Demas Productions the b.b.c. Radio star. Said it was a deeply moving experience thank you very much indeed for that and I was very taken with the turtle doves and we have one more song. I. Thank you today to find a frame it one of the medium wave and on digital radio on Radio Scotland. It's 4 o'clock b.b.c. Radio Scotland News I'm Duncan Kerr cope a man killed in a deliberate house fire in mill guy has been named as 23 year old Cameron Logan Mr Logan's body was discovered its around half past 7 yesterday morning his girlfriend was seriously injured and is in a critical condition in hospital his parents were treated for the effects of breathing in smoke investigators are treating it as murder and attempted murder. A couple missing overnight in the Cairngorm mountains and freezing conditions have been found alive they went missing yesterday after failing to return from a walk with their dog David Henderson reports the couple age 60 and 57 were staying in the Glenmore area near Abby Moore and the Cairngorms they were reported missing yesterday after they'd taken their dog for a walk but failed to return members of the local mountain rescue team search the Cairngorm plateau overnight in freezing temperatures and deep snow the search resumed this morning with Police Scotland and the Coast Guard helicopter also involved the couple were found at around noon along with their dog and they were walked to safety they spent the night in a busy bag and the mountain rescue team leader Willie Anderson said that emergency shelter had probably saved their lives the authorities in Turkey have detained 8 people in connection with the massacre at a nightclub in Istanbul in which $39.00 people were killed there still hunting for the gunman Islamic state group has said it carried out the attack are talkie correspondent Mark Lowen is at a mosque in Istanbul where a funeral is being held for one of the victims hundreds of people have gathered they are carrying the coffin outside of the street you can like to hear in the distance shouts of a low Akbar God is greatest is they're loading the coffin on to a little green vehicle which will take away this is the funeral of a 23 year old guy uses them as who serves as a freelance security guard inside the rain a nightclub a 16 year old boy has been charged with the murder of a former former semi professional footballer in Leith on New Year's Day and 18 year old man Mohammed soccer I also appeared at more sheriff court charged with assault Sean Woodburn who was 38 died of the result of injuries he sustained during a disturbance on great junction street Mr Woodburn used to play for Bonnie Raitt rules the club described him as a top player who was well respected. And 11 year old girl has died 2 days after she and her cousin were knocked down by a car in a hit and run crash in Oldham her cousin who was 12 died of the scene rate among just a police of released one of 5 men they had arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving a reporter Peter Harris reports from Oldham disaster noon please console and 11 year olds are nice across Culver had lost her sight for lice she'd been crossing a road in Oldham on New Year's Eve with her 12 year old cousin Alina Kotler Olva when they were struck by a Persian a cell 7 which failed to stop them Alina died of her injuries Soon after police continue to question 4 men who are being held on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving the man who's challenging Len McCluskey for the leadership of Britain's biggest union Unite strongly criticized his rival for suggesting Jeremy Corben could step down as Labor leader of the party's pool ratings fail to improve before 2020 yard points said Mr McCluskey seem to be more interested in being Labour's puppet master than representing his workers Here's our Political Correspondent Chris Mason making a speech in Birmingham this morning Gerald Coyne was pointedly critical of his opponent Mr McCluskey had told the Daily Mirror that if Labor's opinion poll performance was as he put it still awful in 2019 germy Corbin would not cling on to power for power's sake Mr Coyne said he was astonished at what he called this public old tomato and the news Jimmy Lisle has the support Duncan thank you hearts of made contact with the Aberdeen midfielder Niall McGinn the boat's a possible move to tame Castle the Northern Ireland international zone of contract in the summer and is therefore free to talk to other clubs it's understood though Aberdeen are comfortable about his situation and expect to have talks with him and his agent after the winter break in today's action at stun Fallon who lead Raith Rovers by a goal to nil in the Championship face Darby the 2nd half kicked off at Stark's Park just a few moments ago or so. Out of the bottom medals but I and Lester finish nil nil and there are 4 more Premier League matches also under way it's goalless between Everton and safe habits in Manchester City Burnley Sunderland and Liverpool a level at one all on its west brom they'll whole city one that's just bought for now back to Duncan for Scotland's weather thanks so much Jamie central loans and southern Scotland will remain dry it will be mostly cloudy further north with scattered light showers mainly over the northern aisles and Northwest Highlands with snow on the hills tonight will be mild and mostly cloudy with patchy rain near the West Coast and in the north temperatures mostly holding up a few degrees above freezing with westerly winds b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Pop music station b.b.c. . Music. Hello him from