Fine and dry salt with plenty of sunshine but tension a heavy rain and thunder a shower of rice highs of 15 foul c s b b c a radio Skinny's 3 minutes past the b.b.c. Radio pack I'm actually going it was here we could we could make a fortune by some of the yeah that doesn't sound good so often it does I might do well to have it go to you know one cross country competition that's going to be the rule if you do cross country go right. Don't change on b.b.c. Radio on Sunday. Well good luck today 7 James was a look at the show up until fall that Adam got a great job great show on paper this is going to be award winning. Writer standing by just about he's written a new book cold. And I don't know if you've heard of all this but it's a fantastic place and we go all the information about how you get to love that book I don't know why that also makes Ben a little bit lighter on them because I'm strictly told with a robot a little bit lighter wrong as well Ross and. Radio. Talk. Talk Talk shock. Shock. So I'm going to get the joke. But you know but do you. Know that you want. To get. To do the work that you've got to get to the direction you want to. Thank you. That's a shock to the to do so. Because it would. Be. Thank. You but you. Fail. And we say welcome to. The new book is called Oxford and Matthew Reiss your baby isn't it I bet my little rectangular baby yes it's just that I would look at it online or on the little bit of it and it's much more impressive in real life that's a relief to be helpful set back if you've seen a pretty good I. Have got to look good in line of them as people won't buy them online is most important Yeah Ok and if and when I see a title and you may be aware that we are in Oxford at the moment yeah I am aware of that yeah good if you live here I live just outside Oxford and I did live in Oxford you know that's why I read that these are think. Of picture but with words or story you know it's a very surprising. It is a picture book with words which is ideal for radio broadcasts and it helps that So 1st of all explain explain the book because there's a big picture well explain the front cover the front cover is obvious because it's got a picture of the regular camera and it is night time and it's got lots of people wandering around and I hope it will make everyone want to buy the book because that's what covers are there to do and what's nice about it is a dozen of those railings No the railings and the grass have both gone missing as it turns out of the great treats about drawing pictures of things as opposed to photographs is that you can scrap anything you don't want to pylons go out the window and or or not depending on the picture and railings and grass can all go with it you can do it want that is a beautiful case but I can also do a little bit adroit as good as you by a country mile but you know I think I can't draw I just miss out. Yes and I used to do that with people and my father was alive I always used to rush down the road his house and say Could you put the people in for me and then they'd look really good and now sadly he's died so I've had to get better at the people's old places. Everything is gone very very wrong and the beauty of it is in the book that the various drawings watercolors a spouse of a and and then you can see there's a cartoon esque n'est of a figure I mean well I would be the last to say it but I have a feeling if you have a book that's just pictures of buildings risk it might be a tiny bit boring and so and buildings are about people and the people who are in the museum and you need people for scale and if you got people to scale most wanted them doing something nice Yeah it was full of rather strange characters doing strange things and so kind of resistable not to make people a bit interesting as well yeah and you can write a funny little notes by them and sort of you know say so well it was got notes anyway because although one spends a huge amount of time writing the text it's sad but no in fact nobody ever reads it not even your nearest and dearest friends and so Knutson captions are on the novel obviously they have to read the words when is it a straight or they tend to go over the pitches the captions as a kind of safe way around that one so you've got so because we know it is full of great buildings so how did you decide what to draw to start with well and good question because there's plenty of it this is stuff we're building stuff with architecture I think I tried to go over the buildings that were the best example and of each thing in like a kind of architectural museum age by age it's got something of a riparian in it so you try to pick the best and the ones are the most interesting and the ones that got the most to say about them and sometimes just the ones where you can compare one with the other and try and work out that you've got and you also plan that you know you thought you found something interesting about a building and thought about a drawer. Or you draw then find something interesting theoretically the 1st time sometimes the 2nd theoretically the 1st type and there was in all sorts of plans of this book as with all books you keep making plans it's a really good way of putting the time before you start doing it but yeah I think I probably did fill in the gaps I knew what I what I wanted to illustrate and if we were in Oxford on the right day did we get to see you with ease or. Easel No you might have seen me general the crappy old golf drawing through the window you might as seen Mr slum like another drop on the corner against one nice building drawing another yes you could easily have seen me yeah and so I said you might have walked embarrassingly past or possibly dropped a coin and there was some Ben and said that