And a formal bricks at negotiations have resumed in Brussels with the use chief negotiator voicing concern about the progress of the talks and rebuking Britain for what he called the ambiguity of its position that's it from news Dr Have a good evening thank you very much. From the last 7 to. 9 o'clock every song. On that a brand new week of Fame is kicking off tonight with the weird the wonderful we're looking for the most creative album titles of all time. tonight is gets on the b.b.c. Radio Scotland I'm Brian Brown the only ratings we've got I think at least the top 40 most creative Alban titles of all time get in touch with us' let me know what if I'm sitting here in John and these and quite a dull wheeze same prescribes pride and drama the Heights which is great Ma can see Iraq become a working embark Island a way to head back home to dun he said it best stop named a China crisis is difficult shapes impossible of them so. Some people think it's fun to end up a. Favorite song with the album African I'm white yet there were some Clive are clever eighty's titles for what they will get through quite a few of them I suspect it would suit 95 on the takes that you can find us on Facebook you can too. Your suggestions b.b.c. Get on your emails are get so on b.b.c. . Myspace producing tonight even 9th evening so we're looking for suggestions for the trucks but also happy if you just want to suggest the album will proceed on for My. Hardest hit cities if someone seems. To. To McCollum look at that Madison suggested by Neil Martin's by who points out her album title electric lamp lady was a clever play on Jimi Hendrix's album Electric Ladyland And it's those kind of album titles that just give you a little bit more time than I'm looking for tonight and use other ones a glucose that they had from our noise from Who's Afraid of the hour of noise a play on Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf and they also said last train to London by e.l.o. From Discovery or disco Verdi because they felt the music was being influenced by disco I had no idea about that. And this must be said I think to most programs can save the butt of a musical education thank you for all your suggestions 8 or 5 that were on Facebook we got some emails and stuff as well here you go off after drop Edwards he says he and I am in on this I'm going to get this wrong because this is not an easy peasy for Dizzee I'm in fish take care get stuck on can't stand so I am 5 times the ones east of you I want to go home and that means I have to go waste and your start time is 6 there t. Which is $1130.00 so I also want to close my 8 if anybody says of the bunnies don't persuade then I'm back to Sol at the end I get album title by Joan Martin played me you never over the hill and by all means they were always presented by Joseph suggest rather be the devil from the album it's a classic I'm coming back to cite Aiden But our next week Safe travels rope. I don't even know it as I need to what old maps with I can see where you are Ok. Thank you for all your suggestions that I is going to be a fun but we are talking about the most creative album titles of all time Ogden's not golden Flake is one of them that Small Faces requested by David Andris. John Coleman thank you all for your suggestions. Radio Scotland Tonight's theme is the most creative album titles of all time thank you so much for everyone who's gone and been very creative Tom Brady got in touch Adler he said I once went and to show up to ask for tea breaks is my people were fair in that sky and the hair but now the content to wear stars on the bros he said it was al a closing day it's a fantastic album title I don't think the best material can be found or not but it really is a great title. If you want to get touched. On email please do it is get on at b.b.c. Doc. J. Compared said I remembering talking to go to record shops asking the guy in the other record job every new boots and panties and feeling slightly awkward to buy a bit I just get round it by saying Can I have the injury album or as was mentioned I was taught to violin Babs for Sex Pistols album so I always say it on air which is probably the wife's choice I think we could do so mean Judy could refer to a couple people suggest the new boots and panties as being one piece of good except it's a fab title and it's a fab cover as well so I must be you happy with I would ask if you could put some panties on how you're happy yes I'm happy I know I would be very happy if I had both new bits on your panties. It's not 7 a call. To Mombasa Stephen Michael Sam also said a sad loss a brilliant tracks to choose from or not I'm going to go for this one actually Judy on the blockades from one of the cleverest the most memorable album titles m. Paul. She says was. More Nordic something on the. Up like. A