Game against having picked up 5 yellow cards he didn't enjoy watching from the sidelines but admits the rest may have done him good going into a busy period you know lot of games coming up now obviously I didn't want to he said but the circumstances I did on this and I saw I got a little bit of a rest for them fresh played football for the 1st period with a lot of games so yeah hopefully getting. Gorringe return isn't the only positive team used to be united ahead of this one older details on the way you can get involved be softening on the text a one triple 3 Start your message with the way don't spit on Twitter at b.b.c. Oxford sporty you can call us on the fighting the Pi Oh wait 109100 full program in the Premier League an e.f.l. Would keep you posted on those scores plus the non-league action please game though easy that was one of our featured games we've switched elsewhere details coming up we've got rugby from China but we'll concentrate on the football here and milk the kings for a common trait again we're going to also reflect on the sad news of United manager Kim Smith tossing away 2 spells in charge of all the dead himself to everyone associated with Oxford you know he will. You know to. Get that close a. Bad. Law that law and the law that I mean when we play money like that when you know he did it with Brendan You know that money down Drew when the pool shuffled and well and then we were up by only down the like and scored a cross and a guy on it so all it was is that it was coming back I mean probably I'd stay pretty easy stuff there. I knew that I could make up by success or not I can manage your nose successful given time and support and we've done the business from being joined against Newcastle Leeds and much you see night tonight so I just know I take well me and Jim Avila 3 months you know I spent nearly all night with him and he slowed somewhat for mocks them on my new rights and. It became a friend as well as harmonic your I mean it was a salute to reflect guy when you got close to him he was a family of mine but he was a very very funny guy as well you know he wasn't just the run of the mill guy he once you got to know and meet you never forgot to cross comes and I'm like a feral just Iraq's prime rushing to. Tell you all about you know strong incredible to think how many people of the place you've been gone thank the media and the pressure because now I like the show. So I mean I before it was going nowhere else they. Keep me really you know I mean can't cope with the work hard and you could if you work hard young man you'll be fine you know look after you. Know then the guy not. There were people with him walk around a point that may only have one or not it won't go well then. I think but on that note report not your bio your medical the only for what but what about that why it all got bionic like that cord Why not not. Insert wobble on the pulp but as a mother Yeah you couldn't with the bat it would be an even. That's such a gentleman's going man a great man is going to marry manic you know we have consequences and this is incredible he don't mind he's welcome back. We got all. Our over you and upstate you know it's a very special place in all my memories. Remembering James Smith and Oxford United legend arguably one of the most influential figures you know expect your sport of all time and I'm sure we'll be talking about him I do know that more as we go through he'll win the football we have for you the commentary is m.k. Dons against Oxford United all blustery day outside in the bowl of the stadium and Kate's not too bad it's a return to his former club for Oxford United boss call Robinson and Nathan capers to give me the team news on its big day news to Cameron Brown and we all thought wasn't available start again today you know Daryn but from suspension Nedda to changes Henry of course missing out on 4 through injury so altering goal Caton Dickey the senior ruffles Goran sits in midfield with sites from Browning any decide the front 3 of holes Tyler and false are on the bench Also big news channel but cases but he joins long more Mackie as chief judge and statements I gather from Caro incident James Henry was very close to being involved it was tomorrow is that you start next week they think he may well have had a chance to play as well on choose Di Brannigan trained and then I thought perhaps it would be quite raw to use it in some discomfort when he's kicking to join his knee was opening up a time he can't now pronounce the last part of the recovery from that sort of being just a final piece that falls into place so I Wednesday and Thursday I thought probably not and then suddenly on Friday Well 1st afternoon he said off and actually find after they checked the physios they checked the knee again that was all right they checked and then Friday morning he said I've got great knees and he comes in the physio told me that. Scanned the teeth again and he is pine as well but I asked the manager is it rich to bring both round again and back taste but this quickly No because for the last 2 weeks Cameron's been doing. Real high intensity physical work is what stopped him for 7 days for a day he's been back to being back for the last game was every time he was kicking he was opening the joints up and it was up and that's the last bit of recovery and we didn't think we waited 70 days and we get frustrated with it so it was no child or shouldn't it's on them lasting that just go even a different course which was a pain killer as well as he's not neither knee is still clean 100 percent fine he's 100 percent fit re documents ago. Show knowledge is no risk on the city no research on them whatsoever and he going to die and yeah I want to present we're going to get something just like you. So that's carbon containing about be injuries or brining Anambra back change Brannigan start but peace doesn't ours with the home side they go Nichols in goal living to Walsh Paul get would be a guard McConnell's Mason Houghton Britain but they also play a very similar system to work for United or tell you to sign they've got from last week just those 2 changes of Gordon Brown have been coming in in place of Henry and port both