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Radio. Good morning and a very happy Christmas to you I hope you enjoy the day so far I hope you feel to have a visit from Father Christmas as the Turkey says it will sit in the oven and you roll up the pigs in blankets and prepare the vegetables and clear up all that wrapping paper I will be with you for the next 2 hours with festive cheer and Christmas crackers chosen by my b.b.c. Radio walks with colleagues one by one they'll drop into my studio grotto and also reflects on the Christmas tights past so if you've always wanted to know what drum sell sticks almost Christmas morning and I don't mean what he's wearing so pajamas I have no doubt what David pre-vote tucks into his festive feast or indeed which of my colleagues is on the Judy ending of carrots under strict orders from her mother for how about which b.b.c. Radio Oxford presenter is about to wrap his new baby up in swaddling clothes as it lies in a manger It's my Christmas crackers and as much as I would love to hear from you this is a prequel to the program so don't call text chat Oh man on b.b.c. Radio obsolete. I start my Christmas crackers with my favorite Christmas song and this is the 17th Father Christmas has painted the tacky of him and David prefers to which people it should be all been cooking so I knew there was something. I show your wife is that I'm doing it well I sincerely hope so she what do you have because you are a vegetarian and she said while at me talking into the large breasted bad of a sob unknown reason I have. Every You have another little site you have in the someone current I never know what I don't know why that started why it's become a thing that I saw how have you. Ever enjoyed. It and every year I think now maybe it's the time to go back to the big but maybe this year I was the sandwich is a miss. And I'm sure you still I am particularly if I thought of the pigs in a blanket Well yes. What about growing up to have it on Christmas Day it was present Christmas was incredibly magical playing all the carols as we have been on the breakfast club for many primary school was an incredibly magical toy the carol concert the school play policies in every class which was so big. All the posts. We had the tree we put out the milk for the reindeer and all of that how do you know that rain did drink milk I mean normally in our house it's a carrot so I'm glad to get. The whole thing to Brandy for Father Christmas but I still yearn for those magical times which we. Children really really. Really do what about. Your favorite toy I mean that one Christmas morning when you woke up and you opened the Christmas present that perhaps you had . It was a James case which I still have it's a tough box now and I want to this so bad it was a Christmas when we were on holiday we want a wife if he is right the art of water a McDonald's still tells a story how I've worked myself up into a state of childhood I was apoplectic frenzy tossing and turning all night long in a cold sweat and had a complete melt out and then rip the thing open and I still remember it I've still got it I should bring it in my James Bond. Magical much in terms of you know the traditions that you want to hold in the previous family we all have a family tradition. Critical of toughness. Some of them crude that's what it's that oh I have to watch the queen yeah I don't know if everybody else in the family is as passionate about it as I am but it's my thing that we have to see the court stand up with you. But I don't like it if anybody talks that's my big thing we have to watch the queen your Christmas records Yes it really is one of the best and most traditional Christmas record isn't it it is and I love it because of a book I read years ago Jody Rosen It's called White Christmas the story of a song and he writes about the story of how in Israel as he was this Jewish boy came to write the greatest Christmas song of all time on a boiling hot day in California so the legend goes how does a song that never should have really been a hates it was for the movie Holiday Inn the recording that we hear was in the original because by 947 the mosses of worn out because we had to go back in every record the thing 50000000 copies sold maybe double that with the cover versions it is the only crisp I'm glad that you've chosen this because for me Christmas isn't Christmas without me and it is a bit of a cliche but it's from that era of Slade and Chris Read the post but of call Paul's a. Georgian Ira Gershwin and for me it's those Christmas classics please before you get any Come on Dr Jaime please introduce it for us absolute pleasure Linds beautifully crafted 940 composition of White Christmas Happy Christmas Happy David and you found. Listen. Listen. I have a. Dream is. A Christmas. 