boy. And girl. Sweetly. Who was that Clint clinics like. Judy on the blockheads sweet Gene vents and from you Brits and on taste on get on b.b.c. Radio Scotland fake Spike tonight by the way after 9 o'clock 2 hours of new music and a special guest which will tell you about we but later on as well tonight the creative Alban titles jet of the Saigon of Love and Rockets playing haunted with a minute strike from their album 7th dream of a teenage heaven you see you don't hear them played much but they were great offshoot of by house you go back about aren't you and. I know you don't get here much I'm sure it as Zone 20 some suggesting how best to have always had brilliant album and single titles. Bore no. Our trouble over Bridgewater age or other suggestion that with a new 4th crossing opening on Wade and stay we're going to do a bridge to steam so you never know about me crop up there must be which other album titles have been tackling yet tonight McSweeney says initial success be it all person Phil all fun tunes from the eighty's bang bang are you a monitor my use is one of them and you Gibson has said Life's that I spy versus spy but I got man in the Iron Mask would be a change from the usual one was the usual one. Play last but they probably don't know what the usual one is but that's good suggestion thank you and fair to stomp Sensei's if this is Rock n roll I want my old job back by the sword doctors would be ideal tonight 17 Ok thank you for all these tonight I'm not sure thank you what I know I'm going to have to look out and see for for he thinks Mr Putin the war on there between Warsaw No I don't know a lick but yet I belive brightest no stranger to the airwaves of b.b.c. Radio School. As for album title. Well the beast I still love Terence Trent Toppy But that night is one of these albums you know go today guys aren't dead agree said and reducing the hard line according to tenants Trent D'Arby it was a great album not just a brilliant title as well if you let me stay with your choice of before the update from the I would of the but world that beast that Badly Drawn Boy didn't want to write and at the blog tonight's the all and get on as all about those create of album titles you and his age 19 so it's just the divide by Ed Sheeran that what she just has the little diversion some ball so that could be kids at Lords and lots of tracks and not have is that no the album every chalk on it indeed to win and to the chart Yeah if I got done right and that takes a lot less play shape of your. I love to get I'll make edgy than very happy it's one of those. You know if you get them that you can just play them 3 times 4 times sometimes they're with us and if they just want salty tonight the u.n. Thank you very much for Also Julian Latham. Day release albums with interesting titles I protect that like American media it seems as relevant 2017 as it dead when it was released in 2004 we're going to do that as a theme hopefully next week I should say to get to your wit me out when September ends as Davis attempt after all and we haven't a pumpkin in red onion to Jean for tea I should have had cranberries and bomb all of cranberry so raisins will have to do I think not be obsolete file for I go the other way I've got a news thanking his car of raisins and so yes that could be good Enjoy your day not to my science Lovely will try to get that Green Day track and fought with that lest it no showing at that could be get them on what else would you like create evolvement titles 8 tonight 5 on the text and if you want to tweet send your suggestions it's at b.b.c. Get on. fall and of eat me and say let me buy bikes not the best album but doesn't leave the single still too young to remember which really should have been a big head that it was ever there was any justice in this world it's a funny thing about tonight's theme because there's a lot of albums that we've been talking about which are definitely not the best albums the artist ever made it just happens to have a problem title which of course is the theme of Bryan Dawe egg that suggest the vibe the Bette vest of Gilbert O'Sullivan genius would play from a talent and on that appreciated artist. Would love to hear nothing right which is a great time for us on this one and yeah but Gayle but always welcome on the show the show's get on I'm Brian Butler this is b.b.c. Radio Scotland 2 you got there must be Brian from Omar Nick says Happy Mondays Squirtle and g. Man meets 24 Hour Party People plastic face current smale but Achatz bite at least $97.00 inches by Joan creek now. Add to. Its heat of under very little Stevie d.c. Said to be on the safe side of Fred to the Sex Pistols 1st album kind of effort across the song from the Pogues 2nd album a set of believe it was a church across. Our casing and our Manju do eat meat every day