In the south now them new research out today says that children who eat fish once a week before they turn are up to 40 percent less likely to develop eczema and ask partly yes so children fish is good for you it's official now don't look at me and say yeah it's good for you or I ate your face. How many times have you said that over the years and when you were younger how many times did you hear it what were you told when you were little would be good for you that you probably didn't really like eating and do you remember any food stories grown ups told you now the research out today about the fish and the Xman they asked me is actually true Ok that is actually true but over the years lots of little stories have been introduced by people to try and make the young ones 8 fruits and vegetables that maybe they wouldn't normally like so you can use these little stories and you can use them in order to try and make them do what you want them to do now them there are some very interesting stories that are myths but they've been around for so long people actually assume they are true when in fact than not give us a couple of them are sprinkle them in over the rest of the hour but here a couple of them there's a couple of food myths that people actually believe 1st of all orange is the best natural source of vitamin c. How many times have you been told that over the years how many times were you told by the grown ups when you were a young girl we are in jail is a best source of it's mince a very good for you it turns out that's not actually true they do have fishermen see in them but they're not the biggest strawberries contain more vigilant sea than oranges they've got about 57 milligrams 100 grams compared to 42000000 grams per 100 grams for the oranges but just 7 strawberries provide the recommended daily amount of vitamin c. Which contributes to the normal function of the immune system along with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and of course they are screaming at the same time I'm not sure though about the huge dollop of creamy stick on the top of them I don't have that may have some effect it may change things somewhat Yes So you create them. As they are one of the other myths that's been around for years is that cooking fruit and vegetables reduces its nutritional value this is not true cooking does destroy some heat sensitivity mentors for investment say the longer that fruit or vegetables are exposed to heat the more traditional and nutritional value they will lose however in some instances health benefits are unlocked through cooking as well so the just a couple of little facts that we thought were true that aren't so got quite a few of them to run through the rest of this hour broad like to know what were you told was good for you when you were little that you didn't want to ate was there something you did not like the taste of you just didn't like it and so the way that the elders tried to make you eat it was by telling you it was good telling it would do something ate this it will make you grow eat this it will make this happen ate that it will stop that from happening there are so so many things that have been used and it's gone on for generations maybe you've got young ones at the moment and you're in the process of trying to make them eat certain things well what are you telling them call full man oh aids Oh aids 109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. Give us a ring email as always popular show a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. Text you start with a word Mila percent 81 triple 3 from you on Twitter Paul Miller Radio So what was it it could be something that was a load of all baloney that you just made up maybe it was something that you'd heard for years and years and it worked for you so you tried it with the young ones and we can spin this around can you remember when you were young the things that you were told would be good for you and little stories you were told to try and make you eat things or even to stop you from eating things was there a type of food that you like too much of and so they came up with something that they could use. Some little story to try and put you off eating too many of them here happens we do it all the time and it's still going on today let's hear them and I'm sure they're going to be some really good ones they could be some that are just unique to you and your family as well cool cool man. 109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. In mt sexto tweets in fact Samantha from South born just been in touch and support I was always told that if you eat all your carrots or if she was to eat all the carrots I'll be able to see in the dark and I really believe this when I was younger I now say the same thing to my son and have a little giggle at the same time you didn't it Jerry's with us from Blue breach a can of carrots Hi Jerry. So you're picking up on carrots as well the same as Samantha Well those 2 things. The one Florida. Do you not like I do not like her Toddy even stand the tunnel or rarely because of the connection with this bizarre isn't it just much you dislike them so when you were younger what were you told to try and make you eat them. Well. They will study the ball issue. On my mind lessons here Well Kyra all the sugar. But wheat and Jerry's think you know that out. I don't understand Holland. How do they do you know that's a secret no one knows. They didn't work they did it. You are that stupid. I am I love the fact that they are this orange color No you can use the comparison with sweets to try and get people to country young ones to to eat them but were not taken in by you know actual fact you might be interested to know Joy that Joyce important in Dorchester both just phoned up and said exactly