of whom are injured a lot longer now I gather than Henry. Some of the familiar faces that we expect to see exploited Archer get his 1st away game for United in goal you've got. Seno and Dickey in front of him. On the bench again I guess we might see him against Manchester City on Wednesday night definitely you've got cabin Ok at right back rough was prophetic at left back there was an opportunity to bring him in midfield interesting to hear that Robin is saying same Brannigan can go 90 minutes as well if he needs to which I think he's a positive about he's on the bench sites he's there governs them and then forces Taylor and whole hoping to score again as he did last time you know he was here front let's look ahead to the game a little bit more detail then and alongside me Nick Harris Yavin is plus 3 outside not so blustery in this tight it was a Sunday afternoon for the 3000 plus United fans maneuvering their way through the m.k. Christmas shoppers to support their side who have a crucial 3 weeks in front of them as a period of time they will have a vital side in the remainder of the season as they fight against a frightening crises starting this off the new this magnificent stadium against the side pushed through ugly pretty reduced that past performance of the season last time are you know it. Would you call Robinson thought it is monetary a career. And still lives in the Tyrone and he brings his United side to his homeland 7th in League One table with 30 points from 19 games away from home they weren't 3 drawn 4 and lost 300 crises is a problem but Robinson has built a strong squad who at the moment are being stretched to the limit and there was no real better example of that than that frustrating nearly no draw at home Chris Rose Parade last Saturday Milton Keynes but are in the relegation zone for places from the bottom of the table 14 points from 19 games and at home they've won 3 drawn one and the last 6 they parted company with monitor Portis down a couple of months ago and last Saturday new manager Russell Barton serious side produced their best performance of the season the. Only a last minute goal prevented them winning one. So big week I had united after a week in which we've just heard that manager that Messiah Jimmy Smith passed away Jim would have relished the challenge that fight is united in the next few weeks a Premier League side in the League Cup Some by totally games he would have shouted . Well the bottle of red wine and that the militant car would be ready for celebration Let's hope Jim will be raising a lot and having a partner this evening I think is a it was 36 years ago this week that Jim Smith would have gotten his head used to call when I asked him nicely if you might call a game off which of course it was all about the frosty weather is that he said it was telling us. Before But you know he beat Manchester United in the in the League Cup this week it's Manchester City on Wednesday but before that also united in action here in the late at m.k. Dons and they've got Cameron Brown to get back in midfield and they've got Alex Goran back there as well he was suspended for last week's draw with having picked up 5 bookings in the league he told me watching wasn't easy obviously it's hard you know. Always it's always hard to watch in the stands. I saw there was that. We've got a great group everyone is pushing the same direction. And I think. That's the main thing about the club housing so gone so yeah it was a little bit for straight up but like I said before this week's. Part of your role is stopping the opposition the clean sheet record is in prove obviously the team's been flying up the table you still in the f.a. Cup still in the League Cup after a tricky start could I say for you and for the team you must have to pinch yourself to realise how well it's been going in the last few months to Uranus even from the start I said before him the complaint areas are always well if we had a lot of quality but the when you bring new people to the club. You know asked everything new so I need to go to go boy I sing so we we click I sing the Lincoln game was the start of the change. And yes it is them everything going on well hopefully we we can we can keep going the way you know if you personally you'll you'll pass if you don't if United member is the team is almost if you you really got going here in the team really got going is that coincidence. Well we fired up. 6 scenes we changed our system I really feel really comfortable in that shape and. Just yet so that my job on how the team you know how much fun is it right now. You know you winning things are going well but yeah we need to we need to keep going you know what we did in the pass is gong all of this period now Christmas period the next game. We need to keep gone yeah we don't well I think it's more we can do more this thing kind of more so is the motivation actually so much fun is the motivation to make sure it carries on being fun and that will only happen if you keep working hard yeah keep working hard and get a results and I mean everyone just cares about if you win or not you know if you get the results and we need to keep doing saw. More about the squad here I get the impression you care about each other quite importantly But also there is real confidence in not just the starting 11 but all the people in the squad you've got belief in each other we've got a really really good squad that's one of the things I was really impressed when I 1st came on we are quality players and. They got a change things around still got unresolved split people getting your I'm still young resolves and you know we get on well. Because sometimes in football teams like you know want to play and I mean just you know not everyone here just always in the same direction is not playing I want to be and I've seen the ice that's the best I reckon one of the best things that we have just had to be honest Everyone's to do well. It was the team to the world everyone in the stands if the teams of. Each one on the team would get a little bit of praise. So you're screwed. Let's go in there in the ocean United midfielder here this afternoon Nick Harris alongside me and we talk about the