30 offering. Some free long Christmas. Trees Oh you going to sing for us not a lovely lovely Christmas surprise I know that you thought long and hard about your favorite Christmas song I was actually 1st off the bat you know how competitive I am soon as I got the email I was like this one. Doesn't surprise me told me it was probably a few people I'm going Coldplay I think that will surprise a few people I mean I'm a cult with the next person but why this particular song doesn't have any bells in it I have a few bells tools the end but it's mostly a very slow you piano a plastic Christmas lights it's cold and I'm a big fat of songs and lyrics where the music doesn't match the lyrics so this is again quite upbeat what you like don't songs often they really really buzzy and then it seemed like a tragic story line on voting one of the lines is you've got so much poison in your blood he kind of sums up that dark side of Christmas how on earth do you identify with this is the there but also you know you have all your family around there's maybe we don't see all the time sometimes as a few fights I feel like it's one of the only true representations of how Christmas can sometimes get a bit passé when you have all your family in one room and quite a bit of alcohol you know I mean cap yeah I do absolutely know what you mean. So it's sort of jolly and yet stories that we talk we saw them at the expert to find a way Little Mix one that's what got my so many years ago that was pretty kids and it was the 1st time they have the response that lights up and none of us had seen them before we were all thinking one of the states that we go had. My husband bashed a on this side of the handrail because he thought that's how to make it work and of course what it was actually for was at certain points in their performance to light up with. And it was incredibly cool to has up on the back of your neck whether you love them or hate them and they are very mom might patent my own kind of afraid of doing what they want to do no matter what people think of them on a quiet mild Absolutely and actually the new record the new album is doing very well the moment to this season of goodwill so what about when you were little and what it felt like that much of Christmas that your little boy's feeling at the moment again this very day always great memories of Christmas when we got a really big family my mum and my dad both one of 3 and each of them has 2 children so I've got a cousins they've obviously all now have kids as well and so very rarely we have all the family together normally we do one side or the other but there's a couple of occasions where there were about 25 of us around the table you know when the kids get relegated to a separate level so we were in the lounge by the crushed up by the having on dinner and it was just so fun we played a lot of ball games and talking to each other and old fashioned stuff but that's lovely isn't it and that is actually how it should be and I think it is about talking it isn't sharing those moments together on this very very lovely day I wish you a very happy Christmas Ok How can you please introduce your song your favorite Christmas I'm now joined by my colleague who has a shot every single event you have a particular shot on this Christmas morning James what I have a very special shirt bowl bowls everywhere everything is jingling and jangling just for you I'm wearing it today because I knew you'd like that because I mean your favorite dish I was your favorite presenter I think you said that I didn't. I must admit your bubbles of my face I thank you very much for that you very much what are your memories of Christmas and the magic when you were little point shame's well though big family Christmases we had one of the ones I remember we spent the weekend on a boat in the Ottawa with a whole family and we arrived about Christmas Eve probably about 10 in leave now if I guess I was about 10 years old a stormy night as we left Southampton and we went on this very small boat to join. In the bigger boat we arrived there was a Christmas tree on top of this motor boat and we play silly games with the whole family and there was some kind of of murder game we had to make granny the murder rash and you are the murderer I remember as all I remember about the whole thing is a very bizarre thing but my uncle is similar to me in many ways perhaps that's where I got it from he was a little bit mad do you have a favorite toy from your childhood Well I was always very grown up as you know Cat I got a bus ticket machine dispenser and so I could pretend to be a bus conductor for the whole of the weekend I could use you were ticket to go to have been done yes you may be 5 p. Make you some money to be honest that was it was very successful said James what's what I did that for the rest of the day in terms of your Christmas Day and indeed the centerpiece on the dining table I do like Turkey people say they don't like turkey I do like Turkey but I'm thinking of doing a video while I'm carving the turkey on how to carve the turkey because there's a specific way you can carve the turkey you carve it wrong if you carve it wrong you're carving it right could you you cut it down the middle somehow and everyone gets a nice bit of the meat we've got a jigsaw route this year as well because all how many pieces as about a 1000 but they all look the same which is not good so I feel as though by about