that stuff got thinking about me and said Larry said both of those no sway recently oh oh that's always a good list yeah I'm fine thank you for playing the part of our. Head of. Compliance. Yeah. I when you're in court must be saying but actually the last time said it didn't have any sway he still could hold no holds the average be I read to be St to the Forever the sales I don't think they send it to the sales to see this movie just any more money. Coming up after the us un is aged 9 has picked a children's cover album which is just a little diversion so play a track from are in for a 2nd time the place where music theater comedy and street performance collide is why it is brash it is chaotic it's creative I think age people should join mind Stephen as he still works out the unique atmosphere of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is a madness by its very very particular madness is nowhere else quite like the entertainers meeting festival Debbie tones Kerry last year actually to watch McCain weigh in or so I'm going to be him and veterans of this scene Don't forget to enjoy . Our story the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. No room tomorrow from 130 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Print. A conversation with just me and trust me I'll give it. To. Me. Angry. The money can come in now if only. To see. Him play a lot. Of blood. Coming up with. This actually in. Love she smells like he needs to let something in. Common with money. Come in with. Me. Please some. Men. We came we were big can we go in now on the 1st day you and me that the Super Bowl you can. Play with. Our entire family doing the Ok. And the Taxi taxi tell the government. Again like you sure. Somebody like me come and see me freeze the city. To. The least. Some of the money coming now if only. To see. Him play. My. Big. Issue with him. She smells like he needs to get something in. Common with money. Coming. In. We have. To. Complete. The. Seafloor. To. Be. Clear. I'm surprised I can barely hear them. Face I don't have any so I mean I'm running at just talking about them not actually doing them over the weekend and I put together the play last week so for Slate. Because yeah what should have said that you tell me what you want on the playlist and then I'd be confusing because if you've got like I do one or 5 or 10000 people all getting ready to get into the water or run on the road they motion at night for the war and you scrambling to find it may be quaint go back I had 3 enough I was of music playing and it seemed to ed sheeran and Bush shuffled up every 4 so much so in thank you for reminding me of our untalkative which Graham Sutton I got in touch with a suggestion he said and by the way I was crushing you and Kerry and Bain the. Famous One he said on Saturday morning at Loch Lomond on Saturday and she had been telling people showing a friend Loch Lomond make sure you stop and take in the view at some point. I was looking see him so and he said I was crushing you because I spent the morning trying to avoid swimmers that you'd told to stop and enjoy the view for sex lops sort about like his suggestions tonight Led Zeppelin's 4th album which like the Beatles' White Album doesn't have a title or a set habit an order does good as a wink to a blind horse by the faces that thank you for all these Tonight you are being really creative in your suggestions of creative album title so you go back to laze Lee He says My 8 year old is loving the fact that you're playing. He wonders if you'll play basket case as he loves us on from the album Dickey my daughter wants butterflies and how to can spy news from the op they album absolution as she loves the title and can I to quest evidence from Faith No More is album King for the day fool for a lifetime is a good title there's some great ones to my joy and I had suggested a journey through Secret Life of Plants from Stevie Wonder but not a plum said we should definitely play something from Songs In The Key to Life as she points. Just so many good songs on there to choose from. The Wonders pastime Paradise gets on a b.b.c. Radio Scotland Songs In The Key a life of course Emily Barker from Liverpool good to have you listen to the program suggest the album that launched a 1000000 vegetarians. By The Smiths at which could be actually And can you see we play David by we admire on. So many of you suggesting it has if you talk about creative album titles and the ones that remember Ziggy Stardust in spite of from Mars time and dogs he said you also go Pink Floyd but dark side of the moon and Castello music from the fatalities as has suggestions well and also run from you Galloway said Rosie and failed. Love and singing along to ed sheeran and we enjoy Green Day 1 September and said Kmita Quest August and everything after by