players what force you can do in the Brannigan and Henry tell you his goals but Alex Goren's form has actually completely coincided and it can be a complete coincidence we don't for United turn since the start of the season I think you just look to the shows were dying last Saturday which we missed and United really messed up Terry a lot of performance in front of the back for the try to apply James Henry there. One point it didn't really work out Darren as being the unsung hero from a office side and he's. Non-appearance last Saturday really illustrated how important it is and I think him coming back today it's probably almost as important as about Pete coming up sorry as Brown again coming back into the side but yet he has had a fantastic season just what United needed him on the snaps and tackles and also passes the ball very cleanly for from the position and will get forward when he has to vital cog that really links the whole of the United side together and made to like him that he's back in action today and hopefully he'll be an action over these important Christmas guy and glad to have gone back says Linda on the text I'm wrapping Christmas present she says need to win to keep me going good like to work for today says Rob great news the Brannigan's back let's get a win for the late great and total legend Jim Smith and he asked how many would be United fans are here today and the owners we don't know because he's not all ticket game for them you see such a big stadium I believe around 2 and a half 1000 tickets have been pre-sold but you always been the case that fans could play on the day today and I gather they are. They're expecting queues outside and already you've got the number of Oxford United Sibyl's into areas of the ground already so we'll keep an eye on it but we won't get an actual figure out exactly until later on in the day Alan in Durham Good afternoon looking forward to living here listening to the commentary of today's match many thanks to the sports team of radio it's been a Merry Christmas and to you as well sounds like the team are going to have tremendous backing as usual I'm sure there will respond and give us a great chance of 3 points rest in peace the bald eagle Jim Smith a true Oxford United legend Oh extreme ease producing a close one today not how to buy the spectacle of a cattle refereeing cattle is the wreck today when this one for the bald eagle hold Taylor in Adji will get the goals he's the prediction there Sarge is also saying back to winning ways for United in the game that will be centered around traffic cattles idiocy will not have a go at the record Early on I think before you see. Nick and I actually were sent into the wrong room we ended up having a cup of tea before the game with Trevor Catalin in the room. He didn't seem to find jokes about having a cup of coffee or tea very funny whatsoever but he was very quick to tell us about the Premier League matches that you'd been involved in earlier on in his career. Luke says feeling a bit low today and then I saw on t.v. News get in there bring it on this place is absolutely soulless says the boys from Andy's barber shop hate coming here but if we win it will be bearable very sad news in the week about the death of the great Jim Smith who will always be a true Oxford United legend Well some more good news then knows not attain today Ben would burn we gallop next Saturday on the bench all being well he's a bit ahead of schedule as well. As winning court cop who did I think yesterday morning was putting. On a text area had no Brannigan up $5050.00 had no back teeth would do is a way off he thought Henry was up for longer and then by lunchtime yesterday to be on the bench running you can start play Sunday woman if there was a game in the back next week as well so that introduced the shortening huge matches for Oxford United starting right here right now would obviously there is a concern about the how these plays. Can't really be eased back in because of the other injuries and because of the hectic schedule but Cole Robinson he's not stupid he will listen to Amy Cranston the sports science staff and he can only go with the information that he's given what he'd written off this weekend delaying the currents not a word said look there's no reason now physically why but can't be involved of course you know you've got much fitness I mean he was telling me earlier and I think running is going to finish at the club so not playing for a couple of weeks won't be a big issue and if he's if he thought he can stand again for 90 minutes which they say you can he can run for 90 minutes easy easy so a person doesn't want too much weight he generally quite fit yes there's much sharpness to you but you think he can pick it up a shame for me with this injury when he's you know I should probably go full help a ladder a strong as against Man City on Wednesday I'm not saying now we're not going much or would be great for you to buy you know Jim Smith in Grey Cup Now it will be great to put out the strongest 11 we have to have a go it's a game and even a full squad would he have done it. But now you just know it would be I don't say we can do that it's not right for the players you've done so well as a school this year but it won't be you know like the strongest 11 to take them on and I think you know it wasn't lost on a change around a bit was it not by choice but this year at this stage of the competition would it be nice to go we've got one available let's have a right go at them League Cup quarter final on Wednesday big league match here this afternoon commentary coming up on the night is matching m.k. Dons right now though which at the travel situation in and around Oxfordshire with papers box. 3 b.c. Brady 0 walks that explain say the travel. And only a few United fans have left will read Milton Keynes it's looking pretty quiet in Oxford we have got delays heading towards heading to the $840.00 London Road looks like there's been an accident just by the pool on Hill Park and Ride and that's causing a queue of about how frayed back towards that week at the moment to the north of the city at the forty's running fairly well into it's both the cuts and that will become roundabouts still in the. Well Hollywood spins wrote street heading down towards route but nothing too much to worry about there Woodstock of course we've got the plan in Palace Christmas market if you're after that the a $44.00 is running well I'm say we travel from b.b.c. Radio Oxford. Travel. 