you did this summer on a sketch pad and made it better home yeah finish off or work from that and see what's quite quickly when I'm quite quick yes yeah the idea is what I'm doing wrong I get bored I do it quite quickly I want is one of the things you can do life has changed but if you will phone in your top pocket you can have the answers on the bus on the time that your drive never had a period when I've been so up to date with Ambridge. In Oxford somehow turned out to be the place that I really got my head around in that time and that's I mean and if and I have drawn the line but it put it in your top pocket upside down took me several months to realise Weirdly I had as the sun comes out of the end of the telephone with the holes on it is a real life changer if any of you out there have find it makes life easier. And so I sometimes do listen to the radio. We need to transfer to radio works but apart from that will lay off later on the way on the I mean the right area. And so how long you've been putting this together I think it's taking about 2 years to do this from the 1st drawings and the 1st stumbling bits of writing to getting it done it comes out in. The shop not in Blackwell's windows eyesore. Yes I think I think there's a little I think I might begin to talk to his literary festival as well and a few other things but yes so I don't want to. Say if you. Come into. The book. But yes I'm going to that bit more about. Going to. Hair today we got Matthew rice with a book called Oxford. Doesn't architectural drawing books we can't call it that better than that I did and it does sound a bit stiff Yeah but I'm not to reflect least if I didn't have my drawings are all shaky and feeble I tried to get the line straight where possible using the ruler but I think that it's what I think is in the trade called accessible I don't think it is. Your background then my background. I have been a designer and an illustrator all my life my parents were both design. My dad was a theater designer My mom was a textile design. And I've designed things ever since. And and so I started doing books about 20 years ago and I've done about 6 or 7 you know and it's the nicest thing to do you feel do I know why I want always feels this is a magic about a book and is going to last for them because because because with it or you know you don't quite have it's the opposite it's over you've done it and then you know it was last week the next thing you know I've almost forgotten it I wasn't brilliant I realize when I was in my early twenties I was old fashioned and my father was pushing the boundaries rather more than me and when you see that that's a time to change I think and so I I rather skipped over I did furniture for of. These things and I ventured if you draw what you do is draw and say whether you're drawing buildings in Oxford or designing a table or whatever it is I think it's all so in the same language Yeah yeah and the course you can deliver a stooge Tolliver and here you've moved. Half an hour away yeah and you only got a nice of a mediƦval house you know yes it is my house is strange it was built in 1320 it's. Very nice vaults and things like that in it so yes it's old it was the. It was the gate house is the last shred of the gate house of a long gone castle so that doesn't really feel very costly Les you have arise and sort of bracket the picture down till you can just see about 10 foot of it you can still kind of imagine the great thing about drawing is you can leave out all the modern things yeah try to make it so good you know the castle looked like before you know what do you think that So there are a couple of drawings here in the body and of of of what it looked like sort of 200 years ago and also 400 years ago as one drawing Yeah it was a great long been there also from but it's all been like all castles and buildings that were needed broken down we presume it's from a ghost Well you would you know what I really hope to full of was interesting things underground I thought there'd be armor and spearhead or even cannonballs or anything interesting whereas we didn't even find a sort of cow's tooth under that I've never known a less rewarding bit of archaeology and we found one good thing which was a sort of mammoth task and when I said nice lady who I hope isn't as ning from Oxford archaeology to look how exciting you find a mammoth task and then it's not interesting it's not it's not really archaeologists too old. Best thing you could possibly find it fell to pieces very quickly and I've got some shreds of mammoth task but that's all I don't know they kept them in the castle and now the book is called Oxford and how do you how was it how many different account there how to draw your image loads after it was really great about having friends I think is probably about 150 pictures and quite a lot of drawings which your for if your favorite Oxford building building Well yes I mean obviously you have cameras sort of everybody's favorite and it is extraordinary Radcliffe Square is a very extraordinary composition of buildings because you go in to that square and you are in a strange place which is. Totally unlike anywhere else in the country and because it's got also wonderful floor floors really one thing I did learn but my brief bit of the theater designing world is the floor cloth is what matters more than anything else as long as you've got the floor cloth you can suspend disbelief properly but if you still see the ordinary floor the whole thing just looks like all the flats and I think it's the same with buildings and you know you have the most modest buildings if you put enough to put a modern asked for around there's a 1000000 sit happily and the best bit about that is it's got the most wonderful