Back 810 medium wave and on digital radio b.b.c. Radio Scotland with the news at 11 o'clock I'm Amendment's a low a British man credited with helping to stop a worldwide cyber attack has been charged in the us but the fence usually ting to a separate batch of malware Marcus Hutchens halted the wanna cry break in May which crippled computer systems in the n.h.s. Including many in Scotland the 22 year old has been detained over his alleged role in creating spreading and maintaining malicious software that targeted bank accounts a surgeon who persuaded healthy people they needed breast cancer operations has had his 15 year jail sentence increased to 20 years Glasgow born in Paterson was jailed in May after being convicted of 17 counts of wounding with intent and 3 counts of unlawful wounding against 10 private patients in the West Midlands the solicitor general referred the case to the Court of Appeal former patient Debbie Douglas is welcoming the ruling. I was there when he was found and that was an emotional tie but I felt very emotional we wanted the right decision and the increases given the right message we've all got life sentences 20. 7 and a half. A significant sentence n.h.s. England says every effort is being made to find the right care setting for a suicidal 17 year old girl whose case has been raised by one of the most senior judges in Britain the president of the Family Division in England and Wales to James Monday says society will have blood on its hands if she's released from custody without proper mental health supervision don't to Mark Boucher from the charity Young Minds u.k. Says lots of youngsters need help every day we talk to children young people parents and carers who are in the community worried about how they're going to access mental health care there isn't enough support in the community and there are really high thresholds to get into hospital. I mean more people are left without support police searching for a missing 2 just in the Isle of Lewis to find his rucksack tearing cliff tops out she's tossing coca arrived on the island last Friday and was last seen and they are doing a major London air search has been ongoing to find the 48 year old a police inspector has been banned from driving for 8 months and fined after knocking a fellow officer off his bike while he was driving home from a night shift David Tyson hit p.c. Christopher Williamson and Alford in sleepy weather conditions and the early hours of Christmas Eve last year the constable was left with back in chest injuries but has since made a full recovery inspect the house and admitted careless driving at Aberdeen shed of course a deliberate fight attack on an s.p.f. Failed growing to his calls tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage the imagines he services were called to how much Hamilton Academical supercell stadium in the early hours of the Smalling and the actor Robert Harvey has died at the age of $91.00 he became a hunk sold name in the 1970 s. With a t.v. Series All Creatures Great And Small and went on to play. In the Potter films Harvey also portrayed Winston Churchill numerous times here he is describing how he even had a special plate made to help him mimic the wartime leader's speech impediment the reason I went to all these legs was because I thought here was Churchill who had to get a disability I mean as a young man he'd gone to the finest speech therapists who said My dear young man give it up no operation can be performed that's going to help you and whatever you do don't take up any career which means you have to speak in public the actor Robert Tarver has died at the age of 91 but some news no sport with John Barnes Aberdeen's European campaign is over after losing 2 no to opt in the 2nd leg of their 3rd qualifying run in the Europa League the Cypriot side progressed $32.00 on I get as the 4th successive year the dorms have been out of the stage of the competition also now so they will not play any home. Matches at Tynecastle until November this is due to a delay in completion of the new main stand no use Murrayfield for 3 games in October goalkeeper County Bell is expected to become a c'mon a player within the next 24 hours after the Indian I thought all of them to leave as a free agent a ghost Bridgeton Invitational in Ohio Russell mulches one short of the lead on 4 under par after a 1st round 66 Thomas Peters of Belgium leads on 5 under Paul Lawrie's one under par at the Women's British Open at Kings bars the American Michelle Wie leads a few by one short after cutting a course record $64.00 and her opening round and Andy Murray has withdrawn from next week's Rogers Cup in Montreal as he continues to recover from a hip injury and to the weather cloudy nights without rates of rain across the Northern Isles Highland and moving into get up in the westerly breeze freshens along the west coast and towards the site west some clear spells still across the sheltered side east across Fife and the borders the overnight low of r. And 11 to 14 degrees Celsius and that species Radio Scotland news sports and weather more at midnight Good evening welcome to b.b.c. Radio Scotland I'm Natasha Raskin sharp I missed you last week but I'm back and I'm with you too when he and your boss would be Bob Graham rooms where Jews come ere. a hound and. So Finley if you're listening could you just come back in because I think we've been on air for less than 15 minutes I've already wet can make a phone and suggested that Father John Misty is Scottish Of course he's. Absolutely know it but if you knew where it would be a great day for Scotland and that was m.g.m. Georgeson I went to visit the roses interesting artist is a novelist too I'm yet to read his a 2060 novel 3 crews which is a bit afield artist who has to admit defeat and go back home