109. Days a travel. One of the riches clubs in the world Manchester City have won every domestic trophy on offer in 2019000 last year brushed aside in the League Cup. The Premier League that brings to the. Defeat. United couldn't do the unthinkable could the United. Just a city join us for the build up from. The whole game like some said Wednesday on b.b.c. Radio once for. Just over the blocking I'm sure bordering the stadium m.k. Against United here this often a nice big day for call Robinson It is his game of the year he says the United supporters have been doing his commute in reverse coming but. In today's part of the world. Just down the road from here having been m.k. Dons boss successfully for 5 or 6 years he's back at the club where he made his name he left in 2016 and still find it slightly odd when he comes back it's always a strange thing obviously it's a living then and still a lot of people still probably associate them 6 to 6 successful and. The way finished a still shot and still a lot of regrets about Will what's the regret. For those who don't even know and it's. Like I say it's one I never want them to have down I don't because I live in the know what a footballer who goes for the community. Doors will go to gain a friends still go with the show you want them to be compete in the highest possible thing for the for the for that ball never over Michael now this is home and that we've got a job went on and I've watched them play 3 or 4 times this season on the different manages a different styles I think one thing was important for them is that they felt playing good football was to show off that they felt the go forward in 442 kicking and being aggressive in getting knockdowns will win the most games we don't have the resources at this level to be both it was all planned I'd never see a 442 team having a plan and being able to play out in the box yet see who plays out from the bot people's question was your bait Well if you call it doesn't it doesn't marry up so I think we they have said to change their style I think I think the coaching you can clearly see in the 2 games I've seen watched them catch the game and I went to the Cubs again that a different scene to scene I went to watch plays Rochdale away we'll play and watch them on the weekend as evidence there the change they open you up very very easily they operate in possession but that is not transition in that you have to capitalise on that they seem to all be enjoying the style of Mike and hard the one thing for me is that we look at our team and it is the best opportunity it out because of this season but I'm going to show you it's no it's not because you've still got all those injuries and nobody back apart from I scored he was going to touch me you've got to put the 2nd part of my comments because we believe in what we have in the football club. By the shape of an engine as long as we have at this moment in time and only a bit of a job we will own it off and on one day when I was looking who was training. We have to have a walk because it was the safest option although when I go over the horse path up in the hills. I am I am I do some stupid things on my stroll will be that the Christmas tree. Lets go for a walk again you do not walk I don't need them hills for the hill I look back and I can see the likes of Sykes slippin and think he goes inside straight. This is going to be my fault imagine your mail writing about me problems and slipping down the table as they usually do know that I. Would know it was they have . Caught strain on Monday was. So safe no talk was allowed off until Saturday and it was just a case but problem is. The best time of the pews. And I think what. Gives you a sense of pride that there's so many plays here that we can compete with all this . But United is a big day for him today no doubt about it clearly there are bigger days to come perhaps in the next 10 but I think it's always a special moment for him coming back to a club where he did make his name is no doubt about it but also Nicky lives here and that means that people are going to talk to him about this game this week whatever happens you know you might never you know you never know Manchester City bit of all this when you hear more about that when he went I think living in a place a team that you applied he's never going to be easy. On the side that beat Manchester United so comprehensively got him into the Championship obviously. But it's always difficult I think we always find it difficult going to a place where we started. Propter and did a little bit acrimoniously And I think that's probably what's happened to him but yeah. Every day Mike's not journey we've made the reverse journey I think that journey is just about long enough to give you a really good time to have a good think about things and I think he uses that car journey into a full on thinking things out and I think I'd be quite proud to bring results that side pocket with the season they've had so far. And I just want to echo the thoughts in any newspaper column today about our rifle and also friend Mark Edwards who left us of my own this week everything that columns and said in that we dissociate ourselves with as well just after 230 this is b.b.c. Radio. This is b.b.c. For Radio Works that still has. To continue running getting back into the playoff position. At 3 o'clock but will continue to take your tributes as well. But United manager sadly passed away this week as well as winning 2 promotions with the with the used. To the. System Manager at Portsmouth when they were promoted on the Harry Redknapp. You know. You don't. Get a. Great. Thing . On the pitch today united face another struggling with League One side. Having promotion back to the 3rd season and finding it difficult to adapt there was sacked as manager last month. Now in charge he says he doesn't want the focus to be on the return of former