pavement and road because if I'm if I when I wander around Oxford I'm thinking or going to be arty Yes you do that quite a lot to get that thing. Yesterday to be a party and take a couple of snaps from a phone in the us and that's quite a lot of a not very are to do that to snatch the family quite well you know then we can then I might draw it later on if only Yeah mostly Yes but you know when it's out of course we do I we've all done what you've done on the front cover we take a picture of that and maybe draw a little bit but where or what are the other iconic so I should have a go at. A good question one that we don't know what we're not what I think that the portress that there is with curly wurly columns and so called Solomonic because allegedly the Temple of Solomon had barley sugar columns like that I think that's probably rather brilliant the gateway is the Botanic Garden they are extraordinary I don't know almost all of north and there's so many I mean did you go in the colleges you know because they didn't you know they oversee you know you know somebody because you want to somebody who doesn't know you know you walk past always going these places you know what I think that there are enough days and hours and things where you can I think that of all cities as an architectural interest was very accessible you know you can get into so many so many different places and see inside but most cities or towns of this size have some wonderful buildings but they're kind of squished in amongst the dreary stuff or the horrid stuff or the really ugly stuff. The stuff no one cares about and the strange thing about I guess is to do with the university it's just boom boom boom boom boom one marvelous thing after another it's like. The best musical you've ever heard one number following another number there's a tiny little pill ready and a marvelous hasn't got brilliant overture actually walking from I think walking from the station into town must be the least exciting arrival in a most exciting place to go where. They always draw you've got hundreds of men there I presume you can have a good gallery at home with them looking on a wall you know looking great and I didn't know that what to do with them is yet to be done I think they might possibly be sold in aid of the new organ Barnabas church which we're trying to get some money for so I think I might try and find a way of letting them help us get a few more pipes for the. Architectural fact he said no one reads the words only look at the pictures which is fine but there's a quality of what you know the words are in there was a little different they were doing Joy writing do you enjoy finding out the stuff about these places very nice that's how you find out by writing books in every way that's anywhere so anybody ever finds out it is but you have to do the proper research so when you go to a library or something like that what happened here is a look at another book has already been written I think you just yes I mean I think I think if you look at one book and copy the whole thing out you know I think you look at a loss and you try and similarly the information and sort of anchor Yeah well it looks fantastic as a good book in it thank you very nice to say. It and here we are you know 1st it's lovely to talk to your c.e.o. Your appearance his literary appearance is happening soon you know the model of where you're going to be I think there's something happening Blackwell's on the 25th something Wantage festival about a week later Ok lovely or something like that it's it's it's rushing in Matthew Ryan and good luck with the book thank you very much for coming today thank thank you for having me. A.b.c. Radio that you'll It's telling save the travel comment for. 34 look at all James north that is quite slow Actually he tried to get the info to see such as a short delay here between West on the green and the end footie roundabout that's 2 was 29 for best interest to itself a 41 North Island also struggling between Chesterton and distributed through those long time right elsewhere on the eastern bypass road Oxford I can see now south down to life through the county Junction and then again once you get Paulus that cute as a separate one as you go to is the lead to more roundabouts it's a boundary not things like about every rule I have to say is just the bits life right now that is a bike directions between the Sainsbury's and the hospital and be aware that an adult and it could be a lot busier in the town center because all street the high street they buy thing closed because of the McComas that times ever travel from b.b.c. Radio excited I'm. Cool with your travel there's. Site tomorrow morning. In. The. Loop like Bill Clinton. am. Ready to go to Love that song let's turn. The radio up sleeves bullets in the woods Felix had need a festival is on from the 11th the 26th of October and this year's fame is tails off beyond they say the events included music recitals cool lots of storytelling talk some films there's a swap shop and at the sports Pavilion on Saturday morning from 121130 you can bring could put it see small items from 930 to give away then see if there's something you can be used and take it away for free and get that seem to feel the fans have autoconf on Saturday evening at 7 Bethy and that you. Have to face the same codes. And tickets cost from $35.00 pounds to post on the Lloyds email lists invalids fund b.b.c. Don't go to each day. So Monday afternoon No Lily Today she's back tomorrow and James won't until fall then Adams on a call from 4 o'clock the saba named Joe from 7 to 9 and all the while talking all things straight late we go Robert in the wings are standing by his weekly. The strictly glitterball studio floor I want to show