next year we might have got it it's just going to sit there for months you have any sky in that jigsaw has to have you know has got quite a lot of scar and the bits that haven't got Sky have got water and a few boats in the middle so this water and sky the scar the water a quite similar colors as well so it's not proving so easy so far but we'll be fine don't worry about it because my brother in law here and sometimes we need to go to shut him up I think I need to let you go tell me about you. Choice of Christmas song James Well here's the thing I've done a survey of Christmas songs over the years being on the right are wild and there are no Christmas songs that aren't middle of the road even people that used to be quite trendy like Robbie Williams have made middle of the road Christmas songs now so Chris most everyone down a little bit so we need to try and rock up but even Bruce Springsteen has been dumbed down a little bit of that but there's still a little. In that you know there's a cheeky smile so I feel as though Bruce Springsteen is the song from May this year you have brightened up my Christmas morning you really have it is Bruce Springsteen a Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Merry Christmas. a time of giving. The use receiving things you might. Need. Don't sit every Christmas every Christmas kind of whole set of makeup that I was allergic to get to the rich son James slowly slowly if you get something he doesn't want to eat he's got a really good solution donate them to January sales on this will usually unwanted gifts to raise money for Children In Need to give the gift of. Boxing Day on b.b.c. Radio Merry Christmas to you Well this is caps and you're listening to my Christmas crackers and my next little cracka I think possibly the most spectacular Christmas jumper that I've seen they see it sounds like a merry Christmas no matter what left means. A lot outside Ok thank you very much in the build up to Christmas you and I want to flee Christmas evening that was a Dickensian a nucleus while tree upping and light switching on you reprimanded something trumpets and you're playing with a brass band the process of a just it's become quite a tradition somebody will thrust and all of. Which was p.t.p. As I said here have that was Ok I well I don't have a lot of play with the corps and it looks up to many people haven't played corner in years it's lovely from the beginning of Christmas and I do love blasting out a Christmas carol and to see people all joining in the Khalil's But before that yes we bumped into a regular listener of b.b.c. Radio Oxford a Thomas More Mandy Yes we made them a promise to Dave and not wanting to break a promise over the instruments in the hand this is about. Tom loves hearing you play the trumpet Yes he's in the minority not many people do. So Tom did request that you give a little blast of your trumpet and what you're going to do is give a little blast of the song that you've chosen exactly and Tom has a couple of minutes to figure out what it might be Ok Ok so I will give you 1234 I'll give you 7 stop worrying about that. That's all I'm getting I just want to give let me wanting more rounds before we feel what your favorite Christmas song What about growing up in Ireland while Christmas at our house start of the oldest. My dad especially of the would get the Christmas records out and there was always the rituals of you could under the local shop at the top of hill and buy Christmas tree stick on the top of the be a mix bike and bring it back I'll let the various spirals over that fly out of it so you could bring it into the house but by lasting childhood memory of Christmas besides the music is the smell of Christmas cake because my mother is an avid baker . She had this over the years in the electoral office and she just had the method the knack of making the Christmas cake a Christmas puddings and you can move from school and up one after Christmas cake that would hit you as you can before and that sort of that you know the dark evenings when you called me in and the smell it hits you and in the back room is Christmas music on as well and it's just lasting this wonderful picture of the smell of tar in the air as well because Arlen being so to recap so well exactly where I grew up and killed there it's sort of all around the by bugs and Pete's briquettes was always the fuel of the fire and this particular song that you chose or yeah that was a big part of Christmas when that smell that was delivered last thank you there were also very very big film buffs still are used to tape movies during the day the bottom of the thing I was 67 years of age and Meet Me in St Louis with Judy Garland we're not going to listen to the Judy Garland version of it because as I say I brought in the LP and it's the LP that we used to have at home and it's a jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra This is my favorite Christmas record of all time it's like trying to pick your favorite child but it's a Frank Sinatra it's obvious of a Merry Little Christmas with Milton riddle of you it's very well picked I wish you a very