Counting Crows love to hear. All my heart are Mr Jones we could do some came across that for you actually that be good and yes September Ends makes you think about August are there enough can we do months must be as a theme of I think we have tried to do that in. You can that we to a yeah we need to play a tune a half times trying to calm down but we do June brides that kind of thang April showers you to October December will be magic again Sept so January 2nd. John you to be in the. Decade to lots of goodies coming on the music 7th including Gilberto Sullivan the Betty Martens on the job coming up. 92 to 95 in it went to a medium wave and on digital radio on b.b.c. Radio Scotland I'm Lucy white skied evening tens of thousands of people in his stint in Texas have been forced from their homes by unprecedented levels of flooding caused by tropical storm Harvey to mention rain is continuing to fall at the rate of $5.00 to $6.00 inches per hour the governor of Texas Greg Abbott says the state has a difficult time ahead this is just the beginning of what will be a very long process people can remember the long time it took for people to recover from Katrina a lesson this area in Houston Texas that was subject to this flooding is going to take a very long time for us to be able to overcome the E.U.'s chief Breck's at the Michel Barnier he has warned Britain it is time to start negotiating cd Asli about leaving the e.u. Ahead of the 3rd session of face to face talks between the 2 sides Mr Barney said time was passing quickly on the European side was still waiting to hear the British position on all the made separation issues the b.b.c. . Brussels correspondent Adam Fleming says the bricks Secretary David Davis was clear about Britain's aims of the government are really pushing against this allegation that dogged them in the last round of talks and they weren't prepared off they wanted to point out that they've published loads and loads of position papers on a whole range of issues to do with drugs in the last couple of weeks they're not unprepared as their message and then the code words they use they're about being flexible and imaginative David Davis wants to broaden the discussion I from the initial brags that priorities that Michel Barnier has identified to start talking about what the future of trade relationship might look like and he says a new variant of bit ransomware was behind the cyber attack on services on Friday leading to the cancellation of some operations on disrupting the work of g.p.s. Software act over the weekend to secure and reinstate the systems which had been infected the board Ses that is now working to establish how the mall where it was able to infiltrate the network without being detected a lorry driver has appeared in court charged with causing the deaths of 8 people in a minibus on the m one in Buckinghamshire under the influence of alcohol. Cues 31 from which to share is also accused of c.d.c. Engineering for other people. Police in northern Germany believe a nurse who Sapphic a life sentence for murdering 2 patients might have killed at least 84 more prosecutors are preparing dozens more charges against Neale's Hugel who's 40 correspondent in Berlin Damien McGuinness says it appears that he had injected the patients with overdoses of drugs in the hope that he'd be able to save them and appear to be a hero apparently his motive appears to have been that he wanted to really show that these people would have a cardiac collapse that then he would swoop in as a savior and he would resuscitate them and all of that was really to attempt to gain recognition from his colleagues it seems have become quite an obsession and of course many of the people died he didn't manage to resuscitate many of people a ban on plastic bags has come into effect in Kenya anyone find using sailing or manufacturing them faces a hefty fine or a jail term of up to 4 years the ban will also apply to just say the Edinburgh International Festival and the French have both had a record breaking box offices in their 70th anniversary year the International Festival sales topped $4300000.00 pounds all the French was up 9 percent on last year issuing almost 2000000 700000 tickets figures for the Edinburgh Festival were up by 4 percent with more than a quarter of a 1000000 people visiting Charlotte Square Gardens Well that's the news now it's time for the sports headlines with Kenny Crawford's Frank solicit parts at Robert says return to Celtic on a season long loan deal after successfully completing has made the Co The 20 year old winger spent 18 months at Parkhead before moving back to parent club Manchester City at the end of last season he turned down potential moves to Nice and so thumped and to return to Glasgow the former Hearts captain make last year says the club's new manager