to fight if I think I should do the theme of. It admit defeat if you are still tuned in with thanks for that to get in touch to 95 is the number to takes if you have any comments no scathing ones please and we're on Facebook and Twitter at snow Tasha radio just one word Natasha radio and we'd love to hear from you if you've got anything to see now I have a little tradition that any time I see Rick great beard wondering around the waist end as it had to be in a play one of his tracks so here's to Rick this is the Phantom band and everybody knows it's true. Well that was a wonderful blast from the past I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that after all these weeks of me banging on a boat at final drop lots at auction you've been going out there and rummaging yourself and if you have and I would love to hear of any James that you found and I found a jam recently in the form of our next artist who's known as a drug dealer He's had previous monikers they're quite excellent run d.m.t. And salvia plus However recently Michael Collins is a real name he decided to settle on the much less controversial drug dealer so here is from his to those in 16 album the end of comedy this is suddenly. Moment. He. Says. He. Sees. You. Next week for the weekend with tents sunscreen and wellies are the Reiki because we're heading to a few simple view for the. Festival movie trying our hand at some of the activities on offer getting a real family festival maybe even chatting to some of the book forming over the weekends 2 hours of festival fun from the heart of the Highlands for the weekend. On b.b.c. . I should have mentioned earlier that the young founders are at the playing. So make sure you catch them and here is another at Scottish artist one of our famous sons No just kidding he is in fact Father John Misty he was from Maryland and this is Chateau lobby number 4. I. Seconds. Sink. Own back tomorrow for you there we started with Father John Misty and shots will be number 4 and of course we went into the Fleet Foxes The 3rd of me Slash. Because Josh Tillman a key fellow John Misty used to be the drummer in the band us not anymore and I think it's his but we won't go into that and head back to Scott's and for a moment Paul he is the artist if you love that low fi and Iraqi sound and Joseph key and you'll be familiar with this voice this is and something good. Can. Win some. Gold. With me. Cannot wait to see the movie England is mine but believe it or not it's 12 o'clock so it's time to head over to amendment Salut he's got the latest news. 92 to 95 in it one of the medium wave and on digital radio b.b.c. Radio Scotland Good evening British computer to expand he was hailed as a heater when he helped hole to cyber attack that paddling parts of the n.h.s. a Earlier this year has been arrested in America 11 of Scotland's 14 health boards with among those affected by the incident Marcus Hutchins who's $22.00 was detained yesterday in Las Vegas off that attending a conference the B.B.C.'s North America technology reporter deeply says the charges against him are not related to the attack and May the interesting reaction from the security community was that this was just belief that Mr Hutchens had been arrested by the f.b.i. Now accuse him of being directly involved with something different that was having a malicious effect which was a trojan sore type of virus that was said to be stealing banking details from from its victims u.s. Media say the special counsel Robert Miller who's investigating allegations of Russian interference in last year's election has convened a grand jury this means the in quality will be able to subpoena documents witnesses on the truth and seek indictments a 70 year old man's been jailed for life for murdering a fellow pensioner he believed to be a paedophile Richard Cassidy had earlier been found guilty of stopping David faddish today thought his who went to a bank last year to macports Richard Cassidy never denied killing 75 year old David Farish he had earlier offered a guilty plea to the reduced. Charge of culpable homicide but was convicted of murder last month the ex soldier had been told that Mr Farish had regularly abused a woman since she was a child but no charges were brought against him Cassidy's defense lawyer said he went to the pensioners' home in February last year seeking a confession rather than planning to kill him but he stabbed Mr Farish 14 times in what was described as a moment of madness Judge Lord Somers said that while Cassidy was a 1st offender it was a particularly brutal murder and jailed him for a minimum of 17 years patients left scarred on disfigured by a breast surgeon who carried out needless operations are welcoming a decision by the Court of Appeal to increase his 15 year jail term to 20 years Glasgow born in Paterson who's 59 was originally sentenced in May He's been convicted of 17 counts of wounding with intent and 3 counts of unlawful wounding against 10 private patients in the West Midlands the Bank of England has done great forecasts for this year and next warning the u.k. Economy will remain sluggish because of uncertainty surrounding Britain's future relationship with the European Union the governor Mark Carney says this uncertainty is already influencing business investment and consumer spending the veteran actor Robert Hardy has died he was 91 best know into older generations for his role in all creatures great and small he finds a younger audience studying as can nearly as fun as the Minister of Magic and for the Howdy Potter films now looks back on a career spanning 7 decades. Hardy had been a successful stage and screen actor the 20 years when All Creatures Great And Small began in 1987 played the cantankerous very secret series confirmed him as the actor of choice for directors