Merry Christmas our you took out on. Your. Little career. Let your heart. From now on. Trouble over whose will be it out of sight. Of your. Courage. May see you. Get. Enough. Trouble we'll be. Lucky. Happy golden. Girls of your load. Was who are dear. Smoke. Through with you sweet all will be to get. Here if the fates allow. Hang a sharp star was. Just. A little Christmas night. Was. Larry was. Through. Us we will be through. The Fades. Wearing a show. There's. Very little room. In the queue just stumbled in from the call that the fly and I've got a nice big bowl books out. I didn't know how big Christmas album Christmas to you I love today yes I do as well it's an important day and it's Jeanette's really nice to share it with the extended b.c. Ready mix of family as well because normally you come a little bit later than I do because you're on a high time yeah so we can open our presents together last night yes yes tell me about your choice of Christmas song I've chosen Kelly Clarkson underneath the Christmas tree right I love this song because it's just the 1st time I heard it when it came out 10 years ago and any it was just one of those new Christmas songs that I instantly went out works as a feel Christmassy I felt warm there's loads of Christmas food in front of me I. I feel like family is around me the lyrics a lovely. Feel good Christmas song it's not all down and I don't have no exactly I need a tree it's just one of those modern day Christmas that is absolutely I think. Of the way a Christmas song makes you feel and that's that is what I feel like as soon as I put out that is like the 1st Christmas song I will allow myself to play whether it be in the car whether it be at home. Big boy wasn't such a big boy Bill he was a small boy but. Most of my memories as a child at Christmas are of me trying to find my Christmas present. My mom was very clever because she figured out that this was what was happening she knew that I knew my main Christmas present I mean if one has a main Christmas present as a child. The one thing that you've always like the bicycle. As far as a pony but this particular Christmas I wanted a t.v. And. I was about 11 and I was really excited I'd ask for a t.v. That's quite something to Father Christmas to bring down the chimney Yeah exactly so my mom took on the responsibility of getting that Christmas present she knew that I would look where she didn't it so. It's not no so what she did she put in an ottoman in her bed. My parents had an ottoman is great for storing really not so great for president need to look absolutely So one particular evening I went and I saw all the box I didn't open the box but it had a picture of a t.v. On it and excited. Close the ultimate My mom knew that because of course as a child you want to go back again before Christmas so when I went back the next time it was wrapped with the little tag on which said to Grandad Happy Christmas from. I was absolutely gutted I got the t.v. . When I was younger that she made me I kind of. Liked because I would never go to bed on Christmas Eve I was actually going to bed on the 24th of December but my. So I went to bed. And I have the next morning I mean I have a whole lot. So yeah my mom was very clever Well look I'm sure you'll be spending it with your mom and you'll see you know your family have a Christmas and that's what it's all about as we mentioned before you go off to enjoy that big breasted. Would you please introduce. Us date choice to feel festive it's Kelly Clarkson underneath the tree. Lives the seeds of Rob's writing my generation to use and I'm loving your Christmas outfit yet I know what you have you have. A person. I thought about about you know me I don't necessarily know. You around do anything I do like Christmas my like the Christmas pudding every. Year I wouldn't wear them at Christmas day particularly tends to be the one day you. For Christmas because overseas lots of sport actually love everyone being around quite happy not to leave the house a lot came in Christmas songs like Christmas traditions not to ball books and I would never put you down this is been quite a surprise that she because you know all of our colleagues in fact have been choosing their favorite Christmas song and very traditional Yeah I mean for me Christmas is a time for traditional things and to be traditional You have to be at least as old as me. And I like the fact that there's almost like an unwritten code about some of the songs you can sleep in earlier than others you can hear the Mariah Carey one almost like the one that breaks the dam and then the rest come flooding in afterwards maybe a bit of the Pogues and Kirsty McColl there are others like Slade that you can't really deal with until Christmas Eve but my choice is none of them my choice is a song from the 1960 s. 1st 963 and featured on an album that actually was a soundtrack to my Christmas as a kid my parents love this Christmas album I didn't really understand it I thought it was a little bit Motown a it was a little bit different but it what it was of course wall of sound and this song was never my favorite song