the same thing about carrots Yes since the said they were told by their parents or their their elders they were swayed because of the color and that was a way to try and make them eat them filed miserably so you still don't like them now it's something that stuck with you has been the the pope but then a saint is their old hubby. Some of them and. Your parents over there and all of that not mine no you know so it's that bad you can't even bear to look at them and then the shops and I go past a vegetable racks and who. So what about preparation of them j. When you're cooking them for your husband do you have to just try to think about other things or do you just do it calling it ever done with no of come up with a solution Ok husband just approaching Oh who all right so problem solved Oh yeah definitely. So now it's outside and. Not another. Car and. Love to be a fly on the wall I really would pass by the sofa and there plays bring it through and I finish with it. And what about body sugars do we actually light body sugars or do we have the association McCarrick to. Contend like not to but. It's still there and orange is a problem for stop what about our in G.'s do like oranges Well I used to get oranges but I'll have grown up I think. In 2 and the little pig is. Very sweet very sweet. But you don't even like the color arranged because of the carrot. Well well so that is definitely one that I think a lot of people are going to share with bearing in mind Joyce important in Dorchester just phone through it's exactly the same thing so it's not just you Jerry. There are many of those and I'm sure there are many other fruits and vegetables the people of heard all sorts of weird things about to try and make them eat them as we might be finding out Pardon us of those also Highbridge either or no . Dear So do you like any vegetables always. Get me to say centers like roast potatoes and order the what he sings. Rather starchy things. Fair enough who cares anyway who cares what we like have what. You don't care and no one can now or never have never cared. You don't enjoy That's why I say well no more carrots or cabbage for you but thank you for your cool and I suspect assisted us all well done congratulations excellent keep up the momentum or I take care of all the best not I must wait now that they want by Jerry in blueberry with carrots Irene from baldness just text says My mom used to say you eat your greens and your hair will curl if one person next door looks at me there'll be trouble right just one little is all it needs and there will be trouble I've already had that in the office earlier on thank you it'll make your hair curl she says I did not like greens but I used to pat them down to mix them with other food so my hair wouldn't curl think she believes true ever from south Texas and I remember I was told if I eat spinny It's like Popeye the Sailor I'll get big arms my arms as soon as thin as a pencil don't quite work does Edward I must admit I thought that as well a big fan of spin is to be honest with you and Liz on the Isle of Wight says I didn't like Pilon apples and my mum used to say your teeth will not stay white if you don't eat it but I was stubborn and I still don't eat it now let's go to Tom Ridge was and speak to Brian hello Brian. You fine are you tonight. There is a lot of colds around is that miserable time of the year isn't it. Never mind never mind sorrow What is it that you were told. You know when the kids were young. For you of each and we've given a color you. Tell the kids that I've called Grio was like oh yeah right it was a. City boy he was with the lost sheep sheep sheep punched it put people past or it. She wrote without people was. Battery and take Floyd it writes. Trying to Sky's the sun what we should always. Code. What. Would. You know you used. To code what it was. I mean. I can imagine if I says I can imagine it just goes to show Brian so many things are mind over matter. You know dental like something by the look of it all the way that it you know that the you imagine it's going to taste when in fact it's actually really quite nice so I thought it was cold. It was you know Judy any. Girl yesterday wanted to find out what it was so did they every meal all caught again after this. One habit and think you know next time other. Accounts out blame your bra and counter blame any of you 'd can stay. My father used to live in his. Office and also even though that you know they're dead and coax the thoughts of what they look like when they're alive and. You know these things wiggling around in the se you think no thank you very much if you will be like. To some lawyer that they really took them and chuck him back they can swim off is a rock your lucky day today Rugeley ago him but I think your brian your brian So I think your wife was genius in doing that. Because had she have said we're going to have these you know they would never I don't think your children whatever of agree to or even tried it. So that's the thing to do pretend it's something that it isn't she's very capable Missus. Everybody is going to say that if we don't. Know Jennifer you deserve our. Love and never be in fish again after hearing that with. Someone Yes. Say on a minute I'm going to check this out. Lovely story great to tote your bride had that coat. On take it easy. She is not now. There's brought in Tom Ridge we go on the lovely yet who are they. Called balls oh right all that yummy We're like they is yeah you know you've Jeezy 20 past 11 publisher of the b.b.c. In the South we're talking about the things that you were told were good for you when you were little to confute things here things that you were told were good for your maybe things you were told were bad for you in order to make you eat them all to stop you