m.k. Dons boss I'm sure people who are looking for people looking forward to coming. From a nice enough guy to impose ourselves on and try and show me and everyone else in the side in the for the players to show. The really game what we want to do in the reborn into which I have been. Put in the Premier League. Through to. The end of the study our money also had to go. Ruled out for offside following consultation with our Liverpool 11 points clear at the top of the table Chelsea boss Frank I'm part of mates they've got a problem killing games off and they need to finish off more of the chances they create they take on board with the day in the Premier League we've had a problem of that so that doesn't make for comfortable games and should be coming to Aston Villa should have been comfortable low should have been comfortable. West Ham in the 1st half an impact well but had chance and so. That's something obviously we're working on and we need to create more finish more the chance weaker I. Chose he gets bored with a 3 also Burnley against Newcastle 2nd place Leicester against Norwich City Sheffield united against Aston Villa the late game Southampton against West Ham to morrow Manchester City taking on Arsenal for the big one the Pep Guardiola side the League Cup quarter final on Wednesday night you'll hear all the action on Wednesday as you will today he would Oxfordshire Sports Lead on one side point c. And d. To this C's b.b.c. Radio was for it still was Oxford City and Brackley bowed out of the f.a. Trophy early on so they get to rest up before the Christmas games to tell you about the matches that are taking place affecting our top local sides today Bammer United away Coble town in the Southern League Premier central United at a ground has seen a lot of rain but no standing water the game is on unlike the match at North lane awfully against Bedworth in the southern leagues Division one central that is off we'll keep you updated on Barton Rovers against Wantage Bedford town against Killington and decoding as well in Garden City off each game is 10 united against Kempston Rovers with Karen Bushnell. And there's a bit of excitement building up the times I asked him stadium after last weekend's fantastic to know when leaders called me a result which I'm out west the manager described as one of the best results that the time of had since I returned to this level of football the faster noon. Entertain Kempston Rovers who are $1010.00 places below the home side in the Southern League Division one central But despite that Mark West adamant that they're not going to take their foot off the gas and be complacent against the camps inside who have also lowered the colors of Corby this year well Mark why should I go into today without the influential Ben Sturgis he was a sent off in that when last weekend he picked up 2 yellow cards so he is suspended for one match to start one trains out which is an enforced train which is Harry met from coming in to replace the suspended Sturgis this afternoon one piece of bad news with time no I'll avoid the tricky little left winger who had joined the club from North Li at the start of his and he's opted to return to North Philly due to the fact that it's an easier place for him to get to know a young lad doesn't drive so he would not be in the side today he's returned the right option taken as it then in the division at the moment one plays off the playoffs and with games in hand I matched afternoon and 3 points against a struggling caps and really set them up well for the busy Christmas period. Thank you carried in rugby today an early start for Henley and their game at lest a lie and Leicester leading by training in fact by 7 points to 3 after Henne schooled a try for it through stalwart Alex Bradley Last Alliance 3 Henley 70 the latest are on the rugby that will go out keep you updated on it from National League One chiller against Darlington with Jack Johnson. Yes we have an exciting clash between Cheers mash on the ground in form team Christian a take on tartan Bonaparte and a pretty windy kings here in time so yes games unbeaten 3 wins on the ballot in on a roll at the minute and financials for just 5 points on the leaders but banter and sell you know how to score tries in fact occur 22 times in the last 5 matches generally have done in the table by the sheer few defeats and if you could see either side promises top 3 it's a massive fixture but start especially children safe a 2nd place to return next week and I want to ensure they had the festive break still in the round one directory Matt Williams has made 7 changes for position in the Whenever the 3 big names attorney and the 4 cuts in cocoa and sent across our former Wells international now well Harris. Thank you very much indeed this is b.b.c. Radio united in action again in League One a clear week this week that has helped them get some players back from injury if you're just joining us Cameron Brown against United today and of course Alex Cohen he's back from suspension watching from the sidelines last weekend I don't know if you will for stright it by Sam Ricketts sure he's great in it because I'm stating. That you know I did. Hear so often in the stadium it's good to be back it's good to have 6 league games in a spice of weeks might the return to the stadium after 13. Pick up a new. Defeat in the company at the bottom really. We know them we welcome. Back to coachman's history with the economy system trudge Hirai without massive United Connection Manager Sam Ricketts on the very very impressive what a midfielder 1st team coach of a few people that is a few people think it brought me up through that you just missed the truest and over the club so probably the best team in the league very very good players strength and depth in the squad as well. As any team out today to play the best they can today what how great they will try and outplay them. Just. Isn't. Just. Maybe you try it on the kind of. People who are is clear and people with I mean I often times Henry that got a chest or something on the ball his arms around the enormous pressure go but chips one forward broadsword bullfight across the face of the penalty yeah I'm to catch in