was as well this weekend so well a bit of a chat about that. Is coming to. Us and 12 which is pretty sure you get it. And make shit funny guy he is he's a comedian all be facing the most t.v. Shows very good writing comedy songs which is It is strictly. Britain's Got Talent. And accessibility Yes they Britain's Got Talent. A disappointing result of their good luck to you could love the people who won but it was all it was Ok it was a bit contrived the whole thing was really very good indeed and I watched most of our catch about Saturday and I went to see Gloria Estefan. Get on your feet which is not right here the moment coming here. To Milton Keynes in a few weeks up close to get to us it's all about glorious found life story and it was very very good indeed So if you get chance see that over the coming year if you're in the town where I happen to be as well work going to say all about glory as to fans life and how a mom was very nearly famous at one point and and the family and all it was very good indeed and lots of high energy lots of whipping and singing and dancing in that another thing worth catching up on have you see if you've been watching that thing on b.b.c. Called capture the scene that he's been he's been hidden in plain sight because it's kind of opposite bake off and so I think a lot of a lot of it is natural views might not be watching it live and I think it's choose tonight at 9 o'clock and it's it's a good good drama serious full of intrigue and how people are watching us all the time and I think it's really interesting last one tomorrow night so we're hang on until tomorrow and then you can watch the whole set in one go and I thought my recommendation of the week is called capture. The radio. Coming. Join the fun at b.b.c. Radio long as we transform into. dancer person Robyn Williams I Do It All right Robyn. Good to get you all to the. Ok to watch nowadays I can on this been a while since you're on it but you're cool about watching the whole thing and enjoying the experience absolutely it's been 6 years would you believe since I've been on the show time has just flown by but I've always been a big supporter of the show and everyone a lot of doors for me and I'll always be so thankful for my time on there but this weekend was one of the most fantastic weekends it's been movie week it's been one of my favorite episodes of the series every single year and this year did not disappoint hair makeup costume lighting and production went overboard and it's all a bit of fun and games and getting into some characters so all of the paper let's do the positives 1st Kelvin a lucky break getting to start with what it was a break. Absolutely I mean we saw 1st 10 of the serious I mean we're never going to forget that Sam but Week one he did a great one. Last week Charleston brilliant I thought a little bit heavy and labored which for me did not warrant that 10 so early on in the competition however it would have been easy 9 others just like to have back from those ten's and save them for a little later in the series yes I'm going to go in a newly with a 10 there's a dangerous thing there's nowhere to go is the oh no there's nowhere to go unless somebody pulls out an 11 pad somewhere along the line there yeah. Who else did I love Michelle was Arch I've loved her every single week from week one I've loved her from before Strictly so to see her on there if I was still there she is who I would have wanted to have danced with she's going from strength to strength she played an incredible life from an early from Cabaret weekend and then the end of the So Michelle opened the show but Devon Diane closed the show obviously playing the genie covered in blue makeup which half of it melted off during the number which was quite funny to watch and excuse the pun but that dance was Genie Yes Yes Now the other in the scale where we were quite like pushing a radio because we got connections with him and I know a lot of people though. I feel as though he's probably going to get to Blackpool but that's as far as if you're They get Yeah probably And you know he's clearly loving the experience and to come down the biggest poll that strictly has ever had . To slide as Magic Mike and as he ripped off his outfit I think we're all hoping and praying that he had something else on anything he did something very sparkly. He's he's actually not bad I mean Katty for me is one of the best pros on the show she knows how to choreograph something perfectly so that it will not only entertain but it will show some dancing as well and she seems to get She's got the right recipe to create some of the best dances that I've seen on the show yet from people who can actually done so well we've only got a cast of mind back to Ed Balls of apartments that she's had she has been perfect Yeah done very well with those now talking to ones that aren't quite so good the good news for of course this week Shall I don't I don't know if you have a really enjoyed the experience. Well she clicked she claimed that it changed her life and she fell in love with dancing and some people just aren't natural dancers and it was such a shame because last week she did such a beautiful ballroom dance which she seemed much more suited to week one structure and this week's Charleston that clearly was not her dance imo not a fan of seeing people dancing in flat shoes either makes everything back weighted . I saw felt that she lost her heart in the dance off a little bit sort of like already felt that she was going but she claims she had an incredible time and it's going to be very strange to see our Kevin Clifton not in the final I know it's been that's not from his point of view bad year for him isn't it because he's normally there on the very end. Yeah I hear what happens is when the pros get knocked out early they go to a lot more stuff it takes to go to Sport Relief Children in Need Christmas special so you'll be seeing him lighting up our screens for the rest of the year David James with his batman mask he did you know he's never going to get to the end but is there for maybe another Waco if we're lucky I mean he's obviously in danger next week but I think the standard of people improving. The right people improving on the show the standard getting higher and higher I think by the next week or the week after I think we may be due in early upset Oh Ok well it's always great was great fun Robin love you taught you thank you very much. James what radio. 