from eating them you know these little food stories that grownups tell you ate this and that will happen or don't eat this otherwise this will happen what was it and you know amazing how 9 times out of 10 it always seems to be around vegetables things that are supposedly good for us. Who ate one 109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. There you number email text or tweet me to pat Emily in from Southend just tech She says some years ago my nan gave me a slice of cucumber so she said. That's what she said it was it was actually a piece of rock or jet and she laughed when I said it tasted horrible to this day I cannot stand cause you. It's stuck with me ever since I don't like it some other to be honest with you let's speak to Pat and Shanklin your poem how you my love find how you very well indeed thank you very well indeed. What is some funny ones the. Tonys mom always said to him don't put on your chips or you blow 10 why you. Mean I couldn't believe it but that's what you just say where I say I have a horror movie isn't it if it is and said there are people thinking white clouds thinking that it could happen of course when you're young you believe everything you believe it no year but my mother perhaps a wave like she you know I think everybody knows this one equals and will get Caylee home. If you pull rosy cheeks Oh yes I've heard yes yes one was she said if you eat spinach a lot most was like Popeye Thank you I won with muscles like exactly that's the things I want my Popeye thank you very much. Down the street when it comes with a big. No no leave them to olive oil leave them to whatever oil I suppose they think it is a child you're going to be so impressed with the likes of Popeye that you're going to eat your spinach I don't like spinach I never have done I do need to put tasteless it's not really dish don't think about it it's a funny out-I a states away thing I can't get into it so I'm afraid to try but no I mean only she is lazy only just got round to putting the nigger on this chip as easy as I got what without. Could himself after to make sure. Just to check it out as it happens on. You know I'm not with any given it was a no no as far as I'm concerned that's the way to get me out the room if you want me to. Leave the room both think side to Pinnacle referee to hate. All you want is Grace been told by anyone near a side if any get as well I know it's not like Mulvaney go but it's still just this can't be going there for I had come to go there demo don't want you may not have heard before I got some some myths here that oh generally well known too much fruit rocks your teeth never heard that before. You know it's not actually true fruits which have very high acid content can damage your enamel of if you solve it but generally the sugary most fruits will not rot your teeth we're talking of moderation if you have you know 600 why a day obviously is don't do you any good news probably won't you won't be seen anyway should be in the loo all the time but you know but no too much fruit is not actually true no you can stuff your bananas and have no worries the side we were with told me of the one about the pilot you know you see in the door. The funny thing is I used to say we don't want them which they think we really are modest derives should you never see a rabbit with glasses on yeah my mum used to say that I say oh no you don't do you know. The thing is that's also another one of the myths here Pat It is a myth Botswana saying that Carrots do contain vitamin a which is important for good vision so the bit about the rabbits that glasses is level nonsense but they are good for you one way or the other but I don't I don't eat too many of them. Cannot enjoy a few weeks too many on you and what you do you know you do have seen in natural 5 you look around online there are some videos there was an experiment that was done . A few years back in one of the universities not sure which one it was and somebody ate huge amounts of of carrots and it was done. Under medical supervision he or she come it was a man or a woman he or she did actually start to turn orange that doesn't actually work here . It's just not that simple of a strange look walking down the road like it isn't it. Not recommended not regulated the last night. Thanks for your cold so you take it. There's Pat from Shanklin that is true there is absolutely if you do he's huge amounts of carrots it will make your skin start to turn orange a collar it's not good for you those are not something we should actually do Mary says When my daughter was a toddler she wouldn't eat carrots or swayed so I used to mash it up into a pulp with gravy and say oh this is lovely gravy again it's the way it looks isn't it and Jackie says when I was little mum used to give us rabbit stew and tell us it was chick in it was only when I got older and asked why our chickens had 4 legs that she told me and I've never eaten it since my nan used to try to get me sweet rabbit could get on with it and so was he Joe says cabbage would make my Herc my hair color I was always told but it never did and I was never told why 27 minutes past 11 let's go to Haywards Heath and speak to Gladys hollow Glynnis Hello Paul. How are you tonight oh I'm very well I think it's super duper rights now then cabbage in broad beans. Can't say I blame it learned to be honest. Especially broad beans. And tell them it may not mean or Oh dear what happened. Did she threatened you. With thing because my mother used to take me some ink warning I mean are they over there because they weren't heavy really what do you say to that Mark and I want. You to make me hate. It is a love hate thing is nay it really is I know people who really do dislike it you know for a good friend of mine called Barrett even