time to the near post. Very gingerly with range and. Then he's down on one knee. Position at the moment you know. I. Told you apart from the. But. You know I didn't want to. Do what. He would know nothing about it we were. Against. Going to point. After more than a month alone. Way on the road to be united back at home last weekend they had to take a point from the game again sure he's great on the road again far today to m.k. Dons and then consecutive home games 3 in a row massive matches the league leaders the Boxing Day game Oh and the champions of the whole country. It is. A pretty ominous if your. Not all true United we call so ahead but the way Oxford United out the moment they feel like throw everything at us even Pep Guardiola state he has a saying and it's a pity the injury to the crisis came when it did but it seems to be easing somewhat so that should help going in today in today's running it's massive that they can get Brannigan back involved a day because if he was delayed a bit longer you haven't got Henry and we've been getting closer back to he said me think when I'm gone you're only warning Joe why now from an absolute disaster especially the top line to fail and I've seen Foti worrying about January you know who may go if it comes to the office come in it's going to be an interesting week a month and I mean as always Dr United a huge massive wake of well importantly games in the just a wonderful occasion I'm going to play Man City us laws I haven't had them lost in the competition but if the goals is even further down the line the competition it'll be a great occasion come Tuesday night then you get through that Christmas by they can keep free of any more injuries and a suspension these days the last day for the top things up and is nobody available getting on for bookings the commish the next game as a result so that's good advice you get for that of course you had the luck to guard in Tyler Mackie already 7 just vengeance and Dickey as well if they've had those there are right now as we go into this particular guy no one's treading that tight rope day yet into January and you see what's what are you it could be going into January looking to strengthen to fight all fronts are you coming to January or going to strengthen to make up for the fact you've got some players missing through injury I was the 1st one here to stadium and it is a lovely ground it does feel like it's a futurity what it actually feels is North American in truth and I think that's good and bad isn't it because what it gives you a nice comfortable states it gives you a view of the picture even if you buy in concessions. But it doesn't necessarily give us a brilliant and the sphere these grounds to pigs are using a lot of supporters out of the United might do it again today as they have but if they are packing their eggs in the ground in the present situation the moment where they've been given a pill paid have been given both corners of the ground away to our left but not the middle and more entirely sure how that how that pans out but elusive we're going to see more of this with fans here than we probably have a thing before do you not think now that there are hurt in the Texas solar stadium except that ever the Kasam sometimes because of the shape and the design of the Kasam as opposed to us if you can walk United Nations around the noise oxer fans can make in the especially right now you know if you put Man City or nice crown on on Wednesday night you can be great because I am even better they get more in when you are they any noise stayed in a bit more you got a better speaker system the big scoreboards about everything just as if gave up to an ide to be better and I think Mary's people argue about the m.k. Dons band and its age history etc etc or lack thereof yet 888 dead the passion from the terrace in the times we've been a not necessarily but you put a club in a way that I don't cite but a sport that sounds condescending but perhaps you know more vociferous support more more history more riding on it perhaps from that point of view when you get out to get fired up other may be a great ground already do you I mean it's it's all get up you know it's nice of a company say if it's in a modern era when people want to bit more they go to football you know we hark back to monogram is great when a part of the London road all sorts flying around your ankles you know it society's change to force change and if he's probably the future of football grounds you have to make what you will and recently be seen because some become better more atmospheric it was so well when I got my current atmosphere sometimes it's a say may or other you put on tonight here you to be on to win a. Those United players going through their final warm ups are away to our left and the fans in the right corner are giving them a huge ovation and then call Robinson is one thing he's absolutely savvy about the relationship between the team in the fans and he's made sure they also send supplies to the other corner and not show footballers would be completely aware of that but now they realise that all it is is done to be able to get here and Oxford there and you can finish the rhyme yourself that was a great bit Robinson just pointing out yet you say to players come out and watch found one of the names that you know it was again they are that have seen the found on the far side but I doubt it much of their behind not go that they're doing they will stop because it's not that many there right now and only about 4 or 5 wearing yellow shirts but you're right the manager sure the new players said they're done no better when they come out again in a 2nd one the next 10 minutes from now you know be a very different noise agree to make it even more more firing in. The retail park on the doorstep a famous large door you can buy hotdogs and also into up where you come to the game they pay now they're coming in now and they're coming in edgewise to write they says b.b.c. Radio it's for sport when they hear a little bit more from call Robinson who's back here it is old club one of the things that he loves about Oxford United easy heritage and that's why somebody like Karl Robinson completely