critical of him as a safe pair of hands but a slightly uninspiring choice Levine was director of football at Tynecastle where Robin Hughson and in care through it in the. All of head coach but will no be in charge of the fresh team's church believes leaving well help are challenge for European football though Scotland manager Gordon struck and doesn't think playing Friday's 1 o'clock Cup qualifier against Leicester any on an artificial pitch will be a problem but well we request that the level of moisture on the surface is the same on the night of the matches as when they train on it and in days before Britain's calle Edmonton Canada naughtier through to the us open 2nd round but Heather Watson has been knocked out by alleys corny as a sport back to listen for the weather which tonight Most places will be July was just a few showers across the happy days breezy here from the southwest lighter winds elsewhere with low clear spells cooler than last night with was around 10 Celsius in tide tomorrow is a mixture of sunshine and cherries and that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland Yes thank you very much. The titles of the coffee are. From the very cleverly titled all mod cotton Stephen gallery gave us the jam at Dave aborts from the album brilliant before that Steph Dave Now that's what I call quite good at how smart it's a 5 get over excited too had kidney album titles anyway Tonight's theme is all about celebrating those have been very creative at the ones that start with yet Amanda on the 82 Highland targe Rain good she said it evokes the very essence of Scotland as I drive through the rain on my way home from acres the sun Basques sight box and sunshine it really is a nation of 2 halfs today is not. Potentially when he has a full. Angler Dando indeed on national radio stations all talking about holidays and what the holiday weekend in the sunshine and stuff that I enjoy as we look out I don't think it stopped raining since about 1 o'clock here it is just my simple sight that never mind all that throw at music to get you through the night Kaycee from hope and a good night though they don't have an alarm chops pro months Sal and much potatoes and they're making a fun fatty cake. Must be just click like to see make jokes you've no idea what a fun fact having a clue or fun faith has but I'm interested I'm always interested in Keith for a start but something I don't know what it is equally you have me cake basically hardware heat I have on fetish there's one on the b.b.c. Good food website it's perfect for a party but rainbow speckled cakes cream celebrate creamy Vanilla Ice and and scattered over sprinkles for a show stopping the idle and kids will love it looks really good it's kind of go at the sort of confetti effect all through the sponge Ok. Yes sense brother let us know how it turns out their musical suggestion to my life and cartoon and a Cartoon Motion by Mika and Grace Kelly would be the track from the let me know what use are. Let's be creative here to my 2005. You got there must be many say is high back Coke name a made plea from always being funny thinks that because I like to say and prove that might be one quite soon or to be No one that I would light. Made from sing along a Mox. Reaction since way of thanking you are the most creative album titles of all time you get in touch and tell me to name 5. Just. Bad. Luck. And tell me. Oh. Oh. Oh. To n c c By the way I was going to say by Marion Bennett requested by Marion Bennett that from the album How dare you buy in c c m where she is surely. Ready to get up to a really Damocles just go on our Facebook page to say at the album can't buy a thrill by Steely Dan Only a fool would say that if she said it's nice and short as well and said Did I mention Stafford also dead today that for 5 get over excited house Martens tonight I want to know what you think of the most creative album titles of all time here you go from a must be 0000 Hold on one second I have thought Robert from sports and he says how debate don't tell me or the day before you came from to the very cleverly titled 2nd album by eighty's synthpop Jubal mon cher resistible I didn't even know it was called but Bradley not get a and e. Says Oh are you could have 1979 from the Smashing Pumpkins album Malan Kohli and the Infinite Sadness not Monch to. Be great it is also made impossible yes said listen to Williams an album titled The Conscious up a nice crunchy come for inside and cartwheels on a gravel road and it was a Fabiola sample as well that can like go from really was a tremendous album again that's maybe want to call mustn't tonight but yet Lucinda Williams will get a home for you before the end of the program Archie's dad go in touch at to suggest a track from the boom town rots tonic for the troops this is that then. Good