though he's he's wife cooks it fair for them in the children he can't even stand to be in the same room there were now our own. Families now you do change and house and know where he lives and their lives are so circus I went to dinner the 1st I went to dinner. And he just up is cabbage just. Thought there is a good stuff. At the ready for. A quote that you have is just a cabbage why not isn't there we're not here Ok. I'm going to go on the. Same thing as the one that did and I am. Awake I think we're going to go on there how about that and it would then he said as it is so did the been a. Mosque the taste change the taste and make it bearable place a place that changed the place. Where it was. For me right me enjoy it with the men again there are there are it with an acre of funniest and I think also look at me Larry and. Yeah I like cabbage so Kennie's you say so with a lot of people so I can imagine you clinic's You must've been thinking oh my goodness what a violent myself in full here sat down with a future mother in law cabbage and then the broad range from at one time they of accounts stand. Over the right thing as they go by so do you have to palm am. Nothing in the state with those base because grouping them most days go to get a pass if you want to bet. Right now. I hate the I my grandmother used to eat them roll. Oh no. Shock in them and and ate more than one in the bowl oh she was terribly taken away from a she would say to my mom take them away from me take them away a large I shall eat them all she love to them especially roll could smell them as well dreadful things dreadful and I call the shots and I think of the set she was just at the shock in the many seeing them and and thena later in our life she she didn't have any teeth so you can imagine the chops were going 60 to the dozen and. It wasn't a good look. It was a could look at so to shut the door let it get on with. Me Away Yes Oh I. Thank so much for calling. Well said pleasure thank you for being there Bubba my love. There's Glen it's from a would say it's true it's true he did raise his phone she says a child I stuff would travel sickness particular on a coach so went on school trips teachers always told me to have a barley sugar and they would prevent the sickness in fact they made me feel worse and to this day I cannot eat body sugar sweet all coffee or even orange sweet scene jam rule he just brings you back. Enough to make. Something up. One of the big songs the year send your way to Sean Mendez and can make a bio right 25 to 12 the b.b.c. In the Savage just joined us we're talking about the things you were told were good for you when you were little things that you maybe didn't want to eat things were good for you probably And so you had all these little stories that said it'll make you grow that will make this that and the other happen and there are quite a lot of myths out there that are generally except I mentioned just now I was talking to Pat about carrots helping you to see in the dark in the old story about you don't see rabbits wearing glasses Well it is a myth because carrots does not help you to see in the dark carrots do contain vitamin a which is important for good vision so you can see probably where the story came from in the 1st place here's another interesting one that you may have heard eating celery burns more calories than you gain by eating it no I've heard face and I was led to believe it was true it's a load of all rubbish because in reality there are no negative calorie foods pity's not chocolate cream cakes up in ice wouldn't even though celery does have very low calories high water density and also high fiber your body still doesn't use as many calories to process it as there are in a salary stick. I'm afraid not and when you throw a load of cream cheese over it you ruin the whole thing anyway organic fruit is healthiest is also another myth there is a negligible nutritional difference between organic and non organic fruit is the fact and one more that I want to mention for I go back to your like this while it's often believed that chocolate is an aphrodisiac stop stuffing your face with that chocolate please does not I'm saying chocolate is an aphrodisiac where all there is limited evidence that chocolate is an aphrodisiac as there are such small amounts of the substances which have an effect on the desire in in on desire generally within chocolate so next time the other half wants to know why you've spent the entire day stuffing your face when you can say open darling I was waiting for you to come home or you know I thought you could have an early night and they we're fruit now around your gob it's level rubbish so the reason we lost the chocolate is simply because we like eating it he's not an aphrodisiac at all it's going to Porchester speak to gratify gross oh do you how are you tonight. Now you do know the expression you use the other night I started something off on this program don't you oh well you know the crowd going to are you are. A few people have been mentioning that since saying it was one of the funniest expressions I've ever heard. I tend to agree I've never heard that before we let it be obvious you come from a funny family like me no common. Ground . Why are you. Really Do. Now we've got a lot of people talking sod about cabbage and we were chatting about this in the office earlier on I'm one of our colleagues was saying the brussel sprouts was a was a huge problem for him and well your gran came to the rescue possibly here. On the high. Side. Probably. Right now yeah. Probably well up. If they don't look similar issue in the distance. Off. But our present size. And so did you think about this mind over matter how you looked at that pulled it all cabbage until it's just grown up sprout I like