guess what the death of Jim Smith has done to the club this week how it's been a chance to reflect a chance for nostalgia but also a chance to feel really sorry about losing somebody who is so important to the football club and to the area. For me it was certainly on the mind of Robinson this week he told me just how important it is to remember Smits legacy I can't lie to fans and say to you that. I understood the scene the influence because it's a play and I I think what resonates with me is the I never seen Bush on Glee manage to ever hear him speak book I'm going to show you every game I went to is a kid my dad other Bill Shankly story in the car a fight on the Bill Shankly story on the radio driving home on Radio City or in the Liverpool Echo and it was always a sense of he was still alive and that was carried through the club when the cannon at least up to the time when I was a season ticket holder and. A member of the saints one day about death it's inevitable it's life in some ways that there's 2 ways in some ways the physical one which is deal vs one but there's also the legacy that you leave that will never die and. I started thinking all the time you God spoke about the effect the passing had on a football club and I was thinking yes they were dreams from the quote about what football is management drive you to drink and he pulls up at the wife of one that is cool but I can certainly resonate with you although we have a little more shots of whiskey before every game so warm the cockles up so it's something for me is that we've got a duty care now to make sure the legacy lasts forever. If you haven't told your show ever These told the kids about what he did here and the effect he had to the people who looked at you it's hard being an outsider moving to the city on a. Strong chef United Farm well managed for Wednesday. Not the right way around. If it went that if you went out of my shows I study and you each sort of. It's a compound south to really fall in love with an area to make people believe in you is that sense of is used to go beyond any. Link themselves to the people very very early on and he made people want to follow them and if folks who plays you've played on them over the last 2 and a half years and they all of them believe before memories everybody has a funny story to tell that seems to be as current the I only ever met him once or twice and I'm a denizen you know is quite fearful of what he would say about you being quite human and reinvent the way it was and sort of the is overly spoken quite a lot. I just think we now have a g t k kindness out of making sure that his family feel warm with Oxford United as he made Oxford United fans feel that moment their football club and gave him the greatest time in history the football club and it's from in there will remember properly I think I know there's many many talks of different things that we can do it has to be the right thing asked to be so missed on the test of time it can just be sure and if we do we move on very very quickly because the lad as he left will never die now. Is a sad sad day for face the foremost family. Close friends but equally for the football world with effect that so many people's lives more so than he ought to United and. Even bring it brings whole to me what this football club stands for we have a responsibility to be the next chapter and the players are made the plays of responsibility to the next chapter of a forever evolving football club because. It's steeped in tremendous history and from our point of view tell you stories in the car drive the. That we can laugh and join a moment that's all we all have a do is create moments feats of remember. And smile about in the future and that's make sure the football club we don't forget probably the greatest and most iconic figure but have associated himself with this year but this quick look one of my favorite memories of Jim Smith is him holding out his spectacles and giving them to the linesman you go in trouble with the officials so you keeping that heritage going on yeah and the way the f.a.a. Is nowadays I think in the dock more than what I am it's 40 hour I see doctors a sense of humility just a normal guy just robbery think I'm off on his thinking I'm not used the in trying to believe in the people who knew him and he always seemed to say what was right and the family go on a Right now I think these are things that the decades I've changed it as we have so much more technology nowadays to do have an opinion to prep players to recruit players but let's not forget the sense of so that humility the way it used to be I think that's one thing that we try and you hear a little bit is. We're trying to have 4 we're trying to work hard I'm a trial associate ourself with the county and make people believe in something but I could say I'm a little puppy in comparison to the managers of his day. So I just hope that my view obviously will suck the day anyway we always will do that. I'd like them on City game to be a remembrance of his life and celebration of his life because it said it should be celebrated in the mold Osho discussion that we can do I get his name in right for different things I get these different things that go on ball for me we would always now for a pick in the Jim Smith stand it's not public thing. But we know what it means and that is shown in the I think it's almost like an unofficial on valium and a sense of gathering it be a sense of pride in that stand and also remembrance of what the club was. For today what we're still trying to achieve I'm not sure when the will never live up to it always be the best but we will do our best to try make sure that we live up to this have a pride he put into esteem I'm proud that he put a funds I know we call in to officially on the loose all the different things you're talking about for them we still can call it a. Spacewalkers the call Robinson will send his players out onto the pitch today wearing black armbands as a mark of respect to Jim Smith And then Wednesday night might be Manchester City in town but it is the 1st home game after the passing of Jim Smith and you will have a whole series of tributes paid to cast doubt on