when I was a kid has become my favorite song in recent memory because and yeah I think that definitely helped epitomizes the album I'm talking about which is a Christmas gift to you for you which he's done a lot of not very good things in his life but Phil Spector did a very good job on that album and I think this is the one that sums it up it's the one that kind of takes me back to my Christmas Day which I didn't realize at the time I didn't realize it was a soundtrack to the Christmas days a when I was a kid but it was there was a Motown Christmas album that was a lot but I don't think it quite captures it in terms of taking me back in the way that they sell them and this particular song does and thinking about the parents the time that we had then. And again funny people want to use a simpler time and rest of it was but this was not simple I just felt that musically was and still is now the she's 50 odd years later still I think brilliant and sums up Christmas sums up what can be achieved in music and this woman has got an unbelievable voice that just says Christmas introduce your Christmas song to rhyme I think if this is all about the singing the song brackets that said absolutely. Spot on please come home I think you did Christmas Christmas please come back it may be please come back it. my little Christmas cracker since just. Coming in on Christmas day. You having a lovely day. Reading some of our colleagues have surprised me some have a. Nice surprise in your choice of Christmas song because you are a front on. This back and I am a mix of. That. And my happiness at the breaking out a Christmas song. About 34 weeks out when you 1st. Think of Christmas is very Christmassy very emotional it's a very slow love song. Titled The fails about missing people it's not about. Us. But it's love. Little Mix. I mean she's done a lot. And I think I just made a big made. Of this stuff for the black community. She was around. And a member. Of my parents and she was. It's. Such a. I don't know how they're saying. Right . Now when I was growing up. As well but it's very different now. You have a. Christmas. What about your memories of growing. Christmas. With my grandparents. At my house and just having them. In the morning. As. Actions. On a. Very very merry Christmas. Of Christmas song. Juno Well let me make sure this is so nice because on Christmas Day All my love for the Christmas cracker colleagues are drawn to buy yourself included Merry Christmas . Have you had a lovely morning so far all I have been being sushi chef to my mother Julie ending carrots and basically anything that Paul says. Parents Actually yes but but do they have to be exactly the same length and we would know it sort of all meat levels of 2 inches. Thick but to be honest I quite enjoyed the regularity in the beautiful uniform. I would have you always being the sushi my sister and I have done it for many a year absolutely what about yourself and your sister staring at the Christmas cake Oh yeah absolutely although I wasn't one facet of licking it roll and dousing it with Brandy every week every week. As a little bit more. And you know what even though we had piles and piles of presents because we were beloved grandchildren and it was absolutely definitely towards the end of the day that I loved the best when all of the adults would take themselves off to my grandma's but was cleared of all that ribbon. It's of crackers and they do play cards. When it's raining other leagues have been on the telly or something and. Playing with toy. Ones and that. Really would get your Christmas to just a few members time in terms of tradition and being traditional definitely definitely feeding many more people than. We have for about. Afterwards but it will be absolutely stuffed to the brim with stuffing and that is my favorite thing on the plate really yeah coveted and lashings of. So how. To tackle it takes up the entire oven you could remove all of the shelves and then this beast is shining for the old beast and then asked to be pasted and that involves 7 people doesn't it hold it back because you can get the juice to how many Michel's does it take to the thing and one of these people that wraps your turkey do very rests Oh yeah yeah. You know you can't do it just to teach it is not enough surface area. To your Christmas song I would fight almost to the death with anyone who disagrees. Has the best male singing voice that has ever walked the planet. And then the opening line chestnuts roasting on an open fire if that doesn't melt your heart Kalman. Get back to that reaction I've left it for too long Goodness knows what's happened to. Merry Christmas to everyone this is my favorite Christmas song. And the Christmas song. Jack Straw snipped. You tied. Being sung. And folks dressed. Everybody no. But Turkey and some this will. Help to make this. Tiny Tots with I. Will find it hard to sleep tonight. They know that some. Songs would. Ease load it is lots of talk soon. And every mother's cha. Is going. To see the reindeer really in the hot. Dog on this really. It's from long to land into. It's been said. Many times many