b.b.c. Radio three's jazz lineup and time here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland music extra for a very special encounter I had with Britain's 1st lady of jazz. At her residence and join me now as we enter the incredible world of one of jazz music's most unique singing is. Here I am in Washington at the stables I'm standing in the grounds of the home of Britain's best loved jazz singers in the country clear line the 1st lady of jazz and Shortly I'll be heading inside to me out with her as well. And also a highly accomplished actress but 1st let's. Take on the favorite standard in the cracking arrangement of. Live. Hello Jacki it's lovely to see. You want to come through to the consumer. Is your mom but yeah she's here. And. I am now going to coaches gardens and famous grounds really the home of the jazz dynasty with Cleo lane and had to check back with Well clearly your very use to jazz musicians pain in your song I am of all of them are started working with men. In 1952 nothing to do or say it was just that they used to tell jokes. Jackie You must have thought so many memories you know and here is as a child and met loads of musicians tell us some of the people that spring to mind I suppose straight away as John Williams and James go ways to practice in the rose bed that in a mom in the early days of the Washington courses because Mom and Dad organized these incredible courses music courses and they all started off in the garden didn't they mom and my bedroom you can see my bedroom up in the corner of their window and that was my bedroom and I can remember James school way practicing in the rose beds here that's quite a nice memory but I like dang quoth the bass player my brother we used to have this thing called the merry till when I was 7 or 8 we used to drive around on this tractor all the way around the banks of the garden a night you know I think now while you were away Mom We used to get up to all sorts of tricks. And. 'd there's the. 'd country. That's. A. Group. That you know. And. I would never dream. I mean you. Meet you and wherever. They. No. Singing. Clear when you listen back to yourself what goes through your mind recorded so much to certain sessions and still hold a very fond memory for one of the fondest memories of working mood John Williams a classical guitars he didn't know very much about your ass. And I didn't know very much about his the way he counted. So there were 2 people wallowing in their ignorance. With this chap was a was a massive hit I mean it really was he was beautiful I mean that when people stink of you they sometimes best into that song did you know it was going to be such a break no I didn't the whole song as it was written. Wrote it in Malta as a matter of fact that was where we were on holiday there and for some reason. That know why it just came to the lyrics and everything just wasn't there for me to get any sort of firm chrome. And lots of people come up to me as they come along they dig me in the ribs come on Telesur board say. Well I had a song and it's like sort of some people come up to me and say Do you remember 50 years ago and do you get that. I've sure I will say. 'd he was. Watched. You. Claire Lang say and he was peaceful it's so clear that you were born in 1927 an Englishman managed to make him father how did they meet my father was a storyteller. So any story that I could tell you would be one of many. That my father has told us. And the kids loved him they loved him dancing girls he used to love to do the tango and know your mom sent you to singing and dancing classes but what could she sing creature tat sing in your place with this for octave range amazing musicality where does that come from of a thought that went as that compact comes from me. My father was a great singer wonderful singer really and he would sing at the drop of a hat anywhere. And I remember one time. Going into the kitchen and a worse counting Penya shell was a button down him pimpin it up on the table and an impostor and it turned out that he'd been seeing in the streets. Was deserted when the time was very hard for anybody to go job and for a black man to get a job was even harder so he he didn't get a job he just had to go in the streets how does it feel to be in a mixed race artists I mean did you come up against any whiff of racism as you seem to sort of maneuver through that rate most of past my mother who she had to prove she kind of used it it was standing there at the in the doorway and there was anything where not she got out of the brewery. You're. Pulling 958 you married to the saxophonist a manger Johnny tank with when did you 1st hear about him and was it love at 1st listen. I was working or rehearsed scene in a club in London Johnny's manager and sent me down there to get me out of the way because I was talking about what I wanted to do I wanted to go on the stage I want to see could he help me could he do anything for me he said the only I've been to for you at the moment is go down to this club and he might be there and if he likes cereal to take you on if he doesn't. But that was about the size of it anyway I went down there was he wasn't there just the the band. And they were they were quite wonderful they listened to very well and really saw as he was the pianist of the core 7 marvelous pianist he just picks up and you think that I started to sing and by ear. He had a very long and happy marriage so many people would say to me how the hell can you go on tour with a man not die after that I Diot day will be with him we're with him go to bed with him hands. How do you keep