to hear that because it's not one of the songs she had very often from good time knots Hazel said the sun's crack in the pavement on the banks of the 14th in Kirkcaldy tonight that's where we need to be she said I'm a mess that bum Knights Of The Opera Queen ever title reflects the contents apart from the obvious track at Lily of the valley would be short and oh so sweet something from a night at the opera would because I was one of these ones a kind of fresh thought when we're talking about the steam at the theme. Is that we had in the wonderful the most creative album titles of all time and David from a soon to be quiet Edwin Pratt said bottles the pink robots by Flaming Lips play do you realize I go on you know you want to I don't need encouragement after yet that would be good at Must Be who you call for me after the media police had a question of. With question a voice of the beehive and let it be with the don't call me baby and electric light orchestra's new but old record with that is the selection from some of the ones Peter Wright. Oh don't tell you can the made since you produced bankrupt because they were bankrupt. And some of the stories by in the green at Merion Baltimore suggested that she said it's lovely crunchy does evoked by the title Car Wheels On. Create a problem titles car wheels on a gravel road after Chuck. Actually the title track was cute Israel may thank you very much for suggests they are the word games you hear more like that to more of my records by all our music programs our bike following our Edinburgh Festival sky bridge so Vike to my Ricky here tomorrow night with another country Bruce McGregor with travelling folk on Wade's day as well supplying tea to look forward to and this week's travelling food is going to be a special one weather concert say from big Celtic festival that was held and that Britney I think. I thought I was making where I sit Brittany Spears read the Lauderhill the very famous Loreal faced fool who very familiar and there is me never having air there is quite a famous And yes it's in the foci world it's a famous one feeling you're doing dalliances in the 40 well yes we just started speed I started and I moved 1st to the lay entity were in the pubs of Fife saying yeah well part part late most of our 2 B.'s in those days where indeed in pubs of it you are saying cows have a great weekend at the game suggesting hot dogs for men through the door by Led Zeppelin or my old school from Ecstasy by Steely Dan That's quite a promise. Let me know what you saw get on b.b.c. Door code is the email that Robert and Scott's than suggested this as Stephen Fife who points site that blue launches 2nd album was called moments to absolutely far up he said made to the side the Calipari in Edinburgh I met the most alluding there given I asked if I could have a t. Shirt and Steven Lusk him chucked me a t. Shirt with a March to design maybe blind version or the day before you came. Survey calls I. Mean I use the station this morning. On some of the morning going down. In the hiring company for the it's all real low down the list for. Most of my. Courtroom I'm. Glad to be. Able to sue somebody. Who comes along and was told the soldierly. Blamo NJ from the wonderfully titled The Monge to Jerry from balik said How about troubles on lonesome town by Lee Hazlewood is a fantastic album early sixty's Americana but is one of these albums I think I have no idea what's on it but it's one of these albums that I think if you saw in a 2nd I would record shop or something he'd think I'm going to buy that you know it's too quite a way for trouble as a lonesome tide by Lee Hazlewood I'll check out and see what we go fresh fruit for rotten vegetables by day Kennedy says Cammy and styling and 10 by by the replacement the story goes says Bob Paisley that the record company asked what's the name of your next album we're calling it came here answer it be great to hear either hold my life left to dial kiss me on the bus several seldom played all to rock classics from a promise to go pro Sullivan Mike a 5 said What's so special about the very best of go of Sullivan are you see Mike this is where he's been clever it's the Barry vest of copper O'Sullivan. It was much funnier at the time and he had I think the cover had a vest with a belly on it as well just in case he didn't get so you got Miss b. And Roy McDonald says mythical kings in England as by duty Pavan any track in stony In fact she's a making peanut butter and chocolate chip flapjacks for her boys but it 1st fits I better not let my boys hear that we should be expecting the same dirty Previn could be good actually and here's a good as well it's a big list it's getting bigger at 9 o'clock with 2 hours of new An alternative music between now and then it's the most creative album titles of all time chosen