who wanted old fashioned and aristocratic bluster with just the hint of a soft beneath the Tweed and his You've been a fine stage actor and in 160 Play. Shakespeare's Henry the 5th and he more or less cornered the market in portrayals of Winston Churchill he played him at least 6 times yet can I am reporting all that's news nice sports with John Barnes Aberdeen's European campaign is over after losing to Notre up loan limits all in the 2nd leg of the 3rd qualifying round tie in the Europa League the Cypriot side progress $32.00 on I get as the 4th successive year the dawns of going out at the stage of the competition heart of announcer they will not play any home league matches at Tynecastle until November this is due to a delay in completion of the new main stand ours were no use Murrayfield for 3 games in October goalkeeper Cammy Bell is expected to become a c'mon appear within the next 24 hours after the d.n.a. To Dollars him to leave as a free agent ghostwritten Invitational in Ohio Russell Knox is one short of the lead on 4 under par after a 1st round $66.00 Thomas Peters of Belgium leads on 5 under Paul Lawrie's one under par at the Women's British Open at Kingsbarns the American Michelle Wie leads a few by one short after cutting a course record 64 and her opening round and Andy Murray has withdrawn from next week's Rogers Cup in Montreal as he continues to recover from a hip injury so to the Weather 9 declined United Breaks of rain across the Northern Isles Highland and moving into get up in the north the westerly breeze Fay freshens along the west coast and towards the site west some clear spells still across the sheltered side of the east across Fife and the borders the overnight low over into 11 to 14 degrees Celsius and that b.b.c. Radio Scotland news sports and weather Thank you Amanda back with Mina Tasha Raskin sharp on b.b.c. Radio Scotland and it's just past midnight so I'd like to beckon you in to just corner. For. Her. For. Leading the band and of course playing the drums that is Art Blakey with from 1958 not much time left just over 50 minutes with you I'm here to 1 am but I've got plenty to bring to you and we have a feature called Don't give up the day job this week's chat features Ryan Gosling himself a purposefully not. And 2 it's a look forward to hearing that in the not too distant future and we've got some music from Fleetwood Mac. Patsy Cline Cohen so nice line up for you but let's head 1st to a woman who's collaborated with everyone and I see everyone I mean it this is Betty Harris and trouble with my lover. To. The super funky Betty Harris who was a real collaborator with Allen Toussaint who incidentally Finley Napier played last week to kick when he was sitting in so seeing as she collaborated with him and we had space for one more track poll and I thought we shot this in written by 2 songs such as was the last track this is working in a coal mine by lead Dorsey. Comes along. Comes along. if you've not seen baby driver yet it's very stylish and I'm really cool scene involves that song and deadly James playing De Brueys quick dramatic and quick. Note talking of romance interesting we our next band are more known for the office it they are sort of described as a band who likes to sing Murder Ballads modern murder ballads and they'll be playing in Glasgow and it took over so I'm really hoping that I get to speak to lead singer and Linda Sagada the band is of course her a for the Riff Raff and this track is the body Alex. Shoo. Shoo in that. Whole worlds thing sang. Though world saying there's nothing golden row he shot her down. He covered up. To get the girl happy. Girl way to stop this. It's. Back. To world sit. Back. And do world that soft. Maddie's Scottish take down. The river. Of the. Leaves September. Stands. For Will really is gone but I'm so. Old. I love that track and I also look forward to speaking with her if we can gather from her a for the riffraff. Here's a little section don't give up the day job is more of a question than a section should you give up the day job and this week our actor in question is Ryan Gosling he's in a Jew called dead man's bones I had absolutely no idea about this he goes by Ryan baby goose. It's so cheesy when he's playing with Zach she would Zack shields This is from Dade mans bones and it's cold in the room grease sleep. To our. Past the hour. A out the out. Her out. To our. Thanks almost 7 minutes of evil Taylor love and death and worth every 2nd now you know that you can listen to b.b.c. Radio Scotland on the i Player radio up so if you're right and about it and listening to us on the move this one is dedicated to you it's past equally past. I think like a walking after midnight. Lol The face of bakeries the country over that's pasty claim they walk in after midnight what a gaffe and next up is an interesting artist one who's being compared to the likes of new young and Leonard Cohen and we do have some Leonard Cohen coming up before 1 am So do stay with us this is songs and just be simple. That see how you. Have this world the title track from his final album Leonard Cohen and you want it darker and next up we're going back in time back to that more things and this is Bill Withers and gram of hands. Grandma. Clamped in church on Sunday mornin grandma The super soulful Bill Withers with Grandma's homes there and I'm no you know I take you prayed in these play lists on b.b.c. Radio Scotland on a Thursday night I love q.h. In them I love looking up tracks. And yet earlier poll producer Paul and I had this moment of inspiration we're not quite sure where it came from but it hit us that this show was lacking something and it was lacking this. Thanks. To our we want to cut. Cut cut cut. Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut thank. Radio Scotland is going.