me going. And those who are alive are great and I think we like each other but I think if they want any music I think we've both talked all 7. But Bacharach's the look of love song by dainty I know I'm sitting with now I have a very nice cup of tea so after you did marry Johnny you were on the road but you've won singing with them at 1st but you did get up and sing at their 1st appearance in bird land and none other than Ella Fitzgerald was there that night just tell us about that but it was through Burke's writing for me there happened in the toilet. As all the going to. See was quite lovely and she congratulated me a much stronger and and and then she said something about my shoes and my white. Things. Like that I wouldn't have liked her so. I think that made the script friends. Jackie I probably can guess the answer by you're an elephant. Yeah yeah I say. I suppose so something about the beauty purity of her spirit so beautiful and makes you feel good when you hear a. You . Were about to talk about the Shakespeare and all that jazz album What did you make that when you 1st heard it I mean you talked with the Shakespeare Company but when you were growing up you had it because it's very different isn't it or when I was a kid I think that was probably one of my favorite of Mom's records Well initially it was Shakespeare and all that jazz and then it sort of transmogrified into code words songs which was not only the Shakespeare but lots of other poems that many dads set to music you know Spike Milligan poems and he coming and his mom you're a big poetry fan. And so I grew up listening to all of that and I think that that still is one of my favorite albums of my I guess it's so unique and I think it's a masterpiece really that. Did you find the Hartley out it's quite tongue Christie is that at times I mean did you was it an extra challenge to to sing the words in those settings Ok and I say to join your Mission Impossible I thought I can't. Get that down and the way he set it when you say to me. Him about my singing or whatever go in the corner and get it down. Back in practice it was you say practice and it give me one of those. If music be the food. It. a. Music . Clear lane and Johnny dank with and if music be the fit of love I'm sitting and Claire is concerned that treats at teacher started to a little bit but the flowers look beautiful of cum a good time and you are in brilliant spirit so clear in the Airlie seventy's so maybe 3 a career you really launched his self in America in the States and you had a concert at New York's Lincoln Center How were you received there and how important was it for you to really sort of make a name for yourself in that territory. And obviously see your dream remarkably well I didn't know quite how it came about because it was just one concert. Sold out but there must be an critics there because certain people that should have been there were there already there New York Times was there and her wrists. Newspapers that were saying nice things about you are wrong things about you or just just dismiss you I want to please you greatly I mean you were in then because it is a bit like taking calls to Newcastle taking jazz to America so it was the beginning . It was the beginning I was a role nobody my 3 favorite singers and I are starting wars elevators Jerold Sarah Vaughan and Billie Holiday there are 3 singers that I love to listen to and I got what I wanted from each one but live for Billie there was a drug drama about her singing. Sara was that amazing range. Or worse someone who could sing anything you want you to really. They were all great influences on those 3 singers and I hope. To be a. Key Senate if Jackie What about your profile in America I mean you're of course now married to the great singer songwriter and pianist Charlie wood he's an American do you think it's a really important market to sort of tell him you know I guess so I feel sort of ready and now than I ever have done to go to New York and maybe do a show that identified the success of Mom Well this is different times now but you will my dear you. Make it you will said Mom's got that sort of slightly telepathic quality so maybe you're right I'm sure she is the next track I want to play Cleo is going to feature one of the greats right Charles you had so many wonderful collaboration's and I know that there was a chance that you were possibly going to where we stand gets because you had a phone call from Spike Milligan tell us that story phones ring and say can't really relate please. And wasn't. Expected by Spike Milligan I didn't expect him on the end of the. Back that was quite funny. He didn't sort of. Start talking in terms of now. Or whatever I think he would make a record or start working with sangat Stang there's I said to myself well where. But the. Day it happened I mean that must've been fantastic Did you record at the same time or was it sort of. Oh it was the same time and amazed me. More than anything. That he didn't know anything about. He didn't know the. Story and he didn't know where to come from. The rains really coming down now as we now play some a time. Jump it. And the clock Here's how I was. Told that his fridge. And your mom she's good looking. A lot and she just has to be. Haha I don't watch. I don't won't she just. As I'm singing. The. Just. On teh Martin and. With Clay out and I doted Jackie tankless joined us you must be very proud of your mom she's doing extremely well this is very very proud of her and oh we go she walks around the garden every day so and I just got 3 or 4 concerts a year so you know protesting