by your friends week. 6 week 5 Live. union of the snake before the affirmation she me battles the robots David For suggest a do you realize Flaming Lips where they come from flame and I thought I was a good to do Stephen a bold Ness said I had a given up trying to get one of my favorite bands on the show Mandy couldn't however my ears pricked up with the bejesus said she'd a background for you. Folk music but we're talking 2 weeks typing up the fresh roll Oh that's not fair no no longer than that day 2 years maybe I am with a chance he said the most accomplished was wonderfully titled Waiting for Bonaparte are the crest call those are the beautiful harbor lights you won't regret or as years since you played man they could hire surprised to see if there's anybody else as well sit there I we are talking 30 years ago saw my fork. Recollections of Alex and past each other he said what the weather's not been too bad today Courtney rebel's album Human menagerie featuring the wonderful tracks a bunch and if you've got time for Also low Retta stale would be has suggestion still time to get use then 8 over to that name 5 board after the most creative album titles that have ever been out and if you want to email them it's get a b b c dot co dot u.k. Coming up next a track from an old wrinkled won't ever let it down at Buy broad Stuart give you a clue it was also covered by the stereo for next street recently on the john a small side show from the Edinburgh Festival was coming to you from the bank it lieutenant in the middle of Edward the best audience in the festival city you are on. The same again to every episode on the b.b.c. I put in between Julian Clary ladies and gentlemen I am because I have to carry the news lately to. Make tabloid. Channels for science for me and reflects the. B.b.c. View Scotland. Ever As a chance to buy when to from the album an old wrinkle or never let it die and I was watching a clip from. Music Awards last night I think it was at where he's redone our d.n.c. Have redone do you thing up sexy worth Raud or not bring in the ground on stage it's quite something and yet broad still has a taste for for the kind of clothes g.t.e. Just couldn't go to shop and buy any more access than even Stella besides the Dixie Chicks said late entry last train to mush fall by Alabama 3 be good if you could play woke up this morning for Also the soprano front it's been a while since we played our untalkative which we don't have the men they couldn't hang our bomb now that we're talking about Adelaide so really sorry about that we've core that we've only got the colors life which is not really the one that you want Meanwhile John and Jack and Shetland glargine join the program guys a few that been gathering dust of my vinyl collection that deserved digging out Captain Fantastic. And the breakdown brought brought a darn but duct bra in the brand duct cowboy by Elton John. Arctic Monkeys everybody else within it so why can't we in Public Enemy It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us by a love a text that has Elton John and Public Enemy and it so thank you very much as for the could be good on the program tonight moments coming up a half feet at tonight possibly duty Previn few other contenders and there's been a great Tom Waits thrown at Tom Waits and i Phone is wrong. With me tonight Tom Waits song that has been suggested blue hardly set bongos the knighthood by Divine Comedy dedicate it to my daughter Beth Allie a regular contributor to just about to start her 3rd of uni in France and Spain and I'm sure she'll be listening at Brill hope it goes well thank you very much for your contribution to my and of course I bet regular contributions to the program as well 2. A. Through. The. Years. 2 small. Pond soon. As. Loft. At the Divine Comedy Hour and get a on the b.b.c. Radio Scotland where Tonight's theme is all of the most creative album titles of all times I come. Up tonight in late night but veg is going to be here after Monday after 9 o'clock tonight when joy from the Pixies and also looking forward to electric fields were fixed going to be at full and we were going to face the full special on Thursday as well thank you for all your tweets the my b.b.c. Get on green Kang said by the Green Preservation Society the Kinks great title for degree album and how but big sky from not to do some kinks Attleboro No Small Faces with that as for some of the might be quite cute metal moments coming up tonight don't know if it is going to be dirty Previn sadly going to be told weights Who else will foot the bell at will find out and the mean time side side Dixie Chicks suggest the tests that from the last train to mush fall at the always of at the always clever and the always less noble Alabama 3. 