sprouts so I know. Those who have no way of eating that is also very true yeah that is also very true covered up with all sorts which is what you have to do isn't it when your child like something particular tomato sauce or mint sauce apple sauce whatever keep checking for the best to take they hear from everyone how God made me. And so you still a lot brussel sprouts always have oh yeah you see I do as well as we mentioned this in the office earlier on when that colleague straight away shouted out Brussels sprouts he's Me Funny how there he's such a love hate relationship with them. Now I always. Remember. The young lady on the phone Terry Wogan he was always saying about all that. I think there is a me have you got your brother right. Where you go to get a morning to have a Christmas album is. Out on Christmas Day So get him on yeah quite right Sarah Kennedy you're probably talking about like yeah I can one with this man already on Gretta. Monitor known to wakes up. Away nicely Oh yeah some money messing around for Christmas without sprouts and a mouse just ask you finally do you eat cabbage now or have you given up with it again. Ya know you mean. Yeah I know what you mean now I do know him in my gran used to call it that as well and I know exactly what you mean it's a bit it's not quite as strong as it. But remember though it's only a grown up Brussels sprout grocer. Remember that. Let me just beat you my love Thanks for calling to say care. There is Grettir from from Porchester brought in were things just text he says as children me and my sister would go to my father's vegetable garden and eat raw of a ditch we were very healthy we were picked and then hide the pod so my father never knew my mother quarter's one day eating raw cauliflower she says you'll get was doing that and now everyone eats roll vague she says Briony thing I used to be told that about potatoes I was telling the guys next door before we came on the air I used to like eating raw potatoes and I was a kid I was very very young and if my mom or my nan or whatever was picking potatoes for the for dinner or for lunch whatever I would always have a little piece of raw potato and I think I have too much of it because they're very very very rich in starch they didn't want me to have too many of them and so I used to be told the same thing they'll give you worms so of course not understanding at the age of about 5 I imagine these great big wiggly earthworm things inside your stomach that we can do without that so I stopped doing it they were nice though Gillian Farnham's tech She says My sons both hated Brussels sprouts if I put so much as one single sprout on their plates I'd complain that I had contaminated their meals but they always loved my gravy he wasn't until they were grown up that I told them I made the gravy with the water that was used to. Boil the sprouts some jelly in Farnham Yes good way of getting the extra flavor definitely jetted Hastings' emails. U.k. Says broad beans do not taste as better if the outer skin of the beans are removed it's a bit fiddly but it might help people who think they are better and I just heard the comment about barley sugars and remember that I was told the same thing I also found they made travel sickness worse so I have no idea where that theory came from I was better off with that with Toffees or crisps That's from Jane in Hastings thank you for that Jane nice to to hear from you and Baz in Bournemouth says Now then this thing about some carrots I believe the myth about carrots was started by the War Office in the 2nd world war to explain why our pilots and gunners were having such great success against the Luftwaffe or at night one airman eat our air many carrots they can see in the dark was the message the truth was we'd invented radar and that was guiding our aircraft the enemy planes so they needed a cover story to try and explain it what about that and a 3 quarters of a century later says Baz the story we still believe that was one of the most successful pieces of propaganda ever Baz in Bournemouth I had something like that before actually so that sort of confirming it in in a way I speak to John in Southampton on this same subject how to John. Hi there how are you doing. I'm Ok thank you jolly good you want to pick up on this piece is about the r f carrot story this is really interesting yeah there was. About a month ago on t.v. . I think it's called the World War yes. And they had. Its source or an old program. And the people who made it around anymore but they had an interview with a person who was in the area and I mentioned the carrots. Yes And the rumor got rain to Germany and they said 'd quote sources count. Them they held. There they were scoffing these carrots thinking come on keep you saying they're happy to see in the dark and all the time it was great doing nothing but give him stomach I think yeah. Serbs have brought. All that is very amusing it just goes to show there doesn't it how once something is believed that it will go on and be passed on through generation and generation they just they were Yeah that stache true and it was because it was probably so well done in the 1st place a bit of propaganda was so believable exactly why like that I can just imagine these these poor German stuffing their faces thinking and any more of these carrots away get away just shut up and saying but I still can't stand the dark laugh some more. That is so clever it really is and it makes sense doesn't it Joe Yes it does it does make sense to like carrots by the way lovely Yeah I like carrots too I like them Ross Perot you know I most things I musta missed a few things I don't like most vegetables and I tend to I don't know or alone like the pickled red cabbage I do. Boxing Day with cold turkey John Yeah