. Funds to help the survivors of last Friday's earthquake and tsunami on the Indonesian island of Sumatra AC more than 4500 people are known to have died although that number is expected to rise further officials say their search and rescue mission will continue for another week before.

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