brilliant she's just she's a legend to. Pictured my mom and dad having a laugh. And. Yeah. Yeah past the kitchen it's a little utility room the wine cellar and. Where you. Want everything to. We've been playing your version of summertime with by Charles and Jackie's made us all a cup of tea been very very nice so clearly I'm sitting here with you and Jackie and of course Alec has a tremendous Well class bikes plan and now his daughter Emily is singing so it's continuing and I know it's quite wonderful for me out I sit here sometimes and I think oh you're getting you know you're getting old and ordered out to this sort of carry on Jack in. The break you just can't get away from musicians can you know are more well let's play a chat with all of you seeing them playing together to enjoy working together jacking Yeah I do I mean I'm very proud of mom and I love singing with them and. We were we did a few concerts with Dad didn't way together and. Way back when they used to go down a storm and the family comes as we did the next check is going to be a hell of a day out you member to now go Funnily enough we did it in this front room by the piano do you do you remember Mum can get in was involved dad set some new Shakespear settings and we did that we just did it off the cuff didn't we but it's a long time ago now maybe let's go back down memory lane and hear the song that was recorded in this frame of the hill I thought Dale. Oh. Brah. Come. Up and down up and down. Want. To. Smile RINGBACK. That was I the hill I have a doubt accorded in this very minute and. With and in check. How important was it for you to really find your own voice and your own sound you know having such a famous mom always say absolutely adores us and encouraged j. Can sometimes be hard to have a parent that says successful I don't know I've always just concentrated on the music and my feeling for the music in the song and hopefully the rest takes care of itself I mean you can't be someone you're not you can't pretend to sound like someone else you just sound like you sound that's how I approach it anyway. So I haven't found it difficult in myself I just think that other people find it difficult and that's difficult as a performer myself i just in most myself in the music and hopefully have some fun but it's in a way it's other people's you know conception or what you should sound like a what material you should be doing or not doing and that sort of is a pain but. As far as actually being a creative person I haven't found that difficult. That. Thanked. Me. And. Clay I'm going to turn to another collaboration and Jackie was telling us at the beginning when she was young she would listen to James cool way practicing his flute in the Rose Garden just a peaceful picture we're going to play a really lovely version of Skylar but there's a real connection isn't there I mean he just especially on this song James was it was in hospital so he couldn't become a. NASA still dining out. Story at. All but 3 prefer to. Spiritual version then it's that great standard I never get tired of hearing it this is a very special version of Skylark Caroline with James quote. Chains coupé in Carolina Nike Kanakas sky luck and then I struck another one and a fantastic collaboration so I mean looking back on everything you've done it must've been a lot of fun to have recorded with Dudley Moore Oh Lord Ahmed we found Dudley at a late night okes certain here versus when he was playing there and it was not to be . Like maybe 6 o'clock in the morning either it was very late anyway and we were John and I were sort of. Ending the night for us except listening to this rather delightful pianist be couldn't see him because he was behind an upright piano. And if you know Dudley a tour he's not a tall man and. We went over and introduced outhouse and said What wonderful playing and do you need a job so he said well maybe later but I had been offered. A job that but. I don't think that he would have found it difficult to get work he really could swing good me had a great fail. And he has a company you with. By snow less sun it's I can't give you anything before we have that chap what do you do with that bell over there that's one. Sandwich mom. Dudley Moore swinging on the piano with. Give You Anything But Love talking about. A life really a life in music a fantastic career spans quite a few decades now sure Drew. Before we play the last song I've really enjoyed being in your home thank you very much for the last track. Someone of so culture because you did this often live on t.v. And never felt up with your chanting in this amazing amazing high now you hit the end did you suffer from nerves or worrying about hitting notes so I mean how were you quite a cool customer through the years I suppose our wars Yeah. Certainly getting those high note never bothered me they just came and then when people. Played we over at the stables we have these concerts and people come and play their favorite track or something or an example of Cleo they will quite something with the very hard nose at the end and I rhyme quite like sitting there and enjoying it I know that's right exactly what we're going to do now because this is really classic. So thank you for all the music that you've given us a very your incredible life time and for all the inspiration to not only singers but musicians throughout the world it's been an absolute pleasure thank you very much for trying to do reviews such a darling and Jacki thank you very much as well you're very welcome this is on a clear day.

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