missing out on a tree. A long time ago that used to like it. Always have always hate it always disliked it it's a love hate thing again oh people it's like his ways are love certainly is were no more love hate saying but great to hear about the carrots thank you for calling tonight much appreciated thank you John take care but by now. None I join in Southampton this picture in my mind how these poor women how many more carrots want to you say that in German yet not enough yet she still can't see stuff in their faces and stuff in their faces so in Weymouth just check she says Hey Paul I was always told that if I swallow chewing gum it would wrap around my heart hurts think similar to that to make sure that you didn't do it because when you had chewing gum or bubble gum even as a kid there's always the danger that you may swallow it and to make you very cautious and very careful then you'll be told something like that so I think my dad used to say that to me as well he can't have that happening could be very very careful. Now them raw potatoes and I was always told by my mom and my Nan I think my probably my own as well that this was the case to try and stop me from eating them sliced we rule potatoes all the time Angela is in Dol food and she might be able to debug the story hi Angela Hello hi So if you heard this before yes I love Will potatoes and salt on them and Amie my mother said to the doctor one day look I do a large for potatoes and I think she'll get worms she said she won't if you washed them really they said overall vegetables better for you than cooked I love I know as to which Indian he came from Bombay the city of which plenty of vegetables but he said wash them 1st so when you cut them up you wash them are supposed to get some of the starch off yes and only then will I have a rubber thing will I love raw vegetables I always have done I haven't eaten a rubber Tater for some years I think I believe my mamma my nan said to me and so it. Can start I use them then I saw them being crunchy. Delicious haters Well cowards who we had assholes Yeah I like cabbage. All your sweet time Oh yes and yes like this weed a peppery. If you eat those they pepper the lot want to press really hard never taste them or all of a lovely Depeche of all of them now. Sound of this must be turning into a rabbit and all these roll vegetables but so just make I've got this right so you cut up the potato you slice it up whatever take the skin of it you peel it and then you wash the segments before you eat them. Here to get all that to get a gun she stuff and that's what it is if there's any worms in the pillow or anything still off anyway yes see a problem is solved excellent Dr Angela thank you very much x.o.r. Take care my love nice to speak to you but I must wait there we are and you from Dartford sake get stuff in your faces but get washing 1st please otherwise those wiggly worms will be appearing Christian birching to say when I was a kid I wouldn't eat fish then my parents told me that if I did eat fish I'll be able to learn to swim very easily. I a fish and learn how to swim believed it to be true as not out I now know that it's not true but I still really enjoy eating fish and telling my kids exactly the same . Other myths that you may have heard over the years which are actually untrue drinking fruit juice is as nutritious as eating whole fruit a lot of people believe this sometimes we are alleged this to be the case by companies that produce fruit juices well whole fruit contains vital fibers and nutrients that are removed in the juicing process so that's not actually true if you have bought juice to buy the way. To try to make your own juice you have 6 hours to wash the thing up and 5 hours to put it back together again you're stuck in the back of the cupboard never been out since Yeah me too the other one that a myth dried fruit and fresh fruit have equal nutrition not true the heat used in drawing fruits can decrease the amount of some heat sensitive nutrients things like vitamin c. However one piece of dried fruit dollars contain similar nutrients as fresh fruit just in a smaller portion and this is the one we touched on a little bit earlier getting rid of chewing gum now it's alleged that it takes 7 years to digest chewing gum Now whilst your stomach doesn't digest gum in the same way as other foods it still makes its way through the system in the same way or writes I'm going to say no more than that so it will not be in your stomach for 7 years it will reappear before then Ok nuff said it synonymous to 12 the b.b.c. In the south or off to Dover announced me to Carol hi Carol. Hi How are you tonight time. Now then we need to little bit of work to get Carol to eat her greens I understand. When there's a little. Early to go under and such a day. Most of the moves involved have a. Plan to make how you can go in the background Haven't you can you going to turn it down please my love because of my mom in Ok so why is it means it'll be awkward for you that so. Going in now Ok that's fine that's better I can tell you now yeah that's lovely thank you so Karen you are saying they are still there. Oh you got no signal in that other thing yet I gather Oh I'm here now there you are Ok well you say my love well and we just have to go to doand at night he's on a Saturday when my mom and dad when shopping and every you know we'd have cabbage with every meal and like grand and used to say Hey today I need to say. There's no it was accompanied by the way any you go to has on your chest. And I said no grand. I put up with it and I feel I was a teenager. And you know it's you know well the height is so much a star might be you know they were READY. You know he really really really didn't want his own you Chad you know ready no no no no no no he