ways. Not King Cole and the Christmas song choice of Lee Mitchell after the 11 o'clock news I'm not a whole hour of Christmas crackers as more of my colleagues drop in to wish so very happy Christmas day. On Freeview island on b.b.c. Sound this is b.b.c. Radio. It's 11 o'clock with the b.b.c. News from such air and there's still services for children with special educational needs and disabilities in Oxfordshire are improving the latest said Review says 3 out of 5 areas that need to drop viewing off to the 2017 inspection and now making sufficient progress will to needed further improvements parent carers forums welcome the opportunity to work more closely with the n.h.s. And local authority to ensure parent. Volved in decisions about provisions in the county literature of Children Services false a chick county council told us they acted on the 2017 inspection we have in our central action 2 years ago which are the same as actual and slightly areas and the revisit was looking at how we're doing it all quite 5 areas and I'm really playing with my progress and we've now only got 2 areas as action 3 members of the same family reported to a drum to holiday resort on the Costa del Sol in Spain they were found unresponsive in a swimming pool yesterday at club along Costa will have clanking Rola the Foreign Office say is a system of British woman in Spain the queen will lead members of the roll family for the annual festive church services Sandringham which starts around now Prince George and Prince a shell that will attend for the 1st time here in Oxfordshire the Bishop of don't just of the Right Reverend column Fletcher be has been telling us he echoes the pope's message this Christmas God never gives up on anybody and God's love is for all certainly something I try and replicate him or try to every Christmas after leaving here I'll be off to Bullington prison and then from there Catherine House Hospice and those are 2 very special groups of people very different stages in their lives but very special John Howell says that in many moments in 2019 when he considered quitting as an m.p. The conservative representative for Henley was reelected earlier this month he says it's been a difficult year to serve I'm afraid most of the year has been quite negative before the election for I've never never say anything donkey constant negativity it's hard to hide from him for a post-election the main create their own nervousness but the result was just what the doctor ordered a private school in some town has applied for permission to build a giant tree house and its grounds some a failed school Mayfield Road says the wooden structure will be built on a punch of land next to the school's playing field. And used by peoples as well as parents watching games you can see more on the design 3 Hots on stilts connected by a walkway or Oxford city council's planning pages the American songwriter Willis who composed the theme tune to the t.v. Show friends has died Willis who was 72 suffered a heart attack in Los Angeles on oxygen as well the dry mostly sunny with gentle winds the Salton in becoming chilly again this evening with missed him fall the softening of 8 Celsius b.b.c. Radio up so here's a 3 minute. You and your story. Radio . Welcome back to my Christmas crackers on Christmas morning Fear not be Holland I bring you more tidings of great musical joy for on this Christmas morning a further forward as my b.b.c. Ready Oxford colleagues will bestow upon you favorite you will touch their shutters and wants. Their own Christmas stories as well you know wise men don't please no shepherds and no angels but another hour of songs to accompany your Christmas Day morning whether your enjoying some eggnog perhaps making your way to visit your friends Mary and Joseph basting the bad I wish you a very happy Christmas. To a woman on b.b.c. Radio and. I'm absolutely loving this Christmas crackers show and being joined on Christmas Day by all my colleagues and look who's just dropped by only snag it's Daddy cocks Happy Christmas got the stomach I got the beard I could be Santa for a future career you must be really looking forward actually to all the food on Christmas Day That's always been the key thing as you can imagine from a you for Christmas Day from getting up early in the morning and my grandparents in the big family. The house started out about 7 o'clock getting all of food prepared and ready we were banned from the kitchen there was 1st of all this heat and the steam coming out the kitchen and then a couple of hours later the gorgeous smell started to come out and it was quite a torturous day because we had a big family tradition that everything followed the Queen's speech at 3 o'clock everything happened after 8 after the queen's we ate after them we also couldn't open our Christmas presents until after so imagine children seeing all these prezzies around a tree and for most of the day just having to look at them and only after the Queen's speech a quick unwrapping of the presents then the turkey so you had to wait the entire day for Chris.

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