2 is good very good. Next. I would put them on in the why for a little. Tip to what should we haven't got. Because I was outside and I so I did this kind of quick catch up on. All the individual. And. Then you could have a quick look at it and you don't get all the preamble you know before saying oh we've got a great wake you know we went to do into the fish and chip shop to get into mode or whatever it is and that's quite good watching it quickly if you don't have time to just say because the bit between they are quite long funny but they are they are quite long and who's next. And it is out Ok She was very averse to wearing dresses wasn't she and that was $1.00 to $1.00 it was you know if I was on Strictly I would happily wear a dress. Lol able. To. Have the final. Leg. Of the fun in the. Leg. This is the fun. Taylor Swift had me and Brendon Urie in there as well well come on this is James Watt for a Monday Monday afternoon and. Afternoon So the big get a huge viral hit of the day award goes to this Dia. That breaks it rushes in through head dresses in New York City they get on the c.c.t.v. There said they you know you'll see the pages it might make it the news if you're fed up of Rex and the rest of it. Breaks through the glass the front glass of a headdress is black just say their mind's eye business lands on the black the dead and runs off into the headdress as cause mayhem. A pair of straightness Randy's and blues and then runs off again and this will be the hell Larry s. And finally story on the television tonight so look out for that one because that's that's the big want to when they've got. That we're talking about how are things going to pull for the good seed radio that you'll It's time saver travel trend is with us slow only a 40 was a life just. South west bound just off and she was Whitney nothing but on to the ordinary. A 44 was also a Stop stop between Woodstock and late and I believe I was going through a set of temperature lights on day 34 as I can still see this ongoing smooth delay heading North Downs between West on the green and 41 so you take it on the m 40 delays is just trying to get on to that roundabout on the money to a brace on the Murray still the heaviest us out that is quite busy. Between had to It's 3 o'clock at the b.b.c. Nice. Boris Johnson says the government has the United States to reconsider its decision regarding the diplomatic immunity of the woman he left the u.k. Traffic accident. In which a 19 year old man dies Harry down he lives near Bambery was riding a motorbike when it did with a car on it r f krausen in a phantom chair and the Kilis is a suspect in the investigation Harry's father Tim Dunn says he can't understand why she left the country it was an accident we we know he's innocent she didn't mean to kill us on who is innocent Welcome thank you for the. Forgive us for leaving. I don't know I don't know she had a choice she could have stayed I'm sure. I just don't understand why she would leave and American business woman has refused to say whether she had an affair with Boris Johnson when he was mayor of London Jennifer Curie said Boris Johnson didn't show her favoritism jur in that time but the thousands of pounds she received in public money have led to questions about whether the now prime minister failed to declare a conflict of interest our system political editor Norman Smith says Mr Curies comments still leave many questions unanswered Mr Curry said she did not ask for any favors she nods for cash she didn't ask for sponsorship no Boris Johnson didn't write letters on her behalf but clearly they were powers pretty good pals actually and why that matters is Mr Johnson can no longer claim that she was just a business contact another tech entrepreneur police have arrested more than 130 people in connection with a climate change protest in London organized by extinction rebellion the group has blocked Lambert and Westminster bridges but says its aim is to shut down the whole of Westminster and independent cycle shop in Wallingford has been named on the short list of retailers in the running to be Britain's best small shop of $29.00 seeing rides on air will discover if it's won at an event in the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November then a ballot Prize for Medicine has been shared by Oxford scientists and see Americans for Better research on how human cells respond the availability of oxygen that work is paving the way for new therapies the serious diseases he. James Gallagher the British scientist Sir Peter Radcliffe and 2 Americans William Cohen and Greg cements are discovered how ourselves adapt when oxygen levels drop they found the chemical switches that force ourselves to rapidly change their metabolism and how the body's oxygen sensing abilities can trigger the production of new red blood cells and the construction of blood vessels understanding this process is leading to new treatments from cancer to anemia and the looking at Oxford as whether it will be cloudy the 1000 in that occasional rain and drizzle.