3 woke up this morning from last train to marshal tonight has been all about the bond SUV gone the extra mile you won't find many a part of us I album title Sia to my one Superman incredibly creative prefab spread of come up several times tonight at 11 Randall suggests yes that suggest suggest that. Especially on the track to cruel as an all time favorite and says that thanks for playing my ultimate favorites just now that Alabama 3 smooth in it and beat I was good to hear that actually on the show where you never quite know where you can hear next time for tonight's at mellow moments they come from Elton John that Captain Fantastic an adult brain cowboy There you go I said all the way through at the start that we've got a track from the us but Russell has suggested that they say it's a beautiful song from Tom Waits wonderfully titled album heart attack and Vine. Go poke. Move. Food. Supply. But. Well nothing those. Strong. Female. In the city. Good. Tonight's creative album titles Elton John Someone Saved My Life Tonight from Captain Fantastic and a top brand cowboy. Which a couple of people had talked about earlier I'll give you credit in a 2nd or 2 and Russell was the one who suggested heart attack combine that which was in the next beautiful but it was told waits at these most told Wait c.n.n. Which is probably divided opinion off the one takes it just came out and said thanks for Tom Waits Yeah downside for Galloway day you say you could covert a battle no I love Tom Waits Yeah absolutely the crazier he gets the more I like and. I get to. Decide it's a favorite and I show my own tonight at 9 o'clock after the news what you call for us yet back from a wee break and we've got an amazing show and you like the Pixies the iconic ninety's rock n roll bands well they've reforms and put out a couple of new albums recently in their own fine form so they played in Glasgow a couple of nights and a few weeks ago we caught up with Joey and pals from the band so I've got a big Pixie's interview in the 2nd half of the show in the 1st half we have our review feature Scottish European other when we take a Scottish tune a European tune and a June. From elsewhere and guest reviewers come in to discuss those we'll give them . And we always like it when the listeners join in and give their opinions on the changes also Scottish European other in the 1st half and we are going big on the electric fields Festival which is happening in drum castle at the weekend in Dumfries and Galloway So we're playing last from the lineup because we're going to be there with our stage is very exciting and you get to some. Exactly Pixie's everyone loves them well hopefully everyone does and they played this when I saw them in the Kelvingrove Bandstand you can hear them chatting to me is Pixies and monkey gone to. If you want to hear what joy from the Pixies have got to say they'll be with back off the news at 9 o'clock it was John and Jack and Shetland John the deal closed he told suggested Elton John for tonight's program as well as his own from Sky said I've always loved the title of best skits. Chocolate starfish and hot dog flavored water especially now as I'm cooking pasta with salmon a double cream and white wine with double lemon and lemon pepper. Lightman papers the new one on me at 7 about hot dog flavored water. And said on the beat found from Germany on Sky thank you very much for that suggestion as well let's get emails coming and at tonight Jeff the post the from all mass relaxing after bicolor day Monday with a house to myself for the children and wife a walk said too old to rock n roll too young to die from Jethro at all Dave Marilyn said I've just had Neil Hannon on the program reminded me of the Duckworth Lewis method the title of his album. It was clever it was out over from Scotland said I always thought so top 10 sold out it was a great title I basically play all bards the perfectly summed up their side and it be great to hear this one it's. Where the way I wish I was lucky from top 10 small boat. Steven gallery said what I just stand out from Robbie Williams swing when you're when I think it was said by the light Robbie Williams I know I know lots of people find it annoying that was a good title for an album at tomorrow we have Gaut for you Heidi Porter themed program not quite how reports are but someone got a touch last week to say that I haven't already bought a do and they were looking for a playlist so we thought Magic be on there tomorrow by it's a kind of magic and some the by of course at the theme tomorrow. Coming up after 9 we got a few more songs from them before. They were getting from the album suggested by Bobby gran Ewan Hayden I'm Hazel quality I'll be back tomorrow night much it was a somewhat Just suppose it's off the top by facts coming out after the news. You. Want. To. Watch it. Till. You carry can. Eat. And. Sleep in a rugby. Oh