Wednesday night ahead of that League Cup quarter final to a man who calls to coach for the 92 League Cup quarter final and Bill to take that one to hold on told him and albeit with him sat in the opposite dugout that day oh my when he said it's a nice picture of the really Spurstow u.f.c. Away game. Couldn't be further away she's on a cruise heading towards Australia watching the game on I follow I don't Levon o'clock their time this evening with the b.b.c. Radio commentary and good to have you on board with us as well as on the ship Thomson and Terry great to see Brannigan fact we've really missed him in recent weeks despite winning let's go and when they say absolute game changer having Brannigan and Goran back says Dorsey you know what a difference a week makes Cole says. Call Robinson should treated Jack Stephens better and given him an opportunity we discussed at length last week he may yet get an opportunity of course if something happens to your knowledge or trivia cattles betted today was a joke in the Fleetwood game said David the man a podcast says we appear to be segregated from ourselves here in stadium m.k. I'm sure you might be able to get a left side right side to go in before too long that would be in itself a tribute to where Jim Smith and he would be a nice touch to Jim Smith stand is the message from Andy one triple 3 start a text with the word Oxford at b.b.c. Oxford sport for you to wait for the United. That keep the unbeaten run going in the league they theory looking at 19 if they were unbeaten after today's game in all competitions depending on whether you count penalty shoot outs or not either way the run has been built on a solid defensive foundation no sides get more clean sheets in the Top 40 years. Of English football then United defender Rob Dickey told me he's looking forward to the coming weeks which brings these exciting fixtures this is what it's all about and from the league guys we want to take maximum points as we can and see what we can get on Wednesday you know obviously be tough. But you never know you never known a couple mostly what we can come away with priority of course will be I get one saying I don't put words in your mouth is the priority the league games yeah is for us we feel we've got a real strong chance this year and you know we've we've got a few players out with injury and stuff but you know and I wouldn't score I'm sorry but we still played really well we kept a clean sheet. Even with our so yeah we feel confident in the league and we want to we want to pick up maximum points over this period is it the case that when a player goes down to injury or in its current case is pension and you guys only seem to take anything look they were going to throw us right now Yeah definitely yeah we've got a really really good squad we've got strength and depth I mean there's a there's a lot of guys out a moment but you know we're still prime really well and we also have Alex back this weekend but even without him and without other players like you know even come from the good news a massive massive problem for us without him we've managed to keep going Chandon we've missed him but we've you know we've kept government and where we're looking forward to seeing those boys come back and progress up a little your thousands going with you to m.k. You've got 5 gates on the horizon in home game of the home game of the home game is that important to the players and also do you feel that in the time that you've been here this club is gradually come come really life yeah just the fan base that so important to us you know I can't tell you how much we appreciate that they probably don't realize how much we appreciate them but they really do give us the big push away from home their incredible really really good fan base away from home and you know we are excited to play for them you know out of the form we're on at the moment so yeah it's great and if if we can get the 5 figure guys for for the games over Christmas Eve and you know the more the better for us and the harder it is for teams to come to us there have been times actually before your time here where sometimes I don't know if United would freeze in front of a big crowd you seem to be a group of players that thrive the bigger the occasion is yeah well I think. You know. Like you know really lots and to tie in and I think that's what it's all about you know when you're in the bigger the crowd. Is great for us. Well take a vote for the 90 days out on the page take just emerging from the tunnel thank you the handshake we say didn't help right away did take gold to the matter his supporters around 3 sides all face a crowd only white could take on today you know I did know why do I keep food on their in their traditional yellow shirts don't you show that yellow shirts again you might say fading as we were meant but you made the statement would you believe football wearing those colors the United supporters of. Both corners of the crowd with segregation between the 2 of them why we know entirely sure if I'm still coming in from the cold is worlds. Nice message from the. Over the. Over the p.a. System here that. Don't stand we don't have united remembering games make nice touch you know you wearing black all bands who said earlier on and they'll be Mini's applause I gather at the you know at a game against Manchester City on Wednesday but now we know talking about the League Cup quarter final we're talking about the promotion right m.k. Dons against Oxford you know it's on the way like next. Radio. Shows. Radio on Tuesday night from 7 taking the 5 many fans for an extra time. To see if the United straining thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. Radio on the internet unfortunately the current programme station is unavailable this is either due to contractual reasons or. Please try again later. Thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. Radio on the internet unfortunately the current program on this station is unavailable this is either due to contractual reasons or a temporary technical fault please try again later thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. 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