really kept on and I was 21 when he died and he still kept it to the last east get the story going that greens up go you know it is on your chest. Remotes I'm grindin I don't want is on me. And I remember the No one is going to. The lady on your own couch saying about eating spinach and being told that you have arms like Popeye and I don't want to pulp I thank you very much you know this is a young teen I really didn't has when you check No not at so it's not exactly very fetching easy let's be honest you know really you know now that I'm rather glad I didn't get hands on my chest Yeah absolutely you know it was. He was a was a true called me born in the sound of the Bow Bells and saying it is very it's very funny that to think the. We will we are taken in by because you do there your parents or grandparents you believe what they say to you as a young person and I didn't mind the 1st sort of sort of 345 and up when you get to being. A teenager yeah you start think you know I really don't know I hope. Every day you wake up I'm going to look in the mirror exactly just to make sure that he was thankfully Carol there was no growth thank goodness. Thank you very much for calling my sway and say good care but by now. Carroll in Dover thanks for your call was a couple of last things here which are generally believed to be true but aren't fruit should not be to 2 o'clock in the afternoon a lot of our rubbish fruit is healthy at any time of the day and the final one is again to do with fruit fruit should only be on empty stomach this is not true there is no scientific evidence to suggest there are negative side effects of eating fruit before food so there you go go and get stuck in ice. Thanks very much for your lovely stories. Have a look and see about those has ground chance you can eat your greens can have a lot. Of. Yeah. Lenny Kravitz and Flyaway news weather on the way and that is the South says very quickly they love this this is from Mark on the e-mail who's working the night shift and I could hear from you Marc he said I totally agree with you just speaking to eating raw veggies is the best Anderson to this he says I also love eating frozen peas they are really really sweet have never eaten frozen peas I've never tried that I have to give that ago Mark for ozone pays this could be the new big thing join your stories on digital 95.2 m. And online news is b.b.c. Radio. B.b.c. News at midnight time or Alderson the independent travel agent has travel is buying all $555.00 Thomas Cook shops it says it's hoping to take on the 2 and a half 1000 staff who were working in the stores when the company collapsed last month his travel has described the purchase as a game changer for its business and nickel flats from travel Supermarket dot com says not everyone wants to buy the holiday online paper. It said we were upset about our holiday but the stuff in their shops were grace so they're acquiring some great stuff and there's a market because all the people people that grew up in the seventy's 86 days they went to shops and they still want to say they want that personal service so there's a market definitely about Boris Johnson has spoken to President Trump and urged him to reconsider the diplomatic immunity given to the wife of a man an American diplomat who was involved in a road accident in Northamptonshire in which a teenager died and cyclist is thought to have been driving on the wrong side of the road when she collided with Harry done in August she later flew home to the United States Harry's parents met with the foreign secretary Dominic Robb on Wednesday but his mum Charlotte Chiles says it was disappointing just stuff that let down by both governments can't really see the point as to why we were invited to go and see on the graph we we all know that full well it's the moment this time last week part of me is feeling like it was just a publicity stunt 2 men have died in a fire at a working men's club in Morcombe in Lancashire they were rescued from the building but died a short time later parliament will hold a special sitting a week on Saturday to decide the way forward on Bracks it whether or not a deal has been reached with the e.u. If there's no agreement Boris Johnson could challenge M.P.'s to vote for a new deal around has broken out online between the wives of the footballers Wayne Rooney and Jamie Vardy it's over allegations that stories about the Rooney's were leaked to The Sun newspaper Colleen Rooney says information from a private Instagram account has been made public but Rebecca Vadi denies it was her the u.k. Ticket holder who's won 170000000 pounds on the euro millions making the Britain's biggest of a lottery winner still hasn't claimed the prize the national lottery operator Camelot is asking people to check their tickets and he Carter's an advisor who helps the winners come to terms with their new found wealth we've got some people. Thank you that sort of school. The man the lottery is coming that they can that part of the people are just very very quiet they haven't told a single so husbands have a wives wives have a hotel but John Barrowman who's taking up judging Judy's on T.V.'s Dancing On Ice has welcomed the inclusion of its 1st same sex dancing couple the actress says the show is now making history and each from the pop group steps will be teamed up with the professionals much Eavis when the show's at when the show as in January next year b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 12 b.b.c. Radio walks away with cold. So they haven't claimed that money. To go and check your tickets if you bought one could. Then check mine again haven't checked it for 5 minutes to 70 times or screwed up and. Forgot one number is that Celts. Fan us.

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